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2010-01-16 [Synirria]: Only thing is...humans can't have powers unless they have a link to a hunter of some sort. Like...you can put "At time it's like she can read minds" But that's as much as it could be.
2010-01-16 [Gypsy Mystik]: Okay ^_^ That's fine...
2010-01-16 [Synirria]: Also, since your human you have the ability to be a Squire, if you'd like.
2010-01-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: Thanks... I think that I want to play out in the RP become a Squire.... or something.....
2010-01-17 [Synirria]: That'd be fine
2010-01-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: cool ^_^
2010-02-04 [Lin Star]: Question, you say she ran a book shop, right?
Could S'rak, my guy, be a multiple return customer interested in fantasy, specifically revolving around dragons and have come to know her a bit? o.o
He would definitely be interested in learning about the mythology of his kind and it fits, really.
2010-02-04 [Gypsy Mystik]: I like that.... it will enable me to play her alot more than I've been able to.... ^_^
2010-02-04 [Gypsy Mystik]: What if she had given him her cell and home address if he ever wanted to look over many of the books that she has or for her to get him into the book store off hours?
2010-02-04 [Lin Star]: lol That would work, but I wanna make sure that what already happened wouldn't be impacted if he just decided, hey, I'm gonna go visit this 16 year old girl I meet at bookshops every few days. xD It'd be creepy, knowing his age, but fortunately for Asteria, he's a perfect gentleman. C:
lol I would definitely say that they're a bit closer than you'd expect, especially considering the...um..."ag
Other question: does she draw dragons?
2010-02-04 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yes she does ^_^
And I didn't see an appearance age, just that he is over 300 years old.....
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