Page name: Chapter Thirteen of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-07 22:42:25
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Chapter Thirteen

There sat creature in the dark shed. The only light came from a hole in the top. Tears fell from her face which turned into bubbles that floated away. Her heart had never felt such rejection. Her creator had said she was beautiful but right now she didn't very pretty. She wished she had never been created.
“Creature!” Child's voice broke the wall of doubt. She appeared at the doorway. Her eyes met Creature's pitiful gaze. “Creature!” She threw her hands around Creature's neck.
Stu soon found the two of them in a warm embrace. He sighed with complete fulfillment. Tears of joy filled both ladies' eyes as they bear hugged one another. The noise of footsteps came from behind: the Elders. They weren't going to like this at all! He turned back to the two: still hugging in a sweet hold. He had to think. He urged his brain to come up with something. If only the artist had more creations like Creature. Wait, that was it!
He grabbed the nearest paintings and headed out the door. Creature sensed something was wrong so she pulled Child closer to her. Her body was warm so Child felt safe.
Outside, he placed four of the pictures in front of the shack. The Elders stopped only momentarily just to see what he was doing. When they saw what it was they merely scoffed at him.
“This man is a fool!” began Fashion. She began to step forward.
Stu bent down near the paintings and whispered to them, “Look guys, you know I think you're art. Child thinks you're art. There are many who will think you're art so do your thing!”
The pictures heard his words of encouragement. The frames rattled side to side as the hard paint came to life. Fashion screamed in horror: old fainted into Gogh's arm. Stu's heart leapt with joy at this sight. He ran back in and pulled out one of the artist's statue. It was of a woman with short spiky hair. Her body parts were colored different colors and she stood in a strange position.
As if the sun had magical properties, she slowly began to move. She blinked her eyes and then stared down on the frighten Elders. With great might, she jumped off her standing stool, landing right in front of the Elders. Da Vinci turned to flee but he saw the other works had him blocked. They walked in unison, staring at them with hateful eyes. The Elders huddled together, cowering in fear. Their eyes shut, dreading the horrid punishment that awaited them but to their surprise that art had stopped. They only stood and gazed with burning rage.
“Go ahead you brutes!” Old cried. “Kill us!”
“We are not here to kill you.” said one. “We wish to help you!”
“Help us with what?” Fashion sniffed for the millionth time.
“You are blind,” another stepped out, offering a hand. “We wish to open your eyes see you can see the beauty.”
“What beauty?” Fashion asked again.
“The beauty within everything!”
For the first time, Stu saw they were really blind. They began to stumble, feeling around for one another. Without the others they were lost. They relied on only themselves and the art of old. They could not see any other beauty in any other painting.
The commotion brought artist out. Once she had been noticed her works ran to embrace her. She was confused at first but being hugged by her art made her forget her bafflement. She cried tears but they were of bliss. Creature came out, Child's hand in hers. Her eyes met those of her creator. There was silence: you could hear the rustle of a blossom being blown away in the wind. In a hurried rush, Creature ran to join her brethren. She stopped short but then regained her jog. The artist caught her in her arms, laughing and crying at the same time. The sun shun down on her, erasing the black tears upon her cheeks. Her skin was no longer clammy but it was as soft as silk. Her hair was a lovely chestnut hue that flowed behind her.
This was the true artist, Stu thought to himself. He turned to look down at Child but found she looked exactly like Creature. She turned to him and smiled a big grin. Stu got down to her level and hugged her tight, his eyes squinted tight.  He opened his eyes to see Yoshiko standing behind them in a yellow jumpsuit with a huge bow tied to the back.
“You are now understanding art as well as your lapses. Listen and learn.” She said to him. She took a deep breathe and blew, causing a great gust of wind that sent him flying towards the unfamiliar regions of his mentality.

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2004-05-06 [mywolfalways]: This chapter was so great. The interaction was wonderful. I found a grammar error where you switched to present tense. I'll go back and find it, I can't remember where it is at the moment. 

2004-06-05 [Blaze the Nameless]: Okay, thanks

2005-02-14 [metallickittycat]: wierd....BUT COOL!

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