
Long ago in the land of Nelarrell there was a powerful kingdom known as the Starlight Empire where a great and merciful Elf King named Lord Estaroth Obsidian ruled with his wife Vana. Together they had three children, two years separating each child. Amadeous Obsidian was the first born, Josiah Obsidian was born as the middle child, and Jaina Obsidian was the youngest of the three and the most beautiful. The world was at peace as they grew up spending time together in their parents' royal Moon Garden located in the castle courtyard. By the time they became of age (Amadeous, twenty years; Josiah, eighteen years; and Jaina sixteen years), a darkness rose in a land called Dar'call where a malicious empire was thriving in the forbidden Mountains of Chaos. It became known as the Foularbor Empire, the one empire where the sinister Lord Fallacore reigned without mercy. This evil ruler slayed King Estaroth and Queen Vana, leaving the young Obsidian siblings as orphans in a devastated Nelarrell. Now, ten years later, the three are going to be crowned as Elf Kings like their father and mother was. Once they are rendered as gracious lords, shall you join them in their quest to destroy the Foularbor Empire? Or shall you join the forces of the ruthless Lord Fallacore in his conspiracies to conquer over both Nelarrell and the globe. The choice is yours alone to decide.
Three kingdoms, three desires...power...peace...and alliance...which of them do you serve...?
LOK History Pages
(Including Dar'call)
Darkness swarmed the skies like black clouds brought about by a raging storm of malevolence. Everything was chill around the capitol city of Bloodoath, which was situated on the back of a Collassal Black. The castle was submersed by a cloud of thick, white mist as crows and ravens clustered on its lofty towers of black stone. Within the castle, the Lord Fallacore sat upon his sinister throne with a fixed gaze on a draconic statue situated at the back of the throneroom. The statue's twin sat on the opposite side of the closed corridors of heavy, darknened stone. In fact, several of these growling dragon statues could be found aloung the walls with a red lanturn, of a skull shape, above them. Down through the middle of the room from the throne to the doors were two rows of ebony pillars, resembling towers of skulls, and between the rows was a narrow, black carpet with silver designs of draconic creatures swirling around each other. This same design could be found upon the banner which hung behind the throne. The throne itself was made of black dragon bones and the arms of the high chair held shapes of shrieking snakes. Fallacore himself was in depth thought, never ceasing. His demeanor was cold like ice, sitting back against the throne itself.
As the darkness deepened, Sylvanus Jabez entered into the throneroom and made his way on the carpet down through the tall pillars that guided his way. "Lord Fallacore..." Once he got to the throne, he bowed, kneeling on a single knee. His expression was emotionless, showing no detail of his heart whatsoever. He was the type of being who could show no love, fear, or compassion. Sylvanus ruled against such, believing it to be unecessary unless blood was shed.
Slaughter, he thought,
.. it shall happen soon. "My lord, I have news that I bear from the scouts. They have heard word that the Obsidian Siblings are to be crowned this day and the sibling's motives are held against you, to stop your magnificent, ominous reign."
Lord Fallacore stood up, enraged that the Starlight Kingdom would even allow those obnoxious children to rule. He folded his arms, peering down at Sylvanus as the elf stood as well. "Ready my white horse," Fallacore demanded coldly. "I am going to Starlight to see this crowning ceremony for myself. I will go as Fallon as usual. Tend to your duties while I am gone. you are dismissed."
Sylvanus bowed from the waist up before turning to leave the room. Once he exited he came upon Kira Firestorm who was watching him closely. she had this particular air to her as if she was interested in him or anything for that matter. "What do you want, Kira?"
"Nothing," Kira replied quickly, changing her demeanor. "What is Fallacore up to?" She crossed her arms in an irritated fashion. She hated being left out.
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Legend of the Obsidian Kings