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Celtic Lore

- apart of the Guild of Pagans's Guild Book of Shadows.

Celtic Tree Astrology
The Celitc Zodiac is based on the cycle of the moon with the year divided into 13 lunar months, each associated with a tree sacred to the Druids. The Druids believed the human race originally desended from the trees. Each tree had particular magical qualities. They encoded these mysteries in a secret shamanic alphabet, known as the Ogham, the origin of which is ascribed to Ogma, the Celtic God of Poetry. The 13 tree - months each correspond to a tree, a letter of the Ogham alphabet, a Guardian Animal and a Celtic God.
The Birch Tree.. 24 December - 20 January
To the druids, the Birch represented renewel and rebirth as it was the first tree in leaf after winter.Birch people are determined, resilient and ambitious. Good organisers,
leaders and strategists, they are not deterred by setbacks, believing hard work, patience and persistance will triumph. They are loyal but reserved in showing affection
The Ruling Diety - The Celtic Warrior God Lugh, inventor of all arts and crafts, rules this sign.
The Druic Animal - The white stag symbolises high ideals and aspirations - Birch people need a goal in life or they become depressed and pessimistic.
Planetary Ruler - Sun
Ogham Word - Beithe
The Rowan Tree.. 21 January - 17 February
Rowans were planted near doors and gates to ward off evil and were thought to guard the gateway to the spirit world. Rowan people are idealistic, progressive thinkers with strong humanitarian and spiritual principles. They thrive on change, becoming impatient with convention or
restriction, artistic and original, they can appear
detached and aloof.
The Ruling Deity - Brigid, the Goddess of fertility and poetry, rules this sign.
The Druic Animal - The Dragon symbolises inspiration and imagination - Rowans need an outlet for their powerful imagination or they can become restless and quarrelsome. Planetary Ruler - Uranus
Ogham Word - Luis
The Ash Tree.. 18 February - 17 March
The Ash was a sacred chieftain tree, said to "court the flash" as it was prone to lightning strike. Its wood was thought to be enchanted and was used for Druidic wands and spears. Ash people are quick witted, spontaneous and
gregarious. They have a lively curiosity and are
intellgent, persuasive speakers, enthusiastic, inquisitve and communicative. They love discussing new ideas and projects.
The Ruling Deity - The Magician, storyteller and trickster. Gwydion rules the sign.
The Druic Animal - The Adder symbolises wisdom and
spiritual energy - Ash people need to focus their mental abilities or they can become nervous and irritable.
Planetary Ruler - Neptune
Ogham Word - Nion
The Alder Tree.. 18 March - 14 April
Alder resist rot in water and was used to make bridges, boats, clogs and milk jugs. It was a crime to fell an alder, as the angry tree spirit would burn down houses. Alder people are courageous, energetic, impetuous and determinded to make their own way in the world.
Self-reliant and adventurous, they love taking risks and are tenacious workers. Affectionate and charming, they inspire great loyalty in others.
The Ruling Deity - The God of the spirit world, Bran the Blesses, rules this sign.
The Druic Animal - The Fox symbolises skill in diplomacy- Alders must learn the art of diplomacy or they waste energy in fruitless disputes.
Planetary Ruler - Mars
Ogham Word - Fern
The Wilow Tree.. 15 April - 12 May
The Willow was sacred to the Moon and in Celtic myth the universe was hatched from two eggs hidden among the boughs of the Willow. Willow people have good memories and are articulate, strong willed and resourceful, emotional and enigmatic. They have quick responses and are prone to sudden mood changes.
The Ruling Deity - The Celtic Moon Goddess Ceridwen rules this sign.
The Druic Animal - The Hare symbolises adaptation and intuition. Willows must trust their inner voice ot they can become moody and chronically indecisive.
Planetary Ruler - Moon
Ogham Word - Sail
The Hawthorn Tree.. 13 May - 9 June
Hawthorn, or May, was a symbol of psychic protection due to its sharp thorns. Faery spirits were thought to live in Hawthorn hedges, which were planted as protective shields around fields, houses and churchyards. Hawthorn people are mercurial, innovative, creative and confident. Easily bored, they crave mental stimulation and challenge. They are eloquent and gifted performers, exuding natural charm. The Ruling Deity - The summer flower maiden Olwen rules this sign.
The Druic Animal - The Owl symbolises wisdom and patience - Hawthorns must develop patience or hasty action can
sabotage their best efforts.
Planetary Ruler - Vulcan
Ogham Word - Uath
The Oak Tree.. 10 June - 7 July
The Oak was the sacred tree of the Druids, symbolising truth and steadfast knowledge. Doors made of Oak were
thought to keep out evil. Oak people are determined,
self-motivated, enthusiastic and responsible. Natural
leaders, they remain calm in a crisis and are not easily swayed by opposition. Although serious minded, they are cheerful and optimistic and do not give up easily.
The Ruling Deity - The Father of all Gods, The Dagda rules this sign.
The Druic Animal - The Wren, the Celtic king of the birds, symbolises wit and sublety - Oaks must temper pride with humor or they become pompus and overbearing.
Planetary Ruler - Jupiter
Ogham Word - Duir
The Holly Tree.. 8 July - 4 August
When Celtic Chieftains chose a successor, he was crowned with a Holly wreath. The ever-green Holly was thought to repel enemies, and warriors carried Holy wood cudgels.
Holly people are practical, capable and steadfast in
adversity, cautious, logical and efficient. They have good business sense but prefer to assist rather than lead. In relationships they are suportive, protective and
The Ruling Deity - The Smith God Govannon rules this sign The Druic Animal - The Unicorn symbolises purity and strength - Holies must be less perfectionistic or they may suffer loss of confidence and direction.
Planetary Ruler - Earth
Ogham Word - Tinne<BR. crime
punishable by death to fell one. It was thought magical skills and knowledge could be gained from eating Hazel nuts. Hazel people are artistic. They have lively,
analytical minds and make inspiring teachers. Imaginative, they are radical and idealistic thinkers.
The Ruling Deity - The Sea God Manannan Mac Lir, a master of disguise, rules this sign
The Druic Animal - To the Celts, the Salmon is the oldest and wisest animal, symbolising inspiration - Hazels need to express their creativity or they can become morbid and introspective
Planetary Ruler - Mercury
Ogham Word - Coll
The Vine Tree.. 2 September - 29 September
The Grapevine requires care to bear fruit in the cool Celtic climate and became a symbol of sacred knowledge and spiritual initiation. Vine people are discriminating, authoritative and set high personal standards. They appear cool and detached but are secret romantics and can be sensitive, vulnerable and self critical. Keenly perceptive, they have an eye for detail and refined aesthetic taste. The Ruling Deity - The Tuatha De Danaan Gods of Light rule this sign
The Druic Animal - The Swan symbolises grace and beauty - Vines must overcome a tendency to procrastinate or they can become lost in worry and negativity
Planetary Ruler - Venus
Ogham Word - Muin
The Ive Tree.. 30 September - 27 October
The power of the Ivy to cling and bind made it a potent symbol of determination and strength. Ivy can strange trees and was a portent of death and spiritual growth. Ivy people are restless, socialble and good natured. Cheerful,
expnasive and magnetic, they win friends easily and dislike offending others. Although often indecisive, they are not weak willed and tackle difficult tasks with infectious optimism.
The Ruling Deity - The faery bride Guinevere rules this sigh
The Druic Animal - The Butterfly symbolises faery faith - Ivy people must not get too caught up in others problems or they can suffer disappointment and betrayal
Planetary Ruler - Persephone
Ogham Word - Gort
The Reed Tree.. 28 October - 24 November
The Druids believed the Reed was a tree because of its dense root system. Cut Reeds were used as pens and
symbolised wisdon and scholarship. Reed people are complex, tenacious and fearless. Proud and independent, they have great strength of character and rarely compromise. They thirve on challenge and have an innate belief in their own destiny
The Ruling Deity - The Celtic God the Underworld, Pwyll rules this sign
The Druic Animal - Hound or Dog was a title of honour for Celtic Chieftains as the Dog symbolised enduring loyalty - Reeds must unite a sense of purpose with their strong will or they can become self destructive
Planetary Ruler - Pluto
Ogham Word - Ngetal
The Elder Tree.. 25 November - 23 December
The Elder tree was sacred to the faeries and branches were hung above stables to protect horses from evil spirits. It was unlucky to burn Elder and an omen of death to bring it indoors. Elder people are self sufficient, lively,
impetuous and outspoken. They dislike routine and refuse to be pressured by others. Restless and highly energetic, they thrive on change and need constant mental and physical challenge
The Ruling Deity - The crown Goddess and celtic tribal
mother Cailleach Beara rules this sign
The Druic Animal - The Raven symbolises healing and
protection - Elders must learn to use change as a positive force in their lives or they can become reckless and
Planetary Ruler - Saturn
Ogham Word - Ruis


The Celts envisioned the entire Universe in the form of a tree whose roots grew deep into the ground and branches reached high into the Heavens. Trees were considered to be living beings that possessed Infinite Knowledge and Wisdom; symbolically representative of the Cycle of Life, Death and Renewal. The Celtic Peoples eventually designated a tree to each Moon in their calendar in accordance with its Magickal properties. Scroll down to find your Tree Sign.
Dec 23 - Jan 1 Apple
Jan 1 - Jan 11 Fir
Jan 12 - Jan 24 Elm
Jan 25 - Feb 3 Cypress

Feb 4 - Feb 8 Poplar
Feb 9 - Feb 18 Cedar
Feb 19 - Feb 28 Pine

Mar 1 - Mar 10 Willow
Mar 11 - Mar 20  Lime
Mar 21 - Oak
Mar 22 to Mar 31 Hazelnut

Apr 1 to Apr 10 Rowan
Apr 11 - Apr 20 Maple
Apr 21 - Apr 30 Walnut

May 1 - May 14 Poplar
May 15 - May 24 Chestnut
May 25 - Jun 3 Ash

Jun 4 - Jun 13  Hornbeam
Jun 14 - Jun 23 Fig
Jun 24 - Birch
Jun 25 - Jul 4 Apple

APPLE TREE (the Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination. TOP

ASH TREE (the Ambition) - vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously. TOP

BEECH TREE (the Creative) - has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.) TOP

BIRCH TREE (the inspiration) - vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere. TOP

CEDAR TREE (the Confidence) - of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others, self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions. TOP

CHESTNUT TREE (the Honesty) - of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood, loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner. TOP

CYPRESS TREE (the Faithfulness) - strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, content, optimistic, craves money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic, and careless. TOP

ELM TREE (the Noble-mindedness) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical. TOP

FIG TREE (the Sensibility) - very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence. TOP

FIR TREE (the Mysterious) - extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those talented, industrious, uncontented lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable. TOP

HAZELNUT TREE (the Extraordinary) - charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment. TOP
HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgment in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious. TOP

LIME TREE (the Doubt) - accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress, and labor, dislikes laziness and idleness, soft and relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very jealous but loyal. TOP

MAPLE TREE (Independence of Mind) - no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress. TOP

OAK TREE (the Brave) - robust nature, courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not like change, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action. TOP

OLIVE TREE (the Wisdom) - loves sun, warmth and kind feelings, reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful, calm, well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathetic, free of jealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.TOP

PINE TREE (the Particular) - loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable, very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, everything disappointments until it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical. TOP

POPLAR TREE (the Uncertainty) - looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously. TOP

ROWAN TREE (the Sensitivity) - full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive. TOP

WALNUT TREE (the Passion) - unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise. TOP

WEEPING WILLOW (the Melancholy) - beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with. demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes.

Celtic Triads

Three teachers of human kind: one is event, that is from seeing and hearing; the second is intelligence, and that comes from reflection and meditation; and the third is genius, individual, a gift from the Mighty Ones.

Three words of counsel: know thy power, know thy wisdom, know thy time.

Three things between which there is great difference: what is praised and what is forgiven, what is forgiven and what is suffered, and what is suffered and what is not punished.

Three purposes for the return of souls to this world: to collect into the soul the properties of all being, to acquire knowledge of all things, to acquire the power to overcome chaos.

Three things never end: the flowering of charity, the soul, and perfect love.
Three things good as servants, bad as masters: water, fire, and wind.

There are three things without which one is not whole: a mate, a home, and a craft.
Three things which will not benefit heirs: a miser's wealth, the praise of tavern companions, and feats of sport.

Three things which prolong the lifetime of a person: the soil which rears a child, the food which nourishes a child, and play which diverts a child.

Three things one should keep always before them: their worldly duty, their conscience, and the Laws of Nature.

Three instructions not wise to believe: what a person imparts in support of what is for their own profit and success; what one imparts with hatred to another; and what a person wise in their own eyes imparts.

Three things essential for the wise to know: their gods, themselves, and the deceits of the world.

Three things of which everyone is capable, and without which nothing can be: strength of body and mind, knowledge, and love of intuitive wisdom.

Three things which may not be opposed: nature, necessity, and decay.

Three unbreathing things paid for only with breathing things: an apple tree, a hazel bush, a sacred grove.

Three manifestations of humanity: affectionate bounty; loving manner; and praiseworthy knowledge.

Three things which spring from following lawful goodness: universal love from the Wise, worldly sufficiency, and better place in the life to come.

Three marvelous deeds: to forgive a wrong done, to amend everything possible, and to refrain from injustice.

Three rewards of those who learn to temper their emotions: experience, strength, and introspection.

Three candles that illume every darkness: truth, nature, and knowledge.

Three leaderships of the happy that are only found united in those with a noble heart: being good in service, good in disposition, and good in secrecy.

There are three people accursed: they who work against the Laws of Nature without concern, they who know nothing of the Mighty Ones and do not seek to learn, and they who know much and do not share their knowledge with any other.

Three things needful to one who has done wrong: to acknowledge their wrong, to seek to be upright, and to make restitution.
Three for whom when they are alive only hatred is seen, and praise when they are dead: the peaceful wise person, the truthful teacher, and the sincere friend who rebukes.

Three kinds of contenders on the death of a powerful rich person: their detractors for their reputation, kinsmen for their goods, and worms for their carcass.

There are three uncomfortable things: a house without a mate, a chamber without food, and a body without health.

Three indignities of a woman: being garrulous, being querulous, and being slanderous.

Three indignities of a man: being quick to suspicion, being quick to anger, being slow to labor.

Three things it is best to leave alone: a strange dog, a sudden flood, and one wise in their own eyes.

Three parts to everything: He One, She One, They One in the Third.

Three things hard for a person to do completely: know themselves, conquer their appetite, and keep their secret.

Three martyrdoms without slaying: the liberality of a needy person, the innocence of a young person, and fair maintenance without wealth.

To the Celts and many other peoples of the old world, certain trees held special significance as a fuel for heat, cooking, building materials and weaponry. In addition to this however, many woods also provided a powerful spiritual presence. The specific trees varied between different cultures and geographic locations, but those believed to be "sacred" shared certain traits. Unusual size, beauty, the wide range of materials they provided, unique physical characteristics, or simply the power of the tree's spirit could grant it a central place in the folklore and mythology of a culture. Even our modern culture finds that certain trees capture our imagination. The mighty oak, the mystical yew and so many others are reminders of the power that trees have on our lives.

Trees are living things, filled with the essence and energy and of the Elementals and Mother Earth with an aura of power which is visible to those who are in total balance and harmony. The lore which surrounds a particular tree or wood often reflects the power the old ones sensed and drew from their presence.

This tree was sacred to the Druids. The pith is easily pushed out of green shoots to make whistles. Several shoots bound together by cordage, can be trimmed to the desired length for producing the note you want and used to entice Air elementals. The old superstition of "whistling up the wind" began with this custom.

APPLE (Domestic)
Another sacred tree to the Druids. It is said that you may cut an apple into three pieces, then rub the cut side on warts, saying: "Out warts, into apple." Then bury the pieces and as the apple decays, the warts will disappear. Use apple cider in any old spells calling for blood or wine. Apple indicates choice, and is useful for love and healing magic.

A Druid sacred tree. Druid wands were often made of ash because of its straight grain. Ash wands are good for healing, general and solar magic. Put fresh ash leaves under your pillow to stimulate psychic dreams.

Known as Lady of the Woods, Paper Birch and White Birch. Carefully gather strips of the bark at the New Moon. With red ink, write on a birch strip: "Bring me true love." Burn this along with a love incense, saying "Goddess of love, God of desire, Bring to me sweet passion's fire." The specific name of a god/goddess may be added. Or cast the bark into a stream or other flowing water, saying: "Message of love, I set you free, to capture a love and return to me." ***Remember*** It is unwise to use this incantation and ritual directed toward a specific person as that would violate the rule. If a love is to come to you, it must be of that persons free will to do so.

Blackthorn is a winter tree. Its white flowers are seen even before the leaves in the spring. It is black barked with vicious thorns and grows in dense thickets. The wood is used in the cudgel shillelagh and Blasting Stick. Its thorns are used to pierce waxen images. Blackthorn indicates strong action of fate or outside influences that must be obeyed.

Also known as Scotch Broom or Irish Broom. It can be substituted for furze (gorse) at the Spring Equinox. The Irish called it the "Physician's power" because of its diuretic shoots. Sweep your outside ritual areas with it to purify and protect. Burning the blooms and shoots calms the wind. Be cautious if you plant Broom however, it will quickly multiply....

Also known as the Tree of Life, Arbor Vitae, Yellow Cedar. Ancient Celts on the mainland used cedar oil to preserve the heads of enemies taken in battle. To draw Earth energy and ground yourself, place the palms of your hands against the ends of the leaves.

Also known as Ellhorn, Elderberry, Lady Elder. Sacred to the White Lady and Midsummer Solstice. The Druids used it to both bless and curse. Standing under an elder tree at Midsummer, like standing in a Fairy Ring of mushrooms, will help you see the "little people." Elder wands can be used to drive out evil spirits or thought forms. Music on panpipes or flutes of elder have the same power as the wand. Remember the words of the Rede. Elder is the Lady's Tree, burn it not or cursed ye be!

A slightly fibrous, tan-coloured wood with a slight sheen. Elm is often associated with Mother and Earth Goddesses, and was said to be the abode of faeries, explaining Kipling's injunction; "Ailim be the lady's tree; burn it not or cursed ye'll be". Elm wood is valued for it's resistance to splitting, and the inner bark was used for cordage and chair caning. Elm adds stability and grounding to a spell.

Fir is a very tall slender tree that grows in mountainous regions on the upper slopes. Fir cones respond to rain by closing and the sun by opening. Fir can see over great distance to the far horizon beyond and below. Fir indicates high views and long sights with clear vision of what is beyond and yet to come.

Also known as the Birth Tree. The needles are burned at childbirth to bless and protect the mother and baby.

Also known as Gorse, Whin. Its golden flowers are associated with the Spring Equinox. Wood and blooms are burned for protection and preparation for conflict of any sort.

Also known as May Tree and White Thorn. Wands made of this wood are of great power. The blossoms are highly erotic to men. Hawthorn can be used for protection, love and marriage spells.

Wands made of this wood symbolize white magick and healing. Forked sticks are used to find water or buried treasure. If outside and in need of maigckal protection quickly draw a circle around yourself with a hazel branch. To enlist the aid of plant fairies, string hazelnuts on a cord and hang up in your house or ritual room. Magically, hazel wood is used to gain knowledge, wisdom and poetic inspiration.

A beautiful white wood with an almost invisible grain; looks very much like ivory. Holly is associated with the death and rebirth symbolism of winter in both Pagan and Christian lore and is important to the Winter Solstice. In Arthurian legend, Gawain (representing the Oak King of summer) fought the Green Knight, who was armed with a holly club to represent winter. It is one of the three timbers used in the construction of chariot wheel shafts. It was used in spear shafts also. The qualities of a spear shaft are balance and directness, as the spear must be hefted to be thrown the holly indicates directed balance and vigour to fight if the cause is just. Holly may be used in spells having to do with sleep or rest, and to ease the passage of death. A bag of leaves and berries carried by a man is said to increase his ability to attract women.

Its berries were used with thyme in Druid and Grove incenses for visions. Juniper grown by the door discourages thieves. The mature berries can be strung and hung in the house to attract love.

Also known as Birdlime, All Heal and Golden Bough. It was the most sacred tree of the Druids, and ruled the Winter Solstice. The berries are poisonous! Bunches of mistletoe can be hung as an all-purpose protective herb. The berries are used in love incenses.

Oak has been considered sacred by just about every culture that has encountered the tree, but it was held in particular esteem by the Celts because of its size, longevity, and nutritious acorns. The oak was the "King of Trees" in a grove. Magick wands were made of its wood. Oak galls, known as Serpent Eggs, were used in magickal charms. Acorns gathered at night held the greatest fertility powers. The Druids and Priestesses listened to the rustling oak leaves and the wrens in the trees for divinatory messages. Burning oak leaves purifies the atmosphere. It can be used in spells for protection, strength, success and stability; the different varieties will lend their own special 'flavour' to the magic.

The Pine tree is an evergreen, its old title was "the sweetest of woods." It was known to the Druids as one of the seven chieftain trees of the Irish. Mix the dried needles with equal parts of juniper and cedar and burn to purify the home and ritual area. The cones and nuts can be carried as a fertility charm. A good magickal cleansing and stimulating bath is made by placing pine needles in a loose-woven bag and running bath water over it. To purify and sanctify an outdoor ritual area, brush the ground with a pine branch.

Also known as Mountain Ash, Witchwood and Sorb Apple has long known as an aid and protection against enchantment. Sticks of the Rowan were used to carve Runes on. Rowan spays and crosses were placed over cattle in pens and over homes for protection. Its lovely red berries feed the birds in winter. The berries have a tiny pentagram on them and are especially poisonous. The pentagram is the ancient symbol of protection. The Rowan tree indicates protection and control of the senses from enchantment and beguiling. The Rowan was sacred to the Druids and the Goddess Brigit. It is a very magical tree used for wands, rods, amulets and spells. A forked Rowan branch can help find water. Wands are for knowledge, locating metal and general divination.

Also known as White Willow, Tree of Enchantment and Witches' Asprin. Once of the seven sacred trees of the Irish, a Druid sacred Tree. The willow is a Moon tree sacred to the White Lady, Its groves were considered so magickal that priests, priestesses and all types of artisans sat among these trees to gain eloquence, inspiration, skills and prophecies. For a wish to be granted, ask permission of the willow, explaining your desire. Select a pliable shoot and tie a loose knot in it while expressing what you want. When the wish is fulfilled. return and untie the knot. Remember to thank the willow and leave a gift.

Also known as English Yew and European Yew. Another important tree to the Winter Solstice and the deities of death and rebirth. It is a beautifully smooth, gold-coloured wood with a wavy grain. The Irish used it to make dagger handles, bows and wine barrels. The wood or leaves were laid on graves as a reminder to the departed spirit that death was only a pause in life before rebirth. All parts of the tree are poisonous except the fleshy covering of the berry, and its medicinal uses include a recently discovered treatment for cancer. The yew may be the oldest-lived tree in the world. Ancient yews can be found in churchyards all over Britain, where they often pre-date even the oldest churches. There are some convincing arguments for it being the original 'World-tree' of Scandinavian mythology. The Yew may be used to enhance magical and psychic abilities, and to induce visions.

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