Page name: Dark World Chapter 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2010-01-24 21:58:02
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Dark World Chapter 3

The landscapes truely breath taking and for the eye to behold.

"Girls..." came Neoryi's voice softly.

"Five more minutes' Marzena mumbled against Liangelus.

"Hmmm wha?" Quiyue asked groggily.

"Look outside..."

"Both girls rubbed their eyes then went to the window looking outside.

There were huge metal buildings. Quiyue could recognize the city as New York City.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me" Quiyue said hiding in the carriage, "Why are we back here you two? The two of you would be able to get away with living here but did you to space teh fact that your women dont look like human women" She said scared but not as scared as Marzena.

"What is this place" she had her back flat up against Liangelus tears in her eyes. "I don't like this place I don't feel right here" she whimpered.

"We're not stopping here, Quiyue..." Neoryi said, holding her close.

Liangelus kissed the top of Marzena's head. "This is one of the cities in a world populated mostly with humans... and as Neoryi said, we're not stopping here.... Neoryi and I were talking while you two slept..."

"...And found out that we both discovered a way into this world... it's perfect for hiding away til we figure things out..." Neoryi said softly.

Both girls relaxed hearing that. "Alright that sounds good, I just don't know where we're going to go though" Quiyue said snuggling against Neoryi.

Marzena was still scared, hearing they were not landing here didnt make her feel any better, she didnt like this world.

Liangelus leaned down to her ear, whispering, "There are wide open spaces in this world, away from the metal cities...."

"Still doesnt make me feel better, I just don't like the feel of this realm" she said softly. She didnt mind cities at all back in her world but this world just felt weird as if all the magic was dieing out. it made her heart ache at the feeling.

"I don't like it either, Marzena," he whispered.

Marzena buried herself against him just praying they could go home soon.

The landscape quickly changed, and it was open spaces.

Marzena just kept herself buried against Liangelus.

Quiyue calmed down a little bit but was still on edge.

Both girls started to feel that they were heading towards a patch of open landscape that pulsed with magic.

Quiyue poked her head out the window looking out over the night landscape of the human realm. "Where are we going?" she asked curiously unable to see anything in the dark.

"This is a pocket of land that is still protected by this world's guardians..." Liangelus said.

Quiyue nodded gently. "I see so I'm guessing we're hiding there?" she asked curiously.

"Yes...and while there no one has to hide who they are..."

"Wonderful I feel alot better knowing that" Marzena said with a soft smile.

Liangelus held her close. "We want you safe...."

Quiyue cuddled close to Neoryi just thinking to herself

Marzena let out a sigh snuggling against Liangelus wondering what was going to happen.

The carriage landed. Liangelus climbed out of the carriage. Neoryi stayed inside, and helped Quiyue and Marzena out, while Liangelus helped them down.

"Oh wow!" Quiyue and Marzena gasped as they gazed at the beautiful tree top village. Marzena walked over to the side and gasped at how tall the trees truely we're here deffinantly perfect for hiding from humans and the magic corsed and felt so wonderful it felt like home here.

"This use to be an elven outpost to help those from our world and other magical beings...." Liangelus said. "It the trees just incase a human get's lost, and walks by or should I say under..."

"Right of course" Marzena said walking over and hugged Liangelus's arm lovingly.

Quiyue looked around. "This place is truely impressive" she said with a smile.

Neoryi nodded. "It is... I didn't even know...."

"I'll show you all around....I'm sorry, my ladies...but we have to climb..." Liangelus said, motioning with his hand to a rope ladder.

The women gave Liangelus a look that could peel the flesh off of an Orc's back.

"I'm sorry..."

"I love you with all my heart baby but their is no way your getting me to climb that thing." Marzena said standing there and crossed her arms under her breasts tapping one of her hooves.

"I'm agreeing with her on this one you are not getting either of us up on that ladder maybe if we werent about to pop being this far along pregnant but I think both of us can agree that would then just make this into a maybe." Quiyue cross her arms under her breasts as well.

Liangelus laughed. "Look pass the rope ladder, at the tree behind it...."

the girls nodded and did as they were told.

There was something strange about the large oak.

They stared at the tree trying to figure it out

Liangelus walked over to it, touched it's bark, and it opened up. "It will take us up to the top with out climbing..."

"Why didn't you just say this first sweetheart?" Marzena asked walking over to him and kissed him softly and lovingly.

Quiyue giggled and then hugged Neoryi's arm.

Neoryi hugged her close.

Liangelus laughed, "I'm sorry..." He lead them over to the tree.

"Its alright I'll forgive you this time" Marzena said jokingly lookin gup at him as she held his hand.

Neoryi lead Quiyue over, and into the tree as well.

"Once we get up there, I'll show you to the bedrooms first so that the two of you can rest...."

"A bed sounds fabulous" Marzena said rubbing her lower back gently.

"That does sound heavenly especially since I'm still picking hay out of my hair" she giggled plucking a peice out of her hair.

Neoryi pulled some out. "Liangelus... is there a bath in the rooms?"

" each room...." Liangelus said as a door opened to a hanging walkway. He lead them to another tree, to a hut attached to the tree top. "Neoryi, Quiyue... you two can use this one..."I'm going to take Marzena over to the one just over here..."

Neoryi nodded, opening the door for Quiyue.

"Oh what a beautiful room" Quiyue said happily as she walked in. She went over and climbed on the bed pulling herself up on the tall bed. "Oooh this is so soft like heaven" she purred out.

Neoryi laid down with her. "Love you baby..."

"Love you to sweetheart" she said lovingly then jumped slightly as one of the cubs kicked. She giggled. "Feels like they love you to" she sighed snuggling against him.

"I'd hope they would..." he purred into her neck.

Quiyue moaned softly at the feeling. "Ooooh that feels so good" she said happily.

"Shall I continue? Or should I do this...." he said, and rolled her over a bit, and started massaging her.

"Oooh that feels heavenly" she purred out laying there on her side as he massaged her back.

"I want you prefectly happy...."

"I love you so much my mate" she said lovingly purring out happily in pleasure.

He nuzzled her neck.

She purred happily at the feeling enjoying the feel of her mate behind her and the rich soft bed under her.

She soon fell asleep, with dreams families and fields of flowers.

Quiyue slept better then she had in a long time.

There were many children in the dream.

Quiyue felt her heart flutter with pride at the sight of all of them and she was excited at the thought of raising all of them.

In her dream, arms wrapped around her. "All ours...."

Quiyue looked over her shoulder at Neoryi and smiled. "Yes all ours" she said lovingly. putting her hands on his that were on her waist.

Neoryi started to nibble on her neck.

Quiyue laid her head to the side and moaned softly and happily at the feeling always loving that feeling how he knew all the right ways to touch her.

"Mine..." he said low, and then she felt him bite her neck.

Quiyue gasped and moaned. "not in front of the kids" she whispered getting really turned on

"Mine..." the voice was different, and he nauded at her neck.

Quiyue grew nervous. "Neoryi why do you sound different?" she pulled away from him.

It was Him. "You're MINE!"

"No! I'll never be yours!" she cried and smacked him in the face before running away from him.

The land continued to strech for miles with no end.

But then Quiyue realized this was her dream she had the power there. She stopped and turned next thing the dark one knew a huge wall was thrown between him and Quiyue's mind he couldn't get to her.

A hand touched her from behind.

Quiyue spun around in fear.

It was Neoryi. "Quiyue...."

She backed up nervously. "Tell me, your really my Neoryi.." she said not trusting it in this dream world.

"You are having our children..."

"He knows that to!" she snapped talking about the dark one "That doesnt prove your my Neoryi" she said as tears filled her eyes scared wishing she would just wake up.

"Wake up..."

Quiyue gasped suddenly waking up. "Oh sweetheart" she whispered in tears seeing Neoryi looking down at her.

"Quiyue... I'm here...Shhh..." he whispered, pulling her close to his chest.

"He was in my dreams again" she whimpered against him.

"I will kill him....." she hear him growl, holding her tightly to his chest.

Quiyue buried herself against his chest trying to keep from crying.

He growled holding her.

Quiyue took deep breaths and calmed down as best as she could.

"I'm going to kill him for what he has done..."

"Neoryi" she said softly snuggling against him. "I love you so much your so good to me" she said sweetly but with sadness to her voice.

"I love you...I will protect you...."

"I knwo you will" she said lovingly. Suddenly her ears twitched. "SOmeone is coming to the door." she said hearing footsteps coming up.

Liangelus ran into the room. "What happened?!"

"Nightmare... controled by the sorceror that had held us...."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm alright" Quiyue said sitting there.

Liangelus sighed. "I'm glad..."

Quiyue smiled. "Thank you for coming to check on us" she said sweetly.

he nodded against and headed back to his room.

Neoryi kissed her neck.

Quiyue giggled and sighed happily leaning into him.

"He looked ready to kill..."

"Well he was worried he just got his brother back and he was worried something was up."

"I know..." he said nuzzling her neck.

She snuggled against him and rubbed her belly gently just wanting that comfort.

She felt him rub it too.

She giggled as she felt one of their cubs do a little kick. She snuggled against him and purred happily loving the feeling as they just sat there together.

He nibbled her neck, and she could barely heard him whisper, "Marry me....?"

Quiyue jumped and looked up at him. "Did... Did you just ask me?" Tears of joy filled her eyes. "Oh Neoryi of course I'll marry you!" she hugged him tight.

Neoryi held her tightly, and kissed her passionately.

Quiyue kissed him back with just as much passion happy to have him in her life and so excited to be marrying him.

He nuzzled her neck, licking behind her ear.

Quiyue purred happily at the feeling loving it

"All mine..."

Quiyue giggled and purred happily snuggling in his arms.

He nibbled her neck.

Quiyue sighed happily purring in pleasure as he continued

"We'll have to talk to Liangelus about a double wedding if he's asked her yet..."

"Is this what you two talked about while we were asleep" she asked playfully cuddling up to him and gazing up at him.

"Yes... and trying to get to know each other again... it's be centuries...." he said softly.

"I'm so glad that you two have each other again" she smiled lovingly up at him.

He nodded.

She purred and nuzzled him happily Playfully she strattled his lap so her belly was resting inbetween them.


"Mmmm?" she asked playfully and said lovingly.

"Love you..."

"I love you to" she said lovingly before she giggled as she felt one of their cubs kick

"They're wanting out it seems..."

"It does seem that but we don't have anything here in order to take care of them with" she said softly putting her hand on the top of her belly. "beside what if we need to leave fast?" she said worriedly.

He held her close.

"I really wish I could bring them into this world so we could be a happy family together." Quiyue said lovingly.

"We will be love...."

"I trust that" she said lovingly kissing him softly.

He kissed back.

After a few moments Quiyue pulled back and purred happily nuzzling him lovingly. 

"The most beautiful woman..."

"oh neyori your so sweet" she blushed softly as she smiled

" are... in my eyes..."

"I love you so much Neoryi" she kissed him deeply unable to help herself and the love she felt for him.

He kissed back.

After a few minutes she pulled back and gazed into his eyes. "I I want to bring them into the world" she said softly. "I feel like we'll be safe here for a long time and I want our little ones out in the world" she said gazing deeply in his eyes.

"Really?" he asked, his eyes bright.

"Yes really" she smiled lovingly. "But we need a bigger hut one with a few more rooms then this" she said cutely. "Like our own little house one we could have a nursery in and stuff like that" she said as she twirled some of his hair in her fingers.

"Then we will have to talk to Liangelus because this is the first I've been here..."

"Sounds wonderful to me" she said lovingly and kissed him softly.

"Do you think it will be safe to go talk to him....? When he came in here, his hair was wet...."

"well that was last night he may have been in the bath with Marzena but I do think we should wait a little bit its still a little early to go talk to him" she pointed at the clock and it was 7 in the morning.

"Well then..." he started to kiss her skin.

She sighed happily and giggled as he tugged up her night gown and laid a couple of soft kisses on her belly along with the rest of her skin.

"I love you..."

"I love you as well" she said sweetly.

He nipped her ears.

She giggled and purred happily, "Mmm that feels good" she snuggled against him and continued to purr happily at the feeling.

"I'm so glad....I love you..."

She giggled "I love you to baby, your just so excited arent you?" she asked playfully.

"Yes I am..."

"I am to darling" she said lovingly laying there looking up at him.

He started to kiss her neck.

Quiyue melted and purred happily at the feeling he knew right where all her special spots were.

Neoryi purred. "My love... my cubs...our cubs..."

"Yes our cubs" she purred happily as his hand slid over her belly, their cubs gave a little kick.

"Come..." he said softly, getting up, offering her his hand.

"Alright" she smiled and gently took his hand as he helped her up.

"We have to talk to my brother..."

"Yes that we do" she cuddled up to his side as they left the hut and headed to his brother's hut.

He knocked on the door.

Liangelus guided Marzena over to another tree top hut. "Love you so much..."

Marzena stayed glued to his side away from the edges of the walkways. "Love you so much as well" she hugged his arm happily. "So we're you really going to make us climb that thing or were you joking?" she asked curiously.

"I was joking... I remember that you two are both pregnant.... I'm not going to do anything to you or our babies... nor to my brother and his family...." he said, kissing her when they got to the other side. He opened the door. "After you, love..."

Marzena walked in. "Oh heavens me this is beautiful" she said lovingly gazing over the beautiful room. "This is truely magnificent" she said lovingly walking into the room running her hand over the soft sheets as she walked over to the window looking out.

"It may have been an outpost, but elves are still able to live in a way..."

"Well my darling I believe we'll be happy here" she said going over and kissing him softly Then pulled back smiling up at him.

"I do"

"Yes safety" she said lovingly. "Now my mate that bath Neoryi mentioned sounded heavenly" she giggled.

"I'll go draw it for you..." he said with a kiss to her cheek. Liangelus went off to the side and ran the bath.

"thank you my love" she sat down on the bed gently cradling her belly as she watched him through the door to the bathroom.

Liangelus came back to the bedroom. "All ready for you, love..."

"Oh lovely" she smiled standing up and she pulled off her clothes as she walked towards the bathroom to bathe.

Liangelus helped her into the large tub. "There you go, Marzena..."

Marzena slid down in the water and let out a long and happy sigh. "mmmm that feels wonderful" she sighed out

He stayed out of the water, and rubbed and massaged her back.

"Oh that is heaven right there" she sighed happily in pleasure as his hands worked her back.

"I know...." he purred.

"Mm this is nice." she sighed happily. "its hard carrying so many little ones" she giggled running a hand over her belly. "But every minute is worth it since soon we'll have our little ones in teh world" she said lovingly.

"It's up to you when you want to bring them out....into the world, love..."

"I know sweetheart I just want to be sure their going to be safe when I do" she said looking over her shoulder at him.

He kissed her, continueing.

Marzena happily leaned back kissing him.

"Marry me..."

Marzena went wide eyed with tears in her eyes. "Oh yes! liangelus of course I'll marry you!" she said lovingly gazing deeply into his eyes.

"I love you so much... and I didn't want you to have our children without asking you that first..."

"Oh Liangelus I would be honored to be your wife" she said lovingly and pulled him down kissing him deeply.

He kissed her passionately.

Marzena pulled back. "Now strip and get in here." she giggled cutely.

"Oh is that an order?" he asked with a smile.

"Oh yes indeed it is" she said seductively.

His eyes shifted, as he smiled, and growled. His clothes disappeared, and he appeared in the tub, kissing her.

Marzena giggled and cuddled up to him making out with him feeling so happy and alive knowing she was going to marry such an amazing man.

Liangelus stroked her hair lovingly.

Marzena sighed happily cuddling against him loving being with him like this.

"The water helping...."

"The water is helping alot I feel alot less sore" she said with a smile rubbing her belly.

He started rubbing it too. "What a beauty...."

She giggled nuzzling him and snuggling in his arms.

Liangelus looked up and towards the door.

"WHat is it sweetheart?" Marzena asked worriedly.

"Something's wrong over with the others...."

"Go darling" she said softly. "I'll be alright on my own for a bit" she said lovingly.

Liangelus nodded, hopping out and hurrying getting his pants on and running over to the other rooms.

Marzena sighed and slid down relaxing in her bathtub hoping the others were alright.

Something poked her side.

Marzena yelped and jumped away.

she didn't see anything.

Marzena got out of the bathtub nervously not liking that something poked her.

Liangelus came back into the apartment. "Marzena I'm back..."

"Liangelus, something in the bathtub poked me" she said in a slightly nervous tone and looked at her side to make sure their was nothing wrong with her.

She didn't see anything.

Liangelus checked out the tub. "I don't see anything...."

"I swear it poked me" she was unnerved and confused.

He hugged her. "I believe you... I'm here..."

"will you drain the tub? I'm going to go and change into something comfy to sleep in" she said kissing his cheek

"Alright... I'll do that..."

"sounds good" she said lovingly and walked off into the other room hunting for something to where to bed other then her regular clothes.

She found some stored clothing.

She found a blue silk nighty that luckily enough fit over her large pregnant belly then she climbed into bed and curled up under the blankets.

Liangelus came into the room, laying down next to her, holding her close.

Marzena leaned back against him and let sleep take her.

She had dreams of the show and the ring master, and his whip.

Marzena whimpered in her sleep.

He cracked his whip, laughing

Marzena gasped waking up, "Damn it all" she grumbled to herself.

Liangelus pulled her closer. 

Marzena sighed laying there wondering why she dreamed of the Ringmaster.

"" he mumbled.

"I'm here baby" she whispered snuggling against him.

"My love... my babies..."

Marzena snuggled in his arms happily.

"I feel like eating you..." he whispered with a smile.

"You feel like what?" she was confused.

He started nibbling her.

Marzena giggled laying there loving the feeling.


Marzena giggled and sighed happily relaxing in his arms.

"Sleep...." he said softly.

"I'll try" she said softly in return as she snuggled up to the pillow and loving the feeling of him behind us.

He hummed against the skin of her neck.

Marzena felt so relaxed and soon drifted off to sleep.

She dreamed of green fields.

Marzena slept truely peacefully that night melting into the feel of her husband to be.

She dreamed of newcomers that would come to this forest.

In her dream she tried to see the newcomers tried to get a feel wether they were friend or foe.

She felt they would be friends, one had cat ears and tail like a domestic cat, and the other she felt was human.

Marzena relaxed and felt happy that more were coming to the sanctuary she felt that maybe it was time to bring her little ones into the world if she had a nursery that is.

She felt a nibbling on her neck as she slept.

"Mmmmm that feels good" Marzena mumbled happily slightly waking up in a groggy yet well rested state.

the nibbling continued.

She opened her eyes gently and looked over her shoulder. "Mmmm Liangelus" she giggled softly.

"Hmmmmm...." he mumbled.

He was fast asleep next to her, had he been nibbling her neck in her sleep? that made her uncomfortable

"Love you..."

"Love you to" she said lovingly watching him with a smile.

A smile crossed his lips, and then his eyes slowly opened.

Marzena giggled and gave him a little kiss.

He kissed back. "Did you think I'd eat you in my sleep?"

"No I just thought you were having a really good dream about us" she said lovingly and nuzzled him. "Liangelus I decided something" she said looking up at him.


"Yes really" she hit him gently playfully. "I want to bring our little ones into the world" she said loving gazing up at him.

His eyes widened. "That's great...."

"But I do have some conditions on the matter" she said playfully and sighed happily as his hand curessed her belly. She knew his mind was on the fact that his children would be in the world soon.


"I was wondering if we could get a bigger hut, you know one that is more like a home for us while we stay here, and baby furniture" she said playfully sliding her hand over his on her belly.

"There are huts of all sizes..."

"A nice big hut since I know we'll be having a large family" she said playfully and giggled as he nuzzled the curve of her neck as his hand traced circles on her belly. She was liking this between them laying there like that.

"I know we will..."

She sighed happily. "sounds truely wonderful" she said lovingly laying there.

"I agree..."

She sighed happily laying there. "I love you so much Liangelus" she said happily.

"I love you too..."

Marzena sighed happily closing her eyes loving the feeling as he stayed cuddled up to her stroking her belly she didnt want to move.

"I will be here always for you..."

"I know you will my love" she said sweetly as she was just so relaxed as he continued what he was doing.

There was a knock.

"Must be your brother" Marzena pushed herself sitting up.

Liangelus went to the door. "Hey..."

"Hey... do you think Quiyue and I can move to one of the large huts?"

Marzena giggled softly to herself realizing Quiyue must have decided the same thing.

"We were thinking the same thing..."



"The larger huts are a level higher...."

"as long as their are stairs we can go up sounds wonderful to me" Quiyue said happily.

"The tree..." Liangelus said simply.

Marzena appeared behind Liangelus. "Well then what are we waiting for we should head up to the next level while the boys get our stuff from the carriage down below." she giggled.

Quiyue nodded. "That sounds good to me" she said cutely.

"Oh yes....we the labor goats..." joked Neoryi, smiling.

"Your cute Labor goats though" Quiyue said playfully kissing his cheek.

"That you are. "Marzena winked at Liangelus then she and Quiyue linked arms and walked off together to head up to the next level.

When they got to the next level there looked like there were huge homes that just foated in the trees.

"Oh wow Marzena these are breath taking!" Quiyue said gaping at it all.

"I deffinantly must agree Quiyue they're marvelous" she said gazing over it all and the girls walked along the pathway looking at the houses and the architechture of it all. Marzena plucked a beautiful pink lilly and slid it in her hair as they walked along together.

They found a large home that appeared to have room for all of them.

"Oh wow this is perfect!" Quiyue said happily.

Marzena ran her hand over the beautiful wood. "This is perfect indeed." she smiled looking over it all.

"I looks like you two have found the biggest one..." came Neoryi.

"Well we deffinantly need it" Quiyue said playfully looking at him over her shoulder.

Neoryi held bags in his arms, smiling at her.

Liangelus walked up with his own. "Why don't you two head in and pick out a room...."

"Sounds good" Marzena giggled and she and quiyue walked off finding the stairs that lead to the upstairs and began to look at the rooms. Marzena found a master suite that was done more in rich shades of blue while Quiyue found one that was done more in Greens they picked those two rooms.

Neoryi and Liangelus put each of their things in the rooms.

Quiyue did a little twirl around the room. "Its beautiful here" she smiled as she went over to the window and smelled the lilies that were growing there.

Neoryi pulled her to him, kissing her.

Quiyue sighed happily melting into his arms kissing him deeply.

He pulled her onto the bed.

She squeeked and giggled as they continued to kiss each other with passion.

"You want to know something?" he whispered.

"Of course" she giggled nuzzling him.

"When I put the bags away, I found a room connected to this one..."

"Really?" she asked excitedly "Oh thats perfect for a nursery" she clapped her hands happily.

"While.." he dragged out, smiling.

"While what?" She asked curiously.

"While they are young....when I was born, I wasn't a babe for all..."

"Really? is it because of the dragon blood?" she asked curiously.

"Yes.. it is..."

"But what if my blood dilutes it to much that they wont age quickly?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't know... we will see..."

"Yes we will" she giggled burying herself against his chest.

"Just tell me when you are ready...."

"I want to talk to Marzena about it I want to do it one at a time so that just in case anything happens she or I have every hand available just in case, I just want whats best for our little ones" she said looking deep into his green eyes.

"Of course, Quiyue..."

"I kind of hope Marzena wants to go first I have to admit" she blushed and giggled.

"Oh really..."

"Yes I don't know so I could see what its like I guess" she blushed

He kissed her. "It's alright hun..."

Quiyue kissed him back. "Alright" She said happily.

"As you wish..."

"As I wish what?" she asked confused she hadnt said anything else that would need that kind of answer.

He nipped her ear. "I love you...."

Quiyue giggled. "I love you to you silly man" she purred and nuzzled him.

"My tigeress...."

Quiyue purred happily. "My gorgeous mate." she cuddled up to him in his arms.

"I will protect you..."

"I know you will my darling" She nuzzled him softly. "Now we should talk to the others about finally giving birth to our little ones" she said cutely.

"Let's go..."

Quiyue climbed out of bed and the two of them headed out down the hall to the other's bedroom.

Marzena went over and sat on the bed. "Oh this feels even softer then the other one." She gigled and looked around the beautiful room.

"I know...." he purred against her, as he laid down next to her.

Marzena giggled as he pulled her down in bed with him as he purred against her skin. "Mmmm Now this is heaven" she sighed happily snuggling against him.

"I'm glad you think so..."

"Don't you think so?" she asked curiously tracing the strong muscles of his arm.

"I do think so too..." he said then kissing her.

Marzena sighed happily in the kiss, making out with him as they laid there together.

Liangelus hugged her close. "You will be safe..."

"I know I will" she said lovingly burying herself against him.

"The nursery is just right there... through that back door... I saw another door in that room... it connects to Quiyue and Neoryi's room..."

"Is it just one nursery?" she asked, not that she thought it was a bad thing but she didnt want to put double stress on everyone because you wouldnt know if it was your child or theirs and then there was all the others as well. He could see the worry on her face.

"The cubs wouldn't be cubs for long...dragons age quickly..."

"Well now thats exciting, I just didnt want to put alot of stress on everyone." Marzena giggled and sighed happily laying there she held one hand on her belly as she nuzzled his cheek while he laid there curled up next to her.

"We will bring them into the world soon..." he whispered.

she blushed softly as he began to rub her belly and from the whisper of his voice the tone of it. "Yes we will" she sighed happily.

He kissed her neck.

She sighed deeply and happily running her fingers in his gorgeous hair.

He moved his hand to her hand that had the ring. "Just tell me when...." he whispered.

"I want to do it one at a time who knows what could happen during the birth so I don't want to be in labor when Quiyue is." she blushed.

"Alright, love...."

"You want to go ask?" she asked him curiously, she kind of didnt want to get out of bed at that moment

"Later..." he whispered, and started to kiss her neck.

"Oh heavens that feels good" she moaned happily laying there. 

He continued to do that. "I love you...."

"I love you to" she purred out laying there blushing.

He nibbled her ear.

Marzena giggled and sighed happily at the feeling.

He showered her neck with kisses.

Marzena sighed happily in pleasure. "oooh that feels good" she moaned happily laying there as he continued.

"I want you safe and happy..."

"I know you do my love as I want you safe and happy as well" she said gazing up at him.

he hugged her close.

Marzena sighed happily.

He nibbled her.

Marzena's ears twitched. "The others are coming." she said sweetly.

"I think they may want to ask us what we would to ask them...." he growled into her neck.

She shivered and sighed happily at the feeling "I would say thats a good thing because the sooner we talk about it the sooner our little ones are in the world" she said lovingly.

A knock came at the door, and Liangelus went to answer it. He had Neoryi and Quiyue come into the room.

Marzena sat there smiling. "Hello you two"

"Hello we wanted to talk about finally giving birth and everything" Quiyue said shyly.

"We had a feeling you were" Marzena giggled.

Liangelus laughed. "Marzena was saying that each of them should give birth one at a time..."

Neoryi nodded. "Same here..."

"And also I was wondering if you would give birth first Marzena I'm really nervous" Quiyue said blushing.

"Thats alright with me" Marzena smiled looking over at them.

Liangelus went over, sitting next to Marzena. "Alright then...are you ready?"

She nodded, "Yes I'm ready but I'm not doing it in this room this is our bedroom where we are going to be sleeping and everything is there another room we could use as a birthing room?" she asked looking at Liangelus curiously besides she didnt want to pull her panties off infront of these two.

Liangelus nodded, he held her close, and they disappeared.

Neoryi smiled and hugged Quiyue

They reappeared in a circlar room. She was laying on a soft bed.

Marzena laid there seeing only Liangelus with her. "Alright once you get my panties off then we can begin" she said blushing resting her hand on her belly nervous but excited all in one.

Liangelus pulled off her panties, and smiled. "We can begin...." He slipped off her ring. "Now..."

Marzena cried out as the contractions hit "Holy hell" she cradled her belly as she took a deep breath and cried out as he water broke.

Liangelus talked her through the breathing, calling for warm towels and water to appear beside him.

Marzena gasped and grunted as she went through the motions pushing and breathing. Hours passed as she gave birth. ((you choose how many for both of them lol))

Liangelus had wrapped in small craddles three small babies.

Marzena laid there taking deep breaths after she was done. "How do they look are they healthy?" she asked as she watched Liangelus clean their last child up of blood and such then wrap it in a blanket as she laid there exhausted.

"They're beautiful just like my love..."

"wonderful I'm so happy" she said lovingly as she laid back against the pillows.

Liangelus smiled, moving over to her, stroking her hair.

"Their finally here our beautiful little ones are finally here" she said lovingly and happily.

He kissed her forehead. "I'll leave them here if you want to rest some more...and I can tell Neoryi and Quiyue..."

"I'm alright to move to our bedroom with our little ones..."

"That sounds lovely my darling" she smiled lovingly at him.

Liangelus helped to get her back to their room.

When they were there she went to the crib that held their little ones. "Their so beautiful" she said with tear filled eyes gazing down at them.

"Just like their mother...."

She smiled and gently stroked the hair of one of them. It was their son who had her horse features except he was all white in his hair and fur on his body. Then she gently stroked the hair of her daughter who took after her daddy. she had white hair with black streaks while their second daughter had more black hair with white streaks. "Aww sweetheart" she smiled looking up at Liangelus

"Love you..."

"I love you to" she said lovingly looking up at him and hugged him burying herself against his chest.

A knock came at the door.

"Come in" she called to the door knowing it was Neoryi and Quiyue.

Nickoli opened the room's door. The bed was a mess, and no one was in there. "What's going on here?"

"Looks like a struggle..."


"Yea?" He asked grimly

"I'm scared... can I just grab what I want and leave...?"

He followed him to do so. "Yes...I don't want to be here much longer either..."

Nickoli hurried off to his room, dragging Miach with him. He's room reminded Miach of Victor's, except for being more modern.

"Looks like your old room..."

"Really? Wow..." he said. He gathered up a duffel, packing some clothes, a leather journal, and some other items.

He helped him

"Thank you..."

"I am here for you."

"Let's go..." Nickoli said softly.

He lead him outside

Nickoli took his hand. "I hope nothing happened......"

"Me too."

They made it back to Miach's.

He helped him put things away


He held him close. "Of course."

"I hope everything will be fine..."

"So do I..."


"I keep you safe..."

"Thank you Miach... but what about class?"

He looked at the time

They had 5 minutes.

He grabbed their things for class and hurried to the school

Nickoli ran with Miach to get to class.

He pulled to a stop when they got there

"We're going to be late.."

He opened the door to their class. "Sorry we're late."

"It's alright... come on in and sit down..."

Miach sat down

Nickoli sat down near by.

The teacher started class.

He took notes

Nickoli wrote down the notes.

After a long while, the teacher said, "Class Dismissed..."

Miach took Nickili's hand. "Lets head to our next class."

Nickoli blushed and nodded. "Just yesterday, you were running from this room to your next class...."

He blushed. "I am sorry..."

"It's okay..."

He kissed him

He kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you..."

He smiled heading to their next class

Nickoli followed, happy.

Miach lead the way into their class

"So... you ready for class?"

"I am are you?"


"Looks like you two are on better terms...."


"That is good..." the teacher said, and then started the lesson.

He took notes

Nickoli took notes.

The teacher smiled happy for how the class was going.

Miach payed attention

The class was soon over.

He packed up his things

Nickoli smiled over at him.

He smiled back

"I'm ready...." he said softly.

He held out his hand

Nickoli took his hand.

He headed to the next class. "Liking this day better?"

"Yes... I do..."

"I am glad."

" too...."

He kissed him

Nickoli smiled at him.

He hugged him

"what do you want to do....?

"I don't know...we can go to a place that caters to my kind and see a movie...or we could take a walk."

"We... can go to that place...."

"What place?"

" what you are...."

"I am a vampire."

"I know... I was saying that place... then a movie..."

He nodded and lead him there. "This place has movies playing all night. What do you want to see?"

" up for anything..."


Nickoli smiled. "I'd love to...."

He took him to see it

Nickoli leaned against him.

He smiled

"This is great...." he whispered.

"I agree." He said looking at him and not the movie

Nickoli blushed.

He kissed him

He kissed back.

"I love you."

"Love you..."

He held him close

Nickoli looked back at the movie.

He watched too

Nickoli leaned his head against Miach.

Miach stroked his hair

The movie finished and Nickoli smiled. "That was a great movie...."

"Yea it was. Now what?"


He nodded and lead him to an all night restaurant

"It looks nice..."

"I hope you like it."

Nickoli smiled at him. "I'm sure I will..."

He smiled and helped held his chair for him

Nickoli blushed and sat down.

He sat down and smiled

A waiter came up. "What can I get you?"

"I will have my usual."

Baine nodded. "I just wished to help you...."

"I know and I appreciate it."

Baine leaned against a tree.

He sat down and yawned. "Can I get you anything?"

"In that pack... there's water in bottle for each of us..."

He gave him his water and got some for himself


"And thank you."

Baine nodded falling to sleep.

He laid down to but was too afraid to sleep

A hand crept over his mouth and around his package. "Found you...." whispered Claude's voice.

He stiffened in fear and kicked at Baine trying to wake him ((Yay! Glutton for punishment))

Claude pulled him back before he could do that. "You're coming home..." he said as he kissed Erebain's neck.

He trembled and tried to struggle. Baine!

Baine jumped up as did the wolf, which growled. "Claude let him go!"

Claude laughed. "Silly boy..." he disappeared as Baine jumped at them. Claude and Erebain reappeared on the bed they had shared.

"Please...I...want to go home..."He cried

Claude started to kiss him forcefully, cluching his cock. "You are home..."

He cried silently. "Y..yes Claude..."

Claude took Erebain's cock in his mouth.

He gasped and trembled, silent tears ran down his cheeks

He bite down, hard enough to make a point, but not break the skin.

He winced. " sorry....please...forgive me...He stopped me from coming back...he...he k...killed people...."

"And if I did..."

He stiffened in fear. "Why?"

"Because I get my way...." he gripped Erebain's cock.

He gasped and trembled. "A...are you...going to kill me?"

"No... I want you too much!"

He shivered in fear. "Please...Why...did you change?"

"I haven't changed...." He pulled Erebain against him, and started to stroke his hair. "I was just so upset... so worried for you..."

Erebain still trembled scared. "R...really? me?"

"Yes... I do..." he said softly, still stroking his hair.

"" He asked not sure what to believe

Claude gently kissed him.

He hesitantly kissed back

Claude's kiss grew more passionate.

He pulled back. "C...claude...please...can you...just hold me? Gently...."

Claude pulled him close holding him.

He held onto him. He still loved him but he was scared. He didn't know what to think. "Cloude...I...want to see my family...please..."

"Erebain... rest...."

He closed his eyes

He fell asleep dreaming of another much kinder person.

He snuggled into the dream person

"I love you..."

"Love you."

The dream person kissed him.

He kissed back

"I will find you..." he heard whispered.


"I will find you...."

He nodded not wanting to wake up

he woke.

He looked around

Claude was laying there holding him.

He lay still

Claude was stroking his hair.



"Please...let me see my family..."



"Why do you need to?"

"I miss them..I love them..."

"You don't need them... just me..."

"I do need them!"


"Why? I...feel isolated...I can't go anywhere..."

"You don't need anything but me..."

He looked at him sadly. "I want them too...please..."


He got up looking at Claude. " leaving than..."

Claude bolted up and slapped him. "YOu are going nowhere...."

He clutched his cheek. 'I want to leave!"

Claude pulled him to him. "You are not going to...."

"You say you love me and yet you hit me! You...don't love're a monster that only lusts!"He yelled hitting him as hard as he could between to legs and across the face

Claude growled, and then pinned him to the bed, gripping his cock.

He screamed in pain. "Let go! You're hurting me!"

"You belong to me...!"

"No...if you trully loved me you would let me go!"

He bite at his neck.

He struggled his eyes going wide in horror

"You belong to me..."

He shivered trying to fight him off. "NO!"

Claude back handed him again.

He cried in pain and fear and used everything he had in him to fight him off and run for the door

A book hit the wall beside the door.

He picked it up and looked back at Cloude with wide eyes

"You are not leaving here...!"

He opened the door and rushed out

Claude gave chase.

He ran for the woods

Claude tackled him to the ground. "You...BELONG TO ME!"

He struggled. "No! I am going home Claude....I...hate you!" He said trying to mask the lie with anger

Claude backhanded him.

He yelped in pain tears in his eyes. "Let me go!"

"Never you are mine!"

He struggled trying to get away. " not yours!"

Claude grolwed. "Yes you are!!!"

"Ok..."He whispered acting submissive, when he got the chance to rise a little he bit down on his ear as hard as he could

Claude screamed, grabbing his own ear.

He kicked him between the legs trying to get away

He screamed again.

Her scrambled for the woods

A wolf started to run next to him.


Baine is waiting...this way... The wolf turned slightly to the left.

He followed

Baine ran up, taking his hand. "We're out of here!"

He held on and ran. He glanced back sadly. "Bye...Claude..."

There was no answer.

She sighed. "Must be stress..."She thought laying down and placing the picture back

Not your fault.... came the soft voice again.

"Who's there?"



It wasn't your fault...



"I...wanted to save you..."

I know...

"I am so so sorry..."

Not your fault...

"I miss and dad hate me now...."

I'm sorry...

"I should have been the one who died..."

Never say was my time....

Than why did I see it? What is the point of seeing things before they happen if I can't do anything about it?!

It's just to have some option...

"It didn't work..."


She stiffened. "W...what?"

Die Bitch!

"Christopher...that...isn't funny..."

You need to pay for what you did!

" sorry...I tried to save you..."She said tears in her eyes


Tears ran down her face and she trembled. "W...why? You wasn't my fault..."


She hid beneath the blankets crying

She heard growling in her room.

She shivered terrified.

There were foot steps.

She tentatively peeped out from beneath the covers

Kiar was in her room, moving silently over to her. He sat down on her bed, leaning back against the pillows and backboard. Kiar gently pulled her to him, resting her head on his chest.

"Kair?"She whispered in surprise.

Kiar held her close. "I felt something was wrong..." He whispered, stroking her hair.

She nodded and told him in a whisper

"I'm here... I'm not going anywhere...."

"What is going on?"

"I don't know..."

She snuggled into him.

"I'm a demon... I felt something was wrong..."

"Thank you...thank you for protecting me."

He kissed her forehead. "Always..."

She closed her eyes

He stroked her hair.

She fell asleep

She had a dream of her brother killing her.

She bolted awake


"He...killed me..."

"I won't let anything happen to you..."

She burrowed into him

"I love you...."

"I love you."

Kiar stroked her hair more.

She snuggled into him

"I will not let you get into harm's way..."

"Thank you."

He kissed the top of her head.

She smiled up at him. "Thank you."


She tried to fall asleep

She fell back to sleep.

She snuggled into him

She woke up early in the morning.

She looked around

Kiar was still laying next to her, holding her.

She gently woke him. "Kair?"

"Yes..." he said softly.

"I need to go to parents would kill us if they knew you stayed so can you meet me outside? I will try to bring you something..."

"It's fine..." Kiar kissed her, and climbed out the window.

She got ready for the day and packed her school things heading down stairs

"Morning Chrisa..." said her mother.

"Morning..."She said surprised her mother was greeting her.

her mother didn't say anything else to her.

"Where is dad?"


" do you and dad not like Kair?"

Her mother ignored her.



"I asked a question..."

"Your friend is not welcome here..."


"Enough... finish up and get to school..."

She did as asked and grabbed some food for Kiar

She found Kiar out front. "Hey..."

She handed him the food

Kiar kissed her. "Thanks..."

"Of course and thank you."

"Anything for you..."

She smiled and walked with him toward school

Kiar held her close as they walked.

She smiled with a blush as they neared the school

"Another day..." he said with a smile.

"I know..."

"I'm here for you..."

"Thank you. You are the only one Who seems to care about me."

"I'm sure there are others..."

"I don't think so."

Kiar hugged her.

She hugged back

"Let's get into class..."

She nodded

Kiar sat down with Chris.

She got her things out.

He bolted awake.Kailiena? He called out through the mind


Are you ok?

Yes... I'm okay...why? what's wrong?

he told her his nightmare

I'm fine Loki...

Stay safe and sweet dreams

You too...

I will try

Love you...

Love you too



He felt her mind go back to sleep.

He went to sleep

His alarm went off hours later.

He turned it off and got ready for work

it didn't take long for him to get ready.

he headed to work

The sky was dark with storm clouds.

He looked at the sky grimly but headed on

It started to rain. He got to work.

He sat down

"What took you!?"

"The rain. I was afraid I would melt." He said with a glare

The man glared. "Get to work!"

He did so

he saw many gifted. He even saw two young boys. ((Kiyoshi and Devin... he is not seeing Tarsas there...))

He told them but left out the boys not wanting to get children in danger

"Any other?"

"No sir."

"You had better not be lying boy!"

"Why would I lie?"

"To protect those like you..."

"And risk imprisonment?"



"Get back to work..."

He did so

He saw the two young teens about, and then his love.

He tried to find someone else

He saw Kailiena again as well as the boys, then he saw a young child, a girl, that looked like she had been living on the streets.

He sighed trying to find another adult

He found one.

"I found one."


He told them and described him

The man sent out many of the men. "Good..."

He started searching for others

He just got the ones he had not told the guards about.

"He is the only one I see."


"Yes sir."

"Keep looking..."

He did as asked

He didn't see anything at the moment.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Keep looking..."

He did so

He didn't see anymore right now, but it made him look busy.

He kept his eyes closed pretending to search more.

He heard his handler leave the room.

He opened his eyes and sighed

he was completely alone.

He sighed in relief

His cell rang.

He looked at the number

It was Kailiena's number.


"Hi... I... just wanted to know if you... maybe wanted to come with me to"

"When?" He ask happy to hear her


"After work I will call you ok?"


He hung up happy she was safe

he received a report that the men had returned with two specimens.



He frowned. "I only saw one."

the man shrugged walking off.

He frowned checking who the second person was.

there was no records.

He checked with his abilities

One was the man he had told them about, and the other was a young girl that had been with him.

A tear ran down his cheek as he realized with horror what he had done. "No..."

He heard people talking about the boss coming in.

He stiffened

The boss didn't come in the front.

He sighed

Everyone that had gone off came back to their offices, getting back to work.

He pretended to do the same

Work ended for him.

He got up and headed to meet up with Kaliana with a heavy conscious.

He remembered that he said he'd call her after work.

He called on his cell after leaving


"I'm off."

"That's wonderful... do you have anything really nice to wear?"

"I will find something."

"Alright... will you come by here around 5?"

"Ok." he said hurrying to his apartment to find something to wear

Diaca kissed back. "Stay safe...." she whispered.

She nodded and hurried home hoping her mother would be there

As she got in, she was grabbed by her father, he had been drinking. "Where were you bitch!?"

She cried out in pain. "Doing schoolwork"

He back handed her. "Lying bitch"

"I'm not lying I told Mom..."

He took her by the throat and threw her int a wall.

She cried out in pain. She ran for her room

She made it there.

She shut the door and locked it. She trembled and turned on her phone trying to call her mother

Her mothers phone was off.

She trembled setting on her bed hoping she would get back

She heard her father yelling at someone.

She listened to see who it was

She just heard whispers from the other person.

She carefully cracked the door to look

Her father was yelling at her mother.

She rushed out the door at him. "Leave her alone!"She yelled. She was shocked he had always acted kind around her mother...what had made him change his actions around her?

He threw a bottle at her, but the bottle hit the wall beside her. "Shut your mouth!"

She hurried over to her mother trying to protect her. She started to call the police

He slapped the phone from her hand. "Don't you dare!"

She kicked him between the legs as hard as she could and scrambled for the phone

He screamed out, and then grabbed her by the neck. "You touch that phone or any phone or go to the police.... you are dead as well as she is...."

She whimpered in fear

"You understand?!"

She nodded

"Go to your room!"

She looked to her mother

Her mother didn't look at her.


"I said GO!"

She bolted to her room worried and scared

After a short while, there was just silence.

She crept from her room to investigate

The room to her parents room was closed, and no one was around the house.

She carefully cracked the door to her parents room open

Both her parents were asleep...

She snuck toward her mother

Her mother rolled over.

She gently tried to wake her

Her mother slowly opened her eyes, mouthed 'go...', before closing them again. She heard her father grunt.

She bit her lip and carefully nudged her mother and mouthed out 'not without you'

She mouthed back 'go.. back to bed...'

'but we can go get help' She mouthed

her father grumbled in his sleep.

She looked to her mother pleadingly

' bed....'

'Why are you staying in bed?' She mouthed growing worried

Her father started to stir.

She ducked down creeping out of the room

She made it out.

She went to her room

She was alone.

She curled up into her bed and trembled scared

Her cell started to vibrate.

She looked to see who called

It was Diaca.

She texted her after silencing her phone. Yes?

I...I... felt like something was wrong....I had a dream...

She bit her lip. ok...thank you for worrying.She texted back not wanting to get her involved

Are you sure???

I will be ok...don't worry. I love you.

I love you too...

I will see you at school ok?

Alright... night...

She put her phone down sadly not wanting to lie but wanting her safe

Morning came very quickly.

She got up and got ready for school

There was no sound coming from the house.

she left the room with her things and looked for her mother

She didn't find anyone.

"Mom..."She whispered. She went to the kitchen

She didn't see her at all.

She tried to call her

No answer.

She called her work


She asked for her mother

"I'm sorry... she's not here...."

"Oh...thank you."

the phone hung up.

She headed to school worried about her mom.

"Eve...." called Diaca, coming up to her as she got to the school.

She hugged her. "Hi." She said trying to look cheerful

Diaca held her close. "What's wrong?"

"I...can't say..."


"He will kill me and my mom..."

Diaca held her closer.

She cried into her. "I can't find her..."

"You'll find her..."

"Are you sure?"


"What if he hurt her...or worse..."

"I'll help you find her..."

"Thank you."

Diaca kissed Eve. "We have to get to class...."

She nodded

Diaca walked with Eve to their class.

They got there

Diaca sat at her desk, their project next to it.

Eve sat but was worried for her mother



"You zoned out... the teacher wants us to present our project...."

"Oh..." She got up with Diaca and began to help with the presentation

He walked with her heading out of town

There was some whispering.

He held her hand reassuringly

"They....they're whispering.... about"

"I won't let them hurt you."

"Thank you Vann..." she whispered. They made it out of the town.

He smiled kindly as they walked. "You are safe now."

"Thank you... thank you..."

He smiled down at her

Naya smiled, seemingly truly happy.

He kissed her forehead

She smiled.

He smiled in return. They traveled for awhile and got on a bus and eventually ended up at a nice manor house after awhile. "Welcome home."


"Do you like it?"

"It's so big...."

"I know...but it is home." He said leading her inside

"I...'s so big...." she just continued to stutter out looking around in awe.

He smiled and showed her to a really nice room."This is a guest room but it is yours now. My room is across the hall."

"This is my room? I have a room......??"

"Of course. You are family..."

She jumped at him, hugging him. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you..."

He smiled and laughed gently hugging her.

"I love you sooooo much!"

"I love you too."

Naya smiled and bounced up and down excited.

He smiled and helped her put her stuff away

"You are the best person I have ever known!"

He smiled and hugged her. "Thank you. I will protect you sweetheart."

Naya hugged him.

He hugged back. "Are you hungry?"

"Ah huh..." she said nodding.

"Want to help me make dinner?"


He smiled and lead her to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat?"

"I don't know... I.. got food from the....."

"From where?"


"The trash? You won't have to ever again angel." He said leading her downstairs and he began to make pork chops, mash potatoes and gravy, and vegetables.

Naya's eyes were wide looking at everything he was making. She was always licking her lips.

He smiled. "Can you read?"


"I will teach you than. Want to help me make a cake?"


He started to teach her

She looked like a lost lamb as he taught her.

He was patient and helped her.

" hard...."

"You will get the hang of it after awhile. You are doing great."

There was a knock on the main door.

Vann frowned. "Wait here angel."He said and went to the entryway. He peeped through the peephole

It looked like a delivery person.

He frowned and cracked the door keeping the chain in place. "Can I help you?"

"I have a package here for you..."

"I didn't order anything..."

"This is...." gives the address.

He frowned unbolting the chain. "Who is the sender?" He said opening the door

the man rushed him as did several others, and he heard windows breaking, and Naya's scream.

He growled and rushed toward the kitchen away from them.

Some men had her, and more were attacking him.

"Let her go!" He said using his abilities to attack the men and try to protect Naya

More men came, attacking. The men that had Naya disappeared out the window.

"Naya!"He screamed in worry trying to attack the men

He heard Naya's screams. "Come with us or we will kill her!" a man yelled.

He froze. " you want?...let my sister go please..."

"Come with us or we will kill her!" he said again.

He nodded. "I...will come with you..."He whispered

the men shackled him, and took him two a black van out front.

"Let her go..."

A man injected him with something, and he felt sleepy. "No..."

He tried to fight it but collapsed. His raven attacked the men holding Naya trying to free her

The van door closed, keeping the raven out as they drove off. The next time Vann woke, he was in a small room, shackled to the bed.

he winced trying to get free

The shackles ate into his flesh.

He stopped struggling

there was movement outside.

He looked that way

He heard guards talking about two 'specimen' that had been 'worked' by the boss.

He shivered scared and worried for Naya

The guard sounding people walked away.


There was no answer.

He worried about her

He heard footsteps.

He stiffened

There was the sound of a door closing.

He tried to get free

It pulled at his wrists again.

He cursed

He heard movement in the other room.


The sounds in the other room continued.

He growled

He heard a crack.

He stiffened

One of his hands was free.

He worked at the other one

It cracked.

He tried to completely free himself

He got his arms free.

He worked at his ankle

He got one of the ankle shakles.

He worked at the other one

Tarsas walked in. "Where are the new specimens?"

The guards told him.

He went to see the girl first

He found a little girl, around 7 or 8, unconscious on the bed.

He gently woke her. "Wake up..."

Naya moaned, then looked around. She jumped, curling up away from him. "Where... who....please don't hurt me...?"

"If you agree to help there will be no need for you to be hurt."

"Help?" Naya asked scared, holding her knees to her chest.

"You have some abilities don't you?"

Naya nodded slowly. "I... Vann is the only one that doesn't care that I do... that I'm a monster...." Naya jumped hearing a scream. "Vann..." she whispered.

"He won't be hurt if you both cooperate. What ability due you have?"

"I... I don't really know... I...I'm a"

"Your friend? You two aren't monsters, you are gifted."

"Like my mommy...." she whispered. "Vann is gifted.... I am a monster...."

"Than I guess I am a monster."

Naya shook her head. "No.... you're aren't what I am...."

"What are you?"

She covered her mouth, shaking her head.

"Tell me or something may happen to your friend."

Naya shivered. "Please... please let us go..." she cried.

"Tell me what you are."

Devin fell asleep.

He dreamt of Tarsas

Devin curled in his sleep.

In his dream Tarsas protected him from being hurt. I love you

"" he mumbled in his sleep.

His dream shifted to Kiyoshi

"Ki...yoshi..." he murmured.

In his dream he kissed him

He started to kiss his pillow.

Something small and fuzzy jumped on him

He jumped a little.

It was the kitten

"Hello kitten..." he said softly, and went to pet it.

It purred happily and he noticed it had a piece of paper in its mouth

"What is this...?" he whispered, and reached to take it. He then opened it.

it was the letter from Tarsas

He read it.

It told him he would return in a bit but if he was needed he could call. There was a brand new cellphone on the bedside table with an instruction Manuel

Devin just stared at the cellphone. "Wow..."

The kitten purred

He started to pet the kitten.

He heard the front door open

Devin stood up and went to his door.

He saw Tarsas leading someone down the hall. He soon noticed is was Kiyoshi

"Kiyoshi...?" he said softly out loud, and then quickly closed his door, pushing his back against the door.

He heard a knock

He held his back still against the door.


"I...I.." they heard.

"Devon...I got your friend."

Devin slowly opened the door. "Kiyoshi....?" he whispered.

" looks like we are brothers."

Devin nodded slowly. "Yeah...we are..." he said softly.

"Will you come out?"

Devin nodded.

Kiyoshi smiled a little. "I never thought I would be adopted...I am glad we were adopted so we could be together...umm here." He handed him the sketches.

Devin took the sketches. "Thank you... I... didn't know I had left them...." he said softly.

He blushed. "It's ok...umm, you are really good."

"Thank you..." Devin said softly. Tarsas was able to see that yes Devin had talent.

Tarsas smiled. "When you start classes perhaps you can take some art classes or join the art club."

"I...really? Tarsas said that I can go to school..." he said softly.

Tarsas smiled. "Really."

"You are going to school...that's great!"

Devin nodded. "I... hadn't been" he stopped looking down.

"You will now."

Devin nodded. "I...I'm glad that you... have been able to be adopted.....Kiyoshi..."

"Same for you." He said with a smile

Devin nodded. "I...I want it to last..." he whispered.

"It will. I won't let either one of you go back to the orphanage." Tarsas said



Devin hugged Tarsas. "Thank you.... oh thank you..." he cried.

He held him close. "I will protect you both,"

"Thank you..."

Tarsas pulled Kiyoshi into the hug.

Devin hugged on to Tarsas and Kiyoshi, hiding his face as he blushed.

Kiyoshi blushed too

Devin pulled back looked down. "I... what now?"

"Are you two hungry?"

Devin blushed, and nodded as his stomach growled.

Tarsas lead them to the kitchen. "Any requests?"

Devin shook his head.

Kiyoshi looked around. "Can I...cook?"

Tarsas smiled at him. "Sure." He listed off what food he had.

Kiyoshi selected some chicken and began to gather up ingredients. He set to work like a professional chief working on general tso's chicken,lamaien, and many other dishes including egg rolls. When he finished he dished out the servings onto plates and poured each of them a special juice blend he had made and chilled. "I hope you like it." It all smelled delicious

Tarsas looked surprised. "It looks wonderful..."

Devin nodded, blushing. "It does looks so good...."

"Dig in."Kiyoshi said with a smile

Devin started to eat slowly.

The food was delicious.

Kiyoshi smiled watching their reactions. "I have been learning at the college..."

Devin looked down. "It... is very good....Kiyshi..."

"Thank you."

"It is very good." Tarsas said

Devin looked between Tarsas and Kiyoshi. "I... am going to my room..." He left the area.

"Are you going to finish eating?" Kiyoshi asked in concern.

"I'm fine...."

"Ok...I can make something else if you didn't like it..."

Devin blushed. "I... did like it... I..." He blushed more.

Kiyoshi walked over and gently put a hand to his forehead.

"What...are you doing?" he whispered.

"seeing if you have a fever..."He said with a blush

"I... don't... I...I'm okay.... I... thank you... I...."

"You sure?"

Devin blushed deeper.

"You're red..."

"I..." he looked between Kiyoshi and tarsas.

Tarsas's cell rang.

He frowned."I will be back." He said and left the room answering it.

Kiyoshi blushed. "Devin...why did you draw so many pictures of me?"

" you...."

He blushed. " do?"

Devin nodded, blushing.

" you too." he said with a blush.

"I need to head out for a bit. Will you two be alright?"

Devin nodded slowly. "Yes...Tarsas..."

He hugged them both and left

"He makes me a little uneasy..."

"I...he..." Devin looked down.

"What?Did he hurt you?"

"No... he...I... feel something for him too...." he whispered.

"Oh....did he...kiss you?"

He nodded. "I.... I...."

He blushed and kissed him

Devin blushed and slowly started to kiss back.

He held him close

"I... thank you for bringing my sketches to me...." he said softly.

"Of course."

Devin blushed.

" did you get so good?"

"I was....lock in my room in the foster homes.....alot..." he said softly.

He hugged him. "Sorry..."

"I...." Devin nodded. "Thank you...."

"So...want to explore?"

Devin nodded. "I...envy you..."

He froze. "Why?"

"You were able to get out... learn..."

"I made that happen. I isolated myself and focused on studying all the time, I was blind to what happened around me..."

"hello?" Tarsas asked

"We have two new specimen boss..."

"Good, How old?"

"One is just a female child, but there is something about her, and the other is a young man..."

"I will be there shortly." He said hanging up and heading back to the boys

He held his sisters hand and ran

She ran as fast as she could. "Kyo...."


"What were they wearing....?"

"I don't know..."

"I'm scared...."

"Me too." He said hugging her

Zyansia hugged him back.

"What should we do?"

"Continue running?"

He nodded and did as she suggested

Zyansia ran with him confused and scared.

He ran until they needed to rest

Zyansia collapsed against a tree, breathing hard.

"You ok?"

" legs are so tired..."

He looked at her sympathetically. "Sorry..."

"It's okay..." she said smiling up at him.

"I think we got away..."

"I'm glad...."

She smiled, tilting her head back.

He leaned against the tree too

"You're the best..."

"Thanks sis."

She leaned against him, closing her eyes.

He remained alert

he soon fell asleep. His dreams contained tall metal buildings.

He frowned confused

He dreamed of moving metal boxes.

He frowned looking closer

There was hardly any grass in areas.

He woke shaking his head

"Brother..." came his sister's voice, whispering through the evening darkness.

He looked.

"What's wrong?"

"A strange dream again...buildings made of metal..."




"I know."

"We'll stay together, right?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't we?"

"I don't know..." she said softly.

He hugged her

She hugged back. "I don't want to lose you..."

"You won't."

She hugged him tightly.

"I'm right here."

"I know..."

"Do you want to keep going or stay the night here."

"Stay.... please...." she said softly with a yawn.

He nodded and hugged her

She snuggled up to him, falling to sleep.

He curled up with her falling asleep

He dreamed of the metal world again.

He frowned

He seemed to be flying in the dream, over the metal cities towards rolling green fields.

He frowned watching

He saw a cluster of trees, and felt a magical aura about it.

He studied them carefully

There was something that made him feel safe.

He tried to study how to get there

He couldn't really tell. He hadn't seen the area he was in currently.

He sighed/

He woke.

He looked around

His sister was just off a bit, picking some berries.

He got up and went over to her sniffing the berries to determine if they were poisonous.

They were safe.

"They smell safe."

"Thanks for checking..."

"Of course."

"Here..." she said handing him some.

He thanked her and ate them

She ate some. "Mmmmm these are good..."

he nodded

"Where should we head next?"

"Lets head this way." He said leading her in the direction he thought that area was

She followed. he did feel that it was in that direction.

He lead her that way

"What do you think we will see?"

"I don't know...nothing is familair..."

Zyansia looked around at things, the trees and flowers.

"These don't look native..."

"Not to....our home..." she whispered.

"I know."

She nodded. "I'm scared...."

He hugged her

They heard a noise from over head.

He looked up going on guard

A large metal bird flew over head.

"W...what is that?!"

"I...I.. I... I'm scared...."

"I will protect you."

She nodded against him.

"Come on." He said leading her on

She stayed close as they moved.

He kept alert

They came against a black road.

" this?"

"I don't know...You don't think it's lava.... do you...?"

He took a stone and threw it onto the street

"It bounced..."

He hesitantly touched it with his foot. "It's not burning...."

"It's not natural..."

He nodded. "Let's stay off of it but follow it."

Tarsas appeared and unchained him. "So hansom..." He stroked his cheek making him forget.He made Kiyoshi appear in his room at the orphanage than headed out to adopt him

"May I help you again sir?"

"I was thinking of adopting one more kid. So Devin will have a friend. He told me about a kid by the name of Kiyoshi. is he still here?"

"Yes he is, but he is very independent... already in college..."

"I will still take him, and it may help Devon with confidence."

"Very well sir, you just need to fill out this papers..." she said.

He looked them over carefully than signed them

"Thank you for helping our young children..."                        

"Of course. I know what it is like to be without family. Can you get him?" He said waiting.

She went to go get him. "Kiyoshi..." she said, knocking on his door.

He answered the door rubbing his eyes from sleep. "Hmm?"

"I have a young man down stairs that wishes to adopt you... he had been here earlier before you got home and had adopted Devin...."

"Devin? really being adopted?"

"Yes are..."

he quickly packed the most important of his belongings as well as his school supplies and followed the worker

The worker lead Kiyoshi to where Tarsas waited.

Tarsas smiled. "Ready to go?"

Kiyoshi nodded nervously.

"May I take him home now?"

"Oh the paperwork is in order..."

"Thank you." Tarsas said taking Kiyoshi home.

They made it back to Tarsas's house.

He started taking him to a room across the hall from Devin's

"Kiyoshi...?" they heard softly, and then the closing of a door.

Tarsas smiled. "Looks like he is up...come." He said leading him to Devin's door

Aiko walked toward her school humming softly as she used her cane. She didn't want to dwell on the fact her birthday was tomorrow.

She made it to school.

She headed to class

"Hey baby..."

She shivered. "Please leave me alone...I need to get to class..."

"No you don't baby..."

She screamed for help

Several people ran over, a few guiding her away and others shouting at the creep.

"Thank you...I need to get to class..."

"So do we... come on we'll walk with you.."

She slowly nodded hoping they were not dangerous. "My class is room 214."

"Oh you're in my room..." came a girl's voice.

"Really? My name is Aiko."

"Kyoko...." the girl said.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too Aiko..." the girl, Kyoko sounded really nice.

She smiled. "How close are we to getting to class?"

"Just about there..."

"Ok. Thanks."

She was lead into a room. "We're here..."

"Ok thank you." She said heading toward the front of the class

The teacher soon started class.

She flipped on her recorder to take notes.

The class seemed to end almost as soon as it had begun.

She frowned and raised her hand

"Yes?" asked the teacher, the sounds of student getting up and leaving.

"Ummm...was I late or was class short?"

"The class was the same length it has always been..."

" seemed to go quickly..."

"I know... same with me..."

" do I get to my next class?"

The teacher took her to the door. "Just down the hall... third door on the right..."

"Thank you." She took out her cain and tried to follow the directions feeling around

She was able to get there.

She walked in and sat down putting her tape recorder on her desk ready to turn it on

She felt someone run some fingers up her leg.

She jumped and raised her hand

"Yes miss..."

"Someone is rubbing my leg."

"I don't see anyone, miss..."



She shivered trying to pay attention

She felt it again.

She slapped at what was touching her

She didn't feel anything.

She shivered growing a little scared


She jumped in fear. She raised her hand


" not feeling well may I be excused?"

"You may go..."

She got up and gathered her things heading to the nurses office

She felt arms wrap around her.

She jumped."Let go!"

"No way cutey..." a growled whisper said.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She asked tears running down her face. She screamed for her brother

"You..." she felt her neck get licked, and then she was free.

"Aiko! What's wrong?" called her brother running up.

She hugged him crying into him. She told him what she had experienced that day. "Did you see anyone?"

"No I didn't...."

"Am I...going insane?"

"I don't know... come on..."

She followed scared and afraid she was going insane.

"I'm here..."

"I know...I'm scared..."

He stayed near her. "Where do you want to go? Class?"

She shook her head. "The nurses office...I want to lie down.."

He lead her there, and asked the nurse if she could lay down, which the nurse agreed to let her.

She laid down

"I have to get to class..."

"Ok...thank you..." She said not wanting him to leave

"I'll be back after, okay...."


"Love ya sis...."

"Love you...."She whispered

She heard him leave.

She tried to sleep

She fell asleep. She began to have a nightmare.

She bolted up

"Miss are you alright?" asked the nurse.

"I...bad dream..."

You are mine...

She shivered

"You do not look well..."

"I don't feel well..."

"I'll call your parents..."

"Thank you."

After thirty minutes, her mother voice came into the room. "Aiko..."


"You're not feeling well?"

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