Page name: Atlantis Rising [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-01-21 16:37:11
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
# of watchers: 2
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Atlantis Rising


The World's Story

Long ago, there was once four great kingdoms: Sancria, Lyeriusa, Dertimyrano, and Aisleynusi. Each kingdom lived in harmony with the others despite the differences between them for many centuries. One fateful night, the Aisleynusi royal family was found dead, and chaos reigned through the world.

The Kingdoms as They are Now
Sancria is a kingdom that now believes that the world was created by one all powerful being and that those with magic are evil, unless they are clerics of the church. This kingdom is made up of humans for in this age the people of Sancria believe that any who are not human are 'demons'.

Lyeriusa is an elven kingdom where magic is common place. ((More to come))

Dertimyrano is a kingdom where the trust in magic is second only to technology.

Aisleynusi does not exist any more. Nothing is know of what happened to this once great kingdom. The royal family had been found murdered, before the start of a great war between the remaining three kingdoms as they attempt to claim

Atlantis Rising Rules
Atlantis Rising Setting <--Under Construction
Atlantis Rising Characters
Atlantis Rising RPG <--Closed! Under Construction!

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2010-01-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: wow that's pretty :D

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: Thanks, I'm still just working on the logistics.... but again thank you ^_^ You are invited if you wish to join.... just watch for more information to come out ^_^

2010-01-06 [Silver Moon]: yay!!!! when should i make a char?

2010-01-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: cool .and you're welcome
thanks :)

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: I'm not ready just yet... but both of you can read the information under the characters area... and do as I ask ^_^

2010-01-06 [Silver Moon]: ok I will when I have a moment ^-^

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: cool ^_^

2010-01-06 [Silver Moon]: ^-^ Wanna set a challenge for me again?

2010-01-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: ^_^

2010-01-21 [The Dizzy Raven]: I actually want to add this in my list of "roleplays I want to remain in" because it looks interesting and I want to try it out. Is there any way I can make a character that just ends up being killed later on? 'cause I probably won't be able to play very long. :\

2010-01-21 [Gypsy Mystik]: You can make a character, and yes you can have your character end up being killed... deaths of characters are up to the persn that plays them

2010-01-21 [The Dizzy Raven]: awesome. thanks :)

2010-01-22 [Silver Moon]: ooooooooo

2010-01-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: ??? Silver?

2010-01-22 [Silver Moon]: I like the fact you added a bit more

2010-01-22 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yep

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