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Aussie English by John O'Grady review [Logged in view]
2010-05-07 16:35:54
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Aussie English by John O'Grady review
An Explanation of the Australian Idiom by John O'Grady
Okay, so according to the Aussies here that I've talked to, Aussies don't really use these words. Nor did they in 1965 when this book was published. Maybe the Aussie version of Rednecks spoke this way, but not polite society. Well, damn.
Be that as it may, it's still a decent book. It isn't great by any means, and compared to the other two short books I just finished reading it's dull and boring. The illustrations (by Wep) at the head of every chapter aren't as good as in the Moon Pie handbook. But, you know, it killed a little time (took about 4 nights to read it) and I appreciated that, so I can't really knock the book too hard.
In short, if you too find this book amongst your Grandfather's belongings, it's worth picking up and reading. I wouldn't pay money for it, but if a friend has it it might be worth borrowing.
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