Page name: Dare`sciethna [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2007-03-03 07:12:20
Last author: Nite_Owl
Owner: Nite_Owl
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Username: [Nite_Owl]
Character name: Dare`sciethna (pronounced dar-E-sy-ETH-nar) or “Dare”
Gender: Female
Age: about 24 (though unknown for certain)
Race : Noble savage/Feral child; Shapeshifter
Class/Rank: Hunter and tracker/Servant in the (previous) Emperor’s House
Physical Description: Lang black hair falls down around her face in dreads, always unkempt and usually not so very clean, and her skin is a richly dark exotic bronze from the many years in the sun. Her eyes seem to change colors in certain light, but are generally a golden yellow, appearing almost green at night. She is slightly shorter than average, standing at just above five feet when upright, although truthfully she generally moves more similarly to an ape than a human, often hunched over at least partially. Despite this, however, she is extremely nimble when it comes to climbing, running, and fighting. Although she appears mostly human, she can only speak a limited amount of the common tongue and instead uses exaggerated noises and motions to convey words. As a hawk she keeps her eye color (which is much more fitting to the hawk than to the human), and light and dark speckled feathers cover her body, with a darker stretch of “hair” from her beak to the center of her wings. The only way to truly tell that the hawk is merely a shapeshifter is the hook-shaped mark just above the left wing, which Dare shares above her left breast.
Personality: Although she has had a less-than-perfect life, Dare simply loves to have fun. On occasion, though, she does play rough and often doesn’t understand why people act the way they do when she does. Eccentric and hyper, she hates to have to sit down for long, and hates even more when people don’t listen to her. She grows extremely hostile and aggravated when people harm animals simply for the sake of killing it; every animal should be blessed and thanked for giving a meal to support another, and Dare never forgets to do so.
Weapons/Magic/Skills: Dare has the ability to change form, but unlike other shapeshifters she is not practiced in it and can only change into one being, a hawk. She also has a limited understanding of magic such as creating sparks of flame and sudden short bursts of concealing winds. It was these few abilities, along with her overall appearance, that caught the attention of the Legion; no one would suspect someone like her to even have a mind at all, let alone a rather advanced one. Her hawk form makes for an exceptional spy just as well as Dare herself does. Her natural closeness with the animal kingdom has also granted her the ability to speak to other animals she knows, but not exotic ones (such as sea creatures or bats). Apart from this magic inclination, she is also very skilled with spears and always carries a weapon she calls “Bino’ak”, with a long fairly wide blade and a kind of second axe-like blade extending from the side.
History: Dare`sciethna was born in the wild within a small tribe of peoples of the forest. It was here she learned her shapeshifting abilities and some basic elemental magic. At a young age (perhaps about eight), the tribe’s encampment was raided by the empire’s military under the presumption that they were a threat; most were killed, but a few, including Dare and her mother, were taken as slaves. The mother died in attempting to escape soon after being captured, leaving Dare alone in a place she had never seen and didn’t understand. After taking residence (if such a lowly place as the slave’s quarters could be called residence) in the castle, Dare eventually rose in rank to become the Emperor’s head servant due to the fact that she was assumed to know none of the common tongue and was thus safe to speak around. She learned to speak somewhat from other slaves and workers, and after a few years befriended a young soldier stationed in the castle. It was he that led her into the rebellion against the empire and to join the side of the Legion, who would eventually take her in as part of the special mission to take out the empire once and for all–a mission well completed with the wide renowned bribe of money and protection.
Other/Details: Dare’s favorite animals are dear, hawks, owls, and snakes, as well as most insects. Owls tend to see much of their surrounding, hawks give out information quite often in her shifted form, and dear and snakes are simply interesting to her as a whole. She will not hesitate to protect them if they are in danger of harm, even if they be friends.

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