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2005-03-14 [calamaethor]: ghehe nice Birgitte :) det er jo rart for dem at lære lidt dansk ey ;) har man brug for en hjælpelærer? ;)
2005-03-15 [Sheracle]: to san~sao: Yeah I am :D so that's great!!
2005-03-15 [Sheracle]: to Vlademir: yes! I could really need a helper right now, cuz this classroom is a bit on hold, cuz I'm very busy with homework and examns is coming up
2005-03-15 [calamaethor]: ghehe..well..i
2005-03-15 [Sheracle]: I'll add you :D
2005-04-13 [Oude acc van Melcinítan]: "letters that isn't in the english alphabet." that should be "aren't"
2005-04-18 [Sheracle]: Thanx :D
2005-04-18 [calamaethor]: lolz timo! you just love to correct people dont you? :P
2005-04-20 [Sheracle]: I like it... want stuff like this to be perfect...! so it's great!! hehe...
2006-08-17 [Yoruno]: I have a question: How do you say "Welcome" and "Come back soon" in danish? ^___^
2008-01-01 [Sheracle]: Welcome = Velkommen
Come back soon = Kom snart igen
Anything else?
2009-01-02 [shisnick990]: Hello. I was hoping to learn some Danish but noticed that the page hasn't been touched in ages. Any chance that it will start getting more added on soon??? Ohh and BTW I added the words welcome and come back soon to the small words list.
2009-01-06 [Sheracle]: Hey.. No you're right, it hasn't.. I kinda lost the spark, so I didn't make the page any bigger... But if you want to learn, I'll be happy to try to teach you :)
And nice with the adds
2009-01-07 [shisnick990]: You are most welcome. And yes I would LOVE to learn. :-)
2009-01-08 [Sheracle]: Just ask away
2009-01-08 [shisnick990]: Well I guess I'd like to start with the basics.
I guess greetings. Good bye, how are you, what have you been up to. Stuff like that.
2009-01-09 [Sheracle]: Hey = hej
Good day = Goddag
Good bye = Farvel
How are you? = Hvordan har du det?
(more used is how's it going!)
How is it going? = Hvordan går det?
What have you been up to? = Hvad har du lavet?
2009-01-09 [shisnick990]: Awesome. So I was a little curious about pronunciation. Is it basically the same as the English alphabet with the few added letters?
2009-01-09 [Sheracle]: No it's not.. But I dont know how to write pronpunciation :/
I once found a dictionary from english to danish at Stanford Univeristy, where there was pronounciation
2009-01-10 [shisnick990]: Ahhh... That is alright. :-)
2010-01-08 [shisnick990]: Wow. Can't believe it has been almost a year since I posted on here. Any chance you have learned how to do pronunciation yet?
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