Page name: cheese [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-14 02:29:34
Last author: Jewl
Owner: BadCat
# of watchers: 21
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(Logo by the masterful [Gryph])

Nothing to do with cheese! It's just a tax dodge!

The entrance door is low and anyone much taller than a dwarf must stoop to get in. A fire is burning steadily on one wall, and it spreads a warm glow through the rest of the room. In front of the fire a chess set sits on a small table in between a couple of comfortable looking chairs.
There is a raised area that looks like it would be used as a stage (a fine harp is already set upon it welcoming anyone to play), and beside that is a closed door with a sign nailed to it that reads "Bugger Off!"
To the right of the room a half dozen stools are placed in front of a well polished bar. A wide selection of liquors and inebriating brews are visible on the shelved walls behind.
And to the left, tucked away in the shadows of the last corner is a table bordered by heavy wooden bench seats.
All in all it's a rather small room, but cosy and quite inviting. The proprietors, [Stormy] and [BadCat] are terribly proud of their little establishment.

For previous versions of The Cheese Shop, go to Dead_Cheese ....
Blimey, filling up fast here! Dead_Cheese2 for the next drunken episodes.
Dead_Cheese3 to reminisce about Oompa Loompas and Rocky Horror re-enactments, and something about druggy Elmos and eating sharks.
Bloody hell, Dead_Cheese4 for butterflies, "cookeys" (are nice), and bottled brain matter. Next up: Purple mead, cleaning fluid, and way too many "Oh gosh, I just woke up, how did I get here?"s.
Dead_Cheese5 for proof that Rana is evil, homemade tasers and giant thoughtbubbles.

[Arctik] hurls a screwdriver at Willow. "Don't think so loud, ye flamin' adjective! You don't know what you're musing about." The ceiling once again creaks, and a small plume of silvery, sparking dust trickles from an indeterminate location onto the floor. "Oh shit. Does anyone here know anything about fairies?"

"well they're supposed to die if u say u dont believe in them," suggests [dilandau].

"And their little bones get caught in your mouth," BC adds helpfully.

"And you can pick them up by the arms or legs and pull their wings off," Willow puts in with a devilish grin.

"Yes." Jewl answers from her spot on an unusually ugly purple and lime green cushion which she had been slowly tearing apart, thread by thread. "I know a bit. Why, pixie problems? You know it must have been the sparkly Furbies with the orange bald spots that made this cushion. I mean, come on, everyone knows you don't use Mauve thread in a cross-haired stitch. You use Grey-Pink LAVENDER thread."

Willow raises an incredulous eyebrow at Jewl's statement. "What's the world coming to these days?" she wonders, shaking her head. "You can't trust anyone to do anything right anymore. Nobody knows what the hell they're doing. Tsk."

For lack of anything better to do, Willow spontaneously combusts.

BC wakes up after centuries of slumber. "Ooowah. I feel like Sleeping," she muffles a yawn, "Beauty. My feet are numb, and my mouth tastes like moth balls. It itty bitty type." She stumbles over to the bar and scoops up some stale peanuts from the floor, stuffing them into her mouth. "Mmm, chewy. Who's up for a birthday?"

Willow, having decided to celebrate Halloween not only with sweets and, well, more sweets, but also with a trip to Elftown, stretches her cramped and charred limbs. "Eh, I just had one." She goes to brush a bit of burnt flesh off of her shoulder, and her entire arm collapses into a heap of ash. Her brow furrows curiously. "Well that can't be good."

"Here, have some stickytape. Stickytape will make it better," BC mumbles, handing over a small guinea pig. "If you put cheese with it, it will be even better. Kind of like capsicum sultanas." She dances a quick little jig to prove her point.

"i thought you guys didnt sell cheese," says [dilandau]. 

"We don't sell it, but we sure as hell eat a lot of it." BC jerks up the leg of her pants to reveal a pale oozing substance on her right shin. "Look! Part of me has turned to brie!" She dips a finger into the goop and slurps it off happily. "Absolutely divine. Anyone wanna taste of cat-brie?"

"Cat-brie? No thanks, I think Jewl-Gouda is better, but unfortunately I have none at the moment..." Jewl says, a small sprinkle of dust coming from the ceiling, where she had been tossed after Willow's explosion.

"just.....ew," [dilandau] says before running to the back to throw up.

"what's this I hear about Cat-Brie?" asks [fungi] curiously as he enters [BadCat]'s and [Stormy]'s fine establishment. I am the famed cheese conosouier, [fungi] (pardon the pun). does anyone want to try my mishcotta?

"I hate cheese," Willow says abruptly, nabbing the guinea pig from BC. She pockets it, just in case she finds a need for it in the future. "I think I'll call him Butter."

[LustForLike] orders pizza - with cheese: and all without making a sound. He gets the impression the person he ordered from was somewhat confused, but puts it down to them not being a pizza delivery company, rather than to his silent ordering; and so he has no reason to suspect his order will not arrive promptly. And with cheese.

Willow, having been resurrected from the dead for the evening for the occasion of possible pizza-eating, wanders around a little bit dazedly and pretends to be a martini.

[Jewl] immediately spots the Willtini, and leaps to the guzzle--- err, I mean, rescue, leaps to the rescue.

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-02 [BadCat]: She sums it up quite nicely....

2004-06-03 [Rana]: Well at lease I do something right.

2004-06-03 [Jewl]: Eh... lol I'm just not going to say my feelings towards Rana. Or the rest of ye, for that matter

2004-06-04 [SsrVoice]: Oh come on jewl we're all sharing, its your turn.

2004-06-04 [Jewl]: NAH! I'm not in the mood to be stoned... or praised

2004-06-04 [LustForLike]: What drug do you take to get praised?

2004-06-04 [Jewl]: *laughs*

2004-06-05 [LustForLike]: Laughs? I have plenty of those - I wonder if I'm getting praised without even knowing? Can that happen? Can you have a bad praise on laughs? Do they have a rehab centre where they cure laugh addictions?

2004-06-05 [Gryph]: Yes.

2004-06-05 [dilandau]: im sure theres someone addicted to laughing gas

2004-06-05 [dilandau]: and im not trying to appease an authority figure. im trying to please a cute girl that is totally out of my league. theres a difference.

2004-06-05 [BadCat]: Foolish boy. The best way to impress cute folk out of your league, is to take off all your clothes and offer them chocolate. Works for me, everytime!

2004-06-06 [Jewl]: Me too! Except instead of chocolate, it's cherry-flavored gum...

2004-06-06 [SsrVoice]: *will be sure not to take any cherry flavored gum or chocolate from strangers from now on*

2004-06-06 [BadCat]: Only naked strangers....

2004-06-06 [SsrVoice]: of course

2004-06-07 [dilandau]: but if shes totally out of my league, wouldnt taking all my clothes off scare her away?

2004-06-08 [SsrVoice]: most likely yes, but I may laugh for a bit first ;P

2004-06-08 [BadCat]: Seriously dude, just try it! I swear, the results can only be good.

2004-06-12 [dilandau]: and batcat....when u said it works for u, do u mean it works when guys take their clothes off for u, or when u take ur clothes off for guys? because if u take ur clothes off, pretty much no guy is gonna say no, and if the guy does....well ill just remember that if im ever in australia

2004-06-13 [Rana]: *Is silent. . .and scared*

2004-06-14 [BadCat]: *takes her clothes off* Ahaha.

2004-06-14 [Gryph]: *Is silent. . .and scared*

2004-06-14 [LustForLike]: Look! A naked blue pixie!

2004-06-14 [BadCat]: Grr! AM NOT A PIXIE!!

2004-06-14 [LustForLike]: If you're not a pixie then how did you know I was referring to you?

2004-06-14 [BadCat]: Possibly 'cause of all those messages you send, saying 'You're a pixie!'. Yes, I'd have to say those were a bit of a clue.

2004-06-14 [LustForLike]: There could have been other pixies in the room. You didn't have to admit being one.

2004-06-14 [BadCat]: I didn't admit to being one. I SAID I WASN'T ONE! Now leave me alone, leave me to my un-pixiness... irritating old man.

2004-06-14 [dilandau]: y dont u want to be a pixie? i hear theyre very naughty

2004-06-14 [BadCat]: Forecast budget approximation to you, dilandau.

2004-06-15 [SsrVoice]: *sits looking to and fro in her confusion with what just happended and why BCs naked* umm...*turns towards silent and scared Gryph and smiles* Sooo, hows the weather? 

2004-06-17 [Gryph]: Bloody cold. I have no idea why she's naked. I was sitting over here specifying a web offset publication, and all of a sudden.. the voices are telling me to hurt people.

2004-06-18 [Rana]: I WISH TO BE A PIXIE! Bwhahahahahahahahahahaaa! I shall annoy you all to death with my. . .um. . .pixiness.

2004-06-19 [dilandau]: if theres a naked girl, y complain?

2004-06-19 [dilandau]: and what the hell does, "Forecast budget approximation to you, dilandau." mean?

2004-06-19 [Stormy]: I think it means she thinks your hot ;) Either that or she's drunk... which... well, is not very unlikely.

2004-06-19 [dilandau]: well im not hot so it must be the drunk thing

2004-06-20 [SsrVoice]: *looks blankly at Gryph for a few seconds* yes well that explains it.... The weather here is quite stormy..well not [Stormy] stormy but u know...thunder budget approximation?

2004-06-20 [Rana]: I don't get it. This is nothing new. Bye bye, I gotta go for a few weeks.

2004-06-22 [SsrVoice]: *dances with glee*

2004-06-23 [dilandau]: how did i know saji was going to do that?

2004-06-24 [Stormy]: Because she's a dancing glee bunny? Erm... I don't know why I just said that...

2004-06-28 [SsrVoice]: I like bunnies....

2004-06-28 [BadCat]: But what do they need such good eyesight for anyway? Anywaaaaaay...

2004-06-28 [Gryph]: Bunnies, bunnies it must be bunnieeeees.

2004-06-29 [BadCat]: Or maybe.... no, nevermind.

2004-06-29 [Sister Insomnia]: purple cheese will rule all

2004-06-29 [Gryph]: ..?

2004-06-29 [Stormy]: ... but not as much as cheese... or even purple cheese while eating manyh other vegetables... hang on, cheese isn't a vegetable!!!

2004-06-29 [Stormy]: manyh! My new favourite word! It means... erm... it means it's 3am and I'm more tired than I realised...

2004-07-06 [Rana]: Hellooooo! I retuuuurn! Oh crud, how did I miss all the bunny discussion?>.< *Pouts*

2004-07-06 [LustForLike]: How did you know there was a bunny discussion if you missed it?

2004-07-06 [dilandau]: so i take it there are buffy fans here? and its weird that u called me that, cause i have another friend that calls me bunny...

2004-07-07 [~Moe~]: join cheese lovers united!!!!!

2004-07-07 [LustForLike]: There is no cheese here. Who told you there was cheese?

2004-07-08 [Rana]: Precomments LFL, precomments. Ooooh, and you should all know about my new rooooole in Much Ado About Nothing? I play. . .*drumroll* Boratio! *Glances around* What, has no one ever heard of Boratio? *Pouts*

2004-07-11 [SsrVoice]: *stares menacingly at Rana, wishing she were throwing rocks at her*........why is there always an absence of rocks when you need them?

2004-07-11 [BadCat]: Someone always eats them before you get to throw them.

2004-07-11 [LustForLike]: That's because there's no cheese.

2004-07-12 [Rana]: I don't get the connections. Ok, me so hungie, keep awaaay from the cheese shop patrons! Me gets to annoy them!! Meeee and meeee only

2004-07-12 [BadCat]: Oh dear, we've been claimed....

2004-07-12 [Mackenzie]: *hands out cheese

2004-07-13 [SsrVoice]: rana it appears your psychosis has advanced I'm afraid a prefrontal lobotomy is our only option now... *dresses in sinister nurse attire and prepares a hammer and chisel* Now please lie down, face up on the bar.

2004-07-13 [Mackenzie]: er...

2004-07-14 [Stormy]: Saji, hon, remember what happened the last time you gave someone a lobotomy? *stares teary eyed at dilandau* and he's never been the same again...

2004-07-15 [Gryph]: I thought he was always like that.. It would explain a lot.

2004-07-15 [dilandau]: hey when did stormy start picking on me? she used to be the only one that didnt. :( 

2004-07-15 [dilandau]: and saji, do u really want to make rana dumber?

2004-07-16 [Mackenzie]: er.... labotomys are bad

2004-07-17 [Absinth Minded]: *runs in and steals cheese and leaves*

2004-07-17 [Mackenzie]: Bye.

2004-07-17 [Mackenzie]: I am quitting this wiki.

2004-07-18 [Rana]: bye bye bye!  *hyper goodbye jumping around. . .and then suddenly notices saji with the knife and stuff and bops her with a bit of lettuce and goes to sleep*

2004-07-19 [Stormy]: Sorry dil, but if I didn't pick on you just a little bit then people would start to think I was showing you special attention ;) *waves goodbye to Mackenzie... who ever the hell that is*

2004-07-19 [BadCat]: How can someone quit a wiki... when they weren't even bloody in it? Pah!

2004-07-19 [BadCat]: Apologies for stealing a phrase.

2004-07-19 [dilandau]: whats wrong with special attention? i give that to saji all the time haha

2004-07-19 [SsrVoice]: *looks uneasy towards Dil* Yes I remember dils ..."opporation" but it wasnt a was a *whispers* sex change....unsuccessful...:P and as for rana I would be much happier if she were rendered unconscious for maybe oh....3....years...

2004-07-20 [Stormy]: See! See, dil! That was such an easy set up to pay you out and I didn't take it... I'm not mean, honest... (if someone else doesn't take the bait I think I'll murder everyone)

2004-07-21 [Arctik]: What's with this 'vodka spillage', heathen? Don't you know how to use a bloody bottle?

2004-07-21 [BadCat]: Of course I know how to use a bloody bottle! But, when pouring into multiple glasses (over a lickable surface), lifting the bottle is waaaay too much effort. So pah.

2004-07-21 [dilandau]: whats wrong with a sex change operation? long as i could change back after a few days....and as long as i was a hot woman, which prolly wouldnt happen....

2004-07-22 [SsrVoice]: lol there u go Dil, make the best of things, atleast you'd have ur own boobs.

2004-07-24 [dilandau]: knowing me i would spend all day doing......well everyone knows what i would be doing....

2004-07-24 [LustForLike]: Your nails?

2004-07-24 [Rana]: Innocence is bliss, Ladylike Flying Lobster.

2004-07-26 [Arctik]: Don't be so crude, Rana! You and your dirty mind... S/he's obviously going to be masturbating. I mean, apart from the physical aspects, is it really so big a change?

2004-07-26 [Stormy]: Arctik! Don't put things so bluntly! There are children and bottles of vodka present!

2004-07-26 [Arctik]: Children? Where?

2004-07-26 [Gryph]: Presents? Where?

2004-07-26 [Rana]: *innocent grin at general company, sending very hard telepathic message* I'm not a child, I'm not a child, I'm not a child. . .Besides, Ladylike Flying Lobster is something BC came up with methinks.

2004-07-26 [Arctik]: A child! Hah! Rana was never a child...

2004-07-27 [SsrVoice]: she was always a wildabeast

2004-07-27 [Rana]: Is that wild beast or wildabeast? Your losing me. . . god knows you don't want to lose ME! *grin*

2004-07-27 [Stormy]: I never said Rana was a child, I was referring to BC when she's in her inebriated state... as in, always.

2004-07-27 [SsrVoice]: ....rana dear if I meant wild beast when I typed wildabeast then why wouldnt I just type wild beast? and I wish I had lost you, infact I wish your parents had lost you, on top of that i wish your parents parents had lost them and you hadnt even come about in the first place, now quit being so annoying, I dont like disliking people so much.

2004-07-27 [BadCat]: So, we've established that you didn't mean 'wild beast', but could you have meant 'wildebeest'? I have no idea what a wildabeast is....

2004-07-29 [Rana]: er. . .on wild beast note, if you mean wild beast, you typed wildabeast because. . .you're drunk. A pretty safe assumption to make when I'm hanging out here.

2004-07-29 [Arctik]: I'm guessing wildebeest...

2004-07-29 [Jewl]: I'm just going to assume both. Because a wildebeest is a wild beast in the first place.

2004-07-30 [SsrVoice]: *applauds jewls thinking* and yes BC, a wildabeast is a wildebeest minus the proper spelling :), I knew it was wrong, I was just too lazy to look it up and now I'm going back to sleep.

2004-07-31 [Arctik]: *Applauds SsrVoice sleeping* Sleeping is good... I'm going to do that myself sometime soon.

2004-07-31 [dilandau]: sleeping is only fun when u dream of cute girls

2004-07-31 [LustForLike]: Cute fun is only dreamy when you sleep with girls.

2004-08-01 [Arctik]: I agree...

2004-08-02 [SsrVoice]: Indeed

2004-08-03 [dilandau]: saji what do u know about sleeping with girls? *naughty thoughts*

2004-08-04 [Sagacious Turkey]: mmm...cheese...

2004-08-04 [Sagacious Turkey]: extra cheesy maccaroni...

2004-08-06 [Rana]: Raise your hand if you are tired of the cheese lovers coming here. *chops off hand and waves about*

2004-08-07 [BadCat]: *chops off Rana's other hand, and waves it about*

2004-08-07 [Rana]: *currently has stumps for hands and is rather discontented with this fact*

2004-08-07 [Rana]: *Has just gone through ALL of the Cheese shop comments from the beginning, and remembering a past conversation between dilandu and ssr, initiates operation thank you* Saji, thanks for hating me. *Is not sure whether saji remembers*

2004-08-07 [BadCat]: .... forget Saji, can you fill ME in? I am NOT going through all the past Cheese Shop comments right now.

2004-08-08 [Rana]: Ha. saji and dilandu began this long bizarre conversation that's all "thank you" "you're welcome, and thanks for saying thank you." "Thanks for saying you're welcome. . ." etc. I just thought 'twas funny.

2004-08-08 [Rana]: Oh and I updated Rana's View . .. heh heh.

2004-08-12 [SsrVoice]: Ah yes I remember that. the good ole days....I love cheese. cheese and crackers, cheese and honey....cheese and cheese...

2004-08-13 [Zanther Corvenus]: hey all

2004-08-14 [Arctik]: Hey 'one'.

2004-08-18 [Sagacious Turkey]: GIMME YER CHEESE!!! HAR HAR HAR!!! *strangles the nearby people*

2004-08-18 [BadCat]: What a curiously irritating person.

2004-08-18 [Stormy]: Think we can capture him, package him and sell him in a can?

2004-08-18 [BadCat]: Think we could just sell his organs on the black market?

2004-08-18 [dilandau]: who would buy them?

2004-08-19 [Stormy]: Really hungry people?

2004-08-19 [SsrVoice]: Can I do the harvesting??

2004-08-23 [Arctik]: This 'garfield the cat' character has been popping up everywhere by the looks of it. And I haven't even been looking. A general pain-in-the-arse, says I.

2004-08-23 [dilandau]: can we block pple from the wikis like we can block messages from pple?

2004-08-24 [BadCat]: No, but we can find where they live and pummel them to death with big rocks.

2004-08-24 [SsrVoice]: *smiles and nods*

2004-08-24 [BadCat]: Hey Saji, where do you live again? *casts about for a big rock*

2004-08-25 [SsrVoice]: lol I don't think you can throw that far...but just for kicks I live in South Florida...Aim for the big hole in the middle of the state, you'll have a better chance of hitting me.

2004-08-25 [BadCat]: Hah! You underestimate my powers of... throwing??! (La la la interrobang!) But anyway... South Florida? Right. I'm going to Ft Myers sometime in the next year or two. Will aim for you then. Hah.

2004-08-25 [SsrVoice]: lol Ft. myers is only like an hour from me, I'll be insulted if you don't ;)

2004-08-25 [Stormy]: B'Cat, just to be Aussie, take a boomerang instead of a rock... at least you know when it comes back covered in blood if you've hit the target.

2004-08-25 [SsrVoice]: ooo lol thats a good idea Stormy!! nice one!

2004-08-25 [BadCat]: A boomerang? Darl, I'd be more likely to decapitate myself with it, than have it working properly. I'll stick with rocks. Hah. Stick. Rocks. Teehee.

2004-08-26 [dilandau]: oh so badcat can visit, but i cant? i see how it is... ;P

2004-08-26 [LustForLike]: It's because you're not bringing rocks. They must not have rocks in Florida.

2004-08-26 [dilandau]: no they have sand and hot girls.

2004-08-26 [BadCat]: And alligators, apparently.

2004-08-27 [LustForLike]: What use are hot girls? You'd just burn your tongue. At least there's sand there, so it's not a total waste of space.

2004-08-27 [Jewl]: Well... they got palm trees.... and we don't, here in minnesota...

2004-08-28 [Arctik]: Sand IS a total waste of space! BC, back me up on this one. There should just be sheer cliff at the water's edge, so the surfers can't get back on dry land with all the more acceptable human creatures.

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: You can't make sand-castles with sheer cliff.

2004-08-28 [Arctik]: It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I say we take all the sand, make a whole lot of glass, and then enclose New Zealand and do wonderful little tours of the native wildlife for profit.

2004-08-28 [BadCat]: Sandcastles are only fun to make under very precise conditions: the sun isn't shining, the wind's not blowing, and a great mass of water isn't metres away. So there's no reason to keep beaches. Besides, I'm always on the side that makes a profit.

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: You can't make proper sandcastle with dry sand. Therefore, you invalidate both of your arguments.

2004-08-28 [BadCat]: I never said you had to use dry sand... I just said you can't have a great mass of water too close. You can have a little glass of the stuff....

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: You do realise sand is porous, right?

2004-08-28 [BadCat]: What's your point? You don't think the laws of nature are going to get in my way, are you?

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: I'm sure they won't get in the way of you trying. Have you tried flying lately?

2004-08-28 [Arctik]: What LFL is saying is that you can't make sandcastles with dry sand, but it's also impossible to have any other kind of sand. In other words, sandcastles don't exist. Ptth, fine by me.

2004-08-28 [BadCat]: Why did the topic of dry sand even make its presence known?

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: The ways of dry sand are deep and mysterious, and find their way into your shoes and other uncomfortable places.

2004-08-28 [Arctik]: Are you saying that the ways of dry sand make their way into your shoes? I always thought it was the sand itself. Hmm... curious.

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: Once the dry sand is in your shoes, the ways of the dry sand quickly make themselves known to you. Many people find such wisdom uncomfortable.

2004-08-28 [Arctik]: Back to the point--prevention is better. Who can we hire to go about this sand-removal project?

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: God. I believe he works cheap.

2004-08-28 [Arctik]: I wouldn't lower myself to that level. I have standards, you know.

2004-08-28 [LustForLike]: You do? I never would have suggested it had I guessed.

2004-08-28 [dilandau]: but without sand how can we watch all the pretty girls play beach vollyball?

2004-08-29 [BadCat]: Snigger. Buy DOA: Volleyball thingy... It's the way of the future.

2004-08-29 [Arctik]: Ugh. That game is ridiculous. Over-the-top in far too many ways, except for the gameplay, which sucks.

2004-08-29 [BadCat]: Grin. Not surprised. Never played it, but I couldn't resist the mention.

2004-08-29 [Jewl]: lol

2004-08-31 [dilandau]: i have a PS2 not an Xbox

2004-09-01 [Arctik]: Come to think of it, having to use the Xbox controller was probably another reason it sucked.

2004-09-01 [Sagacious Turkey]: I would randomly spam one of my wikis here, but yall would yell at me...

2004-09-01 [BadCat]: And then have you hanged.

2004-09-02 [Sagacious Turkey]: hanged?! in a wiki?!

2004-09-02 [Arctik]: Yes, in a wiki. It's quite fun, unless you're on the receiving end of things.

2004-09-02 [Sagacious Turkey]: *slowly backs away*

2004-09-03 [BadCat]: Speed up that backing, laddie.

2004-09-03 [SsrVoice]: Oooo is someone being killed publicly again? Can I help?

2004-09-03 [BadCat]: No, but you can be next.

2004-09-03 [SsrVoice]: Oh put a sock in it

2004-09-03 [BadCat]: That's not part of my job description.

2004-09-03 [SsrVoice]: lol

2004-09-03 [Jewl]: BadCat... If I weren't completely freaked out by going within five feet of you, I'd worship you. ;D lol

2004-09-03 [Arctik]: Aw, she ain't that bad. Go on, worship her.

2004-09-03 [Jewl]: Well, I'm just afraid she'll bite my head off, or something along the lines of inflicting bodily harm on me... lol

2004-09-03 [Arctik]: You just have to be careful not to make any gesture that could be misinterpreted as an invitation for harm, such as, "Hello."

2004-09-03 [Jewl]: I see... hmm..

2004-09-03 [Arctik]: I wouldn't say that, either. That's a real bad one.

2004-09-03 [Jewl]: Got it. I'll just.. ermm. not say anything. lol or say something and get beaten up anyway.

2004-09-03 [SsrVoice]: i see hmmm

2004-09-03 [Arctik]: You're just pushing it. She's already offered to kill you.

2004-09-04 [SsrVoice]: lol yesterday a complete stranger offered to help me kill myself....I wasn't quite sure how to take I just said I'm not that blonde. ... I don't see why she hates me so much...I'm resonably nice to her..maybe its my rugged good looks.......wait I don't have any rugged good looks....back to the drawing board.*heavy sigh*..

2004-09-04 [Arctik]: Ooh... What did she say, exactly? Surely it wasn't, "You need help killing youself? You just looked like you needed a hand..."

2004-09-04 [SsrVoice]: well I was crossing the road and I almost stepped out infront of a semi but my friend grabbed and pulled me back and I was like holyshit and then this jackass in the car across from me stuck his head out the window and said with a smile "hey if you want help commiting suicide I'm here"....i was a little confused...was he just trying to be helpful or did he actually want to kill me..I'm still not sure

2004-09-04 [Arctik]: Yeah, that has definitely got to be as a result of rugged good looks. Must have had tinted windows.

2004-09-04 [SsrVoice]: yeah I thought so...

2004-09-04 [dilandau]: saji are u sure u dont have rugged good looks? u looked pretty snappy in that flannel shirt, jeans, and the cowboy hat. 

2004-09-04 [SsrVoice]: OMG...dont ever mention that again!!! It wwas a PINK flannel shirt...atleast it was pink...

2004-09-05 [Stormy]: Pink's a ...good thing? *looks enlightened*

2004-09-07 [SsrVoice]: yes Pink = good

2004-09-07 [Jewl]: lol

2004-09-08 [Arctik]: Kryste, someone kill her already.

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