Welcome To The City Of Lost Angels Landmark References! Yes, I know a better opening liner needs to be created, but I'll get there when I get there. Dealing with a damn cat ruining my painting right now so this will have to do.
The Mormon Temple, biggest church I've ever SEEN, not to mention it's one of the biggest buildings in my area. Also home to the largest archives of geneaology in the United States.

And at night it looks even more impressive. (You should see it at Christmas time! There are lights EVERYWHERE!!!)
The Skirball Cultural Center (better shots of this to come, I had to do a shoot and run with my camera, lol) Pretty much it's a Art Centre.
The Getty Center, one of the LARGEST museums, if not the largest museum, in the Los Angeles area, I MEAN IT'S HUGE!! These pictures were taken just driving down the 405 towards it and I'm not even close to it!
BET Networks, for those of you who may not know what this is, it is a complete African American Television Station.
And across the street from it, literally, is a branch of Warner Brothers. I believe it is for their music department only though. But there is a chance I could be wrong.
Los Angeles is also the home to this SUPER COOL hotel called Hotel Angeleno. It was once a Holiday Inn actually, go figure, and it boasts 208 rooms that are fully tricked out. It is also located extremely close to the Getty Center, so there is a complimentary shuttle to the museum. This hotel is also located right off of Sunset Boulevard. An amazing location really. You know what they say is true, location is everything! It's completely circular, and at night it lights up different colors! Please forgive the blue tape that is a horrible eye sore, my car has a small boo boo. :(
Another poor shot, sorry. I promise to get some good ones at night.
And of course, you can't have visit Los Angeles without going to the beach!! One of the best spots to go to is the Santa Monica Pier. I know these shots are far away, but it was VERY crowded getting any closer, even on a overcast day as shown below.
Los Angeles is also THE LAND OF THE PALM TREES!!! They are EVERYWHERE! Hilarious moment, I just noticed you can see my camera in the second picture.
And then you have patheticness (yes I made it up!) with FAKE PALM TREES, as shown below. Why make fake ones? Aren't there enough to go around for the entire area? I think yes.
Now this is a fake palm tree too, but I thought it actually looked cool. Taken very close to the Santa Monica beach, but not facing the beach itself.
Yes, it's on the side of a building.
The Federal Building, also known as where the FBI like to live here on the West Coast. SPIES I TELL YOU!!! Sorry, a tree jumped out in front of me on the first shot....*plans to get a better shot WITH NO TREE!*
It's actually a lot bigger than shown here, I will have to redo this one too.......sorr

Now these next ones are necessarily landmarks, but I really liked them so thought I would include them for the hell of it.
Ursula's Costume Shop, VERY COOL & VERY LARGE! They have costumes to buy, and rent! Along with a great wig section and a huge variety of masks, of which I will be raiding sometime in the near future for a Victorian Masquerade theme photo shoot I'm thinking of doing.

A very cool resturant/pub right across from the ocean, go Irish!!!

This is a building on Wilshire that ALWAYS has a movie poster on it, the building itself must be at least 20 stories high, so you can imagine how HUGE the movie posters have to be. And they always seem to be Disney affiliated too, whether they be directly made from Disney or affiliated with Disney somehow.

Another building on Wilshire, but going the opposite direction (towards the 405 freeway) that I thought was pretty bitchin.

And of course, this is the land of fashion billboards. Which I LOVE!

And I wish I knew what this building was called, as I'm sure it's a landmark of some sort but alas, I saw no title of any sort anywhere! But it's still pretty cool. The mural is on the front of the building, and the statue has water dancing around it right in front as well.

And last but not least, at least last for today until I take more pictures....these three buildings in the distance. They look related to each other, and they are, but they appear to be farther away from each other than they actually are. The buildings actually are right across the street from each other, but the architect who designed them, the way they did it makes them appear farther away from each other. Very cool. More shots of these to come.

Welcome to Sherman Oaks Galleria, around here it's just known as The Galleria really, but I see it referenced all the time on TV and when I was in DC I'd always be hearing about it and not know what it was. Well duh, it's a shopping mall! No wonder I heard about it all the time on TV, ppl are always using it as a reference mark in shows that are based on/in/at/through/around LA.

My apologies again for the blue tape.....>_>

This one also needs a better shot of, but the building that Ms. Liberty is pasted on is the Van Nuys Burn Center (there's another name for it as well that I am unable to recall at the moment). It's the best burn center in the entire country. It was also where the start of Skin Graphting (spelling??) was started, and my father was treated here for his plane crash injuries. He was one of the first three people to undergo the procedure EVER. Someday I'll put those photos up here as well to share. But that's really down the line in the future.

And this one isn't really a landmark, but I thought the building was cool enough to include for the hell of it. Let's enjoy some color!!!

It's just a liqour store, lol.

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