Page name: Char. Bios!!!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-03-27 19:15:00
Last author: Pinkpants
Owner: Pinkpants
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Side, Wolves\Humans:


: This are not the kind of werewolves you here about in stories. For one thing, they can change whenever they want, another, silver can make them sick, but cann't kill them.(unless too much gets in.) They mostly stay on the smaller side and have dark or/and silver hair. Most are reckless and ill tempered. With the fact they never die of old age, most are far older then humans.

Humans: These look and act like the humans of today. Proud. Not many believe in wolves and other magical beast until they see them for themselves. A lot of them are sorry for what they did, but not enough to out number those who want the wovles and other imortals gone.They can be on either side.

Dark Angles; most of these are on the wolves side but a few are one the humans. Few of them are less then Six feet and have huge black feather wings. they are the kind that, once you save there lives they will follow you to the death and beyond. They stay on the quieter side and love the night.

Vampires: These are what first brought the darkness. They are the childern of the devil and worship her. Vampires will do anything to cover the world in darkness and has taken the rise of the wolves as their chance. Their looks and heights are the same as humans.

Pixies: This pixies can change height any time they want. They can go from five inches (their real height) to five feet flat. They can only stay in a false height for a little while, it canges from pixie to pixie. It seems that you can never make them unhappy. but kill one of their ow and you will have death before the sun rises.

While there are no real towns for the imortals, there can be hideouts.


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