Page name: Denver, Free City [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-09-08 06:35:28
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: Asdroth
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FBA, Denver, Free City

The free city is a huge urban sprawl that covers most of Denver. It is dilapidated, but a lot of people in Denver free state by proxy Denver's proper government controls the area and collects taxes to keep the city reconstruction effect moving, but the brotherhood is responsible for security.

Cane smiled. It was a beautfule fall day, and the clouds were just thick enough to create the thermal blanket effect. "It smells like rain." Cane then looked at his Pipboy. A smile came over his face. "Hey... This is news " he looked it over then looked to Freya. "You want to go somewhere cool today?" Cane had a cunning look on his face, but his tone was up beat.

Freya looked around like she was in awe. She wa so excited to be outside the compound. "Somewhere cool? I'm outside the wire!" she exclaimed. What could be cooler than that?

"Yeah. I got a call from my family... You wanna see a vault?" Cane was walking down the street witch were filled with vinders of all kinds. They made offers on everything from weapons to fruits. Asking for Caps, or rung pulls. Some even wanted brotherhood bills for there wares. "Watch you self. The kids will robs you blind, and this is the good side of town.

"" She didn't want to be rude, but hadn't he been a ganger? He didn't mean the gang did he? But her father specifically asked him to take her out, so he could be trusted, right? "A vault? Like a Vault-Tech vault?" she asked, curiosity and excitement overcoming her uneasiness.

"Yeah. A Vault Tech Vault. I was born inside the Vault. Vault Alpha." Cane paused. "It was the first vault ever built. It was built before vault zero." He paused for effect. "Our dicendants were the vault builders."

She paused..."Wow...really?"

"Yes. So we should go to the apartment complex and see what has been knocking at there door. Then we can go to the vault. Then the power plant." Cane decided to leave out how it was going to take them most of the day just to get to the apartment complex, and that it would be four more hours to the vault. Then they could sat there that night, and get to the powerplant in the morning. "Sound good?"

Freya nodded, "Sounds like a plan." she said. She stared around herself, barely remembering to keep an eye out for the children who were running around.

"Tell me about yourself a bit Freya. I don't know much of how your life was growing but a brothood brat?" As they reached the end of the bazaar Cane grabbed a youg girl by the hand and ripped it open with his "you do it again louse a hand." Then gave the gurl a pouch of caps. "Get a meal." An watched to girl run off.

Freya opened her mouth to start speaking when he grabbed the girl. She looked a bit startled, but began to explain, "Mostly I got babied." she said, "Everybody seems to have these great expectations of me because of who my parents are, but they also won't let me do anything even remotely dangerous for the same reason." And she didn't even feel like getting into how the other kids had treated her growing up. They hadn't let her tag along to do anything that they could get in trouble for for fear that she would tell her parents.

Cane nodded as she spoke keeping his eyes open as they walked through the dencly populated city. As they got farther along the buildings started looking newer. Less damage on the outside and signs of renovation. "I get the feeling boring was your life for a while." He then stopped and shook his head. "Your father never talked much about you while you were growing up. I think I made him nervous." Cane laughed a bit at that thought.

Freya couldn't help but stare around herself as they walked. She nodded, "Kids don't want to be friends with someone who eats dinner at night with two of the people who can get them in the most trouble." she hesitated, "Can I ask how you know my father? How come he made you nervous?"

As they walked Canen smiled and looked over to her. "I can see that." On the question of why they meet he nodded. "Ask me anything you like, and I said I made him nervous." He walked over to a nuka cola machine and hit it near the controls, paused and did so again. Each hit had the rewarding sound of glass bottle being dispinced. He gave one to Freya, and using his vet popped the cap off his own. Then walked one. "We meet almost twenty years ago. It was different back then. More fighting more blood. More reasons to hate one and other. I was a pretty bad ass mother fucker back then running with the Valhalins. Denver was a city where the strong killed and then took what they wanted, and the weak ether gave in and got there... 'Protection'. Or they got killed. I guess I had a rep. I killed two palidins in power armor with my Axe, and it was building resistance to the brotherhood way of life. So they were going to make an example of me. Kill me and string me up by a light pole." Cane took a drink. "Your father was in charge of the hit squad. Five Palidans against me and my crew. It was bad. A two day gun fight in downtown... It was finaly just me and your dad. He was down to that old sword, and I was holding my Axe. We started talking. Had one and other convincednthe other still had ammo..." Cane snicked a bit. "We talked about a lot for the next twelve hours. Your dad was the first to admit he was out of ammo. Then I did. He admired he was afraid to fight my in close combats. I agreeded. He offered to let me join up. So I did. That the short version anyway."

Freya nodded along, popping the top off her soda as she walked. But as he continued she looked around herself less and soon her awe was directed entirely at him. Cane didn't look nearly old enough to have been such a bad ass twenty years ago. "If you don't mind, old are you?"

"I'm a little over two hundred years old..." Cane said as if it were nothing to him. "And stop calling mesir. Its Seargent, or Cane. I work for a lliving." He took another drink then smiled at her.

Freya laughed, "You can just tell me it's rude to ask my elders how old they are."

Cane looked confused at her laughter. He stopped walking and took a long drink. "What's funny?" He was dead searious about his age. What was funny?

Freya paused, "'re joking, right? There's no way you're more than like...fourty." and that was Really overestimating. He looked like he was in his twenties, maybe thirties.

Cane just shook his head, and walked on muttering something about "stupid kids." as he went down the street.

She stared after him for a moment before jogging to catch up with him, "Si-Sergeant, you were joking...weren't you?" There was no way he could be that old, it wasn't possible, was it?

"No." Cane said bluntly. He was shocked her father had not told her that he was not aging.

"How is that possible?" She asked, disbelieving.

"When we get to the vault I will explain how." Cane was still notably upset he had to explain it to her. Her father should have told her before sending her out here with him.

Freya frowned, seeming to suddenly realize he was upset about it. She followed him silently, brow furrowed in thought.

Cane was siclwnt for the rest of the trip to the apartment, but when they arrived to a freshly blownnoff panic door and bullet casings littering the street he went behind a car motioning Freya over.

Freya ducked behind the car with him, peering through the empty windows at the door.

"This will be a great test." Cane smiled to himself. Then looked to Freya. "Tell me what blew that door away by examining the damage, how it formed, and what remains of the surrounding area." Cain then sat down against the car and started going the trough his pack for something.

Freya had already been examining the damage and spoke immediately, "Definately high powered plasma weaponry." the splash paterns could mean nothing else. She may have had no combat experience, but Freya had spend most of her life studying technology

"So what dose that mean we need to be on the lookout for when we go in?" Cain asked as he listened to for any fighting. They were at the edge of the city, but no raiders would dare try to force the door... They know this settlement is under brotherhood protection. The odds of them having the knowledge to make a plasma weapon do enough damage to blow the door away was also minimul at best... This was something else. It was then Cane smiled as he picked up what he thought was a sheel casing and then he realized what it was it was spend micro fusion cells. Explained the small amount of them. The sheel chasing were in defensive patterns around the building. "What other group in the wasteland uses energy weapons?" He asked out loud to no one.

Freya didn't answer as quickly this time, she looked thoughtful, "...The Enclave?" she asked, "But that doesn't make any sense...does it?"

"No it dosn't at all... We distorted them the first few years we were here... Maybe a gang found there weapons case... One we didn't?" It just seemed a bit to much to be true. How could this work? "Let's get inside." With that Cane moved up and keep his eyes on the windows and door. No sign of life as he went. He made it across the street to the frat defensive position and hit a knee. No blood... Just a pile of ash with a blue hue to it still glowing and the body of a man who had at least eight holes through him. All carterised from there heat of a bolt... There weapons still on the ground. Nothing taken from them.

Freya went to a knee next to him, "Wouldn't gangers take the weapons and check the bodies for caps and stuff?" this made less and less sense the more she saw, "Maybe the Enclave is back?"

"Can't conferm that until we're inside." Cane smiled a bit before he shot up and went to the door. He stopped on the way. And removed the cap bags on the two guards. "No sence just leaving them unspent." Cane smiled a wolffish grin as he walked to the door holding a combat Ax in his right hand. A knife in his left as he let his rifle slung across his back.

Freya moved with him, stopping on the other side of the door. She couldn't help but look a bit shocked when he took the caps. But when she realized his rifle was doing she looked even more so. Shouldn't they clear with their rifles? She thought melee was supposed to be a last resort

Cane Hummed with a smile on his face. He cleared the entry and no one was there. Just two bodies distroyed by plasma fire. Cane stopped and looked at the bloody goo. "Oh... Viloent... I think we're on the right track." With that he followed the fight and it took him up the stairs. "Hello? Anyone alive in here?" He paused as he waited. "Brotherhood of Steel. Come out if you want help."

Freya followed him, on her guard as they moved.

As he reached the next floor and everyone after the first the same result was found... No one, and all there positions left as if they were taken. When they got half way up he stopped at the top of the flight. "Oh my... What are you?!" He sounded almost excited at what he saw and the sound of a response. "Stay back.... I'll kill you!" Cain smiled at what appeared to be a humanoid robot, and danced up to it. "What kind of robot are you-" he stopped in front of the thing that had it legs blown off and it held an energy weapon in its hands a rifle like thing. It had a focused on it and a scope. It was a strange clean white. And it pointed it at a young women. She looked at Cane. "Please... Help me..." Cane ignored her and looked at the bot. "I see a few ways this can end... I can dismantle you after you shoot her... Or you could lower the weapon and we can talk about what you are and where you go that fancy gun..."

The bot smiled with a strangely human face. "I think not human. It pulled the trigger and cane lep over the girl and held her using his body as a shield from a hail of automatic blue plasma. It stopped firing as he went limp. "Pathetic... As if that helped anything." It said.

When the strangely human looking robot fired on Cain, Freya froze, but only for a moment. She pulled the trigger, firing a controlled burst into the thing

As the rounds hit its head exploded as the last of the burst cut into the thing, and it's weapon feel from its hand.

Cane groaned. "Oh that's a potent weapon... Fuck that shit." He took a deep breath and stood offering the women his hand. He then noticed the rounds passed Stright through his body and into her. She was shocked and her lips ashes over. "Fuck..." He said simply.

Freya jumped and nearly shot Cane when he began moving. " should be..." she was shocked, those wounds should have killed him.

"Well... I think it's safe to say some of those did this, but we have no leads now..." Cane walked to it as his wounds closed up at a faster than human rate, and he knelled down in front of the bit and looked it over for information then picked up the weapon. "I know I should be dead... I was not lying when I told you I was over two hundred... I came out of a vault after all... One I entered before they locked it up." He smartly pointed out. "The one your going to come with me too now rather than later."

She was still staring at him, "What...are you?"

"I'm a deletion of your mind acting out a want for you supior who bought you Nuka cola not to really be slumped bloody and dead on the floor over the women he was trying to shield before the rob not peppered them both with a focused plasma rifle..." Cane paused for effect then went on. "Oh nooe! Looks like in just unable to die I guess." His smile showing long canine teeth.

Freya stumbled back a step at the sight of his teeth, "What are you?" she repeated, her voice firmer this time

"I'm your Seargent and Knight supior number one, but as for what I am... Well it's a bit hard to explain..." Cane thoughtfully tried to think of the best way to say it.

With the initial shock wearing off, Freya looked expectantly at him. She needed that answer, her curious nature demanded it

"I'm a pre war experiment..." Cane explained. "I say I'm two hundred years old but I honestly fought at Alaska, and turned the tide against the Chines. The experiment was simple in thery. A super soldier. Unkillabe.,Minimal need for food and sleep, the ability to withstand radiation, and regeneration... The ageless thing was a side effect." Cane explained. "That's why we are going to the vault... Your going to study the experiment data and see if it can be duplicated." With that Cane picked up the weapon and looked it over. "This is a powerful weapon." He then muttered.

Anybody else would probably exibit any number of more appropriate emotions. Fear, confusion, scepticism, but Freya showed only excitement. "Wait, wait, wait, so you were a soldier in the great war?! So you must...geeze, the technologies you must know about, the things you can teach...You've been teaching my parents, haven't you?!" she spoke rappidly and then paused for a breath, "But why me?" she asked, "There are other scribes with a lot ore experience than me, why am I studying the data?"

Cane sighed a bit at the question. "I was in the seventy fifth Rangers. I know a lot about energy weapons, computers, and man potable war tech... I was in the brotherhood at its founding but when they choose isolation I code another rout. I helped found the NCR, and I helped distory the enclave. Over my time alive I learned a hole lot more about tech... I left the brotherhood until the day your father found me. He was ordered to bring me back. One way or another... I resested, and I killed his two palidans under him, but when he was unable to fight back, and his lag blown off... I couldn't kill him. So I treated his wounds. I talked with him, and told me the troubles the brotherhood was in... So I joined back up- but only under your fathers command... The elders didn't take it well- I think they still don't... I want you to study it because your the only scribe I trust and If your mother left the lab it would be rather odd and noticeable to the security leak... This mission is to save the brotherhood... If we could even just make the men immune to the radiation... We would save thirty percent of our preventable losses, and we could even save more than that if we could give them even a limited regeneration!" Cane was pashent about this... He wanted to help them. He wanted to help the east land.

Freya's eyes were bright, "The things we could acomplish..." She looked almost awestruck, "That kind of advantage would be monumental!"

"It would be... But just remember. It inly stays that we if we keep it a secret. Knowledge is only power if we keep it to our selves." Cane let that sink in a bit then explained. "We have enemies that would pay more caps than you can immagent for that knowledge..."

Freya looked confused, "Why would I sell Brotherhood secrets to our enemies?" the Brotherhood was her family, her life.

"Not you... The other scribes... We traced the leak back to the lab..." Cane explaned. "That's why your here. Your father, your mother and I trust you... We can't even trust the elder right now." That statement brought a sadness to canes tone and his eyes. Like his family could not be trusted with his safety.

Freya looked stunned, "Why would anyone betray us?" she asked. She looked hurt, like someone had just kicked her puppy

"That is the danger of outside recument, Freya. There are nearly an even number of scrubs that have been borne in the brotherhood to those recruited from the outside. This was a matter of time really... A sad truth." Cane then latched the strange weapon to his back pack the out a transmitter on the ground next to the bot. He then turned on his radio. "I need a pick up for technology, transmitter zero nine nine one four, running encryption option three. How copy command?" He herd a response and replied. "Lone Wolf, out." And flipped the radio off. "I think we should just get to the vault Freya..." Cane offered looking back at her.

Freya was still frowning but she nodded, "Lead the way, sir." she said

Cane smiled and with out asking turned off Freya's coms and took her location becon off her placing it on the transmitter. Then did the same for himself. "No one can know where we are at or where we are going."

Freya looked uncomfortable, "But if something happens they can't send someone to retrieve us or the technology we're varying." her eyes showed that she knew what was wrong with what she had said as soon as the words were out of her mouth

"I think you know why that's a bad idea... I'll make sure you safe." Cane moved to the door. "Let's get going." With that he Made his way down the street.

She followed him quietly. She had never expected her first trip I'm the waistband to be so eye-opening

As they walked down the street to an abandoned part of the city Cane spoke up. "You know... You would make a great Palidan, or an amasing field scribe. You react well to the situations around you, and your still calm after your first gun fight." He pointed out.

"Thank you." she said, "But I know I still have a long way to go. I almost shot you when you startled me."

"Why would you? I stood up after taking a volley of supper charged focused plasma bolts and stood up." Cane said. He looked up sniffing and walked into an abandoned building. "It's going to rain. It won't last too long." It was one thing to be cold... It was another to be cold and wet.

"A paladin should always be aware of his surroundings, down to the details " she said as though quoting a textbook. " do you know?" she asked, looking a little confused

"As the two entered the building the rain came down hard drenching the area. Covering everything in water. "It's the smells of the rain, and the change in the presher." He pointed out as he sat down on a sofa in the empty building.

She stared at him in awe, "I didn't smell anything different." she said

"You ever wounder why my call sign is the wolf?" He asked over the down pore. "It's not because I run alone, I honestly prefer working with others. I make them uncomfortable. I'm a supper soldier that can't die, acts like I have no fear, and I have heightened scense." He explained. "They call me a wolf because I act more like a feral animal out here than I do a man." He stared out at the rain loving the smell. Enjoying Kaja's company, and being dry.

"But...that makes you a great paladin, Why would it make the others uncomfortable?" she couldn't deny everyone avoided Cane, she had always wondered about it, but thre head scribe and paladin rusted him, wasn't that enough

"Because most people who go out with me think I'm crazy. They don't know I can't die. So I'm labeled reckless." Cane explaned.

"Oh." she supposed that made sense, "Why don't they know you can't die?

"Your the only person who has seen my vet get punched. It's also a guarded secret. If anyone knew questions would be asked, and if I or your father gave no answers I would be sent out or imprissned." Cane looked back at Kaja. "More likely than not the latter, as some would fear me turning if I were forced to leave my family."

She frowned, she supposed that made sense. But why shouldn't they tell people? It went back to the experiments and knowledge was only power of others didn't know about it

"I know it dosen't make scense, but this is how it has to be... One leak of the vault, of me, of the technology... It could be the end of the brotherhood..." Cane explained as he sat down on a sofa in the building.

She nodded, still frowning thoughtfully as she wandered toward the couch and sat down. She looked out the doorway they had entered and sighed, "how long do you think it will last?"

"The brotherhood... We're going no any time soon..." Cane said with a smile, and then looked a Kaja. "Hiding the technology? Well it will get out one day that we don't die. The. People will start hunting for it. That could take some time, but it will get found out." Cane said with a smile. "Just look at the secrets to building energy weapons... We keep it safe for over two hundred years, but now there are weapon manufactures in the wasteland that build lazer pistols and there modifications like its as simple as building a zip gun. Hiding knowledge works, but if you don't seise the opertunity you have to change the world then eventually you louse it all together."

Freya continued to look at him, obviously digesting what he was telling her, "How do we choose those opportunities?" she asked

"Simple really... Companies is something that can not be aforid right now. We need to take a territory. Not vow to protect it and there people in exchange for fresh blood for a fight they don't care about and have no stock in before we showed up- and made it there extra problem. We need to take, Denver." Cane said with a smile. "Raise a brotherhood banner over the hole city. Make them citizens of the brotherhood of steel and elivatr there lives to our quality... When you let them have what you do. You make the fights you encounter a fight for there way of life not just ours." He let that sink in for now.

She frowned, it made sense, a lot of sense. "But I thought the elders didn't like recruiting from outside the Brotherhood."

"You do remember why your father and the others were exiled. We know we needed new blood. We got our new blood, but we didn't do it the right way. We did at fist witch is why we have to many natural born brotherhood members, but the conscripts were getting now... There not the best and the brightest as we were promised. There the ones who the tribes of dinner can afford to louse. The elders really belive that the tribes have gotten dumber all because 'we took the best of there gen pool.'" With that Cane laughed a bit thinking in it. "I can prove it to. There is a gun smith in down town, and that sweet little red head makes our best armorers look like common trash merchants." As he finished that statement he stopped next to a subway entrance.

Freya was still frowning, it was hard to hear that the elders were wrong. But her father trusted this man and she trusted her father more than any of the elders. "So the tribes are sending us those who would be a burden on their society because we are too distant."

"Yes," Cain said as he checked the wall to the right of the subway entry. Then finding a switch he flipped the wall slid open, "and a great big no..." With that he entered and elevator and as Kaja enter he pushed a bitten pointing up instead of down. The lift then closed the wall and slowly defended. "We have them what they wanted. Protection, food, water, and medications. They don't need us anymore, we gave them crops and rotation charts, steady and flowing clean water, and rain off all the raiders and bandits... Why would they provide us there best when they know we are just going to arm them and send them to fight our battles in the north, and the east. Now we are opening the font in the south... Another war they don't care about."

"But can't they see how important it is?" she asked, "If they don't help us find technology then other factions like the Enclave might find and misuse it."

"Have you noticed anything about the people out here, Kaja?" Cane asked. "Because I can tell you how they feel about us. Even for all the Medicean, Clean water, and crop rotation... We have helped them in no real way. The things we gave them were things they would have learned on there own given enough time. The raiders would have been ran off some day, and the people of this land would have flourished... We took there most potato weapons away, demanded there children for a war that no longer effects them, and stopped providing them anything new... The people of Denver. There hurting. There hurting bad from radiation storms, from the winters cold grasp, and from our constant demanding of man power." Cane stopped and sighed. "The people here could care less if a group like the Enclave came back, because to them we are the Enclave." The elevator stopped and slid open revealing a vault door. vault 269. Two massive robots scanned the elevator weapons ready to shrewd then then one spoke first. It's voice cold- metallic- deep... "Do you have a gigger counter?" Cane smiled and responded. "No, I'm afraid mine is in the shop." The two robots lowered there weapons and spoke. "Welcome to the nerve center." They then returned to rest mode as the door behind them slid open.

Freya didn't know what to say, but she looked deeply troubled. She looked at the robots warily but relaxed a little when they were welcomed. "What kind of counter sign is that?" she asked curiously

"One that works." Cane said with a slightly playful tone. As they walked towards the vault the door opened, and two men in strange, sleek, light weight power armor they carried strange balletic weapons with a strange over barrel attachment looking to be some kind of advanced energy weapon. "Brother Cane... You return to us again. Why have you come this day?" The suit on the right asked. Cane just pulled the weapon off his back and showed the two. "I need to ask the doc a few questions is all."

Freya studied the men, they spoke strangely and she didn't recognize any of their technology

"The doctor is in his office, you know the way." The man in the suit on the left said before the other could answer, "but that looks like some massively powerful tech Brother... Any one using a weapon made of mostly fiberglass and compsits is a tech God, or just a lucky looter."

Cane smiled. "Something a hole lot worse..." With that Cane made his way into the vault and to a secuirty cordoor. Where the officers looked diligent. "I'm going to need your weapons checked into the visitors armory. Through the door to your left. Any tech contributions just set on the conveyer belt please." The officer smiled as Cane nodded and set down the strange weapon.

Freya looked at Came sharply and gripped her weapon a little tighter. She didn't like the idea of relinquishing control of her weapon.

Cane ignored Freya's look and walked to the visitation armory. Where a heavyset man asked. "Just the rifles then?" From behind a change door. His accent Irish and red hair and berd. "Of course. I would never let you take my pistol or my axe." With that Cane slide his weapon over and the armor gave him a slip of paper, and then tagged the weapon. "Freya. Give the drunken Irish prick your rifle."

She took a breath and handed her rifle over reluctantly. She knew she still had a combat knife tucked away but she wasn't going to hand that over unless she was ordered to do so.

Cane exchanged paper work with the man behind the desk, and then they were off to enter the vault. After getting into an elevator cane spoke up. "Just so you fully understand and are not do for anymore unexpected surprises. Your going to be escorted by a woman to a bathroom where your going to shower and hand over your clothing for decontamination, and laundering. They will provide you a vault suit until your clothing is ready along with a new set of underwear, and boots. Once your clothing is laundered it will be returned, and you can keep the boots and underwear... Your gonna need them. As they will burn your old set."

"And if I don't want to let them burn my boots?" she asked with an edge to her voice. She liked her boots, they were broken in nicely

"Request it and hope they will be waiting for you at the door." Cain said with a tone that just said he found the edge in her voice funny. "They do it for me some times." He pointed out.

Freya obviously didn't like it, but she didn't see what choice she had. She turned to hoping that she wouldn't be supervised while she showered and changed. She still had her knife and she wasn't very good at sleight of hand.

As the door opened two people in environmental suits waited for them. The female looked at Freya. "Follow me." As she turned and walked down a hall reading 'female' cane went with a man who first took his hand and they Schaefer a few questions, jokes, and chuckles as they walked. The women explaned. "Welcome to the nerve center! The reason we need you to decontaminate is simple. We have never been outside the vault..." She waited a moment for that to sink in. "You need to shower, and clean yourself thuroly. I mean a deep cleaning sweet hart. If we don't have you do this, and you come into the vault it could start a epadimic. Then before we knew it... Most of the vault could be dead dwellers walking. If that happens our mission will be a faliour... And we would all louse people we care about more than a surface survivor." The women's tone was a bit harsh as she spoke, but they arrived to the showers, and she offered her to a locker. "Put your belongings you wish to take back up and out in the locker. Then put the rest in the box... After that use the soaps from the kit. Read the directions and follow them to the letter. I'll be here if you need help reading my reports on my pip boy- if you tell
Me you can't read I'm going to ask you when the brotherhood scrub core feel so hard on its face. Now shower." With that we went to a seat and started reading notes on her pip

Freya stayed silent, she could understand the caution under the circumstances. But she also didn't want to draw any extra attention to herself. When the woman finished speaking she simply have her a soft "Yes, ma'am." and began to strip down. She placed all of her belongings in the locke, ignoring the box. Before she was quite finished she looked over at the woman, "Cane told me you usually burn boots, if like to ask you not to burn mine."

The women looked up for her pip-boy and nodded. "Just put them in the locker, and don't bring them any deeper into the vault." It seemed simple enough. After Freya finished changing into the vault suit, the women took her to another locker room where she got out of the shit. She was maybe in her thirties, red hair and green eyes. With pale skin. "So why did Cain bring you here?" She asked with no more intent than small talk.

Freya had concealed her combat knife while the woman Was intent on her pip-boy and felt a little safer for it. She hesitated, wondering how to answer the woman's question without revealing weakness within the brotherhood, "My parents wanted Cane to take me out on my first mission outside the compound. He chose the mission, I'm just here to assist."

"Oh. So your a brotherhood member to! Well it seemed like it should have only been a matter of time until he brought one of you." The smile crept onto the women's face. "So he must be here to make you like the handful of us who just refuse to die or age anymore."

"Make me...he didn't say anything about that. I'm supposed to help him with the research." she said a little uncertainly.

"Well he operates independently from the rest of us here. So we will just have to see what he has planed for you." The women said with a bit of a conferring smile. "Don't worry though. He's a good guy. He wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want to do." With that the women walked down the hall towards the door leading out.

Freya nodded more confidently, "My parents trust him more than anyone I know of." she said as though confirming the woman's statement

"Then there faith is on the right man. Cane is a hell of a kind hearted and caring man under all the tough act." The woman said with a smirk. "Follow me." She offered at they left.

Freya resisted the urge to touch the place where she had her knife concealed for comfort. She had cleaned it thoroughly, she didn't want to get anyone sick if they were trustworthy, but she wanted to be able to defend herself if it came to that. She followed the woman quietly, hoping her parents were right about Cane

A short walk to an elevator led them to level seven. Where the door opened to reveal a high tech lab. The equipment far exceeded that of the brotherhood. Cain was talking to a man on the other side of a massive glas window, and they looked like they could be related.

When the door opened, Freya's eyes widened in wonder, "This...this has all ben here since before the war?" She asked in awe

"Well that's a yes and no." The woman said with a smirk. "We fabricated some of this after the bombs feel. Some of it was scavenged and rebuilt, and then there are the ones like Cain... he goes out and brings back parts, supplies, or hole machines for us here."

"You mean you built some of this?!" She exclaimed, "Ive never seen anyone build anything this advanced looking." She was barely keeping herself from walking around touching everything

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