Page name: Chapter three TD [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2008-07-28 19:53:11
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
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"How did you know young lady?" As the strange man walked over to her. "The name is Lucian. And you two are?" He said with a slight bow and a grin on his face.

Diana looked up at the young man that walked up. she pulled out her badage. "I could ask you the samething. My name is Diana..." She looked over at Jonathon. "And he's Jonathon..."

Jonathon steps up beside Diana, looks the man up and down, gauging him quickly, and decides to keep him mouth shut. Best to let the cop do the talking for now.

Pulls out his badge. "I work for the government as a prosecuting attorney and as a side job I help out for these kind of cases. Keith called me up and told me to wait here for you and your group. If you don't believe me you can call him to make sure that I am not here to harm you?" He takes out a small cell phone and offers it to either Diana or Jonathan. "Any takers?"

Diana smiled at him. "no need... Either way, we almost didn't make it!" Diana smiled again. She started to snoop around. Diana found the place where the young gal was found. Kneeling down in the bank, it had an over grow, the trees formed at percet roof letting little rays of light shine threw. It looked like something out of a fariy tail. Diana put her hand in the water brushing her finger tips threw the soft muddy bottom, till her finger tip brush something matalic and smoth. Pulling at it lightly, it flet like it was stuck. "a chain?" she said to herslef. Diana pulled harder and it poped out of the water. The chain was really a necklace. The girls maybe... She thought for the moment then washed it off in the water. It was a cross, a sliver cross with a pentcal in the center of it, it was a demon elemnet sign of some sort. None she seen befor. Maybe this was something big...

"Through all of my work here today, why didn't I find that? Do you have a friend that has premonitions by any chance?" Lucian ask Diana while she stares at the necklace.

Diana looked up at him. "not that I know of..o. I wish I did know some one who did." she put the sliver necklace in the bag. To bring back to the station. "I wasn't really looking... Just it feels werid here like someone keeps wacthing..." she said looking up at the over grove trees. "this place is a good spot to murder someone... You can't see threw the trees, plenty of cover from the road...but" Diana closed her eyes.

Drake watched the scene from a distance as he held a pretend rifle and looked through its scope down to where diana was and to where the body had been found "petew petew down falls the prey" he laughed remembering his short time on the battlefield

"I know what you mean. There are plenty of places to hide here. But why this place? Do any of the victims have anything in common with eachother?" Lucian said while looking down towards the ground.

"Other then the age ragen?" Diana was still hunch down, looking at the bag with the necklace. "...They were all married or going too but...I'm not sure as to what eles... were talking about 27 people here. Just don't think of marring or you might end up here too..." She lifted her haed to look across the river trough the opening. Thats when something clicked. The church Auxyu was right in front of this spot. It was an old old building, it was one of the frist thing to built here in Sirun. No used it any more, but it stood tall like a sad shadow of past. It's once white stone, dark, and covred in green, the stain glass broken. It just down right looked creepy.

Jonathon watched the events quietly, his arms crossed. Something was wrong here. It wasnt that something felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. He glanced over his shoulder, shifting uneasily "How long are we going to be hanging out with the fish? Personaly, I think we should leave pretty quick, not to sound like a pansie or anything" he furrowed his brow as a headache started to set in.

Diana looked over her shoulder at him. "...give me five more minutes..." she said turning back to the water, it was murky and dark all of a sudden. "Hm?" Diana touched the top of the water, lefting her finger, the water was as dark as black ink. "Thats not..." She shot up, but just as she backed away, something black blasted out of the water, It had a human shape.

Right about the time the huminiod shot out of the water Jonathon singlehandedly pulled Diana clear out of its way and away from the water. A shot of static electricity ran through Diana's body from Jonathons hands before he released her and turned back to the water, a strange, dark, and barely percivable aura surrounding him.

Diana fell to ground gasping her finger tingling. She looked up at the cerature then Jonathon. It looked like a swamp dewller but it was filled with an such darkness that it was almost pure evil leaking out, of the gills on it's neck, coverd in black mud. ugly broken scales, that should've been green, but a sickly brown. What had happen to it? It lunged at both Him and Diana, aicd shot from it's mouth.

Faster then the eye could detect, Jonathon placed himself between the monster and Diana, a bolt of lightning shooting from his hands at the monster. The bolt connected, blasting the monster back in the water and dispersing most of the acid. Some of the acid landed on Jonathon, hitting his arms and face "Shit!" he wiped the acid from his face quickly with his jacket before throwing it off himself to the side "Are you ok?" he looked at Diana quickly, a wound on his left cheek where the acid had hit.

Diana got up quickly and ran over to him. "More likely are you alright!" She said, grabing one of her guns, and the monster came right back out, missing an arm and bleeding. She just fired, landing a bulit in between it's eyes. It landed at thire feet. Diana took a deep breath and looked at Jonathon, she saw his burnt cheek. " just isn't your day..." 

Jonathon looked down at the creature, forcing the desire to fry the creatures body to ash from his mind. He takes a deep breath and the aura disappears along with most of the static eletricity in the air around them "Ill be fine" he said, running a couple of fingers over his cheek "Not to bad at all. It will be gone soon, Im sure" he looked at Diana. "Any idea why that thing attacked us?" he asked, a cynical tone to his voice.

Diana looked up at him, what just happened with the light show, and the werid glow around him. She shook her haed. "I couldn't tell you...and I think you should get your cheek looked at..." She said, glacing around for Lucian, to see if he was alright, then turned back to Jonathon.

Jonathon shook his head "Not our most pressing problem. My cheek will be fine. We need to get away from here till we can make sure nothing else is down there waiting to melt us" he ran his eyes over the water again. "Come on, Im sure you're boss will love to hear this"

Diana sighed, she tried to get a better look at it. "For all we know it could be posinous!" Diana flat out said. "And if there are more... it's my job to take care of it...well departments but none the less!" She said looking at the water, it was becoming clear again.

Jonathon raised an eyebrow "Yeah, cause you didnt almost die there at all. YOu go fight however many of them there are out there. This would seem like a nice place to die" he sighs and turns his face away from her to get her to stop looking at his cheek "Call it in or something. Get other people over here to help out at least"

Diana sighed he was right, damn her pride, she thought to herself. Diana grabed his face and truned to bet a real lookk at it, it wasn't bad that's it's scare but it would cause a pale pigment discoloraion. Diana pulled out a tissue and palced it on his cheek. She looked at Lucian. "Do you think that they could close off this area to the public?" She asked him kindly. "Then we'll haed back then..." Diana said, she felt a cool chill down her spine, what she didn't know that someone on the other side of the river was wacthing them...

"Hey now!" Jonathon pulled his face away "Might want to warn a guy before ya go grabing him. Just a reminder we just got jumped by a sludge freak" he scowled at Diana as he ran a hand over his cheek, then grabbed his jacket, looked at the holes sighing and put it back on. "Ill keep an eye on the water while you call for back up, or whatever you do, and close everything off"

Diana shook her haed. "If I didn't know any better I think you were spooked by this place..." She pulled out her phone and walked to the water edge. Diana began to dial Kieths number, clouds were filling the sky, and brids had started to sing. Every thing seemed to be normal.

Jonathon stepped next to her "I am. Something isnt right. I felt it before the monster attacked, and Im feeling it again. THere is something else here. And it makes me more jumpy then the sludge. I really think we should get away from the water until the backup arrives"

Diana looked at him then looked back in the water at her reflection, "Yeah..." She said, running her fingers threw her starwberry hair mumbling. The phone started to ring. Kieth picked up and she told how Lucian found them, and the mud monster attacked. Kieth just told her to come back, and he's send anothe unit up to sreach the river. Diana grumbled but agreed to come back, but she wanted to snoop more. It was just nature. She hungup the phone and put in her back pocket.

Jonathon stared into the water a moment before speaking "Im assuming you were told to come back. Im also going to assume you dont wanna" he looked at Diana "How are you about ignoring orders?"

Diana bite het lower lip. "If I didn't know any better I think you could read minds....but after the light show earlier, I wouldn't be suprised..." She smilled. "Oh, I don't ignore rules...just bend them a little bit..." Her eyes sprakled at her last few words.

Jonathon shook his head "Cant really read minds. I can read emotions really well. And I can read people really well. And I was standing close enough that I could hear him" he smiled. "Well, whatcha say we 'bend' the rules over there?" he gestured across the river to point about twenty feet from where he was looking.

Diana saw at what he poniting at then truned to face him. "You think this place is creppy and you want to go to one of the oldest building in the city! With I might add is an broken down church, that no one uses anymore?" placing her hands on her hips. "Well Chicken little, if your jumpy now, you'll have nightmares from there..." Diana shivered at the thought, and that unwelcoming presnce was still hanging in the air.

A voice whispered acrossed the cool brezz. Come here...

Jonathon's smile grew "And who said I didnt like creepy" he popped his knuckles and looked at Diana again "And trust me, after some of the stuff Ive seen, this will be a walk in the park"

Diana shook her haed. "Next your going to tell me your superman?" She truning to walk away, but it was like something pushed her back, Diana lost her footing falling backwards into the water, taking Jonathon down her, it was such a force, it just went by in seconds.

Jonathon gasped as he fell into the cold water. He splashed around trying to get his footing before finally getting steady "If ya really didnt want to go that bad, you could have just said. Didnt have to throw us into the monster infested water"

Diana stumbled trying to get up, but feel backwards again, her foot was stuck in the muc. "Oh fuck me..." She said to herself. "Your not the one wearing the tank top!" Diana snapped. "And it wasn't on prupose! Something pushed me!" She said tring to make another attmped to get up. "Really, I don't think there are any more swamp monster for you to worry about!"

Jonathon waided through the water to Diana "Here, stop squirming and Ill help you out" He grabber her arm and put it around his shoulder, steadied himself and pulled her free of the much. "And I dont care whether you think its clear. I dont think we should stay to find out. Lets get out of the water"

Diana held on to him, She was abit spoked, that she wasn't the best swimmer either. "Thanks...." She said to him after they got back to dry land. They were both soaked. "heh..." She started giggle alittle bit.

Jonathon shook the much from his hands and feet and looked at Diana "And what, pray tell, do you find amusing at this moment?"

Diana took her leather jacket off and shook it. "Think about... how your freaked out about this place and how I'm freaked by that old building, and ending up in the river? You don't see the little hint of irony in this sitution?" She asked, while checking to see if she didn't drop anything in the river. Diana had every thing and forgot her shrit was now see threw. her hair over her shoulder was now a dark orange color. Diana just shook her haed, but still wasnted to know, what pushed her. she saw nothing.

Jonathon stared at her for a second before closing his eyes "Yeah....irony. Ya might want to put that jacket back on. Though you might start getting tips if you wait just a second" looking away from her he checked to make sure he still had everything of his. Everything was there.

Diana looked at him, then clued in, she felt her cheeks burn, putting her jacket back on as quickly as possable. "Always have to come up with a smart ass remark don't you..." She said zipping up her coat half way, the wind started below.

Jonathon looked at her, a big grin on his face "Hey, I could have gone with my first thought and seen how long it took you to figure it out on your own. But I was nice" he run his hands through his hair to get out the excess water "So, we playing with the dead church tonight or no?"

Diana's cheeks got reder. She looked over at the church, she felt if she said sure, she might end up back in the water for somereason, so she backed away from the water. "Why? you need to confese your sins?" She asked, not looking at him, but down the path.

Jonathon laughed "Some sins even god wont forgive" he gazed at the church again. He thought for a moment then shook his head "Id rather wait till morning, but if there is something there it will be long gone by then" a thought struck him "How about this. We grab something warm to drink, some dry cloths, then hit my place. Ive got some stuff Id like to have if we run into anything else. And it would be nice to have a couple things when I check the church"

Diana shook her head. "Who said god was even real..." She crossed her arm across her chest. "yeah I geuss your right about the church thing, but..." She didn't to tell him she was scared, and always have been. "what about Lucian?" she said looking around. But Diana agreed to the little plan. I have a feeling Kieth's going to shoot me tomorrow if I don't die tonight... Diana thought to herself.

Jonathon shrugged "Its either tonight and get a jump on whatever it is or let it get another step ahead. And I almost got melted over this whole thing. I have a bone to pick" he touched his cheek again "And Im sure mister whats his face will be talking to your boss soon. I wouldnt worry about him." he nodded "So its decided. To the coffee shop"

Diana groaned, she mumbled words such as stuipd creepy chruch. "What...your still in one." Diana poked his side. She thought for a momnet. "Fine... But if anything happens... I'm blaming you!" She started to walk back to her car.

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