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plz visit my caféKrusmynta's Café
2005-01-13 [chilli_icecream]: Hmmm well lets see...the magazine says that extrovert ppl are less sensetive to caffine...in a test 600mg of caffine improvedalertn
2005-01-13 [Nostradamia]: where did you get the statistics on average finns?? O.O
2005-01-14 [chilli_icecream]: :D i got them out of the nationall geographic magazine, they are the worlds biggest coffee consumers :) so it says...
2005-04-26 [chilli_icecream]: This is such a cool wiki someone coomment!
2005-04-26 [Nostradamia]: oo! look! now there's four of us.
2005-04-27 [chilli_icecream]: I knew there were more addicts out there!
2005-04-27 [Nostradamia]: yeah! me too. i think the wiki's wiki page is awesome, cos from there people find eachothers wikis. i've put all my wikis up there :D
2005-04-29 [chilli_icecream]: Yeah I agree and also you dont have to put it up if you dont want either.
2005-06-28 [Nostradamia]: kinda ironic as it was me who started this wiki...
2005-06-28 [duende_negro]: nooooooooooo why?? T_T Well ehmm I drink less toooo thoughhh ... -_o
2005-06-28 [chilli_icecream]: I only really ever drink tea........but I still am feeling dizzy when I stand up %_%
2005-06-28 [chilli_icecream]: Did you give it up for your love?
2005-06-29 [duende_negro]: who me? ehmmmmmmmm... no -_- I don't have love just love for candy.
2005-06-29 [Nostradamia]: no. not for my love though i would have done it for him :D ive just little by little quit drinking it-. and now i get really hyper everytime i have a cup. however i still sometimes have the urge for some caffeine. like yesterday.--- my fiends almost killed me. :/
2005-06-29 [duende_negro]: I haven't had a cup since.. ehm last sunday -_-
2005-06-29 [chilli_icecream]: I think it better when you just have it once in a while because then it actually does something and you dont CRAVE it....though ive never really craved coffee.
2006-08-07 [Nostradamia]: my latest super coffee experience: at heathrow, london. i had about an hour for walking around all the posh shops and i had had very little sleep the previous night. so i decided to stop by a café. i ordered a nice steaming macchiato, no sugar, and sat down at one of the tables from where i had a good view of the passers-by. it was perfect in the company of my marilyn monroe biography.
2006-08-12 [chilli_icecream]: WOW GROOVYNESS! I had some coffee out a machine which was unusually nice...but later on I was giggling randomly at everything :D twas great. I was welding pipe with a big grin on my face :D. Oh and I had coffee with vanilla hmm yum.
2006-08-12 [Vrouwe mooiweertje]: I am exhausted, that cup of coffee in the morning (little milk, to sugar cubes) is just a lifesave!
2006-08-12 [chilli_icecream]: Oh man yeah I only drink it on a friday and ill just sit there in the morning buzzing completely still but it does focus me so im not going around in a daze like normall. Im more of a tea conisseaur though that coffee round teabags with bergamot RULE!
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