User Name: [
Character name: Mihir Proudclaw
Mutant Name: Atsila (pronounced ah jee la)
Classification: X-Men
Abilities/powers: Pyrokinetic ability to create and control fire. Mihir's powers lie in the ability to manifest fire outside of his body. He can mainly produce fireballs and fire streams from his hands and (on occasion) his feet. He can also form 'permanent' fire globes on the end of his own weapon. He is immune to heat.
Weaknesses: He is especially susceptible to cold. Anything below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius will cause his body to start shutting down as if he is suffering from hypothermia. Mihir cannot perform his fire feats without adequate drive as well. He must be properly motivated to do them, elsewise they don't work.
Sex: Male
Age: 18, November 24th
General appearance: Mihir has dark black hair that is long enough to tie back and hangs to his shoulders when loose. His eyes are a dark brown, almost appearing black, but on the inner portion a glowing blue has formed. He has russet colored skin. Mihir stands 6'1" and weighs 190 pounds, making him thin. He typically wears a black tank or t-shirt with dark and doeskin boots. Mihir also wears a bear claw beaded necklace.
Additional Appearance: Mihir's left bicep has four claw marks running along the width of it, matching the ones on the left side of his head. He also has a newer scar running across his stomach.
Personality: Little of Mihir's actual personality remains. Atsila remembers bits and pieces of the vessel's past life, most of it being clouded over by the brain's loss of connections. Atsila, being a neutral spirit, is blunt to the point of rudeness, sees no point in direct kindness, and is extremely self centered. There is no love lost between him or any of his old tribe, and unless he's given a reason to care about someone else, he will not make the effort. If there is something in it for him, then he has the capability of being a little less blunt and filtering his comments.
Special Skills: Mihir is especially talented with hand to hand combat.
Place of birth: Cherokee, North Carolina
Weapon(s) of choice: Fire.
Medical information: Mihir has been diagnosed with Tachycardia, where his heart beats faster than normal.
Brief History: Mihir spent much of his early years being raised to be the clan chief. As the chief's only son, it was his duty to take over when his father stepped down. It wasn't until he turned 13 that things started getting rough. One of his friends, Michael, was told he would be the tribal guardian. Mihir thought nothing of it at first. Until the people started practically worshiping Michael. The people, the elders, even Mihir's own parents looked to Michael. When his powers manifested, Mihir wanted to say "Ha! He's a freak!" But everyone simply loved him more. Mihir spent some time away from the reservation, traveling more than a teenager should. Upon his returning home, he learned that Michael had left the reservation.
Glad to finally be rid of his rival, Mihir spent time caring for his parents and his tribe. Until one day, while at home, he grew angry at his father for referring to the tribal guardian. A fireball flew from Mihir's hand. The tribal elders met with his parents and told them that Mihir's powers were unnatural and a perversion. They were unsure of whether the spirit of Atsil'-dihye'g
ï, or 'Fire-carrier', rested within Mihir's body. Fire-carrier was a bad omen to the people, and they quickly drove Mihir out of the reservation.
Taking the opportunity to travel once more, Mihir found where Michael had disappeared to, Xavier's Institute, and planned to go there himself.
It wasn't long after arriving when Mihir traveled and made an enemy. That enemy killed a close friend, driving the young man into a deep depression. Without his inner flame to keep him going, he succumbed to hypothermia and within an hour died. Unbeknownst to those in the mansion, Mihir's body was a conduit for a fire spirit, newly born and put into his body. Atsila awoke, unaware of where he was or what he was, and took over Mihir's body completely.
The Story of Atsila
Relatives: Father, mother, tribe, although Atsila does not remember them.
How long your character has been in the mansion: Eight months

Thank you Figgs. ^_^
Relationship Chart
1-bad, 5-neutral, 10-good
Character | Rating | Comments |
| | |

Rough image of Mihir. He looked stupid with short hair...
Current Clothing: NAKED!
X-Men Characters