Page name: Chapter Nine of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-04-30 00:43:12
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Chapter Nine

Stu stared out the window, hoping to catch one last glimpse of the creature but to his dismay she did not return.
“Trust me lad!” Gogh said. “That creature is not like you or I!”
Stu didn't listen to a word. He kept his focus on the window where he had spotted the creature. Yet she did not show. With a heavy heart, he went up stairs to where he had room prepared. Even though he was thankful for all the generosity, he still longed to see the creature. He blew out the candle and covered himself with the cushy blankets that were provided for him.
No sooner had he tucked himself in he heard a faint noise.
“Psst!” He squinted his eyes open. The creature had return! She beckoned him closer before disappearing.
Not wanting to loose her again, he scuttled out of his cot. He looked down out the window to see her waving like mad. Stu stepped onto the roof carefully, hoping not to slip. He climbed down to where his new friend was. She sprinted rapidly, giggling happily. Stu ran after her but had a hard time keeping up for she was light on her feet. She scampered nimbly with Stu breathing loudly behind her. She stopped so he could catch up but giggled once more and started off. He followed her for what seemed like countless hours until she finally stopped by a moon lighted pool. She plopped down in the grass, waiting for Stu to join her,. He finally caught up but with limited breathe. He came by her side and stared into the pool.
“Is there any certain reason you brought me here?” He asked her.
She smiled blissfully as he asked that question. She crawled towards the edge of the pool so her lips touched it. She sucked in some water and then came backup. Making an O shape with her lips, she blew and out came a huge bubble. Stu was impressed by this but then she did something even more astonishing. She blew a blew a bubble in the shape of a square! The more she made bubbles, the more engrossed Stu became. After she was done with bubble blowing, she gently placed her foot on the water. Stu gasped; she could walk on water! She walked on the surface with us ease and poise. She looked lovely in the moonlight. This reminded him of something. He looked closer; he remembered now. She had seen her in a painting that had been done by one of his own students; Yoshiko Cubano.
Yoshiko was the most artistic of all his students. She was a foreign student from Japan. She drew the most abstract and strange art that all of the children found beautiful yet he found them ugly. He remembered this one for he had personally put it down.
He advanced Yoshiko while at recess. She was in the art room, working on her latest masterpiece. It was a striped woman standing on a lake that light by the moon. Around, floated bubbles of all different sizes. Stu didn't like it.
“What is this suppose to be?”
“I call it Free Spirit,” She replied. “This picture shows how being yourself is a good thing.”
“That isn't art! Its just weird and grotesque!”
“Stu, what you find art I many find sickening,” She said to him as she dabbed her painting. “While what I find art you many not. We all have different taste and we all see something different. If you opened you eyes wider you could see the beauty in all art.”
He laughed at this idea. How can there be any beauty in new art? New art was made by some teenager in California who was bored and decided to paint something.
How he regretted those words right now. Yoshiko's art was amazing and inspiring. How could he have ever torn it down? He watched her dance on the water still blowing bubbles. Suddenly she stopped. Her face had become fearful. Stu looked perplexed. She soon dashed away into the bushes.
“Wait!” He called after her.
“Ah! There you are my subject!” It was Da Vinci.
“You scared her away!” Was all Stu could utter.
“Stay away from that thing! She is nothing! She is not art! No one cares for her.”
Those words burned Stu's soul. Full of rage, he turned to the old man and pinned him to a tree. “Never say that! I bet I can find someone who thinks she is art!”
“Fine then!” Stu released his grip, setting the man down. “You are on!”

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2004-04-29 [Chi]: OOOOOOO! I think im getting this thing now. Stu was injured and now, unconicesly he is relising all of his mistakes and that he has to become more accepting and such.

2004-04-30 [Blaze the Nameless]: *claps for Chi* Good job Chi!

2004-05-06 [mywolfalways]: I love this creature. She would be so cool to watch or even join.

2004-05-06 [Blaze the Nameless]: Glad you like her! I like her 2!

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