Page name: Chapter 7: An Unexpected Turn [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-12 21:10:44
Last author: Sinchao
Owner: Sinchao
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Chapter 7: An Unexpected Turn

The next morning Sinchao woke up early and he immediately got out of bed and started packing the things his mom and Sarah brought over. As last left remaining, he packed his laptop and the book containing the Legend. He stared out of the window. He looked at the Hospital’s square and the surrounding area. He walked to the door and closed the door behind him, boding the room farewell. He nearly jumped down the stairs, instead of taking the elevator but when he got downstairs he was already shouted at by the nurse, who told him to keep rest for at least another week.

On his walk back he went passed every part of the town he liked. He visited the park, his junior high, and of course the kindergarten. He had to visit these because couldn’t possibly know when he was going to be in the Hospital again, with these creatures that were after him. Sinchao had thought of several awkward things while he was in the Hospital. In his dream, there were also many creatures around, but instead of using a weapon, the Dream-Sinchao had used some sort of black fireball to slay them. Also, the book said the Beings appear at night but Sinchao had been in the Hospital for three days, and it had already been five days since his Deathdream, so where were the Beings? Why hadn’t they attacked him yet? It would seem that by sheer resistance, they were already bending the rules of his fate.

Sinchao looked at the blue sky. “Maybe the Deathdream doesn’t predict your death, but tells you what will happen if you stand by and do nothing in connection with it. That would mean, that if I couldn’t remember the dream I had, a course of actions would follow placing me in that position. In other words, only by research and discoveries, I am already taking advantage of the Dream. It also explains why Dream-Sinchao didn’t have a weapon. He simply didn’t know how to summon it, as he had no knowledge concerning the Legend whatsoever”. Sinchao looked happy. He was able to go home, and he already cleared a lot of the Legend by just taking a deep breath and looking at the sky.

By the time he got home Limbed was already at his house. Sinchao had called him earlier but he doubted if Limbed had been there just for his return. Sinchao greeted Limbed with a salute and the moment he turned to go up the stairs, a blond girl jumped down the stairs in Sinchao’s arms. “Welcome home, Sinchao!”, the small blond girl said with a smile on her little face. Sinchao blinked a couple of times to make sure he knew what was going on. “W-What? Rayn? What are you doing here?!”. Rayn looked up, as Sinchao was a lot taller than she was. “What’s with the ‘what are you doing here’?! Can’t I even come visit my family every now and then?”. Sinchao blinked once more. He couldn’t remember Rayn being that offensive. Rayn was Sinchao’s younger cousin. She was the daughter of his mother’s sister.

“What's with that attitude of yours? Who are you trying to copy?”. Rayn smiled and pointed at Sarah, who by now had appeared in the hall to see what all the ruckus was about. “Eh?”, Sarah stuttered. ”M-me?”. Sinchao started laughing, while Rayn simply smiled and looked at Sarah. “Why do you want to be like me?”, she asked Rayn. “Because I want to know what it feels like, not to be nice”, Rayn replied with a daring look. Sarah nearly exploded with anger, while Sinchao walked into the living room unable to stop laughing. He could hear Sarah shout at Rayn, who only replied with even more insults. He sat down next to Limbed. “I love this. They have been fighting ever since Rayn was able to talk. She used to come by when she was really small, but this is the first time she is coming by on her own”. Limbed smiled. “Sarah doesn’t like her at all, huh?”, he asked. “She does, really, but they simply always fight. The two of them are like sisters. They fight a lot, but they still like each other”.
Limbed simply smiled but didn’t reply.

Soon it appeared Rayn was going to stay a couple of days, at least until the holiday the others were in ended. She had brought along three suitcases and all of them were filled beyond knowledge. She had packed clothes for over a month. Sarah helped her move her suitcases upstairs when she arrived early in the morning. Sinchao went to his room, and unpacked his bags. On top of his clothes was the book about the legend. He took it out and put it on top of the pile of books that was already on his desk. He was happy to be back. Even though it had only been three days of sleeping in the hospital, he was yet happy to back home again. He longed for his own bed but he knew there were other more important things to discuss with Limbed and Sarah. The arrival of Rayn came as a surprise, so Sinchao couldn’t just talk with them about the Legend whenever he wanted. And there was also his mom he needed to look out for. These people didn’t know anything about the Legend and Sinchao didn’t mind keeping it that way. His mom would probably send him to a psychiatrist and Rayn would only laugh. Sinchao left his room, and went downstairs. As he descended the stairs, the door opened, and his mother came into the house. “Hey, sweety”. Sinchao sighed. “Would you stop calling me that already. Hi”.

After dinner Sinchao talked to Limbed about how they would meet tonight. They had to make sure Rayn wasn’t coming along, and also, that no one would know they were leaving. They agreed to meet at the park around 1 o’clock the very same night. Limbed informed Sarah, as Sinchao distracted his mother and Rayn.

It wasn’t long before it was time to leave. Sinchao had been in his room all the time, waiting and staring at his clock. He opened his door, and made sure there was no one in the hall. He softly went down the stairs, and found his sister there waiting for him. “15 minutes”, she whispered. “You’re 15 minutes late. What is it with you and time? They just don’t seem to fit together”. Sinchao softly opened the door of the house. “We’ll talk about that later. Let’s get out of here first”. They went outside of the house, and Sarah closed the door behind them.

Soon they arrived at the park, but Limbed wasn’t there yet. They sat down on a bench. There was a dead silence between the two. They hadn’t really talked about anything but the legend since Sinchao had been in the hospital. “B-brother…?”, Sarah carefully tried to start the conversation. Sinchao looked at her. “Hmmm?”. Sarah had a faint smile on her face and she looked rather pale. “You know… Limbed and I… We…”-“I know, I know”, Sinchao reacted with a smile. “I don’t mind. Limbed is my friend, and he is my friend for a reason”. Sarah smiled. She was happy to hear all this. Limbed arrived only a few minutes later. Sinchao told them everything he had figured out so far.

“So… The Deathdream isn’t a real prophecy. But what about these Guards? Just because they haven’t been seen yet, doesn’t mean it’ll be long. We had better figure out how to get that weapon of yours”. Sinchao smiled. “I already know how to summon it. I just haven’t tried it yet. I don’t know what would have happened if one of the nurses at the hospital would come walking in and see me sitting in my bed, with a huge battle axe, or big broadsword in my hands”. Limbed stared at Sinchao. “And you didn’t bother to tell us sooner? Anyway, how is it summoned?”, he asked eagerly. “Well, it’s actually quite simple. There’s a spell in the book, if you say that spell out loud, you sword will be summon, with the handle in your hands”. Sarah jumped up in excitement. “Well, show us your weapon already!”. Limbed and Sinchao stared at her. Sarah didn’t even like weapons, why was she so curious to know what kind of weapon Sinchao would have? Sinchao put up a faint smile, and said the spell. “Reshtak aruk nahm”. Nothing happened, not even the slightest mystical breeze passed by. “Maybe I pronounced it wrong”, Sinchao said with a sound of doubt. “Let’s try again. Reshtak aruk nahm”. Nothing.

Limbed stared at Sinchao, who was standing in front of the bench shouting out the same spell, over and over. Suddenly, Sinchao shouted out in pain. A smoke-like black Being had appeared behind him, and scratched him on the back. The creature was of an unimaginable size, and had big red horns and the eyes of a crow. It cried out in anger, while Sinchao’s knees gave in. He fell down and landed on his back. He could see a huge claw rush down to pierce his body when he at the very last moment gathered all of his will power to cover up his pain, and roll aside. He quickly got up, and ran away with pain stinging in his back. He expected the creature to follow him, but it did the unexpected. It took a leap towards a bush, and pinned down it’s claw in the middle of it.

A little girl cry blazed through the park, sending shivers of pure hatred and anger down Sinchao’s spine. Tears instantly ran down Sarah’s check, as she cried out in sorrow. Limbed took her in her arms, looking at the stars with fear dancing in his mind. Sinchao turned around with trembling eyes. That was Rayn’s cry. She had followed Sarah and him. He could see her hand underneath the bus, and the tears of his sister touch the ground. The creature kept on piercing the bush, and after mere two pierces the cry stopped. Sinchao stepped forward, with an increasing speed. He sprinted forward at an amazing speed shouting out in anger. He jumped up at an amazing height, and spoke the words needed.

Reshtak... Aruk... Nahm...

Sinchao rushed through the skies, right above the being. A black smoke was escaping from his hand, while a handle formed out of it, and he took hold of it. The air was cold as ice, not a breeze to hear. Silence reigned in the park. Sinchao looked at the being, with eyes as red as Hell. He was going to kill this Being, no matter what. He raged down with a demonic force, speaking with a rusty voice of darkness.
“I’m forgiving. You can come after Me. Hurt me. Kill me, and tear me apart. I don’t care. But, let me tell you this. You who touched my friends or family. You who hurts my friends or family. You who just killed my family. I CANNOT FORGIVE.”

Chapter 6: Weapons And Beings
Chapter 8: The Magic of Mother Earth
Alpha And Omega

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