Mwahahahaha... this is where all of the misguided ones need to see those three amazing words....
Deal With It: Directory
Deal With It!

Here's a banner by me, [Hutch]. It's hot <3. Did I say hot? I so meant, NOT! Sike. It rocks :p But seriously sucks... haha, gotchya again- it's tight, but you can honestly say that it sucks, and if you do... [Blankie] will eat you...mmm...smarf.
For those of you who didn't quite make the "Lovely Supporter" cut, can join our very own rip-off generic version of Deal With It. It's suprisingly called Get over It... don't expect the supreme awesomeness of Deal With It, afterall, it is a knock off...

I HATE Deal With It is the perfect place to go if you hate this page.
(All rights of I HATE Deal With It go to [hercules the legend])
You're not Japanese.
The Deal With It expression to start it all... stare at it's complete and total awesomeness...
1.You're not an elf.
2.You're not beautiful.
3.You're not funny.
4.You're not ugly.
5.You're not a person possesing incredible art skills... don't ask me if you're art is nice if you want a truthful answer...
6.You're not a hottie.
7.You're not gothic.
8.You're not a Samurai .
9.You're not right.
10.You're not smart.
11.You're not depressed.
12.You're not meaningless.
13.You're not fat.
14.You're not skinny.
15.You're not a photoshop expert.
16.You're not a virgin.
17.You're not a slut.
18.You don't look smart when you go to an "anti" page vouching for "pro". (vice versa)
19.You're not going to start a revolution.
20.You're not going to gain anything from pissing people off... except for jollies...
21.You're not a tortured soul.
22.You're not the center of the universe
23.Your middle class suburban life-style doesn't suck
24.You're not a true masochist when you carve your ex's name into your arm and then go and write a poem about it
25.Your picture is blurred because you can't use a camera not because you mastered photo manipulations.
26.Your body shape stops being normal if you weigh over 170.
27.You're absolutely in LOVE with the color pink.
28.You're not High Priestess of the Order of the Violet Twinkle Dove, Supreme Druid Mistress of Garm.
29.You are not a friggin Vampire!!
30.You're not a make-up artist
31.You're eyeliner makes you look like a raccoon
32.Black lipstick isn't pretty, cool, or evil. It just makes you look like you haven't brushed you're teeth since the dawn of time.
33.(for more emphasis) YOU'RE NOT A FRIGGIN VAMPIRE!
34. Telling people you've never met to fuck off, does not make you cool... it's just silly.
35.You can't make your water colors or holloween make-up look like real blood... it just makes you look like an idiot.
36.You're not going to get honest sympathy if you show everyone a picture of yourself crying.
37.You're a human.
38.You're never going to get laid if you look like you're one step from being six feet under.
39. Anarchy is a really lame/ friggin stupid idea. IT WILL NEVER WORK. And if it does for some off the wall reason happen, I hope you get trampled in the riots for believing such a silly thing could be "kick ass" or "fuckin' awesome".
40. Black is not a god damn color, and if it were- it wouldn't actually be your favorite.
41. There is no such thing as 'emo'- it is just an excuse for pathetic losers to whine about their sucky lives... even though their parents love them and they live in nice big houses in the suburbs.
42. Eff u sPeeL n tipe lyke dis: Your parents were too lazy to buy you Hooked-On-Phonics when you were a kid.
43. You wouldn't know good metal even if it hit you on your head. Led Zeppelin is a band... not a singer and they didn't sing High Way To Hell that was AC/DC. Such bands as: Slipknot, KoRn, and Disturbed do not count as great metal works of musical art. Therefore- I would bet my life on you not knowing anything about good old Rock 'n Roll.
44. You don't have the right to label anyone anything.
45. When you say how much you hate preps, every minute of your meaningless day it makes you look really stupid and lame.
46. You're just making yourself to look like a dumbass when you tell someone how much you despise them because they like something that you dont. (vice versa) And if you respond angrily, you're just as bad.
47. Your last name is not Baggins and you are definatly NOT a hobbit that resides in Rivendell.
48. Anyone who has a problem with the extreme awesomeness of Deal With It can [insert hurtful insult here] (come on guys, be creative- afterall if you hate Deal With It it may not take all that much to insult you anyway.) :)
49. ElfPack was a ridiciously lame idea.
50. Brave Heart, Pulp Fiction, and The Godfather pt. 1 are the best movies ever- hands down.
51. From Hell, Hell town U.S.A., anything with Hell in it (Besides Hell's Kitchen) is NOT a place where you're from. Sorry to burst your satanic little bubble.
52. Star Wars rocked, and you know it.
53. The dress does make you look fat- you got two options: get a bigger size or find something different.
54. Ovaltine is disgusting...
55. If Marilyn Manson is your favorite band... then why can't you spell the name right. Gothikz hardXcorez?!?!!!! o_0 I think not.
56. You do not really look like that Doll in your house. No, really, I'd bet a million dollars you don't... not even close.
57. Americans... (if you were raised in America)- and you run around saying english slang terms such as "Bloody Hell!" makes you look stupid. Yes, stupid. You'll never be bloody english... just deal with it.
58. People who argue with [Blankie] and [Hutch] are just plain stupid.
59. You wish you were this awesome.
60. You enjoy nudity, especially Homegrown Nudists
You're not going to rial us up by telling us we're full of ourselves for telling you all what you need to hear... so you might want to deal with that... unless you enjoy making us giggle.
Big Kiss:
So you all better friggin deal with it...
Deal with It! Banners open to submissions ;D.
Don't forget our lovely supporters
Do you feel this page infringes on your rights to individuality? Are you positive you are 100% Goth and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a cry-baby Emo kid and typing with lower intelligence skills? Do you have the urge to make us see 'the light'?
Well no one cares, but hell, do it anyway at
Under The Big-Top...
Let the show begin....
[Blankie] here->
People please, if there is something 'you don't like' about Deal With It take it to Under The Big-Top- do not messege me. I truthfully don't care. I'm not interested in having a witty debate about the things that may or may not offend you. Honestly, if I came up with the deal with it-ism that applies to or offends you, I'm going to think it's hilarious. I hate being in bitch mode, so if you want to message me about something other than 'I hate this or I don't agree with this because'- that would be super neat. Otherwise, you might not like my response. I don't think the rules can get any more simple o_0
You know you love us, <3!
Do not comment here if you're not a lovely supporter.
^[Blankie]: Notice this rule, and also notice why you are denied Lovely Supportership when asking permission to join on the main page comments box, I do not believe it could be anymore obvious even if the rule came out and smacked you in the face. :)
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