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User Name: [Demetrius Duvalt]
Full name: Demetrius Alexzander Tepes
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Apparent Age: 17 or 18
Race: Dhampir (Vampire / human)
Element: Fire
Born: September 22, 1989
Status: Avenger


General Appearance:
Demetrius' is tall, thin, and graceful. His skin is a pale olive color. He has a roguish look to his face. He stands at 5' 9" and weighs around 160 lbs. He appears to be seventeen or eighteen years old. His eyes are sharp and discerning deep pools of brown with the edges being crimson. His hair is normal shoulder length that is raven black. Demetrius also has pointed canines due to his vampire blood that are normally half an inch long. He wears: black leather jeans, black leather biker boots that are steel toed a red or black shirt, and a ragged black long coat which is made out of leather and has red lining on the inside. On his left side is a sheath that holds Dragonkin. He has black wrappings around his left arm which hide the flame like scar that allows him to use his Dragon of the Divine Flame. Also on his left arm he has a tattoo of a katana, on his right a tribal dragon. On his right hand he wears a silver ring inlaid with onyx and silver which his mother gave him. Around his neck he has a cross and an Aztec gold coin. He can sometimes be seen wearing red tinted glasses to hide his unnatural eyes.

Occasional Features: When emotionally distraught or injured severely, Demetrius’ nails turn to claws. Also his hair grows to about mid back length. His eyes sometimes turn completely red when this happens. These are some aspects of his inner beast. Once a month when he turns into a full human his hair turns to a dark brown while his eyes completely turn to a chocolate brown color.

Personality: Demetrius is young and antisocial by nature. When one looks at him they can see a young man with a dark brooding past. He is quick to notice things and doesn’t hesitate to give his straightforward opinion. He tends to try to stay distant from people if he can help it and not make attachments. To those he is friends with he is more open and will do anything to help them.
He is subject to bad bouts of feelings of self-worthlessness, and guilt complexes. The things he’s done plague his conscience, and yet there’s still a spark of naive optimism in him and fascination that keep him going. When things get really bad, he’ll also turn to blood. He hates lying, and isn’t very good at it. He will avoid doing so through avoidance if at all possible. He only drinks the blood of the evil doer (murders, rapists, evil demons etc..)
He is reckless, and has a tendency to act before really thinking things through- going on a basis of what sounds like it could be interesting. Combined with his overconfidence in his own abilities, and his curiosity makes for some bad mistakes. He is a creature of action and can’t stay in one place for a long period of time. He enjoys dueling with his sword; Dragonkin. He has a fear of dogs.
He likes to play his bass guitar write stories and practice with Dragonkin. He believes strongly in the protection of the weak. He enjoys the rush of combat and is extremely cocky. In combat he will taunt his opponent. He is an avenger, and thus will do anything to get the power he needs to avenge his fallen family.

Traits: Demetrius is remarkably strong for his build thanks to his supernatural strength. He is somewhat quick on his feet, but his mental reaction-speed is incredibly fast. He can go from relaxed to on his toes and ready in no time. He’s good at thinking under pressure, but, because of that, he is not one to plan ahead. He is also very perceptive. He’s mentally sharp, with his curiosity feeding his desire to learn. He is also a genius when it comes to fighting due to him creating his own sword style. Demetrius must drink blood once a month to help sustain him. The blood also restores his energy. He is also incredibly fast. When in battle he can move at such amazing speeds that he appears to be everywhere at once. He also has matching agility reflexes, stamina, and senses. His body is able to heal itself and also he is able to fly and control fire to such a degree he can combine it with Dragonkin, and his fists, feet, knees, and elbows. He can also use the fire to create a barrier to block incoming projectiles. He uses up little to no energy when using these abilities. He also knows how to engage in combat with just his fists, but is better with his blade. His body also contains immense energy. When it shows his aura is purely black. His power is at the level of most arch demons and elder vampires.

Dragonkin: The Dragonkin was made out of two fangs and a bone. One fang and the bone belonged to an ancient dragon while the other fang belonged to Demetrius’ father. The blade was shaped into a katana blade with the bone hilt being shaped into a form of a dragon with its head being the Katana’s pommel. The hilt has scenes of battle in between the tail wrapping around the hilt. The tsuba is gold with a design of a dragon about to devour two warriors. The blade is made from both fangs and a magically reinforced silver coating making the sword nearly unbreakable. The blade appears blunt, and is when used against humans. But, when used against demons and other undead it cuts through them like butter. Dragonkin is actually the spirit of the dragon the blade is made from. The spirit within the blade is able to help Demetrius learn how to use its powers and gives him advice on how to battle sometimes. Another function the blade possesses is the ability to suppress Demetrius’ vampiric blood, thus stopping him from losing control of himself. In battle the sword gives off kenatsu, or spiritual pressure like most other super natural weapons, and fire a small energy blast when sliced at an enemy. It also compresses Demetrius’ immense energy levels. This hugely compressed power enables Demetrius to move at speeds exceeding those obtained by most arch demons and elder vampires, and gives him matching agility and reflexes, allowing him to use his natural strength to its limits without the lose of stamina. It has a matching sheath that heals wounds once it touches it. Also the sheath provides a barrier when a life threatening blast comes towards Demetrius. It can also be used to call back the blade. Only Demetrius can draw Dragonkin from its sheath. 
Dragonkin’s special attack is known as the Dragon Slash. Demetrius draws Dragonkin in a lightning quick motion while running at his enemy. The Katana slices through the collision of his aura and the aura of his enemies sending a tremendous amount of red fire like energy at his target. The attack creates a shockwave that shots forward at the target’s body. The speed is said to surpass God like speed as the blade heads for his opponents throat.. This attack requires utmost concentration that can only come from Demetrius’ desire to avenge his family, save someone important to him, or live.
There is also another secret to the attack. If the initial strike is somehow avoided or blocked, the unusually fast slashing motion generates a vacuum in its wake which actually sucks in Demetrius’ enemy spinning them around for a second strike, the action adding centrifugal force to the swing. At the same time Dragonkin is likewise caught in the vacuum which adds momentum to the second strike. The second strike comes down towards the enemies neck. The second slash combines all three factors – the opponent drawn into the vacuum, the centrifugal force applied to the sword swing, and the vacuum increasing the speed and power of the strike – making it far more powerful than the first strike. This is the base attack of Dragonkin.

Other Attacks:
Devil’s Bane: After training with Marcus, and defeating Dragonkin Demetrius learned this advanced demon slaying attack. By seeing his opponents aura he can tell if it is demonic. If it is demonic, Demetrius is able to use his sword to slice through it severing it to the point that it can’t be used or weakens it considerably. It also does tremendous damage to those with demonic auras if not kill them.

Dragon Of The Divine Flame: Demetrius has no control over this attack, thus he wraps his arm to contain the immense energy of the attack. When he uses it his left arm aims at his opponent as the scars on his left arm glow red. His aura changes to red as flames burst all around him and in his palm. The attack shots forward following its targets blood trace as it changes shape into a dragons head ready to devour. The attack contains the powers of all the elements, but manifests as fire due to Demetrius’ base element being fire. The attack can only be used twice per day and does tremendous damage to anything. Demetrius uses this attack only in the most dangerous of situations.

Summon Familiar: Demetrius summons his familiar Pyre to fight beside him. Pyre is a crimson dragon that has high levels of strength. He follows Demetrius, and can go from a shoulder riding form to that of a full grown dragon at will. His breath attack burns away anything in its path. If defeated Pyre returns to a pocket plan to recover and can be re summoned later. He can also carry up to three people on his back.

Weakness: Once every waning crescent moon, Demetrius becomes a full human for twelve hours. Demetrius also has a problem trusting people. He is unable to create any vampires due to his blood being weak and less tainted. He is also not well received in society due to his bloodline and is thus shunned or even chased out of towns if someone finds out about his bloodline. Demetrius also needs to drink blood once a month to survive. Normal Animals can sense something wrong about him, and generally get extremely agitated in his presence thus bark or even try to attack him. Demetrius has a weakness to some holy weapons such as blessed swords and holy water. They cause minor burns when they come into contact with his being. Demetrius also becomes paralyzed if staked in the heart.

Demetrius was born on a cold rainy night in a small suburban town in Colorado. The cause of his birth was unknown and the mystery surrounded him. He had no father and his twin had disappeared two years after their births. What no one knew was that Demetrius was a dhampir. Demetrius didn’t even know he was one till he was thirteen. When he was thirteen, he felt a gripping pain in his chest. The pain continued to grow until it sent him into a bloodlust. His mom; Eliza watched as her son took pleasure in drinking the blood of his childhood friend Gwen. Demetrius passed out from the drinking. He dreamt of a figure in black draining his victims of their blood and torturing them upon spikes. The figure looked over at Demetrius and laughed.

When Demetrius came to he was in his bed, and felt different. His mom tried to keep him in bed, but all her efforts were in vain. Demetrius looked into the window and saw that he had a more pale complexion, and that his once all brown eyes were now ringed in red. His canines were also pointed. Demetrius was also noticed and shocked that his hair once dark brown had turned raven black.

Demetrius panicked and turned to Eliza who wore a somber smile on her face. She did not want to believe that her son would turn out like this, but in the end it was enviable. Her son was half vampire, and half human. Eliza turned to her son and cried as she told him the story of meeting a man on the beaches in California. He was a paled skin man with black hair and red highlights. His eyes were red, which she said attracted her to him in the first place. The two talked for hours until an hour before sunrise, where he claimed to be in a hurry. They exchanged numbers and went their separate ways.

They met again at a local dinner. Eliza ate a little food while Demetrius’ father ate nothing. Eliza found it strange that the man never seemed to eat during their eight month relationship. One day she felt sick. She had never felt that way before, but instinctively knew she was pregnant. She took the test and found her suspicion to be true.

Eliza was excited and scared at the same time and went to tell Demetrius’ father. His father was not pleased, and said he had to go. Eliza and Demetrius’ father found themselves arguing, until he showed her what he was, a ancient one at that. Eliza couldn’t stand, but the vampire told her to give his child his ring and a dragon hilted blade. He also explained to her what powers their child would or might have. Thus Eliza’s vampire love left the country going to Europe.

She finished telling her tail to Demetrius, and gave him the sword and the ring. Demetrius was lost, but somehow felt this was all right. He smiled to himself and told his mom he would train and learn how to control his vampiric half. Eliza beamed at her son and left to let Demetrius digest all he had learned. He went and visited Gwen who had been recovering from her blood loss. He told Gwen everything. He asked her to forgive him, and she did harboring a crush on him for the past few months.

The youth went outside and began practicing with the sword his father left him. Demetrius already knew how to use a katana. It had a dragon hilt and was named Dragonkin. When he called the name of the blade, he heard a distant voice inside of his head explaining to him how to use the sword and what it was made out of, (the fangs of his father and a dragon for the blade, and the bone of a dragon for the hilt) how to summon and unsummon it with his ring, and also what he could do with it. As Demetrius trained, he felt lighter and soon noticed he was jumping higher into the air. It almost seemed that he was flying. He was flying.

  Demetrius also noticed that his body seemed resistant from disease and illnesses, and it also healed extremely fast. He could heal cuts within seconds. Luckily for him and everyone else, Demetrius was up in the mountains and also off for the summer, so he had privacy to learn how to control his new gifts. He mastered his blade, and somehow created a new sword style with it as well as attacks. His Dragon Slash became his fastest and most powerful attack, as well as his favorite.

It wasn’t long till Demetrius’ aura was giving off his presence. He attracted a demon and for the first time in his life had to fight to the death. As he battled the demon a crescent moon lied in the air, and Demetrius felt his power leave him. He was somehow human again. The demon laughed and gave Demetrius a pretty good injury to his side. The youth ran into the woods and hid scared that he would die. He ran for hours dodging and weaving through trees and other forested areas. The demon closed in as the sun rose. He brought his ax up against the youths blade as his strength returned. His vampiric side had comeback. Also his eyes were different, faced with an impending death Demetrius sensed what the demon was about to do and reacted. Disappearing reappearing like a blur to the right of his demon pursuer, Demetrius unleashed his Dragon Slash and cut through the demon spilling his guts and blood all over the ground. Demetrius traveled back home to where his mother and Gwen were waiting. She noticed his wound and noticed it was healing. All of a sudden Demetrius lit a nearby tree on fire. Gwen easily put out with her control over water. Eliza told Demetrius that the control over fire was a trait that his human side of the family possessed. They were powerful warlocks / witches and also warriors. Gwen’s family was also that way, but only controlled water. In fact her mom and Eliza were both part of a coven. Demetrius thought on it a bit and asked if his mother could teach him how to use the ability. Eliza began teaching Demetrius how to control these powers. Some were common abilities, but others were created by the family such as the Dragon Flame.

He was different from the day he killed that demon, gaining a twisted sense of humor when it came to violence. It didn’t repulse him, yet it made him feel good in a way. Demetrius continued to train, fearful that he would lose to a demon. Finally it came to him when he lost his powers again the following month. He heard of half demons reverting back to full humans once a month, and the same was true about dhampirs. Also Demetrius discovered he needed to drink blood once a month, or else he would grow sick and weary. He would try to sleep and learned that he was an insomniac. His body would not rest, yet unlike insomniacs he didn’t go too crazy and still kept his energy.

The school year was about to start, and Demetrius had to find a way to keep his vampiric side a secret. Gwen helped him come up with ideas and even helped by calming that they were true. They told his friends that he wore contacts when they asked about his eyes. His fangs were easily passed by and the lighter skin tone was considered a sign of him growing up. He dealt with controlling his strength, and joined a Tea Kwon Do class to help with that. He learned how to channel his thoughts and feelings and control them. Thus he was able to better control his strength. He also had to fight other demons during his eighth grade year. He was fourteen and a month after his birthday, he was attacked by another demon. After the battle he was possessed.

He was possessed by two demons named Yoko and Sparda. They took his body to a demon world and there his body was subject to tons of punishment from fights. He was able to expel Sparda, but Yoko stayed within his body. Soon Yoko battled a pureblooded vampire who ripped out his heart. Demetrius’ body regrew it due to a demon healing system. His body had taken on the form of a male kitsune in human form. Demetrius’ body rejected Yoko’s soul and Demetrius was back in the saddle. He ended up shattering an evil soul sword known as the Soul Devastator. Demetrius returned back to Earth. He returned after two months.

Demetrius began to train on his own after being helpless against his possession and when another demon attacked which nearly killed Gwen and him. He hoped to master his sword and gain a better understanding of his powers. As he trained he learned how to summon a familiar which turned out to be a little dragon by the name of Pyre. Pyre was his guide so to speak, and was a sparring partner for the young dhampir. Demetrius began to use Dragonkin’s kenatsu or sword pressure. He also began to speak to the spirit inside of Dragonkin. With its help he mastered his Dragon Slash attack.
Demetrius had been gone a full month and had a lot of homework to make up. He also had to contended with his friends and also bare the secrets of his human family that broke apart due to these secrets and lies. Demetrius was shattered and became almost a ghost only training and improving himself. Gwen stayed with him and comforted him, and the two ultimately fell in love.

Demetrius also had to kill more demons, and after his adventure in the other world, he made a vow to kill demons and became a hot headed demon slayer that enjoyed it very much. He didn’t kill all demons, just the evil ones since there were good ones on Earth, as well as the half breeds. He was soon considered a social outcast to the people of his school. Before that summer break, he was a regular human like all of them, now he was a dhampir. It made Demetrius feel special that he was different from everyone else. He didn’t give a damn about what they thought of him and was always quick with a snappy comeback.

Eventually, his presence was felt by a slayer by the name of Erik. Erik took a interest in Demetrius’ powers and birth. He was of the order of the Deathbringers. They were humans with the gifts of hunting the supernatural. Erik found Demetrius and challenged him. Demetrius fought hard, but was over come. Erik told Demetrius that his skills would be useful if he trained properly. Demetrius accepted and soon him and Erik were on a flight to Europe where Demetrius trained until he was sixteen. He joined the Deathbringers and was given the assignment of hunting down Nitemare.

Demetrius returned to the Colorado and lived with his family again taking up the cover of a student. In school he was considered cold and antisocial to those he wasn’t friends with. He was also a force that worried people within the school. He met up with Gwen again and the two resumed their relationship. She told Demetrius that she was destined to take over the coven. In return, Demetrius told her of his mission.

His mission was going no where, and killing other demons to try to get the info was nothing more than a nuisance. Demetrius took out his anger on his friends who were using him. Finally Demetrius met Nitemare. This demon proved to be a cunning warrior. He sought the stones of light and darkness. These stones would open a portal to hell and allow demons to come to Earth. Demetrius had the stone of light in his possession and was beaten to near death by Nitemare. On the verge of death he called out to Gwen to help. Gwen heard the call and found Demetrius. She began to heal him. As Demetrius recovered, he found a distant memory of Nitemare. He was one of Sparda’s enemies. Gwen stood by and helped Demetrius recover, and soon they headed for the site where the ritual was going to be held. Demons were gathered there, and Demetrius and Gwen fought through their forces, only to met up with Nitemare, who beat a weakened Demetrius, and planned to use Gwen as a sacrifice. The ritual almost succeeded, but Demetrius had recovered and destroyed both stones with Dragonkin and freed Gwen. In an epic battle, Demetrius and Nitemare waged a sword duel for the archives. The battle was long and bloody and both Demetrius and Nitemare were sorely wounded. In the end, Demetrius used his Dragon Slash to win and sent Nitemare back to hell. He had completed his first mission. It took him nearly a whole year. 

During his off time he saw his family only on the holidays and lost control to his inner beast. The beast wanted to control Demetrius, and Demetrius learned from Pyre that he had to no chance of controlling it due to how powerful his vampiric blood was. The only thing that held it at bay was Dragonkin. Whenever he transformed his hair and nails would grow out and his eyes would turn completely red. He had no control of himself and would transform if he was near death or didn’t have his sword. Gwen was the anchor for his control. She stayed by him and was the only person who could calm him when he transformed. In fact, Demetrius realized she was there with him since this whole journey began. 

It took a bit longer than he thought to get another mission from the Deathbringers. This time he was to hunt down and steal a scroll. Then when he asked Erik about the scroll he was told not to ask questions, or when he got the scroll, not to open it. Demetrius was a little grumpy when he was told not to ask questions about the scroll, but traveled to Romania anyways. When he reached Romania he noticed that the town welcomed him with open arms. Of course they thought he was a tourist. Yet, Demetrius felt a little strange, like there was something else. He felt tense.

He wandered into a Transylvania temple. There he found the scroll, but he found something else. The being that stood in front of him looked exactly like him, except he wore a white long coat, and his hair was also stark white. It was Argosax, Demetrius’ long lost twin. He drew his blade as he saw Demetrius, and a cold expression came to his eyes. Demetrius drew Dragonkin and prepared himself for attack. The two brothers crossed blades and soon they were laughing, gaining some sort of twisted brotherly love from trying to kill each other. In the end though, the scroll was opened and a black like fog flew at the two brothers engulfing them both.

Demetrius was transported home. He didn’t have the scroll and soon contacted Erik. He explained to Erik what happened, and with a somber look Erik told Demetrius that a new evil was on the horizon.

Soon tragedy struck. It was a family reunion and the whole family was enjoying themselves when it happened. A figure appeared on the horizon and charged into the crowd slaughtering everyone. The family died on this one’s blade. Eliza whispered her son’s name; Argosax. Demetrius’ twin had mysteriously returned to seek revenge on the family that allowed him to suffer in hell. Demetrius and Argo crossed blades. Their battle was epic, Demetrius seeking revenge and Argo trying to do the bidding of his master. It was a fated battle in which neither twin would win. It was tragic as these two were forced to fight one another. In the end they both collapsed from their wounds after Demetrius used his Dragon Slash, and Argo used his Devil’s Bane. 

When Demetrius woke up he fell back to the ground as he saw his whole family lie on the ground dead. In rage and pain he slammed the ground screaming his brothers name while crying. Argo was no where to be found. He was seventeen now and was on the verge of coming of age, but he didn’t care anymore. All that mattered to him now was avenging his family. He was now an avenger. The Deathbringers and Eliza’s coven held a funeral for his family. Demetrius decided to train and learn more about his powers before he left to find Argo. He resolved to learn how to control his inner beast and use it for revenge.

Demetrius was given another task by the order, but turned it down leaving the order of the Deathbringers in a crippled state. All Demetrius had on his mind was revenge. He listen to his mothers last request, that he graduate from highschool. Demetrius resolved to find Argo and kill him. He said farewell to Gwen who wanted to follow him. Demetrius told her it was her destiny to led the coven, while it was his to go and find this new evil and Argo. Gwen argued that they were in this together, ever since the day he drank some of her blood. Demetrius finally allowed her to come along with him on their adventure. He feared for her safety, but she assured him that she could take care of herself. Together, they set out to hunt down Argo, only to discover that whatever Demetrius and Argo released was the one manipulating Argo. Demetrius and Gwen sought out answers, when they found they were being tailed by groups like the Free Masons, the Priori of Scion, and the Illuminate.

Demetrius and Gwen soon meet a demon named Damario who sensed the presence of the young dhampir. He sought revenge against Demetrius due to him slaying his brother Nitemare. Demetrius fought back with a savage ferocity, only to be injured by Damario’s dagger that disintegrated anything that it touches, except for beings with a higher level power such as Demetrius and Gwen. Both were injured by the monster only for him to capture them and torture them. Demetrius knew he had to avenge his family and save Gwen, when his arm erupted into flames and launched a dragon flame at Damario. Demetrius passed out from using so much energy. 

When Demetrius came to, he was in Gwen’s room. They had returned to the Covens base. Demetrius looked around and smiled despite himself. They had survived. When he entered the common room he saw Gwen, her mom and Erik. Erik asked to examine Demetrius’ right arm. He noticed that there were scars on his arm, almost tribal like, and that above them he had a tribal dragon tattoo. On his left arm he had a tattoo of a nodachi. Erik told Demetrius to wrap up his arm. Demetrius did, not knowing what it all meant, but felt a sense of fear. Erik left them saying he would return and made Demetrius promise that he would not leave the coven’s manor.

Demetrius and Gwen spent their time looking into books and learning about demons, secret societies, and forbidden powers. Gwen also spent time researching more spells. Both were anxious to continue their adventure. Gwen’s mother Sophia spent her time helping the two, being Demetrius’ moms best friend at one point. She made him feel welcomed. The two were home schooled via the internet. Demetrius soon grew restless after a couple of months. He wanted to find Argo. Gwen reassured him that this break was a blessing due to it allowing them to do more research on demons, and allow Demetrius to control himself. He learned that he had to hold onto Dragonkin, and that it suppressed his vampiric nature. He would transform into a full vampire whenever he was parted from his blade and in a near death situation. 

When Erik finally did return he told Demetrius that his worst fears had been confirmed. Demetrius was part of an ancient prophecy. He was destined to save the worlds from an ancient evil. Demetrius doubted it till Erik told him the sighs: he had a dragon hilted blade, and was marked by sword and dragon. He also now possessed the Dragon of the Divine Flame ability. He decided to try to teach Demetrius how to control his new power. For a few months Demetrius learned how to control his ability while him and Gwen had begun to study up on more supernatural subjects, cause they both new that all this somehow involved Argo. Finally someone new appeared at their door step. His name was Ambrose, and he was Demetrius’ older half brother on his father’s side. He was the one who kidnaped Argo believing that he was the Divine Warrior, while it was actually Demetrius. Argo was the one who ordered the killing of Demetrius’ family. Demetrius and Gwen both engaged Ambrose. He barley survived the Dragon of the Divine Flame, and defeated Gwen and Demetrius. He left for Torr
When Demetrius awoke he was in a bed. He learned then that he had to stop Ambrose and whatever plans he had. He also learned he had some sort of great destiny ahead of him. A week later and he told Gwen he needed to go back to Sparda and Yoko’s world by himself and asked her to open a portal. She opened the portal for him to go to Torr. She wished him luck as he steeped through. When he reached Torr he found Sparda and Yoko fighting. They both soon engaged him and the battle was on. Sparda and Yoko both lunged at him but, Demetrius dodged the attack which led to Sparda being impaled. Demetrius soon unleashed the Dragon of the Divine Flame obliterating Yoko. During the battle he found a shard of the Soul Devastator. It tried a feeble attempt to control Demetrius, but he fought it with ease fore he alone seemed immune to its affects. Soon he was confronted by a demon in a strange land before he was teleported to Valinor. It was kingdom that his father ruled over. Demetrius became its new king. Soon civil war erupted across the land. Demetrius was nearly killed by Ambrose but, soon recovered. He then learned that his full vampiric blood had finally awoken. He went back to the wild to train and hone his upgraded powers. He left the order of the Deathbringer and went solo. He hunted down high level demons at this time to improve his skills so that he may return to Valinor and save it from damnation. It was an interesting time for him, yet it was fun. He returned to Valinor on his 17th birthday and prepared to fight. He had new enchanted clothing that granted him added protection as well as tear resistance. It could withstand the Dragon of the Divine Flame. He returned to Valinor in time to fight Calamity and Ambrose's army of demons. He slew a good third of them before finding Ambrose once again. Before he could fight his brother, Demetrius' twin appeared. Argo was reborn. The two fought a hard and epic battle that destroyed most of Nagath in the battle. He killed his twin brother...or so he thought. During the battle devils came and abducted Argo taking him to hell. Calamity and Ambrose soon followed. Also Lord Dracul appeared. He is the father of Demetrius and Ambrose. Demetrius has now prepared to enter the Lair of the Damned. 
As he entered the Lair of the Damned, Demetrius meet up with clones of his greatest enemies. He defeated them within three hours, but was worn out. He discovered a mirror that reflected his emotions and came to terms with what he is. This unlocked his Hunter's Gaze next level and allowed him to become the Captain of The Red Siren. He would soon have eyes like Ambrose. He finally met his father for the first time, and it wasn't a heartfelt family reunion as lord Dracul impaled Demetrius to a wall and battled Ambrose. It was during this time that Demetrius learned who his father was. His father was Dracula himself. He named Demetrius Alucard. Demetrius regained his senses and unleashed his Divine Dragon Barrage on Ambrose. The final part of the attack was blocked by a spell that kept the brothers from killing each other. Ambrose took advantage and killed Dracul or did he? Ambrose knocked out Demetrius and left with the Sword of Fate, one of ten items that when near each other have the power to control reality. Demetrius regained consciousness and left to fight Calamity only to watch Sensi blow him up. He had to go and find the rest of the items and destroy all ten items before they fell into the wrong hands.

Demetrius swore avenge his father and Slay Ambrose and his allies known as the Lord's of Darkness. He took his new ship the Red Siren to do so. His adventure new had begun. He has begun to teach Kendra Relcar how to use a cutlass. He also had a conversation with Zenith. During the trip Sensi blew a hole in the Siren and injured many of the crew. Demetrius was last seen drifting away towards the group's destination, World's End.

When Demetrius floated onto the Isle he was confronted by the Lord of Darkness; Zeth who wielded the Zengetsu. The two battled and soon it became apparent that Demetrius was not even a match for Zeth until he lost control to his wild side.. Demetrius compensated for the abuse his body had taken after a dragon shot was reversed on him. His body embraced the beast within causing it to start to transform into a pureblooded vampire. Demetrius at first had no control over what he could do in it, but after killing Zeth by ripping out his heart, Demetrius was able to regain his mind. He found one of the items, the Ring of Life which healed his injuries. He practiced his new abilities for about two hours and found that he was indeed different. He could control fire; he had more energy reserves, and was stronger and faster. The awakening of the beast cost him the use of his Divine Powers though. But, Demetrius didn't care, because now he had full control over his body. The Divine Warrior markings were gone. He was relived and didn't have to worry about losing control over that power again. He was freed from that destiny and thus knew that he had slain the divine enemy of his generation.

As he chased after an energy signature and found his Deathbringer gear, Demetrius' friends landed on the beach of World's End. They were soon attacked by Darrius, a Lord of Darkness who possessed incredible speed. It seemed that was not enough though when Sensi was able to match it. Darrius used the Nitemares Rain on them causing them to relive their worst memories. Zenith was also attacked by some sort of enthrall claw which planed on taking her somewhere. Demetrius reappeared in the nick of time and saved Zenith. It seemed that the fight was about to take a different turn as Demetrius distracted Darrius to release his friends from the Nitemare. Demetrius stopped fighting Darrius when Sensi placed a ring of death around him. Darrius escaped death at the hands on Sensi, but he did not escape Demetrius' blade. After chopping off Darrius' head and gaining the gem of death members of the crew began to question why Demetrius brought them here. Sensi left the group, but others such as Pyre and Zenith stayed with him.

The gem of death activated. It told Demetrius that he had to go to his families home to continue the quest. He didn't know why, but he felt that the gem spoke the truth. Dismissing Pyre, Demetrius walked through the portal to the Tepes Vampire Grounds. Also the gem said only half vampires and full vampires could go through its portal. Zenith also stepped through the portal and became a dhampir like Demetrius. After a little conversation and some flirting, Zenith went to Tepes Castle. He followed and headed to the hearing chamber to await the arrival of the rest of the clan. While waiting, he came to the realization that he that he was here once before. These memories made him believe he was here before as a child. There was a time in his life where he had a blank spot in his memories and he had recently had dreams about this place. His father had brought him back here as a kid for one full year. He was home again. Demetrius also knew that he his real place was among his clan, his people. It was here and in the clan. Alas the land would not be ruled by a dhampir, so in its own way, it embraced Demetrius turning him into a full vampire. Zenith also went through her own changes as the power of the damned coursed through her own veins. Demetrius died that night, or at least his body did, but his soul did not leave. A few hours later Sensi came and attacked the clan. They fought back with honor and many died. Finally Demetrius in a last ditch effort attempted to drink Sensi dry. He nearly succsseded but the pure blood escaped. Demetrius fought the new power that flowed through him, and entered a cocoon like state. Word reached everyone that Valinor was now in enemy hands.

Demetrius emerged from it a few hours later when he heard of Gwen’s coven and the Deathbringers being completely whipped out by Nitemare and Damario. Demetrius also learned from Erik who survived that they had captured Gwen. He turned to leave and told the clan not to follow him. When Erik and him returned, Erik told Demetrius of their plan. They planed to merge this world with the other world. When he returned back to his world he was attacked on sight by many demons. Demetrius easily dispatched them before he snuck in to the fortress to stop the arch demons and save his beloved. When he found Gwen, he encounter Nitemare and Damario. The battle was intense and in the end Demetrius burned out all of his new found powers he gained in the other world which allowed him to unleashed the Dragon of the Divine Flame. It was deflected back at him when the two fussed. Demetrius gave into his wild side, which named itself Alucard, but in the end that failed and he was beaten mercilessly to a pulp.

Demetrius awoke outside back in his families mountain cabin where he had trained so many years ago. Erik had gained Demetrius’ body after the fussed b east now known as Reaper had thrown his body down in front of the resistance. Demetrius was out for a whole month. Erik scolded the young dhampir and told him that he was the only one who had a chance to slay Reaper. Demetrius’ confidence was broken though. He had lost his fighting spirit. Erik in an attempt to revive it made Demetrius fight a hundred demons. Demetrius knew that everyone was counting on him and his spirit was rekindled.

Demetrius still didn’t have enough power to fight Reaper, and asked Erik if he could train him to use his powers to their full extent. Erik wore a sad smile and told Demetrius their was nothing else he could teach him. Demetrius resolved that he had to improve his speed and strength in order to stand a fighting chance against Reaper. While walking he heard a faint call. It was Dragonkin, who asked him if he wanted to save everyone in this world, and the other. Demetrius looked didn’t stutter once when he told Dragonkin that he would die and fight his way back from hell just to save everyone. Dragonkin knew it was the truth and had Demetrius train using just Dragon Slash. He told Demetrius that he had only the first part of it down. He had mastered the initial attack, but he had to master the second part of the technique that came from only the strongest desire to live and save or avenge everyone he cared for. It took Demetrius months to master it. In the meantime, the resistance came up with plans to assault Reaper’s fortress.

Demetrius finally mastered the last part of the Dragon Slash, and saw that in doing so his powers had grown. He had better control of his ability to use fire, and was faster and stronger than he was before. He also noticed something else, that the Dragon of Divine Flame attack had its own aura, as if it was its own identity. Demetrius smiled to himself, he was working with a higher power. Demetrius then knew where he had to go next. He told the resistance that he was going back to the other world, to find the sword smith that forged Dragonkin, and that he would return soon.

When he returned to the other world he encountered his comrades at various places such as Rhydin. Rumor spread that he had returned, but when he was seen in various places almost at the same time speculation was that he wasn’t who he really was, or that he had died and haunted various people. He found a mountain pass in Torr and found the man he was seeking. His name was Anton. Anton was shocked to see the heir to Dracul at his place and asked if Demetrius was displeased with Dragonkin, which Demetrius replied that it was the opposite. Anton wondered why the dhampir was here.

Demetrius asked if there was anyway he can learn new sword attacks, for he only knew how to use Dragonkin with basic and advanced Katana attacks, as well as Dragon Slash. He needed to learn a new style of swordsmanship if he was to stand a chance against Reaper, and ultimately Ambrose. He asked if the smith knew of anyone that could help him. The smith smiled and knew of a powerful ancient vampire named Marcus who could help the young warrior. The pointed Demetrius into the direction of the mountains where a former clan of vampires once lived before they were obliterated by a group of powerful arch demons. Only Marcus survived and avenged his fallen clan. Anton told Demetrius that the path was dangerous and filled with vengeful spirits and demons who would rip him to shreds in a heartbeat. He urged Demetrius not to go, but Demetrius said he had no choice and left. 

Demetrius traveled to the haunted mountain and with each step he took, he was assaulted by blood thirsty demons and ghosts as well as other evil creatures that wanted to make the dhampir their next meal. Demetrius fought his way up to the peak with each step, every opponent stronger than the last. When he finally reached the peak he collapsed on the spot from his injuries and fatigue. He awoke two days later in the company of Marcus. Marcus knew who Demetrius was a scolded Demetrius for coming. When the dhampir explained why he had come Marcus grew furious and told Demetrius to abandon his quest. Demetrius told him he wouldn’t. Marcus told Demetrius to forget about everyone he cared for and live only for himself. Demetrius grew enraged, and then Marcus told him that no matter what Demetrius did, he would never be able to bring his family back, and that his love was most likely dead and to just accept to fate of his world. Demetrius drew Dragonkin and told Marcus that he would avenge them all. Marcus smiled and saw something in the dhampir’s determination and finally asked why Demetrius had faced death to come and see him. Demetrius told Marcus that he needed to learn more advanced techniques, so he would be able to kill reaper and Ambrose. Marcus agreed to train Demetrius on how to fight from just the draw of a sword, and also how to slay demons with a special sword technique known as Devil’s Bane. Demetrius began his training which lasted months. He had no sleep as he spared with Marcus for months on end till his aura grew as well as his speed and stamina.. Only after all of that did Demetrius finally learn the new techniques, and as a final test had to draw out to spirit of Dragonkin and defeat him. 

When Dragonkin emerged, he told Demetrius that he had to defeat him in one days time. He summoned multiple swords out of the ground, and told Demetrius that only one of these blades would hurt him. If Demetrius failed, he would die. The battle commenced. Demetrius suffered many injuries, and each sword he used broke on Dragonkin. Demetrius finally learned that each of these swords represented a part of his soul, and only his determination to protect all those he cared for would be able to defeat Dragonkin. He found the sword he was looking for. It was the real Dragonkin blade. The battle was intense, and with only on second to spare, Demetrius defeated Dragonkin and past his test. He know had total mastery of his sword, and had learned a new style of swordsmanship and mastered the Devil’s Bane. Demetrius’ cloths repaired themselves, only now his coat dragged on the ground, and had red lining on the inside, while the coat had a ragged look to it. Marcus commended Demetrius and opened a portal for him to return home.

When Demetrius returned he found that the resistance was in bad shape. Reaper’s powers had grown as well as his army. He also learned that Erik had died fighting Reaper. Demetrius vowed to avenge his friend’s death and to not let him die in vain. Demetrius told the resistance that they had fought well and went to the castle by himself. He dispatched any resistance with ease with his new powers and found Reaper. He also saw that Gwen was still alive. The two commenced their battle, Reaper was no match for Demetrius’ power now, until whatever was allowing him to use the ritual to force the two worlds to join as one. Reaper gained speed that matched Demetrius, and his weapon now allowed him to stop Demetrius from healing his own wounds, thus cursing them. Demetrius fell to the floor.

In the end when Reaper was about to kill Gwen, Demetrius woke up and unleashed the true Dragon Slash. Gwen tried to heal Demetrius, but it was in vain. He had turned back into a mortal. She brought him back to the Clan Chambers in the Tepes land. There he reverted back to his former self while Gwen feed him her own blood and Kendra tried to heal him. Within his soul Demetrius faced off against old enemies and Alucard finally winning, thus gaining control over his vampiric side. He had awakened and felt he owed everyone an explanation only to decide to spend the night with Gwen and propose to her which she accepted.


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