Page name: Chapter one TD [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-07-25 04:31:57
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
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Drake sighed sitting ontop of a building looking out over the city at the rising sun as he held up his camera to his left eye and hesitated "i wish i could take a picture" he mumbleded to himself before putting the camera down. " i wonder what work you will have for me today" he questioned to himself looking up at the sky with a smirk

Diana walked down the street her strawberry hair bouncing freely in cool Moring breeze as she walked, catching the sunlight, giving her an angelic glow. Only she was wear her black leather jacket with a white tank underneath it and her light washed skinny jeans with her favorite pair of brown leather boots that cut off just below her knees. This showed she was long and slender, like supermodel. Diana adjusted her sunglasses, and kept towards a building that was made out of black glass, it was the police department. Diana sighed. "A new, another monster to get rid of..." She mumbled taking a sip of her coffee she was caring with her.

Drake ears twitched at the comment of the woman below as he smirked "maybe i should go have some fun" he paused and thought to himself "then again i did have to pull alot of strings to get here......meh screw it" he laughed as he started whistling the small tune from kill bill the errie whistle carrying over the air as if spouting from nowhere

Diana stopped for a moment and listened. "Meh..." She shruggled it off. She's dealt with worse the hearing things. But still it was odd, She notice another man had stopped, he looked scared. Diana shook her haed, but listed carefuly. "My god things have gone to the dogs in this twon..." She shook her haed. Maye it was ghost who had nothing better to do with it's time.

"ohh that one looks tough" drake said smiling to himself looking down at her from the roof of the building his tail swaying back and forth a bit "might be worth going inside after all" he said standing and dusting himself off a bit before stepping one foot off the building and falling to it parrallel and casually walking down the side of it

Diana was waiting for the light to change...She felt something wacthing her, coming towards her. She smiled to her self. Was it a deamon? Why would it show it self in day light. No it had to be something eles, she could feel it. It wasn't human...

"hello....policewoman" drake said still walking down the building towards her his tail swaying a bit as he waved now looking at her through a small point and shoot camera held over his left eye "...wings?" drake questioned to himself "oh a fun day indeed" he laughed jumping and seeming to float down as he pocketed the camera "i take it your the one im supposed to be looking for" he said looking at her his head tilted sideways as his ears twitched a bit

Diana studie the him for a moment. She wasn't so suprised to see him coming down the wall, ut the ears tail, kind of shook her. "Are you a deamon?" She had to ask it. Unsure of which bulets to use. The man standing next to her look like he was going to have a hreat attack. "Haven't you ever seen a stant man before?" Diana asked the men. He shook his head no, then walked off. After clearing that up, people just went about there every day buisness.

"a i dont think im one of those.....may be mistaken but i dont think i am" drake shrugged and smirked "though what of you" he asked closing the gap between them "people dont normally have wings and most dont have the gift of the silver tounge in this day and age" he said looking t her through the small camera

Diana looked at it and his tail. It was werid, she thought of puppy. Werid. "What am I? Wings? You mean tattoo?" Asked then shook her haed, she was able to snacth the camra away from him, with easy, her boots made Dian the same hight as him. "And why do you keep looking threw this thing?... Never mind... I geuss your coming with me I geuss..." And before he knew it, he was in cuffes with an old marking, with sealed anything unnormal talnets...

"ohh real magic" drake said dully as he handed them back and chuckled "real magic gets you nowhere if you know magic" he laughed. "and that" he said pointing towards the camera "allows me to see things for what they really are" he said pulling another from a pocket "thats why the higher ups sent me"

Diana looked dumbfound for the moment. "Higher ups?... The goverment sent you?" She asked unawear of what he ment, she looked at her wacth. "Crap...I'm late...Heal boy!" She called out to guy with the fox tail, unawear of how she going to deal with him.

drake shruged and followed as he was instructed pickpocketing the camera she had taken from him earlyer back and replacing it with a picture of a badly drawn duck

Diana's sixth sense kicked in, grabed her gun, and ponited to in between his eyes. "I would've asked frist..." She said, not even to have to look at him, she trusted her sense, it was how she knew what do where to go... but still..

Drake smirked and put the guns barrell in his mouth "wouldnt be the first time" he blurbed out "though i respect your choice in defending your personal space"

"Calm yourselves, children. I really don't think you should be making a scene out on a public road. You're only liable to attract the dreaded, dare I say it, news crews. They never rest, I've been told." The all too familiar, Auburn-haired, golden eyed librarian said somewhat cheerily. Far too cheery for any reasonable being, seeing as it was still so early in the morning. Hell, he still had a few hours before he was due in to open up his beloved Library; All that time he could have been sleeping. Dreadful. He all too quickly recognized the female with the gun, having seen her around the police department once or twice when he had been asked to help out with some crimes. It tickled him to know that she was set off so easily.

The male shoved his hand thorugh his hair, pushing bangs from his eyes, and simply grinned at the two. "Do I have to send you two to the corner until you've calmed down?" An obvious joke. The grin fell, though, as a sigh forced up through his throat and out of his mouth, his eyes wandering about slowly. "Seriously, though. Perhaps you should save all your bickering for a more secluded place, hm?"

drake shrugged "i like photos but even i must agree about the news" he said to himself his tail still swishing back and forth "seems another stanger has joined the fun" he said as he raised a camera up to his left eye and looked at the cheery man "two of you in such a tight space" he commeneted to himself

"I would rather appreciate it if you had the decency not to probe my layers. Albeit, I don't think you'd be satisfied with what you find." He muttered off-handedly, narrowing his eyes so that he could take a better look at camera in said male's hands. "This may be a rather ignorant question on my behalf, sir. But, do you work with those, for lack of better words, pain in the butt offices that goad the papparazzi?" An honest question, seeing as he hardly ever seen people carry about such devices willy-nilly. Unless, that is, one worked for the police or FBI; whatever floats your boat.

"i work for....the one who needs me i suppose i just remember that i have business with that one" he said pointing over at Diana "as for this i suppose one could think of it as a personal protection device" he smirked "people always stray away from the guy with the camera" he laughed

The lean male nodded deafly, turning away from the two and waving over his shoulder. "You're right about that one, Drake.--"Telekinesis really did have it's up sides from time to time. Like, knowing aniother person's name without even asking for it. Heh."--And I find it very unwise to turn your back on somebody holding a gun to you. I suppose since you have business with Diana, I will be seeing the both of you down at the station. I've been requested to show, myself, so I know it will be inevitably so that we bump noses once more. Good-bye, children. I'll be sure that there are corners available for the both of you, incase you start your bickering once more." The inbred creature could not help but purr the lass words off, a faint smile coming to his lips as he huddled into his leather coat. This was going to be an interesting morning, indubitably so.

"he knew my name" drake said looking slightly puzzled before laughing " he must work around books" before turning back and facing diana "you know your going to be even more late if you keep making these pleasantry stops"

Diana felt her temper raise. She didn't want to ba at work today. Not after last night. diana smilled sweetly at Drake, and graged him by the ear, and started to walk towards the station. "just know your going to be a thorne in my side..." She said, put her gun away. She did thought regoinzed the man from beofre. Diana had to think about it for a momnet. But soon saw the station, and making sure she had a good grip on the fox boy's ear.

Dake walked keeping his head foward so as to loosen the grip on his ears a bit "so whats on the agenda today mi'lady?" he asked

Diana kept a strong grip on his ear. "To be quite..." She said leading him to an elavtor and hit the down botton, when the doors open she gave him a small push in. She hit the botton to B3...

drake shrugged and stood on the elevator looking around the elevaotor wonder if that trick still works he smirked to himself looking over the elevator

Hurrying to catch the elevator, that same librarian slid thorugh the doors as they shut, shooting daggers form his eyes as he glared at the metal pincers holding to the back of his coat. "Cursed contraption!" He shook the bangs from his eyes and sipped at a cup holding some foreign--perhaps not so foreign--, steaming liquid in it. The metallic and bitter smell slowly seeped out to fill the small proximity of the elevator, visibly calming him down. Looking down at the extra cup he held in his hand, the mocha having been for the cheif, he held it out to the female across from him with a faint smile. "You seem stressed already. Maybe it'll make you feel better."

Diana looked at him, it was the same man from before. She sneezed. "Exuse me..." She said. Looking at the cup she smiled, holding her coffee, somehow still in hand. "Thanks, but I'm good..." She leaned on the metal wall of the elevator, Diana looked at him. "If youdon't mind me asking, but what is your name?" She asked sipping her coffee. "I've seen you here before..."

"Just as well. I don't think the Cheif would have liked my giving away his caffeine. The name's Scott Darrow, but you can just call me Scotty if you want. Yeah, I'm often requested to help out in an investigation or murder, either by several different Police Departments, the FBI, and even sometimes a Paranormal Unit. Don't quite like that last one. No fun whatsoever." Scott smiled breifly before the lid of his cup blocked his mouth as he took a sip of his beverage, purring quietly. "Because, usually, they don't give me free blood after I've solved a case or when I am summoned. Yummy yummy!"

Diana felt her eyebrow tiwcted, hearing the blood part. "... I'm sure with good reason.." She shook her haed. The elevator came to a stop. When the doors opened, it was like stepping into a twisted fairy tail. There were all kinds of cerature's were about, some helping others not so much, like the raging wearwolf in the corner, in silver cufs. Diana walked by a bih furry ceatrue. "Morin' Eddie.." She waved, haeding to the cheif's office.

"Well, they could at least go to the blood bank and get me some blood as payment. Pft. Instead, they pay me useless money." Happy to have the tail of his coat back, Scott hurried out of the elevator, snaking his way thorugh the cluttered room to the potential convicts cuffed off to bolted down chairs or rails. He set the cups down and gently stroked a spindly creature's head, a young werecat it seemed. He purred softly to her, recieving one in response, before gripping to her ears and massaging gently. "Awe.. She's absolutely adorable. Diana, do you know what she did?"

Diana had a file in her hand. "Meh... I think diamond thief..." She said calmly. Diana ran her fingers through her hair, and a light all most transparent dust came off, it's glittered, it was her cure, and Diana soon realized she realest the soft gentling captivating smell, in which intranets most men. "Crap..." The werewolf proving male howled. "...heh...sadly I can see some irony in that...” She said to herself, hoping no more got a smell...

"Calm down you big brute! You're scaring her." A soft, menacing growl rang form the depths of his throat, echoing thorugh his chest slightly. Seemed the feline in him was begining to show over the rest of the mythical beasts that created him. The auburn-haired librarian ran his hand behind the werecat's ears softly before glaring at the werewolf and retreating back to his seering hot beverage. "Where's the cheif at? In his office?"

Diana looked at the cat. "No...I'm pretty sure she's fine... if anything she's killed more men then diamonds... I geuss her cell didn't hold up..." Diana took a depth breath, and placed the papers down on the desk. It was about the young girl. It was odd, to think about all the murders that had happen. Not much she could do right now. Diana scaned the file again. "The?...I couldn't tell you..." She said looking a crime scene photo.

"Well, I suppose I'll go and find out. Try not to get so stressed out, kiddo. the days only just begun." Scott picked up both of the cups and headed for the office he figured Keith would be in. Whenever he was not in his office, he was at the nearest cubical checking out various documents over one of his officer's shoulder. Such a predictable guy. He opened the door with his breifly freed hand, his own cup having been placed between his teeth, then shut it softly behind him.

Diana sighed to herself when he left, she took her leather coat of and tossed it on the bosses chair. Sitting on the chief’s desks, she crossed one slender leg over the other and began to go over her thoughts, but it kept going back to one thought, her partner… Diana shook it off. “blah… it’s done..” she looked up at the roof. maybe I do need to get more often.. she thought. Something caught her about the victims, all had been raped… both men and women. Did that mean there was more then one? It’s not unheard of but still… A man and women….

Drake looked around the room he had landed himself in "soooooooooo.....where am i?" he questioned aloud searching his surrounding drawing out a small camera from his pockets as his right eyes starting flushing a blood red "hello?"

The doors open and two officers walk in escourting a young man in handcuffs. Hes got a bruies beginning to form on his left cheek, and despite being handcuffed he walks as though he was in control of the situation. His gaze is focused ahead of him, his eyes taking in everyone in the room slowly. A strange prescence surrounds him, almost an air of royalty.

Diana poped her haed into the room where Drake was. "Hey! stay out of truble!...They brought some guy sown here...for what reason...I don't know! but stay!" She said the walked over to the entry way. She noticed he walked with a head held high. What was the chife up too, and why did he have a burse on his face. mus of done something bad if two people need to walk with him. Diana was still holding the case file.

Jonathon smiled, and glanced at the cops on either side of him "Alright fellas, this is good. You can clear off now" He said it with a joking tone, but the air buzzed a little at his words.

Diana wacthed, she didn't have much to do till the chife was found. And this might be fun to wacth. "Your not human are you?" Diana called out to him. It might have been silly to ask, he looked human, but something said other wise. Diana was just good at geussing. She smiled sweetly at him.

Jonathon laughed "Sweetheart, if i was more then human, I wouldn't allow myself to be handcuffed and dragged down here by these idiots" he gestured to the cops "No offense fellas"

"behave......but interrogation is my specialty" he chuckled to himself as he watched the farce unfold from the comphort of a nearby seat

The truth about Devil’s

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