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2009-12-09 02:34:52
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Dark World Chapter 1

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The day was warm and hot at the Sydney Zoo, Australia, tiger island a beautiful tiger habitat like a dream come true for any animal to live in captivity in a place like this. The newest member to this paradise, a rare and unique Chinese tiger that was given the name Quiyue by her main caretaker. She was rare because her fur was part of a blood line that was barely surviving. she had black fur with white stripes that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. The huge beautiful tiger yawned as she walked out of her cave. The crowd oooed and awwed at the sight of her. She posed and strutted for them a bit letting her thick rows of muscles show off her power underneath the beauty. She yawned showing her huge sharp teeth walking over to the huge pool to take a morning swim, her eyes were a dusty blue like the sky before night took over the day.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at the pretty kitty!" called out a little girl to her mother.

"Yes sweety, it's she pretty..." said the mother.

Quiyue's ears twitched hearing the little girl she hoped that maybe for each child who saw her they would want to save the world and nature all the more. She went down to the water and drank a bit before she turned and climbed up on one of the platforms in the habitat and laid down basking in the warm sun.

The crowds of people came and went through the day. Many people were amazed by her, while there were those few that were disrespectful. It was a day just like any other day, except for one thing. And the thing was happening now, during a slower time in the afternoon. Up were all the observers stand to view her, there was a young man that watched her every movement. This young man was watching as if taking in all that was Quiyue, however there was something about this young man that wasn't like the others that watched her. She felt herself being drawn to this young man.

She glanced over at him as she walked over to the ponds again two of the other tigers were wrestling near by she walked into the water for a nice swim. She was curious on the young man and why he was so enthralled with her but she ignored it as well. He would leave sooner or later bored with watching her. She scoped out the water looking for the live fish the zoo kept in there for the tigers entertainment and got to fishing. She wiggled her butt in the air then suddenly she was on one in the blink of an eye. her claws slashed it then she picked it up in her mouth and went to the shore to begin to eat her little snack still feeling the eyes of the young man on her.

The young man just stood there watching her, only moving to lean against the railing of the enclosure, his eyes never leaving her. She could see that he had piecing green eyes and long blond hair that was kissed by the sun. He did not have his hair pulled back at all, allowing the wind to blow it about his person.

She nibbled her fish watching the man curious on why he was so infatuated with her, she was just a tiger, she had been for a very long time and yet he watched her as if she was a woman again.

She felt her heart being pulled to this young man. He watched her move about the enclosure, his green eyes the only thing moving, as it got later and later, becoming closer for visitors to leave.

She climbed up into a huge tree in the incloser and looked at the man with curiosity in her eyes tilting her head to the side. She sat there for a few minutes watching him when suddenly she heard her name being called by her keepers. She looked at the young man one last time before she turned and began to walk off heading back into her indoor lair.

I hope to see you again.... she heard in her head.

She froze and spun around her heart pounding, how did he know? how did he know she wasn't truly a tiger, yes her fur pattern was truly unique but genetics were a funny thing. She spun to look at him one last time.

The young man was still watching her. He straightened up to turn to leave the area, looking over his shoulder at her. The wind blow and she caught a glimpse of elongated ears.

Quiyue went rigid An elf went through her mind as she watched him walk away. When he was out of sight she turned and walked off returning to her lair for the night wondering about the mysterious man who had been so interested in her.

Later on, Quiyue's enclosure door opened, and Lei came through. "Hey sis...." he said.

She happily trotted over to him then rubbed up against his legs making a tiger's version of a purring sound before she sat at his feet looking up at him. She had never perfected speaking in animal form like most of her relatives had.

Lei then said in low tiger growls, "How was your day sis?"

"Good as usual but their was this one man though, he was interesting the man was an elf Lei, he seemed very interested in me" She growled out in return lowering her head as her brother stroked her head.

"An elf? Are you sure? they have not been seen in centuries.... he asked, stroking her.

"I am very sure brother, the man his eyes were so rich and green when I looked at them it was like I was running through the jungles again when we were in southern china he just oozed the power of earth and life and I saw them Lei, I saw his ears." she looked up at him.

"Quiyue... remember what mother said.... if by chance, we ever saw an elf of is either good luck to come... or great evil will come....depending on what specie you see..."

"I remember Lei I remember." she stretched out. "So anyways on another note remember tomorrow is the full moon brother" she said sitting there watching him.

Lei nodded. "I remember... I'm working the over night shift as always during a full moon, so no worries, Quiyue..." Lei growled low, scratching behind her ear. "No worries...."

Quiyue nodded before stretching out, she was excited she always loved full moon nights even if she had to stay in the tiger habitat it was still nice to be able to move around as a human woman again.

Lei kissed the top of her head. "I will see you tomorrow sis...." he said softly. Lei stood up and headed out of the enclosure. Over head, Quiyue could see the flashes of light from the night watch, but mostly she was left a lone, the guards figuring that the large cats of the zoo could protect themselves til they got there to retrieve the 'poor' souls.

Quiyue explored around as usual enjoying playing around in the dark and after awhile she grew tired and made her way into her indoor part of her encloser to sleep for the night. The other tigers were already in there fast asleep. She yawned and found her spot she had claimed at the top of the rocks and snuggled up in the hay before drifting off to sleep. Thoughts of that strange elven man in her head as she drifted into her dreams wondering why he had been so enthralled with her.

Quiyue dreamed of her time imprisoned by the sorceror. She was in her holding having had the sorceror try yet again at seducing her. A while later, she dreamed/remembered hearing someone scream, a male voice, scream out as the sound of what must be a whip met flesh making a loud cracking sound.

she jumped from her sleep, memories of that time always scared her. "Damn dreams why do I always have those before the night of the full moon?" she mumbled to herself as she stood up and stretched. She turned climbing down from her bed to go and get her breakfast from her brother.

"Hey there Quiyue," came Lei's voice as he brought in her food. "I can't stay long... the zoo doesn't want any over time so... I will see you went the zoo closes...."

Quiyue sat and gave a half nod in understanding that just looked like something that any other tiger would do. She then walked over and rubbed herself against him "I understand Little brother I'll see you tonight" she then went over to her food and began to eat.

Lei left. Not long after, the zoo opened for the day, and observers came by the enclosure. Then she felt it. She knew he was here.

Quiyue looked up into the huge crowd feeling his gaze. why is he so interested in me? she thought to herself as she looked back ahead of herself again before she ran and pounced on one of the other tigers she lived with playing with them. are not what you seem.....and my heart calls out to you... came the musical voice from last night, his voice.

Quiyue pinned her tiger friend then walked off towards one of the trees. She climbed up and laid down on one of the huge branches pretending to go to sleep. "Your heart calls out to me? A cursed were tigeress who will never be anything more then just a zoo attraction?" she asked as she watched him through half closed eyes so the rest of the people there thought she was going to sleep.

Yes... my heart calls to you.... cursed or not....

Quiyue was greatly confused by this man, this elf but what confused her more was the fact that her heart was pulling to him as well. She laid there watching him as he watched her. She wondered what her brother would think if he found out about this. She stretched and turned her head to the side not looking at him letting her mind wander off on thoughts of her transformation tonight excited to turn human again even if it was just for a night.

Quiyue got knocked in the head with a tiny rock.

She rubbed her head with her paw and looked in the direction that it came from.

Some teenage boys were laughing, and started to through more tiny rocks.

The elf looked to where she was looking, and started to move through the crowd towards them.

Quiyue was hit in the head with four more rocks.

Quiyue snarled at that boys and roared in their direction. She hated teenagers like this.

The elf got over to the teenages, and spoke very quietly to them. Their eyes went wide, and they quickly left the area. The young elf turned back to her, going back to watching.

"Thank you" she said to him as she acted like she was calming down and climbed off of the tree to go take a dip in her swimming pool.

For you....

"If I might ask what did you say to them?" she asked curiously as she pounced on a big plastic ball that was floating in the water.

The young man watched her, and then smiled lightly. All I did was ask them if they'd like to join you down in the enclosure, because I thought you'd love to meet the ones that had been throwing the rocks....

"Creative very creative" She said before crouching and pouncing on her ball again. "What is your name ancient one?"


"Neoyri" She said softly in her head remembering it. "And as the sign up there says I am Quiyue" she climbed out of the water and shook off then just began to walk around her encloser, those fluid movements showing her grace.

You do make a magnificant looking tigeress, Quiyue....

"thank you thats very nice of you, when you live as long as I have as a tigeress it really becomes a part of you living the natural grace of it." she glanced up at him with those soft blue eyes of hers before one of her fellow tigers ran by her and she took off after him to play. The rest of the day was very enjoyable for Quiyue, she never thought she would ever have a good conversation with a person again and yet she had talked with Neoyri all day. At the end of the day Quiyue laid on her branch looking at him. "It was really nice talking to you today, and getting to know you Neoyri, do you plan on coming by every day?" she asked with her tail playfully twitching back and forth.

I would hope so, Quiyue...

Quiyue heard the closing announcments "Until we see each other again" she climbed down off of her tree. She glanced up at the sky above as she headed back to her indoor encloser to wait for her little brother before the full moon rose in a couple of hours.

Lei came into the enclosure an hour later. "One more hour, sis..." he said, moving over to her, stroking her fur.

Quiyue made a happy sound. "Brother the elf was back again today" she said looking up at him as her brother stroked her throat.

"Oh...what happened?

"we talked, he's a really kind man, and he protected me from a group of Teenage boys who were throwing rocks at me" she laid her head to the side as he was petting her.

"I'm glad that you are unharmed...." They sat there for a while in silence, then the change began.

She let out a long groan as she stretched out. She looked up into the sky, the moonlight caught in her eye as the magic took her over. she felt her bones pop and stretch out as her muscles pulled, her skin stretched adn she felt her fur vanish and form into her long flowing hair down her back while her claws retracted into her fingers and toes. She yelped as her snout shrank into a regular human face as well. The change was hard on her since she only changed once a month unlike most of her kind who changed all the time. she kneeled there on her hands and knees panting hard. "Man that always hurts." she panted out then smiled as she felt her brother put a robe over her that was made from rich Chinese silk. "Thank you Lei, what would I do without you?" she smiled at her brother as she sat up on her knees and tied the sash at her waist.

"I don't know.... sitting her in the nude with no company..." he said jokingly.

She laughed "Your deffinantly right about that." she pushed herself to her feet. She wobbed a bit before catching herself on the wall. "Its weird walking on two legs again" she sighed as she looked out from her long mop of long brown hair.

There was a knock on the door. Lei looked at the door.

"Oh no" she said worriedly. That door was the only one out of the room. She looked around then made her way over to stand behind the door when it opened. she motioned her brother to answer and knew he would figure out what to say about why the black tigeress wasnt in there.

Lei went to the door. "Yeah?"

"We have an emergency!"


"We need your help...."

Lei nodded. "I'm coming...."

The other keeper ran off.

"I have to go..." Lei said, looking around the door at her.

"Go brother I'll be alright just lock the door behind you, Go they need you" she said and waved him off.

Lei ran off, locking the door first.

Quiyue was in there for a while, when she felt the pull.

Quiyue put her hand on her heart. "What in the?" she felt it growing stronger and stronger. "Why do I feel that pull? like I do when I'm around Neoyri? He couldnt be here the park is closed" she blushed confused on what was going on.

She began to hear the sound of a beautiful flute being played.

Quiyue looked at the door then looked behind her at the gate that lead out to the exhibit. "Where is it coming from?" she thought to herself. She was risking alot by going out there in her human form. If a security gaurd saw her she was in trouble but that flute it sent something through her.

The sound was coming from out in the enclosure.

She went over to the gate and easily opened it then quietly she walked through the small cave out into the enclosure following the haunting melody. She hugged her robe to her body as she walked. She always felt so timid in her human form.

Up in the tree she had layed down in, sat Neoyri, playing the beautifully haunting music on the flute.

She blushed bright red and straightened up her wild looking hair. "Ne-Neoyri what are you doing here?" she asked looking up at him. How did he know about her turning on the night of the full moon back into a human woman?

Neoyri turned to look at her. "Quiyue...?" he said questioningly.

Quiyue realized he didnt know, he had probably just come thinking she would be in her tiger form. She backed up shrinking away then bolted back into her indoor night room. Her heart pounded, she was scared. Her little brother was the only person in a long time to see her as a human she just wasnt comfortable with other people knowing her secret. She ran into her indoor night room and closed and locked the cage. she then climbed up her rocks to her bed at the top and curled up with her knees to her chest wishing her little brother was there.

"Quiyue?" she heard Neoyri call to her. "Please....come back out..." She heard him on the other side of the cage.

She looked up from the hide out that was her knees and saw Neoyri with his arms threw the bars trying to look at her. Her body was so nervous, he knew her secret. But she could give him a chance though he had protected her. She got up and climbed down the rocks again before walking infront of the bars of the cage she stood there looking at him. her arms were tight as she hugged herself. She blushed as he gazed at her in the rich dark blue chinese silk of her robe. "I feel better like this if.. if you stay on that side and I stay on this side" she said as she watched him.

Neoyri sighed softly, nodding, just looking at her. "I knew there was something even more magnificant than your wonderful and unique coat..." he said softly. "And I understand that you are nervous.... Quiyue.... I didn't mean to scare you before.... I had thought about joining you in that tree all day, but imaging the tree out in the wilds of a forest....." He looked down, at the flute in his hands. "I had hoped to play for you... it's my way of showing my full emotions...." Quiyue could tell from they hours that he had watched her, and through they light conversations through the day, that Neoyri really didn't show much emotion as if he had be hurt deeply in the past.

She had a feeling that she could trust him it was in her heart in the way he spoke to her. "your the first person in a long time who has found out my secret." Quietly she went to the cage door and opened it. Walking out she held her hand out to him. "Come let us go and sit in the tree together, enjoy the full moon's blessing" she smiled softly with a smile to him. Her heart felt that strong pull to him, and he had been so kind to her this was the least she could do.

Neoryi nodded. He took her hand, walking with her to the tree, taking her gently around the waist, jumping with her into the tree. He sat down against the trunk of the tree, waiting for her to seat down on the branch she was now standing on.

Quiyue smoothed her robe under her and sat on the branch she loved to lounge on. She looked over at him with a smile. The moon played off the beauty of her features as if curessing her with its blessing. Her long rich dark brown hair curled around her body framing her beauty. she closed her eyes as she tucked hair behind her ears feeling a breeze play across her features.

"Beautiful...." he said softly, bringing up his ash white long wooden flute to his lips. He began to play a soft beautiful tune, that sent Quiyue heart flying.

Quiyue looked down at him and smiled listening to the music. "Wow your music its so beautiful" she said letting her body sway back and forth to the sound.

Neoryi looked up at her, still playing. Thank you.... Quiyue.... His voice was soft in her mind.

His voice was warm inside of her while his music seem to wrap her in a blanket of happiness. Even though this is all they were doing she loved it and she didnt want this night to end.

Neoryi stopped playing. "I am glad that you are trusting me with you secret.... and, Quiyue... you are ver beautiful...." he said softly, looking up at her again.

Quiyue blushed bright red. "Thank you thats really sweet of you to say" she said and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"It is true.... you are very beautiful both ways...."

"Thank you, you are really kind to say that" she looked down and let her hair fall over her face as she felt her face heat blushing all the more.

"Quiyue!" she heard Lei's voice call out. "Where are you?!"

Neoryi stood up. "I will allow you time with you friend...." he said softly.

"He's actually my little brother and my gaurdian, but don't leave come with me" she said and went over to him taking his hand as they stood in the tree together. "please?" she asked gazing into his beautiful green eyes.

"Quiyue... I don't know...." he said softly. "I... alright...."

She gave a big beautiful smile as she took his hand in hers and jumped down with him out of the tree they then returned to the inner enloser where her brother was waiting worried. "Lei I'm alright" she said as she came in. "I was just talking to my new friend" she said and lead Neoyri into the room.

Lei looked at Neoyri. "Hello...."

"My name's Neoryi.... it iw a pleasure to meet you Lei..." Neoyri said.

"You too..." Lei said nodding.

"Lei this is the man who protected me today from those Teenage boys who were throwing rocks at me the one who has been visiting alot" she said since Neoryi's ears were covered.

"Oh...." Lei said. "Thank you for helping my sister out..."

Neoyri nodded.

"So Lei what was the emergancy why did you have to run off like that?" she asked as she sat down on one of the rocks watching the two men.

Neoyri just stood there, listening to the siblings.

"It would seem that some of the monkeys got out of their cage, and had released the camels...."

Quiyue cringed hearing that. "Ooh man thats bad, was anyone hurt?" she asked worriedly.

"Luckily, no....but it could have been worse..."

Neoyri spoke up, "I would think that it could have been..."

Quiyue smiled at them "I'm glad to hear no one was hurt I always hate stuff like that, I remember when the elephants escaped out of the san fransico Zoo."

Lei nodded.

Neoryi nodded as well.

Quiyue really didnt know what to talk about now with the two of them usualy with her brother she talked about his life when she was in human form but Neoryi she was nervous.

"I should be going...." Neoyri said softly, looking at her.

"thank you for the visit it was nice to see you again Neoyri" she said looking at him she didnt want to tell him the truth that it would be another month until she was human again.

"You too, Quiyue..."

She went over and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Good night" she said before she let him go.

Neoyri nodded, and said, "You too..." He left the enclosure, disappeared.

The night went on like usual after he left, and when the morning came quiyue changed back into a tiger. She yawned and rubbed up against her brother. " you sleep well now lei thank you for staying up with me"

"Anything for you, Quiyue...."

She jumped up and gave his cheek a big lick then got back on her feet again.
"sleep well Lei" and with that she turned and headed out to the Encloser for her morning meal.

After she ate she found a place next to the waterfall and curled up to sleep the day away. She was pulled into dreams of Neoyri.

'Aaahhhhh! The screams from the past broke into her dreams, that were followed by the cracking whip.

Quiyue jumped waking up with fright but then she slumped down again. "Why does that memory keep coming into my dreams? she thought to herself and yawned snuggling up again just wanting to sleep today.

Because I am coming for you..... came a very dark voice in her head.

Quiyue's hair stood up on end hearing that voice. "no no, No..." she stood up and began to pace back and forth. "it can't be that bastard he's dead I watched my family rip him to peices" she thought to herself not caring that people were wondering why she was pacing nervously around the encloser.

Oh I think it

Quiyue shook with fear she bolted heading off towards the cave, she heard the gasps of the people she didnt care. He couldnt be alive he couldnt her body shook with fear, she couldn't go back to that life. She hopped up to her bed at the top of the rocks and curled up shaking badly with fear wishing her brother was there she didnt want to be there anymore.

Quiyue....what's wrong? came Neoyri voice softly.

"the man... the bastard of a man who cursed me to walk this world as a Tiger he's he's back he was in my mind he was taunting me, He's back no I wont go back to that place! she was shaking badly.

Quiyue....what place? he sound very worried.

"you barely know me why are you interested, and don't tell me its because your heart calls to mine, please Neoyri the less you know the safer you are"

As you barely know all that is me... but I am worried....because you raced from the outer enclosure...

"Long ago I used to live deep in the heart of china deep in the mountains, my family ruled over an amazing territory. Well A Sorcerer found me and grew infatuated with me when I wouldnt return his feelings, he kidnapped me to his tower of darkness. There he gave me an ultimatum, I either live as his wife or I live as his pet. And so he cursed me as a tiger only to turn human on the full moon. My family found me many years later and ripped the Sorcerer to shreds freeing me from his tower... or so I thought but.. he keeps haunting me and today I heard his voice in my head.. He's back and he's after me once more" she was curled tightly up in a ball shaking as she said that to him. she wanted her little brother she didnt want to be here anymore she wanted to go home to china.

The Tower of Darkness..... she heard his voice in her mind sound unsteady...

You know of it? she asked not believing what she was hearing.


How is it you know of The Tower of Darkness? she asked getting all the more scared, had he been scoping her out for the dark one? No her heart was breaking if he had been.

A past that is filled with darkness thanks to the master of that tower... and with his death came....

The light of the Moon which was the guiding path through the eternal night he had brought upon the souls locked within those walls she said mainly to herself.


Quiyue looked up from her hiding spot and saw Neoyri looking in from the glass. Yes Neoyri? she asked timidly.

Thank you for telling me what happened... to you... is it just that I have never told anyone.... you at least had family that came for you.... I didn't have that.....

I'm sorry to hear that, everyone needs someone in their life. Maybe, I hope that maybe I can be there for you. Your the first person outside of my family who knows my secret, I feel I can trust you with it, I know I can't be there for you like say another person can but I want you to know I'll be there for you the best I can she knew she was rambling but she didnt know how else to put it.

Thank you Quiyue....

Quiyue got up and climbed down the rocks to pose for the zoo goers, she still had to be all tigerish. your welcome Neoyri

May I come back tonight?

Yes your welcome to, I would deffinantly appreciate the company since I don't think I'll be sleeping for awhile. But just to warn you I will not be a woman I only turn into my human form on full moon nights the last part was said with sadness and longing. She missed being able to walk in her human form.

I will be here....

Quiyue nodded as she stretched out then made her way back out to the outer encloser. The rest of the day went off without a hitch and soon night fell over the land once more.

She saw that Neoyri had stayed the whole day, but around closing he disappeared.

After dinner Quiyue lounged on her branch outside. She hadn't seen Lei either she really wanted to talk to him as well. She was nervous about the future events to come.

"Sis..." came Lei's voice from the railling.

Lei thank god your here! she bolted to her feet and walked as far as she could on the branch to see him.

How was your day?

it wasnt good, not good at all Lei, I.. I... I think he's back I think the dark one is back he spoke to me mind to mind today and he keeps invading my dreams... her body began to tremble with fear. Lei I'm scared I really am

I'll call the others.... they'll look into it, Quiyue....I'm not going to let anyone hurt you...

Thank you Lei, Please keep me updated as much as you can, If he is back I don't want to stay here Lei, I'm to vunerable to him if I stay here in this zoo. she said timidly as she laid her ears back watching him.

You know that I will, sis... anything for you....

Quiyue nodded. you look tired Lei, did you have a hard day? she asked as she laid back down on the branch watching him worried for her little brother wanting to make sure he didnt wear himself out.

Lei nodded. Yes... I did....but I had wanted to see you first before I headed to my apartment....

Thank you little brother you've always been there for me, Sleep well little brother I'll see you tomorrow she said to him, she wanted him to get home and get some good rest she didnt like him wearing himself out.

Lei lefted. Some time later, Quiyue felt her back being petted, and the now familiar pulling in her heart.

Hi there Neoyri she said happily as he stroked her back, she had to admit being a tiger for so long she had grown to like being petted.

Hello Quiyue....I'm sorry that I didn't truly say how I know the Tower of Darkness...... Neoyri thought to her, and he continued to pet her.

It's ok you don't have to tell me if you do not want to she thought back to him loving the feel of him touching her.

...I promise.... I will tell you one day....Quiyue... he said, scratching behind her ear.

When your ready Neoyri, I know you barely know me but just know that I'm here and I'll listen to whatever you have to tell me. she said back to him as she melted even more under his touch.

...Quiyue.... thank you..... Quiyue felt him kiss the top of her head.

Her heart pounded in her chest when he did that. I'm scared Neoyri if the dark one really is alive.. I have no where to go in this form I'm trapped here in this zoo an easy catch for him she didnt know why she had brought it up but it had just came out.

He won't touch....... you again....

Quiyue didnt answer she knew their was a chance that she would be that bastards servent again even with sweet words from him their would always be that chance His voice was distant in her mind.

Or you? she asked worriedly.

Yes... Neoyri thought to her, not looking at her, sitting down.

Quiyue turned around and laid her head on his lap. Its ok she gently nuzzled his hand.

Neoyri looked down at her, rubbing her head. "I won't be weak again...." he whispered.

Quiyue gently nuzzled his leg trying to make him feel better she really didnt know what to say to him but she wanted to be there for him no matter what.

Quiyue fell asleep, nuzzling against Neoyri. She dreamed of the distant scream and the whip. Then he came into her room, it was the night of the full moon. They fought as before, be this time there had been blood on his hands. Don't make me hurt you, my lovely....

she remembered the fear that had surged through her at the sight of him like that. The fear for herself in her human body she was weak. But she would not be his no matter what. No I will not be yours I do not care I will not be yours! she had screamed at him in anger.

He slapped her, the blood smearing on her cheek. You will be...

Like hell you bastard! she snapped at him not showing any pain she might have.

Don't make me do what I did to my other little pet..... He growled, she just smell the blood on her face. It woke her up, the scent was in the air, but not very strong.

Quiyue grunted waking up from the dream. She laid there and rubbed her nose with her paw not paying attention to that smell. she had dreams like that before where memories of senses would come back to her when she would wake up.

This smell however didn't disappear as she woke up, as she rubbed her paw against her nose, the smell was ever so real.

She opened her eyes to see if Neoyri was still there with her, Seeing him still sitting there she put two and two together as the smell was still strong. you were the other pet..she suddenly said thinking of it.

Neoyri looked down at her, tilting her head. What do you mean...? his thought was soft.

Quiyue gently nuzzled his hand. he used to say all the time, be with me, give yourself to me or you will end up like my other pet, especially on the full moon when I turn into a woman he would love coming into my cell with blood on his hands then beat me, I remember the smell. Its your smell she said softly looking up at him with those dusty blue eyes of hers.

I was a pet...I was a slave.... a prisoner.... He thought as he stroke her fur. You know now what I hadn't told you....

Oh Neoyri she gently sat up and nuzzled him trying to make him feel better.

Quiyue... he said softly. It is your family that saved us both by killing just took me longer to escape the tower...

I'm glad they were able to help you as well. I can only imagine what that monster did to you. Please don't think about it she gently nuzzled his cheek then his neck before rubbing under his chin trying to make him smile.

"I had to free myself... and by that time everyone in the tower were dead and gone..." he said out loud.

She backed up feelign bad I'm so sorry that happened to you she lowered her ears and sat back a bit from him feeling so bad. Her family hadnt even bothered to look for anyone else but her. She would have looked and freed anyone else who had been under his tyranny.

"It wouldn't have been they fault though..... I was in a doorless and windowless room...."

Oh thats even worse she said feeling so depressed for him she seemed to shrink into herself

Please Quiyue...I didn't mean to upset up.... Neoryi said, hugging her around the neck, stroking her fur.

I just feel so bad for you but its done and over with now gently she nuzzled him as he held her.

Neoyri nodded. I'm glad that you never gave in to him....

I will never give inro anyone's demands like that when I fall for a man it will be for love she said lounging across his lap now feeling him stroke her back.

"Even then....don't give yourself completely.... I would hope that person would want you to be free to be yourself....." Neoyri said aloud. "Like.... I do...."

thank you thast really sweet of you to say she thought to him. Her heart pounded in her chest as he stroked her hearing his words she could feel the air seem to buzz between them with what was there. She didnt know completely what to call it yet but it was amazing.

Neoyri sat there, stroking her fur, in the quiet of the night.

Every once in awhile she would rub herself against him just wanting to nuzzl him. It was like a craving the more she did it. SHe was loving the feeling of being with him like this.

She felt lips on her head again.

Quiyue closed her eyes and let herself imagine, what would it be like to feel those lips on skin. Her heart pounded in her chest imagining if she was a woman again.

"I will never leave you...."

Quiyue was glad she was in tiger form because she knew she would probably be blushing bright red. Even though I am always a tiger? and will probably live the rest of my days in a cage? she had to know because that was her life. Traveling from one cage to another.

If you wouldn't have to live in a cage......

I know this is going to sound weird but I'm safer in a cage, in this world where humans rule. If it wasnt for living in Zoos for the longest time by now I probably would be dead and skined for my pelt from man or magic Kin alike. she remembered many a time she had been chased for her pelt.

Neoyri nodded. "I...would have....offered....." he said softly.

Quiyue looked up at him and tilted her head to the side. Offered what? she asked curiously

" you....." he whispered.

Quiyue's heart pounded in her chest. Really? you would do that but why? she asked not beliving it.

Because.... my heart pounds deeply for you....

Gently she moved her head and laid it against his chest so she coud hear his heart beat.

She heard his heart beating as fast as her own, and in the same rthyme.

Slowly she looked up at him.would you let my brother come as well? she asked in a timid tone. She would not agree unless her brother was aloud to come as well.

"Quiyue, I would never seperate you from your family....." he said softly, straching behind her ear.

then alright, I'll come with you she said looking up at him and made a happy noise at the feeling of what he was doing to her.

Beautiful.... he thought to her, and then kissed her on the bridge of her muzzle.

She just melted on the inside when he calle dher that; he was just so very very sweet. Thank you all of a sudden she saw the bob of a flashlight of the night gaurd doing his rounds. Oh no you need to get out of here! you'll be in so much trouble if he finds you she thought to him greatly filled with worry.

Neoryi put a finger over his lips, slowly standing up. He then silently stepped over to the tree, disappearing into it. The night guard flashed the light down into her enclosure.

Quiyue lept down out of the tree and stretched out as if it was nothing. All of the gaurds knew she liked to prowl around at night so it wasnt weird to see her out and about like that.

The guard flashed the light one last time, and then just walked off. Neoryi jumped down from the tree, a hand coming to rest on her back. "I promise.... I will protect you...."

Quiyue jumped up and licked his cheek a couple of times in response.

Neoryi fell back, laughing a little bit. "You're welcome, Quiyue..."

She made a soft happy noise and nuzzled his neck and cheeks. The sound of even that small laughter had made her fill with joy.

I won't abandon you.....ever....

Even though we don't know each other that well I believe you she said in a loving tone

Neoryi nodded. "I have to go... it is late.... and the sun will be up soon...."

Quiyue nodded and got off of him. Of course, I Hope you have a good rest of the evening, until we see each other again She sat there watching him

Neoryi stroke her fur. Good night for now.... beautiful Quiyue... Maybe I'll play for you tomorrow night....

I would really like that Neoryi, Until we see each other again and she gently rubbed her side against his legs before she turned and began to walk off back inside.

In the morning, Lei came into the enclosure. "Quiyue.... breakfast..."

Quiyue yawned waking up and climbed down off her rocks from her bed. Morning Lei she said as she walked over and rubbed her body against his legs.

lei stroked her fur. The family hasn't seen or heard anything....

Quiyue didnt like that at all, her family was one of the oldest and most powerful were families in the world and them not seeing anything made her nervous. I don't like that Neoyri she looked up at him You.. you believe me right?.. that I heard him? if her own family didnt believe her she would be heart broken.

Lei knelt down, and wrapped his arms around her neck. Of course I do, sis...

Thank you Lei, I'm still thinking it would be best if we left this place... and umm just to let you know my elven friend, he offered us a place to go if we want that is she said as she gently nuzzled her brother.

Lei pulled back, looking at her. Really? That's great....

Quiyue nodded. yep but I would feel better if you talked to him about it to, you know get a barring on whre his place is. she said.

Lei nodded. "I will..."

Quiyue nuzzled her brother again. Now I'm going to eat my breakfast you have yourself a good day. If you drop by later Neoyri will probably be visiting. she said looking up at him.

Lei nodded as he left her to her breakfast.

After breakfast Quiyue was out in the outer encloser playing with the other tigers just lost in her own little world.

I will have you, my pet...

She stumbled and suddenly hit the ground hard hearing that voice her body began to tremble with fear.

Such a glaceful feline.... he laughed.

You bastard leave me alone she yelled in her thoughts as she stood to her feet.

I think not.... I have found you, and I will never lose you again....

Quiyue suddenly began to make noises of distress hearing that longing in his voice that horrible longing that made her remember the pain he had caused her. The keepers would hear her and grab her brother. Lei was the only one she ever let get near her.

Lei hurried into the enclosure, many awes from above. Sis.. he thought as for show, he carefully walked towards her.

Quiyue was trembling. Its him he was speaking to me again he's coming for me Lei he's coming she slumped down onto the grass her body shaking. she heard him coming near her and knew he was going to take her to her private cage in the back

Lei carefully helped her to the back. I have to notify the family...<i>

<i>Please don't leave me please I don't want to be alone not while I know he's out there
She had her body tightly against his side not wanting to be away from anyone. Her blood felt like ice in her veins.

Lei stroked her fur, slowly. "Shh.... I'm here...." he said, and didn't leave.

She buried herself against him as much as she could hiding her head against his chest as she trembled. Damn it Damn it Damn it! if only I could be in my human form then we could just go, we could just run! but no that bastard had to curse me and now I'm trapped! he heard sobbing in her thoats as she made sad sounds of distress out loud.

"Shhh.... shhhh....."

Quiyue.... where are you...? came Neoryi's voice.

I'm out back in the restricted area, He, he spoke to me again the sorcerer spoke to me again, I couldnt be out there in the open I'm back here with my brother she said to Neoryi as he trembled against her brother. have to get you out of here completely...

Stay out there my brother will come and get you she said to Neoyri then focused up at Lei. Lei Neoyri is out in the crowds, could you go and get him and bring him back here? he wants to help and it would give you a chance to talk to him alone... I'll be ok for a few minutes she said timidly.

Lei nodded, and headed out. Ten minutes later, Lei walked back in with Neoryi, who walked over to her, stroking her fur.

Quiyue curled into Neoryi's body. Did you two talk at all? please tell me you did even if it was a little bit I can't stay here he's taunting me he'll be after me soon she made the distressed sound again one that neither man liked to hear at all.

Lei nodded. "We talked...."

You are going with me tonight....and Lei is going to take care of things here...

Quiyue nodded. Alright, but you be so careful Lei, the wanting... the need I feel from him when he speaks to me. I think he's crazy enough to do anything and I'm scared he might go after you she sobbed as she buried herself against Neoyri

Lei nodded. I'll call some of the family to help.... you two have to just go right after closing...

Neoryi nodded.

Quiyue nodded as well not knowing what else to say.

"Just stay here... I have to deal with the zoo...." Lei said.

Quiyue was calming down a bit as she styaed in Neoyri's arms. I'll be alright, as long as Neoyri can stay here with me. she looked up at her brother with her big sad beautiful eyes.

Lei nodded. "I wasn't going to leve you alone...." Lei hurried off.

Quiyue buried herself against Neoyri just listening to his heart beat letting it sooth her

"I love you Quiyue.... you will be away from here soon..." he whispered.

Quiyue looked up not believing what she just heard. "you... you love me?" she asked softly.

"I feel it deep in my heart.... I don't want any harm to come to you..."

"Oh Neyori" she said softly looking up at him, she wasnt ready to say that to him yet, she wasnt sure if she felt this truely as love yet. When she would say it she wanted to be sure.

Neoryi was then silent, just stroking her fur as the day wore on.

I hope you love your free for now, because I'm coming for you....

Her body began to shake and suddenly Quiyue began to pace back and forth come for me all you want you bastard I wont go back! she screamed in her head as suddenly she roared

Mwhahaha! I will have you....

Neoryi just looked at her, his body was ridged.

he's in my head he's in my head! she sobbed to Neoryi.

Block it, I will help a wall....

I don't know how. she cried

Think of there being a wall around your thoughts, a wall where no one could see in or hear inside....... think of the wall being a very strong metal.....

Gently she nodded and began to do what he had told her she built up the wall peice by peice layer by layer to block the sorcerer out.

You bitch....what are you..... but the sorcerer was cut off.

Quiyue trembled and slid to the ground. Her body shaking feeling cold after the sorcerer had touched her mind.

Neoryi knelt beside her, wrapping an arm around her, stroking her fur. "Shhh...."

She laid there trembling on able to move at all. buried herself against him not moving any more.

Lei came back with food for them and the other tigers. "It won't be much longer sis...."

How are we goign to get out of here? she asked wanting to know, she was nervous and scared but the thing she deffinantly didnt want was for Lei to get in trouble over her yes legally he was her owner and lending her to the zoo but the zoo would go after him if both she and him suddenly vanished without a trace.

You're going to escape the enclosure....

I'm what? she asked making sure she had heard her brother right.

You are going to escape the enclosure...

Alright just wanted to make sure I was hearing you right now I'm just curious how am I going to escape the encloser on my own, due to the cameras that would catch you and Neoyri if you helped me without getting a dart in my ass she asked curiously looking up at him.

Lei looked at Neoryi and then back at her, shrugging. "I...don't know..."

Neoryi smiled a little smile. I do.... your tree Quiyue.....if you ran along the longest branch and jumped towards the top of the enclosure.... I can handle the rest....

True do to the fact that I am a were It would be easy for me to jump, I've known that since we moved here. she said as she stood and went over to her brother looking up at him.

"Good.... so that's the plan..." said Lei.

Thats half a plan what am I supposed to bolt for the entry gate when I get out? what do I do after I jump out of the encloser? she asked worriedly as she nuzzled her brothers hand.

Lei looked at Neoryi.

Neoryi just nodded. I'll take care of that....

Quiyue sat there confused on why they werent telling her anything.

Neoryi stroked her fur, just act how a wild tiger would.... I'll be there with you....

She took a deep breath and let it out, Alright but if I get a tranqulizer in the butt its your fault she said trying to lighten the mood

Lei laughed, but Neoryi just nodded.

Quiyue's stomach growled so she went over to the food and began to eat. Her heart and body felt better knowing that soon she would be out of here and in her opinion safer.

Neoryi silently ate. "I hope..." he started.

You hope what? she asked curiously looking over her shoulder at him.

that you like my home....

She walked over and climbed up so her upper body was on his lap. Personally I think I will even though I havent seen it yet she said in a sweet tone looking at him.

Neoryi nodded. Thank you for trusting me....

of course, I trust you I feel it in my heart that I can trust you she said in a loving tone

Neoryi kissed her on the head. "Thank you..."

Quiyue did a tiger verson of a smile and snuggled up in his lap enjoying the few moments of peace she had with him.

:THE ZOO IS NOW CLOSING: came a voice over the loud speaker.

We should wait until night that would be the best time she said looking up at Neoryi as she rested her big head on his lap.

I agree....

There were still people walking around the zoo, and in the backs of the enclosures.

She nuzzled his chest and snuggled up to him happily. Your so warm she whispered snuggling agaisnt him.

Neoryi laughed softly. "Thank are you..."

Quiyue made a little happy noise as she closed her eyes snuggled against him just happy to feel wanted by someone.

"Let's go..." Neoryi said gently, stroking her fur.

Quiyue didnt question him as she climbed off of his lap then stood there ready to go.

Neoryi walked with her out into the enclosure, leaping into the tree, and then out of the enclosure. he then pulled out his flute, and started to play. They will not see me, just an escaping tiger...

When the music began to play Quiyue ran up the tree and when she got far enough on the branch she lept out. Landing on the railing then leaping onto the ground she looked around and sniffed the air for anyone in the area. Now where do you want me to goshe asked mind to mind as she put her nose to the ground sniffing like a real tiger would as she walked.

It would be strange to head for the main enterance....there is an area near the back that you can head's near some animals that are normal prey of tigers.... Neoryi thought as he played, walking in the direction.

Alright sounds good she laid her ears back and raised her head up letting her nostrals flare as if catching their scent then headed off in that direction.

Neoryi walked silently as he played the flute. Then a guard came walking around the corner. Quiyue...

Oh no She looked around and saw a line of hedges, quickly and quietly she trotted over to them and hid behind them before the gaurd could see her.

Neoryi just stood there, playing his flute, and the guard just walked on by.

Quiyue came out from behind the hedges and made her way again.

This way love... Neoryi said, as he played his flute heading over towards one of the enclosures.

Quiyue walked along with him, her heart was pounding in her chest, they were so close but so far all together.


She picked up her pace and began to run towards the encloser.

There were a few large trees that reached that back, and to freedom.

Quiyue ran over to the fence of the encloser and jumped in, the animals scattered scared, she ran over to the trees and leapt up into the branches and began to leap from tree to tree to escape.

Wait for me on the other side, love....

Of course I will she said lovingly when she landed on the wall then jumped down landing on the ground outside the zoo.

Quiyue was greeted by a vast, empty parking lot with only a few of the tall lamps glowly softly. It was quiet, and the soft sounds of Neoryi's flute stopped. Then the soft thump of feet hitting the ground made it to her ears, and Neoryi stood beside her, a hand coming to rest on her shoulder blade. Quiyue, this way...

Quiyue rubbed herself against his legs and nodded gently as she walked along with him trusting him all the way.

Neoryi walked with her through the parking lot, down to a main street. He then began to lead her down the street towards some apartments near the edge of the city. As they walked, Neoryi played his flute. I am hidding you... so that know one notices...

Quiyue kept her side glued to his legs as they walked. He could feel her body softly trembling from fear.

Neoryi lead her up to one of the apartment buildings, heading inside and up some stairs. He then opened a door. Head inside...

Quiyue nodded and did as she was told and quitely walked off inside.

Quiyue walked into an empty apartment, not even having a couch in the room. Neoryi walked in, shutting and locking the door. "Sorry.... this is just a location I use to hide my true home....."

Quiyue cocked her head to the side confused by it since she didnt understand Elven ways.

"I did it to protect from something like before happening....." he explained.

She sat down and looked up to him and nodded. I understand that, so are we to wait here until my brother arrives? she asked looking up at him she looked exhausted sitting there.

"Yes.... I don't want to leave him behind, and he think that I stole you away..."

Right. she nodded gently then laid down on the carpet to rest her eyes a bit. she hadnt had a good sleep for the past few days now and just wanted to rest.

Two hours later, Quiyue was softly woken up. "Quiyue...I'm here.... come on.... Neoryi says that it's time to go..." came Lei's voice.

Quiyue yawned and pushed herself to her feet she rubbed her nose with her paw waking up and looked up at her brother. Has anyone at the zoo noticed I'm gone she asked curiously

Lei shook his head. "They won't til early morning.... now this, Neoryi, can't be where you are staying is it? I thought...."

"It isn't..... I do this as a safety... that is all... now we shall go, if we are ready..."

Quiyue nodded looking up at the to of them.

Neoryi placed a hand on Lei's shoulder and on Quiyue's head, and then they disappeared. When they reappeared, they were standing in the middle of what appeared to be a beautifully decorated living room, filled with elven designed furiture, small figures, and paintings.

Oh wow! this place is amazing! she made a happy noise looking around at it all.

Neoryi nodded. Thank you...

"This is exstavagant..." said Lei.

Quiyue curled her tail against her to be sure not to hit anything as she walked along looking at all the amazing things in the room. I feel so out of place in a place such as this

"Please don't feel that way... I wish you to be comfortable..."

Quiyue walked over and rubbed her body against his side. I'm sorry I said that she said looking up at him. May I see the rest of your beautiful home? she asked gazing up at him.

Neoryi stroked her back. "I hope that you will think of this as your home for as long as you wish... both of you...."

"Thank you..." said Lei.

Yes thank you her tail flicked back and forth. now how about that tour?

Neoryi nodded. "Yes, yes... shall ....."

Quiyue sat there waiting for him to lead the way

Neoryi started to lead them through the house, which turned out to be more of a manor. There was a large dining room, the sitting room they had started in, a study with built in bookshelves packed with books as well as a desk in the center of the room, a grand kitchen and breakfast knok, beautifully tiled bathrooms, and each bedroom in the manor was designed as if the person who slept in the room was the lord or lady of the manor.

Quiyue stared at the beautiful place around them. In the name of the heavens this place is gorgeous she said happily gazing at it all.

"I grew up in this walls, as well as the grounds that surround it...."

Quiyue rubbed against his legs. Thank you this is truely an honor to be here in your home.

Neoryi nodded slowly. "Lei, you may have the room that we first toured..."

"Thank you...." Lei nodded. "Sis, I think I'm going to rest..."

Alright Lei she walked over and rubbed against his legs. Rest well I'll see you later she said happily looking up at him.

Lei stroked her head. "Til later, Quiyue..." Lei walked back down the hall to the first of the bedrooms.

Neoryi walked over to her, straching behind her ear. I will show you to her room if you wish...

Quiyue made a happy noise at how good it felt, somehow he knew just the right ways to pet her. alright then if you want, It doesnt matter to me

Neoryi guided her to an large oak door, which seemed to out on its own. In side, Quiyue was greet by the sight of a large oak bed with a dark jade green coverings. There also were naturally growing oaks, ashes, and willow trees in the room as well as grasses and brushes and beautifully large flowers of all kinds.

Oh wow! this is amazing! she said happily as she ran around the room and suddenly rolled in the grass. She felt so happy here for some reason it just felt so right.

"I'm glad you like it... it is your's..."

She squeeled in her thoughts and made a happy tiger noise out loud then ran over and jumped up onto Neoyri's chest licking his cheek happily.

Neoryi fall backwards, smiling gently up at her. You're welcome, Quiyue... Neoryi said, reaching up and straching behind her ear again, and stroking her fur.

Quiyue made a happy noise she buried herself into his chest as he stroked her. She felt truely happy at that moment with this man. Her heart ached wishing she wasnt cursed like this that she could gaze into his eyes and touch him with her human hand. But she had no cure. She laid there snuggled up against him happily as he stroked her body.

"I will find a way to free you... love...."

Oh Neoyri she sighed happily against him feeling so happy as she lounged on his Lap, she wondered if he could but she had her doubts, so many years of being like this she had her doubts. Can I stay like this for awhile? she asked looking up at him enjoying the feeling of cuddling to his body.

Neoryi nodded.

Quiyue gave a cute tiger version of a smile as she laid in his lap happily and gently closed her eyes loving this moment loving peace.

Neoryi stroked her fur, gently, humming a soft tune.

Quiyue fell asleep from how relaxed he made her feel. She began to dream about her in her human form but something wonderful... A future with Neoyri...

"I love you...." Neoryi said.

"I love you as well Neoryi" Quiyue giggled standing there in her human form with him her arms around his neck, the two of them truely happy with one another.

"You are the most beautiful creature I have even know...."

She blushed turning her back to him. "No that can't be true" she said shyly and adorably hiding under her fountain of long breath taking brown hair that had flowers woven into it.

"Why do you say that...?"

She turned around and looked up at him "I just have never found myself beautiful" she said and gently tucked her hair behind her ear watching him with her big blue eyes.

He placed a hand on her cheek. "You are a true beauty..."

"Oh Neoyri, your so good to me" she nuzzled his hand then suddenly jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck and laid a big kiss on his lips.

He kissed back.

The kiss was filled with so much love and happiness as they held each other in their arms and their lips danced together hungerly for the passion they held for one another. The dream faded as Quiyue stirred awake from Neoyri moving to adjust himself. Are you Ok Neoyri? she asked in a sleepy happy voice looking up at him without moving her head.

I'm fine, Quiyue...I was just adjusting my leg... he said softly to her, stroking her fur. You?

I'm wonderful Neoyri she pushed herself up a little bit and gently nuzzled him before giving his cheek a lick. Her heart ached wishing for more especially after that dream, Her mind wondered what else they could have together, Only if she was human though.

"I am glad...." He kissed her forehead. Would you like to walk through the garden?

That sounds wonderful she climbed off of him and stood up stretching. When he stood she rubbed up against his side and looked up at him ready to go.

Neoryi lead her from her room, and back through the manor, and then opened the door to the back. "This way..."

Quiyue walked outside then suddenly bounced happily up and down seeing the amazing garden. Oh my god Neoryi this is so beautiful! she pranced aroudn the garden looking at it all and tumbled into the soft grass wondering what it would feel like against her human skin.

The garden was huge, many flowers, trees, and bushes that were common among the mortals, but then there were those that are the rare and beautiful of the elves and fae.

"I'm glad you like it..."

Its so beautiful! I love it! she stood again and playfully crouched before pounching on Neoyri knocking him to the ground she licked his cheek. Thank you for so much and especially opening your home to my brother and I This makes me so happy she said snuggling agaisnt him.

Neoryi laughed lightly. Anything for you...

your so good to me Neoryi she said happily and gently nuzzled him before getting off of him and trotting through the garden looking at everything.

Neoryi watched Quiyue, standing up and walking the garden himself. As he walked, he started to get lost in his own memories.

Quiyue looked up at him wondering what he was thinking about, she left him alone thinking about it so she walked around looking at the treasures of the garden.

The garden was filled with moonlilies, sunjasmines, as well as the mortal versions of them. With gold roses and silver lavanders.

Oh wow I've never seen flowers like some of these before their so beautiful she said as she gently sniffed some sunjasmine.

"There was a Sun elf that I met once... she grew them regularly," came Neoryi's voice.

Wow it smells magnificent she said happily smelling it.

"These flowers can not be found anywhere but around elven homes or villages..."

Wow really? she asked looking up at him.

Neoryi nodded. "Or in fields in hidden elven or fae villages....."

I wish I was in my human form I think it would look pretty if I weaved a few of these into my hair but thats only if it is ok I don't know if it is she said knowing customs were different in all species.

You would look lovely with sunjasmines and moonlilies in your hair... he said softly.

Awww Neoyri She walked over and gently rubbed her side against his legs. you are so very sweet to me she said in a loving tone feeling so happy at that moment

Neoryi stroked her fur. "I have never had anyone come here in years..."

I am truely honored then that I have been graced with being aloud to be here especially because I'm here with you

Neoryi knelt down and kissed her muzzle.

She gave a happy noise and snuggled into his arms feeling so happy, she had to admit it she felt in love with this gorgeous man.

Neoryi kissed her muzzle again. You will be in your human form again...I will see to it...

I hope so I really hope so, each moment that passes with you I feel more and more with you I want to be able to be in your arms as a woman she said in a romantic tone.

Neoryi nodded. "I feel the same, Quiyue..." he said softly.

Oh Neoyri she said lovingly snuggling up to him.

I'm sure your family has been searching for a way to help you.... but I will help....

I know you will, But Don't push yourself to hard, just like I told my family do not push yourself to hard I've lived this long as a tiger I can live a few years more she said gazing up at him.

Neoryi nodded, his eyes slightly unfocused.

She noticed this Neoryi? are you alright? she asked worriedly spining around so she was sitting infront of him now and gently nudged him with her cold nose.

Neoryi looked up at her, and then gently stroked her muzzle between her eyes. I was just thinking on the past again... I seem to do that a lot...

Quiyue whimpered as she nuzzled him with her muzzle. you make me worried when you get that distant unfocused gaze she said as she nuzzled his chest.

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you...

Its ok you didnt know she said looking up at him and snuggled against him.

Neoryi smiled slightly at her. "Thank you for your concern..."

Anything for you She said lovingly nuzzling into his body she suddenly gave a big yawn, her exhaustion was catching up to her from the days of no sleep she had just gone through.

"Let's get you back inside, love..."

Quiyue nodded adn the two of them then headed off inside together from the garden. All while she was walking Quiyue was thinking about the next full moon, she couldnt wait for it and wished for it to come sooner so she could spend another night with him in her human form but this time even closer.

Neoryi opened the door to her room. "I hope you sleep well.... Quiyue...."

Thank you Neoyri she nuzzled his leg one last time before she walked into her room and hopped up onto the bed. Laying down she couldnt help but sigh, it had been a long time since she had slept on a bed and boy did it feel good.

Neoryi smiled lightly again, and closed the door. The room was like sleeping out side, and there were even out side sounds.

Quiyue yawned and didnt take long to be pulled off into her dreams once more as she just basked in the comfort and love that seemed to emenate throughout this home for her. Her dreams were once more that of love and happiness.

I will have you... came his voice in her dreams.

She whimpered and instantly got to work on throwing up walls to block out the voice to block out sorcerer that he knew was trying to find her.

My pet will bring you to me.... and the voice died away.

Quiyue woke up and began trembling, she bolted off the bed to the farthest corner of the room away from all windows and doors. Neoryi had been his pet, did he mean that Neoryi would bring her to him her heart ached at such a thought. No No Noooo Please she whimpered.

Sunlight started to peep through the windows in the room, and a knock came at the door.

Quiyue began to shake even worse as she curled even tighter into a ball.

Quiyue... may I come in? came Neoryi's voice.

She remembered her brothers words about her mothers vision on meeting up with an elf of the ancient breed. Maybe this wasnt good for her to know him maybe this was all a lie so he could take her to his master. Neoyri heard deep heavy noises of distress from in the room.

Quiyue... what's wrong? I'm coming in.... please talk to me...

She whimpered as the door opened and as he came in he saw a flash of black fur as Quiyue bolted under her bed and moved as far back as she could, scared over the fact that it could be true that Neoryi might give her to teh Sorcerer that he was tricking her into trusting him just so he could give her to that bastard.

"QUiyue..." there was pain in his voice. Quiyue... what's wrong? Please tell me that bastard didn't contact you again....please...

The pain sounded true enough He contacted me last night when I went to sleep and told me his pet would bring him to me she said watching Neoryi from under the bed to see his reaction.

What?! Oh please not have him found this place... he hadn't found it before...oh all the gods and goddesses of the world, please... Neoryi was pacing like a trapped animal.

Quiyue gently climbed out from under the bed and her tail flicked back and forth. I could barely hear him in my head though it was like a soft whisper he was searching trying to find where we had gone she said to him hoping that would help calm him down she hated seeing him like this.

Neoryi backed up against the wall, sliding down the wall, nodding to her. "I'm glad..." I just want all of us safe...

Quiyue could tell in her heart that wasnt faked, not at all, the bastard had been trying to turn them against each other. She walked over and snuggled in his lap, gently nuzzling him trying to comfort him.

Neoryi gently stroked her. "I love you..." he said, his voice was very soft.

I love you as well Neoyri she said and nuzzled him more trying to comfort him.

I hope that he won't be able to contact either of us again....

I'm scared I think because he forced me with his curse to stay in this form its why he can keep contacting me so easily.. She whimpered Its because of me, you and your beautiful home is all in danger

Please don't blame yourself....Quiyue... He kissed her forehead.

But its true I think thats the reason he keeps finding me because of my curse

Neoryi looked down. Quiyue... I don't think that at all.... He kissed her forehead again. "I love you... to me you can never be cursed..."

Quiyue gently pushed herself up and licked his cheek. Thank you your so very sweet she said lovingly before snuggling into his arms trying to make him feel better.

You're very sweet too, love...

Awww She gently licked his cheek and nuzzled him happy she was making him feel better after their scare.

Quiyue.... I could never work for that sorcerer.... unless he got ahold of me some how.... his voice was soft.

Quiyue nodded gently looking up at him.

He kissed her nose. "Breakfast?"

You read my mind I'm starved she said happily as she stood up and stretched

I was coming to get you for breakfast, when I felt you were upset....

Well I'm doing alot better now so no need to worry she said looking up at him.

Neoryi smiled lightly. "I'm glad..." He stood up, stroking her fur. "Come, Lei is waiting for us..."

Quiyue nodded and followed him off to the kitchen.

When they got to the dining hall, Quiyue was greeted by a Lei that looked a lot better after a good night's sleep. "Morning Sis..."

Morning brother your looking alot better she said trotting over to him and gently nuzzling his side before laying her head on his leg looking up at him with big gorgeous eyes.

"I slept a lot better than I have in some time...." Lei said stroking her head.

Neoryi went over to a seat.

Good I'm so glad to hear that I've been so worried about you knowing that working at the Zoos over the years have been so hard on you she said looking up at him. Then went over and hopped up on the free chair and sat there looking at the two men.

Lei smiled at her.

Neoryi waved a hand, and breakfast foods appeared on the table.

This looks fantastic! she said happily, she put one paw on each side of her plate and began to eat.

Lei laughed.

Neoryi started to eat his food as well. "I am glad you are enjoying it..."

Quiyue lifted her head and licked her chops with her big tounge. Deffinantly so much better then the Zoo food

Lei laughed again. "Sis... what I was eating was no better..."

Really? she asked sadly

"I was too tired some nights.... but don't worry Quiyue....I did at least eat something...."

Good I'm glad you took the time to at least grab something to eat her tail flipped back and forth as she lowered her head and went back to eating.

He careds deeply for you... came Neoryi's voice in her head.

He and I have always been close in our family so we've always been here for one another. I care deeply about Lei to she said directly to Neoryi in a way that Lei wouldnt hear what she said.

Neoryi nodded. I'm glad....

Quiyue finished eating, then she hopped down off the table and stretched out before curling up laying down on the floor awhile the two of them continued to eat.

Lei and Neoryi finished eating a little later.

Lei stood up, and went over to Quiyue, to stroke her fur. "I have to go speak with the family..."

Are you going to go all the way to China to see them in person? she asked worriedly scared on what could happen.

"I have to...this time....they know already that we are not at the zoo, and I'm not working there..."

Right of course I'm just worried, with the sorcerer back who knows what he'll do to get me out in the open. She said worriedly. you know that man doesnt care who he hurts I'm just so worried

I'll be careful... I will send word of my arrival...

Alright big brother gently she nuzzled his hand still so worried about him.

Lei looked at Neoryi, and Neoryi waved a hand, making Lei disappear. "I sent him back to that apartment...."

Quiyue nodded walking over and laying her head on his lap.

Neoryi stroked her head. "He will be safe..."

Quiyue let out a breath and just nodded to him. So since were here what should we do? she asked curiously since their wasnt much she could do as a tiger and him as a human.

There is a waterfall and spring at the far side of the ground...if you'd like to go...

That sounds absolutely lovely! she bounced up and down happily.

Neoryi smiled a bit, standing up. "This way.. it's through the gardens... on the other side of them actually..."

Quiyue snuggled against him as they walked together. Alright sounds good to me I can't wait she said looking up at him. She just loved swimming so much

Neoryi lead her through the garden, past even more beautiful flowers and plants. I'm glad that you are excited....

What can I say I love swimming, especially in human form, thats one thing I miss about it is being able feel the water on one's skin while swimming. she said happily.

Neoryi nodded. They came up to an isolated area, to see a large pool of water, being feed by a large waterfall.

Yipee!! she roared happily as she charged and leapt off of a huge rock that was on the side of the pool and into the water.

Neoryi smiled lightly, watching her.

Quiyue came to the surface and paddled around happily her tail flicking back and forth.

Neoryi waved a hand, and she got splashed from behind.

She spun around and growled playfully then she suddenly jumped in the water causing him to be splashed.

Neoryi jumped when the water hit him, his hair falling wet over his face.

Quiyue stood there in the shallow water crouched slightly and adorably wagged her butt in the air while her tounge stuck out of her mouth

Neoryi brushed the hair from his....her face? Neoryi was looking down.

Quiyue whimpered and looked at Neoyri confused. Neoryi is that still you? she asked going over and nudging her.

Neoryi nodded. "Yes..." she said softly. "I... huh...."

Quiyue growled. Its him it has to be that bastard who else could it be! She got out of the water and began to pace back and forth worriedly.

"I knew about this... he did to me... when he had me...."

Quiyue turned and looked at him really confused.

Neoryi sat down on the ground, reaching out a slender hand to stroke Quiyue. "The sorcerer had gotten upset on day.... I don't know why.... but he cursed me, like he did you... but mine was to become a woman when cold water touched my skin...."

Gently she laid down and put her head down in Neoryi's lap What an odd curse, so how do you turn back into a man? she asked out of curiousity.

Boiling water.... or that was how He did it....after throwing ice cold water on me.... so that he could have....

Oh I have something easier then that, do you have any ponds around here that don't have any streams running into them? she asked looking upa t him.

Neoryi sighed. "I have to take a hot bath...." He did this to rape me....

I guessed that but I didnt want to say anything and bring up bad memories, and the reason I asked about the pond was because I was just going to make it into a hot spring for you, I can do water magic you know she said looking up at him with sad eyes.

Neoryi hugged her around the neck. "Thank you for can do that with this pond..."

Gently she nuzzled him then licked his face. Alright then she turned around then walked over to the side of the pond and sat down, she closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Suddenly their seemed to be a hum of magic in the air as she did something. More and more the hum and Quiyue gently opened her eyes which glowed etherealy with power. Soon he watched as the water began to steam more and more growing into a hotspring. Once their was a good amount of steam Quiyue snapped out of her trance and looked at him. And now even with the water fall falling into it you have a natrual hotspring she said happily looking up at him.

Neoryi stood up, the clothes falling very loose on his female body. He walked over to the hotspring, and walked in, clothes on. He ducked under the water's surface. When he came up again, he was back to his handsome male self. "Thank you..." he said lightly as he made his way back to land.

"your always welcome" She took a few steps away from him and shook off her body then walked back over to him.

"I hadn't wished for you to find out so soon...." he said, laying a hand on her head.

Its alright, I know and it doesnt change a thing between us she wagged her butt looking up at him and gently nuzzled his hand.

Neoryi looked thoughtful for a second, and then knelt beside her. I don't know why I forgot about this, but... I think I may have something that could help... you... til we find a permanant solution....

Oh what might that be? she asked curiously looking up at him.

"Come..." Neoryi said, standing up, heading back to the manor.

Quiyue followed him really curious on what his idea was.

Neoryi lead her back inside, and then down a hallway. He then lead her through a door which had opened to another hall, and then down some stairs, into a basement. He lead her for a while through the basement, and then into a circluar room. In the middle layed a waist high pillar. On the pillar was what appeared to be a necklace, with a single gem on it.

What's that? she asked curiously

"It's a moonstone pendant... I don't know why... I had forgotten about it... it is said to change the affects the moon has on the wearer...."

Quiyue got excited maybe maybe there was a chance Oh wow, I I hope that it does work oh that would be wonderful if it did! he hopes were high that it would work on her that maybe she wouldnt have to wait until once a month to be in her human form again.

Neoryi walked over to the pillar, lifting up the pendant, coming back over to her. "This pendant has been in my family for generations..." He placed it on her. "I wish for you to have it..."

Quiyue slid her head into the necklace then looked down at it. I don't feel anything she said as her tail twitched back and forth.

Neoryi knelt infront of her, and scratched her behind the ear. "We may have to wait til tonight...."

Oh I understand, being under moonlight and all She said and gently nuzzled his hand I'm so excited I really hope something happens

As do I, Quiyue....

Alright now lets go upstairs together their is a whole day together before we see if this works she said gazing up at him.

Neoryi offered her the lead, says, "Any wishes?"

Quiyue walked ahead of him I wish that atleast I can spend the nights together with you in my human form she said looking at him over her shoulder with sad eyes before continuing on her way.

"I hope that happens..." he said softly.

I hope so to she said as she climbed up all the stairs

Til then... do you have another wish, my lady.....?

Gently she shook her head No nothing really she said softly as she walked ahead of him.

Neoryi stroked her fur. "There is a large library..."

"really? I havent read a book in a long time really its been forever ever since I started staying in zoos I havent read" She said looking up at him as they walked together.

"Would you like me to read to you?"

"I would love that" she said happily looking up at him.

Neoryi lead her into the study from before, and then over to a set of shelves. "This is just for show, though the books are true...." He reached out and laid his hand on top of a small statue of a wooden scene.

Quiyue stood there watching curiously wondering what was going on.

The shelves moved to reveal another hall way, but the hall was short lived for it opened up into a grand library with what looked like books even centuries old.

"Oh wow this is so beautiful! she said looking at the huge beautiful library.

"Thank you..." Neoryi said, stroking her fur.

Quiyue gently nuzzled his hand happily before she began walking around the library looking at it all.

"If you see anything you'd love to read... just tell me..."

Quiyue nodded Sounds good to me even though I wont be able to pick much of this wonderful selection being so short and all she laughed mind to mind. She walked along looking at what she could see, seeing what she might like.

Quiyue started to leviate off the ground.

She yelped freaking out. whats going on? she asked freaking out.

I am helping up higher to see the books on the higher shelves....

She laughed mind to mind with him Well deffinantly thank you she said happily and began to look around at the shelves at the amazing titles

She slowly moved around the room, up and down. Neoryi watched to see if she found anything.

Quiyue found a romance novel that caught her attention but thinking that a man like that wouldnt like something as cheesey as a romance book she went past it.

She was sat back on the ground, and the book floated off the shelf. Neoryi took the book into hand. "There is a couch this way..." he said softly, walking off a little bit, coming to sit on a long couch.

Quiyue walked over with him, she let him take a seat then gently hopped up on the couch and laid down so her head and big paws were on his lap.

Noeryi laid a hand on her head, stroking her. With the other hand, he opened the book, and began to read aloud for her.

Quiyue happily laid there listening to him, his voice was soothing and melodic. Listening to him just made her life feel so much easier so much more relaxed.

"I hope that you are enjoying it....Quiyue.... I saw you look at it... and..." he said softly.

"I am enjoying it Neoryi no worries about that." she said as she gently nuzzled his hand and gave it a little lick before snuggling up again happily.

Neoryi started to read once again, scratching behind her ear.

Gently she stretched out happily enjoying the romantic story, she always loved a good romance.

Footsteps could be heard out in the main smaller study, and Neoryi stopped reading, carefully listening.

Quiyue lifted her head and looked off into the direction off the footsteps then looked up at Neoryi worriedly. "are you expecting anyone?" she asked worriedly.

No... I'm not... I never am.... Neoryi said, setting the book down. He stood up carefully. Stay right here...

Quiyue laid there nervously praying that everything would be alright.

As Neoryi was walking over to the doorway, the footsteps got closer til a young man walked into the room, stopping death in his tracks when he saw Neoryi and Quiyue.

"Who are...?" Neoryi started, but then the young man started to run. Neoryi rushed after him.

Quiyue bolted to her feet and tore off chasing after them.

They all made it to the long hall way. The young man far off infront, however QUiyue was the one gaining on him.

Quiyue put herself into high gear like she would if she were hunting in China she tore faster after him suddenly lept in the air swiping her paw knocking his legs out from under him and knocking him to the ground.

The young man fell to the ground, rolling, and jumping up to face them ready for a fight.

"Who are you?!" called out Neoryi coming up.

The young man just glared at them, and reached behind him, grabbing something.

Quiyue snarled and roared ready to fight.

"Deaminu..." he said slowly.

"WHy are you in my home?" Neoryi asked.

"I've used this as my home for centuries... no one had been here.... but things started moving around...."

"That's because centuries ago I was held captive... and then I came back... and I've been coming and going searching for my family...."


Quiyue stood there quietly but crouched ready to fight if need be.

"Why did you come here to begin with...?"

"I..." Deaminu started. "...needed some place to live.... sleep...."

Quiyue turned and looked at Neoryi, she was worried about this she was nervous being around anyone, especially after the Sorcerer had said his pet would bring her to him.

"I don't know.... If I could like...." Neoryi started.

"I will leave..." the young man said suddenly.

Quiyue looked up at Neoryi, the decision was his.

"You must swear not to harm any I have staying on my land..." Neoryi said.

Deaminu looked confused to be allow to stay. "Yes... sir..."

Quiyue walked over behind Neoryi. Are you sure thats a good idea? especially with my secret? she asked wanting him to be sure he was making the right decision, this was his home so it was his decision on who stayed here.

I am sure... I will not let anything happen to you...

"You... have a beautiful tiger..." Deaminu said.

Her tail flicked back and forth as she watched him with her big blue eyes. Is it a good thing if I keep this necklace on then? I don't think it is, it might not be safe for me to turn into my human form with him around She asked as she gently nuzzled his hand.

Neoryi nodded. "She is...." Quiyue... we do not know if it will work yet.... we will see...

Quiyue gave a little nod. Alright I understand she then walked over and sat down infront of Deaminu looking up at him.

Deaminu cautiously reached out to pet her.

Quiyue... I will not let him hurt you...

Gently she lowered her head a little bit and laid her ears back letting him pet the top of her head. I know Neoryi, I just want him to know that he doesnt have to fear me

Alright.... love...

Deaminu stroked her head. "I... I am sorry for... running..."

Neoryi nodded.

Quiyue let him pet her head a little more then turned and walked back over sitting at Neoryi's side and gently nuzzled his hip.

Neoryi stroked her head. "Allow me to show you to a room you may use..."

Deaminu nodded.

Neoryi started walking off down the hall, Deaminu followed a ways back.

I'm scared to stay alone can I stay in your room with you while he's here? Quiyue asked walking along next to him.

Of course... I'd love for you to stay... with's no problem...

Thank you so much your so nice he said happily nuzzling his hand excited to stay with him.

They ended up in the hall where the bedrooms were. Neoryi opened the door to one of the rooms. "You can stay in this room when you are here.... Deaminu..."

Deaminu walked into the room looking around. "Thank you...sir...."

Neoryi nodded, scratching Quiyue's ear.

Quiyue melted against his side happily at the feeling as she waited for them to leave.

Neoryi started to walk away as Deaminu closed his door. We can go back to the library again...

Quiyue nodded happily. Sounds wonderful to me I was really enjoying the book she said walking along with him as they headed towards the library

When they made it back to the library, Neoryi picked up the book as he sat down.

Happily Quiyue snuggled up like she was before and relaxed listening to his sexy voice read the book.

After a while, Neoryi stopped reading the book. It's getting late, why don't we head to the room... the son will be setting...

Sounds good to me she nuzzled him happily then hopped off of him letting him up. I'm so excited! I really hope something happens she said standing there looking up at him.

Neoryi stood up, holding the book, a hand on her head. "I do too...."

Gently she nuzzled his hand as they walked along together, the sooner the better.

Neoryi opened the door to his room for Quiyue, allowing his to head in first. Quiyue was greeted by a room that had deep dark black purple walls and dark wood floors. The furiture in the room was a light oak wood, and the sheets were a dark green.

"Oh so pretty she said walking around the room gazing at it all.

"Thank you..." Neoryi said, walking over to a glass double door, that lead out to a balcony. He opened the doors and went out to watch the setting sun. I like to watch the sunset....

Oh wow Neoryi" she said as they began to watch the colors changing in the sky.

I know... that is how I feel every time I watch it...

Gently she nuzzled him happily as she watched the sunset, she hadnt felt this happy in a long time.

THe sunset finished, and Neoryi looked down at her. He looked sad.

The moon isnt up yet my love she said gazing up at him.

Neoryi nodded. I pray to the gods and goddesses of the world.... he thought to them both, but more to himself.

Suddenly she felt a tingle and looked down seeing a soft glow from the pendent its all warm and tingly she said softly.

Neoryi looked at her, a smile slowly coming on his face, but then the glow and tingling stopped. Quiyue...?

Quiyue didn't feel anything any more.

But suddently she felt another tingle. She snarled and stretched out her body. Neoryi its hurting she let out a whine of pain as it felt like the change was coming on but not.

Neoryi knelt down, and hugged her. "I'm here... I can take it off anytime.... just tell me... I don't want you to hurt...."

Back up quickly she said suddenly to him. when he did her body began to shimmer as suddenly the change took and soon before him on her hands and knees was Quiyue looking so breath taking in her human form. She took deep breaths and shivered as her body calmed down and rested in its place. "Neoryi" she gasped out as she stayed on her hands and knees. "Oh Neoryi it worked" she whispered as tears filled her eyes.

"...Quiyue..." Neoryi whispered moving back towards her. Just before he touched her, she shifted back. ((I have a surprise.... ^_^ Don't worry ^_^))

No no! She roared and slammed her paw on the floor as she sobbed in her mind.

Neoryi fell to his knees, and wrapped his arms around her. I'm so sorry...

She buried herself against him as her body shook, she was happy though that she had him here with her that she wasnt alone.

Quiyue... come on over to the bed.... you need to rest.... His voice was soft in her head, as he gently stroked her fur in comfort.

Gently she nodded. yes of course she said softly as she began to walk towards the bed. She hopped up onto the large beautiful bed and curled up on the end like the animal she was.

Neoryi walked over, and sat on the bed. "Quiyue..." Lay up here with me... please.... He reached down, stroking her fur gently.

She gently crawled up laying her head on the pillow. Gently she yawned as he stroked her fur not saying anything, she didnt want to talk right now.

Neoryi layed back, and stroked her fur. They both fell asleep like that. Quiyue dreamed that she was in Neoryi's arms again, as a human.

Quiyue slept well that night, their was no distractions no nightmares it was just a good adn wonderful dresm

As Quiyue was waking, she felt herself be pulled against a warm body, and hands against bare flesh. There was a breeze from the still open balcony.

Her body shivered from a chill as she buried herself against the warm body. It took her a few moments when suddenly she realized this wasnt part of her dreams. "Wha?" she let go of the warm body and put her hands on her body. "Oh my god, Oh my god!" she squeeled happily "I'm in my human body again!"

She saw Neoryi roll in his sleep, and subconsciously pull her back against him.

Gently she shook him to try and wake him up. "Neoryi, wake up" she said in a kind and loving tone trying to get him to see the miracle that had happend.

Neoryi's eyes slowly opened. "...Quiyue..." he whisper sleepily. He then just stared at her. "...You're...? Oh gods and goddesses...."

Quiyue nodded happily not caring she was nude. "Yes I'm in my human form again, and its daylight out" she said happily with tear filled eyes.

Neoryi nodded looking into her eyes. "Human... plus... hmmm..." He blushed lightly. "...You have a tail.... and.... cute ears...." He reached up, scratching her still tiger-ish ears that were among her long hair, and then lightly touched her tail.

She blushed feeling it, "Oh my the feels good" she unconciously really just melted against him at the feeling. "that feels really good" she said happily snuggled against him.

Neoryi pulled over the sheet, pulling it up over her. "You seemed cold...." He held her closer after covering her, still with the slight blush.

She gently blinked a couple of times gazing deeply into his eyes, her eyelids went half mast as she couldnt help but gaze into his eyes, and look at his plump kissable lips. unknown to her she didnt know that suddenly her eyes shifted to her tiger eyes, before Neoryi could say anything she kissed him unable to hold herself back any longer.

Neoryi kissed back, passionately. You are gorgeous, Quiyue.... His mental voice was soft.

Thank you your so sweet she thought back to him softly as she let her arms wrap around his neck while their lips stayed locked passionately. This felt so right to be with him like this.

After a while, he pulled back. "I am so happy for you, Quiyue....I'm glad that I was able to help you...."

"thank you so much" she said softly as she gently stroked his cheek. "you've done so much for me their is no way I can repay your kindness." she said lovingly.

"You don't have to repay me at all, Quiyue.... my heart...."

"Oh Neoyri" she said softly and buried herself in his arms nuzzling his strong muscular chest. "I love you so much" she said against him, her tiger instincts were telling her to take him as a mate, but she wasnt going to do that just yet she would wait and make sure he really wanted her before she gave into her tiger traits. Right now she wanted to just lay there and bask in his warmth and his rich scent.

"I want you happy..."

"Trust me, laying right here, I am happy I am very happy" she said snuggled against him as she gently traced her fingers over the muscles of his back enjoying the feeling of being able to hold the man of her dreams.

"I am happy to have you here with me too..." He kissed her neck gently.

She made a noise that sounded like a purr at how good that felt. "Oooh just like that" she said happily laying her head to the side baring her neck more to him. He was getting her excited from the smallest of touches.

"I..." He started, stopping the kisses. "I don't want to do anything that you don't want me to do...."

Suddenly he found himself pinned under her, her eyes blazing tiger eyes. "Listen if I don't want you to do something I'll tell you" she said playfully and seductively leaning down getting nose to nose with him. "Trust me, my love" she softly kissed him. "My mate" she softly kissed him again as she layed into the curves of his sexy muscular body again.

Neoryi was speechless, and just nodded in understanding, before pulling her into a closer hug.

Quiyue nuzzled his chest loving the feel of him like this. "Mmm I like this having you so close, skin on skin" She said seductively nuzzling him and playfully giving a soft tiger growl agianst his skin before giving his neck a little nip. "I'm sorry I'm so frisky its just being human body being able to touch you in a way I hadnt before while being still that bit of tiger" she said in a sexy tone.

Neoryi smiled more of a real true smile. "I understand Quiyue...I am glad that I had that artifact....."

"Good I'm glad to hear that" she said happily then letting out a sexy purr. "I also just want to enjoy it for all the time I have with you like this , I don't wnat to waist one moment" she said as she leaned down locking lips with him once more.

Neoryi flipped her pressing his lips against her's with passion. All the time you have with me? Are you planning on leaving...? I am not going anywhere...

Quiyue made a noise of joy when he had done that and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeply I don't plan on going anywhere either my love but you never know how long we may have this blessing of me having a human body, thats all I meant by the time I have with you like this

You stole my breath away when I first saw you in your human form....

Really? she asked shyly and adorably as he felt her hands trace over his muscular back while their lips didnt leave one another in the passion they were feeling at that moment.

Truly..... and you steal it away more and more every day that I visited you... and even more now....

She pulled back from his lips for a moment. "Oh Neoyri I love you so.." she gasped out softly and kissed him deeper, her heart pounding in her chest.

I love you too Quiyue.... He said, kissing back.

Quiyue was craving doing more in that moment with him then just kiss, the tigeress that she was was craving for it she wanted her mate to take her.

She felt his fingers trail over her skin, and he pulled back from the kiss, his eye's seeming to become something like her's but not. He moved down, kissing her neck.

She moaned at the feeling as her body suddenly felt so alive. "Oh Neoryi" she gasped out letting her fingers dig into his back a little bit while tears filled her eyes.

His kisses moved down her body, gently leaving a trace of himself on her skin. My Mate... the voice in her mind was Neoryi's, yet wasn't his. It was like it was a different person.

Her inner tigeress came to the surface calling out to Neoryi, or whoever that other person was inside of him, her tigeress seemed to long for that other peice of him. "Mate.." she whispered softly and filled with lust as she let her eyes flutter shut while he curessed her body with his lips remembering every curve and contour of his mate.

Neoryi kissed just above her belly button, then he lifted his head up so that he could see her eyes. What Quiyue saw were eyes that were an even brighter green yet cat like now. "Mine...." he whispered before moving the kisses farther down.

She gave a happy growl as she buried her fingers in his hair. "Mine" she growled out in her tigerish way, the magic between them growing into something all the more.

Neoryi moved back up so that he came back to kissing her lips.

Quiyue purred out kissing him back once more as she kept one hand in his hair while his other hand was on her back curessing his powerful muscles of his back. The magic grew more with each moment that passed between them she felt it along their skin as the sweat from their passion grew pulling them so much closer to something so much more.

**Knock, Knock**

Neoryi frooze, the strange eyes that were on his face looked ready to murder someone for the intruption.

"its probably Deaminu" she whispered softly to him as she pulled her tigeress back trying to calm him down hoping it would keep him from murdering whoever was outside that door. "Neoryi you need to calm down" she whispered trying to calm down herself since she was on edge wanting to rip them to shreds but being a weretiger by birth she knew how to pull that rage back. "Come on Neoryi you need to calm down" she whispered softly to him.

"I..." Neoryi closed his eyes, opening them again. "Quiyue.... what..."

**Knock Knock**

"Coming..." Neoryi said, getting up, pulling on a shirt and pants. The person at the door was not Deaminu, the person handed Neoryi a letter, and left. Neoryi walked back to the bed. "It's from your brother..."

Gently she took the letter from him and opened it reading it. She hadnt expected word from her brother so fast.

Sis... I thought to sent you word that I was fine... and still on my way to the family... please becareful around Neoryi.... I couldn't say anything before.... but I'm weary of him... I love you Quiyue...

Quiyue gently folded the letter and put it to her chest. "Oh Lei" she said softly to herself.

Neoryi looked at Quiyue. "Is everything okay?"

She nodded and smiled up at him. "Yes its alright its just Lei being a good over protective brother" she said with a soft giggle. Gently she put her letter to the side on the nightstand and climbed out of bed. "Well this isnt good I'm human but I have no clothes" she said standing there in the nude as he tail flicked back and forth.

Neoryi headed over to the large closet, and pulled out a elven silk robe. "You can use this for now, love..."

"Thank you" she smiled at him as she walked over to him and gently took the robe. She slid on the robe and tied the sash. "You don't know how much I've missed the feeling of silk on my skin" she said running her hands down her sides.

"Elven silk is even softer against the skin..." he said softly.

"it feels amazing" she said softly as her back was to him unknown that the hunger, those wild primal eyes were coming back as he watched her curess the silk across her body.

Being out of her tigeress mating mode, Quiyue felt like there was something wrong in the room. Like there was another creature in the room.

Quiyue spun around. "Neoryi?" Thats when she saw his eyes. "Neoryi, come back to me baby" she said trying to get him to wake up.

"Quiyue..." he said softly, blinking his eyes. "I'm sorry... I have to go take care of some things..... I'm sorry..."

"Its alright Neoryi" she went over and gave him a little kiss. "I guess I'll see you later then" she said softly.

"There are clothes in your room's closet.... I won't be gone long...."

"Alright then, But umm what do you want me to do if I run into Deaminu?" she asked curiously.

"You just arrived...?" he said smiling at her.

"How do I explain the matching ears to your tiger?" she asked playfully walking up putting her hands on his chest gazing into his eyes.

Neoryi took a deep breath, and then quickly kissed her. "Just tell him that I didn't it to you because I thought it was cute..."

Quiyue giggled and pulled him down for another longer kiss. "Alright" she said pulling back. "I'll tell him that if I run into him. I'll see you later" she winked playfully then headed out off down the hall to her bedroom where she would wait for him.

**tap tap** She heard on her bedroom window.

"What the?" she asked softly growing nervous as she went over to the window opening the curtains.

On the balcony railing, was a falcon sitting there.

"What in the world?" she grew nervous and just stood there watching it, not trusting it.

The falcon looked towards her then started scratching at its leg. There seem to be a note on its leg.

She opened the window then gently took the note off of his leg. "Now who's messaging me?" she asked softly. "Thank you kind falcon" she smiled and gently stroked his head before reading the message.

"This is my hundredth letter Neoryi..... I don't know if you are here or not.... why did you disappear again after that sorceror thing... please answer my letters ~~Your Father"

She looked at the letter curiously "Neoryi" she said softly as she gently pet teh falcon again then, closing the window she set the note on her bed then made her way to teh closet to pick something to wear.

The closet held many beautiful gowns, simple dresses, and even some kimonos. All in such beautiful colors.

"Oh wow so beautiful!" she squeeled and went through them all. She decided on a beautiful knee length green chinese dress with gold trim on the edges of the dress and golden leaves embroidered across teh fabric. "Perfect" she said happiy as she looked at herself in the mirror as her tail swayed back and forth. She liked how she looked like this she felt she looked cute.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that a jewelry box had appeared on the dresser, opening up to reveal jewelry that all went well with the dress.

"Oh wow" she said smiling looking at all the items. But then she looked down at the moon pendent worriedly. "I don't think I'm aloud to take this off" she said softly to herself as her tail flicked back and forth with the tension on her body.

All the jewelry went with the moon pendant. She also had a feeling that the pendant wouldn't easily come off her neck.

She giggled and then put her jewelry on. "Wow it all looks great" she twirled around in a circle feeling so happy.

She heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Quiyue stayed quite she didnt know if it was Neoryi coming and she hopped it wasnt Deaminu because she didtn want to see him without Neoryi there with her.

The footsteps went pass her door, and disappeared.

"I wonder who that was" she said softly and popped open the door. Gently she looked back and forth down the hall. "I wonder wear Neoryi is" she didnt like waiting. She went over to the bed grabbing the note and went to go see if she could find him.

She didn't find Neoryi, but she did find Deaminu in a sitting room looking at a picture.

Quiyue hid around the corner not wanting to run into him and then moved continuing on her way seeing if she could find Neoryi.

She heard Neoryi's voice coming from down the hall.

She followed the sound of his voice seeing if she could find him wondering what he was up to. She was barefoot since she hadnt worn shoes in a long time.

"So many letters.... why does father keep trying to do this...." She heard him sigh.

"Here's another letter for your pile Neoryi, your father's falcon delivered it" she said walking into the room and over to him.

Neoryi spun around. "Quiyue...? I... I'm sorry.... my father sents these letters every day...."

Quiyue smiled. "What are you sorry silly? I just came looking for you" she smiled and walked over wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him into a little kiss. "Its ok I was just wondering where you were so I cam looking for you" She giggled and gave him another kiss.

Neoryi smiled back, returning the kiss. "It's just my father... and these letters of his..."

"Honey, don't think about it. He's not here and you have a tigeress standing in front of you who wants to take your mind off of things" she pulled him down and kissed him deeply hoping to get his minds off of the thoughts of his father and onto better things they had each other now.

Neoryi hugged her to him. "I love you..." he said and kissed Quiyue with passion.

Quiyue made a happy noise in her throat as she kissed him back deeply with just as much passion. After a few moments she pulled back playfully biting her lower lip. "I love you to" she said lovingly and seductively as she gazed into his eyes.

"I don't have to tame that wild tiger in you do I?" he said jokingly.

"Maybe"her voice was a deep seductive purr as her eyes glowed with power as she gazed at him as she leaned in kissing his neck seductively before giving him a little bit here and there which felt so good the way she did it.

"Mmmm... my tigeress.... you are one in a million..." He moved down to nip and kiss her neck.

She growled out a happy growl. "You are as well my gorgeous elf" she sighed happily as he pleasured her neck. Her hands gently traced over his sides loving the feel of his muscular body under her hands.

"You are mine...." he growled out.

"No one else's" she growled back, She was feeling like she had before that morning. That deep lust seemed to vibrate from deep inside of her that it was turning into a need. Her nails shifted into claws and gently grazed down his sides.

"Oh... you tiger..." He grabbed her and throw her down on the couch in the room.

Quiyue squeeled landing on the couch, then pushed herself up and growled seductively. "Come here you" she purred out and crooked her finger for him to come closer. "I'll show you how truely a tiger I am" she licked her lips as he body throbbed for him.

Neoryi growled, and his eyes shifted again. "Here I come kitty..." He jumped on her, his hands exploring all of her, his lips nipping and licking and kisses what flesh was exposed.

"Wait wait hang on" she said and quickly undid her dress while she listened to his growl as she slid it over her head and then he had her there under him in the nude. "There" she purred out sexually. "Its just such a nice dress I didnt want to ruin it" she said tossing it to the side as she then brought her hands sliding them down his back letting her nails gently scrape against his skin as she gently nipped at his bottom lip bringing out that intense lust once more.

Neoryi attacked her in a way, working his way down her body.

Quiyue gasped in pleasure her body on fire. "Neoryi" she gasped out as she sllid her fingers deep in his lush blonde hair. Magic filled the air around them as they continued in this deep lust filled passion.

Neoryi moved back up and then she felt it as it entered, as he took her into happy hour.

a few hours and many positions later, Quiyue laid on Neoryi's chest feeling to happy and so content gently she traced the muscules of his chest with her index finger. "Heavens merciful that was amazing Neoryi" she said happily in a lusty breathy voice.

"I... would agree.... Quiyue...." he replied, trying to catch his breath. He pulled her tight against his chest.

Quiyue happily snuggled against him nuzzling his chest. "My mate" she purred out. He was her mate and she was never letting go of him in her life. She was happy here with him no matter what her brother said.

Her stomach started to growl.

Quiyue blushed and giggled. "I guess I've gone from one ravenous appetite to another" she said playfully as she gave him a little kiss then climbed off of him and grabbed her dress putting it back on.

Neoryi pulled on his pants. "I understand the feeling love..."

Quiyue giggled as she finished buttoning her chinese dress. "I'm glad you do" she stole a kiss from him. "Now lets get something good to eat." she smiled lovingly up at him.

Neoryi pulled his shirt over his head, and opened the door for her. "After you..."

"Oh why thank you kind sir" she said playfully as she walked out of the room ahead of him then when he came out after her she wrapped her arm around his as they walked off down the hall together.

Neoryi took her into the kitchen and started to make them each a lunch using fresh vegetables.

Quiyue slid her arms around his waist. "Can I do anything to help?" she asked playfully before giving his neck a little kiss.

"Bring out the plates and glasses, my sweet...if you will..."

"Of course" she let go of him and put the plates out, she hoped he was making some meat also, she was liking the smells of the vegitables but she was a tigeress so she did need meat of one kind or another.

Then she smelled it, fresh cooking meat, and then the smell of fresh bread.

"Mister you are a fantastic cook and I havent even eaten any of it yet" she said taking in a deep breath smelling the delicious scents as she sat down at the table watching him.

Neoryi turned and smiled at her after placing the food carefully on the plates. He took them over to the table. "Thank you My Lady Quiyue..." He then turned back and poured them some drinks, before setting them in front of her's and his' plates. "I hope you enjoy the taste just as you did the smells..."

She took a bite of the meat. "Oh heavens be merciful this is so good" she purred out happily as she ate more of the delicious food.

"I'm glad that you like it..."

Quiyue blushed and giggled. "I love it Neoryi its truely delicious" she smiled lovingly over at him then continued to eat.

Noeryi started to eat too, smiling back. He then looked serious. "Again... I'm sorry about my father's letter..."

"Again don't be sweety its not your fault, I just really want to beat the crap out of your father now is all" she said before taking a bite.

"But you don't know fully the reasons for the letters...."

"oh I don't but don't be mad at me but I read the one the falcon brought to me and he said Sorcerer thing Thats enough reason for me to beat him" she said with a growl behind it as she ate some bread.

Neoryi nodded. "I'm sorry still..."

"Neoryi please don't be sorry" She said lovingly and gently took his hand in hers. "Really there is nothing you should be sorry for" she said lovingly.

Neoryi nodded. "Would you like to walk with me?"

"I'm not done eating yet though" she said playfully as she ate a bite of her vegetables. 

"I was meaning after we finish..."

Quiyue giggled. "I would love to go for a walk with you after we finish" she said lovingly.

Neoryi smiled, and finished up his food.

Quiyue finished her food as well then gently dabbed her mouth with her napkin. "Mmm truely fantastic Neoryi" she giggled.

Neoryi took hold of her hand, kissing it. "Thank you my lady..."

Quiyue giggled. "You are very welcome my darling" she said standing with him. "shall we go for our walk?" she asked running her thumb across the back of his hand.

"Yes..." Neoryi said offering his arm.

Quiyue gently took his arm as they then headed off together, she snuggled against him happy for this moment with him.

Neoryi walked with her through the garden's, stopping only when he went to pick a moonlilly, and placing it in her hair.

"Oh Neoryi your so sweet" she smiled lovingly up at him and gently nuzzled him.

"Anything for my mate," he said caressing her cheek.

"I really love it when you call me that" she said lovingly gazing into his eyes.

"Then my mate.... I'm sorry..."

"What are you sorry about sweety?" she asked worriedly.

Neoryi scooped her up, and spun her around, ending with throwing her up into the air.

Quiyue screamed freaking out not knowing what was going on.

Neoryi caught her, holding her close, still spining around, ending with kissing her deeply.

When Neoryi had caught her she had been giggling and she had her arms wrapped around his neck kissing him back just as deeply and happily.

"I loved that...."

"First part scared the daylights out of me but after that I loved it" she giggled and smiled happily. "you naughty mate you" she nuzzled him playfully and gently twirled a chunk of his hair with her index finger.

"I did that instead of my first playful thought," he said smiling down at her.

"What was your first playful thought?" she asked curiously before giving his cheek a kiss.

"You'll find out later..." he said winking.

"Neoryi your so bad" she giggled snuggling against his chest.

"I know.... though not all the time...."

"No not all the time" she giggled as she snuggled against him and took in a deep breath taking in his rich scent.

"We will be having fun..."

"Oh will we now?" she asked adorably looking up at him.

Neoryi kissed her. Don't you think so...?

"Of course I do I was just being silly" she said as he pulled back then pulled him down into another kiss.

Neoryi smiled a little. "Come...."

"Yes my love" she said as she hugged his arm again as they once more began to walk.

Neoryi walked with Quiyue through more of the gardens. "It is a beautiful day...."

Quiyue took a deep breath. "Mmm yes it is, this is one thing I love about being here is that the air is just so fresh" she said happily. "Living in cities for the past... How ever many years it was I lived so long in that sickening pollution of theres." she said with a sigh.

"Mortals have turned the planet against itself..."

'Yes they have, I remember when the planet was in its hay day so long ago when mortal, immortal and elemental all lived together in peace" she said as she gently and happily snuggled against him.

Neoryi nodded. "Yeah... it was the life..." He sounded distant as if trying to remember something, but Quiyue couldn't really tell.

Quiyue gently nuzzled his arm but didnt say anything; if he wanted to tell her he would when he was ready.

He lead her back to the manor. "Now, my lady.... your wish is my command..."

"Oh is it now?" she asked playfully looking at him curiously on what he was up to.

"Yes... what is your wish..." he said, smiling and bowing to her.

"Well then" she thought about it. "could we go to your room and would you give me a massage then we could take a bubble bath together?" she asked playfully.

Neoryi kissed her. As you wish...

Quiyue sighed happily into the kiss with him feeling so in love with him.

Neoryi pulled back, and lead QUiyue inside and up to his room. "Lay down, my lady... so as I may give you the massage you asked for..." he said with a smile.

"Mmm sounds fantastic" she crawled onto the big lush bed and layed down putting her arms under her head watching him over her shoulder.

Neoryi walked over to the side of the back, and placed his hands on her shoulders, starting to work at them. His hands slide down to her back and rubbed and nedded her muscles to relax them.

"Oooh Neoryi that feels good" she groaned out slumpping into the bed and moaning.

He continued to work at her shoulders and back, working his way down her back to her lower back.

"Oooh magic fingers magic fingers..." she groaned out into the pillow that her face was in as he worked on her body. She turned her head to the side. "Oh my heavens you are really good at that" she said seductively watching him over her shoulder.

"I've.....had pratice..." the last to words in his statement were in a whisper.

Quiyue nodded and buried her face into the pillow again enjoying the feeling of his hands on her back.

Neoryi continued to work her back, but there was something in his voice that spoke of him having 'practiced' on him.

"Alright now its your turn" she said suddenly as she rolled over on her back then sat up.

"Wha...but... I thought I was going to run a bubble bath for us...." Neoryi said sounding lightly confused.

"But I don't wnat you to feel like I'm using you I want you to feel this is even and I want to make you happy and make you feel good also by giving you a massage" she said lovingly as she gently nuzzled hsi cheek.

"Alright love... but I must say that I would have never thought you were using me..." he said as he kissed her cheek, then laid down.

"Awww your so cute" she giggled happily and laid a soft kiss on his back. "I also just like making you feel good" she said playfully as she began to massage his back. "Sorry if I'm not that good" she said shyly.

Neoryi let out a little moan of content. "No... not good.... great..." he moaned out. "Thank you my mate..."

"Your welcome I'm glad I can make you feel better your back feels so tense" she said playfully sliding her hands across his back. Playfully she strattled his waist to get a better reach over his back and really work out those knots

"Father hasn't helped after I was able to leave that place....with he letters...." he mumbled.

"Yeah from the pile on the table and your reaction to it all. I can tell that its been really bothering you" she said leaning down and softly kissing the curve of his neck as she continued to rub his back. "Why don't you take your shirt off it will make the massage better" she said playfully.

Neoryi did as she suggested and laid back down. "Thank you love..."

"Your welcome" she laid a soft kiss on his back and returned to massaging him working at the sore knots she felt in his back. "How's my gorgeous mate feeling now?" she asked in a loving and kinda seductive purr.

As she worked on his back, she could see faded scars all over his back.

She laid another soft gentle kiss on his back as seh continued to massage him. She never wanted another scar to touch his body she wanted to make sure he was always safe and happy.

Neoryi shivered under the kisses. "Feels... so... great..."

"Does it" she asked before she leaned down and gave him another soft kiss on his back as she worked his strong powerful back. Kissing over his lean strong muscles.

"You had better be careful with those kisses.... I may not be able to control myself..." he growled out softly.

"Oh now is that a bad thing" she asked playfully as she began to continue kissing his body softly; then she moved up kissing his neck as she rubbed his back all the more.

"It's not a bad thing at all... mmmmmmm that feels so good....." he muttered.

"Does it now?" she asked with a soft purr in his ear. "Does this make my Mate feel really good?" she asked seductively as she rubbed his lower back as she pushed her thumbs hard into his lower back muscles causing him to feel so amazing.

"Yes...." he growled out. The lust from before was there, and as he looked back at her, those eyes were back. "...yes...."

"Mmmm well thats good, I just want to make you feel so good" she said letting out a rich seductive pur.

Neoryi rolled under her and pulled her down against him, and kissed her passionately. A hand on the back of her head, and the other on her lower back.

Quiyue ran her nails over his back as she kissed him passionately feeling that hot magic forming quickly between them again.

Neoryi rolled them over so that he was staddling her, and kissed her body as he began to undress her in the heat of the magic between them.

She let out a long happy growl as she laid her head back and clsoed her eyes basking in the feeling of it all. "Just like that" she opened her eyes which were glowing vibrantly with power and had shifted to look like a true tiger's once more. Her body wasnt going back any time soon, it just craved his touch like no other at that moment.

Neoryi's own eyes were back to those wild eyes. He started to remove clothing, exposing her skin as he kissed it hungerly.

Quiyue cried out in pleasure burying her hand in his long hair. it was easy to get her clothing off since all she had on was a dress since she didnt even have any panties on.

Neoryi took her then and there, heat moving between them as deep magic.

The hours passed and it was later that they were curled up under the covers, Quiyue was fast asleep feeling so good after everything that had happened that day. She had never felt so happy in her life and she was with the man of her dreams.

((Alright, now pick a number between 1-10, and then pick a second number->it can be the same number ^_^ ))

((lol well for the first 10 and the second 6))

((YAY!! ^_^ ))

Quiyue knew it, yet she didn't know how, but... She was PREGNANT!

((LOL!! I Knew it!!))

Quiyue woke up and put her hand on her stomach. "No way" she said softly to herself then she thought about it and realized it. They really had been mating and now, now she was pregnant. She felt some deep rich satisfaction inside of herself knowing that. She looked over her shoulder and saw Neoyri fast asleep and wondered how she was going to tell him.

Neoryi rolled over, pulling her closer to him. He mumbled, "My...mate..."

Quiyue giggled softly as he snuggled against her back. "My mate" she said lovingly as as slid her hand over his that he had put on her stomach. "My mate indeed" she said lovingly.

Neoryi kissed her cheek in his sleep. "Beautiful...." he mumbled.

Quiyue giggled and smiled to herself as she slid her hand over her stomach. "Your going to make a wonderful father" she whispered to herself as she yawned and soon drifted off to sleep snuggled up to the man of her dreams.

Just as she was almost fully asleep, she heard him full say in a mumbled sleep voice, "...Children..."

Then Quiyue was pulled off into a deep and satisfying sleep once more snuggled up in the warmth of her love.

She dreamt of many children, all of yet were gifted with the gifts of their parents.

Quiyue sighed happily in her sleep as the dream of their big beautiful family together with Neoryi safe and protected from all that would hurt them. she woke up to the feeling of someone gently curessing her stomach. "Mmmm?" she looked over her shoulder at Neoryi. "Hey sweety" she smiled lovingly at him still really sleepy.

"If I am to believe my dream... we are going to hae beautiful children..." he said, and kised her neck.

She giggled at the feeling of his lips in the curve of her neck. "Yes I, I think I am pregnant, I felt it not long ago I just... I just know" she said blushing adorably.

"You are... I know it....absolutely, you are my pregnant mate..."

Quiyue squeeled and flipped around hugging her arms tightly around his neck. "Oh Neoryi this is wonderful!" she said hugging him tight then pulled back and realized that his eyes still seemed feline. "I'm so happy, This feels so right to me" she said lovingly and adorably.

"As do I... you are my mate now and forever..." he growled sexily with a smile.

"I love the sounds of that" she said growling playfully back gently nuzzling him softly on the cheek. "I wonder though" she said pulling back and just sitting there she put her hand on her stomach. "I'm wondering how long its going to take our little one to grow" she said thinking about it since she wasnt really normal one way or another and with him being the father who knew what was going to happen.

"I... don't know... sorry..."

"Its alright, I didnt expect you to know" she said smiling at him lovingly before suddenly pouncing on him and pinning him to the bed.

Neoryi gazed up at her, confused. "Wha..."

She giggled "I was just feeling playful" she said gazing down at him lovingly.

Neoryi pulled her down, kissing her passionately.

Quiyue sighed melting into the kiss with him feeling so happy and so in love. She pulled back and gently nuzzled him. "Its a good thing my brother isnt here, he would have a fit if he knew I was pregnant, he doesnt like you to much" she said cutely as her little ears laid back looking so cute above him.

"He doesn't?" Neoryi curiously.

"well its not that he doesnt like you" she said with a sigh as she laid down ontop of him. "its that he just doesnt trust you, he's protected me so long and then you suddenly come into my life he's just really protective of me" she said lovingly.

"I hope that I will gain his trust, just as I have with you...." he growled sexily.

"Oh you've gained much more then just my trust" she said and leaned down softly giving his neck little nips causing little shocks of pleasure inside of him.

"Thank you, my Quiyue..." he said with a quiver of pleasure in his voice, his arms holding her tighter.

She pulled back and smiled down at him. "You are always welcome my darling."

"I will treasure you always..." he mumbled into her skin.

"Awww Neoyri your such sweety" she giggled gazing down at him.

"Now... we must write your brother.... those letters of his shouldn't be one way otherwise he may think I did something terrible to you..."

Quiyue giggled. "Umm curious question do you think I should tell my brother I'm pregnant with our cubs?" she asked moving so she was sitting on him strattling his waist and put her hand on ehr stomach thinking about it.

Her stomach grew under her hand, to be as if she was three months pregnant.

"I don't know..." said Neoryi slowly, having seen what had happened.

Quiyue blushed bright red. "Oh heavens what's going on?" she asked worriedly as she rubbed her swollen belly blushing at how much she loved the feeling but still freaked out by having seen herself seem to have swelled up like that.

"I have no idea, idea..."

Quiyue gently got off of him and her stomach growled deeply in hunger. "Man I'm starving now" she said shyly sitting there rubbing her belly confused on what was going on.

"Why don't I make us dinner?"

"That sounds wonderfully" she gave him a soft kiss then climbed out of bed. Gently she rubbed her belly as she went over to the closet where she looked for clothing to wear, not knowing what to do since none of the fabrics were really stretchy material being silk and all.

Neoryi came up behind her, taking out a simple green gown. "I was told my mother wore this when she was pregnant..."

Quiyue blushed, "I I wouldnt feel right wearing something of your mothers" she said shyly.

"You had earlier...." he said softly.

"That dress was your mothers? I didnt know" she blushed feeling like she had offended him. "Alright I'll wear it" she said and gently took the green dress and pulled it on. She looked down at herself shy to ask how she looked since she thought she had offended him.

"You have a beautiful glow about you, my love..." He kissed her. "Just as you had before..."

"you really think so?" she asked looking up at him and blushed as his hand slid across her belly. for the first time since it had swelled out like that.

"Of course.... now what would be your dream dinner?"

She blushed. "I'm really not sure" she said shyly. "You pick" she looked up at him with her big beautiful eyes feeling kind of stupid since she didnt know what she wanted.

Neoryi kissed her gently. "Then I will surprise you...."

"Alright baby" she said lovingly and kissed him softly in return then taking his hand walked with him off to the kitchen.

When they got to the kitchen, Neoryi sat Quiyue down in a chair, and then went over to the food storage, pulling out many different ingredients.

Quiyue sat in her chair with a hand on her belly as she watched him work. She knew he would be a great father, it was just an air about him that he would be great.

Ah...more...pets... the voice was distant and then gone.

Quiyue shivered and rubbed her arms. She didnt want to scare Neoryi so she kept it to herself.

A blanket appeared on her shoulders. Neoryi looked back at her. "There you go.... I don't want you to get sick...."

"Thank you sweety" she said lovingly hugging the blanket to her as she watched him work.

"Now..." he said turning around to look at her. "Time to eat..." In his hands were two plates, each one having a beautiful aray of vegetables and beef all in a stir fry.

"Oh wow that looks and smells fantastic" she smiled lovingly as he set it down in front of her gently she took a bite "Oh heavens thats so good" he said happily at the taste.

"I'm glad you like it..."

She chowed down on two servings and two glasses of juice before she was done. "Mmmm you are an amazing cook" she giggled and smiled lovingly at him as she sat there gently stroking her belly. "And our cubs probably loved it to" she said looking down at her stomach for a moment before looking at him with a loving smile.

"I'm gladd to help all of you..." he said with a smile, and then a kissed to her cheek and lips.

As they kissed her hand slid deeply into his hair and suddenly she deepened the kiss her body craving it all of a sudden from him.

Neoryi pulled her up from her seat, deepening the kiss even more.

Quiyue kissed him deeply, and pushed herself tighter up against him not knowing what was coming over her and it seemed to be infectious and coming over him as well.

Neoryi lead her, still kissing over to a couch, sitting them down, pulling her on top of him.

Quiyue hungerly made out with him something burning bright as she pulled at his clothes wanting them off, wanting skin on skin.

Neoryi slowly removed her clothes, as he kissed more and more of her skin.

Quiyue blushed and sighed softly as his lips curessed her belly when he reached it lingering on that which carried the life of their cubs before he continued on. It wasn't long until their lips were locked again. Quiyue rolled over so she was on bottom now.

Neoryi pulled his clothes off, and gently took her into a slow and gentle happy hour.

When they finished Quiyue laid there with him snuggled up happy. "I don't know what came over me baby" she said lovingly. "But I'm so glad it did" she giggled adorably.

"I've never felt like that before was as if instinct took over... It was wonderful..."

"Oh it was wonderful indeed" she giggled playfully as she sat up looking down at him.

"We may want to get dressed because of... you know..."

Quiyue turned red "So true" she pullled on the dress and smoothed out her dress before resting her hand on her pregnant belly.

Neoryi quickly got dressed, and then sat next to her, pulling her close. He then kissed her cheek. "It was wonderful..."

She buried herself against him happily and let out a long sigh. "Yeah" she didnt know what else to say as she curled against him. she was happy there and didnt want to ruin the moment.

"What's on your mind...?"

"I'm just wondering that since the baby or babies" she said that since they didnt know. "already grew this fast" she gently took his hand and placed it on her belly. "If we should get to work on a nursery?" she asked curiously looking up at him over her shoulder.

"And with you as far as you are... I don't want you working on all of that.... though I'd love to hear how you want it so that I can make it your dream nursery..."

"I'm not that far along" she said adorably, "I only look like I'm about three months along. and I'm not really sure about the nursery I never thought I would have children to tell you the truth" she said in a soft shy tone.

"We should have some time, love... and I am so glad that it is you and I..."

"I am to sweety" she said lovingly looking at him over her shoulder and gently pulled him down for a kiss then pulled back and leaned back into his arms and sighed happily as he rubbed his hands across her belly.

"Would you like to...." Neoryi stopped, looking towards the doorway.

Quiyue looked at the doorway as well.

Deaminu stood in the door way. "I am sorry to distrube you, sir..."

Neoryi nodded. "It is is your time here?"

"Quiet when I walk the hall... has your tigeress run off to hunt?" Deaminu then bowed to Quiyue. "Or was we more than meets the eye?"

"Not everything is what is seems in the world sir" she smiled and bowed gently to him in return as she stayed snuggled up to Neoryi's side.

"Of course Quiyue..." Deaminu said heading in towards the kitchen.

Quiyue snuggled against Neoryi, "Now what were you going to say when he came in?" she asked cutely.

"Would you like to head back to the mortal realm...?"

"Why? I like it here, and I really cant go out in public" she said as her ears twitched.

"Then come... we will go to a place that will still your breath away..."

"Oh that sounds wonderful" she said lovingly as she stood up from the couch one hand resting on her belly as she did.

He pulled her to him, so that he could kiss her belly.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled when he did loving the feeling of his hands curessing the sides of her belly. "Saying hi to our cubs?" she asked lovingly as she felt a tingling sensation deep down inside of her but she ignored it thinking it was just because of the pregnancy.

" love...." Neoryi stood up and took her hand in his. "Shall we?"

Deaminu came out from the kitchen. "See ya, may be..." He left ahead of them.

Quiyue looked up at Neoryi not likeing the comment Deaminu had made, it made her uncomfortable.

Neoryi pulled her closer. "Don't worry... I won't allow him to harm you in any way..."

Quiyue nodded snuggling against his chest. "I trust you"

Neoryi kissed her. "To the stables?"

"Alright" she giggled taking his hand as he lead her off.

Neoryi lead them to a stable a little ways rom the manor, inwhich housed several mares and stallions.

"Oh wow their so beautiful" she smiled stroking one of the mares on the head. "I wish I could ride them" she said softly more to herself but she couldnt since she was pregnant.

"Then it is a wonderful thing that this is also where I keep a carriage, now isn't it?" he said with a smile, guiding her to the back to a white carriage.

"Oh wow its so beautiful!" she said happily gazing at it then turned looking at Neoryi. "you just have everything don't you?" she asked cutely standing there looking up at him.

"It belonged to my family...when they lived here that is...."

"Well now you and I can enjoy it" she placed her hand on her belly. "With our family" she said lovingly and giggled as he came close to her sliding his hands across her belly.

"Of course," Neoryi said, and then kissed her. He then went and helped her up into the carriage. "I will be right back, I need to get the horses..."

Quiyue made herself comfortable in the carriage as she waited for him wondering where he was taking her.

A while later, Neoryi came into the carriage. "The horses know were we are going..."

"Really? how do they know?" she asked curiously.

"Because they are elven horse.... you can put an unconscious man or woman or child on one and they will take them to the nearest town..."

"Wow thats really impressive" she said and squeeked as the carriage lurched into motion, she blushed and giggled curling up against Neoryi as they headed off. "So my love where is it that you are taking us?" she asked gazing up at him.

Neoryi wrapped an arm around her shoulders, holding her close. "That is the surprise...." he said, as he kissed her forehead.

"Alright alright" she said lovingly as she snuggled up against him, making herself comfortable for the ride.

Neoryi kissed her forehead again. "I know you will love it..."

Quiyue giggled and snuggled happily against him playfully she took his hand and put it on her stomach. "How many do you think we're going to have?" she asked lovingly.

"I don't know... but I don't care as long as they are ours..."

"Awww Neoryi your such a sweety" she gently pulled him down for a loving kiss as they snuggled there together.

A while later, the carriage made the motion of having stopped. Neoryi smiled down at her, kissing her lips. "Now I would like you to close your eyes..."

"Alright" she said lovingly and gently closed her eyes letting him lead her to whatever he was going to show her.

After some guiding, Neoryi stopped her, and gently turned her so that she was facing some way. "One... two... three..." he said. "Open your eyes..." What met Quiyue's sight was indeed a breath taking sight. They were standing on a cliff, with grand mountians off in the distance, and below a vast valley with scattered farms and manors and fields. All the colors of the flowers, trees, and building truly made the sight wonderful.

"Oh Neoryi! this is so beautiful!" she said gazing at the sight before her. Tears filled her eyes looking over the landscape. "This is like something out of a fairy tale" she said lovingly.

Neoryi wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her. He then kissed her neck. "I know...then again it is elven landscape...."

"Its perfect" she said lovingly. "I I could see us raising a family here together" she said lovingly as she leaned back into his arms basking in the warmth of his embrace.

"I can too love...I truly can...would you like to go to one of the shops?"

"That sounds absolutely lovely" she said with a giggle turning around in his arms looking up at him.

"I want you to pick out something special..." he said and kissed her lips.

"Oh like what?" she asked curiously wondering if he had something in mind.

"Anything you would love..."

"Ooh that sounds wonderful" she squeeled and giggled hugging him tight.

Neoryi smiled, and helped her back into the carriage. "What have you missed the most?"

"I'm not really sure, I've been a tiger for so many years, I've been used to simple things" she giggled taking her seat.

"Yet you have missed the silk on your skin...soft, beautiful skin..."

"Is that a hint of lust I hear in your voice?" she asked playfully gently curessing his jaw with her finger tips.

He playfully nipped at her finger.

Quiyue squeeked and giggled pulling her finger out of reach. "I'll take that as a yes" she growled seductively.

"Of course..." he pulled her close, nipping at her neck.

Quiyue moaned softly at the feeling. "Ooh you know just where momma tiger likes it" she said sighing happily as his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Oh yes I do, it seems..." her growled. The carriage soone came to a stop. Neoryi stepped out, and reached a hand to her. "My lady..."

"My lord" she said playfully and gently took his hand as he helped her up and out of the carriage.

Neoryi helped her from the carriage and lead her into the nearest shop. It was a beautiful shop with some of the most beautiful gowns and dresses Quiyue had ever seen.

"Oh wow their beautiful!" she said gazing at them all and blushed wondering if she would fit in them since it didnt look like this store catered to pregnant women. But it would be nice to get some clothes for when she's not pregnant. stuff for herself to call her own. she loved Neoyri's mothers clothes but to be able to call some gowns her own again would be wonderful.

"Beautiful aren't they?"

"Yes their absolutely gorgeous" she said walking over to a gorgeous green and gold silk dress running her fingers over the fabric.

"Dragon silk... pretty isn't it?" came the voice of the store keeper.

"Its gorgeous, and so soft" she said with a smile as she then turned to look at the store owner.

"Very durable, and strong as hell... perfect for one with child..."

"Really? it doesnt look like its made for a pregnant woman" she said pulling the dress off the rack looking at it.

"It is indeed, m'lady... it works with one's body..."

"Works with the body?" Quiyue asked confused.

"Dragon silk is like Elven silk.. yet with Dragon silk it forms to the body..." said Neoryi.

"Oh wow thats amazing" she said looking at the dress but then laid her ears back nervously. "But it must be so expensive I I don't want you spending alot of money on me" she said softly.

"You are worth it...." Neoryi said softly, kissing her cheek, a arm wrapped around her waist, resting on her stomach.

Quiyue sighed happily against him. "Alright if it really is alright with you. You know I think the dragon silk would be the best, you know since I would be able to get the most use out of it" she smiled lovingly up at him. "But only if its ok with you."

"Of course... as long as you allow me to get a few more like it... and some other gowns, as well as jewelry..."

Quiyue giggled. "Aww your so good to me" she said lovingly gazing up at him and gave him a soft kiss before she began to go shopping once more.

Neoryi followed her, watching for where her eyes fell.

Her gaze lingered over a gorgeous red and black dragon silk gown, mainly red with the black gorgeous designs across it, but she saw the price tag and quickly moved on to something else.

Neoryi quietly spoke with the shopkeeper, and the woman picked up the gown.

That happened quite a few more times, for many different colored gowns, purple, pink, blue, she even looked at the shirts and skirts to see if their was something over there cheaper and found a few things she loved but again she put them back due to their price not wanting him to spend alot of money on her.

After a while she noticed a pile on the main counter.

"Oh my Neoryi" she blushed bright red. "This is to expensive I don't want you spending all of this on me" she said so adorably looking up at him.

Neoryi took up her hand, kissing the back of it. "You are worth it..."

"Ooh Neoyri" she gently put her hand on his cheek smiling. "Your so good to me" she giggled and stole a kiss from him.

Neoryi smiled, and then paid for the gowns, having the shopkeeper sent one of her shop boys to put the gowns in the carriage. He then lead Quiyue out and down the street to see if another store catches her attention.

Quiyue looked in the shop windows but nothing totally really drew her in unfortunately. She thought the things in the window were beautiful and unique just not her.

"What would you like to look at love...?"

"I'm not really sure" she said shyly snuggling agaisnt his arm. "Their is just so much here I don't know" she was umcomfortable having to make a decision. She was new to this world and the things here while also she didnt want to just spend his money on random things since his home was already so beautiful.

"What's one of things or activities you miss...? I know that I had... alot..." he said softly.

"that was a long time ago, the thing is being a female I wasnt aloud to do much back in China" she said thinking about it all. "I did my Calligraphy, I read, I danced, umm lets see what else." she thought about it.

"I'm... I forgot about the times...."

"Its ok sweety" she kissed his cheek and snuggled against his arm. "Why don't we forget about me right now, we have cubs on the way and they need a nursery" she said lovingly.

"Then we shall head to a carpeter's shop..." he said as he started headin them in that direction. "What do you have in mind?"

"well we need a good size crib, or should we get more then one crib?..." the question was for herself. "And we need maybe one or two dressers for their clothing while we also need chests to keep any toys for them umm" she tried to think of what else you would need to get since she really wasnt sure.

"I really don't about a few big ones?" he said smiling.

"that sounds great" she giggled hugging his arm tighter.

They headed into the shop, and a older man came over to them. "May I help you, good sir...?"

"Yes, we are in need of constructure of two large cribs and two dressers, as well as a few chests..."

"Yes sir....anything else..."

Quiyue stood there thinking to herself. "Ummmm I don't think so" she said trying to remember what her mother used to keep in the nursery back home in china.

"Then I get started on the furniture..." The man said.

"Thank you sir..."

The man bowed and headed off.

"well now that that is done what should we do?" she asked cutely looking up at Neoryi.

"I think that we need to get you back to the manor to rest...."

"Aww ok" she said cutely and gave him a little kiss as they headed out to return to the carriage and head home. "How does maybe a bubble bath sound?" she asked adorably.

"Yes Mi'Lady..." Neoryi said bowing his head.

"Hey hey none of that" she said and gently gave him a little playful nudge in his side.

"What's wrong, princess?" Neoryi asked, moving in a kissing her neck.

She squeeled and giggled "I'm no princess" she said and sighed happily at the feeling .

"You are to me, M'lady..." he whispered against her neck, nipping it.

Quiyue purred happily at the feeling then turned red. "Neoryi we're out in the open, wait till we at least get to the carriage" she said in a sexy lusty tone.

Neoryi scooped up Quiyue and carried her to the carriage, and placed her inside. He then climbed in, closing the door behind him. He then began to kiss her passionately as the carriage started off.

Quiyue moaned happily into the kiss as she made out with her hunky man of her dreams.

They made out the whole ride back, and Neoryi continued as he carried her inside the manor and up to his bedroom, laying her down.

She giggled. "Your so cute" she said lovingly gazing up at him as she laid there.

Neoryi laid down next to her. "And you are adorable..." He nuzzled her, and held her close.

"Aww" She giggled. "Now how about that bubble bath I mentioned" she said nuzzling him as they laid there close to one another.

Neoryi kissed her forehead, and left the room, coming back a while later smiling. He then slowly underdressed her, then scooped her up. "Yes, my love..."

Quiyue giggled snuggling in his arms. "you don't have to carry me everywhere sweety" she said cutely nuzzling his chest as he carried her into the bathroom.

"I want to..." Neoryi then gently sat her down into a nice warm bubble bath, before striping himself, and stepping in himself.

Quiyue giggled and leaned back against his chest happily. "Mmm now this is nice" she sighed happily gently running one of her hands across the back of his that was resting on the side of the tub while her other hand rested on her belly.

Neoryi gently kissed her neck and his other hand rubbed the top of her hand that was on her belly.

Quiyue sighed happily letting her eyes flutter closed. She was so happy she never wanted that moment to end.

Quiyue fell asleep in the bath, leaning against Neoyri. She dreamt of a valley much like the one she was in, yet there was something about it.

Quiyue just let the dream take her to the valley to see it, to see why it was so familiar.

The valley seemed familiar because there was a manor that look just like the one she was in, and a town area towards the center like the one she had been to. It was abandon, yet see thought see saw movement in the manor.

Quiyue tried to push the dream further.

The dream started to fade, but the image of a young man came to her, yet it was fuzzy. Those she did see the eyes... it was like Neoryi's yet not.

Quiyue stirred awake snuggled in the warmth of her bed. "Mmm" she sighed to herself

"How was your sleep, love...?" came a female Neoryi's voice, softly into her ear.

"Mmm wonderfully. I don't want to get out of bed yet" she mumbled into her pillow as she laid there snuggled happily not caring Neoryi was a chick.

Neoryi pulled her close. "Love you, Quiyue..." 'She' kissed her neck.

"Love you too sweety" she mumbled out in her groggy voice just wanting to stay snuggled up.

Neoryi nuzzled into Quiyue neck, just holding her. She then tightened a bit more quickly.

"You ok baby?" she asked worriedly looking over her shoulder at her.

"...Him...." she whispered.

"Him?" she asked scared hoping she wasnt talking about who she though she was talking about.

"A dream self of him... I...was hurt more in this form...this form he put on me...." she whispered, then kissed Quiyue's shoulder, holding her close.

"Aww sweety I'm so sorry" she stroked her cheek. "but he's not here now, your ok, your safe with me snuggled in our warm bed" she smiled.

"I know..." she said softly.

Quiyue kissed Neoryi's cheek then suddenly let out a squeek when suddenly she felt a kick in her belly. "the cubs are kicking!" she said excitedly as she rolled onto her back then pushed the blanket down surprised by how big she had gotten. "Wow I must be carrying quite a few in there" she giggled putting her hand on her belly then looked at Neoryi lovingly. 

Neoryi placed a hand on her belly. "Our cubs..." she whispered. Quiyue looked now to be about six mouths along.

Quiyue giggled snuggling with Neoryi feeling so happy at that moment she wasnt scared at all she was excited. "I can't wait for our cubs to be into the world." she said in a loving tone as she gently slid he rhand over her belly.

Nor... can... I.... she heard.

Neoyri held her tighter at that moment.

Quiyue jumped and hugged Neoyri tighter as well. "No no no no!" she began to cry scared for the safety of her little ones.

There came a tapping on the balcony door, and then the sound a hawk.

Neoryi looked, holding QUiyue tightly. "It's a messenger hawk... with a message... from either my father or your brother..."

"Go and get it I'll be alright for a minute" she said rubbing her eyes.

Neoryi quickly headed to balcony, taking the message with a quick thank you to the hawk. Once she got back to the bed, she handed a letter to Quiyue, holding still another letter in her hand. "Well, we each got one... though I know what mine is going to say..."

"Already?" she asked and gently took the letter opening it wondering what her brother had to say.

The letter read - 'Quiyue, I made it home sooner than I thought, though it helps that I ran into a cousin on the way. The family is worried that I left you with Neoryi, they are scared for your safety, as am I... like I said, I don't fully trust him. Grandmother is very worried... she said that the elves will be the destruction of us... please tel me that you are being cautious around know that I just don't anything to happen to you... Your brother, Lei'

"Oh heavens no" she whispered softly and worriedly. "you have to read this, I don't know what we're going to do" she said handing the letter over to Neoryi then holding her hand on her belly as tears filled her eyes.

"I don't know why they don't trust me... or anything..." she said, having read the letter.

"Its a stupid thing that came to my grandmother that supposedly an elf will be the downfall of our family. its been so long that I don't even remember where the stupid 'prophecy' came from." she began to cry sitting there because she knew her family would never except Neoryi or their children.

Neoryi held Quiyue close. "Shhh... I'm here... I won't let us be separated...."

Quiyue buried herself against her crying her eyes out.

"It just has to be a misunderstanding...."

"Its not..." she whispered knowing it wasnt.

"I don't know why not..."

"Who knows anymore" she said in a depressed tone as tears still went down her cheeks she couldnt send word back to her family, especially not of being pregnant. Who knew what they would do.

"You have to write them back..." she whispered.

"And what am I supposed to say" Quiyue said pulling back. She stood and paced back and forth holding a hand on her belly. "Really if I tell them I have a human body again they'll send a group running back, then they'll find out I'm pregnant, or if I say anything about our cubs they'll come even faster to pull me away from you" she sniffled "Anything would give them reason to come and pull me away from you."

"Then we wait to write back.... I don't want you taken from me...." Neoryi whispered, getting up and pulling her to her.

Quiyue nodded. "Yes I have to agree thats the best choice right now."

She kissed her belly.

Quiyue giggled at the feeling then suddenly realized something. "Baby, now that I think of it... we have a month before we have to write back, they don't know I'm human they could think I'm just reading them and tucking them away because if it hadnt been for this" she said putting her hand on the necklace he had given her. "I wouldnt be standing here like this so we have until the full moon really to really worry about writing back."

"And why didn't I think of that..." she said smiling, and then kissing Quiyue's neck.

Quiyue giggled feeling so much better about it all now. "Now this is the way its supposed to be" she said lovingly.

Neoryi looked at her. "You do realize I'm still female right?"

"I know I know and I would prefer you in your male form but I love you either way weather man or woman" she giggled lovingly.

"Oh really?" she smiled. The female Neoryi then kissed Quiyue passionately.

Quiyue turned bright red and froze for a moment in shock then calmed down relaxing into the kiss. after a few minutes she pulled back blushing adorably and gave a small giggle.

"Maybe I should just stay like this..." she laughed.

Quiyue giggled "Your a very beautiful woman but I do have to admit I do prefer you as a man" she said blushing hopefully she didnt offend her.

"I like being a man too..." she said with a smile.

"Well then why don't you go hop into a hot shower and I can get started on breakfast" she kissed her lips and headed off holding her hand on her belly as she walked off to go make her mate some food.

Deaminu was sitting at the table in the kitchen when she got there. he was reading a letter.

"Good morning mister Deaminu, would you like to join us for breakfast?" she asked curiously.

Deaminu looked up at her. "Morning... ah.. you'd want me to...??"

"Yes you live here as well and I would like to get to know you and I know that Neoryi would want to as well" she said with a smile as she then got to work on breakfast.

Deaminu nodded. "Thank you... Quiyue..."

"Your welcome Deaminu" she said as she pulled out what she needed. She heard Neoryi walk in but acted like she didnt as she was bent over looking in the fridge.

Arms wrapped around Quiyue's waist, rubbing her stomach.

Quiyue giggled standing up leaning into Neoryi's chest. she looked over her shoulder at him. "Hi mate" she said lovingly lookin up at him as a soft purr was in her throat at the feeling of his hands rubbing her stomach.

"What would it be that yu are fixing for all of us, love...?" he asked kissing her neck.

"I was thinking pancakes" she said lovingly gazing into his eyes at him over her shoulder.

"Sounds good..." he smiled.

Deaminu got up and started to set the table.

She gave him a little smooch then getting out of his arms she got to work on making everything.

Neoryi sat at the table, and Deaminu stood off against a wall after setting the table.

"Deaminu go ahead and sit down" Quiyue said looking over at him. "Neoryi isnt going to bite, please take a seat I invited you to have breakfast with us and I want you to enjoy yourself" she smiled over at him then went back to her cooking.

Deaminu did aas he was told.

"It's true I won't bit..."

Quiyue giggled hearing him say that as she made a good breakfast for all of them.

Deaminu shook his head.

Neoryi smiled, watching Quiyue as she cooked.

Quiyue looked very at home and wonderful, she looked very motherly as she worked on breakfast and Neoryi could just imagine mornings in a few years with their little ones at the table while Quiyue makes them wonderful breakfasts to enjoy together.

"Wonderful..." he purred.

"What's wonderful?" she asked curiously as she started cooking the first batch of pancakes.

"I think he's talking about you..." said Deaminu.

"Sure am..."

Quiyue blushed and giggled adorably hearing that. "aww your such a sweety" she said lovingly to Neoryi as she started the second set of pancakes.

"Mmmm smells soo good..."

"Good I'm glad you think so" she said as she finished up another batch. She brought the pancakes over to the table then went to the fridge grabbing syrup and found fruit in their as well along with some milk she found. she came back over to the table and set it all out then took her seat next to Neoryi. "well dig in boys" she said lovingly.

Neoryi laughed, and took a bite. "Mmmmm delicious..."

Deaminu nodded in agreement.

"Good I'm so glad you agree" she smiled and began to eat as well glad they were enjoying it she was thinking about cooking more often to get back into the real hang of it for her little ones

Deaminu finished eating and just looked out the window.

Neoryi looked at him, and then just continued eating.

Quiyue let out a soft giggle and sigh putting her hand on her stomach as she felt their cubs kick. "Neoryi, I think your little ones are trying to say hi" she said cutely and took his hand putting it on her stomach as suddenly he felt a kick.

Neoryi smiled. "Oh babies...."

Quiyue giggled as she took another bite of pancake while his hand cradled her belly.

"What plans do you have today, Deaminu....?"

Deaminu nodded.

Quiyue was confused by why Deaminu answered like that since her husband had asked what plans not do you have plans.

Deaminu looked lost in thought.

"Should we distrub him, you think?" Neoryi whispered.

Quiyue gently shook her head. "No lets leave him to his thoughts and enjoy our breakfast" she said lovingly.

Neoryi nodded, eating his meal. "I really do enjoy your cooking...." he said wiht a smile and a kiss.

"Good i'm glad its been a long time since I've really cooked a meal" she giggled "I think I want to practice and get into the hang of it again for our little ones" she said lovingly rubbing her hand over her belly.

Neoryi placed a hand on her belly. "I'll protect you all..."

"I know you will my love, I believe in you" she said in a sweet loving tone gazing at him.

Neoryi kissed her.

Quiyue kissed him back happily melting against him making a soft noise of happiness in her throat.

"See you two around..." Deaminu walked from the room.

Quiyue pulled back blushing and giggled adorably.

Neoryi nodded towards Deaminu. "Bye..."

"Bye Deaminu until later" she smiled at him.

Deaminu held up a hand in a wave.

When he was gone, Neoryi nuzzled her neck.

Quiyue purred softly and happily. "mmm that feels so good" she said loving the feeling.

He nipped her neck lightly.

"Oh that feels good" she growled out happily in pleasure at the feeling.

She felt morning sickness come over her.

"Oh heavens" she slapped her hand over her mouth and bolted for the door, she ran down the hall to the bathroom and made it to the toilet just in time.

She thought she head a light ring from above.

"what the?" she looked up as she wiped her mouth.

There was a nice sized painting, of a woman, with a horn and hooves, very beautiful

"what a beautiful woman" she said gazing up at her, "How in the world did that get up there?" she whispered to herself.

The background looked like a library, the two story library she had gotten a glance at in this manor.

"Who is she?" she asked herself confused on what was going on.

"Are you okay, Quiyue?"

"I'm alright but honey come in here" she said going over to the door and opening it letting him in then pointed up at the ceiling.

"Strange, I've never seen the painting...."

"It appeared while I was throwing up' she said looking upa t the ceiling with him.

"That's strange, completely strange... I have no idea way something like that would happen... can you see a signature anywhere?"

Neoryi examined it intently. "There" she said suddenly pointing in the corner where their was something in golden script

She could read. Liangelus

"I think I can make it out" she let her eyes go tiger and squinted them. "It says Liangelus" she said looking up at him.

Quiyue took a step back. "Liangelus....? Are you sure....?" he stuttered out.

"If you can get it down you can see for yourself I'm sure it says Liangelus" she said looking at him curiously.

Quiyue just looked more closely. "Brother," he whispered.

"Brother?" she asked confused.

"Liangelus... it is the name of my older brother... he and I had been taken together but were separated.... I don't know it he lives...."

"This painting looks new as if painted within the last couple of days, I believe he is fine and that this woman in the painting is his mate." she said looking over at him.

"If that is so, then how did it get here...?"

"Maybe its the houses, look the place that woman is in, its almost an exact replica of our home" she said looking up at the painting.

"It is.... that is the double floor library...."

Quiyue stood there not knowing what else to say as he took it all in. But she did have to say that it was kind of funny that they seemed to have a similar taste in women being as Liangelus's mate looked to be half unicorn while she was half tiger.

Neoryi sighed. "I hope we will be able to find him..."

"We will find him, I have no doubts about that and believe that we will" she kissed him softly. "You need to believe in yourself as well that we will find him."

He kissed her back. "Thank you love..."

"Your always welcome" she said lovingly.

"I'll have to look in the library to see if there are any locator spells that could help..."

"I am not good with magic so I'm not of to much help" she said sadly.

"It's alright, Quiyue...could you help me look though...? I don't really know where to find it...."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked confused

"I was taken... my brother and I went we were children... I don't know where everything is...."

"Of course I'll do my best to help" she smiled taking his arm and walking off to the library with him.

She was able to see the library for the first time in the whole. Seeing the two story library with all it's books and papers.

"Wow their is alot in here" she said looking around at it all.

"I know.... I've glanced around... but I really haven't looked before..."

"well their has to be some sort of organization to this system" she said looking at it all.

"I've seen books on herbs mixed with old histories and books on magical creatures....."

"What other type sof books have you seen" she asked curiously running her fingers over the titles as she began to walk the shelves.

"Look for something about alchemy or just spells... something like that..." He started to look through the shelves.

"Right of course." she said as she went through the books intensely to find the right books for him.

She found a book that may have something that could help.

"Neoryi over here" she said as she pulled the large leather bond book out. "Would this help?" she asked holding the book out for him.

"Yes... yes that just might work.... you are the greatest..." He kissed her cheek.

"I'm glad I could be of help" she giggled then followed him to the large desk downstairs where he sat to read it.

Neoryi pulled her into him as he read the chapter.

She squeeked and giggled when he did and gently snuggled up against him letting him read.

"I think I've found it...." he said softly.

"Really?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes... but it's a powerful spell... I'm need help..."

"I will do all I can to help you my love" she said lovingly.

He looked at her, eyes full of love. "Do it with me..."

"Of course my love" she said with compassion in her voice.

"Thank you, my angel..."

"Your always welcome my darling" she gave him a soft kiss. "Now let us get to work." she said lovingly.

"Alright..." he said with a smile, kissing back lightly. "Now it says here that we need ten moonlilies and four crystals..."

"I can grab the moonlilies" she said lovingly standing up and heading off to the garden to grab them.

She found a beautiful patch of moonlilies, fully bloomed and seeming to sparkle.

"Alright ten Moonlilies" she said to herself as she began to pick them. When she had all ten she went back inside.

When she came back in, Neoryi was placing crystals in four corners of an imaginary box in the middle of the library, each corner representing a direction.

Quiyue handed the lillies over to Neoryi.

"Thank you love..." he said, smiling up at her. He started to spread out the lilies.

Quiyue smiled standing there watching him.

"Alright.... now... the spell... could you hand me the book?"

Quiyue did as he asked and grabbed the book for him.

Neoryi looked through the spell. He then sat the book down, and motioned for Quiyue to sit within the circle with him.

Quiyue did as he asked sitting across from him in the circle listening for the next instructions.

"Alright... just repeat after me, love... Nuidh eha pyrealo spidue..." ((I love just hitting keys ^_^ heehee))

((Lol)) "Nuidh eha pyrealo spidue" she said making sure she pronounced it all correctly.

Neoryi continued to do it, blending both of their voices together. He took hold of her hands as they continued to say the spell. She saw a warm light coming from the crystals, and a silver light from the lilies with the silver light becoming a silver light circle around them.

Quiyue kept herself focused as she continued to chant making sure she wouldnt break the spell.

An image appeared infront of both of them. They saw a carriage being drawn by two black pegasus.

They watched as the carriage went through a cave and soon exited to a landscape covered in mountains and coated in snow.

"Brother.... he has to be in that carriage..."

"I wonder where he is going with his mate?" she asked softly as they watched.

"I don't know... it's going to be harder for us to locate him now that he is on the move......" Neoryi whispered as the imagine disappeared.

"I'll help you in anyway I can my darling." she said putting her hands on his.

He pulled her into a hug. "Love you, thank you..."

"Your always welcome my darling" she said snuggling into his arms.

"I have to rest...I've never done anything like that before..." he said pulling her closer, into his lap.

"Oh sweety" she stroked his hair. "Are you feeling alright?" she asked worriedly.

"I...was never able to.... be trained really..."

"well I don't know why not but that doesnt really matter now sweety" she said stroking his cheek.

"I... I... my brother and I were taken when we were children..." he whispered.

"Oh sweety" she said softly gently stroking his hair pulled him gently to her body so he was laying his head against her chest.

"It's okay love... I...just don't think about it..." he said snuggleing against her.

"Well thats what I'm here for my love so you dont think about it" she gently took his hand and placed it on her belly. "Thats what their here for as well, so you can think of our future together." she said lovingly.

Neoryi kissed Quiyue softly. "Thank you..."

Quiyue kissed him back. "your always welcome' she said lovingly.

He pulled her down so that they were laying on the floor, him holding her against his chest. "I love you soo much..."

Quiyue was careful and made sure she was laying on her side so to be careful for her belly. "I love you so much as well" she said lovingly snuggling against his chest.

"I can at least do this..." A matress appeared under them.

She giggled and melted into the softness of the matress under them. "Mmmm so soft" she whispered before she yawned and soon Neoryi found her fast asleep snuggled up against him.

Neoryi stroked her hair as he fell asleep himself.

She dreamed that she and Neoryi were together in a vast field.

Quiyue looked around at the vastness of the feild with the big blue skies opened above them. The breeze was warm and soft curessing her skin.

she heard light laughing on the wind.

she looked around trying to find where the laughing was coming from.

She saw a cloaked figure walking towards her.

Quiyue grew nervous as the figure grew closer but she couldnt get herself to run away.

The figure grabbed her wrist. "Mine..."

"No!" she screamed and pulled her hand away then back handed him across the face before turning to run.

"You will be mine... you are mine.... you... and my pet.... Mwhahaha!"

"No!!" she screamed suddenly waking up covered in a cold sweat her body was trembling with fear as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Quiyue.... shhhh.... I'm here..." came Neoryi's voice, his arms were wrapped around her, protectively.

Quiyue buried herself against him sobbing. "He was in my dreams..." she cried.

"I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..."

Quiyue clung to him her body trembling in his arms. "He seemed so close, he's hunting us Neoryi I know it" she said softly as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I won't let him get close....Shhh...." he whispered, holding her close and then kissing her forehead.

Gently she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know you won't" she said softly as she cuddled up against him scared.

He held her protectively, seeming to be eyeing the area around them.

"is something here?' she asked softly but filled with worry and dread.

"I... don't know... it just feels like something just happened... but... I don't see anything..."

"Neoryi I'm scared" she whispered clinging to his body.

She heard him start to whisper.

Quiyue looked up at him confused.

His eyes were glazed over, and his words sounded musical.

Quiyue whimpered backing up scared.

Neoryi closed his eyes. When they opened again, his eyes were back to normal. "What... happened?"

"You.. You went all weird and spacey and began chanting and it really scared me" she whimpered as she was shrunk down in herself.

Neoryi pulled her gently into a hug. "I'm very sorry... I didn't mean to do that.... it felt like I was back to being alone again.... and then I knew where you were....I... don't really know how to explain it.... my body felt like I needed to do something...."

Her body was still trembling his explination hadn't made it any better for her she was still scared.

"I don't remember doing spells.... spells my body seems to helpped me find you..."

Dreams, lost in an ocean of memories and imagination of the world. A moonlit feild, filled with glowing flowers that seem to radiate their own light while butterflies that seemed to be formed of magic shimmered in the air. The stars sparkled in the black sky above. A gentle breeze curessed the side of her face as she walked along. Peace she found in this place, Peace that kept her from her world of nightmares.

Suddenly a sharp noise awoke Marzena and she jumped awake to see one of the Freakshow keepers standing outside her cage with a metal pole in hand. It was their favorite way of waking her up since it woke her right up. She pulled her knees to her chest scared. her Hooves making a soft grating sound across the small amount of hay and steel floor of her cage.

"Stand up now, Freak!"

She whimpered getting to her feet frightened of the keeper. He was a werewolf and yet she was a freak just because she looked weird. she stood there shivering from the cold climate they were in feeling that the first wave of visitors were going to be there soon.

He opened the door, smirking. "Morning Freak, time to bring in the crowds..."

She hugged her arms around her waist and nodded scared. "Yes sir" she said softly as she walked foward out of the cage to be taken to her showing space.

The keeper grabbed her arm roughly, and pulled her to her area. "Smile prettily...."

"Yes sir" she said as she was taken to the middle of her area. She stood there letting him chain her up so she couldnt run then watched him as he activated the crystals around her little section, they kept her in while also gave off an aura of warmth, it was the one thing that kept her from getting frost bite being in this place standing in the middle with barely anything on. As the people began to come in she smiled and waved at them as they ooooed and awwed over her while their guide would tell the visitors made up crap about her and her origins. But this was her life she had no strength she had no power, so every night she slept in her cage in the wagons while every day she stood in her section wherever it was they were that month then they moved on to the next place the ring master could make money.

Terrible.... a being such as you should never be placed in such a place...

The voice was obviously male, she kept her shock of hearing a voice in her head un noticable to the world. She ignored the voice though. Last thing she needed was for anyone think she was crazy for hearing voices so she just stood there and continued waving at the crowds as they came and went.

As she looked through the crowd waving, she saw a young man standing in the back. Her heart was beating in her chest, nearly in her ears.

She blushed and did her best to ignore the man, She was a freak while he was so very handsome, he looked like some sort of warrior with the garb he was wearing and his strong broad shoulders and muscular body. She kept looking away from him and around him all she could so she could keep doing her job and not get shocked by the animal prod they used if she wasnt staying on task.

The crowds moved through, but the young man was always in the back. "It wasn't until lated in the day that he seemed to have disappeared.

Thats when suddenly Marzena felt the smack of a electric prod and she yelped in pain. Then having one of her keepers come around her to take her shackles off to take her back to her cage for the evening. She stood there as he undid the locks and held back her need to cry knowing they would beat her more if she showed tears.

The keeper pushed her into her cage. "You made us good money tonight.... we had a guy pay for several re-entries...."

"I'm happy to make you happy sir" she said softly as she stood there in the cage, she began to shiver again as the cold crept over her skin chilling her to the bone once more.

He closed the cage door, and walked away from the area.

Marzena sat down on her pile of hay and hugged her knees to her body trying to keep warm. It would be a few hours before they decided to feed her whatever scraps they had. She shivered softly as a breeze entered the tent where her cage was.

She heard soft footsteps coming towards her cage.

She scooted to the middle of her cage out of reach of anyone who might hurt her and stayed curled up in her little ball.

Shh... I do not wish to harm you, mystical being... She could see a shadow coming her way, and she could feel the sensation in her heart again.

She had never done it before but she thought if it was so easy for him maybe she could talk mind to mind to him. You shouldnt be here whoever you are, visiting hours are over and they'll get very angery with you if they find you here she said to him in a soft scared tone.

They will not find me here.... I won't like them take me again...

Why are you here sir? you don't look like you would belong in a place like this? she asked looking up at him her ears laid back still scared of the man who knows what he was up to.

The young man looked at her, and she saw his eyes shift to what looked serpent like, yet cat like. A dragon's eyes. They haven't seen the need to use your collar to the fullest of its abilities....not on you...

She was in awe she was in the presence of a dragon. I'm nothing special so they have no reason to use it on me, I have no powers I'm just a freak of nature tears filled her eyes remembering the past.

You are special...

Suddenly a cold northern breeze went through the tent and she shivered badly from the chill. If I was something special sir dragon... why would I be in a place like this she asked and scooted turning her back to him.

You are here because these men are evil... they do not care who they hurt in their greed... You are a special being... She felt a blanket being placed over her shoulders.

She jumped at the feeling. No I can't have this, They'll hurt me if I have a blanket she said as tears went down her cheeks and she pulled the blanket off confused on how he got it on her.

Please place it back on your shoulders.... you will become sick... please....I'm sorry to have made you cry...

Its not you thats making me cry its just.. Knowing how broken I am she turned and went back to the side of the cage where he was and held the blanket out to him. please take it back I'm not aloud to have it she said as he saw her body shiver again as the cold took her once more.

The young man reached out, touching her hand as he took the blancket which then disappeared, as she felt something slip on her finger. You are not as broken as I had been.... let me help you...

Marzena pulled her hand back and looked at her hand seeing what he had put there.

She saw a ring but then it seemed to disappear. She felt a warmth go over her, and she no longer felt the cold air.

She gently closed her eyes basking in the warmth she felt. I usualy only feel warmth like this in my showing tent she said softly. Her eyes opened and she looked at him with curiosity. Why is it you wish to help me so badly sir? she asked softly as she felt her heart pounding in her chest.

Because I do not wish what happened to me to befall anyone....and... The young man disappeared, and one of the keepers came up, smriking at her as he stuck in a pole and Marzena felt a shock go through her body.

Marzena screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground, She crawled to the middle of the cage sobbing in pain trembling from how badly her body hurt as she began to have muscle spasms. While tears ran down her cheeks.

The man dropped to his knees in pain, holding his head.

And because I do not wish for harm to come to you..... and I feel drawn to you.... my heart seemed to stop.....

She cried softly laying there as her muscles spasms calmed down. I have to admit... when I saw you today I felt drawn to you as well thats... thats why I kept trying not to look at you" She turned her head int he direction he had been in before. I... I don't want to die here... I'm scared... she said softly to him as she closed her eyes.

I will take you away from these men... I'm just glad that you are not in the hands of the one that I had been... The young man walked out in front of the cage, out of no where, just as the man on the ground became unconscious.

She tried to push herself up to hands and knees but collapsed in pain again. May I ask your name such sweet kind sir? she asked softly as her body calmed down.

Liangelus... He thought to her as he moved around to the cage door, and started to work on it.

I'm Marzena she said softly in return as she gently closed her eyes while he worked.

She felt strong and protective arms wrap around her. Beautiful...

Gently she opened her eyes as he cradled her in his arms, she gently snuggled against him and let out a long sigh of relief as her heart told her she was going to be alright.

"What's going on?!" came the voice of the head keeper.

Liangelus scooped her up, carrying her from the cage.


Liangelus disappeared with her, reappearing in a clearing within some woods. "Are you alright... Marzena?" his voice was soft.

"I'm ok its just my muscles don't work well after I get electricuted its from so many years of it happening." she said gently opening her eyes looking up at him. "We need to get out of here, They'll come looking for us" she said gazing up at him with her beautiful blue eyes.

"I will not allow them to have you again...." He still held her, and started to walk through the woods with her in his arms.

Marzena curled into his body more, his body was so very warm. "Thank you Liangelus" she said softly curled up against him getting lost in the warmth and safety she was feeling, she prayed she wasnt dreaming she prayed this was real.

Liangelus carried her a great distance til they came to a large cave, and started to walk in with her.

"Where are you taking me Liangelus?" she asked looking around seeing they were going into the cave she snuggled up to him tighter slightly scared as he carried her.

"I am taking you to a safe haven..." His eyes were glowing in the dark as he carried her through the dark cave.

Her stomach suddenly growled with hunger. "I'm so hungery can we eat soon" she asked adorably as she snuggled up to him. She had gotten good movement of her body back a few hours ago but she liked him carrying her like this in hsi arms so she had kept it toherself.

"We have five more minutes... and we will be within our safe haven..."

"Alright" she said in a softvoice snuggled up against him, she made sure her horn didnt scratch him or anything like that. But she enjoyed the last five minutes of being carried in his arms like this thinking she might never have the chance again.

They came out of the cave into what looked like underground kingdom, though there was no castle. Instead, there was a manor, but that was only from what she could see. "We are heading there...I found it a long time ago, abandoned..."

"Oh wow its so beautiful!" she said gazing at the huge manor. "Are you the only one who lives down here?" she asked looking over the underground kingdom, she noticed even exotic plants seem to be thriving down here in this place. "Really its so beautiful down here" she smiled gazing over it all. It seemed like her luck was truely changing around.

The area seemed to have its own sun.

"As far as I've seen, I one else I have seen has found this place..."

"Right now I like the sounds of that, after Six years of being in the public eye, alone doesnt sound bad at all" she said blushing gazing up at him as she stayed happily snuggled in his arms. She wondered what he was thinking about holding her like this.

Liangelus carried her up to the main door, which opened on its own making it easy for him to carry her into the manor. He brought her into a sitting room, and laid her down onto the couch. "I will get you something to eat, Marzena...."

Marzena blushed softly hearing her name spoken on his lips. It was as if it was something sacred. "Thank you Liangelus" she smiled up at him softly as she sat there on the couch. "Wow this is so soft" she said as she moved back leaning against the back of the couch and how good it felt.

"I have a feeling that this underground worl had belong to some elves... but not the drow... " Liangelus said as he headed out of the room. A while later, he came back in with a tray of food: bread, cheese, fruit. "Elves seem to make the best clothes and furnishings..."

"Anything is good to me really anything at all" she said softly as she grabbed the bread and tore peices of it off eating it. "Oh heavens" she began to scarf her food down ravenously. She had only been given small portions of gruel or rotted bread and cheese, whatever they had left after their own meals.

"Slowly..... you don't want to choke..." he said softly.

Marzena blushed and slowed down. "Sorry its just I havent had fresh food in so long" she said feeling embarressed then coughed a little bit. "Do you have anything to drink?" she asked looking up at him.

He handed her a glass of water. "here..."

She held the glass up and stared at it. "Fresh water" she said and took it and chugged it down then let out a long happy sigh. "Oh thats delicious." she put the glass down gently on the tray and slowed down on her eating feeling embarressed that she was eating like this infront of him.

"I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself..." he said softly pouring her another glass.

"Yes I am deffinantly enjoying myself thank you" she said as she ate her meal. Soon she was finished everything up. "thank you kind sir" she said with a soft smile feeling so shy.

Liangelus smiled. "You should have seen me..." he laughed slightly. "I think I may have eaten almost a whole deer in weigh alone..."

Marzena giggled and smiled at him.. "I havent laughed in a long time that felt good" she giggled more then looked down at herself. "Umm do you think it would be alright if I took a bath?" she asked curiously feeling so filthy all of a sudden, something that she just noticed now that she was free.

"Of course... let me show you to a room and a bathroom..." he said standing up.

Marzena stood up as well and followed him, her hooves clicking on the floors as she walked she cringed feeling bad knowing they would probably get scratched by her hooves and not wanting that since like the rest of teh house the floors were beautiful as well.

Liangelus lead her to a staircase and up them. He then lead her past a few doors til he came to one and opened it up, revealing a beautiful room with alot of natural lighting and a large bed with bright green and brown sheets that looked very soft, as well as many big plush pillows that were a deep dark forest green. The furniture was all oak. "You can use this room, Marzena..."

"Oh wow its so beautiful" she said gazing at it all. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she turned looking at Liangelus. "Thank you so, very very much" she said with a smile as she wiped her tears away. "I'm just so happy" she said and giggled feeling so embarresed that she was crying infront of him.

"You deserve it, you deserve all of this after all that you went through..." He walked over to a side door, and opened it to reveal a marble bathroom. "All the bedrooms have their own bathroom...and..." He then moved over to a sliding door, revealing a closet filled with clothing. "You may use anything in here... I know it is not mine to allow this but.... in the years I have been staying here, no one has come..."

Marzena smiled. "Thank you so much Liangelus this really means so much to me" she went over and gave him a hug in thanks then pulled back blushing. "Sorry I didnt know what else I could do in thanks" she said softly and smiling gently up at him.

Liangelus smiled gently at her. "it was a wonderful way to say thank you...I will let you have your bath...I will just be down stairs..."

"Alright thank you" she smiled at him then watched him leave. She then went to the bathroom and had herself a luxurious bath. When she was done she gently dried herself off then went to the closet looking at all the clothes. "Oh my these are all so beautiful" she smiled gazing at it all.

There was nothing too fancy, but even these simple elven gowns were gorgeous.

She decided to wear a simple black elven gown that had beautiful blue elven designs along the neckline of the sleeveless gown and along the bottom edges of the gown as well. it went down to her ankles and had a long slit up the side to her hip. she walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. "Oh wow I I feel so gorgeous in this" she blushed gazing at herself in the mirror. She didnt want to bother Liangelus but she wasnt ready to sleep either so she walked out of her room and headed off to explore the manor.

She found that the manor had many bedrooms, two large studies, and a huge two story library, she having walked into the library from the top floor. Down below sat Liangelus, with a book in hand.

Marzena blushed seeing how handsome he looked, she leaned against the railing and watched him. Her handsome hero who saved her life. But he was such a handsome man he would probably want another nice dragon or at least somemone normal looking. Not a freak like her.

Her heart pounded in her chest as if to tell not to think of that, but to think of her in his strong arms again.

But being broken for so many years, even before the freak show people stole her and being called freak even by her own people it was stronger then her heart trying to tell her not to think that way. Gently she turned and did her best to walk out of the library without him knowing she was there, which was hard when you have hooves for feet.

Marzena... why are you leaving? Please come down here... he voice was soft, and it warmed her heart.

Marzena blushed and did as he asked coming downstairs, when he saw her, his heart was blown away by how breath taking she looked all cleaned up and in that dress that was just so her. "I'm sorry I just didnt want to bother you, you seemed so into your book" she smiled softly.

Liangelus smiled at her. "Thank you for your curtisy... now I must ask you one question before I ask for you to join me.... where have you hide the angel I brought here, for I see a goddess before me..."

Marzena turned bright red and put her hands on her cheeks adorably. "I'm no goddess sir" she said shyly as she turned her back to him feelng so shy. He couldnt help but love seeing her like that.

She felt warm strong hand come to rest on her shoulders. "You are in my eyes...." his voice was very soft as he spoke.

Marzena turned and looked up at him. "Thank you Liangelus your so very sweet" she said in a soft voice. "You don't know how much that means to me to hear you say that" she said smiling up at him.

Liangelus then stole a kiss from her lips.

Marzena turned bright red but then melted against him and his lips her heart pounding in her chest telling her this was right this is where she belonged in the arms of this man.

His arms wrapped tightly around her, as if not wishing to let her go. Please don't run from me....

I promise you I'm not going anywhere she said in a romantic tone back to him as she held onto him and her lips stayed deeply locked with his.

Liangelus pulled back, smiling down at her. "Thank you..." he whispered. "For allowing me to kiss you...."

"Thank you for kissing me" she whispered back adorably gazing into his eyes. Being with him like this just felt so right to her.

Liangelus lead her over to the couch, and sat her down, sitting down beside her. "You do look as I would imagine a goddess would..."

"You really think so?" she asked softly blushing bright red, she couldnt see herself as a goddess. Goddesses were beautiful women not women with hooves, tails and a horn.

"Yes... truly a beauty..."

Marzena looked up at him still blushing bright red. "Thats so sweet of you to say" she smiled up at him feeling more and more comfortable with him.

Liangelus smiled. "I hope you had a good do look more relaxed..."

She leaned back into the really soft couch. "I deffinantly feel more relaxed, the bath had felt amazing, It felt so nice to get years of grime and dirt off of me and really be able to clean my fur and hair instead of taking those damn 'bucket baths' or 'hose baths' they used to give me" she said as she sighed into the softness of the couch loving the feel of it.

"I'm glad that my coming helped you, Marzena.... very glad..."

"I am to I don't think I could have lasted much longer there" she smiled up at him. "But You saved me and have given me a second chance" she said happily.

"I am happy to get you such a chance... I wish I had had some when I was able to get away..."

"Well If its alright with you" gently she took his hand in hers. "You have me now" she said gazing up at him.

"Thank you... I am happy to hear that..."

"I'm glad to know that" she smiled up at him gently. she was nervous on what else to say to him.

"You are free to do as you wish, Marzena...."

"I'm not sure what to do is the thing" she said shyly.

"Would you like to walk with me then? I could give you a tour of the manor and of the gardens..."

"I would really like that Liangelus" she smiled and stood up gently brushing her dress down smoothing it out then smiling at him.

Liangelus stood up, offering his arm.

Marzena smiled and gently took his arm as they then headed off together on the tour.

He showed her the few living room/ sitting rooms that he had found, the kitchen, and then he lead her out into a huge garden that nearly combined with the natural growth.

"Oh wow Liangelus this is so beautiful" she gazed at it all. She had been int he ice so long she hadnt seen grass like this it what seemed like it eternity.

"I'm glad you think truly is like heaven..."

"I don't understand why someone would abandon such a place." she said and took in a deep breath as they walked together, she really liked holding onto his arm like this.

"I was thinking the same thing... I still haven't found any sign as to why here..."

"Well lets not linger on it and enjoy it all" she giggled and smiled up at him then laid her head on his shoulder as they continued walking together.

"This day is perfect..."

"Yes it is" she said as they walked through the trees and into... a clearing. Marzena's eyes widened as she let go of him. "It... It can't be" she said starring at the area. It was the clearing from her dreams.

"What's wrong, Marzena?"

"This clearing..." she said softly as she walked over to the flowers gently running her fingers across them. She looked up and saw the glowing butterflies fluttering by. "I've dreamed about this place for a really long time" she said and gently felt a breeze go by playing with her hair.

"I am glad that I could help you see your dream in real form..."

Marzena giggled spinning around then smiled over at him. "Oh Liangelus thank you so much" she ran over and threw herself into his arms hugging him tightly around the neck.

He hugged her back. "Did... you dream of....anything else....?"

"I only had flashes of happiness of warmth and feeling safe" she said remembering it and suddenly snuggling into his arms. "Like I feel.. right now" she said happily against him.

Liangelus held her tightly against his chest. "Oh Marzena...."

Marzena buried herself against him blushing as she didnt want to be let go.

Thank the gods that took me back to that hell to find you...

Marzena blushed and looked up at him curiously. "Why did you go back?" she asked softly as she kept her hands gently on his sexy muscular stomach loving the feel of him under her hands.

"Because I am.... looking for my brother..." he said softly.

"I'm so sorry" she said softly as she then hugged him tightly trying to comfort him.

"He was taken by them just as I was... but we were separated...."

"I heard no word of a Dragon in the encampment I was in but you never know many of the creatures were traded, I was on the verge of being sold or traded many times but the offeres either fell through or something else" she said with a sigh. "I'm so sorry Liangelus" she said shyly. "I'm not being of any help." she blushed letting go of him feleing stupid for saying that.

"Yes, you are being of some help.... it just means that he must be up higher in the food chain.... my brother and I.... had been taken when we were young...he was my little brother, and I'd protect him... and they got tired of it so they separated us, selling him to one group and me to another.... it's a whole underground black market.....I don't really know if he is still alive.... but again... I am happy my search lead me to finding you...."

Marzena gently put her hand on his cheek. "I will do everything in my power to help you find him" she said as she gazed into his eyes.

"Thank you...Marzena..." he said softly leaning down and kissing her softly.

Marzena blushed as she softly kissed him back loving the taste of his lips.

"Here, I'll take you back to your room... I am sure you are tired...." he said softly.

Marzena yawned and nodded gently, she was so adorable. "Yes it seems the day has finally caught up with me" she smiled up at him and gently took his arm again as they headed back to the manor.

Liangelus lead her back to the manor and up the stairs. He guided her through the hallway, and opened her room's door for her. "I hope that you will be sleeping soundly, Marzena..." he said softly.

"May your dreams be filled with happiness Liangelus" she blushed and suddenly gave him a little kiss. "Goodnight" she said softly with a smile

Liangelus nodded, and allowed her to go fully into her room, before smiling lightly and walking down the hall to another room.

Marzena sighed happily, she slid out of her dress and found a night gown in the dresser. After sliding the silk on and letting it curess her body she climbed into bed and curled up falling fast asleep

The bed was absolutely soft and warm to Marzena's skin. She dreamed of the world and the many mortals and non-mortals that knew nothing of the injustice that happened to her and to others like her.

Marzena had good dreams that night as she slept in her heavently in the warm soft bed and the safety of her new home.

Marzena awoke the next morning to the sun streaming into her room, sending a warmth through her body.

Marzena awoke and gave a big yawn stretching out as she laid there. "Oh wow that felt so amazing" she said as she laid there looking at the ceiling.

The sheets hugged her in warmth, a warmth that her body has missed over the many years in that cage. No beatings, no standing in chains being forced to take the mocking from observers. She was now safe and away from all of that, even having a dragon that loved who she was.

Marzena giggled laying there. "My life has turned around to something amazing" she said happily as she laid there basking in the feel of a real bed of knowing she wasnt going to be dragged off to be some money making tool. To know that somewhere in the gorgeous manor was a hunky dragon who she could feel in her heart she was falling for.

You will be our's again, pet... came a dark voice in her mind.

Marzena screamed whipping herself up into a sitting position and grabbed her head. She began to shake and curled up in a ball scared.

What's wrong my pet? Missing my minions that had held you that much? laughed the dark voice.

Marzena began to cry as she held her head. "Get out... Get out of my head!" she sobbed sitting there. She had thought she was free but really she still belonged to them.

**Knock Knock**

"Marzena? I may I come in...what's wrong? Marzena...?" came Liangelus voice through the door.

I will not leave... you will come back to us... you will if you know what is good for you...

"No! I wont go back leave me alone!" she cried out not hearing Liangelus as she sobbed trying to block the man out of her head. Her heart ached, she wanted nothing to happen to Liangelus or his beautiful home. Maybe it was bad if she stayed here. So it would give him a chance to be free and find his little brother again and be happy with him. He didnt need to have her there. She sobbed heavily sitting there feeling worse and more in the way before then she had when he had rescued her.

Liangelus rushed in. "Marzena..." he said as he moved over. Liangelus wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest. "What's happening? Love?"

There was no laugher in her mind.

"Shhh...." he said calmly as he rocked her in his arms.

She buried herself against his chest. "The ring master... he was in my mind" she sobbed. "He can track me I know he can" she suddenly pushed back from Liangelus. "Your not safe with me, their going to find me again your not safe at all" she wiped her eyes as her heart ached. "Your so kind I can't let anything happen to you because of me" she said worriedly.

Liangelus pulled her back against his chest. "Shh.... that ring master.... that sorcerer will never have either of us again..... you are my heart, and I'm not going to let you go.....I love you, Marzena..."

Marzena turned bright red looking up at him. "You... you love me?" she asked not believing he could love someone like her. "But, you barely even know me" she said softly and shyly but her heart was pounding in her chest hoping that it was true.

"My heart pounds in my ears whenever I am near you...I was barely keeping my emotions in check when I found you in that hell..." Liangelus's breathing was uneasy, and he was shaking a bit at the mention of that hell. His eyes however showed his full emotions, love for her and hatred for them.

"oh Liangelus" she blushed bright red and suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss with her. Her heart pounding it felt so right to hear him say that. She pulled back and gazed deeply into his eyes. "I I love you too Liangelus" she said in a soft shy and loving tone.

He kissed back. "I would never want to lose you..."

"I don't want to loose you either" she said hugging him tight. "I'm scared though if the Ring Master can speak into my mind then he can probably track me here. I I don't want to put you in danger" she said as he felt tears fall onto his shoulder as she hugged him.

"He won't find you or me.... I promise you this..."

"Oh Linangelus" she hugged him tighter her heart pounding in her chest.

"Why don't I make you breakfast... how does that sound?"

"That sounds fabulous my darling" she said lovingly as she playfully gave his cheek and adorable kiss.

Liangelus lead Marzena down to the kitchen, sitting her down. "Now how does eggs and toast sound... or do you have any requests..."

"Ummm well I'm not sure" she said thinking about it. She usualy only had fruit when she was growing up and she didnt get breakfast at the freakshow. She looked up at him and smiled. "Eggs and toast sound wonderful" she said smiling.

Liangelus nodded, and started to move around the kitchen cooking her breakfast. "There's some fruit too if you'd like some..."

"Oh what kinds of things do you have?" she asked curiously.

"Apples... pears... peaches... all sorts... mortal found and immortal found..." he said as he worked.

"Where do you keep it?" she asked curiously and he realized that she really really didnt know.

Liangelus laughed lightly. "Why don't you grab the basket in the corner, and go just outside that side door.... and pick us some fresh fruit...." He looked over his shoulder smiling at her.

Marzena blushed feeling stupid. Gently she nodded. "Alright" she smiled softly and gently took the basket and headed out to pick the fruit for them.

"You are extremely cute when you blush," she heard him call out.

Marzena turned deeper red as she headed outside. She walked around and began to find the fruit plants and trees here ad there and began to pluck the fruit that was ripe making sure to get enough for the two of them.

The smells of breakfast carried out from the kitchen area, along with a, "Breakfast is ready..."

Marzena giggled and skipped heading off inside. "and I have plenty of fruit" she said in a loving tone.

Liangelus smiled, warmly. "Wonderful..." he was standing behind a chair that it appeared he had pulled out. "Your seat, my dear..."

"Thank you how sweet of you" she giggled and took a seat.

He pushed her seat in, and then sat in his own. "You are very welcome... eggs? Toast? or would you prefer just the fruit...?"

"I would love some of all of it if thats ok" she said lovingly gazing up at him

"Of course..." Liangelus placed some toast and eggs on her plate, and then on his own.

Marzena happily began to eat. "Mmm this is truely delcious!" she said happily as she took another bite

"I'm glad you like it... it's all I really had here besides the fruit..."

"I don't eat meat, well red meat so this is perfect for me" she said as she peeled open and orange and began to eat the slices.

Liangelus nodded. "I will then make is a goal to hunt only the fruits of the earth..."

"But your a dragon don't you eat meat? please don't change what you like because of me" she said blushing bright red feeling so shy.

"When I was little before them... I use to eat more fruits and vegetables... family reasons..."

"Oh well alright then" she giggled and smiled. "Well we could still have fish as well when we need some good protein" she gently bit into another bit of fruit.

"Always a good choice, Marzena..." he said, smiling as he took a bite of toast.

Marzena giggled and smield loving. "I'm glad you think so" After breakfast Marzena began to do the dishes for them cleaning them up.

"You didn't have to, Marzena..."

"I want to" she said lovingly looking at him over her shoulder "Its the least I can do"

Liangelus nodded, bringing over another plate. "As you wish Marzena..." he said, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her neck.

Marzena squeeked and giggled happily. "ooh that feels good" she said cutely as she continued washing the dishes.

He kissed her neck again. "I'm glad..."

She put the plate down gently and laid back against his sexy body. "Mmmm just like that" she sighed happily at the feeling as she laid her head to the side.

"You really like that?" he asked softly. "I wasn't going too far....?"

"No" she gently shook her head and smiled at him over her shoulder. "you werent going to far at all" she said lovingly gazing at him over her shoulder. "I really did like it alot."

Liangelus smiled lightly, and continued.

Marzena closed her eyes and let out a soft moan of pleasure. "Oh that feels good" she whispered soft in pleasure.

I am glad that I could make you feel good...Marzena...

"I've never felt like this" she said softly falling deeper into the feeling. "I've always been viewed as ugly, and a freak so I've never been... curessed like this" she said as her hands gripped the counter a little bit at the feeling of what he was doing to her.

He gently turned her around, and kissed her forehead. "I love you..."

Marzena blushed gazing up at him. "I love you to" she said adorably.

"Would you like to do any? Anything at all....your choice..." he said softly.

Marzena curled against his chest, Careful not to poke him with her horn. " I'm really not sure to tell you the truth" she said shyly

"Let me make your dreams come true..."

Marzena blushed. "I I don' tknow what to say" she said as she pulled back from his chest looking up at him shyly.

"I just want to make you happy..." he said looking down her.

"Aww Liangelus" she got up on her tip toes and kissed him softly feeling so shy.

Liangelus returned the kiss, pulling her gently against his chest, and up into the air.

Marzena made a small noise of surpirse then sighed happily as the kiss deepened. Her legs unconciously wrapping around his waist while she loved the feeling of being in his strong arms.

"You have brightened my life..."

"And you mine" she said lovingly as her forehead was laying gently against his

"You are the most beautiful being I have ever seen..." he kissed her nose.

"Oh Liangelus your so sweet" she said lovingly blushing bright red as he held her in the air.

Liangelus smiled and kissed both her cheeks, and then her lips.

Marzena sighed into the kiss as it deepened from a gentle kiss to something more.

He moved the kisses to her neck.

Marzena laid her head to the side moving her hair out of the way for him letting him get a better opening to her neck. It felt like heaven to feel him kiss her neck like that. She wondered how else he could make her body feel good like this.

Liangelus carried her over to the table, setting her down on it. He kissed her neck again, stroking her hair.

Marzena blushed, she brought him closer to her body using her legs. One hand slid in his hair while her other hand gripped his powerful muscles of his back. "Liangelus just like that" she whispered softly moaning gently at the feeling.

Liangelus moved to her lips, and then he pulled back, breathing slowly.

"wowza" she whispered softly gazing at him through heavy lidded gaze filled with so much love and some lust in there as well.

"I was thinking the same thing, Marzena..." he kissed her on the lips again.

She buried her fingrs in his hair making out with him her legs tightened a little bit on his strong waist as their lips danced together.

Liangelus held her head gently pressed against his lips, loving the feeling of them.

Marzena blushed and melted against him not wanting to be away from his muscular arms.

Liangelus pulled back. "I have... I have to slow down....I don't want to attack you.... I don't want instincts to take over.... instincts to....mate...being a dragon and all....not til... you wish to..."

Marzena blushed and nodded gently taking her legs off of him. "Alright I understand." she said in a soft shy voice her face hiding behind her gorgeous black hair.

He gently moved the hair from her face, tucking it behind both ears.

Marzena blushed and giggled as his thumb curessed her cheek, Gently she nuzzled his hand lovingly.

"I just don't want to seem as if I'm forcing you....I've heard tales...." he said, as he rested his hand on her cheek.

"Its alright I understand" she gave him a soft little kiss and smiled at him as she sat there on the table in front of him not really knowing what else to do.

"Now my lady... come with me..." he said offering her his hand.

Marzena took his hand and gently hopped off of the table standing infront of him holding his hand tightly.

Liangelus lead her back to the library. "May I paint you...?"

"If you would like yes that would be fine by me" she said shyly not believing it since she didnt find herself attractive to paint.

Liangelus lead her over to the couch he had been sitting on earlier, and then went and got an aisle and paints and brush, then began to set up the equipment. "Sit how you'd like to, Marzena..."

It was just the two of them so Marzena decided to lay across the couch lounging their beautifully.Her legs bent a little bit and crossed giving them a very sexy effect while she put one arm above her head while the other rested on her stomach and she looked at him. "How's this?" she asked lovingly

"Beautiful..." he said softly. He put a art board up, and started mixing the colors of the paints and started working.

Marzena laid there for hours posing for him just enjoying watching him paint.

After a while, Liangelus sat down the paints. And looked over at her. "You were perfect...."

Marzena blushed bright red. "You really think so?" she asked as she sat up and rubbed the back of her neck gently.

Liangelus moved over to the couch, sitting down beside her. He began to massage her neck and shoulders. "Here... let me..."

"Oooh that feels good" Marzena moaned softly laying her head forward at the feeling.

Liangelus gently kissed her neck. "You really looked like you needed it, Marzena... I'm happy to do it..."

"Yes I got a little crick in my neck it seems from laying how I did" she said as she let out a happy sight of pleasure at the feeling as his lips curessed her neck.

"Then I will continue to work them out for you..." he said softly.

"Oh just like that" she let her eyes flutter shut at the feeling

She felt a gentle kiss become laid on her neck.

She giggled so adorably when he did.

"You liked that, didn't you...?" he asked softly. He then kissed her neck again.

Marzena giggled and nodded. "yes I like that alot" she said lovingly.

Liangelus slowly turned her to face him, and then kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, and the his lips.

Marzena blushed and melted against him kissing him back unable to help herself he just had that effect on her.

Liangelus pulled back. "Are you ready to see a beautiful sight?"

"Alright" she giggled and smiled happily and got off of his lap thinking he might need to move.

Liangelus walked over to the painting, and turned it to face her. What might her was a gorgeous sight, in so many colors and textures.

"Oh Liangelus its so beautiful" Marzena said blushing bright red, she couldnt believe the sight of it, did she really look like that?" she couldnt believe it.

He came around and hugged her from behind. "The world's most beautiful teasure..." he whispered against her skin into her ear.

"Liangelus your so amazing" she turned around in his arms then gently pulled him down into a deep yet soft kiss.

Liangelus kissed back, holding her against him. As are you, Marzena.... he spoke to her mind.

Marzena kept kissing him deeply her fingers plunged into his gorgeous white hair as their lips danced together. she made a soft noise as he suddenly picked her up by the hips and carried her over sitting her on a table while they continued to make out.

After what seemed like an eternity, Liangelus pulled back, gazing into her eye. "A most beautiful teasure indeed..."

"And I'm your treasure" she said in a soft whisper as she stroked his hair gazing deeply into his eyes her legs were gently wrapped around him again and the air in the room seemed to hum with the feeling between them.

Liangelus breathing became heavy, his eyes gaining their feline dragon appearance. "Always..."

Marzena's heart pounded in her chest, not from fear, but from excitement from love of this man. She trusted that whatever happened she would be safe with him and always have his love. Gently she curessed his cheek. "Yes always" she whispered as the heat seemed to build between them and she used her legs to draw him tighter to her body.

"Will.... you be... my mate....?"

"Yes, I will be your mate, I want to be your mate" she said lovingly. "I feel so connected to you that it just feels so right to be your mate" she said lovingly as she gazed deeply into his eyes then gently tilted her head to the side and brought her lips to his kissing him deeply.

Liangelus kissed back, deepening the kiss with passion. Thank you... thank you...

Marzena melting into the kiss letting it grow deeper then before pulling him tighter to her body as she sat there on the table. Her body felt on fire in need of his touch.

He laid her down on the couch, leaning against her. He kissed her more and more, moving to her neck and shoulder blades.

"Liangelus" she gasped out and moaned deeply grinding her hips against his hungery for something so much more. she dug her fingers into his back craving so much more. She wanted this and from the feeling she was getting from him, so did he.

"May I...?" he growled out softly ashe kissed her shoulder blade more and more, working under some of her dress.

Marzena gasped in pleasure. "Yes I'm yours take me, Take your treasure" she whispered out in a breathy tone

Liangelus gently took Marzena into happy hour, both of their senses being driven insane by all of the feeling and warmth from the feeling of their skin against each other.

Their love making grew with passion the farther they took it into their happy hour. After they finished Marzena fell asleep curled up against Liangelus, her cheeks with the adorable blush across them as she looked so beautiful.

Liangelus hugged Marzena to him, pulling a throw from the couch over them, and just laid there silently stroking her hair.

In her dream Marzena saw herself sitting with Liangelus snuggled up together on the grass under a tree, her stomach swollen with life of their child or children She heard footsteps and turned seeing an image of many children all ages playing together, their children. But suddenly the scene changed she found herself chained kneeling in the middle of her nightmare place. Kneeling in the center of one of the viewing cages. She kneeled there pregnant near her was a little girl locked up in a cage, she looked so much like herself and Liangelus, she realized it was their daughter she had shimmering silver scales while she also looked alot like her mother like Marzena with hooves for her feet and her whiplike tail she was crying out mommy mommy. She suddenly heard snarling in another cage was Liangelus but his eyes were red with rage and fury as he attacked the bars of the cage. In the middle of all three of them she saw him, the ring master as he began the show. Then she realized what was going on. They were breeding her with Liangelus and using her family as a side show attraction. She screamed suddenly waking up and took deep breaths trying to calm down. She didnt want that for her family she wouldnt let that bastard have her family. Tears ran down her cheeks thinking of it.

"Marzena... Marzena... shhh...I'm here.... shhh... it was just a dream.... I will not let anything happen to you or our children...." she heard Liangelus whisper to her, holding her tighter as he stroked her hair.

Marzena took deep breaths laying back in his arms but suddenly whipped around looking at him. "How did you know what I was dreaming?" she asked confused.

"You jumped... so I assumed you were having a nightmare....if you are talking about me knowing of your pregnancy, it is because when dragons mate, they don't stop til their mate is pregnant.... it is an instinct thing..." Liangelus said, holding her closer.

She squeeked and blushed "I'm pregnant? really? oh wow" she whispered softly putting her hand on her stomach and smiled. "Oh this is wonderful!" she threw her arms around his neck hugging him tight.

Liangelus held her closer. "Yes yes you are... with our babes..." he said softly and lovingly.

She then felt her belly grow between them.

She jumped back and looked down. "Liangelus are they supposed to grow this fast?" she asked timidly putting her hand on her belly that had grown, not sure how far along they were since he said babes so that could mean that the size of her belly was due to how many.

"Dragon pregnancies, even those with other races are only three days long..."

"Three days?! oh thats not fast enough to get everything ready" she said blushing adorably. "We don't have a nursery and an..." she was cut off by a deep kiss from her gorgeous dragon mate. "What was that for?" she asked in a soft whisper then giggled as his hands slid over her belly.

"Your were rambling... and I love you...." he said gently. ((Sorry... my computer was soo slow acting right now...I hate it))

Marzena giggled. "I love you to" she said adorably and leaned into his arms, making sure not to scratch him with her horn and melted at the feeling as he curessed her swollen belly. "If you don't mind me asking, how fast do Dragon children normally grow up?" she asked curiously looking up at him. ((its alright I understand))

"I hatched as a five year old... and I aged at a fast pace for a few weeks... I believe that I hit sixteen in about two weeks..." Liangelus said. "A half-dragon born to a dragon mother is the same way... but a half-dragon born to just a dragon father they are born just as a normal baby... but they have a fast jump in age too, to catch up with a dragon hatchling... but they do stay being a baby for a little bit before they jump ages too..."

"I see so we have a basis of what to expect but, I'm not exactally normal so you never know whats going to happen" she said blushing as she ran her hand up and down her belly.

"My brother is half elf... so I know something.... of it all..."

Marzena smiled and nodded. "Alright I understand" she said lovingly before leaning in and kissing him softly then pulled back. she playfully grabbed his shirt and pulled it on to cover herself. She was swimming in the shirt so you couldnt even see her pregnant belly.

"Are you trying to hide your wonderful body from me?" he asked smiling.

Marzena blushed and giggled. "No I'm not doing it on purpose, its just I don't think my outfit is going to fit so I was just going to wear your shirt until I could find something." she said lovingly and giving him a smile. "I'm just kidnapping your shirt for now" she said adorably and squeeked giggingly as he pulled her close so she was standing infront of him.

"I am sure will will find something, my little miss shirtnapper..." he said as he nuzzled her cheek.

"You know I look cute in it so why are you complaining?" she asked lovingly snuggling close giggling softly feeling her belly between them.

"I'm not complaining..." he said softly, kissing her head, holding her close. Marzena could see now that his chest was layered with very old scars, so faint that she could only see them because of how close she was.

Softly she laid a kiss on his chest and snuggled against him, she would do everything in her power to keep him from ever being hurt again.

"Mmmm... that felt good... all your kisses do...." he whispered.

"Do they?" she asked playfully as she leaned in and gave his chest another little kiss.

"Yes..." he said, titling up her chin gently, and laying a kiss on her soft lips.

Marzena sighed happily into the kiss just loving th taste of his sweet lips.

Liangelus pulled back slowly, and gently tightened his hug. "Shall I take us on a tour in search on another gown or would you be liking to wear my shirts?"

"Well your shirt is comfy and smells like you so I'm happy with it, unless you want me to wear something where you can see my baby belly?" she asked playfully.

"Or I could do this..." he said softly. He layed her back softly, so that she was laying flat on her back, Liangelus leaning over her. He slowly started to unbutton the shirt from the bottom, kissing her belly after every unbuttoned button. when half of the buttons were undone, he just continued to kiss her stomach.

She sighed happily moaning softly at the feeling. "That feels really good" she said blushing adorably as she laid there watching him.

He gently snuggled and kissed her stomach, and then moved up to her lips kissing them.

Marzena deeply kissed him back loving what was going on, but still not totally sure what he was up to.

Liangelus pulled back. "Would you like to choose where we should hang my greatest masterpiece?" he asked in a whisper against her skin.

Marzena blushed. "No you choose, I want you to choose" she said lovingly and sighed happily as his hand slid over her belly again.

"I want your opinion..."

"But I don't have one when it comes to the painting, I don't know where to put it sweety" she said with a little sigh

"Then I shall place it on the ceiling of my study, above the couch in there so that I shall that I will be able to look upon it whenever I relax in there..."

"I like that idea, I like that alot" she said lovingly with a big smile as she pushed herself up again and began to rebutton his shirt she was wearing again.

He smiled. "I thought you'd like it..." Liangelus took her hand and arm gently, lifting her up off the floor. "The floor is not a good place to rest...especially pregnant..."

She giggled as he helped her up then gently smoothed her shirt down. "Well I wasnt down there long and you were the one to put me down there" she said playfully.

"I know...but I don't want anything to happen to you or our children..."

"I know baby I was being silly. I'm ok" she said lovingly and gently kissed him a quick adorable little kiss.

"Adorable.... simply adorable...." he whispered.

She giggled and smiled lovingly. "Now I'm going to go get a pair of panties" she said cutely and turned to head off to her bedroom.

"I am going to hang the portiat..."

"I'll come find you in a bit" she said with a smile as she held one hand on her belly as she walked off. Getting to her bedroom she was staying in she found a pair of panties and then dug around until she found a pair of shorts. She gently tugged them on and giggled as they rested just below her baby belly. Keeping Liangelus's shirt on she walked off to go find him.

Hush little pet... don't you cry...

Marzena froze in place and shivered scared. "No stay out of my head" she began to walk again walking faster to get to his study trying to block out the voice.

I will have all my pets back in my hands soon.... it was then just cut off by Liangelus rushing from his study to her, wrapping strong, protective arms around her.

Marzena sobbed burying herself in his arms and slid to the ground on her knees. "why wont he go away" she cried clinging to him.

"I don't know.... I truly don't know..." he whispered. He stroked her hair, and rubbed her back.

"How can I feel comfortable bringing our children in the world knowing that madman is out there" she sobbed against him as she cradled her belly with one hand trembling.

"Because if I have to I will hunt the bastard down, and he will pay for what he did to each one of us..."

"Oh Liangelus" she pulled him down into a kiss then hugged him tightly wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I will not let her tuch you again...." he whispered into her ear, hold her close.

Marzena took deep breaths and calmed down in his arms. "I love you so much Liangelus" she said lovingly.

"I love you MArzena.... I will do anything to protect you..."

"I know you will" she gave him a soft kiss then pulled back and wipped her eyes of tears. "I don't want to think about that monster anymore, what can we do to get our minds off of it?" she asked softly.

"I can take you through the small town that was left behind..." he suggested.

"Town that was left behind? what do you mean by that?" she asked softly and confused.

"It was like this whole area had been a town of some kind under the ground..."

"Oh wow really?" she asked excitedly, "I would really like to check it out" she said with a smile. "But" she looked down at what she was wearing. "I can't exactally wear this exploring" she said blushing

"Then I will have to find you something special..." He took her arm, leading her down a hall.

Marzena gave a cute little giggle. "Alright then" she said hugging his arm as they headed back to the bedroom she had been staying in.

Liangelus went to a chest at the end of the bed, opening it. He then pulled out a long skirt and traveling boots.

"Umm honey did you forget?" she asked playfully and tapped her horse hoof of a foot. "But the skirt is great" she smiled and gently slid off the shorts she had found setting them on the bed for later then pulled on the skirt giggling as the waist band rested below her baby bump like the shorts had.

"The boots were for me..." he laughed lightly. 

Marzena blushed bright red. "Oooh oops sorry" she giggled holding a hand on her stomach as she waited for him to get the boots on.

Liangelus did, and then he took her hand, walking with her. "I am happy so happy to have found you..."

"as I am that you found me to" she giggled snuggling against his side. "our little ones are thankful to." she said as she gently moved his hand onto her belly as they walked.

Liangelus held her close to him as they walked from the manor, and then down a path heading towards the center of the undergrund valley. "It will be amazing to have them around..."

"yes it will be amazing, I can't wait, we'll have a big beautiful family that will be happy" she giggled snuggling against his side as he rubbed her belly through his shirt she was still wearing as they walked together.

"Wonderful..." After a while they made it to the small village square. All the buildings were abandoned, though there was still alot left. It was as if they had left early.

A chill ran threw Marzena. "It looks like they left in the middle of everything. But why?" she looked around a little bit then up at him. "Sweety are, are we really safe here?" she asked scared.

"I have been living here for some time.... as a hide out of sorts.... what ever took them away from this place went with them..."

"alright if your sure about it" she smiled up at him then began to look around looking at stuff.

"If anything happens... I will take us away from here..." he said softly.

Marzena didnt hear what he said as she was looking into the window of one of the buildings and was exploring around.

Liangelus came up behind her. "Find anything interesting?" he whispered into her ear from behind.

Marzena giggled as she felt his arms wrap around her waist. "its interesting that it really does seem taht the people just dropped what they were doing and left" she said pulling back from the window and leaning back into his chest.

"A ghost town..."

"Yes it is" she said looking over the buildings and began to walk again looking at it all.

"I've stayed here long enough that I don't really notice any more... though it does fill odd when I come back after being away for a while..."

She shivered rubbing her arms. "this place gives me the creeps" she said softly as she looked into another set of window,s this time looking into what was once a dress shop.

Liangelus opened the door to the shop. "Would you like to look around?"

"Alright" she said walking in and looking around. "Wow these gowns are so beautiful" she said looking at them.

"Pick out a few that you'd like, Marzena..."

Marzena blushed and nodded softly. "Alright" she smiled over her shoulder at him and began to look through the racks of beautiful dresses.

There were many beautiful gowns and skirts, forest greens, earthy browns, feiry reds and yellows, and sea blues.

"Oh honey I don't know what to pick" she said shyly.

"Why not this one for now? We can walk back here any time..." Liangelus held up a blue-green gown with silver embriodering making the shapes of sea shells.

"Wow its so pretty, it will be lovely to wear after the little ones are born" she said lovingly running her fingers across the fabrics.

"I agree my love... as it will now..."

"Thats really funny my love, their is no way this dress will fit me now" she said looking up at him. "Besides are you trying to get me out of your shirt?" she asked adorably.

"No I'm not trying to get you out of my shirt... but it will fit... it's dragon silk mixed with elven silk..."

"Dragon silk and elven silk?" she asked not knowing what those were.

"Dragon silk is strong and flexable... offering protection..... and the elven silk is some of the smoothest and most durable around..."

"Oh wow really?" she asked and gently ran her hand over it then looked up at him. "Would it be alright if we got a few more? just so I have a good change of clothes?" she asked adorably.

"Of course..." he said smiling softly.

"Yay!" she cheered happily and went to looking around the racks again. she picked out a short dress that hit just abover her knees that was a rich brown with leaves embroidered across it gorgeously. "Ooh this one's pretty" she said hppily then decided to look for a skirt.

Liangelus smiled happy to see her so relaxed at the moment.

Marzena found a simple yet beautiful black skirt that she really liked that had red butterflies across its fabric. "Wow pretty I like this one to" she smiled lovingly as Liangelus as she walked over to him.

"You will look like a goddess..." he said with a smile.

"you really think so?" she asked with a cute blush across her cheeks as she gently took her clothes from him and headed out.

Liangelus carefully took the clothes back into his own hand, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked. "Yes I do..."

"Hey I didnt mind carrying those" she said cutely looking up at him.

"Let me, please... I wish to do it..."

"Alright alright" she said lovingly gazing up at him as they walked.

He pulled her closer, and kissed the top of her head, as they walked back. "I just hope that I'm giving you everything I can...." he said softly.

"you are and so much more my darling" she said lovingly snuggling against his side."Trust me my love" she said in a loving tone

"I do trust are just so cute and adorable..."

"Aww thank you" she giggled snuggling against him. "Shall we return to the manor?" she asked curiously.

He nodded. "Of course, sweet one..."

"So if I'm cute and adorable, and your handsome and sexy what would that make our little ones?" she asked playfully as they walked along together.

"Cute and adorable and handsome.... and not sexy in our eyes or anyone else or I'd killed them..." he said getting into the father roll already.

She giggled and nuzzled his arm. "your going to be such a good Daddy" she said lovingly.

"Thank you... " he said lovingly.

"Your always welcome" she giggled as they walked together down the path headed towards the manor.

He smiled down at her, and kissed her head again. They made it back to the manor, and Liangelus put her new clothing away for her.

Marzena adorably changed back into her shorts from before and sat down on the bedwith her legs curled together as she held her hand on her belly. "So my love what shall we do now?" she asked lovingly as she watched him.

Liangelus sat down beside her. "Anything you wish..." He placed a hand on her belly.

Her stomach suddenly rumbled with hunger. "Well I think their is your answer" she said cutely.

Liangelus laughed lightly. "Yes, it would seem..." He took her hand, walking with her back to the kitchen. "Fruit salad?"

"That sounds wonderful" she said lovingly moving so she was holding his arm instead.

He smiled, and lead her over to the table, sitting her down. He then took some of the fruit from the basket, and started to cut them up, placing the pieces into a bowl.

Marzena just sat there watching him, her hand gently resting on her belly as she let her mind wander wondering what it would be like once their little one came.

Liangelus came back over with a large bowl of mixed fruit. "There we are..." he said, handing her a fork, and sitting down, a fork in his hand as well.

"Mm this fruit is truely succulent" she said happily as she ate. "Heavens did I miss this" she said as she continued to eat.

Liangelus smiled, and then laughed lightly. "You are just so cute..."

Marzena blushed adorably as she ate a peice of melon.

"And that there is adorable..."

Marzena turned a deeper red from him saying that. "Awww no I'm not" she said cutely.

He kissed her nose. "Yes... you are..."

"Aww thank you baby" she kissed him cutely on the lips a little peck.

Liangelus pulled her gently closer, deepening the kiss.

Marzena sighed into the kiss making out with him now she giggled in her throat a little bit as she moved around so she was sitting on his lap while they kissed.

Liangelus held her close as they made-out.

Marzena felt so happy in her life this was a dream come true to be here with such an amazing man. She pulled back from his lips and giggled softly and adorably. "Mmm very tasty" she said snuggling against him.

Liangelus licked his lips playfully. "I agree..."

"Good I would be worried if you didnt" she giggled turning facing the table again, she stayed sitting in his lap as she reached over and grabbed the fruit bowl tugging it close and began to eat again.

He started nibbling at her back and arms.

Marzena squeeked and gave a cute giggle and sigh at the feeling. "Mmm am I tasty??" she asked cutely over her shoulder at him.

"I could eat you all up..."

"Oh could you now?" she asked adorably before taking a bite of a strawberry in a seductive way.

He nipped at her neck. "Of course..."

Marzena blushed and moaned happily at the feeling.

Liangelus licked the back of her neck, massaging her shoulders

Marzena felt that delicious heat in her core from her bodies hunger for him as she moaned happily.

Liangelus growled against her skin.

Marzena moaned at the deep primal sound he had made that seemed to go all the way to her core. "MMMmm Liangelus" she sighed out.

Liangelus carried her off to the bedroom for happy hour.

When they were done Marzena laid in bed feeling so good, loving the feel of Liangelus spooning up against her back tracing lines over her side. "Mmmm that was wonderful mate" she said happily laying there her eyes at half mast feeling so good.

"I couldn't agree more..." he growled against her skin.

Marzena moaned softly. "Mmmm your so sexy when you do that" she said looking at him over her shoulder.

He purred against her, holding her close. "Rest... we need it..." he said softly.

"Mmmm yes that we do my mate" she nuzzled him softly and lovingly before snuggling into her pillow while she loved keeping him snuggled against her backside like he was.

Marzena dreamed of a valley with a thriving village. She saw a manor like the one that she was in, yet... in a window, she saw a yung man that looked like Liangelus. From out in a beautiful garden, she saw a young woman with the ears and the tail of a tiger picking flowers and then head towards the manor. The Liangelus look a like came out, greeting her, with a hug and a kiss. His hair was a yellow blonde compared to Liangelus's white blonde.

Marzena noticed that the woman was heavily pregnant as she stood there with the Liangelus look alike she was a very beautiful woman and very unique. She saw the two cuddle and kiss, she looked over the landscape in her dream then suddenly she was pulled out. "Mmmmm...." she groaned out as she woke up.

She found Liangelus holding her, kissing her neck. She noticed that she was now looking as if she was six months pregnant.

Marzena smiled happily at the sight of the moment and giggled feeling Liangelus's hand curessing her pregnant belly as he kissed her neck. "Mmmm morning" she said lovingly not wanting to move from how they were laying together it was just so dreamy.

"Have only peaceful dreams I hope..." he whispered against her neck.

"It was more like a vision tonight" she said lovingly looking over her shoulder at him. "I think I saw your brother in my dreams Liangelus" she said softly.

Liangelus moved to look at her better. "Really? You think so??"

"Yellow blonde hair, green eyes big, pointy ears? and he looked alot like you" she said gazing up at him.

"" he said softly.

"He is safe my love" she gave him a soft kiss. "He is in a manor like this one near a thriving elven village, he even has a mate of his own with his own little ones along the way" she smiled lovingly up at Liangelus.

"Oh neoryi...wait? in a manor like this one?"

Marzena nodded "yes thats what I saw in my dream" she said looking up at him.

"There is something I didn't tell you...." he said softly.

Marzena laid her ears back not liking the sounds of that.

"This was my home..." he whispered. "When I was a child... when Neoryi and I were children..."

"Then why did you tell me you had just found it?' she asked confused.

"Because I had... like it is now..." he said sadly.

"Oh I see" she said understanding now

"I just didn't know what to tell you..."

"I don't know what your worrying about its alright" she said loving and gently kissed him. "That makes this place all the better in my opinion" gently she took his hands and placed them on her round baby belly. "Because you grew up here and now our children will grow up here together" she said lovingly and giggled as he began to gently rub her stomach.

He smiled, rubbing her belly. "It just scares me that there is an exact manor else where..."

She sighed happily at the feeling. "Why does it scare you?" she asked lovingly as she gently placed her hand ontop of one of his hands as she melted against him while he continued to rub her belly. it felt really good she had to admit.

"Because... every elven manor is different... and for there to be two, means that some one went through alot of trouble..."

"I'm not sure since I'm not an expert on Elven architecture" she said feeling a little bit like an idiot compared to him.

"I know, love..." he said, hugging her. "I love you... and I know you don't know..."

"I love you to my mate" she said lovingly hugging him back snuggling in his arms.

Liangelu kissed her gently.

Marzena gently kissed him back wrapping her arms around his strong neck melting into the feel of his strong body.

Liangelus pulled back softly. "would you like to walk through the garden with me?"

"I would love to" she said happily before she climbed out of bed and went to get some clothing on.

Liangelus got dressed himself.

Marzena got dressed in one of her dragon silk dresses "wow this looks great" she said twirling around and looking at herself in the mirror then stood there with her hand on her belly.

Liangelus was smiling. "I have gone blind..."

"Have you now?" Marzena asked cutely turning around and facing him.

He held out his arms. "Yes... yes... I have be blinded by a great beauty..."

Marzena giggled "Oh you silly man you" she said playfully walking over into his arms.

He pulled her back on the bed, kissing her neck and lips.

Marzena sighed happily as he laid her down gently on her back careful of her belly as they made out with one another.

Liangelus rubbed her stomach.

Marzena moaned softly and happily. "that feels really good I have to admit" she said cutely laying there on the bed looking up at him.

He started to kiss her belly over and over again.

She giggled as he pushed her dress up so he could kiss her skin and sighed happily. "Mmm that feels good" she said cutely.

"I thought you'd like that..."

"I do I do indeed" she said cutely laying there on her back looking up at him with her big beautiful blue eyes.

Liangelus stood, smiling, and then it helped her up. "Our walk, my lady..."

Marzena giggled standing and slid her dress down then gently took his arm as they headed out together.

Liangelus lead her outside, and began to guide her through the large garden.

Marzena sighed and took in a deep breath. "Mmmm so beautiful here" she said happily.

Liangelus picked up a flower,and placed it in her hair. "A moonlily..."

Marzena smiled lovingly up at him. "Thank you its beautiful" she giggled looking up at him lovingly.

"They are elven grown... very common in elven gardens, rare in others..."

"I'll deffinantly treasure each and everyone" she said lovingly gazing up at him.


Gently she pulled him down and kissed him deeply just melting into the taste of him.

"Love you so much..."

"And I love you so much" she whispered against his lips before kissing him again.

A soft breze blow through the area, a calm coming over the are. "Inside..."

"Whats the matter?" Marzena asked worriedly not understanding what was going on.

"Somethings coming... it's on the winds...quickly...."

"Yes of course" Marzena said as she turned and headed towards the manor as fast as she could in her condition.

Then Liangelus just scooped her up, running with her, inside.

Marzena clung to him tightly scared on what was going on her heart racing.

"Damn dark ravens...." he muttered, setting her down in her room, closing the door.

"Dark Ravens?" Marzena asked confused.

"Demons that sell out others just to get ahead..."

Marzena got scared hearing that her body began to tremble as she buried herself against him.

"Dark Ravens are rogues... to gather information and trades it for their lives....if they are ever caught... they room had the blinds closed when I came upon it when I escaped, so... I can easily close it back up to hide in here.....they won't find us...." he whispered holding her close.

That didnt make Marzena feel any better as she began to silently cry against his chest scared for them and their unborn children.

"Shh.... everything will be fine... I won't let anything happen to you..."

Marzena didnt say anything as she quitely cried against him scared praying the wouldnt be found.

Marzena cried herself asleep. When she awoke, she found herself warm under the covers and Liangelus standing at out on the balcony.

Marzena laid there just watching him. She moved her hand down curessing her belly scared for her unborn children, She didnt want to live her life raising her family always petrified that they were going to get hurt or who knows whatelse.

"What happened? What happened to this valley...?" she heard him whisper.

Marzena cradled her belly more scared, what had she gotten her unborn children into living in this place. Tears filled her eyes but she did her best to keep from crying again.

"I'm taking us from here.... I want us happy, and safe..." he said, turning to look at her. "I love you so much..."

Marzena propped herself up hearing him say that. "Oh Liangelus" she said softly and loving gazing at him, he saw her tears in her eyes and it broke his heart.

Liangelus went over to her, sitting on the bed beside her. He pulled her into a hug, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "I love you so much... I don't want to be the cause of your tears..... unless they are happy tears...." he said softly.

"I love you so much as well I just want our family to be safe I want to be able to live without so much fear where we can watch our children grow up safe and happy." she said through tear filled eyes burying herself against his chest.

"Love... I want the same thing...please forgive me..." he whispered.

"Its alright my love" she gently kissed him and buried herself against him never wanting to let go.

"I.... don't want to lose you...."

"Oh Liangelus your not going to loose me" she said burying herself against him

"I don't want to lose you because..."

Marzena looked up at him confused on what he was talking about.

"I don't want to lose you because I brought you to my home... to some place I thought would be safe..."

"Oh sweety" Marzena was so sad to hear him say that as she burried herself against him.

"Hopefully, where ever Neoryi is.... it is safe..."

"From what I have seen in my dreams he is very safe and sound. I hope that soon you two will be reunited." she said gazing up at him.

"It's just strange.... that the manor he was in in your dream was this same manor...." he looked in thought. "We need to leave..."

"Right of course" she said as she climbed out of bed. "Ummm should we pack or do you just want to leave?" she asked softly.

"Do yu really wish to leave the beautiful gowns and skirts you picked out?" he asked with a smile.

Marzena blushed and giggled. "No so true I would like to take them with me" she smiled.

"Then we pack and then leave..."

"Right" she nodded and got out of bed and got to work on picking things out to pack.

Liangelus left the room, coming back with three packs. "This one is for your things... I'll pack mine and some supplies in this third bag..."

"Right of course" she said with a nod before she went over to her closet, she was very worried though, what were they going to do when the time came the next day when their children were going to be born since he said it only took three days for them to be born, she was so worried about the whole thing.

After a while, Liangelu came back. "Marzena.... put this on..." he said, holding out a hand that held a ring in it.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

"It's a ring to slow the pregnancy...."

"I was just wondering about that" she giggled and put it on.

"It was used during times of trouble.... or travel..."

"Of course" she said in understanding. "Now lets finish packing before we need to leave" she said lovingly.

Liangelus smiled, nodding. "Of course..." He went about finishing his own packing.

Marzena went back to what she had been doing she changed into a long black traveling skirt after she packed her clothing in her bag. "Alright I'm ready to go" she said standing there in her skirt and his shirt. She didnt know why but she felt comforted wearing it.

Liangelus came back in smiling. "And I have a surprise outside for you..."

"A surprise?" she asked curiously with a smile as she stood there with one hand resting on her belly.

"Yes..." he said, smiling. He lead her through the manor. "Now, close your eyes..." he said when they made it to the main door.

Marzena giggled covering her eyes. "Alright their closed."

Liangelus lead her outside and a ways from the manor. "Alright open them..."

Marzena opened them to see...

A pair of beautiful black horses hooked up to a small travel carriage.

"Oh wow! how pretty!" she said looking at them but especially the horses.

"They is the one that will be riding with me.."

Marzena blushed bright red. "Aww your such a sweety" she said cutely.

Liangelus moved to help Marzena up into the carriage.

Marzena gave a soft groan climbing up into it then made herself comfortable on the soft seats. "Oh wow this feels nice" she sighed melting into the seat.

"The best for my love...." Liangelus headed to the other side, and hopped up. He started the horses.

Marzena found a blanket on the seat as she pulled her to her body to keep warm as she sat inside the carriage. It was nice inside curled up, but she missed having Liangelus to snuggle against but she had a feeling that no matter how far they traveled she would be alright traveling in something like this.

The carriage buckled, and then everything was smooth again.

Marzena squeeked when the Carriage buckled but curled up knowing Liangelus knew what he was doing.

As the carriage continued to move, for she could hear the wind pass by the windows, Liangelus climbed in through the window, settling down next to her.

"Liangelus? is that safe to be in here?" she asked worriedly but still snuggled up to him as she did.

He kissed her cheek. "Look outside..." he whispered.

Marzena turned and looked outside thinking she was just going to see the snow covered landscape.

She did see snow covered landscape...but it was from the sky. She saw mountains as far as she could see. She then saw it, the black horses each had a pair of huge black wings.

Marzena yelped and buried herself against Liangelus scared. "We're flying?!" she asked as she looked out the window.

"Yes....I had raised those two out there... thaty are safe and beautiful..."

But that didnt make her feel any better she was still trembling with fear that they were flying.

" will be alright...I'm here..." Liangelus said holding her close, and then kissing her forehead.

Marzena buried herself against him and tried not to think about being who knew how high above the ground.

"Love....please tell me what's wrong?"

She looked up at him. "I...I'm scared of heights" she said softly.

"I... didn't know... I'm sorry sweet heart...."

"Its alright my love you didnt know" she kissed him softly then buried herself against his chest again. "is there at least some way to cover the windows? If I'm not able to look outside I'll be ok" she said looking up at him.

Liangelus smiled and pulled a string, and black shades fell over the windows. "There... we are now completely safe..."

"Much better" she said happily curling herself against him her body relaxing.

"The two beauties out there know where they are going.... or at least I hope..." he said with a smile, kissing her lips.

"You hope?" she asked with a worried tone to her voice hoping herself they weren't just flying to the middle of no where. "Where are we going by the way?" she asked curiously hoping it was some place warm. she was tired of snow and ice.

"You remember those lilies in the garden?"

Marzena nodded. "yes I remember" she said looking up at him curiously.

"They can be used for a locator spell..."

"They can?" she asked interested in where he was going with this.

"I placed a locator spell on our ride so that they can take us to my brother..."

"Oh wow! thats amazing!" she said excitedly hoping that Liangelus and his brother would be reunited.

"You are amazing...."

Marzena blushed "No I'm not" she said cutely.

"Yes you are, my pretty love..." he kissed her cheek.

"Awww no I'm not" she said looking up at him

"Are you forgetting that beautiful and wonderful creature I drew earlier?"

"Awww Liangelus" she blushed even redder.

Liangelus kissed her full on the lips.

Marzena sighed happily melting into his arms as she enjoyed the sweet taste of his lips.

"I'm so happy we are together...."

"As am I my love" she said as she stroked his hair and curled up next to him happily.

He laid his head on her's.

Marzena happily snuggled against him cradling one hand on her belly as she snuggled in his arms just thinking of the warmth of being close to him like this.

She felt the soft breathing of Liangelus's breath against her.

Marzena yawned gently, as she soon drifted off to sleep cuddled up against him.

She awoke a time later to the smell of food, and she felt that they were not moving.

Gently she pushed herself up n a sitting position as she yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Mmmm Where are we?' she mumbled to herself.

She didnt' see Liangelus inside the carriage.

"Liangelus?" she called out worriedly.

"Out here, love..." she heard him call.

Pulling the blanket around her shoulders she went to the door of the carriage and opened it up.

She saw that they were in a clearing, and Liangelus had a fire going as well as a stew cooking. He smiled over at her. "How did you sleep? Hungry?"

"I slept pretty well my legs are a little stiff from not being able to stretch them out but other then that it was a good sleep" she said as she climbed out of the carriage gently. "And I'm starving right now" she said cutely as she walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. "What are you making?" she asked curiously.

"Vegetable stew, with fresh herbs..."

"Mmm it smells wonderful" she kissed his cheek as she sat down next to him and cuddled up to his side.

He scooped up a bowl, filling it. "Here you go..." he said, handing her the bowl.

"Mmm thank you" she smiled lovingly and snuggled in her blanket as she began to eat her food. "Mmm yum" she said happily.

"I thought that I'd let the pegasus rest, and feed all of us..."

Miach sat in a dark room and did his homework by the light from a lantern. He sighed wishing for night to come. His hand occasionally would wrap around the amulet at his neck and trace the intricate inlay of the metal.

He felt the amulet pulse.

He frowned and looked at it closely. It had never pulsed, he thought from time to time it seemed to warm to him but pulse? "What does this mean Victor?" He whispered as he sat his pencil down examining the amulet and slipping the lock of silken gold from its chamber. He gently rubbed the hair in thought as he looked at his deceased lover's amulet.

The amulet pulsed again, like a heart beat.

His eyes went wide. " be alive?" He whispered in hope. He gently kissed the amulet.

The pulse disappeared, and his alarm clock went off.

He frowned turning the alarm off and placing the lock of hair back in its chamber. He finished his homework and packed everything in his bag before heading to his classes.

He got everything that he needed.

He walked into his first classroom for the evening.

"Class..." called out the teacher. "I know that this is in the middle of the semester, but I would like to introduce a new student to the class... he has just moved here from Romania where his father had been stationed in the military..."

Miach glanced up from his seat in interest. Foreigners always brought knowledge and he had been to Romania in the past, he wondered how much it had changed.

A young man walked into the room, and Miach's heart jumped. The young man looked like..... no it couldn't be.....

He watched him in shock, he waited for the name to be announced with breathless anticipation. can't be...can it?

"Please introduce yourself to the class...." said the teacher.

The young man looked around the class, stopping on Miach for a few seconds before blushing. "Hello," he said turning to look at the other students. "My name is Nickoli Victor Drackul....." he said softly.

Miach bit back a gasp. Victor....

The teacher smiled at him and then at the class. "Now I expect you to be welcoming to Nickoli, for I am sure that we have a lot to learn from him.... Now Nickoli why don't you take that empty seat in front of....hmmm.... Miach..."

Miach stiffened a little.

"Now Miach, why don't you raise your hand so that Nickoli knows exactly where to set...."

Miach did so. He kept up his cool uncaring facade but inside his mind was in turmiol. It...can't be...maybe a relative...did he have a sibling? A cousin? He thought on it trying to rationalize. It couldn't be him...he had held him as he died...

Nickoli started walking towards Miach, looking at him as if he couldn't take his eyes off of him, but then he pulled them away, as he sat down in his chair, just staring at the desk.

Miach felt the amulet pulse under his shirt, the feeling of a beating heart along with the pulse.

"Victor..."He whispered almost unheard as he gently held the amulet in one hand as he began to take note in his notebook with the other hand.

Nickoli looked over at Miach. "Wha...?" He looked confused, and shy.

Miach didn't look at him. It was too painful. It had to be a coincidence. He had buried his Victor...his Victor was dead. This kid had to be some distant relative Victor had failed to tell him about. He gently released his hold on the amulet and placed his chin in the palm of that hand as he continued to write his notes. He tried to ignore the new kid completely, trying to convince himself it wasn't Victor even though part of his heart kept telling him it was possible...after all wasn't he a vampire?

Nickoli went back to his own notes.

During class, the teacher asked many questions, having only Miach and Nickoli as the students that answered her questions. When class was over with, Nickoli started to repack his bag, looking down shyly.

Miach packed away his things and started to head to his next class. It had taken some effort but he had managed to talk the dean into later night classes rather then just one night class. He hurried out of the room not sure what to think about the new boy. He had unnerved him...he looked to much like his love. He headed to class. Ods were he was going to be the only student in the class with a class that was taught at ten in the evening. Frankly he didn't care. He liked his solitude. He lived for knowledge and vengeance. He lived for Victor. Nothing else mattered and he supposed he had detached himself from others a little after Victor's death...he couldn't remember, but what he knew for certain was the time he had spent with his old master had surely caused him to become more of a recluse.

"Hello Miach..." said the Professor, smiling at him.

"Hello sir." Miach said as he sat down and prepared for class.

"It would seem that this class is going to be getting more popular...."

Miach frowned a little. "Oh?"

"Yes....I would have said no...but this student is still trying to get use to the time zone changes..... and this is a way of dealing with it.... I would hope that you will help him, if he needs it..."

Miach braced himself already having a sinking feeling who it was. He looked to see.

Nickoli walked into the room, looking down at a slip of paper. "Professor...." he said, looking up, but stopping in the door way, just staring at Miach.

The professor looked between the two. "So you two have meet...?"

"We have a class before this together..." Miach said trying not to look at him. It was too painful looking at someone who looked so much like his Victor.

Nickoli looked down. "Professor....maybe I should just go..... I don't want to make the class uncomfortable...."

Miach frowned. "Stay if you want..."He said and was surprised to find he both wanted him and didn't want him there.

"Sit...." the Professor said looking at his list. "...Nickoli..."

Nickoli nodded, sitting down at a desk just one over from Miach. He pulled out his notebook and pen, and just looking at his desk.

Miach sighed and focused on the lecture, after it was over he quickly packed up and began to leave in a rush. "Thank you professor."

"Oh... you're welcome, Miach....." said the professor, as Miach was leaving.

Nickoli packed up his bag, and just looked at the ground as he walked up to the front to leave. "He doesn't seem to like me..... I'll just...." He didn't finish, and just ran from the room, running past Miach.

Miach grabbed his arm in the hall. "Who are you....really?"

Nickoli looked up at Miach with wide eyes after having been grabbed. "...My... name is....Nickoli Victor Drackul...."

Miach looked down at the floor as though pained. "O...of course...why would you be him...he's dead..."He whispered as he began to head home.

"Who? I'm not who?"

"Victor...not Nickoli Victor...but Victor..." Miach said as he toyed with the crest Victor had given him. "He died...this was his." He said allowing him to see it. "He was a young but talented doctor...he was killed just because of his sexuality..."Miach said not sure why he said all this to him, perhaps it was because he looked like his Victor.

Nickoli stared at the crest. "Where did you get that....?"

"I already told you...he gave me this a little before he was killed...a token of his love." Miach said trying not to show emotion. "Why? Recognize it...Nickoli? Or are you him...are you Victor?"

"I've seen it in my......" Nickoli started, then he closed his eyes. "...vampire.... I..." Nickoli ran.

Miach grabbed him quickly. "What? You've seen it where? Are you Victor?!" He asked looking at him carefully, hopefully.

Nickoli looked at him, tears in his eyes. "I've... seen it... in my dreams..... and in a book, a journal....after that......"

"A journal? What journal...and you said something about a vampire..."

"It was a journal.... I found.....I...don't really know who wrote it....and I...don't know why I said vampire......" Nickoli said softly. "'re a vampire...." he said looking like he remembered something.

Miach kissed him on the lips quickly. "I...think you are my love..."

" kissed.... me...?" Nickoli said looking surprised. "I.... love..."

Miach looked sad. "Who are you? look like Victor...where did you find the journal?"

Nickoli looked down blushing. "Nickoli Victor Drakul.... I... was named for a great doctor.... and I found the journal in a manor.... I was given......"

Miach looked sad. "I am sorry I kissed you then...was he related to you? You look like him...he was my lover."

Nickoli blushed deeper, looking down. "I...please..." he said softly. "Don't be sorry for the kiss.... he was suppose to be a cousin to a great something grandfather.....he was killed.... murdered.... by someone that hated what he was.... for loving a.... man...." Miach knew that no one but him really knew what happened to Victor.

" you know this?"

"I....I.... I don't... know..." Nickoli said looking down farther. "I... I've always been asked that... that there was no proof.... there had been no proof to murder.... they said.... but I just know.... I don't know how....."

" be his reancarnation?...he was murdered...he died in my arms...I couldn't save the one I loved."

"I... don't know... I've alway thought....." Nickoli started. "...I looked like..... the painting..... from when he was younger....."

He slid the hair out of the amulet and showed it to him.

Nickoli reached out to touch the hair as if mesmorized, and when he touched it, he passed out.

Miach caught him gently. He replaced the hair and gently carried him back to his apartment knowing it would be light soon. He gently laid Nickoli on his bed and sat next to the bed. Are you Victor? Miach wondered with growing hope.

Soon Nickoli began to wake. "Hugh...what... Miach...."

"I'm here."

Nickoli then hugged him. "Please.... Miach.... I don't want to lose you again...." he whispered.

Miach's eyes widened. "You...are...Victor!" He said holding him close. He felt overwhelmed. "Oh..Victor..."

Nickoli laughed. "I'm still Nickoli....please remember that.... but yes I am Victor.... it explains how I knew things when I was younger...."

Miach held him close tears rolling down his face. One of the tears hit Nickoli's cheek as well. "Nickoli...Victor...My love..."

Nickoli reached up and whipped the tears away.

Miach gently kissed him. "Don't leave me again."

"I couldn't help it before... I..." Nickoli looked down.

He hugged him tightly. "I know it wasn't your fault."

Nickoli nodded against Miach. "I.... I was so scared.... about classes tonight....."


"I was new... and then.... the feeling of being drawn to you.... and just images in my head..."

Miach held him gently. "Come with me? It will be dawn soon..."

"I have to get home.... but..." Nickoli nodded.

"So you will come home with me?"

Nickoli nodded again.

Miach smiled and lead him to his apartment. It was a fairly decent one Black curtains draped the windows blocking out even the street lights. The living room was large and comfortable. Bookcases lined the walls overflowing with books. A few swords hung on one wall and over the mantle of a mock fireplace hung a paining of Victor.

Nickoli looked around the room, stoping in front of th painting. "Victor..." he said softly.

"I...painted it."

Nickoli continued to stare at it. "You are a wonderful, Miach..."

Miach hugged him gently around the waist. "I...I know you aren't exactly him...but I want to know you."

"Thank you.... for seeing me as me and not just Victor... I understand that you love him...." Nickoli said softly, leaning back against him.

He blushed a little. "Do you...feel something for me?"

Nickoli nodded slowly.

"C...can I kiss you?"

Nickoli blushed deeply.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't ask..." He looked away feeling bad.

Nickoli moved up over to him, and kissed him quickly.

Miach blushed and held him close like he was a precious treasure and gently kissed back.

Nickoli seemed to melt in Miach's arms.

Miach held him close gently deepening the kiss.

Nickoli pulled back slowly. "I... I have to call home... they'll be worried..."

"The phone is in the next room next to the bed."

Nickoli blushed, nodding, and headed into the bedroom to make the call.

Miach sat in the living room gving him space but glad he was back in his life.

Nickoli came out of the bedroom. "They think I'm sleeping over at a friend's apartment...."

Miach looked down feeling a little hurt. They think? "Ok. Are you hungry or thirsty?" He asked hiding the hurt.

"I... yes.... and Miach...I couldn't tell them about locating you....I'd be moved again....." Nickoli was looking down.

He frowned. "Again? Why would that be?"

"It is one of the real reasons why I moved here... because of that journal I told you about and that painting... I was living memories of a life not my own.... and they already believe me insane before I opted for night classes...."

"Why did you want night class?"

"My older brothers are going to classes during the day....." Nickoli said softly looking down.

"Are they mean to you?"

"I'm a freak to them... because of the thoughts and visions I've seen...."

He hugged him gently. "I'm sorry. I will protect you as best I can."

"I..." he started hugging back. "Thank you..."

He held him close and gently kissed his neck. "Anything for you V...Nickoli."

Nickoli hugged back. "I... you can call me Victor if you wish... it is my middle name..." he said softly.

"I'm're him and yet you are not...It may take awhile."

Nickoli nodded. "I understand.... I've actually spaced on my own name a few times...."

Miach smiled a little. "Are you hungry?"

Nickoli's stomach growled, and he looked down in embarassment. "I...yes..." He was blushing deeply.

He smiled and sat him down. "What are you in the mood for?"

"Anything.... just no dairy... please...."

"Are you lactose intolerant?"

Nickoli nodded. "Yes..."

"Oh sorry...any preference then?"

"Nope.... as long as there is no dairy.... I'm fine...." Nickoli replied, blushing.

He fixed him something very tastey without dairy and gave him some juice.

"Thank you.... Miach... it looks great..." he said with a blush.

"I hope it taste that way too."

Nickoli took a bite of the meal. "Hmmm! This is great!"

Miach smiled. "Glad you like it."

Nickoli smiled a bit, nodding

Miach smiled lovingly. "Anything else you want?"

"I don't need anything else..."

He sat next to him and began to massage his shoulders.

"Ah...Miach...." Nickoli said softly. "You... you don't have... to..."

"I want to...if you want me to that is..."

"Thank you..." he whispered, leaning into his hands.

He gently kissed his neck. "If I make you uncomfortable let me know...I...I know you are a different person yet still patient with me please..."

"Miach... thank you..."

"For what?"

"For being so kind to me..." he whispered.

"Thank you for believing me..."

"Thank you for everything...."

Miach hugged him gently. "I love you."

"I... love you too Miach..." he said leaning back into the hug, placing his hands on Miach's arms.

Miach rested his chin on his head. "What happens now? Would your family let you move in?"

"You want me to move in?" Nickoli asked titling his head up, looking back and up at Miach.

"Yes. I do."

"I... I'd love to...." he said softly.

Miach gently kissed him. "I am glad. I don't want to pressure you or anything...but I want you safe and happy."

"Thank you... I'll have to talk with my family... though.... first...."

"Of course."

Nickoli turned to face Miach. He blushed and quickly kissed Miach's cheek.

Miach smiled. "Can I...kiss you?"

Nickoli blushed more. "Y..yes..."

He gently but passionately kissed him

Nickoli wrapped his arms around Miach's neck, kissing back.

He held him gently and deepened the kiss

Nickoli moaned lightly.

He drew back blushing a little. "Too much?"

"No... I... like it..." Nickoli blushed.

"If I move to fast let me know." He said as he kissed him again this time slipping his hands up his shirt to rest on his back as he leaned into the kiss.

Nickoli shivered at the cool air that came up his shirt with Miach's hands. He kissed back, snuggling against him.

He gently caressed his back as he deepened the kiss

Nickoli moaned softly into the kiss.

He slowly slipped the shirt further up

Nickoli blushed deeply. "I... Miach...."

Miach stopped looking down at him with passion in his eyes. "Sorry...too much?"

" it...."

"Do you...want to continue?"

Nickoli nodded slowly.

He gently removed his shirt and gently stroked his chest as he gently suckled a nipple

"Ahhh..." he said, shivering, leaning in.

He slowly began to fumble with his pants, unbuttoning them

He felt Nickoli messing with his own pants.

He smiled a little helping him as he undressed him as well than gently took him in his mouth

((Miach just put Nickoli's dick in his mouth?)) ((Yup)) (( O_O LOL ^_^ ))

"Ahhh..." Nickoli took in a deep gasp of surprise.

Miach gently drew back. "Too much?"

"I...shock...I didn't...expect....I... like..."

"Want me to continue?" He asked gently stroking as to prepare him.

"Ahh....huh...." Nickoli nodded, eyes closed from the stroking.

He was very gentle so he wouldn't hurt him as he slowly began to enter him.

Nickoli's eyes went wide, but his body went with Miach's.

"If it gets to much let me know." He said being gentle but giving him pleasure as well. "When you were Victor you were the one who introduced me to this."

"" he moaned.

Miach froze and stopped. " do?"

"I am remembering....Miach...."

He gently hugged him. "Shall...we continue?"

He hugged back, nodding.

He gently continues until they both were spent, than he lay near him and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too... Miach..." Nickoli whispered.

He held him close

Nickoli curled up into Miach's chest.

Miach stroked his hair gently as he fell asleep.

He dreamed of Victor.

He held Nickoli closer

His dream soon turned to a nightmare, of Nickoli being taken from him.

he bolted awake and checked on Nickoli.

Nickoli was laying right beside him, sleeping peacefully.

He stroked his hair gently holding him close trying to relax

Nickoli snuggled in closer in his sleep.

He kissed his forehead.

"I love you..." Nickoli whispered, as Miach's necklace warmed against his chest.

He closed his hand around the necklace as he held him close. "Don't leave me again..." He wispered

"I won't..." he heard whispered.

He gently kissed him

Nickoli kissed back. "I dont' want to leave you..."

" are awake?"

Nickoli nodded. "Yes..." he said softly, looking up at him.

"I...had a bad dream."

"What happened...?" he whispered.

"You...were taken from me..."

"I'd find some way of coming back to you..." Nickoli whispered.

He hugged him close. "And if you couldn't?"

"I'd know that we'd see each other again... just as what happened now..."

He held him close and kissed his neck.


"I love you."

"I love you, Miach..."

he held him close

"You are so wonderful..."

So are you."

"Thank you, Miach...." he said softly.

"I want you happy and safe."

"Thank you... Miach... I want the same for you...."

Miach held him close and kissed him gently

Nickoli hugged and kissed him back. He then snuggled into him.

He held him close kissing his neck

"I... like... that...." Nickoli whispered. He rested a hand on the top of Miach's chest on to of Victor's amulet, though unknown to Nickoli. A warmth and a pulse went through Miach's chest and the soft beating from the amulet sounded in his ears.

He smiled slightly against his neck and gently nibbled.

Nickoli purred.

"I love you."

"And, I you, love...." he whispered, falling asleep.

Miach snuggled into him and closed his eyes

Miach dreamed of that night.

He bolted awake and held him close trying not to wake him. Don't let me lose him again...

"Mmmm, Miach....." he heard Nickoli mumble.

Miach held him close watching him sleep

Miach fell asleep again watching Nickoli's breathing.

He snuggled into him

He will not be your's for long...

He bolted up and looked around

He didn't see anyone but Nickoli.

He gently cradled him protectively

He will not be your's for long... he heard again.

He looked around tensed. Who are you?

He did not get a reply.

He held onto his love protectively.

"You're.... squeezing... me... can't.... breath...." came a soft voice.

He gebntly loosened his grip. "Sorry..."

Nickoli looked up at him, with a smile. "It's okay... love..."

He gently kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Miach..."

Erabain sat in Claude's library reading a book as he waited for Clause to get back from teaching at the university.

Erabain was grabbed from behind, and spun around, his lips being covered by the lips of Claude, forcely taking the kiss.

He kissed back but winced at the roughness.

"How is my Erabain?"

"Fine. I was reading was your day?"

"Productive.... Come..." he said, and the pulled Erabain down the hall.

Erabain followed him tensing a little. "I want to go back to school."

"You don't need to go back..." Claude said, tugging him. Claude pulled him into the bedroom room, pushing him onto the bed. "Undress your self..."

Erabain sighed. "But...I want to talk...please?"

"What would we need to talk about?"

"I...please let me go see my family at least."

"I'm your family now..." he said as he was pulling off Erabain's clothes.

Erabain tried to set up. "Stop! I...I want to go to school...All I ever do is read around here and I have read all the books we have...please let me go to school...Why do you keep me here? I never get to go out."

Claude backhanded Erabain. "Quiet!"

Erabain clutched his cheek and looked at Claude. "I...I...sorry..."

"You had better be..." he growled.

Erabain nodded and closed his eyes fighting back the tears.

Claude pushed him roughly against the bed, tearing off Erabain pants, and his own clothes. He jumped on Erabain, grabbing his penis.

Erabain cried out. "T..that hurts...Claude...please it hurts..."

"You need to listen to me from now you hear me?"

Erabain nodded tears rolled down his face. " hurts...please...stop..."

Claude let go of Erabain's penis, and then gently kissed Erabain on the neck. "Good boy..."

He trembled and hugged him hesitatingly.

He started to stroke Erabain's cock, gently as he kissed him.

Erabain trembled and clung to his shoulders. He kissed back.

Claude kissed down his chest, and then took his cock in his mouth.

Erabain arched against him and gasped.

Claude sucked harder. "You love that don't you?"

Erabain nodded

"Say it!"

""He gasped.

Claude smiled. "Good..." he said, and moved up and licked Erabain's cheek.

Erabain trembled. " sorry..."

Claude licked his cheek again. "Never make me hurt you again, my sweet Erabain..."

Erabain nodded. "Forgive me..."

"I did... now shut up, and suck me..."

Erabain did as he was asked.

"Hmmmmm yes..." He pushed Erabain's head all the way down on his cock.

Erabain choked a little and pulled back. He coughed a little. "N..not that far please..."

"No you will do as I tell you... don't talk back.."

"B..but...I was choking..."

"You need to learn, Erabain...."

He looked down and nodded. "I'm sorry..." tears rolled down his face.

Claude stood up. "I have some work to do... you better work at listening to me...." Claude fixed himself up and headed out of the room.

Erabain went to the bathroom and showered. He got dressed and wiped the tears away. Claude...why are you so different? I'm sorry...I can't do this anymore... He thought as he went to the window and slipped outside. He quickly moved away from the house.

The area around Claude's home, and wooded, with huge trees and foilage.

He moved into the trees hoping to not be seen.

**Growl!** He heard the sounds, they seeming to come from everywhere.

He trembled in fear and quickly climbed a tree.

A wolf came by, growling at the tree Erabain had headed up.

He shivered. "Please...go away...please..."

If you wish me to... my friend...

He blinked and looked at it. " won't attack?"

I have no wish to attack is the smell on you that I wish to attack...

"Claude? I...ran away from him...I couldn't take it anymore..."

Come it is not safe so close to his home... none in this forests will harm you...

Erebain slid down and stumbled a little. He wore only shorts that he had thrown on and his feet bled from his run. "I don't know where my home is anymore. I mean...I know where it is...but I don't know how to get there from here because I'm not entirely sure where here is. He brought me here while I slept..."

You can come and stay with us for now, friend....

"Ok." He followed hoping it wasn't a trap. "My name is Erebain."

Baine... The wolf lead him through the woods, coming to a stream, and leading him along the bank.

Erabain followed keeping close. "Why do you hate Claude?"

He has hunted down my pack to near exstinction... I am one of very few left on my pack...

"Why would he do that? He said he respects nature..."

If he respected nature, he would have to respect you as well...

He looked down. "Don't all couples do that?"


"No...what he does with me..."

Forcing someone like what he did to you is wrong... no one should be forced...

He frowned in confusion. "I...he was different when we first started our relationship...I did something to anger him, it's my fault. Maybe...maybe I should go back to him, he would be hurt and angry..." He said turning back hesitatingly.

Baine grabbed Erabain's shirt with his teeth. Don't... he is not safe...

"But...he loves me..."

Please... it's not true....I've..... been there....

"What do you mean?"

I... used to.... be with him.... the wolf said slowly.

"But...he said I was his first..."

He is a liar...

He looked down a tear rolling down his face. " many has he had?"

I do not know... I just know you are not the first...

He nodded. "He...lied...and took me from my easily does he let go? Will he come after me or replace me?"

Both.... that is why you need to hide....

"Both? How can that be...I never saw anyone else while I was with him..." ((Erabain was Cloude's favorite and Cloude was using him as an energy source too...just so you know))

I found them... and hide them...

" many so far..?"

Seven not including you or me...the ones before me didn't live to my knowledge....

"Why? What happened to them?"

I know not... some of the others believe that he killed them...

"But why? If he was using them...why kill them?"

The wolf shrugged.. I don't know....

He looked down. "I don't understand...he was kind before...than he changed..."

He was kind to me as well...

"Why did he change?"

I've never figured that out...

they made it to a vast clearing.

He looked around. "I wonder if I could go home now...I miss my family."

You should.... but you must be careful...

"You don't think he will come after me? But...saying I want to go home is easier than doing...I don't know where I am now."

"You are in Europe..."

"Europe?" ((Where is he from?))

"How...will I get back to Japan?"

I know not, unless you know how to teleport....

"No...and I don't have money..."

I could travel with you... if you wish...

"Are you sure? You've helped me so much already..."

Yes... I am...

"Thank you."

First we need to head to my hut....

"Ok." He said following

Bain lead him farther into the woods, coming up to a small hut placed beside a moutain. "Welcome to my home, Erabain..." said a man stepping out of the hut.

" you know who I am?"

"Through my ability to connect with the souls of animals....I am Bain...."

"But...the wolf? are you?"

"Is that really what you'd like to know?"

He blushed. " can I get home?"

"I have a way that will cut done travel time... which is why I had her bring you here... Thank you, Lyn..."

The wolf nodded.

"Ok how?"

"This amulet..." he motioned to the necklace around his neck.

"What does it do?"

"Teleports short distances..."

"My home isn't a short distance though..."

He laughed lightly. "We can travel several short distances..."

"Oh...ok...If you think it will work..."

Baine nodded. "It should work... it has before..."

"And it will get us to Japan?"

Baine nodded. "Yes... I've done this before....I am sorry that I couldn't meet up with you..."

"It's alright. You helped me allot."

He nodded. "Would you like something to eat, drink?"

"Yes please."

Baine motioned for him to come inside.

He followed.

The hut was small, but nice. Baine went into the kitchen area and started to make some tea. "I hope tea is fine?"

"Yes thank you. I preffer it."

He nodded and poured him a glass. "Here you are..."

"Thank you." He said and took a sip.

The tea was sweet.

He looked a little surprised. "Its sweet..."

"It's a special mixture that I made...I hope you are enjoying it..."

"Its good."

"Thank you..."

((is he a bad guy? Is he going to pass out? I am scared.))

He drank more.

((Good guy))

He feelt more energetic.

He frowned. "Huh?"

"What is it?"

Erabain also felt in better health.

"How? I feel...better"

"It's the tea.... it's has many healing herb in it..."

"Oh. It helps."

"I'm glad it does, Erabain..."

He nodded. and closed his eyes to rest a bit

"We'll leave in the morning so that you may rest... I have an extra room you may use..."

"OK thank you."

Baine showed Erabain to the spare room. "Til the morning..."

"Goodnight and thank you for everything." He said as he went to sleep

He dreamed of meeting a handsome young man, and laying in his arms.

He blushed

The young man was tall, with tanned features.

He rolled in his sleep trying to get closer

The young man began to nuzzle his neck.

He blushed and gasped

"I love you Erabain..." the man whispered against his neck.

He murmured in his sleep

The young man kissed him.

He kissed back

The dream turned into a nightmare, with the young man turning into Claude.

He bolted up and trembled looking around.

He was in the room in the hut.

He slowly relaxed

The wolf came inside, and nuzzled his hand.

He stroked its fur.

The wolf nuzzled more as if to say that all will be just fine.

"I'm scared..."

Don't give up... came a female voice.

He looked around in confusion

You will be free of him.... The wolf nuzzled his hand.


The wolf nodded.

He gently stroked her fur. "I...still love him...and what if my family doesn't want me anymore?"

Why would a family not want their cub back?

He looked down. "I left despite their warnings...they said they thought he was bad news...I didn't listen..."

It is normal for cubs to rebel...<i>

"I...thought he loved me."

The she-wolf nuzzled his hand. <i>Shh... everything will turn out as it should.

"Thank you...for the kindness." He whispered as he closed his eyes

<i>You are welcome... pup...

He fell asleep a hand still on the wolf

He dreamed he was running through the forest.

He tossed and turned

A large creature chased after him in the dream. "Mine!" it screeched.

He bolted awake and shivered. He got out of bed and headed toward the kitchen to get some tea.

When he got there, he saw Baine sitting at the table, asleep.

He took a throw and gently drapped it over him.
He made himself some tea and silently sipped it. He inwardly sighed and silently moved to carefully leave. I can't drag him into this...he got out of it, I can't drag him back in...

He will continue to put himself into this... came the wolf's voice.

won't be responsible if he gets in trouble... he thought as he silently slipped out the door and shut it. "Sorry..." He whispered as he slowly made his way back toward Claude's place. I...still love him...

"If you go back, you will never be able to leave..."

He looked back and bit his lip. "Why do you say that?"

Baine looked at him sadly, he then pointed to a corner of the hut.

he looked.

"There was a hand made grave. "When I was able to get back there to help him again, I found him disguarded in the field near by... dead...."

He looked horrified. " Why did he change? Why would he d this? W...who was he?"

"That young man... his family had been killed in front of him, and he thought that Claude was being kind in allowing him to live with him..."

Chris headed toward school with a sigh. It had been three months since her twin brother had died...a month since her uncle had tried to kill her. She now had no friends and could hardly rely on her parents who seemed to fear her.

She heard whispering.

She pulled her hat further down and kept walking as she headed toward her first class.

She heard one of the whispers. "What is with that guy's clothes... trying to be goth or something..."

She looked carefully around trying to see if they mistook her for a boy or it was someone else. Today she did wear goth clothing...she usually did these days.

There was a young man walking down the hall ignoring everyone else, dressed all in black. He had dirty blonde hair, and amazing eyes. Her heart stopped when he looked at her for a split second.

She blushed a little pulling her cap further down. She was afraid to let anyone in. She started heading to class.

The teacher was waiting inside the classroom.

She sat down at the back of class. She didn't want to be noticed.

"Everyone," started the teacher. "We have a new student in our class today...."

She looked up.

The young man from earlier walked in, and the class started muttering to each other. "Class, class quiet down now... I will not have any of this... now, young man, if you could introduce yourself..."

The young man looked around the room. "Hello, my name is Kiaran..."

She watched him.

"Why don't you take that empty seat next to Chris back there.... Chris... please raise your hand..."

Chris did so hesitatingly. She blushed a little and was a little disapointed that the rest of the class now knew exactly where she was.

The whispers grew as Kiaran walked towards the desk that sat empty next to her. Kiaran sat down in the chair, and looked at the other students with a look that asked them to contend.

"Welcome to the school..." She whispered trying to be polite.

Kiarian looked over at her. "Thank you..."

She heard a whisper near by. "The freak's got a freak friend now..." they were laughing.

She pulled her hat further down wanting to scream at that person, but she was used to it to the extent she knew acting on it would be useless. "You're welcome."

"There are a lot of rude people at this school...." he commented.

"I know...I get allot of crap from them every day..."

"I don't see any reason why they should treat you this way..." Kiarian said with a slight smile.

"You'll hear the rumors soon enough..."

"Like the ones about me?"

She frowned. "I haven't heard any about you."

"You weren't hearing the rudeness as I walked by you...?" he asked curiously.

"Well...they said you were trying to be goth and they called us both freaks...but that's it."

Kiarian laughed. "They think I'm tring to be goth.... they don't know what goth is.."

She shrugged. "If I may ask...what did they say about you?"

"That I must be the son of Satan for my dark look and 'fuck off attitude' I gave this girl earlier... before that, I was the tall dark and handsome stranger... and all I did was tell her that she wasn't my type... that big ass bimbos weren't my type... and then the girl wanted me to apologize, I believe she thinks she is the queen of the school..."

She sighed. "Unfortunately there are allot of people like that here...."She looked down fingering the bracelet her brother had given her shortly before he had died. "They seemed takes a tragedy to open someone's eyes." She whispered more to herself then to him.

"Did you lose whom ever that gifted you with that bracelet?" his voice was soft, and she could tell that he was doing that for her sake.

She nodded a lump in her throat. "My" She managed through a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry... for your loss, Chris..." he said softly.

She looked at him with a faint smile. "Thank you...your the first one who has shown such sincerity since he died..."

"I'm not as dark as I appear," he said with a slight smile, trying to get her to smile and laugh.

She smiled a bit. "Nor am I..."

"You are right.... I see a light about's perfect..."

She blushed not sure what to say. "A light?"

Kiarian nodded. "Yes..."

"What type of light?"

"A light that could brighten the night..."

She blushed not sure what to say. ""

He took up her hand real fast, kissing the top of it.

She blushed but smiled a little

"I speak true..." he said softly.


"Yes... lunch...?"

She nodded. "Ok..."

When class was over, Kiarian stood up. Whispers started around the room. "Shall we?"

She stood up and blushed ignoring the others as she nodded.

Kiarian lead her from the classroom and down the hallway, where more whispers exploded forth. "They're just jealous of you...." Kiarian said softly into her ear.

She shook her head. "No...they hate me.Because of brother..."

"You're brother...?"

"They blame me...and maybe it is my fault...I should have kept warning him..."

"What happened? If I may ask..."

"I...saw his death before it...happened...I tried to warn him...but he thought I was silly..."

"A seer...." he said softly. "It is not your fault..."

"They think I was a freak...and they blame me more for not saving him..."

"You tried your best..." Kiarian wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I miss him...I feel it is my fault...I should have tried harder...part of me didn't believe it would happen...thank you...for listening and not thinking I am a freak."

"We all have special secrets..." he said smiling at her as they walked.

"You...don't think it is my fault?"

"Of course I don't believe it was your fault..."

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome... and it is true..."

"What's true?"

"That it wasn't your fault..."

"I feel like it is..."

"You miss him, that why you feel like that..."

"Why have these abilities if I can't change it?"

He stopped walking and just pulled her into a hug.

She blushed but hugged back feeling comforted. "Thank you..."

"You needed it..." he whispered.

"Why are you so accepting?"

"Because I am different too, yet in a different way...."


He leaned in and whispered. "I'm a demon, beautiful..."

She blinked and looked at him still blushing. " are?"

Kiarian nodded. "Not afraid are you?"

"Why should I be? If you are evil which I doubt...but if you were...I would deserve punishment." She said looking away

"Demons good or evil do not punish... if I were evil, I would be recuiting you not punishing you..."

"Oh...I feel I can trust you..."

"Good..." They walked into the lunch room and the area became silent.

She pulled her hat lower. "What now?"

He whispered. "We skip class... go else where..."

"I can't...I'd get in trouble..."

"By who?"

"My parents..."

"Oh...then why don't you just eat outside with me?"

She smiled and nodded. She got some food and waited for him to get his. Trying to ignor the others

Kiarian grabbed his food and then held the door to the outside for her. "After you..."

She smiled and walked out ignoring the others.

Kiarian went over to a bench, sitting down. "It's nice out here..."

She smiled. "Yea. I never get to eat in peace...they always harass me."

"Then it should be no problem to ask you to have lunch with me... everyday..."

She blushed. "I would like that..."

"And I really like you, Chris..."

She blushed and looked at him hopefully. "Really?"

"Yes I do... I really do..."

She hugged him, and smiled. "I really like you too."

Kiarian kissed her.

She blushed and kissed back

"I hope you didn't mind..." he said softly.

" surprised me though...that was my first kiss."

"And what did you think of your first kiss?"

"I...I...loved it."

Kiarian smiled again, then kissed her even more.

She kissed back

"Just as sweet as the first time...."

She blushed and hugged him

"I'm here for you, Chris..." he whispered.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you...."

She blushed. "Want to try some of my lunch?"

"I'd love to..." he said, and then took a bite of her food. "Mmmmm this is good.... thank you....."

she smiled. "Thanks this is part of the lunch I made and brought to school, I forgot to get a drink that's what I got inside."

"You are a great cook..."

"Thank you"

"You're welcome," Kiarian said, smiling at her. the class bell rang in warning. "I guess we have to get back..."

She nodded and got her things following him inside

Kiarian walked with her to her next class. "I have to run... my next classes is a few halls over...."

"Ok I will see you later." She said and handed her her cell number as she entered the class room.

Whispers errupted as she stepped into the classroom.

She sat down trying to ignore them

She heard whispered. "They probably did it outside during lunch..."

She stiffened biting her lip to keep from retaliating


She glared at them but said nothing. She looked for the teacher

The teacher didn't seem to hear, and continued teaching.

She took note ingoring the students.

Class ended.

She packed her things and hurried out of the class looking for her next class.

"What a whore..." "Slut..."

"I AM NOT A WHORE OR A SLUT! I AM STILL A VIRGIN LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed as tears ran down her face and she ran faster

As she ran, she ran into Kiarian. "Chris... what happened?" he asked worried.

She hugged him pressing her face into his chest and trembled. She slowly told him.

"You need some time... come on, let's just skip the rest of the day...." he whispered.

"My classes..."

"I have classes too... but... do you really think you can concentrate on anything with them acting like this?"

"They act like this all the time...its my fault for reacting...but they never accused me of being a whore and a slut..."

"I love you that's what matters...."s

She blushed and nodded. "Thank you...but I will get in trouble with my parents if I skip out..."

"And if I kidnapped you from here?" he asked softly with a charming smirk.

She blushed. " already lost my brother...I can't hurt them further..."

"I was joking, sweet Kris..."

She hugged him. "Thank you."

Kiarian hugged her back. "You are very welcome, and any who believe any rumors about you and idoits...." whispering the last part.

She blushed and nodded

"Let's get to class..."

"Yes. I am sorry for the trouble."

"You are never any trouble...I care about you..."

She smiled as they walked into class. "Thank you."

He nodded. When they got to the back of the class, Kiarian sat down next to her.

She smiled at him and than began to take notes

This class went better than the last. She didn't hear any whispering.

She slowly relaxed as she took notes

Kiarian looked over at her with a smile.

She smiled back

They made it through the class.

She packed her things after the class we over and waited for him

Kiarian gathered up his things. "Ready?"

Chris nodded.

"Oh... by the way, I like being called Kiar....."


"'s just a shortened version of Kiarian..."

"I know...but can I ask why you want me to call you by Kiar?"

"Because I prefer it..." he said softly.

She hugged him. "Ok Kiar. My name is Chrisa but I like being called Chris."

"Chrisa is a beautiful name... though I will call you as you wish... my love... my Chris..." Kiar kissed her softly.

Loki walked through the streets heading toward the large government building where he now worked. He sighed resigning himself to yet another day of forced labor, yet another day of him being responsible for tearing someone elses life apart...

Coming down the street was a young woman, maybe 16 years old. She had long hair, and was wearing a sun dress and carrying a basket. She had bright green eyes. Loki could tell that she was not human, but he also felt something else.

He frowned. I'm off the clock right now, not my problemHe thought as he walked on. He stopped and wrote four names down on a piece of paper then dropped the paper in a trash can. He had warn gloves so their was no fingerprint. They had been four people who worked on the government project he was forced to work for, they would die of freak accidents within a half hour. He continued on his way to work.

He still felt the feeling, as if being pulled to her. The young woman continued her walk.

He watched her silently for a moment. He was lonely...but that was the way his life was. He had no chance to be with her.

He saw her head turn as if looking back at him, and he could see even at a distance that she had a blush now on her cheeks before continueing on.

He frowned in confusion and shook his head. That look was for someone else...not him.

He saw that the only people that were on the streets was up ahead of her, while the area he was at was void of any people.

He frowned. I...can't get attached. He thought as he headed toward work.

"You're late," came the voice of one of his handlers.

he sighed. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"Get in there, we have a new bunch of creatures for you to locate..."

He sighed and followed.

He was able to locate a vampire, weretiger, and what seemed to be a demon. He also felt the girl from before, the elven girl.


He told them about all of them but the girl he had felt before coming in to work.

"Good.... now search for more...." he said, and then called for men to go after the ones he was told about.

He closed his eyes sending out his senses.

There was a few more regular were-creatures, but nothing else that he could feel at the moment.

He told him about them still ensuring himself he didn't speak about the one girl.

"Good..." His handler sent more of the men out. "You are doing a good work with us..." He smiled.

Loki looked down. Why do I feel that is false old man? But he didn't say this he merely nodded

"Go about your other work, I have important things to take care of..."

"Yes sir." Loki said doing as he was told.

He saw more indivuals like what this group were looking for, and then he saw her again, having a small self picnic in the local park.

He reported all but her once again. He watched her pretending to be working.

He saw her seeming to be enjoying her lunch in the park, the wind blowing her long hair around her, the light from the sun dancing on each strand of hair.

He smiled faintly.

The back of his head was hit. "...I was talking to you, damn it!" came the voice of his 'boss'.

He shook his head. "What?"

"I said, I was talking to you! Do you have more for us, yes or no!"

"No." He answered as he yawned making it look like he had been dreaming a moment ago.

"Get your worthless ass out of here, now! Be prepared for tomorrows tests!"

"I'm not worthless asshole. I make all of your jobs easier by sensing gifted, without me you would be nowhere." He growled.

"Ha.. gifted... they are freaks just like you.... and you would be where they are now if it weren't for us..."

He glared at him in anger.

"Get going... you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow... now!"

"Gladly. If I had to see your stinking face much longer I would hurl."

The man glared at Loki. "Freak... monster..."

"Asshole control... freak...bastard."

The man pulled out a gun pointing it at Loki. "Out!"

He grinned a little and shrugged. "Gladly, but we both know you won't kill me. I'm to valuable."

"Doesn't mean I won't injure you in some fashion...."

He growled but walked out.

He made it out without another incident.

He sighed and walked through the city trying to relax.

He started to pass the park, and saw her again in his mind.

He followed this time.

As he came over a hill, he saw her off a ways, under a tree, holding a book to her chest, eyes closed as if asleep.

He walked over and sat under another tree not far from where she was and just watched her.

Her head turned in her sleep. ...Handsome stranger... he heard whispered in his mind.

He frowned and moved to set next to her.

As he sat down, her eyes slowly opened. Not really noticing him yet, he heard her whisper, "...the dream again...and after I... and I had seen him..."

"Are you ok miss?"

the young woman jumped. "Ah... oh... hello... I... you're the man from my... dream...."

"I saw you earlier..."

She nodded. "Yes... I... saw you as well.... you look like the man that has been in my dreams...." she said softly, looking into his eyes with soft green eyes.

He looked into her eyes. "You have beautiful dreamed of me?"

She nodded. "Yes... I do... I... dream of many things..."

"Don't go around telling people about your could put you in danger."

"You're special too... You know what I am... you sense those like us..."

"Yes...and its my job to report them...but I won't report you."

"I'm glad... but it is wrong you are used as you are...."

He looked down sadly. "I have little choice..."

She placed a hand on his arm, causing his heart to jump. "You will be free, I can see it... you will be free again..."

"I don't think it's possible..."

"I foresaw it..."

"How? How will I get free?"

"That was unclear, I'm sorry sir..." she blushed as she spoke.

"Call me Loki."

"Kalinea..." she said softly.

"Beautiful name."

She smiled, blushing. "Thank you are so kind..." Her smile went deep into his soul.

He smiled. "You have a beautiful smile."

"Thank you..." she said, and blushed.

"Do you...want to go eat somewhere?"

"Oh... that would be wonderful..." she said, smiling.

He held out his hand for her as he got up.

Kalinea took Loki's hand, standing up. "Thank you..." She started to fold up the blanket she had laying out, putting it in her basket, and then she placed in her book. She smiled at Loki. "Where would you like to eat?"

"I know a nice Asian restaurant if you like that?"

"That sounds nice... thank you...." she said, blushing.

"You're welcome." He said taking her to the restaurant. It wasn't too classy but it was not poor either.

"Oh this is so lovely..." she said looking around.

"I like it and the food is supurb."

"I've never been in here before... the decor is so pretty..."

"Not as pretty as you..."He whispered and than blushed.

Kalinea blushed deeply. "R...real...really?" she asked looking up at him.

"Really...sorry if I was cheesy."

"It wasn't cheesy... it just surprised me...I've never been called that...unless..." she looked down.

He gently took her hand in concern. "Unless what?"

"It was by men who....wanted..."

He looked worried. "I am so sorry. I will take care of them if you like."

"Ah... you don't have to...I... have my ways..." she giggled lightly. "Thank you though.... it is very kind of you..."

"Did they hurt you?" He asked in concern.

"No...ah... a little... they couldn't hurt me in someways..." she said softly.

"How did they hurt you?"

"Trying to..."

"They didn't succeed?"


"Good." He gently stroked her hand in a protective manner

She smiled. "Very good..."

"What do you like to do?" He asked changing the subject from such uneasy topics.

"I... I'm a novelist...." she said shyly.

"What subject do you right?"

"Fantasy.... which is really history.... though not really...." she giggled lightly.

"What is your pen name?"

"Julia Micheals...." she said softly.

He smiled. "That is you?"

Kalinea nodded, looking down shyly.

"I like your work. I own all of the current ones."

"You... you do?"

"Yes." He said smiling. "May...I kiss you?"

Kalinea's eyes went wide in surprise. "Y...yes... you may..." She had a blush come over her cheeks.

He gently kissed her

Kalinea kissed back blushing deeply.

He hugged her close gently

She hugged back.

They got their food. "What do you want to do now?"

"I don't know.... I am free to do as I wish.... I don't have to work a normal job because of the money from my books, so..."

"want to walk around the park?"

"That... would be nice.... Loki..." she said softly.

He took her by the hand gently and walked with her to the park

"I love being outside... it's so peaceful..."

"I wish I could spend more time outside."

"Why can't you?" she asked looking up at him.

"My job keeps me occupied."

"Oh, I'm sorry...."

"It's not your fault."

"You shouldn't have to work all the time..."

"It's either that or prison..."


He nodded. "I was framed..."

"I'm soo sorry..."

He explained what had happened

"I'm so sorry, Loki... I wish I could help...."

"You are. I haven't had any fun untill I met you."

"Really? I never really thought of myself as doing fun things before.... everyone I've ever knew thinks I'm boring.... just sitting outside....."

"You are not boring."

"Awww you are so sweet..." Kaliena said softly.

He blushed

Kaliena kissed him softly.

He kissed back

"Loki...." she said, blushing.


"Thank you for being so kind..."

He hugged her gently. "I care for you."

"I... care about you too...."

He smiled and gently kissed her

Kaliena kissed back. "Do you have any other plans for the night....?"

"No. Do you?"

She shook her head. "No...."

"Do you want to do something?"

"I'd love to....."

"What would you like to do?"

"There is... a meteor shower tonight...."

"Really? Would you like to watch it? We coud pack a picnic."

"I'd love to... I even have the basket for the picnic and the blanket..."

He smiled and lead her to a store to get the picnic supplies

Kaliena smiled, hugging his arm as they walked.

Loki smiled as he selected some things for the picnic and looked to her for approval.

Kaliena aggreed with everything. "This is going to be a wonderful picnic..... Loki...."

He smiled. He than selected a bottle of champaign. "Do you drink?"

"Yes...on occassion..."

"Do you like champaign?"

She nodded.

He got the most expensive and flavorful brand

"You... that's so expensive, Loki... are you sure?"

Eve walked down the sidewalk heading for school. It had been three months since her father had passed away and she missed him dearly.

A beautiful young girl started walking up the sidewalk towards the school. She felt oddly drawn to her. She had long light brown hair and had a shy yet outgoing looking personality, from how she was interacting with some other students.

She blushed not sure what to say to her or do so instead she hurried toward class

Not long after Eve got to her seat, the girl from before and the 'friends' around her walked into the classroom talking silently, or at least the 'friends' were talking and the girl was the silent part. They all took seats in the back of the class room.

Eve took out her things. She didn't have any friends. She was too shy and some people thought she was eerily beautiful because of her natural bluish silver hair and eyes.

Eve felt eyes on her from the direction of the young girl.

"Class... we are going to be starting group protects today... assigned group protects...."

There were many group 'awwww....' in complaint.

Eve remained silent and stirred a little uncomfortably. Why is she watching me? Won't her friends want her attention?

"I want Kyara and Shelly to work together... Bobby and Dan...hmmmm.... Eve and.... Diaca...." The girl nodded in understanding.

Eve looked at her a little still listening to the teacher

Diaca smiled over at her.

"Okay class I'd like you all to go off into your groups and come up with a project involving Shakespare..."

Diaca stood up and walked over to where Eve was. "Hi..."

"Hi. What do you want to do our project on?"

Diaca sat down at one of the desk, smiling shyly at Eve. "How about A midsummer Night Dream?"

She smiled shyly. "That sounds great."

Diaca nodded. "Should we do it on the fae or what?"

"I think that would be good. I like the fae."

"Great, sounds fun... would you like to go to the library to start working on it.... we have the rest of the period..." Diaca asked.

She nodded. "Ok."

Diaca smiled, and walked over to her seat, packing away her things, before finally grabbing her bag. She walked back over to Eve. "Shall we?"

Eve packed her things and nodded shyly.

Diaca blushed, smiling back, before walking ahead of her, out the classroom door. "Sh...Should we do it on all aspects of the fae or.... something else...?"

"Fae and mortal relations?"

Diaca smiled, nodding. "I love that... great idea, Eve..."

She blushed. "Are we...waiting on your friends? Wouldn't they want to study with us?"

"They.... aren't really my friends... they pretend... because of who my family is...." she said softly.

"Oh...I am sorry."

"It... happens... no worries..." Diaca smiled shyly. "Thank you was sweet of you...."

She blushed. "You're welcome...why do they want to be your friends because of your family?"

"Because... my family holds large parties, and they love that...."

"Why be friends with them then?"

"Because... my family only wishes for me to be friends with people like them...." she said softly.

"Oh...But...shouldn't you do what makes you happy?"

"I wish it was that easy..." she said softly.


"Because of my parents..."

"But wouldn't they want you happy?"

"Yeah.... with a 'nice, rich young man'..." she said with air quotes.

"Oh...I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry... I put myself into my studies so that I can try to get out..."

"Oh. I study hard too..."

"I like to hide out in here..." she said, looking around at all the books in the school's library. "Or at the public library.

"I do the same...the public library mainly. So...where should we start?" She asked shyly

"We should start with describing how Shakespear viewed the fae, and then maybe move into talking about all the other types of fae that are in literature....maybe..." she said softly, looking at Eve.

Eve nodded and began selecting some books. "What about origins? And how they play a role in describing the fae?"

"I like it..." Diaca said with a soft smile.

"Diaca?" She blushed looking down.


"I...umm...can see things...before they happen..."

"Really?" she said, sounding truly interested.

She nodded. "Sometimes when they don't think I am a freak do you?"

"No, I don't..."

"You...won't use me?"

"No... I wouldn't...." she said with a true smile.

"Thank you. I...feel like I can trust you."

Diaca blushed. "The same with you..."

Eve blushed. "I don't have many friends...people usually think I am insane when I tell them of my gift and those that believe me try to use me..."

Diaca shook her head. "I'd never do that..."

"Thank you."

Diaca nodded. "Eve?"


Diaca leaned forward and quickly kissed Eve on the cheek. She then sat back, blushing.

Eve blushed too. ""She blushed deeper and quickly kissed her on the lips

Diaca pressed into the kiss, deepening it.

She blushed but hesitantly hugged her

After a while, Diaca pulled away, blushing deeply. "I... that was....' She had a smile on her face.

Eve blushed. "Good?"


"Ful?" She asked blushing.

Diaca nodded. ""

"S...same..."She said blushing as she kissed her again.

Diaca pulled Eve close as she kissed back.

Eve blushed returning the kiss.

"Would.... you be.... my girlfriend....?" she whispered.

Eve smiled and nodded shyly. "YES...will you be mine?"

Diaca nodded. "Of course...your's..."

She gently kissed her happily.

Diaca kissed back. "Eve... I... was so afraid earlier that you'd not want me...I'm glad you do want me..."

" glad you want me too. Why wouldn't I want you?"

"I wan't sure you'd be know..." Diaca looked down blushing.

"I..didn't know I was. I just feel drawn to you."

"I was also afraid you would say no..."

She shook her head. "What about your family though?"

"I....I've always been... black sheepish..."

She hugged her. "To my adopted father same here."

"Adopted father?"

"He...isn't nice." She said sadly

"He doesn't hurt you does he?"

"Sometimes...when I don't do as he says."

"Eve...." she said in a worried voice.

"Please don't tell....he doesn't do anything...its only if I don't use my abilties..."


"I would get in trouble..."

"I promise..."

She hugged her. "Thank you."

"For you..." Diaca whispered into her ear. Her breath was soft on Eve's neck.

She blushed. "We...should work on our homework project..."

Diaca nodded. "Yes...let's..." She pulled over a large book on the origins of the fae.

She opened one as well to work on as well as a notepad and pencils

She found out about allot of interesting thoughts and belives....

She showed her them.

"Hmmm.... I like it... got to work it into our project...."

Eve smiled and made notes off of it and than showed them to her.

"I think we are going to ace this project, Eve..." Diaca said.

She smiled. "Me too."

Diaca stood up. "Would you like to... come to my house?" she asked shyly.

She blushed. "Are you sure I can?"

"Yes...I'm sure..."

She smiled. "Ok."

"Great....Let's pick up here...."

She nodded and helped.

Once they had picked up the books, and gotten everything they needed, Diaca smiled at Eve. "Ready?"

"Yes. I think I have everything."

Diaca smiled and walked with Eve out of the school, and down the street to head home.

Eve smiled as she followed her. "I need to call my mom and let her know I will be late coming home." She said calling home.

Diaca nodded.

"Hello?" a male voice answered the phone.

"Uh...can...I talk to my mother please..."She said not wanting to talk to him.

"What do you want to talk to her for? Where are you?"

"I am going to a friends house...I wanted to tell her."

"You're coming straight here, young lady..."

She hung up in fear and called her mother's cell.


"Mom? I am going to work on a project and I am going to a friends house I will be back later is that alright?"

"Okay sweet... just be safe..."

"I will, love you."

"Love you too.... bye..."

She closed her phone and looked to Daiaca. "Sorry...she said it is ok as long as I am careful though."

"You'll be safe...." Diaca said with a smile.

"I know."

"I'm sorry.... about your adoptive father...."

She looked down and nodded.

Diaca pulled Eve to her. "I won't let him hurt you..."

She blushed and hugged back. "I...don't know if you can stop him...mother doesn't even know..."

"If I have to I will find a way..."

She looked worried

"We have a project to worry about for now...."

She nodded. "You're right."

Diaca smiled. "Come on, my... our ride is waiting...." she grabbed Eve's hand and ran off, and up to a black SUV.

She blushed as she followed, not used to the luxury

Diaca opened the door to the SUV for Eve. "After you..."

She blushed and got in. "Thank you."

Diaca smiled. "You're welcome..." She got in too, and told the driver to take them home to her house.

Eve smiled. "Thank you.."

Diaca smiled. "Again you are welcome... ever been to an old manor....?"


Diaca giggled. "You will now...." After thirty minutes, the SUV pulled up to an old and very large manor. "Home...sweet home...."

"It's beautiful!"

"Thank you, Eve...." Diaca said, as she got out of the SUV. She offered her hand to take the bags.

Thank you." She said as she passed her hers and took Diaca's bag as she got out of the SUV.

"You're welcome... come... I'll introduce you to my mom...." Diaca said with a smile.

She smiled back and followed

Diaca lead her into a large entry way of white marble.

She looked around

"Oh sweet heart... how was clsses today....?" asked an older woman, sweeping into the room in a business suit, hair all pulled back.

"Classes were fine, mother..... mother, this is Eve...."

"Hello Eve..."

"H...hello..." Eve said shyly.

"Welcome to our home... I'll go talk to the cook to see if he has any snacks for you two..." Diaca's mother said with a smile, and walked off into another room.

Eve blushed and thanked her. After she was out of earshot she wispered. "She seems nice..."

"I know... she's great..." she said, smiling. Diaca lead Eve to the livingroom. "Mom will find us, and she'll be coming back with cookies most likely..."

"Oh...she doesn't have to."

"Mom does it all the time... playing the makes her happy when I bring friends home..."

A young man with long reddish black hair walked down the street a black raven was perched on his shoulder and he was dressed like a goth. His hair was pulled over his ears concealing the fact that he was an elf. There was a red tinge to his eyes. Vann smiled grimly. This was the newest city he had ended up in and he wondered how many of the population he would pass judgment on.

"Roses for sell... roses for sell...!" called a little girl about six years old. She wore tattered clothing, and all others in the city just walked by her.

He went over to her and knelt down. "Hello little one...where is your family?" He asked in concern

The little girl looked up at him. "I have no family, sir..." Her voice was soft and quiet.

He frowned in worry and took of his jacket draping it around her. He than gently picked her up. "Want to live with me?" Though he had trouble caring for others he still cared for children and didn't want this child to suffer.

"I... I can't sir... I'm nothing... a monster... I don't deserve...I..." The little girl started to cry softly into his shoulder.

He held her gently and stroked her hair. "You're not a monmster. They are. The people who ignore you or accuse you of being a monster. Please come with me."

"But I am sir..." she said softly.

"how are you a monster?" He asked kindly.

"I... don't want to say, sir..." she said whispering, looking down.

"some call me a monster too. You can trust me. Did you kill someone?"

She shook her head quickly.

"Did you hurt someone in a bad way?"

She nodded slowly. "I'm bad..."

"How did you hurt someone? I will decide if your bad."

"They almost lost their lives because of me... everyone nice to me almost does... and then they just leave..."

"That isn't your fault. Now...will you let me care for you?"

"I... I..." She looked down and nodded.

"What's your name sweetheart?"

"Naya..." she whispers.

"My name is Vann."

"Hi...rose?" she asked not looking up.

"I'd like one very much."

Naya handed him a rose.

He smiled and tucked it into his hair. He took another one and tucked it into hers. "Lets get a place to stay ok?"

Naya nodded. "Alright Vann..."

He took her to a hotel and asked for a room for a few days.

The clerk told him the price, saying that he had to pay upfront.

He paid it and went upstairs with her. "So. How old are you Naya?" He asked placing her on one of the two beds in the room.

"Six... sir..."

"Please call me Vann. Do you have any hobbies?"

"I... don't have time for those....Si... Vann..."

"Now you do. Is there something you wanted to do but couldn't?" He asked.

"I didn't have time to want for what I knew I could not have...." she whispered.

"Why? You are a child."

"I am a child of a monster..."

"What do you mean? Some consider me a monster...I am a wereraven."

"They'll kill you if they knew.... they don't kill me because I'm a child... but I know what fate awaits me..." she whispered.

"I will protect you. Lets go get you some new clothes." He said gently taking her hand and heading to the store.

Naya walked with him. "I... I... can't... I can't go in..." she said scared.

"I am here. I will protect you." He said gently picking her up and going in with her. He started to find some nice outfits with her. (Remember he is a famous singer too)

((Yes, I remember.. but he is also hiding who he is...))

"Oh sir how may we help you?" came a clerk's voice.

"I would like to purchase these clothes and items." He said laying the clothes.children's books and toys, hair things and other things he thought Naya needed as well as a few things for himself. Everything he had selected was good quality, not the most expensive but still top line.

The clerk looked at Naya then just looked away in disgust, and went through pricing the items.

Naya held on to Vann, but then snuggled her face into his shoulder, hiding it.

"Do you have a problem with my adopted sister?" He asked gently stroking her hair to comfort her.

"No sir," the clerk said ringing him up, though it was through closed teeth.

He smirked and paid for the purchases than took her back to the hotel. "Lets get you cleaned up and into one of your outfits ok?"

"It's not going to hurt is it?" she asked.

"No sweet heart it won't"

Naya nodded. "Okay..."

He ran her a bath making sure the water was a nice temperature than added bubbles to it. "Lets get those dirty clothes off ok?" He said trying to help her.

She helped pull off you torn dress.

he helped her into the tub.

"Ohh this is nice....."

He smiled handing her some toys, "Here." He said gently washing her arms.

"What are they for?" she asked softly.

"To play with. They're toys."

She looked so cnfused.

He showed her how to play with them

"Oh..." she very slowly started to play.

He smiled. "That's right." He gently began to clean her hair using baby shampoo.

"Ah...." she said, not knowing what's going on now.

"Close your eyes so I can rinse your hair ok?"

"O...kay...." she said, and closed her eyes. As he was washing her, he could tell that she had pointed ears like elves yet with fluffs of hairs at the ends, and she had scales down her back bone.

He frowned in confusion but gently cleaned her up until she was completely clean. "Ready to get dry and out?"

Naya nodded. "Yes....s...Vann..."

He helped dry her off than helped her into a nightgown and panties. "Feel better?"

Naya nodded, looking down at herself.

"I knew there was a beautiful child under all that dirt."

Naya looked down even more, her face was bright pink.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not beautiful...."

"Yes you are.Why do you say you aren't? Is it because of the people around here?They are just ignorant." He said gently hugging her.

She nodded, hugging him back.

He gently picked her up. "Are you hungry?"

"Mmmmhmmmm..." she nodded along with her stomach.

He smiled and ordered Chinese making sure it was a healthy selection that would give her a good balance of nutrients and fiber.

Naya was sitting down while he ordered the food, just looking around the room.

After he got off the phone he went through the purchases before and gave her some juice.

"Oh... thank you...sir... Vann...." she whispered taking it.

"You're welcome. It looks like you need the vitamins."


"They help make you healthy."

"Oh... okay..."

He smiled reassuringly at her.

She drank her drink. "Mmmmm this is good... thank you sir..."

"Vann...we are family now remember?"

"We... are?" she whispered.

"Yes. If you want to be."

"I... never had a real family before...... I... don't know.... what I'm suppose to do...."

"Relax and call me by name, I am now your brother you can trust me."

Naya nodded. "Thank you.... brother...."

He smiled. "You're welcome." ((remember they ordered food))

There came a knock at the door.

He went to the door and cautiously opened it

"Delivery..." said the man at the door, holding the bag of food.

He paid and thanked him than shut the door and locked it. He dished out two servings and handed Naya hers.

"Thank you.... Vann..." she said s, looking over her food.

"you're welcome." He said with a smile.

Naya took a small bite of her food. "This....this....for... good....." she said through chews.

He smiled. "It's good for you too."

Naya smiled as she ate, looking happy.

"Like it?"

Naya nodded.

"I'm glad."

"What would you like to do now?"

Naya looked in thought for a bit, then sighed. "I don't know...."

"Want to learn some games?"

Naya nodded shyly. "Games?"

He started to teach her tag and other childrens games

Naya seemed to be having fun.

He smiled happily. "Having fun?"

Naya nodded slowly. "Yes.. fun...."

He smiled. "Glad you like it."

"Thank you...." she whispered.

He gently hugged her

"You're so nice.... "

He smiled. "Thank you so are you my little sister."

"Vann..." she said softly, laying her head on his shoulder.

Tarsas sat in his office overlooking documents from the most recent targets.

The recent targets were all the standard targets they are always bringing in, except for the occassional rarity.

He sighed and went about his duties. After he was finished he consulted the list he had for possible partners for the night.

There were a few: a mage and a werewolf.

He looked at the test results.

The results show that both were intellegent, the mage was an ice mage, and the werewolf was a grey wolf.

He smirked and looked at the results from tests to insure they were not deseased.

They were in perfect health.

He went to check them out looking at their file to see their ages.

The mage was 19 and the werewolf was 26.

"A little older than I wanted..." He muttered going to see the mage, he was closer to his preference.

((Just so I know what age does he want?))((In his history he has a Lolita complex and he likes them young like 15-18))

He got to a holding cell. Inside, the ice mage was laying knocked out on a cot.

He smirked as he slowly began to undress him after tying him up. He was in to the S&M thing as well as bondage.

The mage was nicely built, with muscled abs.

He smirked as he undressed and slowly began to caress his chest."Wake up little one."

"Ah..." he looked at him, struggling. "What's going on? Let me go, damn you!"

He grinned and thrust in. "I make the orders slave."

"AHH!!" he screamed out. Tarsas felt something important start to freeze.

He pulled out and slugged him. "You little bastard." He growled he thrust in harder this time using a flame spell to ensure there would be no freezing. He did it enough to hurt but not kill. Than he tapped into his energy to weaken him

The mage struggled til he had no more energy to fight.

He had his way with him and than smiled. "That wasn't so bad was it?"

"" the young man glared at him. ((Just so yu know this is not the paring that I have in mind ^_^ )) ((ok that's fine like I said he is a little old for his taste. I was kinda thinking the start of his actual relationship would be kinda like Soibi and Ritsuka from Loveless but a little older)).

He smirked and drained him completely. He dressed the body than himself and left the room instructing some of his men to dispose of the body. He went to check out the wolf. The wolf was old for his taste, older than he but he would drain him if he had a nice energy source.

The wolf was destroying everything that was in his room.

"Settle down." He snapped as he focused on assessing his energy

The wolf growled. "Let me go!" the wolf's energy was strong but being waisted on the objects in the room.

He tapped into it and began to drain him. "You're too old for my taste but your energy is nice.'

"You... little whore...!" 

He cocked a brow and grinned draining him more.

The wolf attacked him. ((Who was the Soubi is the older or the younger?)) ((Soubi is older he is 20 Risuka is 12.))

He cursed and attacked back draining him more.

"Ahhhh!" he fell down.

He grinned. "Bad dog."

"Corpse..." he growled.

"Corpse? As in you are? You're right. I will make you a corpse after I punish you. Don't worry I don't go for people older than me."

"Little bastard..." he growled trying to get up.

"Call me what you will you will be dead soon."

He tried to attack one last time.

He drained him again.

The wolf fell again, but did not get up again.

he checked his pulse

He was dead.

He sighed. "Take care of this." He said going about his work. They are running out of my preference...I will have to punish them He thought

The men took care of everything, and Tarsas noticed that there wasn't really anything going on.

He sighed. "Contact me if I am needed I am going out for awhile." Tarsas said as he left

"Yes sir..."

he walked outside and began to walk down the street

there were many people out this afternoon, though none that sparked an interest. After a while, he felt himself being drawn to a building that appeared to be an orphanage.

He frowned and went inside looking around

The pulling sensation was drawing him behind an adult check in counter. "May I help you sir?" asked a woman at the desk.

"May I see the children that are up for adoption? Young teenagers"

"Yes, sir... please this way..." the social worker said. "We don't have many asking to look at our teens... they are thought to be too old... Now for the safety of our children, we do not allow face to face meetings between our children and soon to be adoptive parents.... now our teens have their own wing of the orphanage for their dorms, but I will be taking you to see the social room..." He was lead inside a small room with a one way mirror. There were many teens in there ranging from eleven years old on up to seventeen. "This is the social room... it gives our children a space to socialize and relax with others...."

"I see is age the only reason they are overlooked?" He asked studying the children trying to pinpoint the one he felt connected with

"Yes sir... many families wish to have a children grow up their whole lives with them..."

((Hmmmm.... now old old should I make him? ^_^ heehee))((15 0r 16?))

"I was hoping to adopt someone in there teens to help teach the ropes of my company, kinda like a younger brother." He lied giving a charismatic smile

"Oh really... that is so kind of you..."

The feeling drew him to a corner of the room. There was a lone young man, just sitting in a corner chair. He looked sad.

"Who is he?" He asked indicating the boy.

"Oh that's Devin... he's been in and out of homes all his life...always ends up back here..."

"I would like to adopt him. Why do they return him?"

"Because of the cops....suppossably, the families would abuse him... but that was his story... the cops didn't find any evidence..."

"I will see if I can help him."

The social worker nodded. "Come..." She lead him to another room. "Please wait here... I will go get him..." The woman left the room. The walls had pictures of many different children on it.

He looked at the pictures feigning interest.

The social worker came back in, with the boy... Devin. "Devin... why don't you have a seat? This nice gentleman wishes to visit you to be apart of his smile..."

Devin looked up at Tarsas, and then back down quickly. He sat down, hugging himself.

"Hello Devin."

"Say hello to the nice man, Devin..."

"Hello...." Devin said barely above a whisper, after a long pause.

"What types of things do you like?"

"I like to read sir... and writing sir...." he said softly.

"Oh he is a little artist, Devin is..."

Devin looked down more.

"I see. old are you?"

"Fourteen...." he whispered.

"Oh he will be fifteen in two months..." said the social worker.

"From this day? Because we could do something special for your birthday if you'd like."

"Special...?" Devin questioned softly.

"Is there something you have wanted to do but couldn't?"

"I..." Devin looked down embarassed about something, yet also sad about it.

"What is it?"

"School...." he whispered.

"Oh not that lie again, Devin... you know better than that...." cried out the social worker.

"What? Never mind. I want to adopt him. Devin I will see to it you get to best education." Tarsas said

"I... you don't.... have to... sir...." he whispered.

"The boy was lying... always coming back saying he had never been put in school..."

"I wish to adopt him. I will give him a good education and a good home. I want to."

"I will go draw up the paper work..." The social worker left the room.

Devin was still looking down. "Sir.... you don't have to do this...there are better..."

"I want you. I can't explain it. But I want to adopt you."

Devin nodded slowly, looking up to look at him.

He smiled looking into his eyes wanting to see their coller. "Do you want to come with me?"

Tarsas was greeted with emerald green eyes. "I.... I want a family...." he whispered.

He hesitated than hugged him. " do I." He whispered shocked that he was admitting it. He was even more shocked with the feelings he had for this boy, feelings of wanting to protect him.

Devin stiffened, then hugged back.

"I will protect you."

"You.. will....?" Devin asked softly sound shocked, as if he had never heard that before.

The social worker came back in. "Here are the papers you need to sign..."

He looked them over carefully than once he was reassured there were no hidden catches he signed the papers. He nodded reassuringly to Devin.

"Go get your things, Devin..." the social worker said.

Devin nodded, and hurried out of the room.

"How was your chat?" she asked.

"I think with the right guidance he will make a good company executive. He seems sweet but a little shy. Was he...abused?"

"There is no evidence nor bruises...."

"There are other forms of abuse. He seems distant..."

"He's been like that since he was little... he was left here when he was a baby... and didn't see his first family til he was five..."

"I see...." He waited for him to come back.

Devin came back with a small duffle bag. "I have my things ma'am..."

"That's good Devin..." The social worker said.

Kyo worked on cleaning up his home hoping to avoid being punished today.

"Beast! Get in here!" called his father's new wife.

He cautiously entered the room knowing it was pointless to point out he wasn't a beast. "Yes ma'am?"

"Where is it? Where did you hide it?!"

"Hide what ma'am?"

"My necklace... my pearl necklace you beast!"

"I..I don't know where it is. I was cleaning in the other room..."

"Liar!! You damn beast! You think I'm going to let you get away with this!" She back handed him.

He yelped and backed away. "I swear I don't know..."

"WHy should I ever believe a little creature like you! You are lower than dirt! Give me back my necklace!"

"I don't have it!"

She slapped him. "You will return my necklace or you will be wishing you had when your father coming home...!"

"I swear I didn't take it!"

"Beast! Stop backtalking me!" she backhanded him, and left. "Find it!"

He began to look for the necklace knowing he would be punoshed for something he hadn't done.

He couldn't find it in her room.

He looked elswhere

He couldn't find it anywhere.

He checked his brothers' rooms, being cautious so they wouldn't spot him

he didn't find it.

He got a sinking suspecion and checked his sleeping area to see if he was being set up.

It was there.

He grabbed it quickly and hid it sneaking back into the house. He went in search of his step mother.

He found her dressing his twin's, Zyansia's, hair with braids and flowers.

"I found it. It was caught between the floorboards in your room.": He lied, handing it over to her.

"Oh really, you little creature? Don't lie to me...."

"I found it. I'm not lying." He said and than began to leave. "Love you Zyansia."


"I didn't tel you that you could leave!" shouted the stepmother.

He stopped and looked at her. "I am done with my chores."

"Beast! You go out to the barn and see what chores my boys have for you!"

Zyansia looked at him sadly.

He nodded and left casting a sad look his sister's way. He went to the barn already exhausted.

As he walked into the barn, he was hit in the back of the head.

He fell to the ground and moaned trying to stay awake. He looked up.

Mao and Tsuko stood there laughing. Mao then kicked him in the side. "Lazy beast! Get up!"

He coughed and closed his eyes allowing himself to slip into unconsciousness

Kyo woke up shackled in the barn.

He looked around to figure out how much time had passed.

It was dark outside.

He rubbed the back of his head as he sat up.

"Kyo....?" came a soft voice.

he looked around sorely

Zyansia quietly came into the barn, kneeling near him. "Brother... I'm so scared...."

"Zyansia...what is wrong?"

"Kyo..." she started but then started to cry into his shoulder. "Father.... she.... they want... they want to sell you..."

"W...what? But...why?" He hugged her feeling scared. He knew he wasn't normal but at least here he was able to exist...what would happen if he was discovered out there?

"I... don't know, Kyo... you need to escape here...." she cried.

He rubbed his shackled ankle. "I can't get free...but how would they find a buyer? I'm not exactly normal..."

"They said something about a trader that buys and sells those like you... at high prices...."

He shivered. "I don't want to be sold...I want to be with you."

"I could try to get the key..." she said softly.

"I don't want you to get into trouble."

"And I don't want to lose you... you're my brother..."

"But...if you get caught..."

"I have to try...."

"If you get caught tell them I made you do it..."

"No... I won't do that... I... I don't want to lose you faster...."

"Please? I don't want you introuble..."

"But... but..." she said looking down.

He hugged her. "It just means don't get caught." He said with a reassuring smile.

"I'll try brother...."

He nodded. "Be careful..."

Zyansia nodded, hugging him close. "I'll hurry..."

He worried as he waited

He heard something fall.

He stiffened and looked around worried for his sister

He saw a squirll run off.

He remained silent getting more anxious.

"Kyo...I... have it..." Zyansia whispered as she came back into the barn, holding a key. She moved over to unlock the shackles.

He smiled a little keeping alert. "You weren't hurt were you?"

She shook her head. "We have to go..."

He nodded and followed her. "You weren't?"

"I.... have been... practicing.... some things that dad doesn't know about....."

"Huh? Like what?"

She held the key in her hand, and then it was gone. "I...hmmm...." She looked down.

"That's amazing!"

"Thanks...." she said softly. "It's back with them...we need to run...."

He nodded and followed her

Zyansia raced with him away from the barn.

"Thank you for helping me sis."

"You're my brother... you are the world to me...."

"Thank you. I feel the same way about you."

Zyansia smiled. "We have to get far from here...."

"I know."

Zyansia lead the way through a forest, parallel a walk path.

He followed.

Zyansia stopped looking around. "I don't know where we should go..."

"I...don't know..."

"There is a town up this way... but we wouldn't be able to stay long... I've been there with father before..."

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