Page name: Chapter two TD [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2008-07-28 04:47:54
Last author: Piplup
Owner: Piplup
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Diana studie him for the moment a thought had arised. If Darak could really see the ture form of those that hide and such. "I agree with you!" Diana had the file to Eddie. She walked over to the cops, they both just nodded at her. "Are you going to follow?... Or is force needed?" She asked standing next to him.

Jonathon looked Diana over and smiled "You sure know how to charm a guy. First, are you human, then threatening force. I dont even know your name" he looked her in the eyes as he said the last part, putting on a very charming smile.

Diana smirked. "Your worst nightmare if you don't start walking..." She said, nudging him a little. "Come on... I promise nothing bad will harm you..." She looked over at the angry werewolf howling, with four gaurds holding him down. It was odd that he was brought down here. She night as well bring him to Keith. The big cheese. "And, my name is Diana..." She said, with an innocent smile. 

Drake started whistling his tune again as he sat and cleaned a few of his cameras parts "wonder when the show is going to begin" he questioned to himself as he pointed the camera at the door of the room he was being held in the camera this time over his right eye "click.....boom" he laughed resisting the urge to click the shutter

Jonathon looked at the werewolf almost nonchalatly and rasied an eyebrow as he started walking "Uh huh, and what exactly would something as pretty as you do if he got loose? Unless you've got a really big gun hidden on your person" He smiled again "And Im Jonathon. Though Im sure the cops told you all about me" he glanced at the handcuffs then held his hands up saying "Do you mind?"

Diana looked at the werewolf. "Meh...There not that scarey once you've feed them...He'll clam down soon... If not..." She looked over her shoulder at the thing, it was growling, She just shook her haed. "That and there other's ways of bring people down with just guns..." Diana said smoothly. "also I didn't know... for a matter fact, I don't know why your down here anyways... if you were just ina street brawl, you'd be up staris filling out papers, waiting bail..blah blah...I think you know this all to well." Diana led him to the chife's office, seems he was still out and about.

Jonathon shrugged "Just a disagreement with a guy. He hit me first" he gestured to the bruise on his face. "I defended myself was all" he tried to hide a small smile as he thought about the incedent.

Diana took ahold of his chin and trun his face gentaly to see the bruse. "Hm? So you nagged on and he hit you?" She said standing out side the door to the office. Diana shook her haed. "I take it you shoot first ask qustions second?" It sound like a statment but it was more of a qestion. Diana couldn't help but ask qeustions, he was diffrent from everything here in the department. What was he, and what did the chife want with him. Then again, Keith has alot of his furit loops over the years.

Jonathon laughed "Me? Never. He made some crude comments, I commented back. He hit me, i hit him. The difference being I hit better" He lifted his hands again "Now can we take these off?"

Diana looked at him for a moment thinking about it. "Fine...Just don't try anything..." She pulled out a small sliver and unlocked his handcuffs, taking them away, and putting them on her belt. "Even so, could've walked away..." She commneted, smilling.

Jonathon rubbed his wrists, nodding "Yeah, probably. But then I couldnt just play around down here. SO, why not just roll with it"

Diana looked at him. "This isn't a play ground!" She said, poniting to the bench as to where he was to sit. "You will sit and wait, or do I have to put the cuffs back on you!" Diana said with froce, yeah today, wasn't a good. She sighed rubbing her temples.

"Hey, hey. Children, enough bickering!" Scott drug the door open when he had heard the noisy couple just outside, a slight frown on his face coupled with a trail of blood coming from each corner. He wiped it up with his hand quickly and tossed his cup into the nearby bin. "Right now, she's in command of you. You listen to her, or I bite your head off. Understood? No complaints." He scoffed and turned back into the office, muttering something along the lines of; 'library' and 'damn noise'. "Keith, I believe they were looking for you, or else they wouldn't be here."

"Understood. Come on in, Diana." Blonde-haired police officer muttered, flipping through a few documents on the desk of one of his deputies. He set said papers aside, resting his elbows on the edge of the desk, and glanced up at the librarian, first, before looking out at both Diana and Jonathon, an unhurried expression on his face. "Throw this away for me, will ya', kid?" He heard the grunt from the inbred beast, and only smiled when he had indeed thrown the empty cup away that was his mocha.

drake started pacing around the room "cant sit here much longer" he muttered aloud as he made his way towards the door and then back across the room "i think a 25mm should blow the lock on the door but not the whole door itself" he thought aloud as he stopped and stood infront of the door " OH POLICEWOMAN!" he shouted aloud in the room in the hopes the diana would hear him

Diana was abiut to walk into the room, but her Drake yelling. Curesing under her breath. "I'll be right back..." Going to the room to where she left Drake, she grabed his upper armand draged him back to the office, making sure Jonathon was already inthere and closed the door.

"Now, what is it that you wished to discuss? And, futhermore, who is he?" Keith straightened his posture and gestured to the man that had been drug in along behind Diana, his gaze falling for a moment to the files spread across the desk.

Diana shurged. "I dunno, he just walked down the side of a building saying I need his help or something...and what I want to discuss is why I've been called in on my day off, because of some new case..." She said looking at Keith. "And why he was brought down here and not just to the police station upstaris..."

"fisson mailed" drake chuckled putting his camera away and taking a seat on the floor in the manner of a dog his tail wagging back and forth behind him

Jonathon leanded against the wall, whistling slighty as he took in the room. He took second looks at the door and the two other people in the room, then streched, smiled and sat ina chair in front of the desk "Im sure it was just a little mistake. You know how it gets. Long nights, earlier morning, it gets hard to tell a simple guy defending himself from...well, you know" he yawned "If thats all, and I cant play" he smiled at Diana "I think ill be going" He stood up again, but didnt move to the door yet.

Keith nodded deftly, getting up from his the chair he was occupying and walking around the desk, leaning back against the Red Cedar and reaching out to pat Drake's head numbly. Simply out of habit, having a dog of his own. "You have a gut instinct, Diana. Though it is not the best method in the police force, it is a damn close second. The case calls for such instinct. You and Scotch will have to work together to help figure out who killed these people, and why he, she or they are doing such. If we figure out any connections between the victims, we could possible form a motive. But since we have not, yet, you two are going to do a little investigating. Or, rather, I guess I should say you three, since the little muttly here has suddenly tagged along with you, kid." A slight pause as he went over the last question Diana had thrown at him, wanting to word his explination correctly. "The perps upstairs, as you know, are full-blooded beasts. Whenever he goes around them, they seem to get twitchy, wild. They start trying to attack the police officers from inside their cages. They resort back to their primitive instincts, which in turn means it gets really unsafe. Down here, well, maybe he won't cause such a commotion."

"You're not going anywhere, Johnny boy. If she wants you in here, then you damn well are going to stand your ground." The librarian hummed softly and raised his arms, stretching out his suddenly cramped sides. "Anybody here want something to munch on before things start to get hectic in this building? I can make a Donut run. I know how you police officers love your donuts." He teased, a faint grin coming to his face.

"do we need information from this subjet?" drake asked keith his tail still wagging from the petting " the people at the good place say im very good at getting intel from people" he laughed "my methods are unorthodox but it gets the job done"

"No food at the moment. When I release you lot, then you may go to get a snack to ease your stomachs. And, no, doggy boy. Scotch will be the one to gather the information from the victims themselves. So, you possibly have no job in this investigation." Keith grabbed a piece of candy from the deputiy's desk he was leaning against, handing it down to Drake with a soft sigh.

"Actually, Cheif, he could be a big help. As of recent, my visions have been coming to me very fuzzy. I don't know why this has occured, but I can assure you it would be wise to let the pup help me out a bit."

"marco polo with the subjects mind" drake commented nibbling on th candy

Diana growled, at Keith, there were times when she wanted to smack him, but in all he was a good guy. Diana looked at jonathon for the moment and thought. "He stays..." she ponited to him, and grabed the file. "and the only conttion is that they're getting married or are married..." she said sighing. Her mind was spinning. "I don't understand... But I'm off to flag river, where the body was found." Diana grabed her jacket. "Come'on boy's!" she said to the three. Then stoped in the door way. "Or did someone want to check out the body?" 

Jonathon raises an eyebrow "So, am I staying and playing with the pretty office, or leaving? Your Choice"

Diana looked at him. "Your coming with me..." She nodded to the other two. "I have my cell, call if you need anything!" And she started to leave the office, waiting for Jonathon to come. She knew something about wasn't right yet was. It was a very werid thought.

JOnathon rolled his eyes and clapped his hands "Yay, I get to play cop. Just what I always wanted" he held out his hands "Wheres my gun and my badge?"

Diana looked at him, "Feel a shrap pain?" She asked walking to wards the elevator. "..." What have I gotten myself into? Diana thought to herself, making it to the elevator.

Jonathon shook his head as he followed her "So I dont get to play with anything, right? GOnna be a long night for you" he smiled

Diana looked at him. "What's that suppose to mean?" She said as the elevator doors closed, lefting them up. "And it's a goodthing it's moring..." She mumbbled, leaning on the wall.

Drake followed closely behind awaiting the fresh air of the outdoors "body body trauama in the head" drake hummed to himself

"I would not give a criminal a gun if it were to save my life, Johnny boy. Don't ask for one, don't expect one, don't even think about one. You will not varification that you are helping the police. If we send you to do something, you do it like an obedient dog, ironically, that is who you will be helping out. We'll split up when need be, you two will be together, and the Angel and I will be together. Do not try to run, because I could track you down faster than you could take a breath. Now that that's all taken care of, Diana, we ned to go to the mortuary so that I may see what I can see with the bodies." Firing off warnings and orders quickly, taken hardly any pause, the librarian leaned back against the aluminum rail that went around the inside of the elevator, a lax expression on his face.

"ohh yeah speaking of guns" drake said spinning a revolver on his fingertip "might you have some ammo your could spare think im starting to run dry" he said as he tossed it into the air and let it land back in its holster

"No. I don't carry a gun. And Diana will not distribute them to you. You are not going to be using one for this case unless it is found to require one. This early off, if can not be deterined. Sorry pup." Scotch sighed and pushed his fingers thorugh his hair, tossing his bangs out of his face. He twirled the end of Auburn hair between his thumb and forefinger. "I will supply them if need be, but only once we are sure it is needed. Other than that, you will just have to buy them with your own money."

"ten fur squad leader" drake said saluting then turning back to face he door "so were off then?" he questioned to diana

Diana looked at the librain. "why am I taking the dog boy! It's better if he go with you and get a sent, then come met up with us..." Diana said crossing her arms. She patted Darak on the head. "what do you think? Hm your choice" Diana said sweetly.diana looked at the librain. "and don't ever order anyone around like that... If this going to be team work, epual duty amoug us... If there is team leader, he's back in his office. And jonny isn't a ciermal... Just stupid..." she said then thought about it. "ok stupid is to much of a harsh word...sorry! I mean dosent make the smart choices, when insulted!" diana said cheerfuly.

Drake had already started making his way towards the crime scene "you'll fall behind if you dont catch up" he remarked walking down the street

Diana snapped at Darak. "Don't make me put you on a shock callor!" She snaped. "and were driving! I'm not walking to the other end of the city! That would take forever!" diana said truning back. "I have no intrest in looking at a dead body... I would rather go to the crime scine... it's more my thing then playing with dead people...I rater shoot them..." And with that she pulled out her phone and diailed a number, she spoke for a few minutes then hung. "Darak come here!"

"I order you lot around because, simpy enough, without my words you would be running about the city like chickens with their heads cut off. The boy is a criminal, hence why he was in the police station in the first place. And if you're too quesy to work with dead people, then you obviously should just give up on this job, kiddo. You see more dead bodies being a police officer than you do when you are a doctor. Though, you don't see as many dead bodies as a mortitian." Scott hummed softly and hurried along, turning down a street once he got to the corner. "Drake, come with me. Let both the children have their alone time. I'm sure they are dying for it. Mortuary first."

Diana glared at him. "I have no problem with dead bodies!" she snaped at him. "you know what, take them both... I could care less" Diana said walking down the street, then truned around and looked at them." the only reason why I don't want to go... Is because I was there yesterday... I had to go see my dead partener's body... Another victem found found a few days before..." Diana pulled out her sunglass and put them on, she didn't know why but it hurt to say those words.

Jonathon just shook his head and smiled as the whole thing played out. Listening to them bicker was almost as fun as poking at them. "And why exactly should I bother helping out here? Last time I checked, I wasnt getting much out of the deal"

Diana shook her haed. "...Talk to your team leder for payment or whatever..." She had started to walk down the block. "But he'll just threaten you to what he wants to do... People forgat that even crimals are human too..." Diana waved her hand.

Jonathon raises an eyebrow then looks at Scott "Accourding to her Im not human. Ill take a million bucks. Sound good?" He smiles big and starts to follow Diana.

Diana herd his demans, and started to laugh. It was acttaly funny, to haer him ask a librain for a million dollors which she found to be the most funny thing. The police station didn't even have that much money. "...what about a crimal free record?...and yes, I don't think you are, but as you put no one dose anything for free..."

Jonathon nodded as he caught up with Diana "I thought about that. But a million bucks can get me out of the country pretty quick. And I wont have a criminal background in, say, bosnia"

Diana smilled at him. "Anywhere is better then here most of the time..." She said, stoping at the coner. "But really? Why do you have a criminal recorde anyways?... get into to many bra fights?" Diana looked down the street, crosing her arms. A sliver Aura hybrid came down the road and stoped and A bleach blond women stepped out of the car, and tossed her the keys. "If you werck, I'll kill Dia..." She said, Diana grined. "Of coruse not Arica!..." The two talked for a few minutes, the blonde kept looking over at Jonathon. "Oh will you go... and for pet sakes! your married!" Diana pushed Arica down the street. "Member! Dinner at five next sunday!" And she was off down the street. "Agh...."

"You know how it is. Pride and all that" Jonathon said. He watched Arica walk away "And why are we taking someone elses car? Dont you have a police cruiser we can use, ya know, with the pretty lights and sirens?"

Meanwhile, down by the flag river Lucian is sitting there reading the reports of all the murders so far. "I wonder when they will get here? Keith just called like five minutes ago and said they would be right over. Ah oh well guess I will have to wait longer." He opened the files again and started to read again.

Diana looked at him. "What? she's my younger sister...that and this thing can out run most of the cars at the station...Her husben is a grese monkey, and fixed this little guy here all up!" Diana ran to the drivers side, the interior, was all black leather. She hopped in, she loved to drive this car.

"Younger sister? What does it take to get in on sunday dinner?" Jonathon grinned as he climbed in the passengers side "It is a nice car. Ill have to get me one of these sometime"

Diana turned the key and car started and she pulled out into road. "You'd try to get with a married women, not just any married women, but my younger sister!" She said glacing at him. Diana got on to the high way that led to where girls body was found.

Jonathon held his hands up "I never said I wanted to get with her. Besides, even if I did, I wouldnt be stupid enough to say that in front of her older sister, who is a cop, while said older sister is taking me to a murder scene" he looked Diana up and down before saying "And what use am I at a murder scene? Isnt it a little against proticol to take a criminal to help with a murder investigation?"

Diana stoped at red light and looked at him. "Your diffrent... and I have the feeling you know you are too... You might be of some use..." She said truning to look back at the red light that truned green, they finally made it to the River, there were still afew cop cars, they were pulled over and Diana had to show her badage, and they let them threw. After parking she got out.

Jonathon watched her as she got out and then got out himself "Yeah, Ill admit Im not your average run of the mill guy. But for all you know, I killed the person or people. Kind of a big leap to just trust me to help you out here. And I dont really have a lot of investigative experiance. Just music and bar fights"

Diana smilled at him. "I know it's to quick to trust but, I trust my gut insectint... and I know you couldn't have killed those people..." She started to walk over to the river bank. "And maybe you'll just stumble across something... Who know what you can find when you look" She knelt down by the water, she looked up and down the river. Wasn't there anybody eles here?

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