Page name: Chapter Three of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-16 01:47:13
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Chapter Three

The cracking became louder and so she was slowly rising out of her shell. More lights began to blink around him. As he stared at each one he realized each one of the cocoons had held one of his students. Stu started getting more baffled as each child rose out of its nest. Their eyes had no visible pupils but only a light of color. The children floated above Stu, holding one another hands and soon formed a ring. A blinding white light erupted from them, causing Stu to stumble backwards. He watched them soar above him until the gradually came down.
“Kids! Hey its me! Your teacher!” Stu ran towards them. Cleo screamed and hid her face. “What are you do-------” Two other students screamed as well and shielded their faces. One by one, each child did the same action until no one was looking at him. “Kids, am I really that ugly?”
There was no answer. All children had their faces covered, to scared to look them in the eye. He tried to walk forward but soon found an invisible force blocked him. He knocked loudly but the children still would not look at him. He cried but still he could not be heard. He was completely blocked off. He dropped to his knees and began to wail. He had lost all hope as well as his dignity. Stu's voice echoed through the empty abyss of strange thoughts. He gripped the ground with his bare hands.
“I say my good man. Why have you thrown yourself down like a man's dog?” Stu heard voices; rich, elegant, British voices. He looked up into the face of a well dressed man. “Could we be of some help?”
Stu nodded for he was to tired to speak. He was pulled to his feet where he wobbled for a few moments. The man lifted him up and carried him for a long ways until they reached a huge house that seemed to be in the middle of a barren desert. Inside, there were many more rich people. He sniffed the air; was his nose deceiving him or did he smell food? Roasting ham? Crisp apple pie? Fresh baked bread? Yes, across the room was a long, table full of warm, steaming food. He sped towards the steaming goods and began to get his fill.
How could this be real? Such delicious food! He had never tasted anything so rich and luscious. He fell back onto a couch, full and satisfied. He heard a giggle. He opened his eyes to see a girl; a very strange girl. She was very young and wore a flowing dress with sequences, flowers and bows. In her hair, was a stem sticking out with ribbons attached. She had on bright, red lipstick and sparkles on her cheeks.
She leaned over and whispered, “Hey! Are you going to be their smart one?” He cast a perplexed look at her. “Well are you?”
“Why are you whispering?” He asked a bit loudly.
“Because I can!” She answered him.
“Excuse my good fellow!” The well dress man came back. “I don't think you want to associate with this creature! Bad reputation you know!”
Stu was pulled away from the child who waved Farwell as he left. He was taken to another room where there were others like the man who had found him.
“Allow me to introduce myself!” The man bowed. “I am Mr. Smith!”
“Thank you for your hospitality Mr. Smith.”
“Smith!” Stu soon saw a man dressed in the same clothes as Mr. Smith approach them. “How are you doing old chap!”
“Ah Mr. Smith! I'd like you to meet our newest member and our supposedly smart one, Mr. Smith!”
“Smith? No, no, my last name is-----” Stu began.
“Now Smith! You see all men are Smith and all woman are Callaghan. Quite nice really.”
‘But don't you get confused?”
“No, not at all!'
“Evening Mr. Smith and Mr. Smith!” Miss Callaghan came over. “Is this our smart one?”
“Well I do hope so!” Mr. Smith said. “Come along new Smith! To the boulder of perplexity.”
“What of what?” Stu's question was droned out by the loud screams of happiness. They grabbed him and shoved him out the door once more. He looked back to see the little girl, smiling with a mysterious smile.

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2004-04-26 [mywolfalways]: I like the Mr. Smith and Ms. Callaghan thing in here. Very symbolic, I think. Every person is really no person, right? This chapter definitely left me wondering what was going on.

2004-04-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Thanks!

2004-04-29 [Chi]: on to the next! Wheee! Good job by the way. This story intrigues me

2004-05-05 [DemonicRabbit]: kinda reminds me of the Matrix...

2004-05-16 [Leelo]: Yeah I agree

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