Page name: Bert is Evil! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-04-17 13:59:21
Last author: Zebra-O
Owner: Zebra-O
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 17
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I'm telling you he is!

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2004-04-18 [Geo Y]: i think he evil to i mean look at his eyebrows....their evil... evil...EVIL!!!

2004-04-19 [sic_twisted_me]: I think the eyebrows are his weapons. or weapon since he has a massive uni-brow

2004-04-19 [Geo Y]: EEEEEEVVVVVIIIIILLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-10 [Quazi]: I think I have joined. Or at least I have the pic on my bio and a link to the page. Is there a members list??

2004-05-14 [Moogle Man]: How do i join???

2004-05-17 [Quazi]: I don't know. I think we are the only ones here. Creepy. Do you think the page owners would mind if I created a members list??

2004-05-17 [Moogle Man]: Donyt know, shall we, we will both take the blame!

2004-06-09 [Cassius]: scary

2004-06-10 [zenalai princess]: If you ask me.... ernie isn't all innocent either

2004-06-12 [I'm not blood and rose petal's friend.]: **shudders** what is he hiding in that massive nose of his???

2004-06-13 [The Lovely Lolita]: omg no wonder why he is evil his face is all messed up lets all throw rocks at him!!!!

2004-06-13 [I'm not blood and rose petal's friend.]: Yay!!! Rocks!!! Has anyone noticed his eyebrow looks suspiciously like a boomerang?

2004-07-04 [psychobunny07]: yes! and burt is so cranky n mean 2 ernie..i mean ernie is this nice innocent guy who loves the world n his rubber ducky n bert is..just all GRRing @ him

2004-07-06 [I'm not blood and rose petal's friend.]: how cruel the world is...

2004-07-12 [dead forever]: burt is not that mean is he ? I mean he may be a hom-a-phobe but so is....... some other people!!!, also (I am the one and only great and power ful YAKSHINI, no longer the puny little yaksha,Muhahahaha,Muhhuhahaha!!!)please ignore these coments and all further ones ;)))))

2004-07-13 [I'm not blood and rose petal's friend.]: Eh... let me just say that I DO NOT ENJOY HOMOPHOBES!!! **sigh** Two men kissing is a beautiful thing indeed...

2004-10-04 [Quazi]: Two men maybe, two evil puppets though?? I think not. It is just wrong. For that matter, so is kurmet and Miss Piggy!! AARRRR! Sick Sick world!!!!!!! *sobs*

2005-06-27 [Geo Y]: kurmet and Miss Piggy pig +frog+ FREINDS(the tv show) = MADNESS

2005-06-27 [Geo Y]: P.S. bert makes me think of the guy on FOOLY COOLY

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