Page name: Beath of the Luime [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-02-24 19:05:41
Last author: Earoluim
Owner: Earoluim
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Breath of the Luime

(Masterwork Halberd)

Breath of the Luime, a Masterwork Halberd, was crafted by Earoluim’s own long forgotten people; the Cor. Weapons crafted by his people were one of a kind, no two ever alike. Even among the common soldiers of their once great armies, all weapons were befitted to their wielder. Breath of the Luime was crafted by Earoluim’s in the fashion of one of his childhood friends, Saiya. Breathe of the Luime translates into “Breath of the Ocean”, this masterwork Halberd was crafted from waters which were melted from ice gifted from the Frost wind Virago, Saiya’s own mother had given to Earoluim on one of his many journeys.

Breathe of the Luime: Masterwork Halberd
4d8(x3) 18-20, 10 ft. x 10 ft. S/P/B


Saiya’s Kiss
When the blade of the halberd pierces armor or flesh, it freezes that part of the body or armor in solid ice, it also has a chance to freeze the opponent completely. The Target must make a reflex save of d20 + their charisma modifier, higher than 15 or be frozen completely for 1d20 rounds.The target takes 2d6 points of damage plus Earoluim’s Charisma bonus, this last for 1d6 rounds.

Tears for Saiya
With this weapon Earoluim can produce a whirling mass of Ice shards that last for 1d10 rounds in a thirty foot circle around the masterwork halberd. The shards burst out from the weapon and around Earoluim and then outwards to protect him and nearby allies. Creatures in the area take 4d6 points of piercing damage as well as 4d6 points of cold damage (Reflex DC 20 half) The DC is Charisma based. Allies in this area are immune to the shard damage.

Earoluim Melduine

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