Page name: Chapter Sixteen of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-11 01:42:16
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Chapter Sixteen

Night had fallen: all the guest slept in the house. Yet there was still unrest throughout the halls filled with snoring. Stu laid in the comfortable bed provided for him yet he did not snooze. His thoughts were on those children. Were there others like them? How could some people be so blind? He felt liked crying for he had been like many of these people before and sickened him. 
At those thoughts, he made up his mind. He threw off the covers, slipped on some slippers and sneaked downstairs.

The door opened: Myron had finally come. Hector felt a surge of relief. This kids were scaring him beyond belief. The door opened again but he didn't see who it was. He pulled Myron away, leading him to a private room where they could talk.
Myron explained everything to Hector in precise detail. “Are you sure you're not sick?”
“I'm telling you! Those kids have glowing eyes!” Myron was sweating greatly.
Hector rolled his eyes. He looked back to see another one of Stu's students. It was a guy who was kissing Cleo: Tanner. Tanner unexpectedly stared straight at Hector and gave him a wink. When he opened his eyes again, they were giving off a orange glow.

It was dark so he stumbled many times. He didn't care even though he was having great trouble. Stu felt around to find his way to his destination: the kitchen. There was an oil lamp lit so he was able to find some candles and such. After lighting them all, he set off to work. He got all the provisions and supplies he needed: soon, he began his work. It was dim so he had a bit of trouble working. The smell of the scented candles tinkled his nose from time to time. He nearly cut himself with a knife. After many countless minutes, he was done. He placed his cooking on a plate and headed back out.
It was still dark so once more he had trouble. He felt his way around until he was there: the ball room. He made his way down the stairs, hoping he wouldn't trip. Stu placed the plate on the ground before quickly hiding under one of the food tables. It was silent for less than a couple minutes but still it made him uneasy. Then, two shadowy outlines creeped across the room towards the provisions. The lights suddenly came on. The two children turned with a mouthful of bread to see Cor at the top of the steps. The children stared at him with their eyes: the only part of their face that could be seen. Cor slowly made his way down the steps until he was facing the two. They stared for a while in beautiful silence. The two children stood up, running as fast as their feet would let them and clumsy embraced him.
“Aiee!” There was scared scream. All the party guest had returned. “He is being attacked!”
“No!” Stu cried as he stumbled to get up. Sadly, his attempt was in vain.
The two innocent children were stripped away from the loving Cor. They were thrown to the ground where they were beaten and yelled at. Stu held his chest: his heart was throbbing with unbearable pain. His head was swirling: he hated these people. He hated himself for seeing that true beauty only lies within. In rage, he began to scream like a mad man. The party guest screamed, running out of the way. 
The sound of breaking china stopped him. The mask of the two children had fallen off. They stared at the broken pieces that had hidden their faces for so long. Slowly, they turned to face Stu. He gasped.
They were beautiful.

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2004-05-25 [mywolfalways]: This chapter is short and also a bit confusing. There doesn’t seem to be enough detail to follow to keep things in a proper order for my mind. I do like what you did within it. I especially liked the ending.

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