Page name: Chapter Eleven of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2004-04-30 22:12:10
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Chapter Eleven

Stu had gone back in along with Child and Fashion. Once inside, the shattered artist served them tea. Child didn’t drink any of her tea but held it in her hand, gazing into it.
“So tell me how has the art being doing?” asked Gogh.
“Oh its been wonderful!” cried Old. “We have looked at countless pieces such as Roman art, Italian and blah art of blah blah-----”
Stu didn’t listen to a word the old woman said. He was to busy looking at Child. Silver tears fell into her tea. He knew she was upset, he knew Creature was upset. He wished he could prove that Creature was art.
“And is Child still not learning about real art?” asked Da Vinci, disapprovingly.
“I don’t know why they put her on the board!” said Fashion in a rather snooty way. “She’s just a stupid child.”
“A stupid child.”
“A stupid child.”
“Stupid child, stupid child.”
The last sentence echoed eerily through the halls. Child suddenly stopped her crying. She raised her head, her face burning with red anger. With a huge breathe, she threw back her head and screeched loudly. The windows in the corridors began to shatter, glasses of the elders began to crack. She stood up, throwing her cup onto the ground. China splintered, tea flew everywhere. The smell of tea burned Stu’s nose. She stared murderously at the elders and the art experts. Without saying a word she marched off.
“See? I told you!” Fashion replied.
It was Stu’s turn to be in rage. He managed to keep a fake smile real well though. He picked up the tea pot and asked Fashion, “Tea?”
“Why yes thank you!” she held her cup up. Instead of pouring the steaming liquid into her cup, he purposely spilled it into her lap. “Aiee! You babbling buffoon!”
“Now that’s what I call art.” Stu smiled with satisfaction. He dropped the pot causing it to break and ran out after Child.

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2004-05-06 [mywolfalways]: Poor child...I just wanted to wrap her up in a hug. Da Vinci and the others are very judgemental; you see their ideals are what Stu's used to be. It's amazing how when we see somebody else do something we do, we sometimes understand how wrong we were/are.

2004-05-06 [Blaze the Nameless]: Wow, I'm surprised on how much you understand this!

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