My attempt at Arron.
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Name: Arron Lynch
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Wolf form: His coat is raven black with many streaks of grey, making him look almost silver from a distance. His muzzle is white on the underside, which runs all the way down his body to the tip of his tail. His body is thin, his tail long. His legs are built for distance running, not for speed, being well muscled. His eyes are an odd blue-green shade.
Humanoid form: In his human form, Arron has shoulder length black hair streaked with blond. He is well toned and pale. His clothes tend to be on the more comfortable side, yet always black or brown. He will often wear a black tank with black leather pants.
Opinion on humans?: He is nearly indifferent towards humans. So long as they leave him alone, he'll leave them alone.
Personality: Laid back and very easy going, Arron tries to make friends with everyone. Until someone lands on his bad side, he appears to be harmless. However, once someone is an enemy, he becomes cold and calculating. He has a "never say never" attitude and refuses to give up on anything.
Brief History: Having grown up with a small adopted family, Arron didn't really have it hard until he was caught in the city while in wolf form. He was forced to flee, and has been living on the streets ever since. He stays away from most people, yet the allure of having a family never really left him. He lived in some homeless shelters, moved from one city to the next, never really settling down in one place. As he moved, he didn't connect with anyone, refusing to tie himself down. He still visits his family, just not as often.
Current status: Arron has most recently been working on his photography skills. Never seen without his camera, he uses his wolf heritage to gain access to places he couldn't normally get to.
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