Page name: Become a Muppet [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-29 19:48:55
Last author: Mrs Gamgee
Owner: Mrs Gamgee
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 13
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If you wish to join Muppets rule!

Choose which character you want to be and write your name next to it. Pepe and Animal have already been taken but other than that!

[I've got rid of the stupid password! Just MESSAGE ME when you join! Thanks people!]

1. Pepe-[Mrs Gamgee](Owner and Honoured Muppet Leader)
2. Animal- [Tanzi Took] DRUMSTICKS DRUMSTICKS!! *arhh arhh arhh*(The owner's drunk)
3.Kermit the frog-[Erestor] I'm Kermit nice to meet you.
4. Miss Piggy-
5. Gonzo the Great - [Kaito]
6. Fozzie Bear - [Itsme2]. Waka waka waka!
7. Rizzo [xxEldarisxx]
8. Sweetums [sugarplumfairy]
9. Statler[Cede]
10. Waldorf
11. Doctor Teeth- [pixyman]
12. Rowlf- [prairierose]
13. Swedish Chef-[crushedvelvet47]
14. Beaker-[Miss.Kayree]
15. Zoot [Alsar]
16. Samuel Arrow- [Gracie]
17. Lew Zealand-[Harms_Way]
18. Bunson Honeydew-[Roux 49]
19. Crazy Harry-[Wallstring] yeeheeheehaha!
20. Janice [moira the paradox]
21.Kermit- [elveneyes]
22.Chicken- [psychekiller]pucaaaw

Just put your name in by the numbers, dont's worry if your not a muppet, they'll never be enough to go round! I still want you to join though. Thanks!
Don't forget to put this in your house!

Go back to Muppets rule!

Username (or number or email):


2005-06-23 [Tanzi Took]: ........................................................GAY

2005-07-06 [psychekiller]: aaaaw theres no muppets left

2005-08-17 [Mrs Gamgee]: The chicken's are the coolest rufus! They totally rock chicken

2005-08-17 [psychekiller]: ive got a video of the muppet show and theres the swedish chef and it chases after one of the chikens for laying ping pong balls instead of eggs

2005-08-20 [Tanzi Took]: lol cool

2005-08-21 [psychekiller]: im sooooooooooooo bad at keeping stories short

2005-08-21 [Tanzi Took]: short stories are boring anyway ^_^

2005-08-22 [psychekiller]: *gives grateful smile* ^^

2005-09-08 [Mrs Gamgee]: Hooray for non-short stories! I love you Took.

2005-09-08 [psychekiller]: hee hee

2005-09-22 [Tanzi Took]: i was once a treehouse, i lived in a cake. but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake. i was only three years dead, but it told a tale, and now listen little child to the safety rail

2005-09-23 [psychekiller]: omfg i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-09-27 [Mrs Gamgee]: 'LLAMA FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

2005-09-30 [Tanzi Took]: omg my parties tonight gamgee im sooooooooo freaking out!! its guna be sweeeeeeeeet and you get to find out what my present is later!! the party will have prob come and gone by the time you read this so you'll know what my amazing present is hurah!! cant believe i got elijah woods autograph i had such a sweet birthday dude. anyway il see him tonight luv ya! xxx

2005-09-30 [psychekiller]: er i guess your exited.....just guessing! lol

2005-10-04 [Mrs Gamgee]: Heya dude! Your rite, it is after your party and I totally spazed out about your present! ITTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was great to see you scrote, Thanks so much for inviting me. I shall see him soon, luv uxxxxx

2005-10-06 [Tanzi Took]:


2005-10-07 [psychekiller]: f**k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-03-05 [Mrs Gamgee]: argh, all the pics on my wiki have gone,gggggggaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-03-25 [psychekiller]: ye

2006-05-03 [Tanzi Took]: argh im in da middle of watching muppets wizard of oz for da 1st time tripping out on purple herbal pill things its cooooooooooool. will get you some gamge they're totally legal lol. txt this weekend im coming back oke!!! love ya

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