Page name: Curtain Call Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-13 20:16:20
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Now this is where you post your character. Just fill out the form below and go ahead and post!

<b>Name:</b> (the name of the character)
<b>Played by:</b> (your username)
<b>From the Musical:</b> (name of the musical your character is from)
<b>Age:</b> (of the character. If you don't know, just make one up)
<b>History:</b> (your characters background. Explain what happened to them in the musical, stuff like that)

You will also be required to put a picture of your character above their form! It must be original art, not just a picture off the internet. If you have no artistic ability like [Silas the Albino], then just send me [Rhymes With Orange] the picture you want and I will make it for you.

Name: Eponine Thenardier
Played by: [Rhymes With Orange]
From the Musical: Les Miserables
Age: 18
History: Eponine lived in Paris, France at the time of the French Revolution, led by her friend, Marius. Her father owned an inn when she was a child, but the family was evicted and forced to live on the street. Eponine joined the revolution in an attempt to win over Marius, but failed.

Name: Millie Dillmount
Played by: [Mags]
From the Musical: Thoroughly Modern Millie
Age: (of the character. 23
History: Millie, originally from Kansas, moved to New York to reach her goal of marrying a wealthy businessman. However after moving into an apartment building made especially for striving young actresses, Millie found herself in the middle of a slave trade plot.

Name: Erik (The Phantom)
Played by: [Silas the Albino]
From the Musical: The Phantom of the Opera
Age: 31
History: Erik was born deformed and everyone hated him since then. He was put in a circus where everyone would point and laugh at him until a dancer from the Paris Opera House rescued him and hid him in the sewers under the Opera House. He has been there ever since.

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2007-07-13 [Rhymes With Orange]: Gawd that picture sucks! Now to do the other 2...

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