Page name: Cookie crumbles RP ideas [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-10-10 21:56:33
Last author: KnightAngel
Owner: Mrs Vicious.
# of watchers: 3
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Brain sorming shall commence!

Modern rp-this could maybe take place in a fictional setting (i.e a war zone, or perhaps a small town or highschool) no magic abilities. Only abilities would be something natural (hunting/sports/martial arts)

Modern time Rp - Except with gradually evolving and revealing powers? ~ [KnightAngel]

Cookie House Rp - People on the wiki having a sort of party from time to time with various themes and at various locations of the place ~ [KnightAngel]

Thats the way the cookie crumbles

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2010-09-21 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm, maybe a modern rp? no powers or abilities (unless it's like good swimmer/hunter/martial arts) idk that'd probably make it more of a drama tho

2010-09-21 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol hun, you can put your ideas onto the wiki. instead of comments so they don't get lost type thing.

2010-09-21 [Talos Cyrion]: okie day, sorry me was just snowballing....idk if it'd even make a good rp (for some reason the only ones that seem to make good ones are the fantasy rps....anything else just seems to sorta bomb)

2010-09-21 [Mrs Vicious.]: Any idea is a good one, even if its just a small one. I'm open to many things so I appreciate any thoughts you'd like to share.

2010-09-21 [Talos Cyrion]: okie day

2010-09-21 [Mrs Vicious.]: Thank you so much.(was worried no one would post anything.) Have you put your name on the front page? were having a tea party and your welcome to join in.

2010-09-21 [Talos Cyrion]: ya my name is on the members list. Hmmm, i think i will join as soon as everything calms down (people are in a rp posting mood at the moment so it makes it hard to do anything lol)

2010-09-21 [Mrs Vicious.]: Ahhh just jump in when you feel like it. (the tea party is the RP bit hun.)

2010-10-11 [Talos Cyrion]: i like the idea for a modern rp

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