Page name: Chapter 2: Elysia [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-05 04:52:27
Last author: Igorina
Owner: Igorina
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Elysia bobbed gently with the waves and bustled with activity. Walking on it was rather like walking along the deck of an immense ship only the deck below your feet was pleasantly springy instead of hard and covered with naturally growing soft lichen. Like all the floating islands, the general structure was consistent: the marketstalls ringed the islands since the majority of the merchant sold directly from their ships and taverns, cathouses and living quarters clustered towards the middle of the island. The building structures were low, sprawling things, with decorated walls of oilcloth paper, reed thatched roofs smeared with pitch for waterproofing and frameworks of light wood or various carved bones of sea creatures. Fire being such a high risk here, all lighting was either done with lampstones or with glass globes filled with highly luminiscent mooneye fish. And over all loomed the magnificent multi-tiered galleon of the island Saltwolf, Nathan Ketch, practically a city in itself. No one could miss it or the bobbing cages tethered to her hull, each exactly the width and height of a man standing, a warning to any corsair or onai.
Antonia made her way over a landscape that slowly shifted with the waves, another unusual phenomenon of the island. She made her way towards a tavern that was on a hill with one roll of the waves and in a valley with the next wave. The upper torso of a stylized woman with long waving hair and finned hands hanging by the doorway gave this tavern it's name: The Sea Nymph. It was quite popular, and superstitious sailors enjoyed giving her...ample bosom a pat for good luck on their way in or out.
Antonia grinned as she pushed the sheet aside and made her way to one of the low table surrounded by cushions. She hummed softly to herself as she looked around.

Caleb was in a right foul mood as the crew unloaded the shipment of freshwater. Not so much about the spoons, (he rarely used them anyway) but his earring! Out of his ear! How did she pull that off? He was wearing it! He knew he hadn't had too much libation the night before. He could feel a gnat land on his nose and swat it, without even waking up. He must be slipping. Or she was just that good.
"Cap'n...,"Smythe began, more cautiously. When Arth didn't blow up, he continued.
"I think I may 'ave a bit o' information that you could use to yer likin'. Per'aps to help get back yer personals?"
Caleb stopped half-way down the gang plank. Turning he raised an eyebrow.
"I'm listening."
"Well Cap'n..." Smythe snapped a look to one of the crew that was becoming a bit too interested in their conversation. It was Kite, who had lost his shirt and trousers to one Miss Reade, the day before. He quickly went back to work.
Smythe motioned the Captain closer. Arth rolled his eyes, and humoring his Mate, he obliged.
"What is it, man?"
"Well last night, as I was up topside, I spied the wench sneakin' about on deck. I decided to follow 'er, but I thinks she knew. She led me all about the vessel till I were on me last leg... as it were." Smythe rapped the wooden peg that served as his left appendage.
"Well I give up the chase and slump down next to the door to yer quarters. I jest decided to 'ave me a pull on me pipe, an had struck a luc'fer when I see's a disturbin' shadow. The match near burned me finger off, but I were too frightened to care. I din' see much, but 'twas enough to get one thought in me mind. Onai."
Caleb's heart jumped in his ribcage, but on the outside he just gave Smythe a hard look.
"I'd 'ave told ye the very moment... but ye were snorin' up a mighty storm, and... well, you'll pardon me sayin' Cap'n, but yer a bit of a 'bear' when yer awoke afore mornin'."
Caleb flushed. Perhaps the libations were a bit strong.
"That's quite a serious charge. Especially where we are right this moment."
"I know what I know, and what I saw wern' natural. I know "Ketch's Law". No Corsairs. No Onai. No Trouble."
The sailors like Smythe were well aquainted with the rules of Nathan Ketch. Smythe himself had been in trouble because of a trip to a tavern called The Sea Nymph. Caleb recalled him saying it had to do with confusing one of the barmaids for the sign out front. As Arth had never ventured beyond the freshwater traders on the docks, for obvious reasons, he knew nothing of the place. He didn't even want to come here this time around. He tried to steer as clear from Ketch as possible. The fact remained that Elysia, which held anchor year round, had the greatest need for freshwater, and therefore paid the highest price. He needed the money. He knew what Ketch was capable of, though. He had heard stories back in Corquetown. Stories told in the alleyways, by other Onai. He wouldn't even wish that on Antonia, thief though she was. He'd much rather kill her, himself.
"I’m thinkin’ all of us had a bit too much ale last night, matey. Nothin’ to be shameful for. We were celebratin’ a good and profitable haul. But I fear the drink may have helped ya see what wasna there. I think ye may have seen Grady’s dog, aboard.”
“Cap’n, as I said afore, I seen what I seen… and Grady’s dog ‘as been dead nigh a month. Grady was the one as tossed ‘im overboard.”
Get out of this’n, Caleb Arth told himself.

Antonia snapped her fingers at one of the serving wenches.
" Pint of rum, darlin' , " she said and caught the wench by her apron-strings as she turned to leave. " An' tell anyone by th' name o' Seth that the apple of the North Star's eye has been plucked and I expect my shillin' for it..." she added in a lower voice.
The wench raised an eyebrow and hurried off. Not too long after that she came back and set a pint of rum down in front of her.
" Barkeep's waitin' for thee, miss, " she said anxiously and Antonia suddenly grabbed her by the ear and pulled her down.
" Don't call me miss, li'l grease-rag...or madam either. I prefer matey, aight?" she chided with a broad grin and slapped her gently across the face before letting her go. Antonia downed most of the rum, picked up the mug and then moved over in the direction of the barkeep.
" So what else can I get ye? " asked the barkeep without looking up. Antonia laughed as she winked, reached out and took the barkeep's hand affectionately.
" Thee's a sweet lad, offering me a free drink, " Her slurred voice was very convincing. " Did I ever tell thee how beautiful thy eyes are...Seth? " she added in a lower voice as she skillfully palmed the ruby signet ring into his hand. He shook her hand off and the ring disappeared unnoticed into his pocket.
" Many times before, " he said as he took her mug and refilled it. " How do you plan on payin' this time? "
Antonia fished around in her pockets and laid out the spoon and the silver earring. " Upps...not that 'un, " she said thoughtfully as she hurriedly took the earring back. " What of th' spoon? "
The barkeep dug out some coins and slapped them on the bar as he took the spoon. Antonia counted them as he slid her mug back to her. " Fair enough, " she said and slid a few back to him as the barkeep waved her away. She swigged her rum and her face grew thoughtful as she swallowed. Discreetly she spat out the tiny roll of leather that had been in her drink and tucked it away.
As she glanced around, a couple of more sailors came in and settled on the other end of the bar. Antonia's face grew still as she heard them tell a mournful story of their late captain. When she heard the name of ' Old North Star' she took another quick swallow and moved away. The barkeep flashed her a sudden look of absolute fury.
" That wasn't in the bargain!!! " he mouthed as well as some other colorful words. Antonia grinned helplessly. As the sailors drank their fill she skittered further away and plopped herself down at another table. When their gaze started to sway in her direction, she whispered quickly to the man beside her. " Care tae make me thy proud beauty for a bit, matey? " and without waiting for an answer, slid into his lap, grabbed him by the ears and planted a fierce kiss right on his lips, hiding her face with her black hair.
Her nose wrinkled as she kissed the surprised man. His breath smelled like pickled herring.
A cloaked figure in the corner watched with interest as he had the whole fascinating transaction previously and then quietly threw a few coins on the table and walked out of the tavern


Caleb cautiously strode down the dockside. Smythe was a good man but he was damned superstitious and way too curious. He might have to find a more 'suitable' replacement as quemaster.
Caleb felt the prick of a dagger in his side.
"You dare to show yer ugly face on MY island?"
His eyes narrowed as he recognized the voice, and his manner changed from nervousness to amusement. Turning, he grabbed the hand holding the dagger and twisted it behind the back of the 'attacker'.
"I concede! I concede!"
Caleb's booming laughter made a few heads turn. He released his 'captive'. The tall, lanky, character that stood before him, cradled his wrist as if it were broken.
"I can't believe you did that. I'm really hurt, here."
"Aw. What a lot o' bilgewater! You always were a bit on the weak side, McFiread. Come 'ere, you little weasel."
The thin man grasped Arth's arm with his 'wounded' hand.
"How've ye been, Caleb? I haven't seen ye in what... a year and half again? When was the last time ye came home? Y'know, the lads 'ave been askin' fer ya."
" 'Ave they, now? Well to tell the truth, I haven't thought much on them... the scurvy lot! I bet Luna's still in a twist bout leavin' him in that dingy."
McFiread's smile faded.
"Well now... Caleb. Ye can't blame him. I may have forgiven an' forgotten, but ye did leave us to our own devices, there."
There was a long, uncomfortable silence.
"...But that's ancient history, right?" the scrawny sailor prompted, giving a half-hearted smile.
"Ye know, Martin? Ye have more soul than I ever give ye credit for. I'm sorry."
"Enough of this reminiscin'. How 'bout a drink? I know just the place."
"I don't know, lad. Considerin' where we are, d'ya think it wise?"
"Ah, Ketch is a self-obsessed peacock. He doesn't know half the things that go on under his own nose, or those who go about under it."
Arth shrugged and began to follow McFiread through the buildings.
"By the by, did ye hear about the North Star? Some of her sailors are goin' about sayin that their master and captain was killed by a..."
The young man looked about shiftily, and lowered his voice, "one of us. A woman, went by the name o' Reade."
Arth stopped in his tracks.


As the men turned away, Antonia finally released the man who reeled back in his seat and stared slack-jawed at her. She winked and blew a kiss at him as she slid out of his lap and away from the table.
" Nothin' personal, matey, " she murmured to herself as she sneaked past the men and out the door of the tavern again. She finally had what she had been looking for. It had taken her years and years but it had been worth it. Now the trick would be finding the next ship leaving out of Elysia as soon as possible.
She smirked cheekily as she gave the Nymph a pat on the way out. A little extra luck never hurt, after all and she'd be needing it to get out of Ketch's port in one piece.

[travs the bean]
Outside along the docks a large beast of a man lumbered through crowds. His eyes were cold and the large black cloak floated heavily in the breeze. His hair was slick black and hung in a knotted pony tail under his low hat. His name was Calous, the time spent on years of toil and violence had taken it's toll and now forced the aged creature to walk with a cane. He spoke little as he made his way through the crowds, finally stopping at a mangy little pub. 
A little smirk crossed his lips as he eyed the sign and pushed his way into the mad house- brushing up against several patrons, whose purses managed to find their way into Calous's deep pockets.
"Pardon me, excuse me, beg yer pardon." he politely interjected as he found his way to the bar.

William Ramsey lately right hand of the Old North Star now acting captain sat at the far end of the bar, clutching his drink morosely and staring at it with bloodshot eyes as his men talked quietly among themselves.
Most assumed he was grieving over his captain's loss. Truth be told, there had been no love lost between the right hand and his captain. They had in fact hated each other's guts. What bothered William more was the principal of the thing. Lord knows, he despised the old goat and his ways but he had been an outstanding captain in his own right and there was none who could have been better. Still if anyone had the right to kill the captain it should have been him, not some sly wench who had just happened to be lucky. If he ever saw her again...
" Donnel...if you don't shut up I'm going to gut you, " he growled warningly to the man closest to him and who had been talking the most. A silence fell over the group.
" Sorry cap'n, " said the man.
William turned his scowl towards the man. " And don't bleedin' call me Cap'n either! " he snarled as he slammed his glass into the bar and shattered it.

[travs the bean]
Calous smiled wickedly as he listened to the conversation- he ordered a strong flask of old ale and took a hefty swig from the brew when it arrived. 

Within minutes, two other men arrived and sat next to the old sailor. They were as beaten-down looking as Calous. Scraggly beards, leather skin and cold hard looks. One had oily long blond hair, the other was bald, his eye scarred and torn. They shared the rough tasting brew, speaking in dark quiet tones.

"'Tis a shame she was boarded sir and taken from ya, " said one.
"Aye, Scags," Calous spoke to the blond. " 'Tis a shame. Minor set back really nothing more- we'll get another me at that lads."
"But where cap'n?" the bald one named Krugger answered."All the ships 'ere ... well..."
"I know it will be a challenge boy- but it aint over yet." Calous took another draught. "B'sides lads - I 'ear they might be another openin for a sea-warring ol' codger like mi-self."
Scags looked slowly up from his drink." Well that rat Wilfer won't be talkin' no more." He smiled through crooked teeth.
"Nope, nuthin' like seeing one's insides strung out across the masts- oh yes...teach all dem rat-dogs to cause problems, " said Calous. " Now who's still 'round? We need to get off dis pile of rotwood."
"Phipps, Niles, Polywert and Cottins sir...When Wilfer ratted us out- Patch and Kiplot didn't make it out of the they strung 'em up high over the bay- like rotten fish- ah spit- but the rest of the crew really can't be trusted."
"Fair enough boys....well let's see what we can do to get us a ship somewhere.... Mr.Scags get out there and find us some reliable crew-tell 'em loyalty will make 'em rich and swear 'em to secrecy- we'll meet on the pier near a ship called the old north star...she seems to be 'avin a bit of a problem keeping control- we might just 'ave to fix that"

[travs the bean]
The big man smiled and motioned for his companion to follow as they made their way through the crowd and found themselves in front of William and his men. He wrapped himself warmly and looked down and the sullen group and in a deep low voice began...

"Parden me gents, but the lackey in the corner directed me to you with the word that you might have a ship to charter? I have plenty to offer for yer services gents, what say ye?"


William turned at the man's voice and stared up at him. He laid his head on his hand and grinned bitterly.
" A ship to charter, mate? " He laughed. " We have a brigatine. Finest this side of the Amarathine Ocean. And you know what else? " He stood up and it was plain to see that the drinks were catching up with him.
" Cap'n..." began one of the men urgently.
" Shut up. And don't call me Cap'n " William spat. He looked up at the man. " Fine brigatine oh yes...Fine crew. All what...six of us now? Yer not supersitious are ye mate? ' Cause those of our crew that left say she's a cursed ship now...Cap'n dies on board and all that. 'Ell, mate...Show me a coin and I'd be happy to charter ye right into a rock if you want. Hope you bring yer own crew though. I don't care's all the same..." He sat back down at the bar and turned back to his drink. The stranger looked less than impressed with these passionate words but his men looked distinctly embarassed for William and themselves.

[travs the bean]
Calous tossed a large bag of coin onto the bar- William's eyes grew large-
"I'd advise you mate to sober yerself up before we leave tonight- and there will be many more bags like the one you see before you."
William said nothing...
Calous continued-" I supply my own crew.. fine, if that be the case I might just buy the ship outright- depends on the "captain" though- if he be willing to sell out his cursed beast. meet us tonight at mid-evening, no questions and we will be waiting." His dark eyes narrowed with determination. "Cross me though and there'll be more than ghost to keep you awake at night..."
Calous grinned and turned from the sullen wretch of a man and headed for the door and dissappeared into the early evening night.


The two men approached the Sea Nymph. Martin reached out and gave 'er a pat. Arth suddenly understood the nature of Smythe's little 'run in'. Chuckling to himself, he pushed the sheet aside and lumbered in.
McFiread strolled up to the bar and slapped a handful coins on the counter. Arth knew that Martin was a bit of a drinker, and he didn't like the looks of where this was going.


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