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2006-09-05 02:41:36
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Rules for the Gotai 13 and Bleach RP

Allowable Character Types:
Shinigami (Death Gods/Soul Reapers)
   The souls responsible for maintaining a balance between
   Soul Society and the human world. They exterminate and
   purify hollows, and lead souls to Soul Society through
   konsou. They can change the embodiment of their
   zanpakutou through their reiryoku. The four basic battle
   techniques of shinigami are collectively called
   zankensouki. They names of the individual techniques are:
   hakuda, hohou, kidou, and zanjutsu. Each of these four
   combat techniques has a limit. Once a shinigami has
   reached the limit in four techniques, they will have
   reached the limit of their spiritual body, and will not
   be able to escalate their strength any further.

   A race of humans who gained spiritual awareness and the
   ability to attack with spirit energy by using destructive
   arts. These arts are used to form arrows that are created
   by gathering spirit particles in the air. These arrows
   kill hollows, rather than cleansing them, which caused an
   unbalance in the flow of souls between Soul Society and
   the Human World. Because of this inbalance, the shinigami
   were forced to eradicate the Quincy. Two hundred years
   after this incident, there are only two remaining Quincy.

   Souls who have comitted serious sins before their death.
   The chain of fate on a soul degenerates and forms a hole
   in a soul. From that hole the soul transforms into a hollow
   becoming stronger and more primitive. Usually a hollow will
   kill those closest to it in it's life first. Hollows devoure
   reiryoku by eatting wondering spirits, humans with high
   reiryoku and even shinigami. As hollows become stronger
   they can be divided into three separate groups. Hollows
   can eventually grow to become:

     -Gillian (Menos Grandes)
       They are no match for captain level shinigami since
       they relay on a primitive intellect

       Smaller than Gillian but far superior both intellectually
       and in combat. Not many of them exist.

       Most humanoid and the most powerful type of hollow.
       Only few of them exists and they've manifested only
       in Hueco Mundo. 10 of them would bring a total
       chaos to the Soul Society.

   A group of ex-shinigami who are trying to obtain hollow's

   Arrancar are a group of hollows who remove their masks in
   order to obtain Shinigamis powers; Arrancar are
   hollow-shinigami hybrids. The Arrancar who removed their
   masks and obtained the power of a Shinigami have been
   few in number.

Humans with Reiryoku (Spirit Power)
   Humans who are born with high reatsu can develop
   reiryoku which is unique to their personality.

                    *For Bleach RP ONLY: To use a char that is in Bleach ask first*

Bankai Rules:
   you need a detailed description of your bankai abilities
   which should include what it looks like, what attacks it has
   and the effects of those attacks as well as weaknesses.
   remember every bankai has strengths and weaknesses i.e.
   Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu gives him insane strength and
   speed but his attack only goes in a straight line and is
   easily dodged by a fast enough opponent. Byakuya's
   Zenbonsakura Kageyoshi is blocked by a fast enough
   opponent. Remember Visoreds and Arrancar also have a
   bankai. Arrancar have their hollow form as thier bankai, so
   if you are planing on being an Arrancer a hollow character
   should be made.

Spells and Skills
Demonic Arts
   Demon arts are spells used by shinigami to do various
   things such as binding, attacking, and healing. Only upper
   level shinigami can use them after sufficient training. There
   are two types of Demon Arts: Bakudou ("binding spell") and
   Hadou ("blast spell"). Demon Arts are classified by power
   and difficulty of casting in a numbering scheme from 1
   through 99, with power and difficulty increasing with the
   number. If a shinigami masters demon arts, they will gain
   the ability to bypass the incantation while casting spells.

Known Demon Arts: (current as of 06/24/06)
Bakudou #1 - Sai ("Obstruction") - This spell is used to paralyze the target. Rukia uses this on Ichigo upon
                          their first meeting.

Bakudou #9 - Geki ("Conquer") - Surrounds the target in a red light that restricts movement.

                Incantation: Disintegrate, black dog of Rondaniini. Look upon your
                         burning soul and sever your throat.

Bakudou #58 - Kakushitsuijaku ("Call forth the tracing sparrow") - Traces the location of a target soul.

                Incantation: Heart of the south, eye of the north, fingertip of the west, heel of the
                         east, gather by wind, and scatter by rain.

Bakudou #61 - Rikujoukourou ("Six staves of binding light") - Movement of the opponent is bound by six
                                             bands of light.

Bakudou #75 - Gochuutekkan ("Five pillar iron brace") - An iron chain is fastened, then five pillars seal the
                                         target's whole body.

                Incantation: Wall of iron sand, pagoda of priestly form, shimmering fireflies of iron,
                         fill until the silent end.

Bakudou #77 - Tenteikuura ("Heavenly rickshaw of the silky sky") - Directly relays a message to any
                                                 number of target souls.

                Incantation: Net of black and white, 22 bridges, 66 peerless domains, footprints,
                         distant thunder, crest of the mountains, volatile earth, enshroud by night,
                         sea of clouds, blue formations, rise into the towering circle and charge
                         across the heavens.

Bakudou #99 - Kin ("Seal") Partly immobilizes the target's body.

Bakudou #99 Second Style - Bankin ("Complete seal")

                The first song called shiryuu ("halting wrap") constricts the target with a bandage-like
                cloth. The second song called hyakurensan ("100 joined locks") pierces the target
                the timber. The final song called bankin taihou ("final prohibition, immense seal")
                drops an immense boulder over the target.

Hadou #4 - Byakurai ("White lightning") Fires a bolt of lightning from the caster's finger.

Hadou #31 - Shakkahou ("Red Flame Gun") Attacks the target with a red blast of fire.

                Incantation: Oh ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering
                         of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Scorching heat and
                         disorder, evolve the transposition of the southern sea barrier.

Hadou #33 - Soukatsui ("Blue Fireball") Fires blue fire blasts at the target.

                Incantation: Oh ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering
                         of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Truth and temperance,
                         strike but slightly your claw upon this wall which feigns ignorance of sin!

Hadou #54 - Haien ("Incinerating Flame") Completely detroys a target by burning it to ash.

Hadou #63 - Raikouhou ("Roaring Thunder Burn") Calls forth a wave of thunder that seeks the target.

                Incantation: Bone of a straggling beast, spire, crimson crystal, disc of steel, when the
                         wind shifts, and the emptiness ceases, let the clash of lances resonate
                         through the relinquished castle.

Hadou #90 - Kurohitsugi ("Black Coffin") Summons a black coffin, which surrounds, then severly damages
                              the target.

Other classes of Demon Arts:

Hakufuku ("White Prostration"): Causes a target to lose consciousness.

Kyoumon ("Mirror Gate"): A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside. However, it is easy to
                   break from the inside.

Destructive Arts
   Destructive Arts are to Quincy, as Demon Arts are to
   Shinigami, the difference being that Destructive Arts are as
   they say, they destroy the hollows/targets.

Known Destructive Arts:
Destructive Art #4 - A spell that uses spiritons to form an arrow shot out, for the bow of a Quincy.

Quick Step/Shyunpa
   A high level shinigami art that allows the user/shinigami to "warp" one's self (entire body) to another
   place. It requires long training and to be quite powerful to use easily.

Shyunshin Yoruichi (God of Shyunpo)
   A very high level shyunpa. Allows user/shinigami to "warp" themselves much further than that of just a
   basic Shyunpa spell/technique. This requires the user to train much harder and longer, as well as be
   much more powerful than if he was just able to use the basic Shyunpa spell(s).

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