Page name: Chance Prophet's Match Results [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-19 06:33:49
Last author: The Rejekt
Owner: The Rejekt
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Career History
May 20, 2000: WPW Debut, James Stephens and Chance Prophet lose via outside interference to "Sexy Boy" Bobby Storm and Mike Sledge.
September 9th 2000: HCW "Anarchy 2000", Prophet defeats James Stephens to become the 1st HCW World Champion.
November 3rd. 2000: HCW "Hostile Takeover", Prophet successfully defends HCW World Championship against Mad Dawg. Mad Dawg splits Prophet open with 2nd rope bulldog onto a chair.
December 8th, 2000: HCW "Urban Chaos", Prophet, Mad Dawg, and Sensational Shaun Edwards in a double-title, two-falls, ladder match. Mad Dawg hit the Dawg Pound Drop on Edwards to win the Appalachian Title. Edwards won the World Championship after powerbombing Prophet off the ladder and climbing up to take the title.
February 27th, 2001: APW debut, Joey Nelson (Prophet) and Marty Gras are defeated by the Urban Death Squad (Spyder Crowley and Johnny Blast) in an APW World Tag Team Title Match.
March 13th, 2001: APW Singles Debut (For the APW Cruiserweight Title), Shawn Adams defeats Joey Nelson (Prophet) with a roll-up after feigning an injury.
March 30th, 2001: DCW Tag Match with Big Bad Gordy vs. Iceberg Slim and DC Hurley. Lost via Iceberg Crusher on Prophet.
April 6th, 2001: APW Tag Match with Rip Manson vs. Adorable Danny Ray and Scott McComas. Lost via WV Wrecking Crew's Demolition Derby on Manson.
April 17th, 2001: APW Lethal Lottery Tag Match with Rip Manson vs. Joey Morton and Chris Hamrick. Lost via Van Terminator from Hamrick and flying elbow drop from Morton on Manson.
May 3rd, 2001: WPW's Return: Teaming with mentor Adorable Danny Ray, Prophet lost via DQ when Rip Manson subtituted for an injured ADR and brought a kendo stick into the ring. Manson then proceeded to beat Prophet unmercifully. A grudge match between Manson and Prophet is set for the 4th in Mullens.
May 4th,2001: WPW Grudge Match vs. Rip Manson. Prophet won via DQ after a reversed double-countout decision when Manson attacked the referee with his kendo stick. Prophet recovered and attacked Manson, spearing him into the mat and sending him running to the locker room with Prophet in tow wielding Manson's kendo.
May 12th, 2001:APW-Prophet lost via outside interference by Breeze and Danny Ray as Pedro Martinez hit a top rope DVD and scored the pinfall. Rip Manson made the save as Breeze and Martinez held Prophet for ADR to nail him.
May 18th, 2001: IWC-Braxton County Armory, Prophet defeats Terry Rahn with outside interference by "The Playboy" Al Bowski, hitting a devastating DDT and scoring the pin.
May 22nd, 2001: APW-Manson and Prophet lost to Punchy McGee and Scott McComas via chop-block/clothesline combo on Prophet.
May 25th, 2001: IWC-Substituting for an ill Spyder Crowley, Prophet tagged with Johnny Blast against Adorable Danny Ray and Drake Tungsten. Ray and Tungsten got the pin after nailing Prophet with knucks in the back of the head and scoring a rollup pin.
May 29th, 2001: APW-In another bout with the WV Wrecking Crew, Prophet, Manson, and newfound friend Psycho defeated Danny Ray, Scott McComas, and Punchy McGee when Prophet rolled up ADR in a small package to steal a victory.
June 9th, 2001: CWA-Prophet scored a victory over the Heelish Masked Jobber via the Holy Terror and then proceeded to carry his lifeless body to the back. Later appeared with Wolverine Drew Wellman to form the Dark Angels.
June 12th. 2001: APW-Prophet and Rip Manson (the New School) defeated the Urban Death Squad to capture the APW Tag Team Titles. The win came when Prophet and Manson both hit small packages to get the 3 count and the titles.
June 15th, 2001: IWC-Prophet and Kid Apollo lost to Roger Anderson and Beau James. After the defeat Prophet and Al Bowskie came in to console Apollo for the loss and attacked him and nailing a pair of vicious ddt's.
June 18th, 2001: APW-Prophet and Rip Manson retained their APW Tag Team Titles defeating Adorable Danny Ray and Scott McComas by Prophet scoreing a small package on Danny Ray.
August 7th, 2001: APW-Prophet was defeated by Scott McComas in singles action. McComas rammed Prophet's left shoulder into the ringpost and ringsteps resulting in Prophet having to seek medical attention.
August 11th, 2001: APW-Prophet and Manson lose Tag Titles to the WV Wrecking Crew (McComas and Danny Ray) via outside interference from Punchy McGee. Ricky Morton comes out and saves Prophet and Manson from further beating. Prophet taken to hospital with shoulder injury.
August 28th, 2001: APW-Prophet, Miller, and Eclipse took on the WV Wrecking Crew in a 6-man tag. While Prophet attacked Adorable Danny Ray, Miller was double-teamed by McComas and McGee allowing them to score the pinfall.
September 8th, 2001: HCW-Prophet lost to Sensational Shaun Edwards in a Last Man Standing return bout for the HCW World Championship when James Stevens nailed Prophet with a foreign object while Gangsta Z distracted the referee.
September 15th, 2001: WPW-Prophet and Danny Ray lost to the Studd Stable via Gangsta Z tossing a foreign object to James Stevens as Prophet and Edwards brawled on the outside allowing Stevens to gain the pin victory.
September 25th, 2001: APW-Prophet loses in a great match with the War Machine via chokeslam.
October 2nd, 2001: APW-Prophet and Manson lose via a Blaze Bomb (Prophet) and a Chokeslam (Manson) from the top rope of the opposing corners to War Machine and the reinstated (and current APW Heavyweight Champion)New Sensation Scotty Blaze.
October 6th, 2001: WPW-In their hometown, Prophet and ADR teamed up with Chapmanville's own hometown star Travis "Tre'" Adams to defeat the Studd Stable (Shaun Edwards, James Stevens, and Gangsta Z) getting revenge for their loss at the Harvest Festival in Logan.
October 27th, 2001: NWA WV/OH- Prophet made is NWA Debut in Ceredo Kenova alongside "Rock 'n' Roller" Tommy Gibson, defeating Big Daddy Gordy and the infamous Psycho.
October 30th, 2001: APW- Prophet made his return to APW for the inagural "Basher's Brawl". After entering, Prophet made his way to ADR and attempted to throw him out. After finally doing so, Prophet was eliminated by his own tag partner, Rip Manson, from behind.
November 3rd, 2001: W.O.W. (Wrestlers Of West Virginia): Prophet loses to Justin Richards (aka Mad Dawg in HCW) via the "The Rich". Richards came back from a devastating choke slam to gain the victory.
November 6th, 2001: APW-Prophet and Morton are defeated ,due to Manson interfering, by the UDS.
November 22nd, 2001: APW-Thanksgiving Thunder at Oak Hill. Prophet finds himself on the end of a double-armed ddt courtesy of Rip Manson.
December 4, 2001: APW-Prophet and Morton are defeated by Rip Manson and ADR when Danny hit a neckbreaker and Rip stole the pin.
December 11th, 2001: APW-In a twist of events, Prophet came out to help ADR when Rip Manson no-showed due to reasons undisclosed. Prophet teamed with ADR against the Canadians for the APW Tag Straps which resulted in a no contest when Lance Erickson attempted to nail Prophet with a chair while Douglas was holding him. The Urban Death Squad hit the ring and made the save resulting in the no-contest.
12/14/01: The team of Prophet and Justin Richards defeated Studd Stable members, James Stevens and Gangsta Z for WPW in Logan.
12/18/02: APW-In response to Prophet teaming with ADR the prior week, Joey Morton came out and said Prophet could make it up to him by defeating the team who would accept his challenge. The newly formed team of Jack Miller and new APW sensation, Beef, defeated Prophet and Morton when the two collided headfirst sending Morton to the canvas and allowing Beef to hit a vicious spear to get the pin. Morton later turned on Prophet saying "three strikes and your out" and proceeded to lay in the boots. ADR came out and issued a challenge to Morton for a strap match at Christmas Crunch.
12/25/01: APW's "Christmas Crunch". Prophet lost a hard fought match against veteran Scotty McKeever. Prophet seemed to have the match won when McKeever nailed him with a loaded flying forearm knocking him unconscious.
1/5/02: WOWV-Prophet defeated Chris Vega in a classic match. He won via sit-down chokeslam.
1/12/02: APW-Gilbert,WV. Prophet faced Big Daddy Gordy. BDG got the win via hooking the tights and using the ropes for extra leverage.
1/15/02: APW-Oak Hill, WV. Prophet took on former stable-mate Joey "By God" Morton in a grudge match. Both men withstood extreme punishment, but Morton came out on top after getting the pin via rope leverage. After the match, Morton attacked Prophet with a steel chair ramming him throatfirst onto the piping.
1/22/02: APW- Prophet faced a man that he has faced on more than one occasion, Scott McComas. The match was a little more even this time. Prophet looked to have gained an advantage with Joey Morton's disciples: Superstar Shane Matthews, "Hotstuff" Chris Vega, and Rain, attempted to storm the ring. Prophet knocked Matthews off the apron with a boot and into McComas as he dropped him throatfirst onto the top rope and scored the pin.
1/25/02: WOWV- Prophet and Rain took it to the limit at Marmet. Both wrestlers put their body on the line, but Prophet scored the pin after powerbombing Rain through a table after an attempted hurricanrana.
2/5/02: APW- Prophet and Joey "By God" Morton spilled their blood all over the Oak Hill Armory as the two men battled for 40 minutes. Taking numerous chairshots, Prophet came out the victor after drop-kicking Morton into a chair meant for him. (Held by Chris Vega.)
2/9/02: WOWV-Prophet defeated Big Daddy Gordy via a vicious* short right jab to the forehead. Prophet scored the pin as Gordy went for a side suplex. Prophet nailed him mid-move and scored a victory.(*denotes the alleged use of a foreign object.)
2/16/02: Prophet debuted at XMCW to take on Tony "The Beast" Steele. The two monsters of the warring promotions took each other to the limit, but "Beast" came out ontop after hitting a Baldo Bomb.
2/19/02: Deacon Furious made his APW debut by calling out Prophet. An impromptu match insued in which a chair came into play. After referee J.R. Johnson repeatedly tried to remove the chair, Furious hit the Deacon Device and got himself DQ'd. As Furious tried to further berate the fans, Prophet rose to his feet and powerbombed him from the 2nd rope.
3/1/02: Prophet lost to "Buzzsaw Brian Jones in a match for the WOWV Heavyweight Title.
3/2/02: Prophet defeated Cecil R. Furious at Hamlin High School for XMCW. Cecil, estranged brother of Deacon B. Furious, seemed to have the match won after hitting a face-first Russian Leg-Sweep, but Prophet had the presence of mind to put his foot up on the ropes. Prophet hit the "Second Coming" on Furious while he was celebrating what he thought was a win.
3/5/02: Prophet took on Drake Tungsten in a knockdown-dragout match that ended when Deacon Furious distracted Prophet allowing Tungsten to nail Prophet with a chair and hit a vicious piledriver to score the pin.
3/8/02: Prophet defeated "Hotstuff" Chris Vega in a joint WPW/HCW show in Chapmanville, WV. Vega proved to be resiliant after taking the mafia kick and a spear from Prophet. Prophet scored the pin via backslide.
3/9/02: Prophet and Big Daddy Gordy continued their rivalry at WOWV in Racine on Saturday. Gordy scored the victory via schoolboy after Prophet nailed him with the "loaded" fist.
3/16/02: Prophet lost to Mr. X at Nitro for XMCW in an XIC Title match. This being their first meeting, you can bet it won't be their last.
3/19/02: Prophet defeated Deacon B. Furious at Oak Hill via the "Judgment Call." Deacon and Prophet had developed quite a rivalry as of late.
3/29/02: Prophet and Chris Vega kept their rivalry going last night in Marmet, WV for W.O.W.V. after a match was set up when Prophet cost Vega's team (Vega, Rain, and Ice) to lose a 6 man tag vs. Mark Holiday, Sammy Savage, and Pretty Boy Floyd. Vega defeated Prophet via an inverted ddt into a neckbreaker.
3/31/02: Prophet defeated Chris Sterling to obtain a contract to wrestle in XMCW via "Final Judgement". Later in the night Prophet made a strong showing in the Nitro Rumble where he was in the final four combatants. Deacon Furious eliminated him by clotheslining him over the top rope.
4/05/02: Prophet defeated his mentor/arch-rival Adorable Danny Ray in Kermit, WV for PCW. Prophet won via a schoolboy.
4/09/02: Prophet was defeated by Big Daddy Gordy at Oak Hill. It looked as if Prophet had the victory until Big Daddy hit a low blow and hit the Gordy Bomb from the 2nd rope.
4/12/02: Prophet defeated Big Daddy Gordy at Marmet for W.O.W.V. After taking Gordy's leg out using a series of leg locks and the Figure 4, Prophet scored the pin via a schoolboy and a little help from the ropes.
4/20/02: Prophet defeated "Hot Stuff" Chris Vega via Ultimate Judgement at XMCW's 1 Year Anniversary Show in Nitro.
4/26/02: Prophet defeated "Pitbull" Bob Brown for WOWV via mafia kick and a little help from the ropes.
4/27/02: Prophet made his UCW debut in Yanceyville, NC vs. none other than Frank "The Tank" Parker. Parker (accompanied by Jimmy Love) got the pin when Prophet walked into a powerbomb after knocking Love off the ring apron.
5/3/02: In Prophet's return to NWA Tristate at the Parkersburg Pavillion, he faced 3 time NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Reynolds in the main event. The fast paced match ended when Reynolds caught Prophet in a reverse DDT and then hit a swanton to secure the pin.
5/10/02: Prophet faced Wrestlers of West Virginia Lightweight Champion, Rain, in a non-title match that showed the skill of both competitors. Rain hit his swanton for the finish.
5/11/02: In action for XMCW, Prophet and Razorblade Mark Stevens faced off. The momentum for both competitors was back and forth throughout the entire match. Towards the end of the contest, Prophet barely kicked out of Razorblade's Throatcutter, and gave him the 2nd Coming but Razorblade also kicked out. As Prophet prepared to hit a high impact manuever from the top, Chris Sterling pushed him off of the turnbuckle and attacked both competitors. After gloating over his attack he met with the 2nd Coming himself. As Prophet turned around he was hit with another Throatcutter and Razorblade scored the pin.
5/25/02: Prophet defeated "Hot Stuff" Chris Vega for HCW/WPW in Chapmanville.
5/25/02: defeated "Hardcore" Mark Matthews in a match that carried the two all over the Nitro Arena for XMCW.
6/8/02: Prophet debuted for Heritage Wrestling Association in West Chester, PA, vs. Shooter Shawn Sheridan and Real Deal Billy Reil. Reil picked up the victory as Sheridan mistakenly hit Prophet with a steel clipboard. Reil took advantage of the situation and superkicked Sheridan out of the ring and pinned the unconcious Prophet.
6/14/02: Prophet defeated "All American" Shawn Parks for NWA thanks to some interference. Later on in the night Prophet gained another victory via winning a battle royal that came down to NWA Tristate Champion, Magnum, and Prophet.
6/15/02: In a controversial finish, Deacon B. Furious, XMCW XIC Champion, defeated Prophet. Prophet sustained a severe injury to his left knee after getting trapped between the top and middle rope.
6/29/02: At XMCW's "Disorderly Conduct", Prophet defeated Cecil R. Furious, Hardcore Mark Matthews, and then champion, Deacon B. Furious, in a 4 way dance to become the new Xtreme Independent Champion (XIC).
7/4/02: At NWA Tristate's first of 2 events, Chance Prophet went up against Eric Darkstorm and Magnum (champion), for the NWA Tristate Title. Darkstorm was awarded the win after interference by "Hot Stuff" Chris Vega.
7/4/02: NWA Tristate's second event saw Chance Prophet take on Shawn Parks in a No DQ, number 1 contenders match for the NWA Tristate Championship. Although the match was a No DQ, it ended in a no contest as a locker room brawl ensued.
7/9/02: Returning to Oak Hill, Chance made his MSWA debut in the Heavyweight Title Tourney against Bart Batten. Prophet lost after hitting a springboard cross body as the ring veteran used Prophet's own momentum to carry him over and get the win.
7/13/02: XMCW: After Matthew Marvel agreed to be in the corner of Mr. X and Prophet, he turned on both by nailing them with a chairshot and allowing the Brothers Furious to gain the victory thanks to a plan orchestrated by Miss Morgan.
8/15/02: Chance Prophet vs. Superstar Shane Matthews for the MSWA Tristate Championship. After both competitors nailed their respective finishers and kicked out of pinning predicaments, Matthews scored the victory and the gold as he hit a Tim Horner rollup and hooked the tights.
8/16/02: Chance Prophet vs. Magnum (champion) for the NWA Tri-State Heavyweight title
The crowd did not know what to make of the mysterious Chance Prophet, but he quickly won them over when Magnum let his frustration show midway through the match. When the referee was knocked out, the champion threw a powdery substance into the eyes of Prophet and hit his Diamond Dust finisher. When the referee failed to make the count, Magnum went to wake him up. This allowed Prophet to slam Magnum to the mat with a big choke slam and take the heavyweight championship. An elated and surprised looking crowd went wild over the win and booed the former champ when he attacked the referee after the match. Prophet returned to the ring and knocked the former champ out onto the concrete floor.
8/17/02: Madmar Entertainment's Meadville County Fair gave Chance the opportunity to face Lexis Wine in an "I Quit" match. After absorbing two powerbombs, Lexis hit a double leg takedown as Chance prepared to give her a third and final powerbomb. After nailing the Lexis-lock, Chance tapped giving Lexis the win.
8/30/02: PCW: Wilmington, Delaware: Chance debuted for Prime Time Championship Wrestling taking on Rapid Fire Rafael Maldonado. After hitting a belly-to-belly overhead, german, and head-and-arm suplexes, Chance whipped Maldonado into the ropes and missed a clothesline allowing RF to nail a lightning quick enziruri and take home the victory.
8/31/02: NWA Bluegrass: Paintsville, KY: Chance defended the NWA Tristate Heavyweight Championship against current NWA Bluegrass Champion, Jake Layton, in a title unification match. After both competitors gave it their all, the match ended in a double-countout after both men went into an all-out brawl.
9/2/02: WOWV: Racine, WV: Chance tagged with Lance Erickson to defeat Chris Vega and JV Insanity.
9/5/02: MSWAL Oak Hill, WV: Chance went against MSWA Heavyweight Champion, Lance Erickson, and lost after nailing a DDT and Simon Rothchild distracted the ref.
9/6/02: XMCW: Marshall University, Huntington, WV: In a hard fought battle that saw Razorblade try to re-injure Chance's left knee, Prophet ended up with the win after hitting a powerbomb and a top rope leg drop becoming the new XMCW Heavyweight Champion.
9/7/02: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg, WV. *Title Defense* vs. Rocky Reynolds ended in a no-contest decision after Carlton Kaz interfered and attacked both men after Chance had chokeslammed Reynolds, who was going for a second swanton bomb. Chance retained the NWA Tristate Heavyweight Championship.
9/28/02: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Prophet defended the XMCW Heavyweight Title vs. Chris Vega, Mr. X, and Attitude Alan Matthews in a 4 way elimination match. After X eliminated Attitude, and Prophet eliminated X, Vega nearly succeeded in winning the XMCW Title after nailing the "Volunteer Elbow." After Prophet barely kicked out, Vega snapped and blasted Prophet with 2 chair shots splitting him open. Prophet won via DQ and challenged Vega to a "Fans Bring the Weapons" match at the Oct. 12th "Natural Selection" event.
10/4/02: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg,WV: After viciously attacking Chance's leg, Magnum scored a victory and regained the NWA Tristate Heavyweight Championship.
10/5/02: NWA Tristate: Gilmer County Fair, WV: In a Tristate TV Championship match, Chance faced Trik Nasty (accompanied by the lovely Erin). After exposing Prophet's injured right hand, Trick and Erin proceeded to work the injury over. After interference on Erin's part, Prophet used the cast to knock Trik unconscious causing a disqualification. After the DQ, Prophet attempted to put Erin through a table but was sent through headfirst after Trik came to and saved her.
10/12/02: XMCW: Nitro, WV vs. Chris Vega *Fans Bring Weapons Match* for XMCW Heavyweight Championship. Chance and Vega continued their rivalry in a bloodbath of a contest. After both men had beaten and bludgeoned their opponent with various weapons, Prophet hit a mid-air spear on Vega allowing him time to set Vega up onto a table and nail a frog-splash for the win.
10/15/02: WOWV: Marmet, WV: Chance defeated long-time rival Deacon B. Furious via the "Midnight Cry".
10/23/02: WOWV: Marmet, WV: In a WOWV Appalachian Title defense, Chris Vega faced Chance Prophet in a 10 minute time limit match. Prophet hit the "Midnight Cry" at 9:53 and covered Vega at 9:58. Before referee Ward Wilson could hit the third count, time had elapsed ruling the match a draw.
10/26/02: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Prophet loses XMCW Heavyweight Championship against Chris Vega after Mister X inadvertantly knocked him out via a chairshot that was meant for the interfering Deacon Furious.
10/30/02: WOWV: Marmet, WV: Prophet defeated long-time rival Deacon B. Furious in a hard-fought contest via "Midnight Cry".
11/05/02: WOWV: Marmet, WV: Prophet defeated JV Insanity via "Midnight Cry", earning a shot at Chris Vega the following week. If Prophet wins, he will face Vega for the WOWV Appalachian Title on the 19th in a no time limit match.
11/09/02: XMCW: Nitro, WV: In an XIC Championship Title match, Prophet paid Mister X back for costing him the XMCW Championship via a chair to the head.
11/12/02: WOWV: Marmet, WV: Prophet defeated Chris Vega in a non-title match to set up a no-time-limit match the next week for the WOWV Appalachian title.
11/15/02: NWA Bluegrass: Salyersville, KY: After attacking NWA Bluegrass Champion, Jake Leyton, earlier in the show, Prophet faced Leyton for the title. After absorbing an enormous amount of punishment, Leyton hit a full-nelson slam and hooked his Lowrider submission maneuver for the win.
11/16/02: Madmar Entertainment: Titusville, PA: Prophet defeated Valik in a casket match, but had the decision reversed by referee Bruce Gray after Gray revealed that Prophet had indeed been placed in the casket before Valik. Later in the night, Prophet faced Rocky Reynolds in an all-out action-packed match which saw both competitors put their bodies on the line. In the end Fabulous Frederick and Prophet laid waste to Reynolds causing a DQ. Prophet then nailed a top-rope legdrop onto a steel chair that had been placed on Reynolds' face to further injure the former NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion.
11/19/02: WOWV: Marmet,WV: Prophet defeated Chris Vega via DQ when Vega applied a figure-4 on the ring post and refused to release the hold.
11/23/02: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Prophet shocked Nitro and Mister X by teaming with Chris Vega to take on the team of Mister X and Steve Black. As Prophet nailed Black with the "midnight cry", Vega attacked Chance and tried to get the win for himself but ended up getting small-packaged and allowed Black to score the win. As Black and X celebrated Prophet, with chair in hand, attacked both men with chairshots to the head and back. CEO Christian came to the ring only to be met with a shot to the head. Chance then announced that he "quit XMCW."
12/7/02: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg, WV: Fought to no-contest with Shawn Parks for vacant NWA Tristate Title.
12/21/02: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg, WV: lost via double chokeslam by Max Power and Deville.
1/4/03: XMCW Nitro,WV: Chance made his return to Nitro disguised as indy sensation, Zero, after stopping an attack on Mister X from XMCW Champion, Chris Vega.
1/8/02: WOWV Marmet, WV: Chance lost after Brett Sharp interfered and prevented him from kicking out of Chris Vega's pin.
2/1/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: After saving Razorblade from an attack by XMCW CEO Christian's bodyguard Bad Boy Dallas Michaels, Christian ordered a match between the two. Chance dominated most of the match and went up top for the Chi-town Bomber, but was crotched by Razorblade. Michaels and Razorblade then proceeded to attack Chance as referee Kris Westfall called for the disqualification.
2/7/03: NWA Bluegrass: Saylersville, KY: Chance lost to NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Champion, Jake Leyton, after nailing the "Midnight Cry" and taking Billy Maverick out of the equation. Leyton took advantage of the distraction and scored the victory to retain his title.
2/8/03: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg, WV: Chance faced current NWA National Champion, Ricky Murdock, for the championship. Chance nearly won after nailing the "Midnight Cry", but Murdock clocked him with his cowbell and hit his version of the Fam@$$er to retain the title.
2/15/03: XMCW: Poca, WV: In his first rematch for the XMCW Heavyweight Title, Chance faced Chris Vega to continue their feud. Just as it seemed as if he had regained the championship, Vega's partners in crime the New Age Thugs: Big Daddy Gordy and Superstar Shane Matthews, attacked allowing Vega to hit the Volunteer Elbow and retain the title.
2/20/03: XMCW: Huntington, WV: Chance faced Trik Nasty in front of a live crowd in Fluid. After countless near pins by both competitors, Chance hit a frogsplash for the win.
3/1/03: NWA Bluegrass: West Liberty, KY: In their first in-ring meeting, Chance faced Carlton Kaz in singles competition. After a series of high-impact suplexes and countless momentum changes, Chance hit a spinning DDT out of a fireman's carry to score the pin.
3/7/03: NWA Bluegrass: Saylersville, KY: In a hard fought battle, Chance defeated Trik Nasty. After Trik nailed the 8 Second Ryde and a pinning combination, Chance small packaged Trik as he attempted to pick him up for another Ryde.
3/8/03: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg, WV: Chance faced former WCW Superstar and current NWA TNA Superstar, David Flair. After a series of technical manuevers and Chance getting control with a series of kicks, Flair swung the momentum back his way after flapjacking Chance onto the top rope. Focusing on Chance's back, Flair used a variety of submission moves to gain advantage. Chance gained control again but Flair cut him off and hit a overhead slingshot drop from the second rope to score the pin.
3/14/03: All Pro Wrestling: Kingsport, TN: Chance faced Eric Darkstorm in a technical display of wrestling that ended when Darkstorm nailed the Perfect Circle and a 450 splash.
3/15/03: NWA Buckeye: Minford, OH: 1st Defense of new Buckeye Championship vs. Tank: Chance battered Tank for most of the bout focusing mainly on the left leg of the challenger. After nailing a fallaway slam, Tank went up to the top rope in hopes of hitting an elbow, but Chance hit a roaring elbow to rock him to the buckle. Chance attempted a superplex, but Tank countered and hit the flying elbow to score the win.
3/29/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance faced fellow-NWA Tristate competitor, Trik Nasty in the second bout of the evening. Both competitors had control throughout the match and after Chance missed a lowdown, and Trik missed his top rope legdrop, both men went for a crossbody and collided knocking them to the mat. As the ref made the mandatory 10 count, both men draped a leg over each other causing the referee to call the match a draw after counting both pins.
4/4/03: XTC: McDermott, OH: Northwest Middle School: Tagging with Trik Nasty vs. DDK/C.O. Hustler vs. Deacon and Cecil Furious vs. Tank Runyon/Maxx Power, Chance left the ring after Woody Numbers came ringside to cause a distraction. While arguing in the back, Trik succumbed to the numbers and the team of Trik and Chance were eliminated when DDK hit an elevated Flatliner.
4/4/03: XTC: McDermott, OH: Northwest Middle School: Chance defeated Trik Nasty to become the first XTC Heavyweight Champion. After teaming in the tag team tournament earlier in the night, Chance and Trik became the last two in the XTC Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal. With the help of Woody Numbers and the Atrocity, Chance nailed Trik with a Singapore cane and then hit the Low-Down Frogsplash for the win.
4/5/03: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg, WV: Chance faced Shawn Parks for the NWA Tristate US title. After both men took momentum, and Parks having his mouth busted open from a flurry of kicks, Chance chose to pull Parks up after a vicious ddt to attempt to hit the Nail in the Coffin. Parks slid down and behind Chance and hooked him for World War III and retained the title.
4/12/03: NWA Tristate: Wellston,OH: Chance faced current NWA Tristate Champion, Trik Nasty, and Romeo Godwin in a 3-way dance for the title. After nailing Godwin with the Nail in the Coffin, and downing Trik, Chance went to the top for the Low Down, Trik's manager, Justin Kace, held onto his leg allowing Trik to get up and hit a top rope legdrop and pin Godwin to retain his title.
4/19/03: NWA Bluegrass: Saylersville, KY: In a fatal-four-way for the NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Title, Chance defeated Jake Leyton after he eliminated Billy Maverick and Leyton eliminated Superstar Shane Matthews.
4/23/03: XMCW "Campus Chaos II": Marshall University: vs. Superstar Shane Matthews. Chance had Matthews on the verge of being pinned when Ms. Morgan distracted him allowing SSM to hit a tornado DDT and score the pinfall.
4/26/03: XMCW 2nd Anniversary Show: Nitro Community Center, Nitro, WV: vs. Unholy: Ruled a No Contest after interference by Woody Numbers and Atrocity. Unholy & Chance hit Atrocity with dual mist, then Unholy nailed a leg-drop, as Chance hit the low-down.
5/1/03: WPW: Mullins,WV vs. Superstar Shane Matthews: Chance won via disqualification after Matthews' fellow New Age Thug member, Big Daddy Gordy, came in and hit his Big Sky Powerbomb.
5/2/04: WPW: Mullins,WV vs. Big Daddy Gordy: Chance overcame Gordy's assault and got the win after a last-ditch-effort sunset-flip to score the pin and avenge the interference from the night before.
5/17: SCW: Marion, OH with Kris King and Flash Fury vs. Juggulator, JD Escalade and Trik Nasty. After a high-flying bout, Flash Fury secured the victory after reversing the 8-Second Ryde into a school boy
5/24/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Facing Superstar Shane Matthews, Chance won via schoolboy when Brian Douglas, who was showing his pupils the fine art of cheating, inadvertantly caused Matthews to run headfirst into the steel.
5/31/03: BWCW: Alpena, MI: Chance faced "Even Colder" Austin in an all-out brawl that covered much of the Northern Lights Arena. After interference from a mysterious wrestler we'll call "Special Edge", Austin nailed the stunner and scored the pinfall.
6/7/03: NWA Tristate: Parkersburg, WV: Chance won his 2nd NWA Tristate Heavyweight Championship after defeating Trik Nasty via 2nd rope powerbomb.
6/14/03: NWA Bluegrass: Kermit,WV: In an attempt to unify his NWA Bluegrass Jr. Heavyweight title with the Heavyweight Championship, "The Sexecutioner" Vinny Viagra challenged Chance to a title for title match. Just as Chance readied to hit the Cradle to the Grave, Commissioner Mike Lovely jumped on the apron and tried to distract the referee. Chance nailed him with a right only to be attacked from behind by Billy Maverick. The referee declared the win in favor of Chance via DQ allowing him to retain the NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Championship. Chris Draven ran in to stop the attack and leveled Lovely with a superkick.
6/20/03: WOW: Ceredo-Kenova, WV: In the opening match, Chance faced Lance Erickson. Chance gained control after a mostly one-sided match by Erickson, and hit a high backdrop. After going for the pin, Chance tried to get referee Mitchell Kirk's attention from the distracting Brian Douglas. Erickson attempted to use a pair of knucks to knock Chance out, but with a kick to the mid-section, Chance grabbed the knucks for himself and landed a right hand to the stunned Erickson, allowing him to gain the victory.
6/27/03: Supreme Championship Wrestling: 4-H Fairground-Madison, IN: In his SCW debut, Chance faced 3 year Supreme Champion and NWA Bluegrass rival, Billy Maverick in the main event of the night. Chance delivered the "Cradle to the Grave" but the official for the match was knocked unconscious as he lifted Maverick into position. As Chance tried to revive the referee, Terry Bull ran in and nailed an axe kick and pulled Maverick ontop to allow him to retain his title.
6/28/03: Off The Hook Wrestling: Shawnee State University's "The Cave"; Portsmouth,OH: Chance faced former WCW Superstar, The Stro, in a Juggalo "Tough Love" match. After both competitors hammered with stiff kicks, various suplex variations, and intense chops, Strozilla gained the pinfall after catching an attempted spinning heel kick and locked Chance in a bearhug into a DDT.
7/04/03: NWA Tri-State: Chance faced J.D. Escalade at the 4th of July Classic in a bout for the NWA Tri-State Championship. Escalade took Chance to the limit, but Chance secured the victory and retained his title after nailing the "Cradle 2 The Grave."
7/13/03: XMCW: After an open challenge from Steve Black, Chance answered without hesitation. Black focused his attack on Chance's knee, but after a missed manuever, Chance kicked Black to the gut and hit the "Cradle 2 The Grave" for the 1,2,3.
7/26/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: In a bout for the XMCW Championship, Chance faced long-time rival turned ally, Deacon B. Furious. After Chance turned the tables and did damage to Deacon's knee using various leg locks, Deacon scored the victory by nailing his finisher.
7/31/03: BWCW: Harrison,MI: In a bout for the BWCW Cruiserweight Championship, Chance (with the debuting Amanda Shae) and Trik continued their rivalry in front of a packed Michigan crowd. Both competitors went all out and nailed each other with stiff shots. After Trik attempted the 8-second-ryde, he nailed a swanton and scored the victory.
8/02/03: NWA Tri-State: Chance defended the Tri-State Heavyweight Championship vs. Maxx Power. Power attempted to control the match with various power moves, but was countered by a variety of headscissors, hurricanranas, and stiff kicks. Just as Power regained control and set Chance up on the top rope, Chance landed 3 stiff forearms and nailed a frog-splash for the victory.
8/5/03: NWA Bluegrass: KY vs. NWA World Champion, AJ Styles: In his biggest test to date, Chance faced AJ Styles for the NWA World Championship in front of the Inez, Kentucky fans. In a fast-paced match Chance matched AJ's offense move for move until going for a swinging frankensteiner. AJ hooked Chance for the Styles Clash and retained the championship.
8/9/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: By order of XMCW Administrator, Ed Crowza, Chance faced "Throwback" Steve Black and Shane Storm (w/Susie) in a handicap match. In order to keep Susie's involvement to a minimum, Chance debuted his manager, Amanda Shae. The referee began losing control of the match when Black hit his finisher and Storm and Susie entered the ring. Amanda Shae slid in and nailed Susie, which started an enevitable catfight between the two. Storm rolled Chance up as he attempted to break the two apart and Black held his leg down to score the win.
8/17/03: NWA Main Event: Nashville, TN *TV Taping*: In his debut for NWA Main Event, Chance faced Eric Darkstorm in the opening bout of the evening. Darkstorm came out the victor scoring a small package after backflipping out of an attempted backslide.
9/6/03: NWA Tri-State: Parkersburg, WV *Title Defense* vs. Rocky Reynolds. Chance defeated Reynolds via "Last Chance" after Reynolds was distracted by the presence of NWA World Jr. Champion, Chris Draven, at ringside.
9/20/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance tagged with J.C. Lynch to take on the newly-crowned tag team champions, Shane Storm and Steve Black. After goring both Black and Storm in the corners, Susie threw powder into Chance's eyes causing him to gore Amanda Shae as Shane Storm pulled her through the ropes and in front of him. Black then hit the "throwback" to secure the victory and retain the titles.
9/21/03: NWA Main Event: Murfreesboro, TN vs. Jason Lancaster and Justin Sane in a three-way dance. After decemating both Sane and Lancaster, Chance was pinned via rollup by Sane at the weekly Main Event TV Taping.
9/27/03: NWA Bluegrass: Kermit, WV: The team of NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion, Chris Draven, and NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Champion, Chance Prophet, defeated Billy Maverick and "Superstar" Shane Matthews after an attempted cheap shot by Commissioner Michael Lovely backfired. Lovely struck Maverick and Chance hit the "Last Chance" and won the match.
10/4/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Amanda Shae, J.C. Lynch, and Chance Prophet defeated the team of Shane Storm, Susie, and Steve Black when Amanda Shae, playing possum, scored the pinfall via Schoolgirl roll-up.
10/10/03: *NWA 55TH ANNIVERSARY: NIGHT I* Chance retained both the NWA Bluegrass and NWA Tri-State Heavyweight Titles against Trik Nasty. After Trik attempted a twisting swanton, Chance hit the "Last Chance" and scored the pinfall.
10/11/03: *NWA 55TH ANNIVERSARY: NIGHT II*In a bout for the NWA North American Heavyweight Championship, Chance faced current champion, JT Wolfen in a match voted on by the new board of directors. Wolfen started the match out cheating by nailing Chance with the N.A. Title. After a series of hard shots, being slammed into a table, and taking a spinebuster on the concrete, Chance fought back with a series of flying forearms and kicks. Wolfen scored the pinfall after a low-blow and a top-rope moonsault.
10/18/03: NWA Bluegrass: Salyersville, KY: Chance retained the Heavyweight Championship due to Billy Maverick being disqualified after the interference of "Superstar" Shane Matthews.
11/01/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance faced Billy McCarty in the opening bout of the night. After a fast-paced exchange, Chance scored the victory with the "Last Chance".
11/05/03: NWA-TNA: Nashville, TN *Dark Match*: In his TNA debut, Chance faced "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. After nailing a spinning heel kick and a series of strikes on Daniels, Chance fell victim to the "Last Rites" as Daniels scored the pinfall.
11/8/03: NWA Tri-State: Parkersburg, WV: In a bout for both the NWA Bluegrass and Tri-State titles, Chance faced Trik Nasty in a heated contest. After nailing a tornado DDT and hitting a frog splash, Max Power ran out and attacked Chance causing a DQ. Trik and Power then proceeded to assault Chance after handcuffing him to the turnbuckle. Vance Desmond and Twisted Youth also joined in the attack until Juggulator and J.D. Escalade made the save.
11/15/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: vs. Raw Talent. Chance scored the pinfall after nailing the "Last Chance" on Raw Talent, who had been hit in the head with a crutch by his former tag team partner, Smokey C.
11/22/03: NWA Tri-State: Mannington, WV: vs. J.D. Escalade for the NWA Tri-State Heavyweight Championship. Escalade focused his attack on Chance's left arm. After nailing a sit-down powerbomb late in the match, Chance went up to his his frog-splash, but was crotched when J.D. pushed referee Tony Wolfe into the ropes. Escalade then climbed up for an attempt at a hurricanrana, but was knocked backwards off the ropes by a headbutt and an uppercut from Chance. The stunned Escalade was then nailed with a flying/roaring elbow off the top rope to allow Chance to retain the title.
11/29/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: In a #1 contenders match for the XMCW Heavyweight Championship, Chance faced Trik Nasty (accompanied by the Rydas). After Prophet gained the advantage, Trik side-stepped Chance sending him crashing to the floor. Before he was able to get back into the ring, Juggulator attacked and grabbed Chance from behind allowing J.D. Escalade to lay in a kick straight to Chance's face shattering his nose and rendering him unconscious. Trik then rolled Chance in and scored the pinfall victory.
12/13/03: NWA Bluegrass: Paintsville, KY: 1st Annual "Boogie Bash" vs. Sinn: After hitting the Last Chance, fellow New Church Disciple: SLASH, attacked Chance when the referee had been knocked unconscious. Both Disciples hit a double-Samoan Drop allowing Sinn to get the pinfall and become new NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Champion.
12/20/03: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance faced Maxx Power in a match set up by Ed Crowza. After nailing a top-rope roaring elbow, J.D. Escalade and Juggulator attacked causing Chance to win via disqualification. As the Rydas collectively attacked, Raw Talent made the save with chair in hand.
12/26/03: NWA Tri-State: Parkersburg, WV: WAR GAMES: Teaming with Rocky Reynolds and the Juggulator, Chance and Team Tri-State defeated Team (OV)XWF,Team Twisted Youth, and faced Team Nasty in the final round of War Games. With the help of manager, Just N' Kace, Trik Nasty forced Chance to tap after Kace pulled the ropes away from him as he reached them to brake the hold.
1/3/04: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance defeated Trik Nasty to become a 2-time XMCW Heavyweight Champion. With the 108 Dragons and the Rydas banned from ringside, Chance reversed an inverted boston crab to a roll-up to score the win.
1/17/04: XMCW: Nitro, WV: After being stripped of the XMCW title by a clause in the contract signed at the previous show in Nitro, Chance was blindsided and injured by Mad Man Pondo. Chance then faced Mad Man Pondo in an "I Quit" match in the main event of the night. Chance mounted a comeback, but due to Ed Crowza and Woody Numbers distracting the referee, Pondo grabbed a sledgehammer and cinderblock and smashed the block over Chance's leg. Pondo then slapped on a figure-4 leglock and Chance gave in losing the match.
1/25/04: PWA: Knoxville, TN: In their debut for PWA, Chance faced Kris King in the qualifying round of the PWA U.S. Title Tournament. Chance scored the pinfall victory after snaring King into a bearhug-DDT.-Chance then advanced to the battle royal finals for the U.S. Title. After nailing power-moves and eliminating 1 of the 5 initial competitors, Chance was caught mouthing off to the Oliver Springs' crowd and got dropkicked from behind by J.P. Blunt sending him over the top rope and eliminating him.
2/21/04: NWA Wildside: NWA Arena-Cornelia, Georgia: Chance faced NWA Wildside Heavyweight Champion, Onyx, in a title match for his Wildside debut. After being backdropped to the outside, Chance took advantage and scored with a dropkick to Onyx's leg as he entered the ring. After absorbing a series of leglocks and high-impact strikes to the leg, Onyx came back to win by reversing an attempted snap suplex into a Dragon Sleeper for the submission.
2/28/04: PWA-Marysville, TN: In a match for the PWA Heavyweight Title, Chance took on champion, Jason Maxx. After wreaking havoc on Maxx's leg, Chance got hit with the Death Row Driver allowing Maxx to retain the title.
3/12/04: PWA: Knoxville,TN: After a grueling bout that saw both competitors nearly cripple each other with high-impact manuevers, Chance defeated JP Blunt after nailing a bearhug DDT.
3/13/04: XMCW: Nitro, WV: In both men's Nitro return, Chance faced his mentor, "Adorable" Danny Ray, in a classic Teacher vs. Student match. After Amanda Shae stopped Danny Ray from slamming a chair into Chance's back on the outside, he chased her into the ring. As Danny Ray grabbed her by the hair, Chance made his way behind ADR to nail him. Danny Ray moved out of the way causing Chance to hit Amanda Shae. Danny Ray rolled Chance up and used the tights for added leverage to secure the pinfall victory.
3/19/04: WOWV: Whitesville, WV: Chance faced Jack Miller in the main event of WOWV's Whitesville debut. After trying to take Miller's leg out for the main part of the match, Miller scored the win via springboard sunset flip.

3/26/04: WOWV: Whitesville, WV: Chance defeated WOWV school graduate, Jeremy Cline with the "Doomsayer".
3/27/04: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance defeated Adorable Danny Ray via Schoolboy. Chris Vega made his return to Nitro and attacked Chance aligning himself with ADR.
4/3/04: NWA Wildside: Cornelia, GA *TV Taping*:The team of Chance Prophet, Eric Darkstorm, and Scott Starr took on the NWA Elite: Azrael, Rainman, and Michael Adryan. After absorbing a severe amount of punishment from the Elite, Chance tagged in the fresh Eric Darkstorm. The match turned into a brawl on the outside between Adryan/Prophet, and Starr/Azrael, leaving Rainman and Darkstorm in the ring. Rainman made Darkstorm submit to gain the victory.
4/9/04: NWA Bluegrass: Salyersville, KY: Chance faced Sinn for the NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Title, but lost when Sinn knocked the ref unconscious and scored a cheap victory.
4/14/04: NWA-TNA: Nashville,TN: Chance teamed with Ryan Boz and Scotty Matthews to take on 3 Live Kru: B-Jizzle (Road Dogg Jesse James), Konnan, and Ron Killings. After gaining the advantage on B-Jizzle with a drop-kick to the face and scoring with a spinning-heel kick, Chance tagged out to the waiting Boz. Boz and Jizzle collided against each others heads, allowing Jizzle to get a tag to the fresh Killings. After dealing out an assisted side-kick to Matthews, and an axe-kick to Boz, Chance took advantage and attacked Killings from behind with forearms. As he sent Killings into the ropes, "The Truth" reversed the irish-whip and got the pin after nailing Chance with a Vertical-Gordbuster.
4/16/04: XMCW: Poca High School, Poca, WV: Chance faced Rictor and Deacon B. Furious in a 3-Way Dance at the Poca Showchoir Fundraiser. The match started off with Furious sliding outside to make Rictor and Chance go at it, but after seeing that Furious was attempting to let both men wear each other down, Chance nailed him with a sliding dropkick and Rictor hit a plancha onto both men to get the action underway. Chance ended up with the win via Michinoku Driver when Rictor rolled out of an attempted BuzzBomb by Furious.
4/24/03: XMCW *3 Year Anniversary Show*: Nitro, WV vs. Danny Ray in a strap match: Chance defeated his teacher and mentor, Adorable Danny Ray by flipping over Danny Ray after giving him a low-kick allowing him to touch the 4th corner. Danny Ray showed respect for his student and raised his hand to the approval of the Nitro crowd.
5/14/04: WOWV: Whitesville, WV: Chance faced Johnny Blast for the WOWV Appalachian Title in the Main Event for WOWV. After grounding Blast with a series of clotheslines. After attempting a discus forearm, Blast scored a pinfall victory by ducking the forearm and hitting his "Fallout" finisher.
5/22/04: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Heavyweight Title Tournament- Chance faced Raw Talent in the 1st round of the Heavyweight Title Tournament. After a grueling first half of the match, Chance looked to have victory in hand. Raw Talent kicked out at 2 after Chance hit a gorilla-press chokeslam. Raw Talent's tag team partner Smokey C. was attacked at ringside by a masked assailant which distracted Chance and allowed Raw Talent to score the pinfall victory after hitting a tri-fecta of Northern Lights Suplexes and a modified faceplant.
5/29/04: WICW: Gilbert, WV: Chance defeated "Big" Dan Richards via frog-splash after nailing him with a hook kick.
6/3/04: NWA Tri-State: Fayetteville, WV: Chance faced off against JT Hogg. After taking out Hogg's leg with a variety of strikes and submission holds, Chance sent Hogg to the floor and began to infuriate the fans. After ripping apart one of Hogg's mini-hogs that was given to the fan, Hogg attacked Chance sending him to into the audio equipment. Referee Tony Wolfe declared the bout a no-contest after a double count-out.
6/4/04: NWA Bluegrass: Kermit, WV: Chance faced on-again off-again Bluegrass rival, Billy Maverick, for a special benefit show. Chance nearly secured the victory with a michinoku driver, but the official was knocked out in the process. An unknown wrestler then attacked Chance from behind causing Jake Layton to enter the ring in an attempt to stop him. As Jake went for a clothesline the man ducked and nailed Chance allowing Maverick to wake the ref and get the pin.
6/5/04: NWA Wildside: NCW Arena, Cornelia, GA: The team of Eric Darkstorm and Chance Prophet took on Alabama Attitude (TC Carnage and Adam Robertson) in tag competition. After Darkstorm and Prophet gained the advantage through Darkstorm's rolling enziguri and Prophet's top-rope knee drop and cervibreaker, Robertson made a blind tag allowing him to nail Prophet with a stiff lariat. Carnage and Robertson attempted a double-back suplex, but Prophet flipped out and avoided their double-clothesline only to be met with a double-back elbow. Carnage continued the assault but was met with a boot and discus forearm allowing Prophet to tag in Darkstorm. After nailing both members of Alabama Attitude, Prophet was thrown over the top and Darkstorm received a slingshot mafia kick and slingshot powerslam before the team of Nick Halen and Jay Fury slid in to stop the assault. The referee ruled the bout a win for Alabama Attitude via DQ.
6/19/04: NWA Bluegrass: Salyersville, KY: Chance defeated NWA Bluegrass newcomer, JT Money, with a Michinoku Driver after a fast-paced match.
6/26/24: CAPW: Dunbar Armory, WV: Chance defeated XMCW rival, Chris Vega, with a bearhug flatliner. Vega focused his attack on the neck and hit a series of neckbreakers and submission holds in an attempt to earn the victory.
July 1, 2004 - Bargain Park, Beckley, WV: Chance Prophet faced Eric Darkstorm in the semi-finals of the MSW Heavyweight Title Tournament. Due to the interference of War Machine, Chance was knocked unconscious and Darkstorm was rolled ontop to get the pin and advance.
July 2nd: WOWV-Whitesville, WV: Chance Prophet def. Clay Conners via foreign object.
July 3rd: XMCW-Nitro, WV: Chance faced Chris Vega in a return match from the June 26th CAPW show in Dunbar. Vega scored a pinfall victory after nailing Chance with a pair of knucks.
July 8, 2004 - Bargain Park, Beckley, WV: Alex Winters/Chris Gilbert def. Eric Steel/Chance Prophet after the team of Chance and Steel collided allowing Gilbert and Winters to score a double rollup.
July 13th: NWA Bluegrass-Martin Co. Fair, Inez, KY: Chance faced JT Money in a requested return bout from the June 19th Salyersville show. Chance had JT pinned after nailing a roaring elbow, but the count was broken due to Money's foot being on the rope. Chance attempted to pick JT up for a Michinoku driver but JT raked Chance's eyes and hit the "Maximum Allowance" and hooked the tights for the win.
July 17th: NWA Wildside-Cornelia, GA: The team of Chance Prophet, Eric Darkstorm, and Brent Basics took on Getz Enterprises: Ray Gordy, Jason Blackman, and Jeff Lewis. After backdropping Blackman to the floor and continuing the attack, Chance's team was defeated when Lewis hit the Final Curtain on Basics. July 31st: NWA Championship Wrestling-Greenville, TN: Chance defeated Clay Conners in his debut match for NWA Championship Wrestling's TV tapings with the "Doomsayer".
July 31st: NWA Championship Wrestling-Greenville, TN: Chance faced Eric Darkstorm for the NWA Championship Wrestling TV Title. Preparing to set Darkstorm up for the "Doomsayer", Chance ended up losing via a whirlwind roll-up.
August 4th: NWA-TNA-Nashville, TN: Chance returned to TNA for Xplosion against "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown. Monty controlled the match from the beginning bell and won via the "Alpha Bomb".
August 7th: NWA Wildside: Cornelia, GA: Chance tagged with Eric Darkstorm against the Thomaselli's w/Anthony Lagotta (formerly known as Tony Mamaluke) for a shot at the NWA Wildside Tag Titles. Darkstorm and Chance had Vito Thomaselli set up for the Doomsday Device, but Vito countered into a victory roll only to have the match declared a time limit draw.
August 15th: TLW: Big Clifty, KY vs. Chase Stevens for TLW Heavyweight Title: Chance faced NWA TNA Superstar and 1/2 of the NWA World Tag Team Champions, Chase Stevens, for the TLW Heavyweight title in a bout that lasted over 40 minutes. After singling out Chase's neck and upper back, Vic the Bruiser ran in and hit a Sky-High powerbomb on Stevens nearly securing a victory and the TLW Heavyweight Title for Chance, but Stevens escaped the pinfall. Chance sent Chase into the opposing turnbuckle and attempted to hit a Hart Attack clothesline, but Stevens ducked and nailed a superkick that rocked Chance. As Stevens attempted to pin Chance, Vic attacked and Chance stumbled to his feet to join in. The referee ruled the bout a Disqualification in favor of Stevens.
August 20th: NWA Bluegrass: Salyersville, KY: in the 3rd match of a series of 5, Chance was defeated by JT Money, after having his leg sweeped out from under him by Miss Chief, while going for a michinoku driver. Money pinned Chance while Miss Chief held his leg to prevent a kickout. Money leads the series 2 to 1.
August 21st: RAGE Pro Wrestling: The team of Chance and Kris King were on hand for the 10-Man, "Pure Adrenaline" Championship Match. After losing the opening tag qualifier, Chance and King were re-admitted into the tournament by Kid Rage. Chance was in the final 4 of the competitors after pinning Flash Flannagan via frogsplash, but was eliminated by Crazy Shea via Evenflow DDT. Kris King was eliminated after a double top-rope legdrop to the groin by Crazy Shea and Spyral.
August 28th: Nitro, WV: XMCW: Chance came out victorious over Rictor and self-proclaimed XIC Champion, Chris Vega, in a triple-threat match. Rictor nailed Vega with a Superkick after moonsaulting to his feet off of Chance's back. Chance hooked Rictor for a side suplex into a front face-slam.
September 9th: MSW: "Mountain Mayhem", Bargain Park; Beckley,WV vs. Kid Appollo: Chance took on the returning Kid Appollo who substituted for Alex Winters. Appollo had the upperhand and attempted to score a pin with the O'Conner rollup, but Chance rolled through and hooked the tights to gain a victory.
September 11th: NWA Bluegrass: Belfry, KY: Chance and Eric Darkstorm took on the Heartbreakers in a solid matchup. After scoring two pin attempts, Brock Landers attempted a suplex but Chance turned it into a small package. Landers not being the legal man, Chance broke the pin and was knocked unconscious by the waiting Stevie Phillips (with brass knucks). The referee saw the knucks still on Phillips hand and ruled a victory in Darkstorm and Chance's favor via DQ.
September 16th: MSW-Bargain Park, Beckley, WV: return match vs. Kid Appollo: Apollo scored the victory after bridging through an O'Conner Rollup. Chance attacked after the match and Apollo had to be helped to the back by MSW officials.
September 18th: NWA Championship Wrestling vs. Eric Darkstorm for the NWA Championship Wrestling TV Title: Darkstorm retained the TV Title after catching Chance's attempted clothesline and scoring with a whirlwind rollup.
September 25th: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance defeated Wes Lynch with the "Broken Arrow" submission.
September 25th: LWA: Chapmanville, WV's Applebutter Festival: Chance teamed with mentor, Adorable Danny Ray, to take on the team of Joey Morton and Superstar Shane Matthews. Danny Ray won after hitting a spinning neckbreaker on Matthews.
October 2nd: ICW-Anmoore, WV vs. CZW's Spiral for the High Stakes Championship: Chance and Spiral took each other to the limit and gave the packed Anmoore Fire Dept. a taste of what the High Stakes division is all about. Spiral retained his title with a shooting star elbowdrop.
October 7th: MSW-Beckley, WV vs. Kid Apollo: Chance and Apollo were both disqualified for not answering the referee's count as they brawled around the Bargain Park Arena. A match was made for October 21st with No Disqualification and Falls Count Anywhere stipulations.
October 8th: NWA Bluegrass-Paintsville, KY vs. JT Money: Chance advanced to the finals of the one night Heavyweight Title Tournament after capitalizing on Money missing a sky twister press. Chance hit a frog splash and scored the pinfall victory.
October 8th: NWA Bluegrass-Paintsville, KY vs. Chad Collyer vs. Eric Darkstorm: Chance won his second NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Championship by hitting a tornado ddt on Collyer who had knocked Darkstorm out of the ring and to the floor.
October 9th: XMCW-Nitro WV vs. Escalade: Chance and Escalade fought to a double pin when Chance hit a german suplex and the referee counted both men's shoulders being down. Escalade and Chance were both added to the October 23rd 3 Ring Main Event for XMCW.
October 17th: TLW 2nd Year Anniversary Show: Big Clifty, KY vs. Simon Sezz: Chance came out victorious after Simon attempted an O'Connell Rollup and Chance rolled through and hooked the tights to secure the victory.
October 21st: MSW: Beckley, WV: No DQ Falls Count Anywhere vs. Kid Apollo: Chance defeated Apollo in a hard fought contest that saw both men beat each other senseless and to bloody pulps. After Apollo missed a second-rope moonsault, Chance scored the pinfall by hitting Apollo with a Cradle Piledriver on a folding chair.
October 23rd: XMCW: Nitro, WV: "Extreme Stakes" 3 ring, 6 Ladders, 3 titles match: Chance was one of the 12 participants in the first-ever 3 ring "Extreme Stakes" match. Chance nearly secured the XMCW title and the XMCW XIC Championship, but did not end up taking home gold that night.
October 28th: MSW: Beckley, WV: Chance faced Jack Miller for a special Breast Cancer Benefit held at Mountain State University. Miller pinned Chance after Dave Scott threw in a pair of knucks to Chance and Miller ducked the shot and hit his finisher.
October 29th: CWA: Winfield High School, Winfield, WV: Chance teamed with Eric Darkstorm to take on the team of Chris Vega and Superstar Shane Matthews. Darkstorm and Chance had the victory secured when special referee Adorable Danny Ray nailed Darkstorm and gave a fast 3 count to allow Vega and Matthews to get the 3 count.
November 4th: MSW: Beckley, WV *My Birthday y'all!* Chance tagged with Superstar Shane Matthews against Eric Darkstorm and Johnny Blast. Darkstorm pinned Chance with rollup after an attempted powerbomb by Chance.
November 6th: NWA Bluegrass: Salyersville, KY: Chance successfully defended the NWA Bluegrass Heavyweight Title against one half of the Heartbreakers, "Voodoo Child" Stevie Phillips. After the botched interference by Michael Lovely, Chance hit a ddt and a frogsplash to score the pin.
November 11th: MSW: Beckley, WV: Chance defeated Eric Darkstorm with a snapliner after a low-blow.
November 18th: NWA Main Event: Springfield, TN: Chance teamed with Tommy Capone to take on the Memphis Mafia. Chance leveled the Mafia with a double-clothesline after leaping out of an attempted double flap-jack. Capone and Chance mounted an offense against the Mafia but were reversed into each other and the Mafia scored the pinfall victory after hitting a double-basket faceplant.
November 20th: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance teamed with Raw Talent, Shane Storm, and JD Escalade to defeat the team of Mister X, Hot Stuff Chris Cavanaugh, Justin Pain, and Kris King.
December 4th: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance competed in a 6 man Scramble for the XIC Title against Kris King, Mister X, JD Escalade, Aaron Draven, and Raw Talent. After continued interference by Justin Pain on the outside, Chance hit a tornado ddt onto him sending both men crashing through the announce table. Mister X won via interference by Pampered Booty, who turned on Raw Talent to reunite with X.
December 11th: BBW-Elizabethtown, KY: Chance took on BBW Light Heavyweight Champion, Simon Sezz, in what turned into being a high-flying spectacular. Chance and Simon ended up fighting to a double-countout after colliding headfirst in the center of the ring.
December 18th: XMCW: Nitro, WV: Chance defeated Ace Prime via snapliner. Chance was scheduled to appear at NWA Wildside, but was unable to attend due to transportation difficulties.
January 7th: W.O.W.-Whitesville, WV: Chance faced W.O.W. Appalachian Champion, Eric Steele, in a title bout. Steele retained his title after a devastating hurricanrana nearly broke his neck. Chance almost scored a pinfall and became the new champion, but Steele's manager, Phil from Whitesville, tripped Chance up sending him into a Death Valley Driver allowing him to retain his title.
January 8th: W.O.W.-Racine, WV: Chance faced Jason Kincaid in the first bout of the night. In an awesome athletic contest, Chance took advantage of a missed corkscrew legdrop and nailed Kincaid with a Snapliner to score the pin.
January 14th: W.O.W.-Whitesville, WV: Chance won the W.O.W. Heavyweight title by surviving a battle royal and eliminating Eric Steele in the final minutes of the match.
January 15th: XMCW-Nitro, WV: Chance faced Justin Saine in a grudge match stemming from the stinger that Saine inflicted on Chance at the last Nitro show. Saine won the contest after Pampered Booty crotched Chance on the top rope allowing Saine to hit a top rope powerslam.
January 20th: MSW-Beckley, WV: Chance defeated Jason Kincaid by a tight-assisted schoolboy.
January 21st: W.O.W.-Whitesville, WV: Chance retained the W.O.W. Heavyweight Title after defeating Eric Darkstorm.
January 27th: MSW-Beckley, WV: Chance defeated Big Bad John with a rope-assisted schoolboy.
January 28th: W.O.W.-Whitesville, WV: Chance teamed with Johnny Blast, and Jowad Wayne to take on Eric Darkstorm, Phil Anderson, and Raw Talent. Chance scored the pinfall on Raw Talent after nailing a snapliner. Anderson, Talent, and Darkstorm attacked Chance afterward and separated his shoulder by Anderson and Talent hitting Chance's already injured shoulder with a splash onto a chair.
February 11th: W.O.W.-Whitesville, WV vs. Raw Talent *title defense*: Chance defeated Raw Talent with a snapliner after Raw Talent nearly won the title via interference by Phil Anderson and Eric Darkstorm.
February 12th: NCW-Barboursville: Chance defeated Phil Manee with a snapliner after a low-blow.
XMCW-Nitro, WV: Chance and Kris King fought to a time limit draw and received an outstanding ovation from the crowd but were dinied 5 more minutes to determine a winner by Kenny Bass.
February 18th: W.O.W.-Whitesville, WV vs. Bunkhouse Buck *title defense*: Chance defeated former WCW superstar Bunkhouse Buck with a snapliner despite interference from Eric Steele and Eric Darkstorm.
February 19th: NWA Wildside-Cornelia, GA *TV Taping*: Chance faced Caprice Coleman in the 2nd week of taping for NWA Wildside. Caprice scored a pinfall with the "Colematose" after reversing Chance's attempt at a Kryptonite Krunch.
February 24th: MSW-Beckley, WV: Chance defeated Chris Gilbert by rolling through an attempted sunset flip and hooked his tights.
February 26th: W.O.W.-St. Albans, WV: *Title Defense* vs. Chris Vega: Chance scored the victory after nailing a snapliner and retained the W.O.W. Heavyweight Title.
March 3rd: C-Pro Entertainment: Red Jacket, WV vs. Kris King-defeated King via Snapliner
March 4th: Wrestlers of West Virginia: Whitesville, WV *title defense*-defeated Eric Darkstorm with Snapliner after the referee restarted the match due to interference
March 5th: UWA: Huntington, WV-defeated Eric Darkstorm via Snapliner & Wrestlers of West Virginia: Danville, WV-the team of Chance Prophet and TJ Phillips def. Eric Darkstorm and JK Punish via vertebreaker on JK Punish
March 10th: MSW: Beckley, WV: Chance defeated Chad Cross via Snapliner after Cross missed an attempted Blockbuster
March 11th: Wrestlers of West Virginia: Whitesville, WV *title defense*: Chance defeated Big Phil Anderson via SuperSunset Flip and a bridging pin
March 12th: NWA Bluegrass: Belfry, KY *title defense*: defeated JT Money twice via schoolboy and snapliner.
March 17th: MSW: Beckley, WV: defeated Chris Gilbert in a 30 minute iron man match 7 pins to 6
March 18th: Wrestlers of WV: Chance defeated Lance Erickson to retain the WOW Heavyweight Title.
March 25th: Wrestlers of WV-*title defense*: Chance was pinned by Ice in a non-title 3 way dance against Ice and Raw Talent. Ice challenged Chance to a title bout for April 1st.
March 31st: MSW: Beckley, WV *return bout against Chris Gilbert- Gilbert scored the win after using a pair of knucks to knock Chance out after ducking Chance's attempt to do the same. Chance challenged Gilbert to a "Knucks on a Pole" Match in Beckley on April 22nd.
April 1st: Wrestlers of WV: Whitesville, WV-vs. Ice *title defense* - Chance retained his title after a small package to Ice. Ice then proceeded to boot Chance and nail an Impaler DDT.
April 2nd: NWA Bluegrass: "Collision Course" Highland Elementary School-Paintsville, KY vs. TNA Wrestling and Team Canada's Eric Young *title defense*: Chance defeated Eric Young after taking a severe amount of punishment including a piledriver and being thrown to the floor 4 times. Chance scored the pinfall after hitting the Snapliner.
April 6th: Powerslam Pro Wrestling: Baileysville, WV vs. former WWE Superstar and current ROH and New Japan Superstar, James Gibson: After surviving being suplexed on the floor and nailed with high impact strikes to the neck and back, Gibson crotched Chance, hit a superplex, and locked on the Trailer Hitch for a submission victory over Chance.
April 7th: Powerslam Pro Wrestling: Red Jacket, WV vs. TNA Superstar, James Storm: James Storm pinned Chance after nailing a superkick.
April 9th: Power Wrestling Alliance: Columbus, Ohio: Chance faced Johnny Ova in the opening bout of the evening. After a brief exchange of chain wrestling, The Million Dollar Man, Ted Dibiase, came out and bought Chance's services. Ova mounted a comeback after Chance picked him apart, but Dibiase tripped Ova and allowed Chance to score a kneedrop to the back of his head and score the pinfall win.
April 14th: MSW: Beckley, WV-vs. Chris Gilbert in a "Brass Knucks on a Pole" Match: Gilbert and Chance ended in a double-knockout after Gilbert jumped off the top rope with the knucks going for a fist drop, and Chance swung at the same time with a loaded fist.
April 15: NCW: Barboursville, WV vs. Stan "the man" Lee: Lee scored a pinfall win after a big boot and putting his feet on the ropes. Chance later eliminated Lee from a battle royal to win.
April 16th: SCW: Tennesee Fairgrounds, Nashville, TN (Formerly the TNA Asylum): Chance faced off against Dan Morrow. Morrow scored a pinfall victory after Chance went for a superplex and was dropped face-first allowing Morrow to hit a top rope legdrop.
April 21st: MSW: Beckley, WV: Chance faced Adorable Danny Ray in a Teacher vs. Student match. Danny Ray won via a roll-up with his feet on the ropes.
April 22nd: Wrestlers of West Virginia: Whitesville, WV: Tag Team Match with Barbarian against Evil MF'ers(Eric Darkstorm and Eric Steele). Chance and Barbarian scored the win with a snapliner to Darkstorm.
April 23rd: XMCW 4th Anniversary Show: Nitro, WV: Chance, Kris King, and Shane Storm squared off in an Ultimate X Match for the XMCW Heavyweight Title. After many insane falls from the structure, Chance attempted a neckbreaker while Storm was reaching for the title, which caused the title to fall to the mat. Storm scrambled over Prophet and grabbed the belt to retain the title.
May 5th: Powerslam Pro Wrestling: Red Jacket, WV: Chance defeated Kris King with the Doomsayer after catching King as he went for a double-axe handle from the top rope. - May 6th: Wrestlers of West Virginia: Chance lost the WOW Heavyweight Title to challenger, Eric Steel, after Phil Anderson hit him from behind with a steel chair allowing Steel to hit a Death Valley Driver and become the new WOW Heavyweight Champion.

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