Page name: Coates Quotes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-10-22 03:16:00
Last author: Sebhar
Owner: Sebhar
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These are miscellaneous quotes from Mr. Coates, the greatest freshman History teacher of all time.

"and it was a great big dramatic little thing"

"it's silly, but it works"

"Right! the bubbles...bubbles...bubbles..."

"That's a marvellous good question."


"Okay. A couple miscellaneous goofy things..."

"But we just...TAKE all the power away from him. He just gets to be 'Mr. Guy'."

"Is somebody screaming out there? I HEAR DEAD PEOPLE!"

"Little Timmy's standing there, waiting for his care package, and... "whoops, that's gonna blow me up!"

"Chiang Kai-shek ends up in TAIWAN... and starts making Nike shoes!"

"You come back for your 40th High School Reunion... yes... BEHOLD! I am Coatesy and I'm still in the Annex and we're shooting laaaaaaaaaaaazer beams around the room."

"I'm sure Jennifer Aniston's gonna go for an alien, now...or Downs."

"Downs, just get ahold of her cell number and be like, 'Hey. Justin Downs.' She'll be yours like that *snap*"

"And yes... this miscellaneous Saran wrap comes out of NOWHERE..."

"And look, he's smelling her hair... smelling...smelling... yes, let me smell your hair some more..."

The leader of Nazi Germany was:
a) Mr. Coates
b) Hitler
c) Barney
d) Musollini

"Marshall Plan = U.S. gives money to Mr. Marshall so he can buy a nice Chevette. Containment = U.S. Policy to make more policies. General Eisenhower = the name of Bo and Luke Duke's car on 'Dukes of Hazzard'"

"Car bombs? But we've got laaaaaaaaaazer beams..."

"Jennifer Aniston likes aliens... with laaaaaaaazer beams..."

"UN troops... make sure you remember that they sucked."

[All right, those were from 2004... what, you may wonder, has Coatsey said in 2006?]

"My, what lovely suspenders!"

"Well, it would be fun to play baseball with some of your heads..."

"You don't see any ugly Australian guys. Of course, I haven't looked...recently."

"Disney fired Mickey Mouse for excessive partying."

"It would be funny to run around a forest covered in deer blood, Phil [very short kid], but it's probably not what you SHOULD do."

"WHOA - that was psychotic!"

"They're supposed to be retired... so look'em up!"

"Today's lunch will be... oatmeal, oatmeal cookie, oatmeal pizza, and oatmeal jello."

"Bomb? Pizza? Pavolv's dogs? WE CAN DO THIS!"

["Whoa! The overhead's on fire!" *lights flicker*]

"It's okay, Billy, everybody does it. 'Look at this gross hair! Mmmm!'"

{about Matt Lauer in slow motion} "I'm Maaaaaaatt... I'm Maaaaaaatt... Matt Matt Maaaaaaatt! *pushes play* ...come on, Matt, loosen up!"

Quotes I Like

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2005-04-27 [Sebhar]: Y'know how effing hilarious this is?

2005-07-18 [Miss.Kayree]: *sigh* more Coatsy for us.... wait.. we gotta take world cultures...

2006-01-05 [Sebhar]: Muha, we should try and make sure we sign up at the right times...

2006-06-02 [Cyrano meets Merso]: hihi

2006-06-02 [Sebhar]: Hey. 

2006-07-19 [Draymond]: Lol...did your teacher actually say these things? Lol, I love it! ^_^ *continues laughing*

2006-07-20 [Sebhar]: He did indeed... he was a great teacher!

2006-07-28 [Draymond]: *cackles at the random quotes* So tell me Hannah, did you actually write these down? Or collect them by memory through time?

2006-07-28 [Sebhar]: Wrote them down after recovering from laughter. I think I still have the notebook..

2006-08-27 [The Anansi]: *snicker*

2006-08-27 [Sebhar]: ^_^

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