Cheated Death
Moving to fast
Not paying attention to details
Round a corner
Drifting over the double yellow lines
Oncoming traffic
Over corrects once
Hits the gravel on the side
Over corrects twice
Fishtailing into the other lane
The car rocks like a boat
Brakes screaming
Or was it me
The car lurches sideways
Hits the ditch
Tilting hard
A NASCAR special flits through my head
What to do when you know you’re going to crash
Relax, Relax, I repeat that mantra again and again
Dust is spit up
The car is on its hood
Sliding forward
Glass cracks
Spiderwebbing out before my eyes
The blue green colors of the sky turned to brown dust
I close my eyes and pray
Hoping to live another day
Hanging on for dear life
The car stops
Upside down
Me dangling in the seatbelt
I reach for the keys
Turning the engine off
So the chance of combustion is lowered
Taking a deep breath
I unclip the seat belt
Falling onto small shards of glass
Driver’s side door crushed in
Passenger door buried in gravel
Climbing into the back seat I push open a door
Stumbling out in to the bright white light
Five steps I collapse onto the edge of the road
Looking at the remains of my car
Some cars stop to help
Police are called
People drive by in wonder
I sit and stare
Shaken up quite a bit
But practically unharmed
A fire marshal happens by
Checks me out
Radios in no need for an ambulance
Parents are called
Racing to their child
Making sure she is okay
Three hours pass by and no police
Daddy calls in
Tells them that we are leaving for the hospital
Still in shock I try to answer questions
Stumbling over answers
Completely numb to pain
Poking and prodding
Looking for broken bones
I only feel stiffness and numbness
The doctor prescribes a muscle relaxant and some pain medication
Saying I am lucky to be alive
That the seat belt saved my life
Returning to the car
Tow trucks arrive
Turning the car over
I stare in wonder and amazement
The cars roof is completely caved in
The driver’s door is crushed in
The paint is scraped down to bare metal
Mirrors snapped off
Windshield shattered and yet somehow still held together
The tow truck driver shakes his head
‘It’s amazing you survived
The car is trashed and the air bags didn’t deploy yet you’re unharmed’
A miracle
Looking at the car
Realizing that I Cheated Death
This really did happen to me... Saturday August 18th at 3:50 in the afternoon. Poetry was the way for me to describe what happened to me that day so I could move on with out nightmares
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