Page name: Beauty of a Queen; an Evil of a Demon [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-22 19:46:27
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
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It’s the middle of the summer, in the city of Shirobashi the streets are abuzz with people getting ready for the final choosing of a new queen, out if the four young women chosen at birth. The ceremony will take place in the center of the city. The garden of golden sun; where each girl will try to summon the staff of royal sun, to see who will be the next queen. All of the people of De’gal have been invited to watch this once in a life time wonder. An magic as old as the ground they live in would be taking place in only a few hours. All kinds of people, creatures, and dragons filled Shirobashi.

Astrid sat on her silver worked chair, her back straight, a smile on her face. She sat between her mother and father, and each had the same stature as she. She would have taken the time to transport into the crowd for a few minutes of excitement if she had the chance. She knew that by randomly appearing in the crowds a fantastic cheer would start. She would feel pushed, held up. In the zone.

To hold her concious away from that, however, Astrid felt the cold material of her chair and focused all of her power inside of her. She couldn't waist any if she was supposed to summon the Golden Rod. Today was her day. Today was it.

Eden walked through the city streets up to the place. She had been there many times, her red hair and with blue strikes fallowing around her face. Eden waited till the cost was clear to sneak in; she wants to scared of getting caught, after all she could just say she was blessing the castle. But in the end she found the hall where Astride was sitting with her dear parents. End tapped her foot on the grounding thing of getting of away to get Astride to come over. Tsam nudged her arm, then flew off high by the sealing diving down behind Astride chair, nipping her toe.
Tayon walked through the halls, he was asked to watch over the young girls to make sure no danger came to any of them. Lost in his deep gloomy thoughts, he saw a filmier young face standing the hall. Walking calmly towards Eden, his long legs taking smooth step to the once little girl.

Astrid blinked herself out of her focus and glanced behind her. She smiled, seeing Eden, and said excuse me to both of her parents. She took the time to stand, but waited no longer. She allowed her body to vanish into the air, and like clockwork, she quickly formed the image of where she wanted to be. She landed in a quick spark and grinned. "Hello, Eden."

Eden looked at Astride smilling, as her green fire lizard fallowed her. “Why hello M’lady…” She in a joking matter, in one most wouldn’t use with a royal. “Are you ready for this? I mean I would be terrified with all those eyes on me!” She said with a warm smile, she had a relaxed look to her, one most would find comfort in.
Tayon watch the two women speak, but it didn’t stop him from walking up to the young women. He was young and handsome, and he notice the blonde as one of the princesses who were to try and summon the golden rode. “ladies….” He said in his smooth vilify voice that could melt hearts.

"Of course, I'm ready, my friend. You know how I react to crowds of people." Astrid replied. "Quite the life of the party," She finished, before she rose her eyes to the man who had just walked up to them. "Hello," She mentioned to him, smiling.

Eden giggled knowing how loose she could be when she wanted to be. Eden’s eyes glanced at the young knight who seem very filmier. When she saw the blue crystal; she knew he was right away. He looked so different from the child she had ran into the streets from long ago. “…Tayon?”
Tayon nodded when Eden spoke his name, he was quite surprised to see how Eden knew the Northern Star Princess, one who was beautiful herself. “Your highness…” He spoke softly like he was testing the waters with Astride. But he wanted to ask Eden how she was, but wasn’t sure if he was making things akward.

Astrid bowed her head lightly and smiled warmly at him. "Old friends, I understand." Her smile was perfect, that of a princess. Her long blonde hair blew in whisps around her neck and ears, folding in and out of submission to the other strands. She dipped and parted her lips. "I will leave you two to... speak." She then vanished again, reappearing in her throne.

Eden was about to say something but Astride was gone before she could say a word. Instead she looked up at the young man that she only knew as a boy. It had been so many years since that day. “It’s been awhile…” She said smiling up at the now handsome young knight. Tayon nodded. “It has, I would of wrote but you told me where you lived…” He said as he watched Astrid leave. ‘I didn’t mean to make the young princess leave, am I that scary to be around?” He asked. Eden laughed. “Nah, I think Astride can be shy sometimes…” She said, thinking about how she never really let men get that close to her.

Astrid clutched her hands to her throne to keep her mind away from the two. She put herself back into a trance, holding onto her thread of zen.

Tayon smiled at her warmly. “I believe she will do fine; most people who are that disciplined usually get what they want.” He said calmly looking over at the young princess. Eden rose an eyebrow at him, he seemed much different, she had heard he become a rider. Eden nodded. “I very much hope she become the next Queen.” She said looking at her as well.
The doors swang open at the end of the hall, when a women walked in, covered in green and gold handmade silk robe, her long black hair was done up with gold peaces through it. She was very beautiful; tall, slim but had all the right curves in the right place. But what was most stunning is that she was blind. The queen of the Eastern golden sun Kingdom, she was in her mid forties.

Astrid stood when the doors came open, and she bowed her head to the queen. "My good queen, you look extremely well on this fine morning." She held her smile and bowed deep, her thoughts still on the two behind her.

The queen nodded to Astride. “Why thank you my dear, you seem well yourself.” She said walking up to Astride, placing her hand on her head lightly. “Now before we leave for the square; is there anything on your mind that you would like to get off your chest…” she asked kindly, even if her eyes couldn’t see Astride they were looking deeply into her soul.
Eden hides slightly behind Tayon when the queen had entered. She wasn’t supposed to be there but the queen never really mind. Tayon looked at the queen then nodded to himself. “This is where we must part for now, dear friend.” She said taking off down the hall toward the golden queen. Eden made her way to the garden.

"Nothing, My Queen." Astrid said, keeping her bow close to the queen. "I walk in the light and I am prepared to fight my fullest extent for our world. I hope to win the Golden Rod and live up to your expectations."

The queen nodded. "The summoning of the rod calls for all your magic and mind. Some may summon other things...I've showen the other three how the summoning goes, as I will do with you now, watch and learn dear child." She said, lifting her arm ups, her eyes open she focused on the air infront of her. A bright light began to from with till it was spinning like whrilepool. Smoke blew around the light till the golden rod appred. It was all in all a sun with ruins written down the staff, a red ruby placed in the center. "That is all you have to do...the others have gone, you are the last my dear so when you are ready, Tayon here will esscort you to the gardens..." She said smiling soft at the young knight that had walked up. How the blind queen knew he was there,was beond most.

A petite, silver-haired girl tugged a petite boy with hair the same color. “Hurry Jin! I don’t want to have to stand among the commons you know.” The proud female tugged harder, and her brother, presumably the younger of the two, followed, not wanting her firm hold to ruin the smooth line of his clothing, which he had made himself. “Calm, Karin. The festivities will not end so early, so we have time to arrive in style, not haste.” He stepped up to her side, politely offering his arm instead of the front of his clothing. Though Karin scoffed, she did take it, though the rough texture of her nails snagged on the fine material of his outer robe- marring the design of a flower petal, causing Jin to wince, though he said nothing. They danced their way through the crowd. Though they had been raised apart from each other, the two moved perfectly in rhythm, not jostling themselves or those around them as they made their way to the platform, higher than the commons, but below where the honored women and their guardians waited. “Look!” hissed the girl, her extraordinary red-violet eyes widened in excitement, “It’s Astrid! I bet she is the next queen.”

Jin gave a long-suffering sigh, but obeyed, and was pleased to see his sister’s friend in a position of such importance. He wished her all luck in it, and would gift her with a silken coat that he had designed with her in mind. He held it in a tiny wrapped parcel under his free arm, not wanting his twin to get jealous. “Yes, and she looks lovely as ever. Now, watch silently, lest you miss something of great importance.” She harrumphed indignantly, watching her friend and the others silently nonetheless.

Astrid smiled the queen and balled her fists, hoping to save her energy as much as possible. She looked to the man the Queen named and smiled at him, holding out her hand as custom. "Thank you for the escort."

Tayon smiled kindly down at Astrid, taking her hand leading her to the platfrom. "Eden sends her wishes, also don't think about summoning the rod itself but the land your going to serve...Its how dragons chose a rider, I would think the same could apply to summoning." He was kind to her, know Eden wished for her to stay, so he hoped she would win rod faith as well. She also seemed to be a crowd pleaser as well. "And think; if you do end up summoning the rod, the people aready love you..." Tayon helped Astrid up the staris to the platfrom where she was to summon the rod if nothing eles.
Eden was at the fron of the platfrom watching; the mark on her shoulder burned, it wasn't normal, but she paid no mind to it, insted she stood there to cheer her friend on.

"Ah. Well thank you for the advice." Astrid said and walked up the stairs. "This is where I leave you, however." She turned away from the man, her stomach turning at the thought of failing. She thought about her land, how much she loved it. How much she would love to help her people. She smiled, and bowed to the crowd.

Tayon wished Astrid good luck and watched from the back of the platfrom where he was told too. The crowd cheered her named then went quite as they watched in hopes to see there new queen. Eden stood there smiling at her.

Karin, thought it beneath her to cheer aloud, eyed a random male. He was too far away for her to distinguish a voice, but as she watched, she realized he was shouting lewd comments at the pretty princess. She glared at him, starting to make her way towards him, but Jin caught her arm. "Behave yourself, sister mine, this is a celebration, and a respectable one at that." As she tried to pull away, her brother almost lost his grip on the parcel beneath his other arm. "What is that?" she asked, trying to distract him so she could get to the rude bastard. Men, and an ugly one at that disrespecting her friend? Unforgivable! "It is for Astrid, a congratulatory gift." He flushed, embarrassed to have to tell his sister, of all people. She looked at him, shocked, and then a sly smile crossed her face.

"Are you aware of what that male was shouting at our good friend Astrid?" His expression revealed that he did not. She whispered it to him, and his own violet eyes- a shade bluer than her own- hardened in anger. He made his way to the offensive man, who was now adding gestures to the words he was spewing. "Excuse me." He turned, and Jin set an illusion about him, making him think Astrid was in front of him and as he propositioned the illusion, Jin kicked his knee in from the side, breaking it. As he fell with a howl, he left an image of horse manure on the ground so people would give it a wide berth and returned to his sister. He would undo the illusory magic after the celebration. "There, and no disrupting the crowd." They both turned back to watch.

Astrid heard a commotion aside from the crowd, and glanced in the direction of the sound. It lost her complete concentraition and she grumbled to herself, gaining a bit in frustration. She rose her eyebrows to see Jin kick the knees out on someone, and she smiled despite herself. He could be so cute, sometimes. She turned her concentraition back to the queen, however, and waited for her turn to summon the rod.

"Great job, little brother. You didn't disturb the crowd, but you distracted the future queen." She nudged Jin in the side, "But don't blame yourself. It was probably just your pretty face she couldn't look away from." Jin stared at her, flustered, unable to think of a comeback. "Hush. Pay attention." He settled for. Karin only smiled. It was nice to have something to tease him about. The mature young man was usually very difficult to offset, but she had not thought to tease him about girls.

Astrid twisted her lips and closed her eyes, centering all of her energy into a fire inside of her head. Feed it into the fire, and create energy out of it.

Gyje, the ever present beautiful dark one, happened to make an appearance at this so called ceremony. He stood, in the back, watching the four princesses. He grinned despite himself and watched the blonde one.

It didn't take very long for the other three to go, none had been able to summon the rod; it came down to all hope ridding on Astrid to summon it. If she didn't they would be with out a queen if the ither passed on before an air was named. Eden had heard the howl from higher up in the stands, thinking what idoit was making the nose? She wanted her dear friend to become, maybe so she wouldn't be alone anymore at the temple other for all the old women and young children. Tayon stood watching he stands and crowd; more so for an uneasy feeling growing in the stomach. Something wasn't right, so he had Rith fly high above the stands to watch as well. The large white dragon blended in with coulds above.
The queen rose from her golden chair, and said afew words then introduce Astrid to the crowd. People cheered and prayed; some even sang; it was hope that they would have a new queen. Rumor had gotten out about the old queen growing very ill; and that is why the summoning of rod was happening so early. The stands had gotten quite, as they all waited.

Astrid was shaking as she rose to her position. Her palms were clamy and her mouth seemed to be rid of moisture. What will happen if I cannot, she worried, we will all be without guidance. Like the queen had shown her, Astrid slowly lifted her hands above her, feeling the air cool the sweat on her palms. She closed her eyes for a minute and began to repeat her ideal words in her head. I am calm. I am zen. I am the new queen of De'Gal, I love my people, I love my land. I will do my best for these people. She kept repeating it as she opened her eyes, focusing on nothing as she let her power weave through her body. She pushed all of her power out into the world to summon the rod and...

The queen watched Astrid; almost as she knew, like the others; the bright burning light that started spin like crazy, a fanit form of rod became to come froth! Eden heart rose with joy and hope, she could see the rod! Astrid was going to become the next Queen. Lighting striked down at Astrid from the sky as the coulds became dark, the rod didn't apper because the attack from the sky. But who stood there shocked all people; the dark demon Dynatia; Her large black wings were at full length, the creepy tail whipping back and froth, the black skin glimmong. Her long white hair blew in the wind, brushing pass her ram like hrons. Her reds glowong with amssument; she was Ilistala right handed lady, so all were watchng where and wonder why she was here? "Awwww I'm so sorry! I missed!" Dynatia said looking down at Astrid.

Astrid was close to tears. All that consentraition, all that hard work. For nothing. She growled and turned to face the demon. "Why are you here, demon? To ruin the final ceremony of the only thing our world has to hold onto? To ruin their hopes and dreams of having a Queen that will finally face the terror you put them through!?" Realizing that she had an outburst, Astrid pulled in a breath and calmed herself. "I understand you're a demon and all, but for our godsake, find some decency in yoruself."

Immediately, as soon as Karin realized that things were not going as they should, she had begun looking away, searching for someone or something to fight. She opened the gourd-flask at her hip, taking a few sips in preparation for a fight. Then she saw the demon in the air and spluttered, spraying a few drops of the wine in the face of some random male. As he shouted in anger and surprise, not having noticed the appearance in the skies, she idly slammed her fist into his head, then ducked through the crowd, disappearing amidst the taller people and circling around to go back-to-back with her twin.

Jin, trusting Karin to intercept any imminent violence, kept himself calm, catching sight of Dynatia as she began to speak, listening to the exchange between her and AStrid. He snarled silently, feeling Karin at his back as he smoothly withdrew his pendulum scythe from the wrappings across his shoulders. He put up an image of two gawking, frightened commoners around himself and his sister, disguising them as they made their way closer to the platform, prepared to protect their queen-to-be.

Eden was taken back by the sudden appreance of the demon, but knew who she was. It sent a sickening chill up her spin; Eden jumped up to the platfrom where Astrid was, not caring for the gards, people were running for the exits. Tayon was already infront of Astrid, he was quick, being a half demon himself, his own dark sceret. "Are you alright?" He asked her, his blade drawn. Dynatia laughed looking down at Astrid, "Awww your so cute! You really think you can change the world? Well hunny do I have news for you; things are going to become quite crazy around here, and there's nothing you can do about it..." She stood in the air with her arms crossed. "But who said you were going to be around to see it happen anyways?" With her last word, she summoned down, bolts of lighting, not just attacking Astrid and the others around her; but the people as well. Eden pushed Astrid and Tayon out of the way of an incoming lighting bolt, Tayon falling on the young queen to be. "Ack..."

"No!" the two shouted in synch. Jin threw illusions everywhere, sending their disguise of commoners running, one falling with singed clothing while bringing a visual of empty air around them instead. Then he covered his friends to make them look more injured than they (hopefully) were. He leapt forward, swinging his pendulum at the hanging tail of the dragon, unable to reach anything further.

Karin crouched where she had stood, inhaling a deep gulp of air and then sending it streaming out in great gouts of fire, holding the flame as long as she held her breath. It rose up into the air, seeming to come from the middle of nowhere, aimed towards the head of the beast.

With a "hmmf" Astrid fell to the platform under Tayon, and quickly wrapped her arms around him. "Trust me!" She commanded, and closed her eyes, mustering all of her focus onto pulling him with her, away from the thunder. In a matter of seconds she had Tayon into the spirit world. She held onto him tight, making sure she didn't let go of him. If she did let him go, he would be lost forever. She pulled them back into the real world, landing behind the demon and out of the lightning. She turned quickly, feeling extremely light headed. She swayed a bit, carrying another human into the spirit world terribly took away her energy, but she would survive. She pulled her daggar in an instinct.

Tayon was taken back by what had just happened, he held on to her, seeing the sprite world wasn't what he thought it would be, but before he knew it, they were back. Tayon pulled Astrid back, forcing her to sit. "You used to magic; what you did was impressive, but you shouldn't push your self." He gave her a warning stare as if to tell her, that everything would be fine.
Eden looked up at the demon, it was so high up and she had a feeling she wasn't here for Astrid.
Dyanita laughed again seeing Jin going for her tail, she flew higher up, just out of his reach, her eyes glowing red, seeing his tricks. "Well well; I guess I could play with you for awhile..." Dyanita lifted her arms up and started to speak and old leagune, she was calling on the power of Ilistala. A black and sliver light started to trickle from her hands then exploded into bright black lights, destroying half of the Platfrom, winds started to blow as lighting crackled. Her laughe was so erie, but her once yellow eye fully red and black. This demon of ald was real. She was indeed Ilistala right hand lady, and it was a sign that the end was coming. Her power was great, and she knew it. She looked down at Jin aimming her drak light at him.
It was like the wind was under her command, but it took nothing to blow karin's fire back at her; Dyanita's laughter ehcoed through the whole city...

Sylvanus Jabez appeared from a shrouding black mist that rose from the shadows, bouncing a dark, swirling orb in his right hand. "I feel like I've missed on a bit of excitement..." The crow sitting upon his left shoulder gave a shrill cry of agreement. Grinning, he tossed the orb with full force into the air and it burst, creating a skull with glowing, red eyes. The oversized skull laughed like a crazed goblin before it vanished in a puff of smoke. He had announced his presence. He placed his black war mask upon his face and drew his twin blades. "Let us see how this fares, shall we?" His crow chuckled morbidly.

Astrid pulled in a deep breath and looked at Tayon. She was busy dragging them in and letting them out in a quick attempt to stop her heart from beating so fast. "I will be the Queen of this land, if not for summoning the rod, for saving these people." She whispered, quickly she vanished into the spirit world and moved through the haze to the demon. She was in the air, but Astrid could jump. She lept from one of the benches on the platform and landed onto the demon, popping back into the real world.

Tayon tried to stop Astrid but was a second to late, cursing to himself Tayon called his fellow dragon Rith. Eden watched Astrid. "Crazy girl!" She said to herself, running up to the two.
Dyanita wasn't to pleased to be jumped on like a horse, insted she threw Astrid off her with her wings, casting a bolt of lighting down at her. "Foolish girl!" Dyanita summon an old creature of dark, it large black wings; driping a black oil, and fire as it's body, the creature looked as if it had come from the darker ages of time. The roar it poured out shook the ground as if to call a much more stronger force from the dark.
Eden looked in horror at the ceature, but made made her way to Astrid to check if she was alright. "Astrid!" eden called out, Tayon hald already made it to her to make sure she was alright.
Dyanita laughed again looking down towards sylavnu and nodded her head to him, offering him a chance to fallow her to Northen Kingoms deepesest of places where the dark goddess still had power.

Astrid winced, but pushed herself up, coughing. What the demon hadn't noticed, yet, was a knife protruding from her back, covered in poison. The poison would numb the wound, but not for much longer. "Your creatures of the dark do not scare those of us who walk in the light." She announced, although she has to hold onto Eden for support. "You have not won, Demon."

Eden held onto Astrid, noting the blade in her back. Tayon picked up Astrid. "Very powerful words little one." He needed to get her out of here, that monster looked like it had its own plan.
Dyanita laughed, feeling the cold blade, she pulled it out her wound healing. "Well I hope to dance again...but I've done what I had to..." She said disappring in a puff of black smoke. The creature roared again but spat lave at the platfrom.

Aeryn, late as usual, came running up on the platform to find his beloved younger sister in the arms of some man. "I was busy keeping the guards in line at the dungeons, what has happened?" His eyes were intent on Tayon, making sure the man would not harm Astrid.

"Calm, brother. I began to summon the Golden Rod. I had it, nearly in my hand..." Astrid started, taking a deep breath. She felt limp in Tayon's arms, and mostly wanted out of the embrace. Physical contact like such made her slightly uncomfortable. "The Demon showed, ruined my concentraition. I suppose I am not Queen of De'gal."

Eden looked at Aeryn with a raised eyebrow. "She's fine; lets deal with that!" She said poniting to the massive winged monster pooring lava over the place, fire brusting all around. Tayon saw the his white friend, the large white dragon landed infront of them, where he put Astrid on the sattle. "Stay with him..." He told Astrid to just hold on; Rith was a smooth flyer. The dragon roared at the black creature as a warning.

Astrid watched Tayon with a simple look of confusion on her face. Did he honestly think she was the type of girl to actually stay on the dragon? She held on to the reigns and would wait till the dragon landed before getting off and running back to the fight. She did, however, need to rest, and that would provide the perfect time.

Aeryn looked at Tayon and growled, especially with the threatening growl of the dragon to the creature. "Astrid gets hurt, so so help you Gods." He unraveled his whip and moved into the thick of things, toward the creature.

Eden rolled her eyes at the protective brother but fallowed. Looking back at Astrid and smiled. Tayon smiled at Astrid sweetly, but let the dragon go. Rith spread his wings and took off high into the sky; Rith look backed at her and purred almost telling her if she wanted to go back they could.
Eden looked at the creature, spreding it black wings it blew a frice wind at them, blowing out the fire.

"Let's kill this beast, huh?" Aeryn said, standing with his air of arrogance. He grinned and whipped his whip back, it cracked behind him like thunder and came back to the creature, catching it below it's right eye.

Astrid cooed at the dragon, and ran her hands over the scales. She watched below as her brother cracked his whip, and she waited, dissapointed in herself for not completely holding the rod.

Eden shook her head at Aeryn, foucsing her engery on the cooling feeling of ice, spears of ice shooting at its chest. "Still the same old as always?" She said to Aeryn, only have seeing once or twice since meeting Astrid. Tayon drew is demonic blade, it glew with the cearture so close, He slashed at the creature's wing.

"Same as what, Eden?" Aeryn asked her, looking at her. "I was raised to fight. Moreso, to protect Astrid. You know that." Again he pulled the whip back, cracking it as it came forward.

Eden smiled at him, it was a cocky smile. "I know, but you looked like you were going to kill Tayon..." She said calmly putting out the flames. Her mind had wonder to the two others that had to try to help, wondering if they needed help. Tayon had some how ended up on the back of the creatures back, his blade deep inside its neck, as he roared from the pain these people were inflecting on it. Rith was cricling around the platfrom but high enough to stay out of trouble. Rith looked back at Astrid cooing.

"I protect my sister in every way possible. Right now, her focus is to be queen. No man should be in the way of that." Aeryn glanced up, noticing Astrid on Rith. Thank God for dragon's, and not the midget kind either. He thought, before moving closer to the creature.

Eden shook her head, and rasied her hands abouve her head, a bright glowing light, like demons started to glow, it was a cool bruning aroua, she trough it a the beast, ice spraing every where, monsters blood was pouring out. Tayon had jumped out of the way just in time. "What kills thing?" He said looking at Eden. Her mind was racing. "You need a clear shot at the it heart..."

"I'll catch it's leg with my whip, and pull back, someone else needs to stab him once I do.." Aeryn barely finished his sentence before running to the side, whipping his whip back and having it crack back to the beasts leg. It wrapped, just how he wanted. He pulled back with a massive heave, the creature was strong and he could barely hold. "Hurry!"

Eden blinded it with more ice, allowing Tayon to get to it heart. Jumping up, with one last swing, stabbing it heart. The ceature roared one last time, the red light in its eyes died slowly. The fire had stopped buring, the standium was quite. Tayon jumped off the monster covered in it blood, his once white vest, know a drak red. Eden looked him over to make sure he wasn't hurt. Rith gladed down, away from the dead body.

Astrid climbed down from Rith gracefully and ran her hand over his nose once, in a form of thank you. She looked at the mess with a grimace, and looked for their queen. "I cannot issue orders on what shall be done, not yet. Where has our queen gone?"

Rith cooded happily fallowing Astrid, Tayon walked up to Rith his hand stroking his nose. Eden smiled at Astrid. "I have no idea; probly brought back to the place, with everone eles..." She said, looking down at herself, her once light blue, now drity.

"Let us go into the palace." Astrid said, beginning to move forward, and with one last glance she looked at the dead creature. The queen would give orders. She blinked a few times and then her eyes landed on Aeryn. She smiled, and looked away, beginning to walk forward.

Aeryn knew his sister was sad, and the look in her eyes when she half smiled proved it. He twisted his lips and followed her into the palace.

Eden walked next to Astrid, unsure of what to say to her. Tayon fallowed close behind. The palace was at a full buzz again, a sigh of relife when people saw Astrid unharmed, but some wonder what happened to them. The queen was sitting in the golden throwen, she looked up with her blinds eyes, and smiled at her, noting there was another with them.

"My Queen." Astrid curtsied low for the queen, keeping her eyes off of her. "Eden, Tayon and Aeryn have slain the creature, although the demon has fled. All is well, for now, aside from cleanup, of course." Astrid was tired, it could be heard in her voice. The stress of all the magic she used was taking toll on her body.

The queen nodded. "Very well then...Astrid, go get some rest, you must be tried from using so much magic...Later tonight, we will anounce your crowning..." She said smilling clamly, standing up her robe fallowed around her. People looked at the queen confused. "I saw the rod Astrid, its quite upsetting no one eles could...But you need some rest..." Her voice was soft and geantel. Eden looked at Astrid happily, the New queen of the Eastren Kingdom.

Astrid flushed heavily under her hair, and rose from her curtsey. "Thank you, My queen." She stood straight and turned, facing everyone. With a wide smile, she left the palace, making her way to her over-night room.

Eden grinned fallowing her. "Bravo, so what now little queen?" She asked, Tayon by her side. She wonder if Astrid need any healing.

"I feel the need to rest, but I am too excited to." Astrid said, laughing. "I'm the new Queen!"

Eden giggled loking at Astrid. "Now, don't let that get to your head..." She said looking forward. Tayon smiled at her. "I hope you do well..." he said looking at the ground, as if he didn't know what eles to say. He seemed lost in thought, but almost pained in away.

Together, the violet-eyed twins lay draped across each other on a far edge of the platform. Jin, having seen Karin in danger of being burned by her own returned flame, had flung his body at her and thrown the both of them aside just in time. Unfortunately, they were both still stunned by the impact, and Jin barely had power enough to fling the illusion of invisibility around them where they fell. Karin had slammed her head against the ground and was completely out of it while Jin was just beginning to come to. He struggled to sit up, and looked around seeing only the corpse of the creature and seeing no one else around. They must not have noticed either of them, what with his illusion as well, which he now dispelled. He slowly rested his body and then raised himself, taking the light burden of his sister into his arms and making his way back to their home. He would not bother the royal house, nor his friends til morning.

Astrid shot a glance at Eden. "Just because I am excited for what I have done doesn't mean it's going to my head." She blinked a few times. "I will go to my room and sleep. I need it." She twisted her lips and looked at Tayon. "You are sad. Why?"

Eden giggled. "Aw you know I was joking!" She said sighing. Tayon looked up at her and smiled. "No, I'm glad your queen and that you are happy about it..." He felt his cheek flushed. "Well I guess I shall leave you too, I'll be back later!" Eden said smiling. Eden waved off to Astrid, Aeryn, and Tayon. She figured, maybe Astrid could crack his hard shell.

Aeryn took one last look at Tayon and bared his teeth. "As shall I see you two around. Sleep well, baby sister." He turned on his heel and followed after Eden.

Astrid rose a slender eyebrow and looked at Tayon. Her hands were immediately together, wringing. "Well, if this isn't awkward," She laughed, a hearty laugh.

Eden was walking down the hall towards a sceret door, the way she came in. Hopefully the crazy preistess didn;t notice she was gone. She notice Aeryn was fallowing her. "Hmmm?"
Tayon rubbed the back of his neck. 'Yes it does, but Eden is like that isn't she?...leaving most in that awkward momnets...." He said in a joking manner as he smiled at her.

Astrid smiled lightly. "Quite awkward. So what is with the sad face?"

"Where did he come from, Eden?" Aeryn asked her, cocking his head. He then put his hands on his hips and laughed. "Quite the fighter out there, huh?"

Eden shook her head at him. "He's from the south, and he's a dragon rider...Nice guy really..." She said looking at him with a raised eyebrow towards him. She knew he was good looking but he was such goof in his own way.

Tayon looked at her. "Its just, you remond me of someone I once knew..." He said smilling at her with warmth, he knew she was going to make a good queen.

"And this makes you sad, yes?" Astrid asked, quickly. She figited. It wasn't everyday she was so open with those of the opposite sex. She felt her lips curl.

Aeryn stretched and blinked. "Well, Just wondering. I don't want him to distract Astrid."

Eden looked at him smilling. "Jeez, maybe the girl needs a distraction...I mean she's going to be a Queen soon, she should be able to have a little fun..." She said crossing her arms smilling brightly.

Tayon sighed. "Yes, and no...I just miss that preson very much, but I am gald I met you." Tayon blak hair fell over his eyes.

"Yes, Eden, she does need fun. But I fear that if he persues her, or anyone persues her for that matter, it will ruin what she is working for. Besides, how are we to know that they are not just after her for the placement of king?"

Astrid began wringing her hands again. "Well, thanks."

Eden shook her and head looked up at him, poking his side. "No not Tayon. He's not the type to try and gain a larger title." She said smoothly, fixing her hair. "have a little faith in your sister," She said placing her hands on her hips.
Tayon looked up at her and smilled. "Well I should let you get some rest, you probley don't want to talk to me anymore..." he said with a smile.

"I have faith in her, just not in the rest of humanity." Aeryn said, and shook his head. "you're right. I just... can't bear to see anything bad happen to her." He grined and looked at her. "Poking me, missy!" He poked her back.

"I really do need some rest, Tayon." Astrid said. "It's been nice talking to you." With that, Astrid avoided having a serious connection, something she had done her whole life. She walked away quickly, feeling slightly empty. But, at the same time, She was Queen now, and had bigger duties.

Eden smilled at Aeryn and shook her head. "Well, you need a little more faith in humanity!" She said douging his poking. "And maybe work on your poking skills."

Tayon bit his lip but turn towards Astrid. "Wait..." He took a deep breath. "...Have you ever seen a dragon bath?" He asked.

Astrid turned and looked at him. "A dragon bath?"

Aeryn grabbed her around the waist. "You quit."

Eden looked at him, stepping on his toe. "Make me! or should I go get the new queen invoild..." she joked.

Tayon nodded walking up to her. "It's quite the sight...if your not to tired I could show you..." He wasn't sure if she would or not, but the dragons bath was huge hot spring and does wonders for the body mind and soul.

"Umm... Alright." Astrid said, deciding against going to her room, "Show me."

Aeryn laughed. "No no no. Don't get Astrid, she needs sleep.'

Eden giggled. "good ponit, so what are you going to do from here on out?" she asked.

Tayon smilled. "Alright come this way, we'll have to take Rith..." He said waitinf for her.

"I'm going wander till I'm sleepy." Aeryn smiled.

"Alright, let's go find him them." Astrid caught up with Tayon and began to follow him.

Eden shook her head. "I could always knock you out right now." She said smilling cheekly at him.

Tayon grined, walking to the croutyard where a few dragons were inculgding Rith. He was laying under what sun was left, but stood when he saw his rider.

Though bombarded by Sheba and Dol as he passed through the doorway, he just shushed them and continued on to the room where he laid Karin down on his bed, deciding that he would take her cot tonight. She was hurt worse, though he could tell by her steady breathing that she would be fine after a night’s rest. Jin tucked her under the covers and left the visual of words on the ceiling, which she would see when she woke. “I have gone to check on the others, stay here and rest. Dol and Sheba are with me. I will return shortly.”

He walked out the door, urging their two animal companions before him. “I know you do not wish to leave her, Dol.” he said to the feathered dragon as he mounted Sheba gratefully. He was quite tired and weakened by his higher than usual use of power and having landed quite forcefully earlier. “But there are illusions to disguise our home and dissuade any from entering. I do not wish Karin disturbed, I think she hurt her head and needs absolute silence so that her healing rest continues.” He knew that Dol had a habit of pouncing and talking loudly, but his brand of friendliness was just too rambunctious for now. As the two animals loped along, they quickly made it back to the royal house, where he sent the dragon to search for Astrid and the others. Pouting at being left behind in the first place, then not allowed to stay with Karin, and disliking flying, he still flapped his wings, raising his body into the air and then flew off. He would do as he was told, maybe after a quick dip in the hot springs.

Jin remained with Sheba outside of the gates, telling her what had happened. He was very angry at himself. Though he was glad that Sheba and Dol were unharmed, they could have helped in the fight today and maybe he would not have shamed himself as he had. And Karin may not have been harmed either. He had told the two to stay in their shared home under threat of bodily harm, for he had not wanted Dol to embarrass him at the ceremony and Sheba had had to stay behind to make sure the dragon did as he was told. “I thank you, for doing your duty by me. I should not have invoked your obedience, or you would have been able to come to my aid.” She purred loudly, scrubbing her head against his shoulder sympathetically. She had worried for him as well.

Eden walked with Aeryn. "hmmm I wonder what those two are doing..." She had asked, more to herself then to Aeryn; but things have been a bit crazy around the city for awhile now.

Tayon led Astrid to Rith, where Rith, layed down so it would be easier for her to get on. The white dragon cooed happily knowing where they were going. "Do you need help getting up?" He offred her.

Astrid grimaced slightly, realizing that she had indeed put herself in a position to follow him to the baths. It is nothing, she said to herself. Nothing but seeing how these baths work. She shook her head no and climbed atop the dragon, holding on once more. She twisted her lips and looked at Tayon. I hope Jin and Karin are well. I will go see them after the baths.

Aeryn glanced back over his shoulder to notice his sister gone. A quick panic rose on his brain, but he need not show it. He plastered on a grin and looked down at Eden. "Well. I'd rather not get punshed to sleep."

Tayon grined up at her, hopping on, wrapping her arms around his wasit. "Dan't let go...I'd feel bad if you feel off...that and your brother will kill me..." He said giving Rith a nuge, and Rith flapped his large wing, as the large body took off.

Eden giggled, she saw Rith take off. "Well I'll be damned..." She had a good idea as to where they were going, but she never thought Tayon would open up so quickly; but then again Tayon needed a break from morring.

"Be damned about...?" Aeryn glanced up and watched as a rather large dragon glided across the sky. "Who is that?"

Astrid held on, and wondered how badly it would hurt if she did indeed fall. She lightly wrung her hands as they clasped over his hard stomach. She honestly tried not to, but she worried about the thought of him. The idea of anyone being in her life. With a twist of her lips she thought about Jin and Karin.

Eden shook her head smilling. "That is Rith; Tayon dragon...If anything Tayon is probley going to show her the hot springs here, its pretty neat. The dragons heat the sprind for hunman, by bathing under them in the megma..." She shrivered at the wram thought. "Image just jumping in the springs!"

Tayon smilled looking over his shoulder at her. "Are you alright back there?" He asked holding her hand that was his stomach. Riht gladed over the building of the city, as the sun was reaching the horrizen.

Astrid frowned and resisted the urge to completely jerk her hand away. She could feel it, the nervousness coming on like a quick bullet through her heart. She wondered about Aeryn, what he would think. What would he do, if he saw Tayon holding her hand. She blinked a few times and nodded, "I am fine."

"Ah. See, as I haven't lived here my whole life, I wouldn't know of such things, even though I should." Aeryn was still smiling, although he twisted his lips at the thought of Tayon's dragon. "Have you been in them?"

Tayon nodded letting go of her hand slowly to grab the rains of his dragon as it started to glad down towards the springs, landing in the front of the massive building. Tayon slide of Rith holding his hand out for Astrid.

Eden nodded. "I have, the bath waters there are wonderful for relaxing and restoring engrey. There quite nice, and romantic." She said to see how Aeryn would react to her last few words.

Astrid slid down Rith's leg and landed herself, and smiled. "You think a Queen needs help?" She laughed dispite herself, and began to follow Tayon inside.

"Like one of those trashy novels my mother reads?" Aeryn asked, looking down on her. "Ah. Relaxation."

Tayon shook his head. "No, but it never hurts to offre to help a younglady..." He said smilling brightly at her. Opening the door for her anyways. The springs were huge by size the walls cover in a rare, fire flower that lite the place up, there were men and women working by taking people to spring pools, as change rooms.

Eden laughed. "yeah something like that...hey maybe she'll live one of those romance novel story momnets." She said grining. "yes relaxtion..."

Astrid took in the sight and pulled in a deep breath. "Wow... Tayon. It's beautiful..."

Aeryn twisted his lips again. "I guess so."

Dol, recognizing Astrid as he was flying, keeping unseen in the bits of cloud and treetops as he went, let out a low snort of surprise. Was she being kidnapped? She was very precious to his mistress, and there was a male holding her from escape on the back of a large dragon. He hesitated, unsure what to do. What a curse to be too small to fight properly and too large to be used as a spy! As he saw her refuse the helping touches of the male, he decided that they must not be very close, though she seemed in no danger. He turned back to report his findings.

Finally, impatient with the waiting to find news, Jin once again mounted his panther, and they started backing up to try and make a spectacular leap over the walls, but stopped when he saw Dol flying towards him quickly, agitation obvious in the way his feathers were fluffed up and he was lashing his tail. He turned his head in the direction of the springs, and set off, flying low. Jin and Sheba followed, keeping their eyes on Dol. Jin dared not assume that Astrid was no in danger, for though he knew Dol would protect her from imminent harm, he was not clever enough to realize the true intents of most people, so he urged his unique mount on. In not too long a time, they arrived, though winded. Jin dismounted and hailed the two, giving a respectful bow to the imposing dragon as well, hoping Rith would not think him a danger or nuisance.

“Astrid, I greet you, and those in your company.” He said, bowing politely and keeping his words formal, for he was unfamiliar with Tayon and his dragon. “I would have waited until morning to speak with you, but I wished to see to your safety myself, for Karin was wounded earlier. She received a blow to her head, my own fault, I should have protected her better. I believe, though with uninterrupted rest, she should be better within a day or so.” He added guiltily. “I am aggrieved that we were not of greater assistance at the time… But my shame is alleviated greatly upon seeing you well, my fair lady.” He smiled at her, genuinely glad to see her alright. “Do the others fare so well? One can only hope.”

"Jin!" Astrid quickly grabbed him close and smiled. "Yes, yes, everyone is fine. Aeryn and Eden are.. well, I couldn't tell you where they are. I was actually headed to my room for rest, but Tayon wanted to show me the baths." She blinked up at Jin and smiled at him, still holding him close by the arm. It was, in a way, as if he were her security blanket. Since over the years he had proven to be very trustful. She kept her hold on his arm and kept her smile on him. "I'm sure Karin will be just fine, some rest will do her well. I'll go visit her soon." She glanced back at Tayon and smiled at Jin once more. "Aren't these beautiful?"

Tayon stood quitely watching the two, he had nodded towards JIn, when he spoke to him. Rith shook his massive body, in abit of a rush to jump into the under caves of the baths for his own megma bath. He wasn't to comfortable around others he didn't know. It was quite clear to him, that Astrid was very closely attached to the white haired man named Jin.

Eden looked out side to see the sun setting. "Are you nervous that Astird ran of with Tayon?" She asked him.

"If I know anything about my sister, She's not the type to go for." Aeryn smiled lightly, and then frowned. "It's still my duty to make sure she is not taken." He put a hand on his whip and thought about what he would do to the person who hurt her. If it ever happened. He let out a sigh and then smiled at Eden. "Are you nervous?"

Eden blinked a couple of time and smiled at him. "Nah, if anything your sister is in good hands; if any" She said giggling at Aeryn. "But try to think of the good and not the bad...I mean don't you have plans of your own? ect"

"I travel where my sister does. I may be older than her, yes, but I was born to protect her. I am her right hand, always." Aeryn stated, and then slightly smiled. "can we not talk about her anymore?"

Eden giggled and nodded. "Of coruse...oh! I know! are you hungry?" She asked him smilling. "A new noddle house opened up in the city! their from the Western Kingdom!" She stated joyfully.

Jin flushed hotly, surprised at the sudden embrace, but returned it warmly. “Karin will be very pleased to see you when she wakes, I know she worried for your safety during the fight and will be glad to find you unharmed. She, also, hoped very strongly for your success in the ceremony this evening. We are both sorry that it was interrupted. Will there be another one soon so that you may try again? I have absolute faith that if that beast had not interfered, that the staff would have answered to you, for you are truly a queen at heart.” He bowed his head slightly, his voice soft. He stared into Astrid’s eyes, almost rudely in his intensity, and then he seemed to remember Tayon’s presence, and so shook his head. His silken curls skimming across the front of his robe- which was unusually disheveled due to the earlier fight.

He turned to the other male, and bowed his head slightly to show his goodwill, “Forgive me my rudeness, I was so worried for the lady, I nearly forgot the others who fought so bravely. I commend you on your braveness earlier, and am utterly grateful that you removed Astrid from harm, although I know she did not wish it.” Sheba glided up to his side, between him and Astrid, nuzzling first against his shoulder and then hers, watching Tayon through half-lidded eyes. She yawned widely, showing off large teeth and a curling blue tongue.

"The Queen has announced that.. I am queen..." Astrid glanced up at Jin and smiled warmely, then she placed her hand on the top of Sheba's head as a compassionate touch. "I am.. thrilled."

Tayon nodded, he stayed quite for a little bit. "Yes...I was brought here to make sure the feature queen wasn't harmed..." He rested his hand on Rith who was looking at Sheba with a curiose look.

Jin’s blue-violet eyes widened slightly, his only show of surprise as he gave a low formal bow. “Well, and that is how it should have been. I am so pleased for you, Astrid.” He then rose from his bow with a dazzling grin, “You far outshine all expectations, in power and honor,” and beauty, he added silently, “and the kingdom will be the better for you.”

“Tayon, you are blessed with such a responsibility. You seem to be doing well, is this a permanent arrangement?” He now gave the other male an appraising look, judging as to what his worth would be in battle and other more mundane concerns. Feeling the slight rise in tension and noticing the much larger dragon’s attention, Sheba flicked her ears back idly, in a lazy show of aggression. She was not really picking a fight, rather saying she was not afraid. Jin noticed, and smiled wryly, knowing of his pet’s pride. He reached up and tugged on one of her flattened ears, causing her to let out an odd shriek-growl of irritation, ruining her cool demeanor. Then he kneaded his knuckles along her neck in her favorite caress, so that she would not pout. Soon, she was purring like any over-sized kitten might, ferociousness forgotten, by the both of them.

Sylvanus came riding into the Northern Star Kingdom upon his horse, Crypt, and his Raven, Poe, was sitting satisfied upon his left shoulder. Crypt snorted in irritation as illusioned ooze seeped from the sides of its mouth.

"Perminant arrangement?" Astrid asked, glancing up at Tayon. "Well, no. It's not like he's my body guard or anything." She smiled cheekily and looked back at Jin. "He was just showing me the baths, which are quite beautiful." She looked between the two men and quickly realized that there was tension. "Common, please just.. be happy. Don't.. fight or.. anything."

Abashed to hear the discomfort in her voice, Jin lowered his head, "Forgive me, I take your well being as if it were my right concern. It was not my place to question any one's actions but my own. I am very sorry if I have offended you Tayon, and to have concerned you, Astrid." He added, giving a bow in her direction and after he straightened, he put his hand out to Tayon in an expression of friendship.

Tayon looked at Astrid, then towards Jin. He was quite formal and seemed kind enough, but he hasn't been one to judge a book by the cover. Tayon took Jin's hand as it was sign of peace and he didn't want to upset Astrid. "It's quit alright...You have done nothing wrong at all..." He said clamly.

Eden stood there watching Aeryn for a moment, then truned and looked down the hall. "So wanna head out?" She asked clamly.

"You are generous, I thank you." He took the other male's hand and squeezed it firmly before releasing. "The dragon baths are fantastic, Karin has always said that Dol harbors a jealous towards the other dragons. Apparently the larger ones steal the best spots, and his feathered bits would get singed even if he did indulge." Jin gave a light grin towards Tayon and Rith, not wanting to sound offensive. Dol, having been near the vents in the earth that let the dragons reach the magma, now heard his name and paid closer attention.

He gave an irritated squawk, a more ridiculous sound than een Sheba before him, and flapped his way over, his scales now radiating a heavy warmth to those around him. Jin shivered pleasantly, the heat was welcome, for he had suffered a slight shock earlier and was feeling a bit weak. "May I inquire as to how much longer you would remain out? It is a bit late for two people to be about on their own." He said, wanting to go home for his own comfort and to check on Karin again (though it had been a relatively short time and he was sure she was still deeply asleep), but did not wish to leave as he knew Astrid held a distrust of most people. Jin found it odd that she had even gone along in the first place, maybe she and Tayon were closer friends than he thought.

"I was not planning on being out much later, as I need rest myself." Astrid began, and then glanced slowly at Jin. "May I accompany you back? I will, of course, want to grab Volt before we head over, as he would love to play with Dol for a bit, I'm sure. I would like to check in on my dear friend, as well." Astrid glanced up at Tayon and spread her lips in a very hearty smile. "This has been fun, I assure you. But I must go about my business." She was still smiling. "Shall we, Jin?" She waved quickly and then shoved her arm around Jin's and closed her eyes, mustering the strength she had and pulling Jin with her into the spirit world to appear in her rooms.

Volt took a quick flight to Astrid and landed easily on her shoulders, chirping lovingly in her ear as she ran her fingers over his scales. He nipped at her earrings and strands of hair, rubbing his face along her jawline.

"Yes, indeed." Aeryn said, sticking out his arm in an offer for her to hold.

Jin barely managed a parting nod in Tayon's direction before Astrid's ability took them to her rooms. "Why hello, small one." Jin said to the tiny dragon, laughing at his antics. "He is quite cute, he is." he said, quietly to Astrid. "I am sorry for intervening earlier, I hope you are not upset with me." He said, putting his slender fingers out to pet Volt gently, his eyes averted as he spoke. It had bothered him to see her with another, but as he had said before, he had no right to question others, especially when Tayon had been able to fight earlier, and truly protect Astrid, when he had not.

Outside, Dol and Sheba now started on their way back, having heard mention of Karin and home.

"Oh please. You know me and how I feel toward others." Astrid replied, turning to look at Jin. She smiled and rose her eyebrows at him. "You did show up quite perfectly. Plus, I enjoy your company greatly, Jin." She touched his arm fondly. "Do you regret arriving?"

Jin smiled shyly, his cheeks tinting pink. "Of course not, I never regret anything if it involves being in your presence. I just..." He slowly moved his other hand so that his fingers lightly brushed her fingers where they touched his arm. "I just wanted to be sure that my presence was wanted, and that I did not interrupt anything." He looked into her eyes, turning his words into a question.

"Your presence is always wanted, dear Jin." Astrid said, smiling brightly. She felt his fingers, and, for the first time in.. well, ever, she felt a swarm of butterflies. "May we go see Karin?" She kept her smile and touched Volt lightly before she reached to open the door.

"Oh, yes, she will be so pleased that you visited. She may even be awake by now." He said, now reminded of his duty to his sister, he grabbed the door, opening it and ushering Astrid before him. "I know you do not need the assistance, my sovereign lady." He smiled, almost as if expecting her to protest, "But please allow me the pleasure of helping you when I can, consider it a matter of pride."

Astrid looped her arm into Jin's and smiled brightly. "Ah, well a good queen needs help sometimes." She smiled and listened to Volt chitter to her, and then switch shoulders to chitter into Jin's ear. "It will be nice to see Karin. I will stay there, for a while, maybe."

He laughed aloud, the slight fluttering wings tickling the sensitive skin of his neck, "It's good to be practical, sometimes, and to forget our pride when amongst friends." He said, walking briskly. "If that is your wish, Astrid. You know you are always welcome in our home. Both Karin and I will be pleased and honored if you would." Soon, they were out of the palace, the few night guards not even noticing, as Jin brought an illusion of invisibility around them; though he did not expect any trouble, especially with Astrid's recent promotion in standard, he did not want the guards detaining or questioning their actions. With a small flurry of visual and auditory illusions, he disguised their opening and shutting the door and the subsequent groaning of its ancient hinges, quickly reaching the gates and repeating the process there. "I would not wish you to tire yourself unnecessarily with transportation." He explained, not adding how he was using more and more of his ability, attempting to strengthen himself so that he would not appear weak before her and others.

Astrid only smiled at him briskly and kept her arm around his. "Thank you for the escort," She watched as his illusions were thrown up, and refused to say anything to him about the usage of his powers. Volt, however, took to Jin's shoulder and pulled his wings up, showing an impressive display of colour. He was interested in showing off, even if Jin wasn't.

He smiled, and since they were now away from probable sight, almost towards the edges of the city where his home was hidden, clenched his shoulders and as he relaxed them, wings a human-proportioned copy of Volt's appeared. He even flapped them a bit, though no wind blew, thankfully. Jin would have felt immensely guilty if his teasing had tumbled the small dragon out of the air. He did not remark on Astrid's thanks beyond a small nod of recognition. Jin did not think he deserved thanks, this was a very enjoyable duty, one brought about by politeness, but enjoyable nonetheless, in such good company. "Volt is quiet fiery tonight, he must be in a good mood."

Soon they reached his and Karin's home, which at first appeared a derelict house with dingy windows and a sagging door, with weeds about the garden. He dispelled this illusion quickly, not wanting it to look as if he did not care about his property. "It discourages robbers and other irritating sorts of people." What was revealed was a quaint home, all on one story, with brightly shining windows and a cheery red door set into walls covered in climbing vines of roses. A variety of colorful flora released their perfume as he led the way over a patterned stone walkway. Jin held the door open for her, already hearing the animals greeting them from inside.

Astrid knew the illusions that he threw up to save their homes. Volt clicked to the pavement quickly and turned to nip at Jin as he bounced happily after the taller man. Astrid watched her beloved little animal and followed in after Jin, spotting Karin off the bat. She moved to her and bent slowly, sitting on the edge of her bed. "She has been given water before she slept, yes?"

Eden nodded, taking Aeryn arm in hers walking towards the door. "How long has it been since you been here?" she had to ask, it has been awhile snice she had last seen Aeryn in a long time.

Tayon sat at the edge of the bath under the large building watch Rith swim around.

"Oh, hell, I don't know." Aeryn started, leading her down the halls of the castle. "It's been quite a few years, that's for sure." He shrugged one of his shoulders in a boyish shrug. "What about you?"

Eden laughed. "I've never left this city..." She said pouting sadly. "Stuck living at temple..." Fallowing next to Aeryn. It had been hard for her, not being able to live life she wanted. Insted she was froced to stay at the Temple and serve the people. She sighed at her own sad thought.

"Well, uh. Good thing one of us knows where we are going then." Aeryn replied, trying to lighten the mood abit.

Eden nodded smilling. "So you up for the noddle house?" She asked smilling.

Jin made an embarrassed face. “Well, there is always iced water in the pitcher,” he said, indicating the frosted crystal carafe which stood next to a set of matching glasses on the bedside table. “I had imagined that when she woke, if she were thirsty, she could prepare for herself. Was that unwise?” He asked, nervously. What if his ignorance led to a delay in her healing? Jin lifted the carafe and glass in hand, wondering if he should pour some water now, to make up for his earlier mistake.

Dol, seeing Astrid on the bed, took this as permission and began clambering across the foot of the bed, watching Jin warily to see if he would be rebuked. Jin said nothing, but gave a warning glance, so the dragon very carefully made his way to curl up over Karin’s feet, the residual warmth of the baths in his body soaking through to warm her. Jin nodded in approval and Dol blinked his gem-like eyes, happy to have been of service. Sheba sat at Jin’s feet, watching the proceedings lazily.

"You couldn't very well water her while she was sleeping, could you?" Astrid asked, as if saying he had done her no harm. She smiled lightly and touched her forehead. "Nothing of a fever, so we're good on that end. She just needs some rest, as per all of us, honestly."

Aeryn smiled at Eden. "Oh yes, of course. The noodle house." He blinked a few times and eyed a few of the guards strolling through the corridors. He knew he could take them, and, when they nodded to him, he nodded back with his arrogant grin. He had a woman on his arm and this whip on his hip. His smile turned to show full white teeth, and he kept his stroll, looking away through thin eyes and keeping his back straight.

Eden tryed not to laugh at Aeryn's pride when it comes others. But that maybe the reason why she git along with him; she knew he was always up for a good fight and such. "Maybe I'll make you eat some werid cake that'll give you a thrid eye?" She said joking as the guards walked by, to which she smiled sweetly.

Aeryn just smiled at her, his lips thinning as he watched another guard eye him. He patted her hand and glanced back at her. "Try me, sweet one. All the more eyes to see with."

Eden looked at him, trying not to laugh. "Yes I can see it with three eyes; what would people say..." She said shaking her head towards at him. She watched as they opened open the doors to them, stepping outside into the purple and red skies. "Its so lovely out!..."

"Pretty, yes." Aeryn replied, and lead her down the cobble streets to the noodle house. "And I'm talking about me with a third eye, not the skies." He chuckled to himself and looked down his nose at the people who passed them on the streets.

"Yes very pretty, hey you might even get married if you had a thrid eye too!" She said making fun of him, the thought of him with a thrid eye; was quite funny. Eden smiled and greeted afew people she knew from the temple she was froced to live in. A mercail healer is what one once called her. The noddle house had open walls, and free seating. The air was filled up wonderfull aroumas, of spices and meats of all kinds. There were people every where gossiping about what had happen and what the new queen was going to be like, also talk of end worlded danced around, from the Dyantia showing up. An old story once told in De;gal that inculed her.

Aeryn resisted the urge to tell them all to cool their tongues, they were talking about his sister you know. The new queen. How strange, but so fitting of Astrid. He ordered a bowl of soup for both of them and then looked around the room.

Eden smiled at Aeryn. "What are you thinking about?" She asked, leaning back in pillow they sat on. There werent table and chairs, the tables were very low to the floor, hence the fluffy pillows every one sat on. The room was in a full buzz; she wonder what was to happen tomorrow?

"Huh?" Aeryn was pulled out of his current thought of beating the hell out of a man who was all talk about slewing up his sister. He shook his head and looked at Eden. "Nothing, just stairing off is all. I can feel the rumble in my tummy, if you get what I'm saying." He plopped himself down on a pillow and threw his arms behind his head for comfort, but kept his eyes on the man.

Eden grined at him, but saw what he was really stairing at. "Please don't start a bralw..." She said smiling at him. "And you should hunger after whipping afew monsters around...But why were you late anyways?" She asked. she knew he was late here and there.

Aeryn dismissed her statement, although he kept his eyes on the man. "Mother had sent me to make sure Astrid's rooms were in order for her return. I had just left when the old Queen was just talking to her and taking her down with.." Instead of saying Tayon, he growled a name out. "I was busy making sure she had everything she would need before I came back and realized that there was that monster."

Eden nodded at his reply. "That is under standable..." She looked at him, unsure of what he was going to do next. Maybe this was a bad idea, she was use to hearing the rumors and gossip of common folk; she didn't want Aeryn st get in any trouble himself. "Well then; will you be going home after the crowning?" she asked a little sad at the though that he might leave.

"You couldn't very well water her while she was sleeping, could you?" Astrid asked, as if saying he had done her no harm. She smiled lightly and touched her forehead. "Nothing of a fever, so we're good on that end. She just needs some rest, as per all of us, honestly."

"Oh, good." He breathed, laughing softly in relief. "I had wondered if that's what I should have done. Maybe it is a good thing I had not thought to try earlier, for I may have choked her or something." He caught his breath quickly, pouring a cup anyway and setting it down, so that if Karin woke and wished a drink, she would not have to expend any effort. "I am a shameful host, would you care for food or drink before you rest?"

"You are not shameful, Jin, and no, I am fine." Astrid said, looking at her dear friend before looking up at him and blinking thoughtfully. "I suppose I should go back to my rooms, at some point. The Queen did not announce when I will be crowned, but she did say tonight." She giggled despite herself and looked at Jin. "Would it be like a wedding? Aeryn giving me away to the crown." She giggled more, holding her stomach this time.

"Home? Home is a long way away from here, I'm afraid. I will wait, in my rooms, however, till Astrid's crowning, I'm sure." Aeryn kept his hands behind his head and finally drug his eyes away from the man talking. "Excuse my protective ways."

Eden shook her head. "Its a nice thing you do for her..." she said watching a women placing their soups infront of them. It dampen her spirits that he was going to leave after Astrids crowning. "So what are you going to do after hmmm?"

"What ever the queen advises, I assume." Aeryn replied, beginning to blow on his noodles and eat them. "Probably head home, to our own lands to report news, and such."

Eden ate her soup slowly. "...Whats it like there?" She couldn't help but ask, not seeing much of this kingdom, other from what she had read, but she really wished to travel and see all of the four Kingdoms.

He joined Astrid in her laughter, it was a humorous image, though the thought seemed to bother him in some small way. “I had not thought before, how important a change this will be, this becoming queen.” Your duty to your people would be highest in priority, in truth, a marriage to the crown. He added in his mind, sadly. The time where Astrid and he, and Karin, could so casually be in her company may soon be gone. “You will be great, in all that you do, I am sure of it. Astrid,” he paused, “would it be allowed for me to return with you? Sheba and Dol could easily bear Karin in safety and comfort, so that she would not be left alone. I dislike the idea of you not having friends with you after such a day as this.”

As he spoke, Karin made a soft sleep noise, shifting slightly under her covers, her hand reaching out unconsciously and grasping until Dol nudged his head into it in a rough caress. She seemed soothed by this. As hard a woman as she seemed sometimes, she was not happy except with her friends and family near her and safe. Even in her sleep, her deeply caring nature was shown. Jin smiled softly upon seeing this.

Astrid looked up at Jin and twisted her lips in a frown, the full tone of his voice settled in on her body. She looked over at Karin and smiled as her hand groped for Dol. She ran her hand over the other girls forehead, pushing her hair back. "You two will be no less in my life, that I promise you." Her smile was still playing on her lips, just like it always did. "I would like it very much if you came back with me."

Aeryn looked over at Eden. "It's cold, that's one thing for sure." He laughed and put more noodles in his mouth, chewed and looked back at her. "People are friendly. Everyone helps everyone out. Alot of cows." He shrugged. "I guess you'd just have to see for yourself."

Eden half smiled at his words. "One day I wish I could..." She said quitly. If she could run away from temple. She ate her noddles quitly after that. Thinking that Aeryn was getting tired of her questions.

“Then it is settled.” Jin smiled brightly, his solemn countenance much happier at her words. “It is a practical decision, after all, for we would both worry about you until we saw you again.” He continued as he walked into the connected room, choosing changes of clothing and a few other personal items and placing them neatly in a large satchel. He called to Sheba, who nudged Astrid’s hand once before going to him, and he settled an assortment of black leather straps over her shoulders and back, attaching the bag to it. Jin came back in, holding a similar harness in jewel-toned leather for Dol. “I should never like to rush a lady, but I would hate for you to be late to something so important on my account, and carrying Karin, we will take a bit longer than we did in coming here.” He shrugged an apology.

"A long walk is fine. I would transport us, but I am afraid that it might kill me if I try to." Astrid was the one to shrug an apology now. "I will, however, enjoy the time with the two of you." Astrid stood and walked closer, to be of help if needed.

"Ah. Well, you should ride back with us. It should be rewarding, to see a new place and all." Aeryn replied, finishing his noodles quickly. "Yum. I really was hungry."

Dol scrambled quickly off of the bed and Jin offered Astrid the leather trappings and tilted his head towards the feathered dragon meaningfully. "He makes such a fuss when I try to put it on, could you give it a try? I think he prefers a woman's touch to my own."

Sheba sniffed haughtily, whipping out a paw to catch her scaly companion as he tried to inch away when he saw the harnesses. He squirmed in an undignified way at first, snapping his teeth at the panther's flipping tail, but calmed when he saw that Jin was not coming any closer to him with that dratted contraption.

Volt chittered at Dol quickly, as if they were communicating. He curled his tail around Astrids leg, nipping the air playfully. Astrid smiled and reached her hand out to Dol, wiggling her fingers in a "come hither" motion.

Noticing the smaller dragon further eased and comforted Dol, enough that Sheba cautiously removed her paw, though was still blocking the doorway to keep him from escaping. Dol swept himself to his feet and pounced his way across the floor to lean against Astrid's knees. He loved women, they had softer voices and a lighter touch when they wanted his obedience. Even Karin was gentle with him, knowing that he had used to be bullied by larger dragons before she had taken him in. He let out a sort of moaning-growl that was his equivalent of purring, saying that it was alright since it was Astrid. And he liked Volt, and most other tiny dragons- they brought out a proud, protective feeling in him, as if he were a real large dragon and they were himself.

Seeing Dol accepting Astrid's touch, he smiled at his own cleverness, "I thought so," he said quietly, not wanting to seem to arrogant, as he slid the covers off of his sister's still sleeping body and pulled her into his arms, wrapping both of their travel cloaks around her for protection. She made another few noises and adjusted herself within his grasp for comfort. It seemed she had slipped into a more normal sleep, and he pointed this out to Astrid. "That is a good sign, no? Though I would still let her sleep as long as she could."

Astrid fastened the harness on Dol and ran her fingers lovingly around the back of his jawline and down his neck, and Volt began chittering again, rubbing himself up against the other dragon, still squeaking and speaking to the larger. Astrid lifted and brought Volt with her, placing him on her shoulder, where he continued to nip at her hands at ears playfully. "Are we set to go, Jin?"

He looked around worriedly, before nodding, "Yes, I just hate to think of forgetting things." Although he wasn't likely to admit it, he had a control issue. But he shook off his discomfort (in a metaphorical sense, he wouldn't want to jostle his sister) and smiled impishly. "Could you get the door, lady? It goes against all proper protocol, but I seem to have my hands otherwise occupied." Sheba moved out of the way, behind everyone as a sort of rear-guard, while Dol romped around Astrid's feet happily, making odd noises low in the back of his throat as he vocalized his happiness at getting out and with Astrid around, it was unlikely that Jin would rebuke him for his impolite behavior.

Astrid smiled fully and opened the door, letting Jin out first before following herself. She bent to play with Dol a bit, wiggling her fingers around and catching his tail playfully. She laughed to herself and straightened, with a jealous squawk from Volt. When she glanced at him, Volt cocked his head and had a worried look on his face, as if he, too would need to be proper.

Eden looked at him simling. "Thats very kind of you too offer..." She said, pushing her bolw away. "But alas have you for gotten about the crazed Emootia?" She asked him, the women who was put in charge of Eden when she was only a little girl, who had alreafy planed her life for her, which did not inculed leaving the city.

“Ah, you try a man’s virtue, Astrid. Even the dragons are jealous of each other.” He teased. She did seem to have a way about her, almost magnetism, where everyone males in particular, felt the need of her attention. Despite appearing heavily burdened, his petite frame barely visible past the bundled figure of his sister, Jin walked quickly and steadily, the slight muscles in his arms now standing out against the thin layers of his silken robes. Dol growled playfully at Volt, no aggression in his odd tones. The medium-sized dragon had a sort of mangled voice, even for an animal, but it just gave him another unique trait to endear him to others.

Sheba held her head high, ignoring the silly stumblings of the immature Dol, keeping an eye on their surroundings. After all, both Jin and Karin had made it obvious to her that Astrid was a high priority and to protect her just as well as she would either of them. Hearing the sounds of some stray dogs snarling down a nearby alley, she let out a low ululation, her hunter’s call. After a few surprised yelps and whimpers, the sounds diminished and her keen senses told her that the small group was already slinking further away. “Show off,” Jin whispered to Astrid, very quietly, so that Sheba would not realize he was talking of her. He laughed, showing his teeth not unlike the way the panther had earlier.

Back at the castle; the Queen sat with her council. A problem has come up in the Western Kingdom. “My queen you must allow Astrid to marry the Duke of Aquos…Or we will be facing a war!” An old man stated to the queen. Her beauty shined; her pale skin was bright and her red lips were in a frown. “I do not wish to force such a thing on a young women; even if she is to be queen…” She said, crossing her legs. “But if she doesn’t they will declare war on us! It will be a love match!...” The same man spoke. “The dukes son is the most fitting for her anyway…He’d be able to help Astrid rule, and not try to take over…” Another said next to the queen. After a few hours of debating the queen sent for Astrid.

Astrid was walking happily with her friends, watching as Volt took a steady flight from her shoulder to land on Dol. She was startled to find a hand on her arm, a man. "You have been scent for, m'Lady." He said, and began to pull on her. Astrid looked over her shoulder at Jin. "Watch Volt for me?" She asked, although it sounded more like "Please don't leave my side."

Eden chatted with Aeryn about somethings that had happened here and there. The lady had cleared their table. "Aeryn, do you like here? I mean I know its alot warmer." She said smilling at him sweetly.

The queen sat in her room waiting for Astrid, her long black hair falling just about to floor. Waering her evening gown; and matching robe. her ladies in waiting were doing their thing, talking, slik weving...

"I do enjoy it, Yes." Aeryn replied, smiling. "But, of course, Northern Star will always be my home." He frowned a bit, realizing he'd have to leave to follow Astrid.

Astrid walked into the Queen's room and courtsied low, smiling a confused smile. "You have sent for me, my queen?" She straightened and kept her eyes hard on the Queen, watching her every movement.

Volt let out a low chirp of anguish, which echoed out of his throat in a growl. He whined lightly as he watched Astrid leave, and quickly took flight into Jin's leg, crawling up it slowly and holding his body close to Jin's thigh.

Eden smiled at him, noting his frown. "Well, home is where the heart is...isn't it?" She wasn't sure what was really on his mind.

The queen smiled, and motioned for her to sit. Dismissing her handmaidens she waited till she sat. "Yes I did, please sit..." She said in her soft song like voice.

“Wh- what just happened here?” Jin asked the remaining animals, startled. He knelt for a moment to safely secure Karin to Dol’s body. “Be careful, take her to Astrid’s rooms for now and await our return. Sheba, go with him and protect them both.” He then cloaked himself and the tiny dragon riding along in the guise of shadows, sprinting after Astrid. Her helpless tone had struck every protective bone in his body and he would make sure that he would at least be near her in her extremity. After all, she had just become queen, she would remain unharmed, he was sure.

Nevertheless, he ran his fastest, quickly catching up to the man as he held Astrid. He remained near them, his shadow guise allowing him to keep close behind, as he nervously tried to keep in step with the both of them. He put out a hand and softly placed it on Astrid’s hip, letting her know he was there, and also to balance himself better. Jin cursed his arrogance in using his illusions earlier; invisibility was the most difficult one and he would not be able to do it again for a while.

Astrid was startled by a hand on her hip, and she looked quickly to the guard holding her. She twisted her lips. "Where am I being taken?" She inquired, glancing over her shoulder to even look in the direction of Jin.

The guard led her to the queens room and opened the door for her...The queen smiled, and motioned for her to sit. Dismissing her handmaidens she waited till she sat. "Yes I did, please sit..." She said in her soft song like voice.

Astrid sat and looked at the Queen, still wondering what had touched her before. "Is something wrong?"

The queen smiled. "Nothing is of yet...Astrid my far are you willing to go, to protect you kingdom?" She asked. Her blind eyes stiaring into her soul almost.

"All the way, of course. What is the matter?" Astrid asked, now on the edge of her seat with anticipation.

The queen took a deep breath. "This is a choice I'm going to give a queen think of all the people before you answer..." She said clamly. "The Duke of Aquos has asked for your hand in marrige, to end a long dispute that could led to a civil war..."

Astrid's stomach turned. She could feel the acid rise to the back of her throat. She had been raised to always think for her people, never for herself. Her first thought was of Jin, and she immediately shamed herself for it. Always for her family and her place. But Jin.. "I will do what I have to."

The queen nodded. "Are you sure that is what you want?" She queen asked, her voice full of care and concren. The queen seemed impressed by her sudden choice. She could understand if she wasn't happy, but it blood shed could be avoided, most would try.

Astrid breathed in. "I need to.. throw up.." She quickly stood and courtsied. "I am for my throne and for my people." She then ran into the bathroom that lead off of the room and heaved over the toilet.

The queen fallowed Astrid to the bathroom to hold her hair out of her face. "My dear girl are you alright?"

"I.. don't want.. to marry someone I don't know." Astrid replied, holding onto the toilet. She could feel the acid still, and she dry heaved one more time before breathing in deeply, shaking. "Ho-how do you chose between responsiblity, the thing you've been raised to do, the thing you know you have to do, and love, the only thing in the world that makes your heart explode with desire, your stomach swirl with butterflies, your soul sing?" She kept breathing in hard, gripping the porcelain. "I will choose repsonsiblity over love, as I have been rose to do... but I will not be happy with the idea of sleeping in a loveless bed, next to a loveless man when I know the person who holds my heart will be left alone, waiting for eternity."

The queen knew it was to much to ask of her. She was young, but understood what needed to be done. "Who is it that holds your heart?...but you must a never know love..." She spoke the truth. "But you never know my dear...You may find love with him...But you have to have an open might take years..." She spokes while rubbing Astrids back. "I know this asking so much of you already...even before the crowning..."

Jin had been trying to figure out a way to let Astrid know that it was his touch that she felt, and so barely heard what was said. Only hearing Astrid’s answer and then feeling the wrench of her rushing away to throw up, he stood there, motionless. What? How dare they ask this of her! Enraged, he swore furiously under his breath, barely able to hold his illusion of silence and shadow as he stood outside the bathroom. No matter his worry for Astrid, there was no way he would enter such a place when females were present, it was very wrong. Yet he still stood very near, listening intently for raised voices or any signs that he should ignore his proper notions and enter anyway. He gently prodded the tiny dragon still clinging to his clothes, pointing towards the room. At least the dragon had no knowledge of propriety and could comfort her.

Volt chittered at the sound of Astrid and pushed his nose into the door, hurring in to the love of his life. He crawled up her leg and onto her back, nipping at the Queen's hand. Astrid reached, grabbing the dragon from her back and moving to sit, holding him close to her chest. "I know love. I refuse to ever say that I do not."

The queen nodded. "I did not want to ask you this Astrid, no young women should not know what ture love is before marrige..." She said softly.

"I..." Astrid couldn't even breathe. She began to cry and hold Volt close to her. He chittered and pulled out of her grasp, nipping on her ears and fingers, curling his head under her hand to start to pull away.

Hearing the sudden sound of Astrid's tears, Jin finally steeled himself, pulling up a bit more of his power as he masked the sight and sound of his opening and shutting the door, putting up a quick shield of invisibility so that the queen would not see an unattached shadow. Then he quickly knelt beside Astrid, wrapping his arms around her gently and slowly, grasping her hands in his own. He set up a noise like Volt's chittering as he whispered into her ear, "Astrid, I am here. I am here for you, no matter what happens." What else could he say? Leave your responsibilities, your duty as a queen and run away with me? He breathed heavily, having exerted himself slightly to get into the room hopefully unnoticed, his heart beating strongly against her back.

The queen knew someone eles was in the room. "My dear...You should get some rest..." She said kindly.

Eden watched people leave and come.

Astrid felt Jin and this time realized that it was him. She cried harder than before, clentching his solid yet invisible hand, wishing it were him instead. Volt chittered at the two for a long minute, worried about Astrid.

Clenching his jaw tightly to keep from losing control, Jin hissed silently, wishing he could make everything better. How could they cause someone so important to him, this much pain? Struggling to keep from showing anger or upset, he kept his voice quiet as he continued with his illusions. It would not for anyone to know who he was, being a male and in the queen's quarters, and a political weakness to Astrid. "What do you wish?" He asked her. If he could, he would take her from this place forever, Astrid and Volt, he and Karin and their pets as well. But for now, he thought she might settle for some rest, as the queen had said.

Astrid began to stand slowly, setting Volt down. "I.. I'm going to my room now." She moved out of the bathroom and walked toward her room, pushing tears away from her eyes. She blinked her eyes clear and kept her head down as she hurried. She opened the door to her room, let Volt inside, and kept the door cracked for Jin, when he decided to come in. Then she plopped over on her bed and held her pillow close.

Standing for a moment, to catch his breath and to control the fine tremor through his body, he swiftly made his way to Astrid’s room, knocking lightly before entering so that she wouldn’t be surprised, before dispelling his illusions gratefully. He sank down to his knees beside her, noting Karin curled up on the divan against the far wall with Sheba as her pillow and Dol draped across her body for warmth. Sheba opened one eye, noting the two, but unable to move, lest she dislodge Karin. She closed her eyes, giving the two a further semblance of privacy.

Jin slid his arms hesitantly around her waist, whispering, “It will be alright, things will turn out sweeting, darling.” And other nonsense as he firmly stroked her back, murmuring quietly. “I would take you away from all of this, if it were possible. But I shall never leave, if this is where you would be.” Be with me forever. He did not say this aloud, but his intent was obvious.

Afther they payed the two left the noddle house, walking through streets. It turns out people were clelarbting their new, with fireworks, and sparklers. Chldren ran threw the streets like fire flies. The scene was beautiful all togather. Eden smiled up at Aeryn.

"I.." Astrid couldn't figure out what to say. Was she sorry for something that was out of her power, worried for her future? She bit at the inside of her lips hard enough to make them bleed, watching Jin for long moments before speaking. "I.. Have duty to the people." I am so sorry.

Aeryn smiled down at Eden. "Quite the display, yes. Very beautiful. Speaking of displays and celebration, where is my sister? Shouldn't she be seeing the festivities?"

He looked up at her, reaching one hand up and tracing her lips softly with his fingers. "Do not hurt yourself, please. Maybe this man will not," here, he choked, "will not be so bad. He would take care of you, and your kingdom, and your people. We will remain, to love and support you." He said, gesturing towards himself and outwards, encompassing Volt and his sister, Sheba and Dol as well.

"No!" Astrid pulled away from him. "I re-refuse." She shook her head steadily, pulling in heavy breaths. She blinked her eyes to keep the tears out, looking up at the ceiling to try to save it. "I.. Refuse to be happy with someone I do not want."

Eden giggled, taking his hand. "Well maybe she asleep? or maybe we can bring her something!! I mean there are alot of side stores open!!" She said leading to a booth where they were sealing glass balls that had glowing mist in them. Eden saw open with dancing store also it looked like the stars. Picking it up she showed Aeryn. "Do you Astrid would like it?...I want to get it for her as a congarts gift..." She said to him smilling. She was happy to be around with her friends again.

Jin blinked at her, looking confused, "I- I do not understand, Astrid. I do not refute your right to be happy, to marry the one you wish to, but what other choice is there?"

Astrid buried her head into pillow and screamed as loud as she could. She shook, she wanted out. For the first time in her life, she was scared for the position she held. Unsure of what to do. Volt crawled across the blankets and nudged her hand.

The queen sat in her chambers looking out at the fire works. This should've been a happy day, but insted, someone life was to change...Her hand was on her stomach.

Aeryn smiled at Eden. "Oh yes, beautiful. I'm sure Astrid would love it." He curled his arm around the small of her back, holding onto her waist, setting a few coins on the counter for the man and began to lead her away. "Let's go check on her, yes?" He smiled and lead Eden through the crowd.

Eden fekt her cheeks burn. "Um ok...thank you?" She still trying not to bump into people. She helf the magic globe in her hands as they made there way to to the place, when she gotten the sudden feeling that someone was in pain.

"You're welcome, I guess? I just called the globe beautiful." Aeryn began to make his way up the hall to Astrid's room next to his. He rose his hand to knock and...

Astrid pulled into a ball against her pillow. "I am just so upset that I have to give you up." She mentioned through shuddering sobs. "But I have to do what I have to do. I am right for the people."

Aeryn looked down at Eden. "Astrid."

Eden looked up at Aeryn. "A-..." She didn't know what to say or do, she stayed close to Aeryn to fallow suit. "Do you think she is alright?" Eden asked looking at the door then at the globe in her hands.

Jin kneeled there, helpless, not knowing what to say or do. "I will follow with whatever you decide Astrid. That is all I know to do." He said, looking down, ashamed that he could not help her any more in her difficulty. He just held her hands gently, trying to be there for her.

Tayon had finely returned, Rith was extremly happy for the bath. He waled throught the hall when a gurad came up to him, The queen had summoned him. He was surprised but fallowed to the queens chambers. He was let in; The queen sat at the window, the robe tightly around her fingure. "Tayon...I want you to spy on the duke of Aqoua; he has force us to marry off our new queen to his eldest...There is something deeper here..." She said clamly. Tayon was taken back, by what the queen said. "But your highness, what? why? uh?" He was confused to no ends mean. The queen sighed. "A year ago The dukes wife ran off with Knight of our court...Now he is black mailing us saying if his eldest doesn't become the King and married to Astrid; it will be war..." Her fingers tapped on the windows frame. Tayon nodded in under standment of his queen. "As you wish..." He said turning to leave. He walked down the hall towards Astrid, knowing she would probly be upset, he wished to speak to her. He saw Eden abd Aeryn standing there.

Aeryn rose his eyebrows. "Seems we've all come at the wrong time." He blinked and looked at Tayon. "You. What is my sister crying about, do you know?"

Eden looked at Tayon, she had a conrened look on her face. "His name is Tayon..." She sighed leaning on the door, she wanted to know why Astrid was so upset.

Tayon nodded towards Aeryn. "Her job...The Duke of Aquoa has forced the queen to give Astrid hand away to his eldest son, or war..." He said, knowing that Aeryn could be of a great help. "The queen thinks there's an under plot...and has asked me to look into it..." He said quitly.

Aeryn frowned and watched Tayon, and he held himself back from uttering "told you so" at Eden. "Marriage is what he wants, eh? We'll have to plan against it. If it's war he wants..." He shook his head, and his frown deepened. "I can't say that. It's up to the new Queen, now."

Eden looked at Aeryn with a worried look, she knew if he had the chance he would indeed do harm to the man that had planned this. "If the queen is right and thinks that he's up to something, that could call off the wedding..." She said placing her hand on his arm smilling.

Tayon nodded. "Eden is right...Your help would be very usefull..." He added, knowing Aeryn rank was higher then his.

"But that means war." Aeryn clentched his fists, holding them tight. Not my sister.. "That might just be what we have to do. We do, however, have to consult Astrid. We cannot move without her approval."

Eden looked down at the globe, she didn't want a war to happen, and she very well knew that Astrid didn't either. Aeryn... she thought, knowing he couldn't do much with out becoming an outcast.

Tayon nodded. "He's a duke, not a king...We'd have to be able to call him out in the open, the king of the Western kingdom would deal with him..." he said crossing his arms.

There was a quick moment where Aeryn felt a pulse of energy run through his veins. It was usual, especially when something threatened what he had been born to protect. Dark magic ran through his every vein, waiting to be used. It cried, ripped, screamed to be used. He knew, though, that if known, he would be outcasted, stomped on, torn apart and left for dirt, even my his own sister. As was custom. Leave the darkly tainted ones behind for evil. He kept his fists clentched and held back his agression. "The king may be on his side."

Eden looked up at him frowning. "...uh..." She stayed quite looking down at ground, she felt like she couldn't help in this at the momnet. The mark on her shoulder glew softly.

Tayon looked at Aeryn with a raised eyebrow, feeling the trickle of dark engery; he's demontic blood called out to it. "thats where you would come in...Befriend the king, and make him see eye to eye with you..." Tayon said rubbing the back of his neck, question rising in his mind.

"I.." Aeryn started, but was cut off by Astrid, who had opened the door to them. She stood, tears staining her pale skin that masked her face.

"So you have all heard. Heard the hell I have been put up against." She said not another word, just watched the eyes of the people standing infront of her. She could feel the heat in her face, the migrane forming in the back of her neck.

Eden walked up to Astrid taking her hands. "You wont have too!" She said trying to bring hope back into her life. "I promise..." She said smilling softly at her.

Tayon looked at Aeryn for his response. "...Can you act?" He asked Astrid in a tone that meant buissness.

Jin had at first remained near the bedside, not wanting to interrupt, but when he saw the Aeryn among the others, he knew Astrid was safe and would find comfort as well. He watched for a moment, and then bowing his head, turned towards his sister to check on her.

With the amount of noise from Astri's tears and all of the others talking just outside of the room, Karin was beginning to wake, though she felt a horrible throbbing to the side of her head. "Mmmgrph," She mumbled, moaning as even that sound hurt her head. "Karin?" Her twin brother whispered gently, stroking cool hands across her forehead, "Do you wake, do you wish a drink of water?" He inquired earnestly, at least this precious person he could help.

Karin scrunched her eyes shut tightly, a silent response that he at first took as distaste for a drink, but when he saw her lick her lip slowly, he realized maybe it was just the pain. “I will raise you gently and will bring the glass to your lips, Just relax and drink.” He whispered, sliding his arm under her slight body and lifting her by infinitesimal degrees until she was at enough of a recline so that he could bring a glass of cool water to her lips and pout a few drops carefully down her throat. She swallowed slowly and he repeated this until more than half the glass was empty and then he continued, “I will lay you back down. Rest if you can, but try not to move. Alert Dol if you wish my attention.” He just as carefully returned her to her former position, moving her hand so that it rested on her pet’s back. If she made even a slight motion, he would react and Jin would respond.

He once again passed his hand lightly over her face in a gesture as if to wipe away the lines of pain on her face. And indeed, by now, she looked almost peaceful in her rest, though she was listening intently to her surroundings, determining the situation around her before she would allow herself to rest again. After all, it was just like Jin to try and not worry her with unnecessary information if she was unwell. The male in question was now turned away again, facing the others and taking in their exchange, wondering why Tayon was asking after Astrid’s acting skills, the puzzlement only apparent on his serene face by a slight wrinkle of his brow.

Astrid glanced back, watching Jin and Karin for a few moments. It was a bad idea to hold such a meeting in the hallway, but she didn't wish to disturb her long time friend. She blinked and looked back around to the rest. "I can act, so long as you swear I will not get stuck in the position I am acting in."

Aeryn watched her speak, she seemed so put together now, solid and square, holding onto her hope by the ounces and staying strong for the people who depended on her. His black magic pulsed through his viens at the thought of someone hurting her, even emotionally enough to cause her tears to spill. He supressed it, though, and said "I will get you out, no matter what."

Eden hugged Astrid. "Do you really think any of us would let you get married to someone you didn't love yourself?" Eden said, smilling at her. "Oh...yeah..This is for you..." She said giving her the glowing blue orb, the dancinf snowflakes and stars dance around in. "To say congarts...your brother bought it..." She said blushing shightly, and did the incconet cough cough.

Tayon nodded towards Astrid. "Good...The queen doesn't think you will marry either...but I promise on my oath as a knight you shall not marry this duke..." He looked towards Aeryn. Is he a demon? No, its something eles but what? He thought.

"Oh, well... Thank you, both of you." Astrid said, slightly taken back that they had gotten her a present in the first place.

Aeryn was too busy eyeing Tayon as Tayon eyed him. He realized she was talking to him and looked at her. "You're very welcome, sister." But the thoughts were turning in his head.

Eden giggled nudging Aeryn. "yes, I swear Aeryn was going to kill some guy in the noddle house because he talking about you...I must say you have tight body gurads." She smilling at Astrid, she wanted her to be happy now, and not to worry about what was to come. Eden didn't want to tell Astrid she might run away to avoid becoming a head preitess...

Tayon smiled at Astrid. "You should get some rest, you'll have to get up early for your dress fiting and all that girl stuff..." He said smiling to turn and leave. "Good evening all..." Tayon patted Eden on the head like a little sister.

Astrid grimaced at the thought of getting fitted for a dress, but said goodbye to Tayon watching him leave. She seemed lost in thought for a moment, but looked over at Aeryn. "I love you, too, Aeryn," she said, almost as a tease, but she meant it.

Aeryn smiled at her. "And I will, always, sister. Rest well." He set his hand on her shoulder and then motioned for Eden to follow him. He began to walk up the hallway, to walk Eden to her rooms.

Astrid turned and stepped back into her room, shutting the door tightly. She laid back on her bed and blinked a few times, then closed her eyes. She pressed the pressure points at her temples and tried to relax.

Eden wished Astrid good dreams and fallowed Aeryn. "Are you alright?...You seemed tense eariler..." She said knowing he would say it was because of the marrige thing with Astrid but she felt it was something eles. Her shoulder was burning, the mark was plusing, rubbing her shoulder for a second.

“…“ After seeing Aeryn and Eden present Astrid with the gift, Jin paused for a second, something nagging his thoughts. Ah, he thought, and stepped backward, very carefully shifting through the mass of material wrapped around his resting sister. So gentle were his movements, that she did not stir, and soon he recovered a parchment-wrapped package, his own congratulatory gift for her upon the commencement of the ceremony. “Astrid,” Jin said softly as he approached her, offering the package, in the hopes that it might ease her worries, if only for a moment. “It is for you, Karin mentioned that you often wore silk dresses when at court and I have a bit of ability at the art, so…” his voice trailed off as he blushed lightly, embarrassed in a way.

Astrid lifted herself and sat up, watching his eyes as he handed her the present. She smiled and began to pull the wrapping off, and lifted the dress (ooc--dear god, I hope it was a dress). "Oh, Jin..." she pulled it to her body and noticed that it would fit her perfectly. "How.. Jin.."

Eden sighed, unsure of to say to Aeryn. He was so caring for his sister. It made her think of what it would have been like to grow up with siblings. She sighed looking out side, the moon was full.

Tayon was finshing his rounds and saw the royal garden being prepared for the crowning...

He ducked his head, hiding a shy grin, “I bribed a young noble girl, who I am sure, held the belief that I wished an article of your clothing for only th emost nefarious of purposes.” He looked up, his eyes shining brightly with humor. “You should have seen her face when I asked her to return it the next day. I think she was ashamed of herself. …I hope you do not mind the circuitous way I obtained your measurements.” He was happy to see that he had not cut it too short or too long, the pale gold silk matched wonderfully with her honey eyes and set off the vibrant spring colors he used for the waves of stars and flowers at the edges of the neck, sleeves and bottom. A few jewels winked in the light, disguised as the petals and centers of the flowers. “I hope it is not too much, it is a bit elaborate, but I thought with becoming queen, you may soon have use of such a dress.” He looked at her, anxious to see that she liked it and was not upset with him.

Astrid smiled at his coy way of obtaining her measurements, and quickly set the dress down to embrace Jin from her tip toes. She smiled into his neck and closed her eyes, holding onto him. She hoped that she didn't have to say anything to him for him to understand how she felt.

At first his blue-violet eyes went wide in pleasant surprise, but as soon as he relaxed into the embrace, he closed them and just enjoyed her closeness. Thank the gods, she seems to be feeling better. he slid his arms around her gently, supporting her easily and comfortably, Jin murmured, "I am very glad that you seem to like it." simply, not wanting to complicate things. She will be even more beautiful than ever, I should be so blessed to see her thus.

Astrid smiled and held him close, burying her head into the dip of his neck. "Thank you, Jin..." Her heart shuttered at the idea of having to dance her way around marriage to another man, but she was strong and she knew she could do it. "For everything." She promised.

Eden stoped at the door as to where she was allowed to stay. She looked at Aeryn, he had been so quite the whole time. It made her worried, but she knew it wouldn't change anything if she said anything. "Aeryn every thing will be fine..."

"I'm just thinking about everything." Aeryn said, tracing his fingers up to his neck to feel knots. He twisted his lips and thought for a minute. "Everything will be fine, you're right." He smiled, touched her on the shoulder and said goodnight.

Eden smiled and wished him a goodnight as, calling out. "try a hot bath..." She said with her cheek grin on her face and disapred into the room. It was much larger then one in the temple she lived in and didn't have to share it. But what caught her eyes, was the gown for the crowning she had to waer.

Aeryn made is way to his room, back towards Astrid's. He opened the door slowely, let himself inside and found his bed, falling over on it. He covered his face with a pillow and waited. For anything. For his heart to stop beating like it was going to break out of his chest, for his viens to stop itching of the dark magic. For himself to wake up and it all be a dream, and Astrid was being crowned with no problems.


He blinked a few times before rolling over and shoving the pillow over his head to block out the sound of the chirps outside. He twisted his lips and kept his eyes closed shut. Tomorrow would be better. It had to be.

chronicles of de’gal

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