Page name: Bad Spellers Unite Members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-09 15:15:46
Last author: mistressofsatan
Owner: Cloudwatcher
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Bad Spellers Unite Members

   Hi! welcome to the members page! if you wish to join, no need to ask! just go and add your name with any small rant you wish, then go to your house and post the banner!! I may soon need to createanother page for members seeing as this is quite full! This is a good problem! ^_^

back to main page Bad Spellers Unite!!!!


1.)[Cloudwatcher]: 1. |eader persom mae idicisu?
2.)[lock]~ i am a friend an thought this was cool!!
3.)[bluefan44]~ i can spwell god sometimes but others i really suck at it ^^
4.) [raiderxx] i am a good spellar...ish dont mak fon of mee okay? its not fony!
5.)[oxyJ3N] peple*peopleah their spacesfor later...
6.) [Shas'o Tyler] I Cant Spell if my life dapended on it
7.) [Much Prettier D.E.A.D My Dear] I ain't kidden no body....I can't speell.
8.) [Diab Soule] hucked awn foniks dident wurcke foure mee
9.) [Pianomay44] is oen of the worste speelers ever. seriuosly.
10.) [champagnebommer 77] alchohol can mess up your speelin h.
11.)[pinkhater] speel waht? he ha
12.) [ZiddainBlack] hoked on foniks werked four me.
13) [Mutilated witch] i canth speal nothin^^
14) [maddydukes72] i sware,f it weernt fur speelchekk, id b speeking a duffrent lanuag
7^3) [froglegs] ahhh fawa-kawa, pusseh pusseh
16:[iDiOt BoX *shama nalama dingdong] hmmm iam a alcoholic hehe not really i dont drink most beer taste like shit nasty ewwww
17. [fungus_among us_420] Uhh, i cunt splell su weill. "Twat I Cunt Hear You I Have An Ear Infucktion."
18. [28:06:42:12] I getz my fav numbah!
19. [I'm A Zombie!!!] uhhhhh..... how do u spell "bad"
20. [Keyta] kittie get so kounfused
21. [cagedreptile] yaeh athas amzonign!!
22.[jaderii] cont spel ya kno it
23.[ViciousLegato] yyayaa fro spling~!
24.[Cliché] I am a horibel speller!!!! Ive failed spelling tests! I once got a 2. -.-'
25. [TheNavigator] Spelling is a horible thing! Dwon with speling tests!!!
26.[cooldragon] i can spwell.i am teh grathes spweller theh is.
27.[Hearld Mage Vanyel] I R EDDUMIKATED
28.[Walking With Stars] *wishing i could actually spell something right for a change*
30.[ta 'hca with zi 'sta] I can't spell and I am
31.[little bitty] I can't spell all that good
32.[Kurus_Dreaon] i know ppl from other countries that are spelling beeter then me....arent i just the worset lol
33. [T3h 3ric]
34. [Thing 1] Finaly! i place for people like me!
35. [schizoid] I can't believe there ain't more people!
36. [stapledmouse] so i cant spell, wut of it, wanna go?????
37. [bubblegirl] cant spel anythin
38. [emmerlicious] my 14 year old sister can spell better than me!
39. [Kiristo] i cant spel too good.....
40. [Darkprincess901] spelin should burn!
41.[metallickittycat]spelings to should be baned!
42.[Skife] I couldnt spel to safe my life
43. [In a Yellow Submarine] Speling iz pointles!
44.[thongsweetie32] hope i speled my name rwight....
45.[sexigurl] wat i can peel its in my sistim to speel wight
46. [Eschew Obfuscation] speling is overrated
47. [patient love.] ^.^
48. [RoseAngel]
50. [Inuyasha Girl] can't spell to save my life
51.[Fire Angel] Theres nothing wrong with not being able to spell well. Its understanding what was written thats hard.
52. [CelticMoon] im dyslexic so spelling is ..... is ..... terrible ::runs away and hides::
53.[Harker]  ;0...
54.[Burning tears never ending fears]..anyone who knows me, knows i cant spell
55.[StarsFire] i cans spell lol
56.[Pirokenetic] yeha
57.[goth dinah] spelling sucks
58.[Darkred] I always use spell chek in word befor i leave a coment.
59. [The Scarlet Pumpernickle] If you read my school asignments before I spell checked them you would die laughing a the stupid mistakes
60.[take me home and feed me]
61. [*~Melso~*] i hav a vry bad habit at mispelling wurds lol
62.[Shee A'beanne Alainn] Maybie one day I will be able to spell.......
64.[truelover08]my spelling suck so bad
65. [To Whom It May Concern]
66.[the lonely princess] - i'm proud to be me!
67. [loopylouise] - he he he my spellin sucks but I don't care dXD
68. [kidreddevil] me an spellen dont do good ^^ not at all
69. [Na no da!]
70. [Slayer Chick] yay!!! beed speelers unita! me worste spelleer evar.
71. [Sarenyth_Elwood] If you cant spell in english, dont take French
72. [purpledaisy] iff yuu kan spellthan....well....blah to u!!lol
73 [Amber_eyes] I suck at spelling. One of my wikis is "storys of me" I can't even spell storys
74 [WatchTower33] I got a new puppy and i had to fill out his pappers and hand it in. when i did they made me re do it because they could not read it!
76. [Ketch-UP_2009] my friends told me i shuold jion thsi cuase of my bad spelllling skills...i dnot thank ist taht bad..
77. [penguin overlord] is con noot unly speel pourly, is tpe bed tee! translated(i can not only spell pourly, i type bad too!) *that took a loooott o time!
78. [Halloween kid] Dysletic...or is it with a k?... -.-
79.[deedee0923] my friends always make fun of me when I spell things; but they suck I don't care!!!!
80. [Tiezu Star] yea . . . moments =moments to me . . . im not right XD
81.[Happy Camper] Ha! I cna't spel and Im proud uf it! huked on fonix wurked fer mi! (No's sad. I started taking french a month ago and I can spell a foreign language 20 times better than I can the english language....I belong here!)
82.[Dark Lullaby] -joost cunt spill-
83.[kate, short for bob!] - i'm dyslexics of the wurld untie!!!!
84.[Ana] man i can selpl sooht waht are you gyus awylas tlainkg auobt me not sepellin tinhgs rgiht wtrhevae..
85. [spiced hot_tea] i cant spelll for beanss.
86. [Coldfire1] i think i whent to fare, joining
87. [dimmu_borgir3212] i cant spell for shit
88. [Little Insane Cat] My friends are getting really tired of me asking how to spell things.
89. [Slytherin's Werewolf] Mi friends are tired of finding errors in spelling in mi stories but eye dont no y? 
90.[dddddddddd] cant spel 4 my life
91.[angel ash from hell] dont ask me how to spell anything lol
92.[Im So Cool Im Like The Artic]i cant spelll worth crap
92. [Ravenclaw] omg . . . there are others in the world like me!
93. [nickrgbk?1327] lol this is so me!!!
94.[i blackin my eyes in the name of love]
95. [KHAAAAN] This is soooo awsum!!!!
96. [I Want to Be Bella, And I Want My Edward] i m glad thee pple made a page 4 pple whoo cannt spel!!
97. [Lady Vader] YAY!
98. [moira hawthorne]  I only learned to type since may... and Im dyslexic... I write words I commmonly misspell on my desk which is cover with a cardboard sheet....
99.[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]i am a relly bad spelr as u can c lol hewhehe chucklechuckle teeheeteehee.
100.[Lady Lucifer] speling sux monkay
101.[blablablablanla]thank god dis wiki exsists!im very bad at spelling.the complicated and the short easy ones,carelessns and wat other thing again...
102.[The Unicorn Queen of Australia] I can't spell worth crud so I thought this fit me well!! lol!
103.[lenardo] i can type fast it's just i spell my words wrong
104.[God called in sick today] It's not legable...:( damn my english lol
105.[bootywithsmack] i can't spell!!! doesn't it tick you off when ppl correct your spelling when you're chatting online!!! it's sooo annoying!!!
106.[Black and White Rainbows] miesh badd speling reely pises peeples off....*lafs hystericly*
107.[Althanas]as long as teh point gets acros, who really kares how you spell?
108.[Gabba Gabba Hey]i cant speel worht a shit
109. [merryelf] yeah i can't spell yet i am becoming an english teacher....does that sound crazy or is it just me?
110. [Deni] just suck at spelling..or writing english... same shit....
111.[kamikame]...i cant spel my name *_*
112.[Alatar]...i should have payed attion in school i would have a educatiom
113.[MorbidBitch] just cant spell most of the time
114.[Eveilber] spelling stinkz
115.[newgroundman1234] cuz i cant twype rigt
116.[Rosie.] can't spell or type right..
117. [~lil cutie~] i can spell my friend is helping me get better but i dont think its going vry well!!!
118.[Urban Decay] my spellin stinkz, ask any of my frends
119.[Ice_Angel88] it took me three tryes to spell my name right
120.[better things to do]my brothr makes fun of me cus i suck at speeling
122.[†|Ðĭ§ŧø®tëd Äηgē£|†]
124.[I dribble on people] T.T I have to ask my friend how to to spell could...
125.[*Boo Boo*] who needs to know how to spell anyways.......
126.[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die] yeah i know i cant spell but yeah
127.[Tinkerbell's Temper] i can't even spell my own uername*he he*
128.[sparda.] pnk is a hppy cler
129.[alex150103]cannot spell to save my life
130.[Dr House] I can't spell for crap!
131.[Dark Necromancer] i can't spell because i didn't learn. lol i did, i just didn't pay attention.
132.[mistressofsatan] speling sux majr as! i blam skool.

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[Cloudwatcher]: page...weeee

[not quite an angel]: i have yet to figure out how to join a wiki. anyone wanna help??

[Cloudwatcher]: ok! all you have to do is click "edit this page" and it will show a box. in the box, you put your username in between "[" and "]" and put any little rant your heart disires! ^_^ do you understand at all? then after your done. clikc "submit changes to this page" and VWALA! you are now a member!

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ sorry everyone there seems to be someone bound on messing with all my wiki pages..if you what to enter please sent me a message or place a comment saying you wish to will reseive a message telling you your name has been added. i have sent a report about this individual..untill its safe, i will have a password on all my pages Thankx...sorry for the inconveniose and my poor spelling ^_^

[_|| (( )) ||\\||]: if theres a pass on each page then how can more ppl join?

[Cloudwatcher]: if you just ask to join in the comment spot..i plan on lifting it soon cuz the gards told me they took care of it..but just to make sure.

[Cloudwatcher]: :D i condenced it to save room!! it looked so much fuller..almost at 100 members!!!! w00t!

[evanoel]: yeah my own kind

[Im So Cool Im Like The Artic]: um lol theres more than a 100 members lol jk

[Dr House]: im the 130th yay! oh wait is that good or bad? i donno...

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