Page name: Dark herald [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-22 23:29:55
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Username: [Talos Cyrion]

Name: His real name is Itcht tikre naleria etchelios, though the world of mortals knows him as the great lord of change

Age: unknown

Race: Deamon

Rank: prince

Appearance (true form): he can take any form he wants, though is true form is that of a bipedal giant bird winged deamon with two great bird like heads. His plumage is a myriad of colors and he never wears any armor.

Abilities: Mage without equal in the realms of Avelorn. Indeed it was he who taught magic to the first of the races and it is he who watches over their fate. He is the great manipulator, deciever, and mutator.

Personality: Sombre, but as vile an cunning as only the greatest of Deamons can be.

Weapons: He bears no physical weapons, though he does carry a great staph.

Armor: none

History: It is said that long ago in time immemorial the gods waged a great war, creating races to do their bidding. Out of this turmoil the four great lords of hell were created and made war on the heavens. Ultimately they lost, and all except the Hell lord of change were bond and sealed away for all time. The cost to the heavens though had been high, and ever since then the gods and their surviving demi gods removed themselves to stand watch over the great prison. It was in the Hell lords last desperate bid to free his fellows that his greatest servant was born. Itcht ecthelios however had plans of his own, betraying his master to his ultimate destruction. Now he watches over the world, attempting to bend it to his will and bring it under his heel.

Other: He can be slain, though he is immortal and does not die of natural causes. This was the purpose built flaw his master created him with and few know of it. However it is the reason why he rarely ventures out into open war on his own.

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