Page name: Bjorn Ragnarsson [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-07 09:09:41
Last author: Grimmloch
Owner: Grimmloch
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Character name:Bjorn Ragnarsson
Class/Rank: Warrior (Mercenary)

Appearance: Bjorn is a giant of a man, 350 pounds of pure muscle standing nearly 7 feet tall. Many years of sell-swording have left him battle scarred and tough as iron. His long, sandy blond hair falls a bit under his shoulders when it's not matted down with the grit of battle (or suffering from a case of helmet-head)and his beard is seperated into two braids that cascade down his chest. His blue eyes are the color of the ice that covers the fjords of his homeland in early spring.

Personality: When not fighting, Bjorn is always on the lookout for the next party. He loves music, laughter and the screams of anguish from his foes. Truly, a dichotomy if there ever was one; He loves life almost as much as he enjoys taking it from others. A great friend to have at your side in battle, but one must never forget, his loyalty is always for sale.

Weapons/Magic/Skills: Having a strong distrust for magic, Bjorn relies on cold steel and iron. His primary weapon is a bearded broad axe, which he uses in conjunction with a round shield, but to see the devastating effects of the axe when two hands are employed, has scarred many a man's dreams for life. Bjorn also carries six small throwing axes, and his long spear is never far away.

History: Born in the frozen northlands, Bjorn spent most of his life on longships, raiding the coasts and pillaging everything in sight, as did his father and his father before him. After harrying the coastline to the north east of the imperial city, he saw that much more profit could be made by selling his considerable martial skills to these southron inlanders, and has since earned a reputation on the black market and with the legitimate guards. When someone needs something done, and subtlety is not important, they call on Bjorn "The Hunter". His banner flies black with a red wolf head, under which is the motto "Syrgia Brath" translated it means "Mourn the Prey"

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