Page name: Brandopia [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-09 01:04:05
Last author: Delaquarte
Owner: Delaquarte
# of watchers: 23
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D20: 1
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Welcome one and all to the evil compound of Brandopia!
This compound is the epicenter of most of the activities of the Brandopian Empire, such a magnificent structure that looms over the actual nation connected to the ground by what is called the spine. The spine connects the compound with the other facilities amongst the world and empire. The compound is the technical castle for the King, Queen, and loyal subjects. The giant building made of garnexium, an alloy discovered after many years of research, is one of the stronger metals known to man kind. Even though it is metal the compound appears like something pulled from a medieval movie with its brick walls and mysterious appeal. Hidden amongst the brick look-alikes are fixed gun emplacements that are very discreetly hidden along with the kingdoms other many secrets. It looms greatly surrounded by a bit of land that has been geographically formed to have lakes and forests so that those that live in the kingdom who love the outdoors can still have fun in this more solitary area of the buildings.

I AM The Evil King, Brando!In the arena the listing of the first rounds of the tournament are listed, those that are matched up should get in contact with eachother and figure out a time or talk to me and lets get a date for the fight to be held.

<img:>Hmhmhm HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!<img:>


Your Superiors:

[Delaquarte] King


Message [Delaquarte]to join the page


Allies of Brandopia:



Other Areas
Brandopia R & D Center
streets of Brandopia
Brandopian Tranining grounds
The War-room
Brandopian Arena




The names of the members of this nation can be found at
The Brandopian Payroll


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2006-03-17 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ Are you happy now?

2006-03-17 [Sailor Uranus XD]: yep^_^

2006-03-17 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and looks at you in the eyes for a breif moment and looks back at the ground and continues thinking ~

2006-03-17 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *sits munching on the food* yumyum yum i am happy eating ^_^ :P

2006-03-17 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and makes a lot of food appear in front of you along with 1 black rose, and 1 red rose ~ Eat up!

2006-03-17 [Sailor Uranus XD]: aagggghhhh*eats all of the food and the roses* whoops was i supposed to eat that?

2006-03-18 [Delaquarte]: *looks to fae and takes his tea, shaking his head" all seems to be well now but thank you though" he sips it and looks to shadow" who is ignoring you?

2006-03-19 [Shadowsoul]: who do you think *says sadly*

2006-03-20 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Meh! P whoops!

2006-03-21 [Delaquarte]: i really cant say, my memory fails me

2006-03-21 [Shadowsoul]: jarred

2006-03-21 [Delaquarte]: well, do you know why or is he just...ignoring you

2006-03-21 [Shadowsoul]: tommy is hurt....

2006-03-23 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs lightly ~

2006-03-23 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *makes a new Red rose and Black rose reappear* well well i think that this makes up for it but thankyou for te roses!

2006-03-24 [Delaquarte]: did you hurt tommy?

2006-03-24 [IceFae]: **comes in with a tray of tea for everyone**

2006-03-24 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Arigatou *flys in and grabs a tea with the two roses in her mouth

2006-03-24 [IceFae]: **bows head slightly** thats what Im here for....would anyone like anything else with thier tea?

2006-03-24 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *jumps about having drank the tea* caramel biscuits please ^_^

2006-03-24 [IceFae]: alright...**sets the tray down and goes back in the kitchen**

2006-03-24 [Sailor Uranus XD]: soo kawaiii!!!!! her attitude is soo kawaiii!!

2006-03-24 [IceFae]: **comes back with a plate of caramel biscuits** here you are....

2006-03-24 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Arigatou!^_^ oo your soo kawaii!!!!

2006-03-24 [IceFae]: **smiles**

2006-03-26 [Delaquarte]: *laughs and walks over picking up a glass of tea* looks like you got a new fan* sips the tea slowly*

2006-03-26 [IceFae]: **smiles** seems so M'Lord.....

2006-03-26 [Delaquarte]: *sips the tea* mmm, you did a good job on the tea fae, much better then when i used to make it..whats your secret?

2006-03-26 [Sailor Uranus XD]: i thinkm you sooo kawaii can i keep you

2006-03-26 [IceFae]: thats n

2006-03-26 [IceFae]: thats my secret M'lord....**smiles and turns to Misa** sorry

2006-03-26 [Sailor Uranus XD]: awwww..... that sucks!! well can i be your friend *pokes [IceFae] in the side

2006-03-26 [Sailor Uranus XD]: awwww..... that sucks!! well can i be your friend *pokes [IceFae] in the side*

2006-03-26 [Shadowsoul]: no i didn't

2006-03-26 [IceFae]: **grabs her wrist** dont poke me......please...I hurt....thank you **smiles, lets go of her wrist and walks back around the corner out of the Throne Room**

2006-03-27 [Yumi Hikari]: *sighs and plops down in a chair* oyvey...long time no see everyone...

2006-03-27 [IceFae]: **she walks back in and sees Yumi** hello....would you care for anything?

2006-03-27 [Yumi Hikari]: *smiles and shakes her head* No thank you, I'm quite fine

2006-03-27 [IceFae]: **curtseys** as you wish....

2006-03-28 [Sailor Uranus XD]: RARGH!!

2006-03-28 [IceFae]: **turns to Misa** can I get you anything....

2006-03-28 [Sailor Uranus XD]: nope ! i got bored any who... will you be my friend?

2006-03-29 [IceFae]: **smiles** I am everyone's friend....

2006-03-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: YAY!!!^_^ *runs around smiling*

2006-03-29 [Shadowsoul]: *sighs sadly*

2006-03-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *sits down on the floor* hmm... whats wrong shadow?

2006-03-29 [Shadowsoul]: ahh forget about it *says sadly and appears on the roof of the tallest tower*

2006-03-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *flys up to te roof and sits on it* whats wrong i can try to help!

2006-03-29 [Shadowsoul]: no just go away *says and threatens to jump*

2006-03-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: do you know what? the funny thing is i can probably save you! from anything you try to harm yourself wit wheteher its jumping or even even stabbing yourself! i can save you and i hope you know i am always there as a soulder to cry on as i am a friend to everyone, even those who hate me

2006-03-29 [Shadowsoul]: No!! i want [Nuada], not you! *says and edges closer to the roof's edge*

2006-03-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: well.. i was only trying to help! *flys into the ground headfirst and tunnels through the ground building a tunnel/house*

2006-03-29 [Shadowsoul]: *sits on the edge of the roof and cries*

2006-03-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *sings a song* soon the time will pass you by, teres no reasons to cry, when eart break and death rips you apart. make a new place, a newplace to start. dont cry, dont worry and im sorry...

2006-03-29 [Shadowsoul]: *her wings go dark grey and look wet and sorry. She is crying softly*

2006-03-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *the song echoes through the tunnels and sound like a loud speaker* you no im here no need for fear, im here now and theres no need to worry! because friends are there forever, no matter what they say, you know im here for you, every single day. ive got a headache full of all your pain so let me tell you im the same, person you knoew thos years ago, youll never be left aloooone *a smoke face appears in Pink and purple Smiling and spreading across the sky*

2006-03-30 [IceFae]: **pays no attention to what is happening....although she would like to help, her position inclines her to keep out of it**

2006-03-30 [Shadowsoul]: *blocks her ears*

2006-03-30 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *goes to sleep and her screams echoed troug the tunnels and se wakes up on a cold sweat*

2006-03-30 [Shadowsoul]: *waits in vain for [Nuada]*

2006-03-31 [IceFae]: **she goes to brando** more tea M'Lord?

2006-03-31 [Delaquarte]: *nods and sighs slightly* yes please...that would be very nice. also would you mind checking on my shirts and making sure they are pressed properly?" he handed her the empty cup smiling*

2006-03-31 [IceFae]: of course....**smiles back, pouring the tea** look a little tired My anything the matter?

2006-03-31 [Delaquarte]: *rubs his face alittle* a mix between personal life and a few problems in the kingdom, i probaly do need a bit more sleep too

2006-03-31 [IceFae]: maybe all you need is someone to talk to and give a little advice...and yes, sleep a little bit more **smiles** would you like anything to eat?

2006-03-31 [Delaquarte]: in all honesty, with my past experiances of talking, it neve helps but i might give it another try*sips his tea and thinks for a few* something to eat would be nice, but dont really have a idea of what...any suggestions?

2006-03-31 [IceFae]: **thinks** not that I can think off the top of my head....but anyways, it never hurts to try again....**smiles warmly and picks up the tea tray from the table**

2006-03-31 [Delaquarte]: *he sips it slowly and stirs it slightly nodding,* "we shall see, if things dont get anybetter i might come pouring out to you...and thank you for the tea"

2006-03-31 [IceFae]: Im always here to listen M'lord...and your welcome....and no, I wont tell you my secret either **smiles**

2006-03-31 [Delaquarte]: but what if i tell you mine, the it is only fair that i get to listen to yours, right?

2006-03-31 [IceFae]: I suppose you can see it that way if you wish.....**giggles a bit, smiling**

2006-03-31 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *explosions fire up out of the tunnels* waaahaaaaaa!!!!!!! *shoots out of the tunnels* mmmm... love potion!! wahaaaaa!!!!

2006-04-01 [IceFae]: **holds head** great...another thing I have to do....**gets a little annoyed**

2006-04-02 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Nope! i can clean it ^_^ plus... its gone now! and underground dont worry!

2006-04-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks around silently ~

2006-04-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: Hello all...hello spanky...

2006-04-02 [Sailor Uranus XD]: i am no longer spanky or misa or demon flamechild i am naruto kun!

2006-04-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles a little ~ Ok Naruto-Kun

2006-04-02 [Sailor Uranus XD]: arigatou ^_^

2006-04-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ becomes so confused he falls backwards and passes out ~ @_@

2006-04-02 [IceFae]: **sighs and walks away**

2006-04-02 [Shadowsoul]: *sits on the roof, still yet waiting in vain*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she goes and makes some more tea....**

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: *holds his stomach as it grumbles a bit, geting off the throne and walking down the few steps* something to eat would be good about now

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she walks out** is everything alright M'Lord...

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: *nods* just a little hungry is about it, been a little to busy to get something to eat

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: would you like me to get you anything....

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: would you prepare some pasta and tomato sauce? no meat or little hunks of stuff floating around in it.

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: any one want to buy some love potion?

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: as you wish...**bows a bit and looks at Naruto-kun**...and can I get you anything?

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: *looks at naruto for a few at the offer, and starts walking back to his throne.*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she shrugs and walks back into the kitchen preparing Brando's meal**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: hmm... any potions you want to buy just tell me to make it!! it wll be here soon in about 15 minutes in the cellars!

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she remembers and walks out of the kitchen** YOU-- You were the one that was down there?! **she holds head** I just cleaned the cellar last week.....ahhhh! **goes back in the kitchen**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: ok... well i needed to use a few items... can i live there for a wile

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: *laughs alittle and gets situated in his throne* when did you get into the potion buisness

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: *sits quietly, waiting in vain*

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: um... since i found my potions book but i can always make a barbie doll appear before your eyes

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: *flicks a hand and suddenly Naruto can't speak*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she walks out with Brando's food making it exactly to his specifications....she smiles as she walks to him holding the silver tray**

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: *looks to the tray then to fae and smiles* thank you, i appologize for being so picky.

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: *flicks her hand again making Naruto's silent pernament unless i take it away*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: its alright....**sets the tray on the table**...would you like anything to drink?

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *makes a barbie doll appear on shadow souls head* *giigles silently *

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she pours herself a cup of tea and sips it, she glances over at Naruto narrowing eyes at him**

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: *banishes naruto's potion books and sets about weaving the different paths of the future*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she goes to the window and looks at Shadowsoul sighing wishing there was something she could do**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: * makes a load of bubbles read saying hey let me talk*

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: no *says mentally and continues weaving future futures*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: could I get you something Shadow? **yells to her**

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: no *tells her mentally* go away will you! *continues weaving*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **curtseys to her** as you wish....**walks away from the window and sits thinking and sipping her tea**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: smiles * makes a rabbit talk for her * you cant stop me forever!*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **rolls eyes and looks back at Naruto** leave her alone! she wants to be left alone, so leave her alone!

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: *makes the rabbit catch on fire and sends it back to Naruto. in the fire on the bunny there are words. the words say. i told you to leave me alone. do so, if you value your life. She scowled and started weaving a cloak for brando*

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *smiled* *and gets a monkey to speak * undo the spell and i will be able to leave you alon plus i was talking about living in a cellar!

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she finishes her tea and sets down the cup** well...time to work...**stands and rips some of her shirt using it as a dusting cloth**

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: *starts to eat and shakes his head* no thank you. im fine for right now, this is really good by the way

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **turns and smiles**...anytime M' know that....

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: grrr. GO AWAY! *yells and throws the monkey off the tower*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: ** she sighs and goes back to dusting....she coughs as she does so**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *breaks the spell on her mouth * i said let me speak! i can break any spell you cast on me

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **bangs head on wall lightly** when will she learn....**says quietly**

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: *growls* go away or i will banish you to the middle realms! *screams*

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: just let me speak you,, you ippocrite! dont urt me when i did nothing to you i only asked if i could live in the cellar!!!! grrrrr *er eyes go red*

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: *Banishes Naruto to the realm of nothingness*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: if you two wanna fight....TAKE IT OUTSIDE! **gets angry...points out the door**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *reappears out of no where* i want to know can i live in the cellar?

2006-04-03 [Shadowsoul]: go live in my goddam cellar!

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she sighs and goes into the kitchen agian**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: thankyou! ^_^ and uh... Gomen nasai! * stops looking angry and looks sorrowfull

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: **she sighs**

2006-04-03 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Gomen [IceFae], Gomen [Silver Lady] gomen [Delaquarte]

2006-04-03 [Delaquarte]: *finishes up eating doing his best to ignore what was going on around him at the moment*

2006-04-03 [IceFae]: its alright Naruto...just dont mess up the cellar anymore than it already is

2006-04-04 [Shadowsoul]: *scowls and falls asleep on the roof*

2006-04-04 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ walks in giggling ~ Ok people! No fighting please! I am sure that this can be resolved without violence!

2006-04-06 [Shadowsoul]: *a blanket appears over her suddnly*

2006-04-07 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ he smiles and looks at shadowsoul ~ hey there!

2006-04-07 [Sailor Uranus XD]: i am hungry!!! i know! im going to make a bacon sandwich!

2006-04-08 [IceFae]: leave it to me....** she curtseys and goes into the kitchen**

2006-04-08 [Sailor Uranus XD]: uh.... thankyou? * runs and bows* ARIGATOU!!!!

2006-05-15 [IceFae]: **comes back with Roto's bacon sandwich** here...**smiles and hands it over and sighs**....Im already done with work? man.....

2006-05-15 [Shadowsoul]: hey ryan

2006-05-15 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Arigatou *bows appreciatevly and munches on sandwich and it goes quickly* so... why isnt barely anyone here?

2006-05-15 [Shadowsoul]: dunno *sighs*

2006-05-16 [IceFae]: they probably are busy

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at shadowsoul ~ How are you doing?

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: yeah good oint... im getting bored anyone wanna have some flaming pie?

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ rasies hand as if he is in school ~ OOOOO!!!! MEMEMEMEMEME! Pick me!

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: ok ^_^ * makes a pie appear and makes it go up in harmless flames handing it to [Keyurg Kirosake]* here ! ^_^

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and gobbles it down ~ Want some bolt tea?

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: oooh yes please ^_^

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles as two glasses of bolt tea appear, the electricity in the tea is completely harmless though it is there for an awesome effect ~

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: *drinks* arigatou ^_^ *hugs [Keyurg Kirosake]

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ Your more than welcome!

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: ok ^_^ *starts juggling fireballs*

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ juggles ice balls that has lightning magic in it ~

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Whooo!! ^_^ so.. what ya been at recently *forgets about the ireballs and gets set on fire* AGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *runs around in circles*

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ throws the ice balls at you as he does so the fire goes out ~ Evidently saving you life...Lol!

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: pfft! ¬¬ im a demi-god i could have put up with that for at least 3426 hours before i started actually burning, even thouh they were verry hot ... but anyway thanyou! ^_^

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles slightly ~ Your welcome... You ok though?

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: yup! just a bit wet now! ha ha ha ! :D

2006-05-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ uses his fire magic to dry you off ~

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: hey! i was fine how i was! * dissapears in clouds and then reappears in a ball of fire* what do you think ? *in a outfit like the dark magician girl*

2006-05-16 [Shadowsoul]: *sighs*

2006-05-16 [Sailor Uranus XD]: df6egdrsrd

2006-05-16 [Shadowsoul]: o.O *wears a white dress with gold bands, with white wings. Looks like an angel*

2006-05-17 [Sailor Uranus XD]: whooo^_^ angelic!^_^ :D

2006-05-19 [Keyurg Kirosake]: angelic, nice!

2006-05-19 [Sailor Uranus XD]: ((( what the F?{? happened to the names? O_O))) ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!! they are kwl... but i always got wings and im not kwl T_T

2006-05-19 [dendrite.]: -snickers- DISAPPEARED!!!

2006-05-19 [Sailor Uranus XD]: wahhhO_O *does loopyde-loopys!!

2006-05-19 [dendrite.]: =P

2006-05-19 [Sailor Uranus XD]: RARGH!!! i envy your koolness!!

2006-05-20 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ searches in the darkness to find [Sailor Uranus XD] ~ Where ist thou?

2006-05-20 [Shadowsoul]: o.O

2006-05-21 [Sailor Uranus XD]: Roto:IM HERE!!! (((i will put "Roto:" infront of my sentences from now on!))) *waves arms manically*

2006-05-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: Sephiroth: ~ runs and grabs a hold of roto ~ thank god! where are the names at?

2006-05-22 [Shadowsoul]: Brando!!! PUT THE NAMES BACK ON!!!! *shadow yells*

2006-05-24 [dendrite.]: Sinx: -yawns-

2006-05-26 [Delaquarte]: i appologize....i really dont remember hiding that

2006-05-26 [Shadowsoul]: grr

2006-05-26 [Delaquarte]: all is well now

2006-05-26 [Shadowsoul]: no it isn't *falls down and cries*

2006-05-26 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ walks over to shaodwsoul and sits down ~ Tell me what is going on Shadow...

2006-05-28 [Sailor Uranus XD]: woah... im happy now!! my name is back on!!! ^_^ *hugs sephiroth*

2006-05-28 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs and hugs back ~

2006-05-29 [Shadowsoul]: *cries*

2006-05-29 [Sailor Uranus XD]: awww whats wrong ??o_o

2008-04-09 [Delaquarte]: wow, its been 2 years....feels longer actualy. more of a ooc coment for now just seeing who all still has this bookmarked, hows everyone doing?

2008-04-09 [IceFae]: I am alright...just really happy someone decided to come back...

2008-04-09 [Delaquarte]: well to be honest i would kinda like to start a rp or something down the line, but i just kinda wana touch base with everyone, its good to hear that your doing allright, it really has been to long since ive been on here

2008-04-10 [IceFae]: If you doing an rp, count me in!!!! ^_^
Yeah, so what have you been up to? =-^_^-=

2008-04-10 [Delaquarte]: not much, just been thigh high in college stuff for the last two years, but im almost ready to graduate blinn and go off to a technical school so im excited about that?

2008-04-10 [IceFae]: Thats great! =-^_^-=
Finishing up my second semester. Finally figured out what I wanted to do too **giggles**

2008-04-10 [Delaquarte]: and what is the career you have chosen to follow?

2008-04-11 [IceFae]: intel technologies

2008-04-12 [Delaquarte]: do belive that is about the same feild im heading off to

2008-04-14 [IceFae]: cooilo!

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