Page name: cheese [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-14 02:29:34
Last author: Jewl
Owner: BadCat
# of watchers: 21
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(Logo by the masterful [Gryph])

Nothing to do with cheese! It's just a tax dodge!

The entrance door is low and anyone much taller than a dwarf must stoop to get in. A fire is burning steadily on one wall, and it spreads a warm glow through the rest of the room. In front of the fire a chess set sits on a small table in between a couple of comfortable looking chairs.
There is a raised area that looks like it would be used as a stage (a fine harp is already set upon it welcoming anyone to play), and beside that is a closed door with a sign nailed to it that reads "Bugger Off!"
To the right of the room a half dozen stools are placed in front of a well polished bar. A wide selection of liquors and inebriating brews are visible on the shelved walls behind.
And to the left, tucked away in the shadows of the last corner is a table bordered by heavy wooden bench seats.
All in all it's a rather small room, but cosy and quite inviting. The proprietors, [Stormy] and [BadCat] are terribly proud of their little establishment.

For previous versions of The Cheese Shop, go to Dead_Cheese ....
Blimey, filling up fast here! Dead_Cheese2 for the next drunken episodes.
Dead_Cheese3 to reminisce about Oompa Loompas and Rocky Horror re-enactments, and something about druggy Elmos and eating sharks.
Bloody hell, Dead_Cheese4 for butterflies, "cookeys" (are nice), and bottled brain matter. Next up: Purple mead, cleaning fluid, and way too many "Oh gosh, I just woke up, how did I get here?"s.
Dead_Cheese5 for proof that Rana is evil, homemade tasers and giant thoughtbubbles.

[Arctik] hurls a screwdriver at Willow. "Don't think so loud, ye flamin' adjective! You don't know what you're musing about." The ceiling once again creaks, and a small plume of silvery, sparking dust trickles from an indeterminate location onto the floor. "Oh shit. Does anyone here know anything about fairies?"

"well they're supposed to die if u say u dont believe in them," suggests [dilandau].

"And their little bones get caught in your mouth," BC adds helpfully.

"And you can pick them up by the arms or legs and pull their wings off," Willow puts in with a devilish grin.

"Yes." Jewl answers from her spot on an unusually ugly purple and lime green cushion which she had been slowly tearing apart, thread by thread. "I know a bit. Why, pixie problems? You know it must have been the sparkly Furbies with the orange bald spots that made this cushion. I mean, come on, everyone knows you don't use Mauve thread in a cross-haired stitch. You use Grey-Pink LAVENDER thread."

Willow raises an incredulous eyebrow at Jewl's statement. "What's the world coming to these days?" she wonders, shaking her head. "You can't trust anyone to do anything right anymore. Nobody knows what the hell they're doing. Tsk."

For lack of anything better to do, Willow spontaneously combusts.

BC wakes up after centuries of slumber. "Ooowah. I feel like Sleeping," she muffles a yawn, "Beauty. My feet are numb, and my mouth tastes like moth balls. It itty bitty type." She stumbles over to the bar and scoops up some stale peanuts from the floor, stuffing them into her mouth. "Mmm, chewy. Who's up for a birthday?"

Willow, having decided to celebrate Halloween not only with sweets and, well, more sweets, but also with a trip to Elftown, stretches her cramped and charred limbs. "Eh, I just had one." She goes to brush a bit of burnt flesh off of her shoulder, and her entire arm collapses into a heap of ash. Her brow furrows curiously. "Well that can't be good."

"Here, have some stickytape. Stickytape will make it better," BC mumbles, handing over a small guinea pig. "If you put cheese with it, it will be even better. Kind of like capsicum sultanas." She dances a quick little jig to prove her point.

"i thought you guys didnt sell cheese," says [dilandau]. 

"We don't sell it, but we sure as hell eat a lot of it." BC jerks up the leg of her pants to reveal a pale oozing substance on her right shin. "Look! Part of me has turned to brie!" She dips a finger into the goop and slurps it off happily. "Absolutely divine. Anyone wanna taste of cat-brie?"

"Cat-brie? No thanks, I think Jewl-Gouda is better, but unfortunately I have none at the moment..." Jewl says, a small sprinkle of dust coming from the ceiling, where she had been tossed after Willow's explosion.

"just.....ew," [dilandau] says before running to the back to throw up.

"what's this I hear about Cat-Brie?" asks [fungi] curiously as he enters [BadCat]'s and [Stormy]'s fine establishment. I am the famed cheese conosouier, [fungi] (pardon the pun). does anyone want to try my mishcotta?

"I hate cheese," Willow says abruptly, nabbing the guinea pig from BC. She pockets it, just in case she finds a need for it in the future. "I think I'll call him Butter."

[LustForLike] orders pizza - with cheese: and all without making a sound. He gets the impression the person he ordered from was somewhat confused, but puts it down to them not being a pizza delivery company, rather than to his silent ordering; and so he has no reason to suspect his order will not arrive promptly. And with cheese.

Willow, having been resurrected from the dead for the evening for the occasion of possible pizza-eating, wanders around a little bit dazedly and pretends to be a martini.

[Jewl] immediately spots the Willtini, and leaps to the guzzle--- err, I mean, rescue, leaps to the rescue.

Username (or number or email):


2003-12-17 [LustForLike]: Turn all the alcohol into brains!

2003-12-17 [LustForLike]: What am I saying... why can't I just do it myself?

2003-12-18 [Rana]: BadCat, can you and I form a truce against LFL? He wants to drink my char.s gray matter!

2003-12-18 [BadCat]: Didn't you notice me wanting to eat it earlier on? :)

2003-12-18 [Arctik]: I don't! But I'll eat it's toeses... as far from stinky elf-brain as possible. And why does everyone have to manipulate the alcohol? Can't we just glue each other to walls, and clean with odd birds like the good old days?

2003-12-18 [Arctik]: Pick-up line of the century, for sure. I only just realised how bloody funny this is: "Cheese is cool. Do you have any?" *flutter eyelashes flirtingly*

2003-12-23 [BadCat]: *After an awkward, drawn-out silence...* Well... you know... that line could work on me...

2003-12-23 [BadCat]: "Sure, I've got cheese, baby. It's in my pants. Hur, hur, hur."

2003-12-23 [BadCat]: (gods I'm funny... I am so damn hilarious... Ah, I kill myself)

2003-12-23 [BadCat]: Not LITERALLY kill myself, though. More in the "so funny I could die laughing" - but STILL not in the literal sense...

2003-12-23 [BadCat]: Why do I get the feeling I'm talking to myself here...? Oh. Right. Becuase I AM!!! And I typo-ed 'because'! See? I mixed the 'a' and the 'u' up! But, instead of just backing up a few letters, I had to carry on this whole little ramble. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA! I'm not bored, though. I'm just entertainment impaired. Mind you, I'm also mentally impaired....

2003-12-23 [LustForLike]: So you have a pair of impairs?

2003-12-24 [BadCat]: Shut up, you. Enjoy the inspirational calendar.

2003-12-27 [dilandau]: calendar? where? does it have brom art?

2003-12-30 [BadCat]: Nope. No Brom, just Horror.

2003-12-31 [Jewl]: lol

2004-01-02 [dilandau]: how can u have horror without brom?!?!?!

2004-01-02 [BadCat]: Horror with Rocky.

2004-01-03 [dilandau]: rocky horror picture show? u consider that inspirational? hahahaha cool movie, but not something i would aspire to.

2004-01-03 [LustForLike]: I don't know, I found it quite inspirational. Lots of fashion tips.

2004-01-03 [BadCat]: *smirk* He's such a pet.

2004-01-03 [LustForLike]: Thanks by the way ;) And point taken, I'll do my best to ensure there is no next time.

2004-01-04 [BadCat]: Awww.... but... but... all my hopes and dreams: shattered! *runs off to sob behind the couch*

2004-01-04 [LustForLike]: Now then, be a good kitten and clean up the pieces of shattered dreams before you go off to cry.

2004-01-07 [dilandau]: what? and just leave all the shattered hopes for stormy to clean up?

2004-01-08 [BadCat]: Huh, works for me.

2004-01-09 [dilandau]: does she even get paid to clean?

2004-01-10 [BadCat]: She gets paid in lack of saucepan bruises

2004-01-10 [LustForLike]: That's a currency? Do banks give you a good exchange on that?

2004-01-10 [dilandau]: be careful or one day ull hit her so hard she'll get a split personality and kill everyone.

2004-01-10 [BadCat]: Hmmm... that's a cool idea! What a Social Experiment that would be! I'll just have to make sure she kills all the people I don't like, to make it worth the trouble. Mwhaha... the perfect crime....

2004-01-15 [dilandau]: wouldnt it be easier to just hypnotize her?

2004-01-16 [BadCat]: No, no... that's WRONG. I wouldn't want to mess with someone's mind like that.

2004-01-16 [LustForLike]: No, you'd rather mess with it like this instead.

2004-01-20 [dilandau]: or u could pay someone else to mess with her mind like that.

2004-01-24 [Arctik]: I have absolutely no problem messing with anyone's mind. How much am I being paid, and will it be in cash?

2004-01-27 [BadCat]: I'll pay you stale pretzels. And that's with me having three starving grandmothers to feed!

2004-01-27 [Jewl]: lol

2004-01-27 [dilandau]: 3 grandmothers? either one of them is a great grandmother or ur inbred?

2004-01-27 [Jewl]: She's inbred....twice!

2004-01-28 [BadCat]: It explains the 18 toes anyway. (That's on each foot...)

2004-02-11 [BadCat]: Okay, I just had to have a new comment to see everytime I scrolled down to check the latest. Gahh...

2004-02-11 [Lord Riffington]: Here, have another one.

2004-02-11 [Stormy]: Three for the price of one!

2004-02-11 [Lord Riffington]: Comment sale! Today only at The Cheese Shop!

2004-02-11 [SsrVoice]: I have no idea what's going on and frankly I'm too lazy to read up and I'll just say. . . .*hmph*. . . . .and leave it at that.

2004-02-12 [BadCat]: Quite frankly... I'm disappointed in you, Riff. I want to see the lyrics to this hedgehog song

2004-02-12 [Lord Riffington]: Are you telling me that you *don't* know them?

2004-02-12 [LustForLike]: Or with a giraffe if you stood on a stool!

2004-02-12 [BadCat]: Oh, this isn't an original piece, then? Okay, I'll just wallow in my ignorance... wallow wallow... wallow...

2004-02-12 [Gryph]: as usual, BC has a lot of ignorance to wallow in.

2004-02-12 [Lord Riffington]: BC: Surely you're aware of the Hedgehog who is unconcerned with entities other than himself? <URL:>

2004-02-12 [BadCat]: As it is, I am completely unaware of this alleged hedgehog and his song. I prefer to waste my time on songs about Mad Cow Disease. Mmm, bovine spongiform encephalopathy.....

2004-02-13 [Lord Riffington]: In Terry Pratchett's Discworld books, there is one character who frequently gets drunk and sings "The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered At All"

2004-02-13 [BadCat]: Sounds painful, really.

2004-02-14 [dilandau]: hedgehogs are spikey!

2004-02-16 [SsrVoice]: yes dill and tommoro we learn our ABC's

2004-02-17 [Lord Riffington]: Cheese, Gromit! We'll go somewhere where there's cheeeese!

2004-02-22 [Melody "Yami" Anizamu]: HAHAHA!Cheese

2004-03-03 [Arctik]: I can imagine the problems involved in attempting to bugger a hedgehog... Let's just leave it at that, eh?

2004-03-04 [BadCat]: Hey, Stormy... what the hell happened to the cupboard?

2004-03-05 [Rana]: Hee hee.

2004-03-06 [Stormy]: What the hell do you think happened to the cupboard? Someone decided to do something useful to it... yes, someone

2004-03-06 [Lord Riffington]: *hides the screwdriver*

2004-03-06 [BadCat]: Okay, so the answer WAS blindingly obvious... but my point was mostly to draw attention to the fact some musical git had gotten to it... bah.

2004-03-07 [Arctik]: I say we bury her in sand up to her head, and throw chips so that the seagulls eat her. That's my contribution to the matter... now excuse me whilst I have another drink.

2004-03-09 [Rana]: NOOOOO! DO NOT EAT ME! *Fends of seagulls*

2004-03-09 [Stormy]: Mmm... so hungry *starts drooling*

2004-03-10 [BadCat]: Hey.... anyone interested in doing some sketches of the Cheese Shop? I'd love to see how everyone imagines it...

2004-03-11 [Arctik]: Yes! I just need to find someone who can actually draw, so I can describe it to them...

2004-03-11 [Arctik]: Although I should rightly imagine that in reality, the place would be getting a little crowded, what with all the rubble and broken glass and scorch-marks.

2004-03-11 [BadCat]: Shh! If we ignore it, it will go away!

2004-03-12 [Stormy]: Anyone interested in a small sketching competition involving the Cheese Shop?

2004-03-12 [BadCat]: Echo.... Nyargh nyargh.

2004-03-12 [Gryph]: I'd give it a go... but we know my artistic ability is on par with that of a frog's.

2004-03-13 [BadCat]: There are some very clever frogs out there. And socks, too. Take Harry, for example.

2004-03-13 [Gryph]: Harry? I know not this Harry you speak of.

2004-03-13 [Rana]: Oooooh! I'll draw! I'll draw! 

2004-03-13 [Rana]: Oooooh! I'll draw! I'll draw! *Picks up pencil and scribbles madly* (Take that as a YES Stormy.)

2004-03-13 [Arctik]: Harry... sounds familiar. Could I have possibly met this sock? I might draw something if it gets high enough on my priorities list.

2004-03-13 [Arctik]: Priority #1: Procrastinate

2004-03-13 [Stormy]: Gryph> you could do an abstract interpretation... Rana> excellent, go forth and create!!! And feel free to add in the Cheese shop patrons *mad laughter* that's on my to do list.

2004-03-13 [SsrVoice]: yeah I'll give it a go too....are stick figures alright? :P jk

2004-03-13 [dilandau]: saji u know u can do better than stick figures. and i might go and do it lonf as u dont mind waiting.

2004-03-14 [Stormy]: Well, anyone who's interested (whether you think you'll actually get around to it or not) put your name down in the cupboard

2004-03-16 [Rana]: What does everyone look like?! If I'm to draw y'all, I don't want to mess up! (You might try to drink my brain again.)

2004-03-17 [BadCat]: Well... there's a pic at BadCat char that might help - for me anyway... probably should ignore my attempt of the Weather Girl (Oh, and pay no attention to the bio-thing, that was for something else nevermind mumble cough choke splutter)

2004-03-17 [Arctik]: I suppose I could find you a picture, but I don't trust you not to do something unnatural to it

2004-03-17 [BadCat]: Dartboard!

2004-03-17 [SsrVoice]: just imagine the most beautiful intelligent woman you've ever seen with a cool crown and a red leather.....ok thats not entirely acurate..I'll get u a pic...

2004-03-17 [Arctik]: Intelligent... *snigger*.   Okay Rana, what do YOU look like? I'm fairly sure I've seen pictures of everyone else

2004-03-17 [BadCat]: Small, musical, and irritating. That's what she looks like.

2004-03-18 [SsrVoice]: lol

2004-03-18 [BadCat]: Dilandau, Arctik, Green Flamingo, Rana, Git-Face if he's still here... everyone who hasn't already, go and bloody well sign up in the cupboard!

2004-03-19 [Arctik]: Like a flute, eh? There's really no point in signing up at the moment, you know. If I draw something I'll sign up, but otherwise I'll wait until then... just for the sake of annihilating two critters with one projectile.

2004-03-19 [Arctik]: ...and also because of the limited likelihood of ever getting that prize.

2004-03-19 [Jewl]: CHEESY. Lol. Hmm... I need liquer.

2004-03-19 [BadCat]: Oh, just sign up. Please? Forget the Matchbox Corvette, I'll send you something better as a bribe! It's pink... I think I mentioned it earlier... Oh. I suppose that kind of ruins it, 'cause I was going to send it to you anyway... but... um... okay, forget bribes, I was never good at those anyway: I'm going to threaten you! If you don't sign up, I won't send you the pink thing! Hah!

2004-03-19 [BadCat]: Oh, and Jewl: you sign up too! Grrr, arrgh!

2004-03-19 [dilandau]: does everyone have to be in the pic? ive only ever seen real pics of badcat, stormy, gryph, and saji.

2004-03-19 [dilandau]: i think i might throw in a few oompa loompas though hehe

2004-03-20 [BadCat]: Grin. Well... we can pester anyone/everyone to find real pics of themselves, just for this. We can put them up in the cupboard, or some separate page just for reference.... Question?

2004-03-20 [LustForLike]: Yes, that is a question. Very good BadCat.

2004-03-20 [BadCat]: Well... actually it's not, git. There was a suggestion, and addition to the suggestion, and then a word+symbol requesting feedback.

2004-03-20 [BadCat]: Shut up.

2004-03-20 [LustForLike]: Ah, another suggestion. You're doing well today.

2004-03-20 [BadCat]: Get it right! Not a suggestion-- an order!

2004-03-20 [LustForLike]: No, that was a delusion. See?

2004-03-20 [Arctik]: There's a pic of me at my house, dil. And yes, postage-of-pictures sounds like a good idea.

2004-03-20 [BadCat]: Pth, you can't see enough of your face to base a proper picture... Alright, picture-postage it is.

2004-03-20 [dilandau]: well i only have one pic scanned and its 4 years old. damn graduation pic. anyway look on my elfwood gallery for it. 

2004-03-21 [BadCat]: Well, if that's the one you want to use, care to post it up at pole dancer pics?

2004-03-27 [dilandau]: if u tell me how i will.

2004-03-28 [BadCat]: Well, if you load it into your house image... then I can go from there.

2004-03-28 [BadCat]: I did it for you. :)

2004-03-28 [BadCat]: Now, come on, the rest of you slack beggars!! Please?

2004-03-28 [Gryph]: quit whining

2004-03-31 [Jewl]: Sign up for what, now?

2004-04-01 [BadCat]: Cupboard!

2004-04-04 [Rana]: Draw Rana as a corpse! (I really think that is the best advertising pitch, BadCat)

2004-04-05 [dilandau]: it doesnt have to be in color does it? as it is im prolly gonna have to mail the pic to saji for it to be scanned.

2004-04-05 [BadCat]: Nah. Do it however you want.

2004-04-07 [SsrVoice]: u can mail it to me and I'll scan it for you if u want dil no prob

2004-04-10 [dilandau]: thanks saji :)  .......of course this might be a clever ruse to get more free pics from me haha

2004-04-10 [dilandau]: btw saji im gonna have u putting money in the rocky horror pole dancers g-string haha

2004-04-11 [SsrVoice]: omg were u there when that happened? I swear I was....ok so I wasnt drunk, I just cant resists a man in silk undies and a garter belt.....

2004-04-12 [Rana]: Should we make a Cheese Shop Badge? So the regulars can post it in their houses?

2004-04-13 [BadCat]: Well, you can use the logo that Gryph created... Does that work for yeh?

2004-04-13 [Rana]: :P You guessed my motive. I need badges to put in my house! It is disgracefully empty.

2004-04-14 [SsrVoice]: now theres a shocker

2004-04-14 [dilandau]: be nice saji

2004-04-14 [SsrVoice]: bite me dil pickle :)

2004-04-14 [dilandau]: dont tempt me ;)

2004-04-14 [SsrVoice]: please do, then your death will be in self defence....god I have to go the cats are breaking stuff again...

2004-04-17 [Rana]: All right, most of the people who will vote have voted at my poll, AAAANNNNDDDDD. . .Dilandu and Artick are the two most insane of us!

2004-04-17 [SsrVoice]: are you on drugs? something that makes you so hyper? I get tired just reading what you say. too many exclamation marks

2004-04-17 [BadCat]: What exclamation marks? I mean... I can see a few, but nothing mindlessly overboard. Like a fox. Haha. Haha. Ah. Aha. And too lazy to snigger.

2004-04-17 [BadCat]: POWERPLAY.

2004-04-17 [SsrVoice]: I wasnt reffering to the number used in her previous statement, just how frequently she uses them

2004-04-17 [BadCat]: Tha's lucky, 'cause that's what I was referring to too. GMTA. Or... maybe not. I really don't know. Shrug. I didn't see an exclamation point till her fourth post back. Maybe I'm exclamation-point blind. Maybe I'm just drunk. No, I'm not that. I WILL be though, gods willing. 'Course, it doesn't matter--oh wait! GODS willing! Yes! Happy birthday sir. Many butterflies to you and such. I love you. You're a wonderful man--erh, God. I'd give you cake, but.... you're kinda ethereal. Stupid bastard. I mean! No! Heehee. That tickles. Stupid dog.

2004-04-17 [Gryph]: *rolls his eyes*

2004-04-17 [BadCat]: Across the floor?

2004-04-17 [SsrVoice]: I would post a reply on that but I got lost somewhere along the lines of "cake"

2004-04-17 [BadCat]: Don't like cake much.

2004-04-17 [SsrVoice]: i like coconut cake, but thats about it

2004-04-17 [Gryph]: mmm coconut

2004-04-19 [dilandau]: im the most insane? saji is the one that keeps fake blood in her pocketbook. and saji if u kill me here in NC, we dont have a self defence plea. ud get manslaughter.

2004-04-19 [Arctik]: Right, Rana. Four people voted in that poll - Two for me, and two for Dil. That doesn't say anything, although I would like to know who voted for ME.

2004-04-19 [SsrVoice]: reason by insanity, temporary insanity....don't leave home with out it.... and you never know when ur gonna need fake blood...

2004-04-22 [dilandau]: yeah, but if u plead insanity, ull end up at dorthey dix.....thats the mental hospital here btw

2004-04-22 [SsrVoice]: those places are awesome, free drugs and 3 meals a day plus all the ping pong and finger painting a girl could want

2004-04-23 [Rana]: Yes, I am very hyper. But no, I am not insane. :p. Exactly, Artick. I think I had the bloody thing up for 8 weeks or so, and no one but four people voted.

2004-04-23 [SsrVoice]: I wonder why :P

2004-04-23 [Gryph]: People not caring, people not knowing about it, people boycotting [Rana]'s house?

2004-04-25 [Rana]: Any of them. Most likely the boycott. Have you noticed that in only the last 3 posts I have been called a hyperactive bee and a rancid little bint? Speaking of which - what is a rancid little bint anyway?

2004-04-25 [SsrVoice]: rana, hyperactive bee and Rancid little bint, I deem you captain oblivious. If one is called a rancid little bint, all they need do to find what it is, is look in the mirror. But you dear I think would still cease to comprehend...rancid:Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats; rank. Repugnant; nasty.... Bint: offensive term for a woman or girl. 

2004-04-27 [Rana]: We speak english here, what do you speak?

2004-04-29 [SsrVoice]: Is that supposed to make sense?

2004-05-01 [dilandau]: she speaks suetopian. and ive never heard the word bint b4.

2004-05-02 [Arctik]: Then YOU're a silly bint.

2004-05-03 [will turner neko]: YUM cheese!

2004-05-06 [Rana]: no. NO CHEESE!

2004-05-06 [SsrVoice]: shut up

2004-05-08 [BadCat]: Uh, no... Rana's got a point this time. Anyone with a name like 'Will Turner Neko' who's talking about cheese HERE, deserves it (Rana talking at him, I mean. Yes, I know it's cruel, but...).

2004-05-08 [Rana]: You guys, express your admiration to me - I just played Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream!

2004-05-08 [Rana]: Holy shit, why am I asking you?

2004-05-08 [LustForLike]: Puck rules.

2004-05-08 [BadCat]: Pity Rana just defiled the character....

2004-05-08 [Arctik]: I'll bet you completely pucked... uh, sucked. Yes, that's it.

2004-05-08 [Rana]: Ohhhh dear. And I thought LFL was the one with the bad puns.

2004-05-08 [LustForLike]: No deer, but I fought elephants and won with the batons.

2004-05-09 [Rana]: I have a suggestion for your little list of opinions in your description LFL: Logan is very bad at puns. *Glances at wiki* See! *Points upward at wiki* BadCat needs me to keep her on her toes! I wonder how many pounds her char. has lost since I showed up. . .

2004-05-09 [LustForLike]: Done.

2004-05-10 [will turner neko]: ?

2004-05-10 [SsrVoice]: *wonders how hard it would be to put a contract out on ranas frizzy little head*

2004-05-11 [Arctik]: Not very hard, I'd say.

2004-05-11 [Rana]: What's the charge? Misspelling Arctik's username?

2004-05-11 [BadCat]: Yeah, that'll do. Speaking out of turn, jay walking, having a reflection... whatever we can find.

2004-05-11 [Rana]: I AM BATMAN! *ahem* Sorry, hyper.

2004-05-12 [Arctik]: She breathes in an offensive manner. I'm putting out a personal charge on that one.

2004-05-13 [SsrVoice]: talking....reason enough for me

2004-05-14 [Rana]: You all hate me. Waaa! *Sobs in corner while sharpening her axe*

2004-05-14 [SsrVoice]: If you stop being so annoying people will like you...or you could just die and leave us alone...I could go either way..

2004-05-14 [Rana]: *Ponders which would be more fun*

2004-05-15 [dilandau]: i dont hate u. i dont like u, but but that doesnt mean i hate u.

2004-05-16 [will turner neko]: hi

2004-05-16 [Rana]: Ok, so dilandu is cool.

2004-05-19 [Arctik]: Hello... Oh crap, that's funny.

2004-05-19 [Rana]: What? Me? Do I dare think it?

2004-05-23 [SsrVoice]: Just because Dill doesnt hate you..doesnt make him cool....if anything it makes him more uncool than before...

2004-05-23 [xX Doomed Vampire Doll Xx]: um...Hi...

2004-05-24 [Rana]: Hi.

2004-05-29 [dilandau]: well saji i dont know her. so i neither hate, nor like her. how does it make me more uncool not to hate someone i dont know?

2004-05-29 [SsrVoice]: You see Dill, Rana is annoying, so annoying that shes past the point of being annoying in that funny kinda way like anyone who doesn't stongly dislike her for her actions is most definitly uncool. You don't have to hate her, but if you're either going to be ok with her or hate her, I would prefer the later of the two.

2004-05-30 [LustForLike]: But Rana's actions are a strong indictment of the purile nature of the human ego and a subtle satire of the fragility of the veil of civility and its unsuitability for the modern age.

2004-05-30 [Gryph]: *nods*

2004-05-31 [Rana]: *tries to look like she understood a word of that. . .and fails* Geshundeit.

2004-06-01 [dilandau]: fine saji, ur the queen afterall. sorry rana, but i now hate u. haha

2004-06-02 [Arctik]: Pathetic... I mean, I know Rana's a git, but hating for the sakes of appeasing an authority figure to no noticable avail seems kind of dull.

2004-06-02 [Rana]: Oh, so what your saying is - you don't all hate me for no reason, you hate me because I'm obnoxious, annoying, gitlike, and evil?

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