Page name: Blood of Creation: Guilds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-19 13:48:49
Last author: NamelessMerc
Owner: NamelessMerc
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T H E  G U I L D S  O F  B I L Y M A S

”A lot of folk get confused by the guilds. I don’t, ‘cause I don’t pay attention to ‘em!”
- Ulder, wanderer

The Guilds of Bilymas are many and interlinked. Few Guilds’ influence extend beyond the borders of a single city, though closely linked Guilds often work together to provide a network of like-minded citizens within Bilymas. Thus, a member of a Guild in one city will almost always be welcome in a similar guild in another city, whilst often unwelcome in any guild which aligns itself against them. The downside to these Guilds and the way they operate is that many Guilds fluctuate in price, so equipment can be found either extremely cheap, or almost impossibly expensive.

Servius's Guilds

The House of the Lion's Roar

The House of the Eagle's Eye

The House of the Lotus
Martial Artists

The House of the Leash
Beast Trainers

Neutral Guilds

The Order of the World
Lower Wizards

The Learned Brotherhood
High Wizards Only

The Order of Mana
Elementalists Only

The Shadowed Hand

The Order of Venith
Priests of Venith Only

The Order of Setha
Priests of Setha Only


Kathryn's Guilds

Cult of the Scythe

Cult of Thorns

Cult of The Withering Hand
Martial Artists

Cult of the Malformed
Beast Trainers


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2006-06-25 [Erekosen]: This is going to need starting soon, methinks.

2006-09-04 [NamelessMerc]: We just need to enter the actual Guilds now.
Do we organise by type or by city?

2006-09-06 [Erekosen]: City then Type, methinks =]

2006-09-06 [NamelessMerc]: Was thinking the other way around, myself. So all the swordsmen guilds are in one place, for example. Then they just check that list for the guild in whichever city.

2006-11-20 [NamelessMerc]: Simplified guild layout, people! Guilds are allied with either Kathryn, Servius, or no one. Any comments are welcome.

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