Page name: Diego Tharinfalt [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-11 03:49:53
Last author: Windstar
Owner: Windstar
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Diego Tharinfalt

Age: 26

Race: Mostly human, some elven blood

Gender: Male

Looks: Diego is a large, burly man with dark hair he keeps long, tied in a ponytail. His ears have the barest hint of a point, the only physical evidence of his small amount of elven ancestry, which is more evident in his instinctive ability for magic. His clothes vary, but he always wears some sort of armor, and keeps his weapons nearby.

Personality: Quiet at times, quite conversational at others, Diego can’t be defined in one word. He is neither good, nor evil exactly, but he has a definite sense of honor and takes pride in keeping his word. He has always thought of himself as an average man, though he takes pride in his fighting and tracking skills.

History: Diego discovered his magical ability at nine. He was idly tossing a ball into the air and catching it, and one through it just stayed there, hovering. He has been refining it since, in secret, testing himself too see what he could do. He can now levitate objects of up to 300 pounds, not including himself, start a small fire, and turn water into ice.
Diego joined a mercenary company at fifteen. He looked older than he was, and convinced the recruiter that he was eighteen. Three years later he left the company to do some work as a guard, and has since formed his own, small mercenary company, composed of fifteen men of good skill with various weapons. Most recently, the company had work guarding a caravan, and were told that a certain thief might come by, and if she did, the company was to make sure she did not get away until she paid what she owed.

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