Page name: Chapter Twenty Seven of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-26 16:42:15
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Chapter Twenty Seven

Sarah reached the mall every soon. He was surprised she could tell which one it was out of the all the buildings that were copies of the other. But he found it was even worse once inside the building. All the stores were the same as well as the restraints. This was driving him insane!
He also made another discovery. When Sarah joined her friends they all had the exact same name. It seemed like the Sarahs hung out with each other and the other names did the same. He didn't like this place very much. It was boring! Wasn't there just one person here who wasn't following the crowd.
Since he was lost in his own thoughts, he didn't noticed himself bumping into one the clones. He gave her a sorry and she went on her way. Then he turned to look at her. Something was different about that clone. He couldn't put his finger on it yet but he knew something was different about her. The way she had bumped into him gave him a strange feeling.
Wanting to know what set her apart from the others, he began to follow her. She headed towards the food court where she met her friends.
“Hey May!” They greeted in unison.
Well it wasn't her name, that's for sure. He crouched down behind a table, not wanting to be found. He watched her: he wish he knew what made her different. Was it her hair? No, same color and style as her friends. Was it her shoes? Her socks? Her jewelry? NO! He just couldn't seem it find it! He was so upset he kicked a nearby trash can that made a loud racket. The May he had been spying on turned around and looked at him. He saw it! What made her different was her make up! She hardly wore any!
“Is something wrong with my face?” She asked him.
“Could I talk to you for a moment?” He asked her.
She paused for a second: she looked towards her friends who nodded frantically. She shrugged and agree to go with him. They found a nice table and sat down. Stu plunged into his theory about how she was different. He seemed to notice that she began to get uncomfortable at some part. When he finished, there was a strange silence.
“Well?” He asked suddenly. “Am I wrong or right?”
“I can't tell you here!” She said in a low whisper. “These walls have ears. And I mean literally.” Stu looked around: he hadn't noticed this before but she was right. The walls literally had humans ears hanging on the walls. “Look,” She took his hand and wrote something down. “Meet me there and I'll tell you everything you want to know okay!”
“Oh May! I knew it!” Her friends had discovered them. “I knew this guy had a crush on you!”
“What?” Asked Stu. “Dear, I'm 32 and I'm happily married thank you very much!”
“Please ignore them,” May pleaded. “They do this all the time! Just meet me at the address at 11:30 tonight!”
Then she left him: lost in a mall. Plus, he didn't know where to stay since he had no home here. Then it hit him: he could stay with a Sarah. That's were he found himself and that's where he would stay.
So he set off to find the group of Sarah's. It took him a long time until he found them. When they saw him come close, they all started whispering and giggling.
“Is that man you found on your bed?” Asked one.
“Yes,” His Sarah said. She came over to him and asked, “Do you need anything dear?”
“Yes I----” He began but stopped extremely short. Did she just call him dear. “Excuse me, did you just call me dear?”
“Do you prefer sweetie, honey, darling or----”
“Wait, wait! Since when were we a couple?”
“Since I found you in my room!” She said.
Stu's stomach lurched: this was going to kill him.

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2004-06-21 [Blaze the Nameless]: Okay,I don't know what happened but somehow I think i deleted a chapter

2004-07-07 [mywolfalways]: "Sarah reached the mall every soon." <--I really don't know what you meant by this. " well as the *restraints." *restaurants "...didn't noticed..." *didn't notice "She paused for a second: she looked towards her friends who nodded frantically." ; not : "She shrugged and *agree to go with him." *agreed

2004-07-07 [mywolfalways]: I wish you hadn't lost the previous part of this chapter. I hope you can either find it or figure out what you were doing. This chapter is very interesting. A little more detail would be nice though. I really like the "walls have ears" thing.

2004-07-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: I retyped the chapter, if you want i can send it 2 u!

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