Page name: Bendithio O'Gyfan [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-09-28 16:37:06
Last author: Mrs Vicious.
Owner: Mrs Vicious.
# of watchers: 2
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Username: [Mrs Vicious.]

Character name: Bendithio O'Gyfan.

Allegiance: New Varse

Race: Dwarf

Age: 243

Gender: Male


Appearance: Ben is about 4'11" and built stockily, packed with muscles used for hard labour mining, his sandy brown hair is kept short so as to not get in the way. Blue/Gray eyes often framed by curly wisps of his brown hair as it grows out slightly.

Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on, usually carrying a short sword with him when travelling out of the city.

Armor: A shield amulet given to him by a cousin (Haval) and light body armour.

Abilities: A strong ability to move rocks up to three times his size and brake them which comes in handy when working in the mines, however he cant craft to save his life.

Personality: Ben tends to be a strong silent kind of guy, often preferring not to talk to new people unless they need help or something the like. After a few drinks through he's everyone's friend and kind of a charmer,or at least he thinks so.

History: Coming from a long lines of O'Gyfan's living in White peak he has a large family and is used to running into at least one or more cousins around every corner. Still considered young by dwarven standards but old enough to have already made a name as a hard worker in the mine.

Other: He doesn't like fish, he doesn't mind eating it he just doesn't like the feel of a fish.

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2010-09-28 [Talos Cyrion]: yes this is fine :) i have no limits to characters, just so long as you can keep up with them

2010-09-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: WOooo!

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