Page name: Cinbactie [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-07 03:56:17
Last author: dead~spirit
Owner: G:/enesis~
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The most unforgiving city known to man, most residents here are Bounty Hunters, Assassins, Old Veterans, Mercenaries, or Criminals. Most of them can be met at in the local tavern. This is the most dead beat town that could possibly exist.


1. Crying Destiney - The main room. scenario is constantly changing as the warriors move along with their journies.

2. Shamen Platform - A floating city above the clouds, said to have been made by the greatest of scientists. Upon completion, all of them dissapeared. It is believed to have been the work of the Nosam's.

3. Atolincia - A massive man made Island that can move around the oceans. Created by the United Nations as a Military Island, after getting built it was expanded upon, and now half of it is a city, and the other half is a United nations base. the Funding for the massive island was said to have come from the Nosam's.

4. Eilondrie - One of the biggest undeveloped forest's in the world. It is said a long time ago, the forest was inhabited by rebels, that live peacefully with the nature around them. they were also said to have very bad temper's for outsiders, most adventures who entered the forest never came out.

5. Nordafis - This is the coldest land around, the mere wind chill factor is enough to kill a man in an istant. But if you make it to the tavern, the locals will take good care of you.

6. Half World - You feel as if your floating.. this world is grass as far as you can see, and one big tree in the middle. Perhaps you got here in a dream, or possibly meditation.. or just maybe imagination....

7. Valkeria - This city is a stronghold, controlled by the Nosams. It is here the U.N. fears. The cities beautiful landscaping is as perfect as its defences. The Dark Legion here are well seasoned, and could take on as larg of a force that the U.N. could throw. In such bad times as this, noone could wish to live in a better place.

8. Shao Khan - This little hidden fort, is hidden somewhere in a distant land, upon a mountain, mixed in with the nature. It is said that the select few that are lucky enough to find this place, become truly talented in the ways.. but that saying has never left the fort, due to its extreme secret.

NPC's in this area:        Status:
1. Warfox's Scientist 1:     Good health
2. Warfox's Scientist 2:     Good health
3. Warfox's Scientist 3(Mitch): Good health
4. Warfox's Scientist 4:     Good health
5. Warfox's Scientist 5:     Good health
6. Warfox's Scientist 6:     unconcious
7. Warfox's Scientist 7:     Good health
8. Warfox's Scientist 8:     Good health
9. Warfox's Scientist 9:     Good health
10. Warfox's Scientist(bob) 10:    Good health
11. Warfox's Scientist 11:    Good health
12. Warfox's Scientist 12:    Good health
13. Warfox's Scientist 13:    Good health
14. Warfox's Scientist 14:    Good health
15. Warfox's Scientist 15 (Rick): (lost in the desert)  Dead

Hot. Unbearable, almost. The heat is like nothing you've ever felt before. The cracked and faded asphalt road you've been following shimmers behind, and in front of you. For days, now, you've known nothing but heat, and that old, old road. What little money you managed to scrape together died in your horse fifty or sixty miles ago. Or maybe it was less. Does it even matter anymore? You can't blame it for collapsing, once the flies began settling around it's sunken eyes. Each blistered step you manage is like molten lead. Your hip is an inferno that more than matches the weather. It hurts to blink, it won't be long before you decide the effort isn't worth it. Just ahead of you, another mirage. You continue walking, ignoring it, but it refuses to retreat back into your fevered imagination, becoming larger and larger. The walls of a town become distinguishable to your blurred vision, as are the uniformed soldiers who expired atop the wall long ago, judging by the sickly sweet cinammon smell even your nose, in its current state, can detect. The corpses have been impaled on the ramshackle logs that make up the barrier, and the rusted iron and wood gate stands open. "Cinbactie, City of second chances", reads the oranging metal sign. Redemption lies before you.


The entire area now lies in rubble, two huge crators. one the size of a city the other the size of the small outpost... chared boddies lay inside the crator where cinbactie once stood... you can tell... a big desastore happend here

The loacals here seem to be very polite, and helpful now. They all seem to wear some sort of tatoo's with either angel wings or a scorpions tale on their bodies somewhere, as they cater around their cities as they do. Even the tavern is polite towards outsiders. You notice a lot of the city looks new, and clean.. the rumors about how this city was so dead beat must have been false accusations after all. You cant help but notice a large beacon in the middle of the city that shines from the suns reflection. The locals here talk about the warriors and some base that lays 12 clicks to the east. It is clear that all of these people here with the tatoo's are some sort of Militia that was set up to protect the city.

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2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *pouts a bit but nods* you better come back you hear me? *gives the man a hug then looks at Major* take care of him

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *as the airships slowly aproach the base he smirks some standing in the center of the bridge, aboard the airship in the middle, however being that this one was cloaked, the scout missed it when he counted the number "...ah the great mystic warriors.... this is their base... i really hope im not dissapointed"

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: John: *sitting on the bed in medical bay he smiles to nanashi "well it was nice meeting you"

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *smiles and closes the door behind Crimson as he looks to the major.* "look, I want you to sit this one out Major.. I need you to take care of the others, and your wife, I know she is pregnant, and you are going to be a father..I looked into the medical bay files a little.. I know I shouldn't have, but... thats not the point right now.. I need you to stay alive, and protect these great people."

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *nods her head* you too... oh by the way the name's Gloria but everyone calls me Nanashi... *smiles*

Crimson: *heads back to her office, knowingthat she wasn't going to see Arianna until that night since she was in town*

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Major: *looks at Mitch stunned for a moment, but quickly snapps out of it.* "Sir.. no.. No one can take care of this base as well as you can, you saved my wife and me 10 years ago, I owe you my life. Let me go out there, and fight, please sir, I beg of you!"

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *sitting at one of her computers she ends up contacting Nanashi* Hey crazy one... I'm going to be upping the defenses in a minute.. would seem we have incoming...

Nanashi: *blinks at the transmition* ummm... okay... should I start having the civilians in the lower sections?

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *as the airships aproach closer he looks to the pilot "keep this ship cloaked till the last minute..." he spoke as the pilot nodded

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: John: *sitting there he heard alittle bit of the transmition "..incoming? that dosent sound good..."

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *nods to the Major.* "thats right you owe me your you have to keep it alive.. Make sure you take care of that kid for me.. I didn't save your ass for nothing you know. Now, do as I say, and watch that John Doe guy, there just isnt something right with him."

Major: *falls silent, as a tear rolls down the side of his cheek. he starts to walk to the door, and pauses for a moment as he speeks with his back to mitch before walknig out, and shutting the door behind him, not know that John Doe could hear what he was saying.* "It has been a honor serving under you sir.."

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: yeah that would be a good idea... not about to let your kids end up hurt

Nanashi: *smiles* thanks Omiko... *pats John's shoulder* talk to you later... got things I need to do

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *smiles as he nods "commence attack" he spoke, as the other four airships had begain to move into attack formation, not long after the guns on the first two ships had begain to fire

John: *looking in the direction of the major "whats going on?"

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: Walks out shortly after with a look of determination, and seriousness on his face. He looks at John Doe for a second as he walks past, and then lowers his head, trying not to look his own soldiers in the eyes. He zipps up his vest, and turns his rifle from safety to full auto. the clicking seems to echo through the halls to Johns ears, that familiar click that means there is no hope of survival. Mitch walks into the armory where 8 special forces operators stand ready for combat in full tactical gear, and multiple weapons.* "men... Anyone who is not ready for this.. you do not have to go through with this. We have all thought this day was over..that we would not have to worry again.. but it seems we are wrong.. Great warriors once stood and fought at this base.. in the very spot that WE WILL FIGHT!!! AND WE WILL NOT DISAPOINT THEM!! WE WILL SHOW THESE INTRUDERS, WHAT IT IS LIKE TO FIGHT.... GUARDIANS!!!!" *Mitch walks out, followed by all the special forces operators, who all have the same look on there faces, as they regroup outside at the main entrance of the base.*

Major: *looks at John for a moment, before walking off.*

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *looks up at one of the screens as the air ships begin to fire* fuck... not now... *slides her chair over and sounds the alarm before typing at another computer. over the base comm lines* we are under attack.. civilians please go to pre determined safe zones... I repeat we are under attack..

Nanashi: *in the hallway when the notice sounds, the first thought going through her mind were her children* oh god

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *the ships where blasting the base as men parachuted down, thousands of troops hit the ground an charged at the base, they all seemed to be carrieing both guns an swords, as the large fire from the ships ripped threw the base walls

John: *the cealing in the first halway parts of it where starting to fall, as john walked out the first person he saw was Joselyn "" he tought as a pieace of the cealing was about to fall on her, she was wandering down the hall looking for nanshi, just as the pieace fell but he had ran an seem to take the hit as he coverd the little girl

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *seeing the base being hit, he screams to his and to Crimson over the intercom.* "Men, Take as many of them out, Sargeant, take down the closest airship!! Crimson, turn on the base defences now!! Private open fire on the ground troops, men split in three teams, reb, blue, and green!!! Blue team support, red team, cover, green team move in!!! take as many of them out as you can!!"

Major: *as the blasts hit, and shake the base, he runs down a few halls before kicking a door in, and grabing his wife by the hand, and handing her his pilstol out of his holster.* "Come on babe, we got to go!!! hurry up!! what ever you do, dont let go of my hand, if you need to stop, tap my shoulder, if we get into a fire fight, and you need more ammo yell to me that your out, come on move!!"

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: Understood! *she ends up turning on the systems for the defenses*

Nanashi: *helping the civilians into the lower levels, contacting Major on his headset* Major! have you seen Joselyn or Ricky??

Joselyn: *whimpers as John protected her*

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *smirks "this is it? this is the best the great base of the mystical warriors has to offer??" he spoke, even as the base defences had just taken out one of the four airships he didnt seem all to impressed, he stepped off the command circle an walked over to the window looking down at his men as they where battleing with the soldiers lead by the 8 speacial forces men below "...they stand no hope" he spoke as his own men kept pouring out of the remaining three airships..

John: *quickly rushing her to nanashi "i think she was looking for you" he spoke as he sighed "this is insane...i guess i have no choice" he spoke as he turned an ran down an opposite hallway after makeing sure nanashi had joselyn

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *started shootng his rifle on full auto, killing soldiers left and right, as the sergeant shoulders the rocket launcher from his back, and fired a side winder missile into one of the airships right turbines. As the special forces operators were getting over runned, they unsheathed their swords, and unleashed their secret powers. The enamyn soldiers could tell they were out matched as one operator slayed down 15 of their fellow soldiers, who tried to sword fight him. 3 operators charged in with their swords, slaughtering anyone who got too close, ans three more stood back and covered them with effecient fire power. one other operator, and Mitch started to run in also, shotting anyone they could get a shot on before moving to sword combat. It soon came clear to Pryce that whe would have to deal with these men himself.*

Major: *as he runs down the hall with his wife, he yells into his intercom.* "no, I havent seen anyone, where was he last?!!?"

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *growls as she monitors what was happening* damn it this is so stupid..

Nanashi: *nods her thanks to John as she responds to Major* Joselyn just got here... but I have no idea where Ricky is... how far away are you and your wife? *helps some others into the lower levels*

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *he was just about to head to his quarters out of bordem when he seen the 8 warriors suddenly start fighting extreamly well "...well well well. i guess theres more to this place then meets the eye..." he looks to the mecanics specialist "open the bay doors, looks like i got myself a few bees to take care of" he spoke as he headed to the bay... soon after he they could see him falling from the sky, he had no parachute, he just landed almost gently on his feet in the middle of the battle, his eyes locked on the first of the 8 elites

(done posting for john for the moment)

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *keeps fighting on as he see's Pryce, and wonders who he is.*

Major: *as he runs down the hallways with he wife, he runs into Nanashi.* "im right here, take my wife to safety, I will try to find him, hurry, before they infiltrate the base!!"

*the first elite see's Pryce. and starts to walk towards him, his battle hardened face sweemed to be locked onto Pryce, as he slowly walked towards him, killing any soldier who was in his path. blood ran down his face, from his enamies, as he met up with Pryce..he stood there staring into Pryce's eye's.*

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *her eyes go wide as she looks at one of the screens to see the little boy lost on one of the upper levels* shit.. Ricky... *quickly getting up she pulls from a filing cabinet her old bag and her two katanas, running out of her office and down the hall*

Nanashi: thanks.. come on.. *helps the pregnant woman inside, having her daughter to go first*

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *drawing his katana he smiles slightly "i take it youll be my first opponite then..." he spoke, his sword readied at his side

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *seen one of his men start to fight Pryce, and started to run towards them, but was cut off by more soldiers.* "Noo!!!"

Major: *looks at his wife and smiles, for a second, before turning and runnning back down the hall.* "I love you.."

*the elite operator got into his stance as well, when a stray shot went into his leg knocking him down, as he let out a loud scream, and blood started to run down his leg very fast. the bullet hit a main artery, and the Elite knew he only had minuts to live.* "Damnit!"

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *as Major ran he sees the young woman cross his pass further down the hallway was she headed for Ricky's location*

Nanashi: *once making sure Major's wife and Joselyn along with the other civilians were safe she went back to her post to wait*

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *snatching the moment he moved quickly, the speed of his blade was amazing, only mitch would really have seen faster movement, that being from tafia... as blood in the form of a vertical slash suddenly just bursted out from the elites body, as pryce now stood behind the elite saying nothing before spotting, an heading in the direction of the 2nd elite

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *screamed in rage seeing that, and started fighting harder.*

Major: *seeing the young woman he catchs up to her.* "Crimson, im looking for Ricky, have you seen him?!?!"

*the elite on the ground gasps for breath, realizing what had just happened, he lays on the ground gasping for air, and slowly unholsters his pistol, rolling over on his side, he takes aim at Pryce, and with his last breath, pulls the trigger, sending a bullet on its path between Pryc's eyes.*

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: yeah... screen showed him on the upper levels.. I'll get him... you help Nanashi with the civilians... *her tone was firm yet reassuring* move... there's enough kids in this place without fathers.. yours doesn't need to join the club.. go..

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *pryce smirked some as he spoke "Ram en' templa" in what sounded really ancient, the bullet hit what looked to be some sort of energy shield.... "nice try" he spoke softly as he continued on his way towards the 2nd elite

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *was slowly getting closer but found himself over whelmed, with enamy soldiers.* "I'll fucking kill you!! hey.. come here fight me!! forget him!!!"

Major: *nodded, and ran back down the hall disappearing around the corner.* (end of the major)

*the second elite, was much like the first, but unwounded. he stood ready for Pryces attack.*

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Ricky: *whimpers as he looks around* momma? Joselyn?

Crimson: *running toward the boy* Ricky!

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *starting to get alittle bored he made the first move, he disapeared his movements where quick as he apeared beside the second elite bringing his sword sharply down towards the side

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *as he fought towards Pryce, a bullet flew into his side. As he screamed, and lost his position, another soldier brought his sword down into the back of his leg, making him fall to the ground.*

*the Elite twisted, more quickly then Pryce expected, blocking the attack, and countering it with a turn of his blade, pushing in towards Pryc's chest.*

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Ricky: *spins around sees her* aunty Omiko! *runs over to her*

Crimson: *takes him by the hand* come on... let's get you to your mom and sister..

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *grins as he pushes back some "wow you have some fight in you after all" he spoke as he pushes the man back jumping up he kneed the man hard in the nose before flipping over him thrusting his blade sharply towards his back

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *claws at the ground, as the one soldier that sliced him in the back onf the legs stands behind him about to kill him. a sword flies through the air into the soldier, and he falls down next to Mitch dead. As Mitch raises his head, he see's one of the Elites running over to him.*

*the second Elite, smirks back. as Pryce thrusted his sword towards his back, the Elite Drops to his knees just missing Pryc'es blade, as he unsheaths nhis combat knife, and stabs it behind him in to Pryces thigh. He rolls to the side, and stands back up, as he waits for pryces next attack.*

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *her features brighten up at seeing Crimson coming towards her with the boy* oh thank god...

Crimson: *lets Ricky go to his mother* you guys get in and keep quiet... I have no idea how long the gates are going to last

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *looking down at the blood seeping out of the wound around the blade " that wasnt very nice" he spoke as he pulled the mans knife out of his leg "im sorry but i must end this now" he raised his sword "Pelekta yassen I' hande" he spokes as sudden sparks of lightning shot out of his sword all around hitting all the elites.. an a bunch of other soldiers around them, killing everything it and everyone it hit

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *the elite ran over, and seeing the lighting coming, he threw himself ontop of mitch, taking the hit, and died.*

*the second Elite feeling the hit, fell to his knees, struggling not to give up as he looked up at Pryce with a angry look, not caring about his own life. As Pryce was about lay down his final strike on the Elite ending the fight, the Elite thrusted his sword into himself, as he yelled out at Pryce. the scene actually shocked Pryce.* "I would rather Die by my own pure blade then your filthy hands."

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *making sure that everything in the lower levels were secure, she headed back up and checked things on the screens in her office. she stares in shock at seeing what the cameras outside of the base were showing her* oh god.... no...

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *shook his head, "not bad... he was a strong one" he spoke before he suddenly looke at the entrance to the ground, feeling the ground shakeing a bit, suddenly jumping back an raising his sword "Ram en' templa" he yelled as he was encased in that energy field again

*The ground shook as a large blue spiraling energy beam was fired out of the door of the base, hitting pryces energy field dead on, some of the after beam hitting a large amount of enemy troops, as the dust cleared, you could hear boots walking out of the door, a figure apeared in the door way, he wore black combat books, black pants, a black sleevless shirt underneath a long white trench that was lined red inside, his hair a bright red an spiked, "....sorry im late" snowolf spoke

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *looking into the dieing elites eye's that layed ontop of him.* ""

Dying Elite: *He looked back into Mitch's eye's, as he smiled one last smile, and coughed up blood as he forced himself to speek.* "It was a honor... dieing for you sir.."

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *her eyes widen at the new figure on the screen* wait... you have got to be kidding me.................. bro? *heads for the main gates*

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Pryce: *as his energy shield fades, he looks around, the defences of this base had taken down all the airships but his cloaked one, an snowolf had just pretty much wiped out the rest of his forces, all the stragglers being taken care of by the men from the base "damn it...." he spoke looking to the injurey he sustained from that 2nd elite "we will have to post pone are little battle" he spoke as he took suddenly vanished from the area.. after a blue light had hit him from the sky, teleporting him back to the airship... wich took off away from the base

Snowolf: *Walking over to mitch, he kneels down as he gently takes the soldier off him "you did just great mitch... as did your soldiers, you trained them well..." he spoke softly "..i thank you for what you have done here... protecting them.. im sorry i didnt come back sooner"

2007-01-09 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *as tears run down his face, mixed with blood from the enamy, and his own, he lets out a sigh of relief, but pass out unconcious from loss of blood.* "I should have trained them better..."

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *typing on a keypad at one of the doors and waits for it to open before heading outside, only to be greeted by the bodies of dead soldiers* O_O

2007-01-09 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *as the doors open an crim sees the bodies, snowolf comes walking up carrieing mitch he stops "im sorry i didnt come back sooner" he spoke to crimson "...we need to get him to the med bay... hes hurt bad" he spoke indicateing to mitch, as he walked passed crimson "oh... dont bother looking for john.... that was me" he spoke as he continued to the med bay

2007-01-09 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *stuttering a bit before following him, having no clue what to say*

2007-01-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *after laying mitch securely in the med bay, he turned an headed out of the med bay an ended up in the courtyard

2007-01-13 [crowfeather]: crimson: *unsure of what to think, she just focused on tending to Mitch making sure that she took care of his wounds*

2007-01-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looks down as the oldest of all the cats rubbed up against his leg "hey..." he softly spoke as he reached down an pated the cats head

2007-01-13 [crowfeather]: *the cat purrs and nuzzles, licking his hand in recognition before looking up at him*

2007-01-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *he smiles kneeling down petting the cat "...well thats the end of john doe" he spoke softly as he stood looking at the base around him, as he noticed all the people returning to the normal level, he walked over to the shrine, spotting the sheath for his sword he detached it from behind the shrine an sheathed his sword, putting it on his belt letting part of his trench coat drap over it

2007-01-13 [crowfeather]: Richard* *the boy runs through the hallways to find Crimson, stopping when he found her in the medbay having to do some surgery on Mitch* O_O

2007-01-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *standing he smiles some to the cat before turning an heading back into the base

2007-01-13 [crowfeather]: *though old the cat manages to bound it's way up onto his shoulder where it stays perched*

2007-01-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly at the cat as he wandered back inside

2007-01-13 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *was busy sewing Mitch up, having an IV in the man's arm and already injected him with pain killers and had put a breathing mask on him*

2007-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *standing in crimsons door way " is he?"

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: Crimson: defenetly been better... he was starting to go into shock...

Richard: *bites his bottom lip* is uncle Mitch going to be okay?

Crimson: yeah he's going to be fine... just needs a lot of help

2007-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighing softly as he leaned against the door panel, running a hand threw his bright red hair "... i took to long in makeing my decision to come back"

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: Richard: *looks up at him* you helped uncle Mitch?

2007-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods "yea i did, but not fast enuff to help the others im afraid"

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: Richard: *pouts a bit* aunty Omiko... do you want me to let mom know that holes need to be dug?

Crimson: yes please... thank you Ricky... *glances over as the little boy runs off*

2007-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looks down then up again ".. how you been crimson?"

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: Crimson: well currently still in shock to have you back bro... *manages to finish the surgery on Mitch*

2007-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *leaning against the door way "...yea im kinda shocked myself, when i stood up out of the sand that coverd me in shao khan, obviously from myne an Warfox's blast... i was amazed i was still alive..." he spoke

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: crimson: *makes sure that Mitch was stable, covering him up with a blanket before walking over to Sno. looks up at him before tightly hugging him, buring her face in his chest* damn it I missed you so much

2007-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *stands there for a moment before smileing softly an hugging her back "i missed you to cromson, i missed everyone here..." he spoke

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smiles happily up at him as she wipes her eyes* Ari is going to flip when she comes home..

2007-01-21 [dead~spirit]: *Mitch starts to flatline.*

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *her eyes wide as she runs over and tries to figure out what the problem was* no damn it! come on Mitch don't you fucking leave! *ends up shocking his system to get his heart starting again*

2007-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *walking over he draws his sword touching the tip of his blade to mitch, with a familiar flash, nanos run threw mitchs body, after a moment they return to the sword, an mitch stablizes no longer flatlineing "... he was to injured to do a full heal, but he will be ok now, as long as hes looked after"

2007-01-21 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *felt like her heart was racing still, nodding her head* thank you bro

2007-02-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods "its nothing... crim.. i have to go now.. please... do not tell nanashi im alive just yet... she will come after me an you know that.... i would prefer to keep you all out of this for as long as possiable...."

2007-02-02 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *bites her bottom lip as she looks up at him, nodding her head a little* you are going to come back right?

2007-02-05 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nodding "yes" he spoke before kissing the top of her head gently, he smiled to her, and turned vanisheing into the hallway and out the front door

2007-02-05 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *sighs, closing her eyes for a moment before making arrangements and orders to get the base cleaned up along with the dead laid to rest*

2007-03-14 [snowwolfsa]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[couple of days later]

Arianna: *walking up to the base she stopped, stunned seeing the base still being repaired, unsure of what happend here, she drops her bags running into the base looking for crimson

2007-03-14 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *was helping with welding repairs on some of the equipment, the various workers chattering*

2007-05-05 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *stumbles around with various bandages on his, yelling at the workers. He appears to be severly damaged.* "That doesn't go there!!! hey, stop rubbing the engine on that humvee so much, your gonna blow it!"

2007-05-05 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *raises an eyebrow and walks over to him* Mitch you should be resting.. what are you doing up and around?

2007-05-05 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *walks out of crimsons bedroom wearing just a white t-shirt that stopped mid way between waste line and chest, white panties, she yawned obviously just wakeing up from a nap she had taken after returning ".. whats going on?"

2007-05-05 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *blinks and looks back at her girlfriend* and hello to you too...

2007-05-05 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *looks at Crimson irritated, and then smiles.* "there is to much to be done for me to lay in self pity right now.. Firt we got to fix the generator, and the vehicles, then the front gate, then we got to set up a better defence, and train some more soldiers to make up for the ones we lost.."

2007-05-05 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *puts her hand on her old friend's shoulder* listen.. I can help with the repairs and I'm sure Ari wouldn't mind helping train the men... once she wakes up... *he could tell the young woman was worried about him*

2007-05-05 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *stretching and nods "sure why not"

2007-05-05 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *looks at her, the sorrow in his eye's could be seen from him loosing his men. she could tell to him it was personal.* "maybe you have forgotten, but one air ship got away, he might come back with more to fight... we need to be ready!!."

2007-05-05 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *she hadn't forgotten and knew that their home and their lives were at stake. kissing his cheek before going back to work on the repairs, popping some caffine pills in her mouth*

2007-05-05 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *crimson suddenly felt a hard wack on the back of her head "what the hell did i tell you about those... give me the bottle crim..i meen it"

2007-05-05 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *gethers a bunch or workers and heads out side.* "I need 30 men with me, another 20 on the front gate, and the rest to work on repairs and maintenance.."

2007-05-05 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *blinks and looks at Ari then lowers her head, slowly handing her the small pill bottle. since she had been helping alot with the various repairs, she had gotten readdicted to the strong speed like capsles. meekly* sorry

2007-05-05 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *snatching the bottle she kissed crims cheek "these things use to run your life... dont have a relaps" she spoke walking into the kitchen an dumping them down the sink

2007-05-05 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *runs her fingers through her hair and signs, knowing that Ari was right*

2007-05-05 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *kissed her cheek lightly "now im gonna go get changed" heads back into her and crims room

2007-05-06 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *nods her head and returns to her work on repairs*

2007-09-25 [snowwolfsa]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2007-09-25 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *his sword used up most of its power keeping him alive, he sat there in the back of the jeep, his wounds still there, bleeding slightly as he looked out on the desert

Alex: *drinking some water "damn its hot, i really hate deserts.." he spoke setting the water bottle down next to him

2007-09-25 [crowfeather]: Jonathon: Well looks like there's a town up ahead... good thing to 'cause we're running low of fuel

2007-09-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *shook his head "no dont bother heading to the town" he pointed to the left "head in that direction.." he spoke

2007-09-29 [crowfeather]: Cassandra: *looks over at him for a moment* if we end up being fired at I will be VERY put off...

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf:*looking to jon "give me the CB.." he asked as he sat there

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: Jonathon: *hands him the CB* here ya go buddy

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *takeing the cb he nods a thanks to jon before setting it to the cinbactie base frequencey "cinbactie base come in"

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: *after a few moments he ends up hearing a very familiar voice*
Crimson: Cinbactie base... state your business

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles when he heard the voice "... Crim its sno, we have a bit of an emergency... we need a place to lay low for a few days"

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *blinks at hearing his voice* I'll punch you later.. get your ass in here and we'll see what we can do..

Jonathon: *smirks* I like her.. she sounds cool

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: "roger that" he spoke into the CB before turning it off "keep going its just ahead

Alex: *was sleeping in the pasanger seat

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *Wearing one of her usual outfits, her now shoulderlength hair pulled back in a pony tail with her two longer braids hanging down. Stands in the doorway of the garage as she opens the door, seeing a jeep and motorcycle heading in her direction*

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs softly he was still very weak "... the girl youll meet first is probley crimson, dont worry shes harmless unless provoked...." he smiled some ".. figured you should know since i dont think im gonna be awake when you pull in" he spoke looking at his hand, after useing the sword to heal cassandra back there, the sword didnt have enuff to heal him all the way, there was blood on his hand, he shook his head as he rested it back against the inside of the jeep, his eyes drifting shut

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: Jonathon: *drives into the garage with Cassandra, smirking at Crimson* your man needs some major help

Crimson: no surprise.. *whistles and has a couple of men quickly take Sno and carries him off to the med unit*

Cassandra: *gets off of her bike and walks over to the woman, shaking her hand*Thank you for taking us in..

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *was taken away by the men to the medical unit unconcious, his sword was left sheathed in the back of jons jeep

Alex: *wakeing up he looks around and sighs "...where are we now?"

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: Crimson: You're at Cinbactie.. *walks over and picks up Sno's sword, pausing to look at it and sighs* he over did it again.. *shakes her head as she sheaths it and nods to Alex* I'll show you all to your rooms were you can get a shower and rest...

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Alex: *getting out of the jeep "again?... he does that alot?" he asked as he shut the door an turned to follow crimson to his room

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: Crimson: only when he has no other choice... he gets a little over.. how should I say.. zealous when it comes to fighting. Especially when it comes to an oponent that isn't exactly all there mentally. *smiles as she glances back at the man* But no worries. We'll get him patched up in no time. *finally leads him to an avaliable room* It's nothing fancy but it's comfortable and lets you rest... there is a small shower in the bathroom and clean linens in the closet.

2007-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Alex: *nods a thank you to her before entering the room she showed him

2007-10-01 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smiles as she sets his things at the door and looks at Cassandra and Jonathon* Alright you two... looks like both of you could use some rest.

Cassandra: I've had better times in my existance. *carrying her duffle bag as they follow her*

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Alex: *shutting the door he sighs some plopping down on the edge of the bed, he took out his two sigs, and just stared at them

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *after showing Cassandra and Jonathon to their rooms she heads to the med unit and sees the doctors working on Sno* How is he?

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Doctor: "i dunno how, but hes alive, scans show multipul wounds all over his body, but only one actual cut... hes lost alot of blood, but other then that he will be fine, we have managed to close the one cut, and stop the bleeding, now hes just gotta rest"

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *nods her head in understanding* Alright... once you're done with patching him up, can you move him to an avaliable room? I don't think it would be a good idea if he was moved back to Nanashi's room quite yet..

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *coughing some as he opens his eyes a bit, trying to sit up ".. damn" he spoke as he managed to sit up fully

Doctor: *eyes widen a bit in shock before trying to get him to lay back down "damn it lay down, you shouldnt even be moveing yet..."

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smirks* strap him down or knock him out *walks over and pushes Sno down by his shoulder* same old man

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *suddenly vanished from the table and appeard in the doorway, would strike crimson as odd that he was able to move at that kind of speed with out his sword, weakly standing there "heh... excuse me i have somthing to do...crim where is my sword?"

Doctor: *falling on his butt when he lost grip "freaking a man..." standing up dusting himself off "... ive learned not to even ask how he does things anymore" he spoke obviously he was one of the original medic people

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Crimson: I have it... currently running a diagnostic on it... you really drained the sucker.. *smiles as she tosses him his old clothes* I would suggest you get dressed if you're going to wander the base there bro..

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *putting on his old cloths "heh they still fit" he spoke as he stood there in his old black combat pants, sleevless black shirt, finishing tieing the combat boots "...oh where is my leather armor and the cloths i was wearing when i came in?" he asked weakly leaning against the door frame

Doctor: *sighing "the leather armor and the cloths where sent to be cleaned, they where soaked on the inside with blood"

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Crimson: so you're just going to have to wait for those.. *gives him a light hug* Come on you stubborn little man.. *leads him to her computer room and indicates to where she had his sword hooked up* scan's not done yet...

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *laughs and stumbles over to it, unhooking it, before walking out, noticeing the base was pretty much rebuilt to what it was before it was destroid walking down the hallway he took a right in a room sighing softly "you accidently sealed the entrance..." looking at his sword he stuck it into the floor a bit there was enuff energe to blow a small whole in the floor, jumping down the whole he landed in a small room, with a large machine "heh still here, guess angelo attack wasnt able to hit this underground" he spoke walking over to it sticking his sword in to the redesighned slot he made a while back, and turning the machine on

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *sighs and shakes her head, knowing better then to have expected a thank you from him. Going back to work on her computers she does a job long distance. Glaring at what was on the screen whe slides her chair over and snatches a headset/eye visor she had created to help her with her work, putting it on*

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *after a few moments he draws his sword, closeing his eyes he feels the energy "ah fully recharged" he spoke as a flash of white light happend, and he smiled, feeling completley re-energiesd, he attached the sheath to his belt and sheathed his sword before jumping back up the whole and heading out of the room closeing the door behind him, not paying attention to where he was going, ended up bumping strait into nanashi, he stops and looks up "sorry miss i...." he stopped dead sentance when he realized who it was

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *blinks at seeing Sno, a ring he had given her hanging around her neck. he sees that she had cut her hair short. Tears slowly well up in her eyes as her voice trembles* ....... Josh? That you?

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *standing there for a moment before noding slowly "..yea its me.." he spoke softly to her

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *stepping closer she carefully and lightly touched his face, caressing his feature as a tear rolls down her cheek before firmly embracing him*

2007-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *wrapping his arms gently around her in the embrace he hugs her gently "im so sorry i didnt tell you sooner"

2007-10-02 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *softly cries in his chest as she held him* I've missed you so much...

2007-10-05 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *hugging her gently, he smiled as he rested her head gently against his chest, where she would notice he still had on the necklace she had given him back then

2007-10-06 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *looking up at him she lovingly kisses her significant other* A part of me never gave up hope that you were still alive...

2007-10-07 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs some and nods "... it was weird... i not sure why, but i beleave the reason i survived was because of angelo.... i could be wrong, but i think at the last second before Warfox's attack hit.... i think he threw me...and for some reason i beleave he did it to save me, even though i was killing him..... that theory was reinforced a day or so ago when i was fighting tafia.... are fight was interupted by another, someone with power ive never seen before..... but angelo, was there as well.... i dunno how or why, but he was not only there, he was fighting on are side.... things have gotten rather complicated outside of this desert, during these past few years"

2007-10-07 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *softly kisses him and murmers against his lips* you are a father....

2007-11-08 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smile softly and kisses her back holding her as they stood there "i know, crimson informed me..... it made it hard for me not to return sooner, but i hope you understand, that i had my reasons for waiting so long"

2007-11-08 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *she smiles and nods her head, letting him pet her now short hair* I cut it during one of my episodes.... somedays I'm good, other days it's a bit iffy

2007-11-08 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly "i like it, and your still you... i love you for who you are, and that includes your crazy side"

2007-11-08 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *sniffles as she smiles happily, hugging him tightly* God I've missed you so much.

"Mommy... who are the new people Aunty Omiko let in?" *Snowolf sees his son and daughter standing nearby, looking like copies of each other and holding hands*

2007-11-08 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly, as he rememberd helping them back when the base was under attack...releaseing nanashi so that she could answer them

2007-11-08 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: kids... I want you to meet someone... this is your father.

*The little girl blinks and pulls out a locket that was hidden in her shirt, looking at the picture of her parents then at him* Daddy? ^____^ DADDY!!! *runs over and glomps the man, soon joined by her brother*

2007-11-08 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly kneeling down, to hug them both, hugging them tightly

2007-11-08 [crowfeather]: "Welcome home daddy." *the boy hugs him tightly*

*the little girl nods in agreement*

Nanashi: *smiles warmly at her family* I used to tell them about you as their bedtime stories...

2007-11-08 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly holding them before looking to nanashi "i dont feel im a good bed time story, but thank you.."

2007-11-08 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *chuckles* they think otherwise... Omiko tells them about you as well...

2007-11-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly to her, hugging his children close, his eyes closed a small tear running down his right cheeck

2007-11-13 [crowfeather]: *the twins happily stay close to their father, the little girl sniffling a little*

2007-11-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly, standing after a moment picking both of them up, one in each arm

2007-11-13 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smiles softly at the small family reunion*

2007-11-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly to them after a moment putting them down "..its good to be home"

2007-11-13 [crowfeather]: nanashi: You mean you're able to stay? *looks at him hopingly*

2007-11-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods "for a bit... i dont know how long though... im sorry gloria...but this problem is only getting bigger..."

2007-11-13 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *bites her bottom lip* I.... I just don't want to loose you again Josh.

2007-11-13 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles "i know, things will be ok" he spoke softly to her

2007-11-13 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smiles* yup.. defenetly your kids there bro

2007-12-04 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles softly looking to crimson then to nanashi holding his children in his arms

2007-12-04 [crowfeather]: Nanashi: *smiles happily at her family*

Crimson: so... any particular reason why you have the princess here?

2007-12-04 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking to crimson "the princess?"

2007-12-04 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *nods her head* I've done business all over and I recognize her. She's the daughter of the crimelord down south... the tall guy is her adopted brother... no idea who the other guy is.. never seen him before.

2007-12-04 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nodding "well complications arose.. her and her father arnt seeing eye to eye... the other guy, his name is alex"

2007-12-04 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *raises an eyebrow* Alex? huh... no clue who he is

2008-02-27 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles a bit "hes a good kid....but tends to get himself in over his head"

2008-02-27 [crowfeather]: Crimson: So I'm noticing... *she smiles and gives him a hug*

2008-02-27 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *hugs her gently and smiles

2008-02-27 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smiles softly* it's good to have you back bro

2008-02-28 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles some "its good to be back, even if its only for a short period of time"

2008-02-28 [crowfeather]: Crimson: I think Nanashi and your kids will tie you up somewhere *smiles*

2008-02-28 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *laughs and smiles some as he stood there with them

2008-02-28 [crowfeather]: Samantha: *his daugher was happily latched onto his led*

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *limps down the hall on his crutchs still not fully healed from the last battle. As he walks past his fellow soldiers they salute him, holding him in great respect for what he did. He nods to each soldier as he pass's them by and makes his way into the cafeteria. He gets his tray of food and goes to a empty table near the exit of the room. he wobbles around as he groans and slowly positions himself on the seat by the table.* "this doesnt seem to ever get easier.."

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *haveing walked into the Cafeteria a bit later he comes back from line to sit with mitch "..hows the wounds healing?"

2008-11-11 [crowfeather]: Samantha: *giggles as her twin brother run into the cafeteria after traking Sno down and latches onto their father's other leg, neither about to let go of him* YAY! We captured him!

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *looks at the two children and smiles.* "hm..seems you have some business to attend too.."

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles and and lets them climb up onto his lap "hey i gotta eat lunch to right?... why not eat it with a friend"

2008-11-11 [crowfeather]: "Awwww" *they pout a little but nod their heads in understanding, cuddling him before sliding off of his lap. The pair end up going over to Mitch and carefully hugging him, knowing that the man was still recovering* "Hiii Mister Mitch"

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *he smiled and picks them both up, one with each arm. even though he was injured he still had time to work out his upper body. He holds them up in the air with their feet dangling.* "my you two are getting older!! soon your going to have to pick me up and carry me around..maybe help me build the knew jets im working on!!"

2008-11-11 [crowfeather]: "Hey!" *the pair giggle a bit as they try not to wiggle so Mitch wouldn't accidently drop them*

Brian: *his eyes brighten up a bit* Really??

Samantha: Ooooooo how cooooool *giggles*

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *eating his food he smiles some "new jets eh? brings me to a question, is myne still around?"

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *nods,as he sets the two little one's down, and starts to scoop up his soup in his spoon.* "of course, that is a piece of art..although im starting to work on this new project, I call it the as a stand still with it right now but when i get done that thing will be a fire fly!!"

2008-11-11 [crowfeather]: Samantha: *looks over when she hears a meow and sees one of Crimson's cats peeking inside the cafeteria*

Brian: *looks over as well and smiles* Oooo the mighty mouse hunter is looking for something... *looks up at his father* Auntie Crimson's cats help get rid of the mice *his sister nods in agreement*

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sips his drink "yea i remember its predisessor a while back... before the whole angelo thing... warfox's original design wasnt it? im guessing your improveing on it?" he spoke smileing to samantha and brian as they see the cat

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *nods as he sips his soup.* "thats right..if only that damn robot following me would actually grab the right tools that i ask for.."

2008-11-11 [crowfeather]: Samantha: *she wanders over and scoops up the cat, bringing it over to where her brother was*

Brian: *smiles and scratches the feline's head as she purred* she has stinky breath

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods finishing up his plate "Well.. it was nice talking to you mitch...dont over do it man, i gotta leave again soon till my buisness is finished outside...look forward to seeing that banshee" he spoke as he took his paper plates the the trash

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *nodded, as he finished up his soup, and struggled to get up.* "yea..I'll try.."

2008-11-11 [crowfeather]: Samantha: *looks up at Sno* You're going away? *pouts as she held the cat*

Brian: You will come back... right daddy?

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Mitch: *sets his plates in the garbage, and then limps out.*

2009-01-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *pats brians head some "of course" he spoke as he cleaned up his plate. and heads out of the Cafiteria towards the hanger, it had been a while since he seen it, but he was happy to see his jet, not only in one pieace. but spotless and well taken care of

2009-01-29 [crowfeather]: Samantha: *pouts and cuddles her twin as Brian hugged her*

Crimson: I may hate flying but I at least know how to keep your stuff intact... *smiles a little at Sno* guessing you can't stay longer

2009-01-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles some to her "eh, i dont have to leave just yet.. its not like we have anywhere else to go at the moment, alex still needs to recover as does Cassandra..."

2009-01-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: that might be a while... the guy's in bad shape and girl I can tell you healed but she still needs a bit of time... *smiles as she walks over to him* trying to form another group or something bro? *kisses his cheek*

2009-01-31 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *raises and eyebrow "another group, what do you meen?"

2009-02-01 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smiles a little sheepishly* it has been a while since we used to travel with Warfox and the others.. *rubs the back of her neck, slightly glancing away* can't believe I used to be jealous of you

2009-02-02 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *smiles "ah, no not really... just helping them is new group" he smiles to her as they stood there

2009-02-03 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *smiles as she hugs him* I missed you bro...

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