Page name: Brotherhood Armory [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-07-14 06:00:51
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: Asdroth
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Brotherhood Armory

The armory is stocked with an assortment of weapons, and armour that ranges from mundane to power swords and armour. Along with everything enbetween. Six men are here at all times. One of the three armors. With three assistances and two palidins armed with laser rifles, and clad in power armor.

"Houris. I have a new kid that need a standard kit!" Can walked in with a commanding presents.

"Oh fucking really? An I hope you have the papper work in order for this fresh kid in need of weapons and armor, or I ain't giving em shit!" Houris was a plump old man in scribs robes and a cigar in him mouth.

"I do p, and here you go." Can set the papers on his desk and Houris looked the. Over. "Well I'll be damed... She's getting out... And there sending her with you off all people? Man the head plaidin must be lousing his mind." The man got up and handed the papers to one of his assistance. "Go get the gear... Now!" The boy jumped up and ran off into the massive room.

Freya listened to the exchange with curiosity clearly written on her face, but she knew better than to start asking questions. This armorer's foul moods were notorious.

A young inicheat returned with a cart of things. "Here you are. All sizes match what was on file, I just need you to sign for it all, and return it after your done. Return it clean..." His tone changed to an angry one when he said to bring it back clean. "You have one M4 assault rifle, one Rifle men's kit, one plate carrier with steel plates, one assault pack- the rifle men's kit is inside. And one short range IMBTR hand held with hand mic." He laid it all out, and then pulled out seven empty magazens, and two hundred and ten rounds of 5.56mm ball ammo. "You'll have to sign for the magazens and ammo as well. I don't expect all the ammo will get used, but you never know."

Freya listened attentively, looking at each item as he laid it out, then reading the sheet he wanted her to sign to make sure everything on it was right. She nodded when she saw it was all there and signed the document.

Cane bantered with the large bellied armorer, and then noticed Freya reading. "you almost done? I could have signed for this gear and set my kit in the amount of time its taking you to read the damned paper!" he Nudged Houris, and smiled. Cane went on. "Dont think you can read your way out of trouble in the world outside the wall. Im here to teach you to be a palidin. not a scribe. so hurry up!"

"I'm not signing for something that isn't here." she said as she slid the paper toward the initiate and gathered the items. She knew in theory how everything was supposed to be set up so she put it together by the book and put the plate carrier and assult pack on before slinging her rifle.

"OH! ho ho... Got your work cut out for out wolf... she seems like a hand full." Houris laughed then shook his head. "don't let the old wolf ever talk you out of making sure you got everything your signed for. Trust me on that." he then walked back to his desk limping the hole way and took a seat.

Cane shook his head and walked for the door, stopping just short. "get over here so I can inspect your kit kid." cane hated it when the old men called him wolf. It was a name he had in an old life not this one.

Freya nodded respectfully to the armoror and took her head over to Cane, "Freya," She said, not disrespectfully, she hated being called a kid, "My name is Freya."

Cane stared at Freya with a blank face that some how said he didn't ask if she wanted to be called anything but her name. "Alright F.N.G. time to learn to speak grunt. I'm not going to learn your name for a bit, because we could walk out the wall and you might die before I have chance to stop it. You could trip a mine or powder charge, you might get taged by a sniper, you might be beat into a fine past by a supper mutant. I use kid because it is more respectful than Fucking New Girl." with out even looking at her kit he shook his head. "your plates are louse, close all your mag pouches, and for the love of it all why didn't you make that zit faced punk that works for Armor Horas get you a knife..." As he spoke with out asking cane fixed Freya's plates, closed the mag pouch, and pulled a knife out of his cargo pocket, it was a eight inch fixed blade combat knife with a hard sheath with a built in locking mechanism. "put this somewhere comfortable, but easy to get to in a pinch." 

She looked a bit startled for a moment. She should have known, she'd heard that some of the paladins were like that. She took the knife and attached it to the left side of her kit. "Thanks." she said quietly as she pulled the vest on and shouldered the assault pack.

"no problem." Cane nodded to the Armor, and turned. "lets get to the CP. We need to get out missions for the day." with that Cane walked out the door for the Brotherhood command post

Freya followed him quietly

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