Page name: Characters Of Driftwood [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-11 08:53:36
Last author: Kileaiya
Owner: Igorina
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Character Description:

[Igorina] 's Character(s)


Name:Antonia 'Bloodsmear' Reade
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Weapons: A cutlass and a two-barrel flintlock rifle, with the barrels one on top of the other instead of side by side. This is a unique weapon, custom-made and there are no others in Driftwood like it. She calls it Janus.
Character Description: Corsair. A fox Onai. She has black fur, eyes so pale yellow that they almost look white and a thing for silver earrings, jewelry and whatnot. Her favorite colors are green and purple and she dresses rather plainly.
Personality: She laughs a lot and is very playful but her playfulness has an vicious edge to it. She gives you a sense of not being quite sane and therefore is not completely trustworthy. She is very unpredictable and takes crazy risks with little regard for her own saftey

[Asryth]'s Character(s)
Name: Caleb 'Ironjaw' Arth
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Weapons: 2 flintlock pistols and a heavy cutlass called Cleaver.
Character Description: Quartermaster. 'Reformed' Corsair. A bear Onai. Brawny and barrel-chested, he stands at 6'5". He has red-brown fur and smoky gray eye(s). He lost his right eye in a... er... domestic dispute, and has the scars as a constant reminder of why he never get's 'involved' with other Onai(women). He usually wears a white collared shirt with a vest and Captain's coat. He also has a silver earring.
Personality: Friendly. Reserved. Likes a good joke, but is rarely the one doing the telling. Is often stern with his mates, yet gives everyone a fair shot (unless they give him reason not to).

Name: Smythe (pronounced with the long I sound)
Age: Old
Gender: Male
Weapons: A basic cutlass
Character Description: Galleyman. Sailor. Right Hand of the Ursa Minor. Second in command to Caleb Arth.
Personality: Crusty. Suspicous. Crusty. Superstitious. Did I mention Crusty?

The rest of the crew of the Ursa Minor:
Crina- Ship's Doctor
Malachi- Boatswain
Grady- Mate
Blind Jim- Sailor
Vasco- Carpenter
Rooks- Lookout/Crow's Nest
Kite- Sailor
Nahuel- Sailing Master/Navigator
Jonas- Master Gunner
Ingvar- Ship's Cook

Name: Martin McFiread
Age: Early twenties
Gender: Male
Weapons: A pistol and dagger
Character Description: Corsair. Onai? Tall and skinny. One of Arth's old mates. Has a rocky history with him. The one member of Caleb's 'original crew' that doesn't still hold some sort of grudge against him.
Personality: Been known to be something of a 'ladies-man'. He's a huge risk-taker and is often reckless.

Name: Nathalee Merahi
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Weapons: Flintlock Pistol, a Tomahawk, and a Bow dubbed 'Lewis'
Character Description: Bosun. Feline Onai. Took over her old father's (who recently passed away) kelp bed he stole from a human many years back. (Never been discovered as an onai by anyone.) During childbirth her mother passed away, leaving her father as her only relative and therefor essentially her world. When he passed away of Typhus she was devastated but quickly recovered realizing she had to carry on her father's dream, albeit stolen.
Personality: She is very, well, peculiar and perplexes most that she meets. Savy in every aspect of her buisness, she is well respected among the Bosun and the SaltWolf alike, despite her young age. Many think because she is indeed so young that she can be swindled but this is most definently not the case.

Caleb Arth by [Asryth]. McFiread by [Evilmonk] Matt Likness. So, DON'T TOUCH.

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2005-02-19 [Igorina]: Nice pics, Evilmonk! I like 'em! ^_^ will have to put up some of my pics now

2005-02-19 [Igorina]: lol sorry...dunno how to make them small...anyways there she is

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